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The Wingham Times, 1903-01-08, Page 8
t ,l 6,4 THE WINGRAN TIRES. e AN.T lTAR 41. 1903 Air, Thorp. Hardie, of l►IanikAbA, is visitil)g with his parents,. Mr. and Airs. Mr a 'M*gait 1►n11 R !4' + „+ John Hardie, of CnIross. bheapness of Prl(;e k Mrs. S. I mlledy, of Seaford), ';vas ",... ,.r.. 1 • " AM P RELLU `aNrktll; with Tilt ,llnu> friexlds this,Ha not the attraction t once was. t'enpla wane pretty articles now, as Ills. li, l>i. Tadho o returned Rowe they alwatys• did but more than this they want them Af :. d quality, t.. hwr' (v 4►+"Aw"r sr 4►':rtR,"el,'+Atr1► R , , from Woodstock, where else had been good to look at and good to wear --'that s the. kind (clothing find p,. l; g ' ,) Buying in the lie markets, he can fitting, and spending the holidays with relatives and 1'urnlahul 5 It. Stllith sells. l3tt In friends'. afford to sell hl h-clase. A,Onda at low prices. +lies« " , The beat salt 1 ever wore, %pre the eXOI . stiOns Of $ onla of our Aiiss I''anuie Hop,>l;, of l3ra$sei$ `vas )visiting With Wiugttam tr alsds• till$ customers tits other dtty; "' lnd baaght it f 11i a1. lt. Smith.6t0--c,k-,Takin6 week. Only a yearitl'l'inghaaa, and have a n carried off the gold aledal Airs. Q Gtichvist and Airs. C.la,neehtel of popular Opinion flout all co 1pet• ora as file as selling fist elites spent rile Naw year holiday with Alrs. l clothing is 4r,neerned. Is ther, I' roan or boy in Wingliam, frt)1 t Knechtel;`s parents at LuOislow, ` the largest roan to the smallest or, who ca.n say that A, It. Smiths a o- Clothing' does not give situfaerlon ;•1 Don't tbinit thele is one, There. .=.•• - Mr. and Alas. Gen. Hood, of Sunshine, were visiting with their dauglittr, Mrs. fore I intend to stt%v in Wing'htttn, `So coma on for bargains for Mie Takos place dui'liiu the month of January. John Couary, this week, next 1p days. Dur stock taldng sale now Oil. Joys' first-class 3 piece Suits, sizes 28. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 mill 34, Oil - Mrs. A. Maguire, Of Brussels, was i filtorG pants, p;tri"g at - 03 011, 43 80, ;S. til, $4,00, $4 60 and x;5.00 In order to reduce our large stnek we will sell all 'Winter visiting with W ngliaus relatives durium t If you see) 1t in our adv., ir.'s true! 2 piece Suits at $1.50, $1.75,$2, $2.24 { (seclude t+t .greapt reductions dntiGg the next thirty daa•s. lila pant «gest, Boys' Odd Coats, from 2t`) to S4, for Aie11'9 Odd Coat-, all wool, with wool lining, at $275 :1 _ „ , ., __ _ • , ,. . <, _ , , ,. Diss Janet Cook of Furdwicli is spouts- Men's heavy Odd Paula, - OOa and $1.23 ; iug a week with Alias W. Alba Chis. Our lien vy everi -clay Tweed Pants $1,50 -no better in the trade. BLANKETS AND SHEETINGS halm. See our bleu's suits at - $k 00, $5.00, $6 00 t11id $7.00 to 1loiue 1 ti'1'oud- Gall ant lowest plica r off the regular sale rice. ink the holidays at h t houtl :lin spend- t Gee the latest s. eduialit•n o#1 A f the neat tea st;tyle of Oveiecnt9 at rile ' Wool Blankets, 11r, a size, ane`+ gelated borders ata for g P stock. A1I wool Sheetines, grey and white, extra wide. regular Mr. and Airs. T, G. Tipling of God- l A. R. SMITHctilst'OL.MBLOCK price 90c, reducti,)n price - 05 ericll spent Sunday `lith his brother Union Sheetings, gree" and white, extra wide, regular Atuos Tipling of Minnie street. ........... .......... tl• i •:• ~ :• a•............ "$' • •o `t ' * , 4 price 05e, - - 54 f reduction price Jail. Leggatt, who has been visiting . friulds in town the last wae4, returned to Iiia house in Collingwood oil Monday. : Glearitt Reductions in the following lines': U ten,. ii ouoto+ Xlen's anti: Boys' Suits and Overcoatst< SA-urmu-In Dots oft, on,Tantmry #h, the wife .» - Tattles' Mantles of Geo. Sadler, finmerly of Windham; a +i• —Fars of all kinds. daughter- , =1 HurPr o -In Turnberrv. on Tuesday, Dee. 