HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-15, Page 10
_11 1:1-1 '- V I
We4r OreeVs Shm an4 Rubbers,, Givon a
aw Run, Golden ladding.
Xt is geperall�raoccsted as a fact Some weeks ligo
Vnroserved Auction Salo. a )a Tam's announced At the reS14enc04Ur- James 1304ttip,
Among. railway infu tbao, where one aro, that Xr. 1). NoCal in, of Kincardine, SeRfOrtli, the Utieti, "vivo sary of I be
Thank T-TIMServ011 auction Bala of f4rm Stock cidello occurs.oll A (liv $Ion two otl)-ra had boon aprolitted oniluctor on the L. marriage of Rey I Grew Forall Sim,
ge 13ugizi 1 'ovils
and implements at 14 11. eon 1, Xorris, follow to elimely. Rail ders ftra-vilU, ft. & B. to fin th Vacancy egused by celebrated oil iTall ary lbr.
oil Saturday, January 04th. Fwerythiag 1pg of the Wanstoad, , I Thobaps y
You to -be sold as the proprietor W4 rton and Port the 4eath of 0t)ndui for Iiqtzgerald. Lost. couple were uuitp( ill woollork, in. Blru,_
: gi.
his fArlu. Win. L. Vraser,u OP; AM%o- the y enough, all who has been runni g oil tile L. H. & B. to three years la er, anti about thrto
r ranted Roblasoix f4talitiot as J sh evidence of week Conductor Iir"tad of this town. Ingham, England. - They cattle to Toron. J
Till,; store tend aul"001teer, , old bolief, Dou
• ors its sineoi-emb thanits three accid(*Z ware he -oil colliolous, was g1voll Mr. U00 hunt's ran on the Years Afterwards Drr, Bag in entere
I o thoso who to taltv degret, contrlbuttd And retired six Ioct>xlt d the
to its success tuot your. FAubmits-011 g done at, tile flax oti es tothe repair W. G. & B. Mr. Iwiland will have to Uetboolist X4iuih*, of the New Can. . . . .....
Ibis -aterul for tiro roeo. ulill, 611OP9.
vt "Mition which Of mnye front Wingba it to R-Jucardine and fleutlan Methodis church. After the
its et orts to Ple"s" have tzvoiLi�ea. CRAYON FORT I ife wtnp
MATT.—. 40 We: for hatil wil(.1we 6 good citizen alld union of that cli-sell. with the W
It 411140110Y Strove to give a courteous Coal $tip Y. the baptist church neof its most active Uethodist cbuiei, Xr, 10uggin vras
vervice, to imat, till awte tilt tho tilnt*. 00, at Armstrong & C61 . . 0 ,
Fisix—VIrtish white six -out, herring, Mr. J. D. Burns reco ad a mclubers.
ecial Prices to lulld)(1 nothing but the ptiresi; and ST11 car stationed for thl 'e Years In Seaforth.
1U,V 1.)y bl,-�*t of eatables. elts. Monfort,, Ila oto.t AV the of hard coal on $four(, loadl T
lourd morning and While in charge le tile work tl-ere the
"Star" Restaurant.
It Your experience here has been rill',am, deliveroait lit ollarittor q 1,, half House to rent, near G1. T. R.
FOR I DAYS ONLY.. alMind prolltable,lb. It&%$ kilacolcoldcol and f toil let; Apply to T. A. Mills. Station. i Present Kethodisi church w4s built. We guarantes all'
is content. Subcribem in Arrears., to 1140 cliftwers, A load of large, U01f4y TO L04H tit 41-� per cent on I'While U009 14$o forth, Mr. and Mrs. pHre for the =
'1711 'a ad - 1-4
9,,z3,ur0lz all,. Oil" onAboulers, every- Tile TIDTFShnfjol list fu ft ecOalis O.VP60t he latter part oftay terms of 13099ill celebrated --their silver wadding
011140loors, enJily all Wallis of its, Subscription of the week: and fam in), ties with cofil Dillat repayment. Apply to A. .1 Mr. Bu in Is still
WOMB during the ye4i, jujit (,ntorj4 some fifty or sixty :qbseribars win) age, Kenb Block. Willubant. gaged in tbOaCtive oases, When all
Everything in Winter Goods uPon, is our Nvish, owin-$2 or more are furnaces will be 4WO to ock up for the AlsfulsOrY, and as bo lie and his estim-
wo a largoortlortolrDinno, Oi account of subsorip winter, The past few a Into seen 4 Brunswick 0 nreq- Hands, able partner are 1 tile fortunate pos.
4124 r t1on . We hope to limr frow, these parties
holy Va,,-TI will It Ivil I be lit stmIc great dea
ckt C01,T and r,1.:t.OW, T-111. I - � I of sufforiogiv- session of the best 'I give as a trial, aed
)1oxt week, opon for inspection, during the next tow, weeks. It we -- 0 cities Owing On Monday of th* week Mr. Alex. health, they look
to tile• C041 sbartugP, forward to some y of service yet, money
Note a few prices A call tolielted, do not 1100" fin])- tbpm by the Ist, Orr, of the Albirn total at Pordwich 11, commemoration tile occasion the will
of Februnry 010 tic(Allots -will be placed closed Ft deal with -, John (3arrwhero-
-January Wedid-Ing, I ulembors of the i Illy prt!se
reg- cut in O0Wr hands for cullection, 'A"Itelaboll A bYheistOcOmoitit- possession of tho- - utcd f ar If we do not
rice price
ia. y4r paper wil � Show .to happy and 411SP-10 us event took Brunswick bote 00ats to their fathe, lid mother,OD the date I in Ills town on the ist$1.80Dien's heavy Overshoes, el Ra,Plarin at the residence Mr. and Mrs, of Ijarch. Mr. Orr mill rent his hotel No infitti-r w1pV I
44 4. 1:50 145 Your Subscription 180pstirl. L. P aren, Worth 11tree y011
iitre.z 0
1.60 z oil Wednesday at Fordwich. The. 13causwick will be goods, clothing or furs tr
Xen's fine 1.85 1 y ollalulig-e iduryd
T,adiesl Felt Shoes, fur 'Wauted 1,,'ov(.r farms to rent, evening of thic, w It when Miss thoroughly overb led and regained. I if be ]Ills what you wallt u. are sure to
GROCER Apply T, J—Magn .0. yo R, A.
1.76 1.85 Clara Udulte,4, sister (r Mrs. to save money.
trimmed, Peareu, The interior will b considerably chang-
LAdies'Velt Shoes, for Prompt Delivery. Phone 59. Dr. Butler, speolalist in the diseases took tile mart i%
trimmed, L50 1.15 of the, eye, ear, nose, And throat, g0'vOw -ith Dir, Martin ad. Mr. Orris at experienced hotel -
1.85 1.05 ZYas B, Wangli. Tbe,000as ill, was also e.10 keener and before going to Fardwich Municipal nership
Ladies' Cardinal Slippers tested And glasses supplied. 001ce sip truer F air, Gaiters 1.50 125 nestle St. Andrew ' 4 church, London, twAilty-fifth anulversar; of the marriage was landlord at th =fart �`-Iousa in this The town of God , It has inbtalled its
- Felt low Shoo 100 175 X 0 T I GE •Ontario. of Mr. and Mrs. Poarpf',= Many friends town. We have rpt learned where, Mr. (aril 'waterworks alar e1cctrie
- ll elt lined shoe 1:85 1.10 ligiltiva
2.60 2.00 were Present to witues- tile interesting Carr iuteuds.locat ag. Plan Is, and they are b tit being run by Money -making Ed"UDat1,91
fine Clang, Sbot,.,laced Installatiol of Officers. jeoromorty T110 *aby friends of tile! -_ - I
2,25 1,85 If you want a house in Wilighatit or the town. Tile folio ug figures, which
2,00 1.6o a14Y �illage or town within rio ralles, I T�io installtitio, of the offl,ors of btl" and DrOOM Ot vast May, mul of the Ronna: to let., Hard and soft water we take freta the StL shows that the GENTRA
L75 ].45 can allow yon the largest collaution ever Maitland 1 .11 to wit has in the
_,O, 119f I. U. 0, F., bride and groom Of 11 (-iarter of 4 and uovolshed on tile pretalisus, Apply.
1.60 oil list for sale in this con- to Goo, McKenzie. irly profitable in -
1.30 rt, took place oil 131hu sday evening of last, I bury as will wish iiiiin still much vestment: Watin' a I earnitigs, $35"MO:,.