'l' --heavy Dress Goods I sOttr tiro wife of Mr. itubt. Huppac, of ;t won, + H Burlo ow -In Reticle, on Dec, 'v''ad, the wifo MY j% q - y^ Ladles rend Gents Wool Underwear,and all other`puGxl$clinlJ>?uboolcsa vnanuaryLrd.the 4 B I YOUR ©P O+ e NItl ,. , 4 I le*au1F winter got s .t. g n1, ltxLilsa) ;; Satisflictlon gtiaranteed at _ _ I3ulrRanby t•1sT-At t. B Lolu%ausc.,FnJozwph,on Dec. 2 tlr, by the Rev- A. B Lobsun, Joavplr W. I have in stock t. eery large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' s - Hubbat d t o Mitz•s Della lttty' Gold II.in Ys lllounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and RITICa IiBrt)- BLfCHANAR--At the Iesideneeof the of- , Watches; Rings, , pn flciating ruir,ister, Rev. A. Mcliay, on Dec, 21th • •' other precious stones, Lovely I3rooehes ; Bracelets, Ladies and. Oamon James livid, of Ashfield, to Sarah, , daughter of Mi,lcolm Buchamtn, of Wast Wa (went: Chains ; ,.Silverware, Cased (goods, Novelties, etc,, etc., ✓. 1 w"nosh• suitable for Christmas. 't' 6y 9t 4 D, ^ p y' y y ® ljc'i1r® 'p t'► ►tit !ice d tl't6q EcxouN-por.T tN-At. the family resiflvnee ?' + first tont -sxlou of Xtul ess, on December 80th, , Ly the Bev. 1". A. McLennan, Isabe lit, fifth ,1, .,.. .0 nlOne; •;' _._::_ __'_•... _'__.... _ _._. _ _ . dant htvr of lite late Rad. Goliun to AilolNhua - - Jnliux) el:ovn, sI rinRfela, U. S. I As t must a these goods will be sold at slaughter MINOR R LOCALS. -The regular meeting of Court Malt. Br,AT; - IA.ov Atth •resido ii,olthe-brido s • 'Cunts, on list. •lt),, by Rev. J. d. I.u4tle, 1• prices during' the next two weeks. .l, lend, C. 0. F., will be held on Friday wBlair to Dora, only daughter of Mr. ima` + n ;Skies ,Zabel 1TtT}onuld, Hi ;hlall of this week. Installation of officers Mrs. Marit Mason, u11 of Westfield. 1 .g. rat the anger hcnse tc•niglrt• and Otherinlpor ant business. &'MUTR-HAltsim.-At the residence of the ' •1- THIS 'SPECIAL SALE IS NOW ON i bride's parents, on December 81st, 1.102, by 't• Rev. D. Perrie, Willivin +•..Romuth of Turn- -A, R. Smith tutnounces solus cloth- i The first meeting of the NVinghtim ttvrry to Miss Mary K. Hui die, daughtev oft •1• BLS p 1r ! - SAVE MOND' Y! bargains in hisadv. this week. Public S,1nool Brim will ba held in the John Hardie of Culross. I - VrrtCBN•)'-]`teparT,LtaL-At the homy of the t .Ali the municipal council$ in On- 1 council chamber on Wedueeday evening, brlde'•tpareuts, on Uecamber 81it, by Ri.v. T, if. o 't,' will Gleet oil Xonday nest for or- 121st inst., for orgauizatiou purposes. field t of B -,.s Su i, Ed€;ur ter o t, a veafc- l ; :l field to bliss i+u iv, daughter of peeve Pio• , . iblxt>ti:1n, i -A large number of our weekly ea. Callum, Of East'Q4atvtmos)r. r, i GLns grandparents, r. and M. -s. nee of the ; , JEWELER -:lin lecture and context advertised I changes failed to chance the year Il)02 bride's grandparents, 1•fr. stud ;ai:s. John $ai c .', l'IaCdonald Block. . gcm, sitievate. on Stoners. Ist, by Rev, Win.! - t ni it in the oporu.hon$e has been to It303 in their last issues. Wake -up, t Lvwe, slut brim, wnr. .t. Gille,tuie to MISS : ;.a, ............ ir " : ,1.1 r l 'P': " : 1 1 l.'°,`.'r'1.1. r• 1 > :• £ t• -1••r stponed until is latti date , 4 brothers, we are now living in a new ! Lillian Ma Oliver,, Oliver, eldest daugh,er of Thomas ( - ._.. --•-. --T - -- I Oliver,botirof To. onto. 1 ingham was the centre on Satur- i year, 1)11:» i @404bt@@044@4@4b3@40@4b@ @ @®4O4A@©4®G®b0®o4o©b40 9041 ,T.-.'Wfor a, large number Of candidates —1LIr, Hugh Gillies, of Aldina, N. W. Foa4TBtt,-I11 Wiugham, on January Otis,1 ' 4 l g John Porster, aged (=1 ytntrs. 1 O ' 4 it lituni ripai 11VrlOit3• , T., tvhO has been vision with Old Tho funeral watt +elite place. th ,; (Thursday) r LID A a 4 friends in this section for some days has afternoon front Lis late residence, Shuter- @ ` Ki, T. Hall, of the Advance, has been y Street' at )m v'clo.<l:, ,e s S' En P sold skis farm in CL11rC$3 township to WixsoN-InTotonto.onDee.2ith;IPO;,Jamt'p iii... "' b suffering for a few days, with blood Edward King: Ytrnng, rcltct o4 tate Will, R. iviLacnt,formerly ; 4 poisoning in one of his feet. of Bruasebt, aged 71 years 1 moctth and 9 d•syx. 1 ® Mr. Gen. A•. Newton left on &Tondayl ToNmR3 InHo%i:+ic,onDtc..Zthj.:oI,Maignet m 4 Hard coal. is hank to get. But it's B. $town, wife of Hnnry Tnuer. ago Ory+urea. 10. 4 for Toronto to assume his new position hard to get Heat, artistic printing at i -milits-In liocvick,o I Dee.3LA, II)ertWill.t , its foreTnan in a lar a harness and collar g a 5s veal s Gua 1u months. (,b e A TT > S Office, ! fi a v 3 d e Q ' malting establishment. He has the best THOIir.Tox-I In linins, on January 7tlt. Dinry @rug • -IP tin 11tLv0 not reCUYPC2 your seats iii `viaLes of mall friends. " Thornton, aged it vtalco 8 months ridwid., ail a , funeral 11 tat , l.tt a oil Friday, Jtlt y The font t l will 1 z y, l@ At the Cthe Scottish Concert, you had better i lnat. at'280 P.m, trori the resAvuee of her, 4 4 4 -The CT, T. R. company hates notified Sou, Ii•eb on Thornton, 1st line Morris to the 4 them to -day. ' i conductors and engineers along their + The cemetery, y ® 4 p@ Q (rp4A 44m@GPe •vbOOvb flb08•ii -The Trans is pleased to learn that 1 various lines that the moment a train! g!Y 1 4 yr q ,ra. John C,onery,who has been serious- stops on the crossing of any street thea Al KFR 800,5 & 6U p T0p>I + a Our stock is again almost complete after our immense Christmas trade. And here we wish to thank: our numerous customers for their liberal patronage during the past year.. Our aim for Tgo3 will be to have a still Letter assorted stock, with prices whittled to the finest point. If you are thinking of buying some Ii urni- ture see what we have in •—PEUROOi1T SUITES, SIDEBOARDS —EXTENSION TABLES, COUCHES —DINING ROOM CHAIRS, Our Mattresses and Wire Springs are of the best make. A good assorted stock of Window Shades still on hand We do a . tremendous Picture - Framing trade. See our stock of Mouldings and get our prices q i l iii for some time is now improving. train must be out and the crossing clear- ]till 4 4 E[air Brushes Cloth BruStiles e Wo are prepared to pay for '¢fir, G A. Tipl;ng, brother of aTr: A• k ed at once. UNDERTAKERS, 1N11Ucllam, `® sr,.t, has sold irs,^focery b - i I night oulle ht Button Black. or Fifth I Military Brushes ® T. J. ' First-class Maple lois , .... 14 perAl -Meetings of the East Huron Farm. t First-class Soft Llnt logs.... 1 °" ere Institut ivi,1 be held at Wroxeter, .door south of Srbnol House. Shop op- <+ 'p ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, xic+kl ttY A ss. Butt & I c , posite Macdonald block. I ® T First class Rock BI1n looms... Ili " ndaj Dec ; ; • Purses from 5c to $3.00 ztisURA; cz+; 4Nn LOAN AGL'I TT, ,• o r .r trJautxarp.,l t Harlock.,Jaunary,.zud;l 4 b First-class 1v ♦rlls' ';"e d: was preseutsid one D ouley's school, January 23rd; 1Turtlie's I _.. .. uog p Perfum=es Of all kinds. first-class Beech logs...... , IN "• ere Con - recently with ahartdsouseworlc school, January 24th. Meetings each ` 'T ENDERS WANTED. s @ Accounts nentsandNotes Collected. Con - as r.11P gift of the young men of her