. -Tile Timi�s and Famil, erwor
week Mr.A.,Mc-Itilre,D.D.G.M.,()tlhot)pitiesr Orl y Herald and i 11 FbAD, ON
T. J. MAGUIRE 'und PrOV "w On th0,1OUrncY I Weekly Star till .1st January 1904, to ��alAt trio light ea. RAT T
Jmxi, rnill s, $4,700; street
Brussels was presei,t to Perform the daty, Ot life- new i�absoribers for $t.7i;. Premium 1 Sprinkling and water Or factories, $4
Men's fleece wool S . hirts, 00 .38 Real Estate and Insurance Agent. The officers for -lig next term are as ily Joins. plettires to now and old subscribers of ar) hydrants at $_10 , oo; Young men and Wom, on,
1200" 43 electric
:75 .85 follovvd:—�r V., Pattison; WANTF Family Herold and Weekly Star. lights (street) at,$40. ,;, I �720,
D—A first-classcook 54 ineau,
1.25 .00 Who. Want$ a Fafm ? F. G, Sparlitig'; G, A. J. Alderson, I - Apply a desnent lights In what are you worth
Brunswick House. The Scottihh Concert. nicipal bitilding81 That depends upon what , you A�v
R. S., J. T. Cray P. S., T� J Elliott, `14 01140, waterworks!
I have own, 4 OW acres qr ch4iws farm lands 1$19440; total, '.3
D%euls heavy Cape, In blue tot- Niue, Ill 60i fi, 1.00, 150 and 200 acres, tots in Treas., Win. R.,I) The annual Scott concert is again 1 and el�c worth to othets. A business or shots,
1 1.0() Rin, rtson; War,, Robt. trio light I alatellance, 89,087,_ir
and black, 1.25 'oss, Greenock, Bruce, Rincardillo, Huron a thing of tilt, paqt. The concert in the 1 hand education will always eWA)J*
n and A.4hifteld Townships. Good lattadr, with Allen; Can., W. B-11; R, S. X 43; ilitereat Oil d betatures, $4,2130 W; i You to got a good pcsidou, bnb "
'xild black - 1.50 1.15 Aba a good sa%vattilfm, Sale, a anotit tot- a song - -9, X. G - A. Gregory, R. S. 119,1antler total, 13-3t8 34, Balauce, $I,r3i)(5.06.1 education Must be strictly first-clu4m
Dien's heavy Caps, i blue good buildi age to bu sold thea on easy termN. Lloyd; L G ' W.
opera house oil Tilt rsday evtni
i)[th �ilxolj (dwelling in eon- V. G -, W. J, Great L. S. V, G., Dr. Ca" Caledonia, Sons of At other proof of Give its all opportunity to tell, yM,
:510als heav� calls, in blue 4 1 wingham popular Concert Course I the au,;pIuea of
itil) 1r,agoodbusluess forsalocheall.
.76, .60 lit I NO 2. Scotland, was lar ply attended. Had to profit there 1-3 in V -i what we axe doing for others.
,and black, hot loin good business'for auto choup. 9. Chisholm; R. S. 3., 51. Waugh; L. S. municipal 3wilers ip is shown ill the
Also 11 4 0 A1141�4aaoliul store with large I Clio weather been the I
Meals heavy Caps, in b3l'i 0 S ., H. Hous011ftl. I. G, W. Hough. lore favo.rable Write to -day for our catalogue,
and black, .50 1 A0 I Hill large amount of following item, *Oru the Walkerton
I at 4) Per cent, FOrfurtherpnr. After the inst-illatill't all adjourdwent THE F AAjOUS I hall would have be, it crowded.
t rs a to How- Herald, - {Tile it r. profit Students Admitted at any tittlei.
Was rizade to the rtveption, room wit ever. the concert m a ft good one and theto the town'
MIMS 4E1rJ-12NG'f-% T..k. XCIMITZIB i front waterworks J ir 190�3 was 1,;4't2l,
ore Sells of Scotland full - xetain��d their re ;
TuRurance Attent. Ytolvrood, Oysters were s,'rvev,' and 'tile wenabers, 1 Ut'lliCiPpIl owners ip is a success in " :
Vow is in 'Putation, Mr. Dona. -I MacGregor, who OTT
ilio time to pick out ".You'! Tarker Conicert CON W, J. ELLIOT, T.-
Iviriter ;R'L114,whell Pricas ;tte SoAr.w. -enjoyed it soclal,hot V 0gether, I Willkerton, The c rizens w i I I wakei
isknowilasCanada's favorite Scottish up
)tit(' day and CIO rbeir a wit electric; - PRENCIPAL.