day (t 1.30 and 7.30. -' , , @ @p(p@@4d ObO@v @ ' veyancing bone. All kinds and grades wanted. tiY school cilia$. Tenders will be rest ivexl by Gen. Me-Xvnn.e p R);3IUENCTu-Leopold street,. i v. J. A. Macdonald, for the past for the fnllowinC piopertivs'tt)t to t:to "0th of I p ® Call and got Our prices.. Of Tunn"", ll'0:1:- etv - -1kli (I stelle Griffin unit Air. R. A. few ye rs suitor 01 the Westminster oliddrug,® ^---- i Blocitl••-(`ompriainr three bn1l)Ln s, O a lass ar+ to assist at a concert in Presbyt iahas beau appointed editor i store and two goneral stores on lot 2, weA sides @ ro4dnsepltinestreet,Tbleyxsue•,•ey. 4 Prices on the above to suit every- person, at ri® $i ® ' i rila Canada Furniture Mfrs. i $ter on L'riday evening; of this Of the p10-nto Globe. Mr. Macdonald Block 2•••Lots i and Zf. Ooruyn's urvvy, tvtth , b The ttuderxtgtsed will kegp for service ort his { flue bullrings; No. (1) Fre(. store, 12) Confer• 4 b Limited. will taly his duties on the Globe on f vebuers anti $rite shop () bIaeh.ue tt arohoas•, b b premises, tot 811. eon. 10, Ettst .Vawannsit AorExATLro ;SlOndayt. t )Music store and Photograph gallery, (5) ♦ large in EnglishBcrltsltireBoar. rwhichwo _Rear Dntladtd 0, N,1aaGregor, L',cottish { has been shown at all rho local shows for two Dwelhnu. ♦ ,l 1 Block 8•• -Part of lot 2, o-eupled as Grocery, d a @ years, and has aLwit a won the reel ticket. ' ' '1E' ?Q$Yat$QitA )%t?EBAIilE Q illl illi' tone; »hiss Billia L. Sutherland, elo- -The alterations in the corner store t'Barbershoo nuts DivOling. b Also hiave or sale t number of Breeden Faetor soprano, of the Mason bleep for the Dominion BLorlt f Dwellin;; ocrunh•d try Fol', with lot • @ a sown five and sig months old, sio which Bo been 3 ttrlttisC,nnd Aliss (Trace lti Islet, _ 11, 2 anti ;.0, Brisrot Terrace. are•*or 's satyr t p 1 i __ .. _ _ -.. _ ee ppgg p I A heed from this hoar. Also inn young Boar, fit ' S 'y i a' - 4 C M q . for service (rt priatt winner t for Sale. W3Yigham Ons;. e Opra house to -night. Bauk are about completed. Itis expect Black S• --N etv brick lionst• huil't this year on , b tll 61tJ1 T,""" ed that tire, work will be Completed in i lett , edit or without 1, . or four acres of land bbP440dF®44 .!'. GIBBONS. blarttochP, O. - Wingham, --Tile annual convention of the i airy. e bdbOAt+Ot►di►bOOObb b 0+9o4A rA@44@444@4bbOir♦ .. , { Terms i:; casB, haTanc•e to nnymenry to suit- ahottt two wcv1,5 tid thea the Laub Wall c „p(A/ /oAAkA/dA/@AAAAAAAAaO/+YAAAA I+AAA0%n^^AAAA 'tt A.sociation of Western Ontario 1 costumers, sore , n la five nr sin ye• rs, in.rr- ` _,.._. _ . /oAAAAAAAAAs+AAA • liter }1.,1tI n; Ve rL, tined -ou Tuesday, be moved to its new quarters. t Ust, payahl,: yeariv at. n tier cent. ZZo tPoilut I AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ • c now oreuhntx any of builriingx to ha removed A}T. i;S; d. Thursday of nest week;. 11r. A. MacEwen of BI,evale has I insicle of one year from (Ity of, sale• -k ithout AA1eAdWAAAAAAMAAAAAAAA `AAA l This , 1• -} kt Continent taken out all auctioneer's license for the ;their ronsant, an ion a+they )itv their rent y) b This is the only pork x+illuh thoroughly Covers the 'entire Continent 1 punetnally t.s said puruh leer at tIr sante rent• co.,nty of Huron, and is now prepared ; ax they are now raying toe. j _.. ___ :.:::. .. : • .. j Terlder8 will he areepted for vaelt lialkhng ( r t t0 wield the liainmer for parties intend- aCparately or in blocks. Spooner 8 ROwtiei'6d iGEU. ,itCNla i7 d4aking ing t0 have auction sales. :Fie will 0011 , ; . I cyclople duct a sale for Mr. Wm. L. Fraser, 1st , _ _ _- i y flue of Alorris, on the 24th inst. ' t NOTICE'. l f lr r _._ i l l . I The A nual Mteetiirgr the Turnberr• PERSONALS. 