3ust tell daYS to do So, and yot% Should. 'GENERAL"LOCAL TIVER AVIS. T WINGaAA i 1 baritone, rLicelyed a, eftrty rqqq?11Ool.,. lighti0q,."
take advantage of this great SaLls, he T ws has anthUriev, to arrange 4.
I Voice won th
Prices, of Suits, fX0111,310-03 to $40-00, See Halsey dates and terms for nticAoll sales for His deep, rlvh, power
Ever thing guaranteed first-class. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran, either F. S. Scott of Brussels, or Thos. 1903 1 admiration of the and lice 0 f 'm
Use a ThA fun still roul.11;Ups
teed to cure headache. Brown, Seaforth. AT 8 Gregor's most ple sing numbers was: Block at the Keutoto'Xew ay, lie stiludo *41.,
Salp-funny ilricos. Dnlanage � passing N,
A Pleasure to show goods, t3O acre farm. for sLe in the Township I plan of J
��VhoStoludardouth:- Braes a' Mar." (lid not Steal the earl's, Years Ns derfully
of Morris. Orchar , two wells and I only all M hall will pen to stibsoribers Nor is he matk�'
Encamp t Officel-8. i flawine Spring; bri( z residence; frame the public a ol,ty, 19thiust., at 9,L 3f. To, the
Mac(Rogor will i Iways be heartily ! itir, much mousy!. TI% good,., Lust go, isels Post.
I barn with good stab l ' a Tuesday, 2OEh itist.
At the weetin g. At, a bargain. welcoined in -Whighroi. Miss Edon L. Mr. and Mrs JAS. 51owbrity pi
Honulth B To ment, ,a. 47, I_ n Murderer of R v* Mr. Large. St. Thomas,
Apply to A. E� Smit I, 'griligham. Plan, at Halso:YPork'sjewelry store, 1 Sutherland, elocutio list, proved herself Nor Dakota, are viAtIgg -
O. F.. held on Mon.
.itilig tho all. with relatives an lands in this viola.
day evening a cle or voice of versatile The unt 'lue)y deal through murder
wing officers for TICKETS 25c and 35c. CHILDREN isc the possessor f I
.Sign of the Big Bear. City and Lo al Papers, ;ability. Miss Graci Nisbet, soprano, of Rev. Mr. Large. ie Canadian MIS -
the ensuing tern installed: --C: P.. �UY- Mr. Mowbra• is working some 00
1 who %came highly recommended, was est. - He gat
left; S. .1 StO1107CO Japan, ;;eat twelve years I, go acres of land in tit W
A. J. Alderson; Ii. P�, T. J. Ell "As the string ul to the bow. the I- ! well received, eac i of her diffe
Death o Ira Lewis, has at last been solv 'Trxri,>; a call on. edueSday anti
W. W. Rough;rcribe, Wiu.Robertson- poetwrotewhenhe wanted to sriggestl retit It is widely, N
ton; T. W,, W I
Issued by On" 1 numbers being he irtily encored, 0�, known that Mr. La his subso4ptlon
X PATPUS01q, X0. 20 Victoria Treas., J, A. Guest, two things that werf the cornpletement I There died imn aerlob. at two O'clook was muretered to uutnzy, Ist, 1.
Mir of each other -two i lings that work to- IMr. Sas. Fax it can )a said, which is al. Without any known on
e, and the ques- Mr. H. Ransfor who has peen tolv*r
street. Winkharn. Ont. NowittleRscerequired. ont Tuesday the oldest official in the I
Dulmage call out prices and he will. gather, and are mc --e useful together I county of Huron in thq parson of Ir I ways true, be enter rained in his usual ': tie" of his death has lwftYs remained in the Dominion lilt here
for somo
Try him. tlian sepRated. Twa other things of Lew, a a! mil'th-provoking Stile. A Scottish con- • hidden in dark myster until recently., months has been t Rforred to i
Is, 011"tY *Own Attorney, who ! 0111 3411ki.
the same'kind are a metropolitan daily Santa time . cert in-Wingliallinovild not be complete y tureager cities re 4ined after the i Mr. Ransford mad tuativ,
ago pa sad into tile occog.quar- 1 � frion
At the P lic Library. and a local newsparmr. One gives the itin class. In IS ! without Mr. Pax. Miss Mabel McDon- awful whic thOPnTicecould'; who were sorry to lean of his
Mi., Lewis was ap. : aid, the clever Litt a dancer, Ice work, but they %rere,: '
THE An huproveme t has been made in the world's news and ti other the news of pointed Crown A torney for this count, -Pt step to 3sufficient to be I but pleased to hezol of his proMotlon.