5. s gricult al Society i11 lie hel I in tl e? A m morts M%Uilu e qaiw% $< Disinfe'ctan't > { co C CHAMBER, ` i, assisted by - - ! We Shall be glee to hirci contributions tc INialiA91, C Edited by L. H. DAILY' *6 eutl t,f this nionth We com- { this column from any of our readers. If you; L t lVVVVV ' /►lVRi D faticinl vfocik. .o mal a it tour+lr dinpinitnat tiitii ui s'('endris s vnutt tnttitnC' 0 E.S j' mill I ? r and Mally expert Coltivators and Botanists. to sell tt number of ove(st. ti I LH E Ll1•Z MILLER, - Secs ming I I003, at 10 , ck p. !n. ) The best in filo World ; leas n n, I Z 1 In lour Lame volumes, ..,goo Pages with 5ot> Illustrations. re's L•:Eutt ruck a number Lett)w ' I ,, ( qe We matte d tlr(3 rooln they are fait- ; Mr. 'SVili Coutts, of Stratford, spent ' . Jat. t ;4TUrr:iT. %Va 1io1lLlar,ox, ! < awarded two gobs medals at the I bad raotaev iso aces this week #'0r part of tha holidays at his home in tow President. S3cretary. ; e`,cluF vd'aelytin the stock was depttrt- ! 1st. `he Most comprehensive, clear and comp'.eto description of the vLgetable world. It take th( P - W111 till it frill next Nveek. In ; ; r. ferry .Bra.lwin, of L(lndon, spaut } - 4y anent at that time, 1 2nd. Convenient and practical directions for the cultivation of all species of fruits, vegetablt s, 1 -me oot" in nlx(4 '!ve will aur• Xew "gars with his parents in town. ° 1. t flowers and ornamental plants. r'a quote Mist Protect your homes froth con• :Sir. (Seo, McKenzie spent Now Year's' ta;;lOus disease. 1 3rd. 1=erviceable suggestions on the marketing or all hinds of clops, based oil the result ? SPECIALS { tl.ty Cvit:t his brother at Gro(deriCh, i strayed from the yI>r+•ruler s of the nndei: ix• • of ears of experienced observation. ' 41144. tit :i(i 011. 1., Enst Wawautwh, on or . Its tt$e is adapted by the best , p ' 14Ir. ItTarris Rossleft oli Saturday I*r abnutthe 0th of Naveniber, a ;iootr4s i ollip , read for ' families in tete Dominion. awl y C) ttawlL,wllere he Ita9tieCuredasitaati0u. Do •, with yeIloty leas and head, white Urgent . 4th. Ill short, an authoritative, attractive, interesting reference book, invaluable 3OW were *A and -hart rail. Answers to the n one of Jack, to everyone engaged In an form of a rieutEul al work. r' ISIi9s Gibb of Elora, was aNe sv Year and knows a auything of the where•ehouts TO Prevent such diseases as y out Out rr fit+ t, hlut• nett gilt, 0f401 l ittt'a « I i the doer vt1T l,r• reward:•d by r•nmmnrsiatitt;: ; cholera, smallpox, tdiphtller141, r i jl;` J and 11ialI }.;1ir,tre*r get, •,.ter . visitor at the home of lir. Chisholm, . With me. ISA A0 W AI,Iib'lt tll. Absolutely tip to -date, the )list volume Ilavlri just been Issued #roll. looft Z }} ' WingliamP.0.' scarlet, typhoid and other fevers, fj°' a n1710""` til S X r• J• Davidson visited in Vrooestock ; _ __. ., ; is eask -j eapez and more intelli- I the pl=eas. at once to " xl, Ili' a few days last week. l gent incl refined than to heedlessly 1 Virtue co, , ottIt . breed them and afterwards eft- Churell St, Toronto NVnitErPaidyandfamil of'W n ham• C061t tottot R>10$' r ffi JO1117 Special E'r *"' ( S' fi deavor to cure thein with medicine - -- c , Ig succcss4. Safe, ,PIT moritlriy bfs ask itu+ were visiting his Leather, II. A. Plir(ly, 10.000Lttdies. $afC,tlteeWtal, Ladies ask . } „ , 1 , nurdtuggistfortook•s Wfiin Rtiot.rArt• tMI A large. bandsome prospectus with saMples of beautiful illustrations iteCetrhtl; t.i. of A eric n Hornt last Week --tliEa..yEuterlrise. O„W, kenoother ,its illIf1xtures,pills mildt ofrp in aetliateCAmeri anHorti• i ? Imitations lsmtl>4ngeroul. TE'rico,ldit, 1. $1 er , representing rare giants mailed free on a.p,lieation to culture its The vfrr ++]tart Tlines, I Sold d) shalt la+ l tvtases. to iecetve o•ospeetus, ;4lit9ters 1laarlr :itl(t,Titn dVltvCarthurarc • box, Nd. A 10 degrees dtrntner ss per iron. vo; ()illy 2.iC h packn}t . y f p . .. t 0 P , I , {( P:,atnpleilluwtinttion:+.ete.,also all artie•u• vlrmitlt]}> tit I,, IlarOl(1'e tVingliarn.