-V !the stra,iii of the bag pipes played by of any-co-m.,sequence. S�ot long ago a'
,public library a d reading roont. The its own locality, th supply natural by- tile Governmaut of Which the late j, r Mr. B. S. Walker, f Toronto, will 1111
N K library has beeti •-eparatedfroin the read- Wants, and neither I her father, Mr. D E. McDonald, '11s, native detective trace' the act to one' vacancy in the jonk here,
call fill, tile Want SirJohn A, Macibliald was then Prime s I
lig room by a Satice work partition in supplied by the othE Whelpley, of MP Forest, was a �%;ery'uained Agasawara, wit Pon being put ,
10041 paper, thereto e Mrs. F. G. Sparl, jg was taken to the
0 Uft I'M"' I N 10 N 8 A Along With You*.' Minister, and fi-nu. the day of his tip- filcient accompwist. _r need evidencel' hospital at London - on iprid
you should pointuient until last Friday continued confessed to the trim OF of !4-8
the center of � Mich a wicket has been ; fare to face with r)
placed, Which V,ill greatly faeffitate the The Toronto Daily tar. , In all Ontario twolischIrge. Ills 4�licial The cause a
tie with vig r week. Mrs, ""Parli g retujpc�jl ho)Ze
duties th 0
WANTrD.-A goo ent Servant the murder has also be�n found Our. Jt'fawN
will occupy their new work of the lib- arian in changing books. t!IeVG is 0 City POP that can compare !and rare ability. - Mr. Lewis graduated'girl wilges, $10 1 1 t i. Two maids , reeks ago from Lusk,
Many of the b,oks which have become with the Toronto D, ily star, It has its 1froul yale U , . . appears that �kgjsawfl
be ;. Apply tc A. L. Gibson. charged military nian fell ill with it i -1-Ating her daughter'
Unit-tsity in the clotes 6t keP 6.1zec, co.Aztrll". al�, b4, who was it dis-; wherosho has been
Promises in worn out are b, ing discarded and will be own direct speciiii ables, NvIii Try Dulmage, hent Block, for wind i for some we
oil give 184-1, a,id came t in
year . ek$ ane -was th
replaced by nor one. Go� -h ill the ye accomplice, and burgl.sry w tollailt to b»,
) 818, V1 11011 lie a Aillueliced the proof and storm proot overcoats. Th,v as ineditated much ; nlprort�d ill
Yoti. the world's nett i a day ahead of f
Mason Block$ oppo- . .... . practice lealth,, Last, week'
tic0 are put to al in
.aetl)pr like leather and at`�. and carried to e Let,bil 111F crimin to'
OIC a decided t trit for tb(,,
other papers, And t gives sill the war-! of the law. find where be has been it: Soldat harf plice. doing so mr, tj
Site the Q116811,S hole,, i Highest price for turkeys, goese,ducks, I ket quotations, and ivesthent on thelpromillentf aiz-,siouary and, 960
chickens, potatoes, dried apples, butter same day, or sixteen iours ahead of the igur- for years. badly woianzd Ili..q I'Llwille. The, inen and it was thought est to have her, tak.
and eggs. WimiiiA.Ar TitAiirx(4 Co..LTD. Mr, Lewis was (7o or the first mayors en to tile hospital. sparling'As 730.
County ounc;;:-)rs. escaped, but , dotf 'Odre", tit lust Sue- ferin" from Some i rvouz, Iran Ie, Nve
morning papers, For heso reasons alone of (30derich, And -his Son, E. N. Lewis,: The following is the result Of the con. coeded "ll la t(bie Tering 110
on or about Jan. 261h. 11 pe with her host
I Win6rharn you will find itwill to take the Tor-, barrister, was eat �ted mayor last week, test for Huron Co uty Council honors: were. 011e, howev -, is now dead, and,
Pop lar Concert. onto Daily Star, I f friends klitit. She
Star, 'Ali- Lowis Nvus a ( )urteoLs and cultivated Division - u )in 120,2, Young, I i i-,, it is thought no s n "lay soon Le resect to good li,ealth.