-Hen. 'Lot, s, Yhitilmon reteiptor price Imil tr4n11,rlerrt • i yii 1 t y + Toronto lural re •aiding price. ' stampi Tho, Cooly Cntrap:tlty Cvlrtdeor, tit.: st Y 11 J. W 19 V 0. J: i Tonto l w',+";q"'i•" l llelil Ct:!)c-ever, ! ,}Q /, i ` Clcery; renpftneihleDruggirtetrtEsnxais. , fti{l1i t M'r.wirI':' i'ri. John13w_-hananarehbli- lrablah(i2ao,3ttnrtrrcommcnataltJitil „ (hitl'Gll r. trtltt. r '" AN0111n..•- da,yingl with relatives and frlt,.Ms iii No. l and 2 Are soler in win lrclwn. I Ii»eatYJt)l. tJtsrqD. (ft'ctitt wintain by a- t,.. (tt1 this A. Vasispbell, i{. A.l)+,t1slAwa i AA eKiA-..%_.A--I.yAAAiAAh !Ai. AAA VW DraxgNt:t. wv B ALL B RO"So, Rns1DBN0E-PATluozc ST. Furfiltum Dealers S. croitigs former residence, tvhero night ca1Lg will receive • prompt attention. PHONE 51 ` y1 „.. .. .. • .,..n :,m.,».f,+: ,e _ • _ __ .;:tee x. rwtmans)G. yeai, .i k , li Miss taurine Agusta Halaar VOCALIST LOGS Teacher of tiOTCE P120DUC'TION.BINGIVC:T, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture, VOTOE9 TB9.1'):D :FAME. Wingham. at Win ham. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingltam, - iii for some time is now improving. train must be out and the crossing clear- ]till 4 4 E[air Brushes Cloth BruStiles e Wo are prepared to pay for '¢fir, G A. Tipl;ng, brother of aTr: A• k ed at once. UNDERTAKERS, 1N11Ucllam, `® sr,.t, has sold irs,^focery b - i I night oulle ht Button Black. or Fifth I Military Brushes ® T. J. ' First-class Maple lois , .... 14 perAl -Meetings of the East Huron Farm. t First-class Soft Llnt logs.... 1 °" ere Institut ivi,1 be held at Wroxeter, .door south of Srbnol House. Shop op- <+ 'p ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, xic+kl ttY A ss. Butt & I c , posite Macdonald block. I ® T First class Rock BI1n looms... Ili " ndaj Dec ; ; • Purses from 5c to $3.00 ztisURA; cz+; 4Nn LOAN AGL'I TT, ,• o r .r trJautxarp.,l t Harlock.,Jaunary,.zud;l 4 b First-class 1v ♦rlls' ';"e d: was preseutsid one D ouley's school, January 23rd; 1Turtlie's I _.. .. uog p Perfum=es Of all kinds. first-class Beech logs...... , IN "• ere Con - recently with ahartdsouseworlc school, January 24th. Meetings each ` 'T ENDERS WANTED. s @ Accounts nentsandNotes Collected. Con - as r.11P gift of the young men of her day (t 1.30 and 7.30. -' , , @ @p(p@@4d ObO@v @ ' veyancing bone. All kinds and grades wanted. tiY school cilia$. Tenders will be rest ivexl by Gen. Me-Xvnn.e p R);3IUENCTu-Leopold street,. i v. J. A. Macdonald, for the past for the fnllowinC piopertivs'tt)t to t:to "0th of I p ® Call and got Our prices.. Of Tunn"", ll'0:1:- etv - -Miss Estelle Griffin and Mr. R. A. few ye rs suitor 01 the Westminster oliddrug,® ^---- i Blocitl••-(`ompriainr three bn1l)Ln s, O a Douglas are to assist at a concert in Presbyt iahas beau appointed editor i store and two goneral stores on lot 2, weA sides @ ro4dnsepltinestreet,Tbleyxsue•,•ey. 4 Prices on the above to suit every- person, at ri® $i ® ' i rila Canada Furniture Mfrs. i $ter on L'riday evening; of this Of the p10-nto Globe. Mr. Macdonald Block 2•••Lots i and Zf. Ooruyn's urvvy, tvtth , b The ttuderxtgtsed will kegp for service ort his { flue bullrings; No. (1) Fre(. store, 12) Confer• 4 b Limited. will taly his duties on the Globe on f vebuers anti $rite shop () bIaeh.ue tt