1 the
I Concert number a Wing-hain. ft ace will be pro -
Popular concert con] I golottleman, and 41as beloved by all who. Chambers' il-, 'Al Xellme 62.
A. E. MUNI Mana or Will be held in 510.1MY To Loix.-.Mon 1101"Wed (-,it tbo oil living, for the limit
)y to loan on 1 had the pwasurof)f his iloqnaintance,
b the opera house OqVirlday evening of notes, find notes discount'04 M reason. I Division 2-01f at0on 1"100, Conolly )lots expired Rev Mr. Large was 41, son
next week. The at ruction will be the Able rates, 1101ley advanced oil 1078, Leitch,1005.•
niort. 1 of UP. John Larg ,late of Listowel and
Parker Concert C5. This company ga,ges, with privilege of paying at the - Division 3 -La, cont 10102, UeXilught- Ili, spent his boyh ad days ill that town. Win ha leading Shoetill
comes very highly lo-,Conl manded by the
cud of
any Year. 11tes and Accounts'• oil 11.33, Cousit MI - MONIardle 246.
Id. . Oflice-Reaver Block, W' Division 4-HiQis and 6packinan I y
press. The plan of � hall tvill, open foi, ham A10INDOO. PE SONALS.
11-4 subscribers tit H. 1 :ark's oil Monday at, ROUT. a acclamation.
'! Division �-Me Amu and R. G. Golan' this ;hall bo pla to have contriiltzt!mv, tc
BANK oF ���PND o'clock a. at,, aut. to the general publi a A Division Storm. s eoluanat front ly of �)ur rvaaor-i.� it y,)1._
on Tuesday. We (arry a rwniplete stork by acclamation. have N Wtors or ill 1)64� going ul,.-gly ,our,;elf.
a a 19 The snow Storm vvb�ch set i I- drop l"i or stud uz' a il"t'. to "'at;
ll oil Thurs. 1 Division a -Ice -raild Bowillan Ily ac eff tycti.'A and tell WINC ill A M, Our animal sale I f dry, goods tint ria} of last week has been raging mora - - - I v
les clamadou.
Capital pold up, $2,00,000. Mr. Pat. Del, tier was visiting Avith
u;.1j5e, I lid 870. Pattcrson
E l:'15 1101wespun a salt
t no 00, Oc and day afternoon. The wavy fall of snow -HOT WATER BOT Heu%allfrieuds est Creek.
100 a Or less tip to tile tittle -of Vriting-Tues.
Rusbrve Fund, $1,600,000,00.
)a; 1french Plant 11 Is, TLE 9 805, Webster 7i16) Currie 505.
; 13 all wool, on Sunday and Mout iv which at times 1. Division 8-4,�,guson 8813,11, Miller
rrmi(lellt—jotix 8TTIA11T. stylish Raglan overcoats, $5. 50. _F07171,TTAIN SYRN, CBS tXiss Ethel C Vighton Of Brussels is
Vice -President --A. 0.1d Nfay. Q. E. Xing. '"Seartled b5 a ror 'eat hurricane has Doig 785. visiting with he, ft ieild, Miss Ball,
iii BC'1*r�iTs impeded trafflo too, meat extent in the -COMBIXATION SYRINGES BIG BARGAIINS
The two r tmed in each division Mr. Artlitir I av%, of M.,tajt)ba- is
RegintrAti-an of Births, country- Many Of bO fanners who are elected. Thi County Council will visiting with his Parents, Mr. and "Urs.
John Proetor� Goo, Roavh, Wm. Gib it R P -tARt-,D ULCER SYRIXGES
A.T,Wood, M -P-, A-B.Leo(To=ratv,)., Owing to, the per ieptible falling Away delivered 1109S 01 Unday came to moetat Gkideriel . oil Tuesflay,1217th insf. J.1 14"lack. DURING THIS
X 44
t6�yn �Yltll two •teams :)f horses to each i -N-A-SAT, SYRINGES The first busines will I,e the election of lvjr.;4, Nixon11
General Uauagor-�T. Ttru"ML. i
I spending U couple of
I of birth returns, ti a Deputy .Registrar sli-igh. The trains v!,ere also running _nxE Au 81-umm's a Warden, for IW 3. Messrs. Robt. Mil- week's visitillqw tit friends in Toronto,
V dank --hours cuts 10 to 8; aturd[ty, 16 General has sent OL'Oulars to all the Di. late in conseq - M 0 X T H
to e its of $1 and it Nvak received, In- I Itelice of lie driving storm, ler, of Turtiberr,! and W. ff. herr, of Port Perry and � oarl%ro.
ter t tit o *(,it, and voluputed on t o %tit IT..., vision Registrars o Ontario, requesting
In Ills "Probs" for olnuary Rev. Irl 'Brussels, are nl!ntioned in connection tie," Chas
adcledtolthouitouso4ovoryl,,e,,,nq to get ,Vol er an �alst ay eltell e it t --NIPPLE'S
ibi Ill oks, of St, Louis, Iii -s lert lJoss, who.
ei al. S coms and t
'Spodial oposits nt4o. received ntoonrlwat I PletO returns as 1 0. Physicians head for his third the unit on tll� _10F, BAGS, ET(�,, LTc. with this positial, have been holida �Itag it Vieir home in AND
X21tes of laitt'rest. ird regi tar storm period.
and clergyment ar -equested to help lly I We give Lei the, list of C
Minty t)wll. returns i t ) Chicago on Sato
States Sought andsolol. 3th. Tit I ngs to I( SHOES A T
V call to the mid I )OIC for— Div, I -Watt lid Alex. McDonald.
z+ stain on Grotit IlAtain and the lunited giving allthe info=matloll tile, a-d.1,The third 1a inary period is oil, We have it line guaranteed for 'Councillors for rlice Conuty:-
One Year",
S Mrs. J. Vty at I Son.of Brandon.16til.,
,,! - b$ local Rogisirlra who will -supply A retiction and 'Miss 1111by Winter, of Monteith, i
t)u and its nraneh to higher inperatnro, fall.
t's l9que blrtnlc cards on ��plicatiou., , Parents 11K tarolneter find Div. 2-MCDO all and Thomas.
Vottl6bal -Pyovin(dal PAwk of RaRland, Lilatted, :Uall.. ate visitin C at the home of their,
vhiph eyin bo ca-14hod'svithollt tharge barttwt- WbOW11fUllY31691 borrofuseto register a return of very Div, 3 -MCD aid wid Clentent,
general and vialelit saoV, Atld sleet (4jvc us ac, I r. 11,
])It six 4"y part orth" ill in(, save 111011 M Elliott.
W, Congo, py. Div. 4-Stres it (I Robb.
EtZbj,Agetit births within 30 d ys will be liable to sto=4 Nvill be untural. and oil toughing Div. 5--Xilizic, And Fischer.
M. L.'bX01t11V801q* solicitor. ; mi,'44('s $Orliia vanstone, and Laura
ilio the Regis. the 121:11 and IM, vry high, boreal itVattinliaNeretu.IIL'dtot-litir llou*4 ill,
tration Act. Div. 0 -Brink 520, Iteltityre- 4D;: W1n8l,
t�n ,
aft6r ipinding, a f ,W dilv
_TfitTrx%s;,stin,d Woekl�� Mail ituill vvill(IM, OsPe6allY in th .lake regions alool WALTON M Campbell 46S. oltay 401, Stoir 2*7 i fit
VWpire till lat .1411111try. 1904, the nortli-west, wit) Sev#m blip GKIBBON I A.
-The Ti3qstuitt 1,1artners, A Hawthorne 11, R.Kol.-Iracknow Sen new wit I Miss I
a 15
d 's
est heL
�( rs of
m rs
It lily I
I- ad at
hA 1011"etv, Wit u
r r
%e b
'a a
'Ir at
tl tit
W. Prentiltun 10ttltft will be "Ili, t6 Any address In nada or pvobablesfollfted by par and extremely tinel.
subsbribers for$l.' dvocate 3 ic
ben of DMOst and Ootldan Div. 7 -Lyons told McCharles.
11111 110biAiDn. Will Xiie--littel of Wiq
to new and Old subseri the UnitodStates till .11ttitkaryINt, 190.1 0014 Weathtr. ittitty nitbly be expect. -1 .11 11 .. 1. 1 -1-1 111"... Ill 'rown. ;runroull(I anion Old 13-11W
Nwpiro, 1Por *171 Note the reduvtJ4. ed at, this time." .8-Hollty ,ham, took &
1xv. 0-11ilke And J6 ! Wit is 0
friends I