arohoas•, b b premises, tot 811. eon. 10, Ettst .Vawannsit AorExATLro ;SlOndayt. t )Mntic store (tnd Fho"ogin_tlt gatler:y, (5) ♦ large in EnglishBcrltsltireBoar. rwhichwo _Rear Dntladtd 0, N,1aaGregor, L',cottish { has been shown at all rho local shows for two Dwelhnu. ♦ ,l 1 Block 8•• -Part of lot 2, o-eupled as Grocery, d a @ years, and has aLwit a won the reel ticket. ' ' '1E' ?Q$Yat$QitA )%t?EBAIilE Q illl illi' tone; »hiss Billia L. Sutherland, elo- -The alterations in the corner store t'Barbershoo nuts DivOling. b Also hiave or sale t number of Breeden Faetor soprano, of the Mason bleep for the Dominion BLorlt f Dwellin;; ocrunh•d try Fol', with lot • @ a sown five and sig months old, sio which Bo been 3 ttrlttisC,nnd Aliss (Trace lti Islet, _ 11, 2 anti ;.0, Brisrot Terrace. are•*or 's satyr t p 1 i __ .. _ _ -.. _ ee ppgg p I A heed from this hoar. Also inn young Boar, fit ' S 'y i a' - 4 C M q . for service (rt priatt winner t for Sale. W3Yigham Ons;. e Opra house to -night. Bauk are about completed. Itis expect Black S• --N etv brick lionst• huil't this year on , b tll 61tJ1 T,""" ed that tire, work will be Completed in i lett , edit or without 1, . or four acres of land bbP440dF®44 .!'. GIBBONS. blarttochP, O. - Wingham, --Tile annual convention of the i airy. e bdbOAt+Ot►di►bOOObb b 0+9o4A rA@44@444@4bbOir♦ .. , { Terms i:; casB, haTanc•e to nnymenry to suit- ahottt two wcv1,5 tid thea the Laub Wall c „p(A/ /oAAkA/dA/@AAAAAAAAaO/+YAAAA I+AAA0%n^^AAAA 'tt A.sociation of Western Ontario 1 costumers, sore , n la five nr sin ye• rs, in.rr- ` _,.._. _ . /oAAAAAAAAAs+AAA • liter }1.,1tI n; Ve rL, tined -ou Tuesday, be moved to its new quarters. t Ust, payahl,: yeariv at. n tier cent. ZZo tPoilut I AAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^ • c now oreuhntx any of builriingx to ha removed A}T. i;S; d. Thursday of nest week;. 11r. A. MacEwen of BI,evale has I insicle of one year from (Ity of, sale• -k ithout AA1eAdWAAAAAAMAAAAAAAA `AAA l This , 1• -} kt Continent taken out all auctioneer's license for the ;their ronsant, an ion a+they )itv their rent y) b This is the only pork x+illuh thoroughly Covers the 'entire Continent 1 punetnally t.s said puruh leer at tIr sante rent• co.,nty of Huron, and is now prepared ; ax they are now raying toe. j _.. ___ :.:::. .. : • .. j Terlder8 will he areepted for vaelt lialkhng ( r t t0 wield the liainmer for parties intend- aCparately or in blocks. Spooner 8 ROwtiei'6d iGEU. ,itCNla i7 d4aking ing t0 have auction sales. :Fie will 0011 , ; . I cyclople duct a sale for Mr. Wm. L. Fraser, 1st , _ _ _- i y flue of Alorris, on the 24th inst. ' t NOTICE'. l f lr r _._ i l l . I The A nual Mteetiirgr the Turnberr• PERSONALS. 5. s gricult al Society i11 lie hel I in tl e? A m morts M%Uilu e qaiw% $< Disinfe'ctan't > { co C CHAMBER, ` i, assisted by - - ! We Shall be glee to hirci contributions tc INialiA91, C Edited by L. H. DAILY' *6 eutl t,f this nionth We com- { this column from any of our readers. If you; L t lVVVVV ' /►lVRi D faticinl vfocik. .o mal a it tour+lr dinpinitnat tiitii ui s'('endris s vnutt tnttitnC' 0 E.S j' mill I ? r and Mally expert Coltivators and Botanists. to sell tt number of ove(st. ti I LH E Ll1•Z MILLER, - Secs ming I I003, at 10 , ck p. !n. ) The best in filo World ; leas n n, I Z 1 In lour Lame volumes, ..,goo Pages with 5ot> Illustrations. re's L•:Eutt ruck a number Lett)w ' I ,, ( qe We matte d tlr(3 rooln they are fait- ; Mr. 'SVili Coutts, of Stratford, spent ' . Jat. t ;4TUrr:iT. %Va 1io1lLlar,ox, ! < awarded two gobs medals at the I bad raotaev iso aces this week #'0r part of tha holidays at his home in tow President. S3cretary. ; e`,cluF vd'aelytin the stock was depttrt- ! 1st. `he Most comprehensive, clear and comp'.eto description of the vLgetable world. It take th( P - W111 till it frill next Nveek. In ; ; r. ferry .Bra.lwin, of L(lndon, spaut } - 4y anent at that time, 1 2nd. Convenient and practical directions for the cultivation of all species of fruits, vegetablt s, 1 -me oot" in nlx(4 '!ve will aur• Xew "gars with his parents in town. ° 1. t flowers and ornamental plants. r'a quote Mist Protect your homes froth con• :Sir. (Seo, McKenzie spent Now Year's' ta;;lOus disease. 1 3rd. 1=erviceable suggestions on the marketing or all hinds of clops, based oil the result ? SPECIALS { tl.ty Cvit:t his brother at Gro(deriCh, i strayed from the yI>r+•ruler s of the nndei: ix• • of ears of experienced observation. ' 41144. tit :i(i 011. 1., Enst Wawautwh, on or . Its tt$e is adapted by the best , p ' 14Ir. ItTarris Rossleft oli Saturday I*r abnutthe 0th of Naveniber, a ;iootr4s i ollip , read for ' families in tete Dominion. awl y C) ttawlL,wllere he Ita9tieCuredasitaati0u. Do •, with yeIloty leas and head, white Urgent . 4th. Ill short, an authoritative, attractive, interesting reference book, invaluable 3OW were *A and -hart rail. Answers to the n one of Jack, to everyone engaged In an form of a rieutEul al work. r' ISIi9s Gibb of Elora, was aNe sv Year and knows a auything of the where•ehouts TO Prevent such diseases as y out Out rr fit+ t, hlut• nett gilt, 0f401 l ittt'a « I i the doer vt1T l,r• reward:•d by r•nmmnrsiatitt;: ; cholera, smallpox, tdiphtller141, r i jl;` J and 11ialI }.;1ir,tre*r get, •,.ter . visitor at the home of lir. Chisholm, . With me. ISA A0 W AI,Iib'lt tll. Absolutely tip to -date, the )list volume Ilavlri just been Issued #roll. looft Z }} ' WingliamP.0.' scarlet, typhoid and other fevers, fj°' a n1710""` til S X r• J• Davidson visited in Vrooestock ; _ __. ., ; is eask -j eapez and more intelli- I the pl=eas. at once to " xl, Ili' a few days last week. l gent incl refined than to heedlessly 1 Virtue co, , ottIt . breed them and afterwards eft- Churell St, Toronto NVnitErPaidyandfamil of'W n ham• C061t tottot R>10$' r ffi JO1117 Special E'r *"' ( S' fi deavor to cure thein with medicine - -- c , Ig succcss4. Safe, ,PIT moritlriy bfs ask itu+ were visiting his Leather, II. A. Plir(ly, 10.000Lttdies. $afC,tlteeWtal, Ladies ask . } „ , 1 , nurdtuggistfortook•s Wfiin Rtiot.rArt• tMI A large. bandsome prospectus with saMples of beautiful illustrations iteCetrhtl; t.i. of A eric n Hornt last Week --tliEa..yEuterlrise. O„W, kenoother ,its illIf1xtures,pills mildt ofrp in aetliateCAmeri anHorti• i ? Imitations lsmtl>4ngeroul. TE'rico,ldit, 1. $1 er , representing rare giants mailed free on a.p,lieation to culture its The vfrr ++]tart Tlines, I Sold d) shalt la+ l tvtases. to iecetve o•ospeetus, ;4lit9ters 1laarlr :itl(t,Titn dVltvCarthurarc • box, Nd. A 10 degrees dtrntner ss per iron. vo; ()illy 2.iC h packn}t . y f p . .. t 0 P , I , {( P:,atnpleilluwtinttion:+.ete.,also all artie•u• vlrmitlt]}> tit I,, IlarOl(1'e tVingliarn.-Hen. 'Lot, s, Yhitilmon reteiptor price Imil tr4n11,rlerrt • i yii 1 t y + Toronto lural re •aiding price. ' stampi Tho, Cooly Cntrap:tlty Cvlrtdeor, tit.: st Y 11 J. W 19 V 0. J: i Tonto l w',+";q"'i•" l llelil Ct:!)c-ever, ! ,}Q /, i ` Clcery; renpftneihleDruggirtetrtEsnxais. , fti{l1i t M'r.wirI':' i'ri. John13w_-hananarehbli- lrablah(i2ao,3ttnrtrrcommcnataltJitil „ (hitl'Gll r. trtltt. r '" AN0111n..•- da,yingl with relatives and frlt,.Ms iii No. l and 2 Are soler in win lrclwn. I Ii»eatYJt)l. tJtsrqD. (ft'ctitt wintain by a- t,.. (tt1 this A. Vasispbell, i{. A.l)+,t1slAwa i AA eKiA-..%_.A--I.yAAAiAAh !Ai. AAA VW DraxgNt:t. wv