HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-08, Page 5_ _ _ . ................ .__ -. � � - •,..-1111.,, _ _ 1</ lar #w P..� '". , . e .. , , • . , . « r r w . r •+. e • ar ! ,r,lisilssxta�r•iv, RIBBY WHERE YOU r -ET M38T FOR Y• ! � IIlt,tl:elt+dttlrhitttlrt�tit.) Lasts Diss Anui3 Scott, of ld•xleaworth fax )sap' 1 ._ nnnn • :. t11� corf s �° • pOnce, � � visatrtlg her u:at'r, Ura. �ilp•+laudBta'�es ' 1 9 OWDER IP,t�t�l" t c ` 1_.11 1 t •over New'1~ear's. Ttlat is just what they fay _ Interesting Items Contributed Miss Illartlxe Wheeler, Wi. Ible of of VApo-Cresoleve. Tile. ;✓ ftt by Headers of the Times. Turnberry is visiting' her sister, Mrs. ,'al)ari 's practically ire 'Wright in Grey. destructible, andtl)e Cresta• # ! . "ns is certainly y not ex- i Mass Allis McKelveyMleft on C'iristmaa Y lrrsl.sw.�xriz tnsive This wa oaf treat• ` jrl,cu -JANUADv There died iu Lailhutg, Mich., on Sat- _ to meet tier sister at Orairxeville where p• + , urday, Deo. 20th,, one who was familiar _ they will boli spend klle boli lays. Sago ink a[Fcations of the tltraat is most to rile older roe of Teeswater, - Mr.Albicl a Sherk of Brow City; lllich. F'canom'Cal, and is a so most effective. Dlaria Amelia Elliger, relict of the late is spending Christmas holidays with :the use little picture illustrates haw i, , /'`� in ' used.YoupLttsome Cresbene ins� p/� Richard L,trvrason, in her sixty-second Missal 'Wright. Lhe vaporizer, light lamp beneath,: UIIF�11 year, The immediate •cause of death Mr. Iaaao 0)erho'tzir, of Berlin spent and then breathe•in'the soothing,A PU I N 6A o was heart failure, The body was Sunday with his auut, Mrs. Jas. Wright. healing, vapor. For Whooping -cough l _ brought to Teeslvater for interment. Hi is rift 0 meld's tall and weighs 2•,O lbs, ;,rad croup it's a perfect specific. ' G - ) Miss Beside Wri ht of Bluevale is - Va n 0 re:, le:ntl IS $ 1„ by t roe l ist .•ver aherc. • � She was at the latae of Iasi residence g n • ' Y ' Getting ready .for Stook-Talonp�;1 No heavy goods: will be here, astauilchmember of the Metbo- apendingher holidays uaderthe parental AVa,),,C'rwl�n•outfit.liwilan,sn,avttpnr,zeculid NOW GOING ON AT l g r y b Lamp, whiCh .,h •hi t 1 tat a We -mime, aud a Willieol carried over 1 Now is your chance to lou i dist church and her sons before leaving roof, Cr.s •,i«tie. mmol M. el .$ e:: Ira euhptit•s ;of Creso• •J -lens«5,;.'ntsa+idinernta 1,1Nslreu;dtoaklttsantain•j town had the privilege of going through John Simpson axe his Xmas dinner at Inc „hysfc•uhs' ct s,ltnn„f is trrc upul, re�qossa. hero• l 1 Z88 . to 27 worth Pater Scott's. C 1tt:anW NN 1'n,. Iso KpIRntl SG, New Yotk, U.S,/t the church, noting the family paw, the 17 only Boys' 2•plece Suits, all wool, sizes u rth We aro 1pascd to hear that Mrs. Places where each sat in their respective P -a $2 25, to clear at ... .............. • ...... I . , ... • .. $lt'69 Copeland Stokes is now able to go kasT 1vAwAxosft• H. o Y classes, etc. Isard 31 .pairs den's Odd Pants, heavy frieze, black and colored, 1 y J _ around again after her severe illness, Mr. Rny Dl lstln, of Stratford was i ale,) mixed tweeds, to clear at • .. • ... • - • + • • • • A Great 8ntrerer (bred. — visiting berg during the 1101i"78. . 20 pairs Boys' Odd Wants, worth ?9c to 85E;, to clear at .50 Ma. Benjamin Dillon, of Leeds, Ont., hilus [t><s• Mr. ltobt. Arbuckle, of Chicago Is waS cured of Muscular Rheumatism b n with y Mrs. Bowers of Burr is visiting 16 only Youths' 3 piece Suits, long and short ants worth A visiting with his psrquts, Mr, and Mrs. pants, Polson•sNerviline, and says: '•I feel my $5,50, to clear at .................... . • . • .. • . , • . • . 4,00 her :sister, M^s. Lloyd D iettett, lot lin i. W In Arbuckle. duty is to proclaim Pulsnn'.s Nervitilie as 29 Suits for Men, sizes 36 to 4 , in nice tweeds, light and an infallible Gure for Rheumatism; it Mr. John C)ultes, of the 3rd line lost lYiiss Alice Duff, of Bluevale com- heavv weight, single and double breasted, worth $9.00 cured me after thirty years suffering, a valuably fat steer oa Friday last. menced her duties as teacher in $- S � Snaps a� �� to �w9+50, to clear at . , . , . , , .. , . • ... • . 6.50 and nothing I kuo%v of can equal its Mr, and Ales. Jas, Evans spent the No. 9, oil Monday. 11 a � • • • • • • • • ` • • ' • " penetrating power. Nerviline simply i .rr 12 only Men's Doable Breasted i3tllek Serge Salts all wool, has no equal in quickly relieving all( holidays vvitlt relatives at Tavistocl.• Messrs. Frank Bosomworth and James l' ' oaring Rheumatism, Neural la Sciatica, An enjoyable home gathering was Maine, of Elora, returned home this t� _ made up•to•tbe-minute, sizes 36 to 42, worth 510, to clear 7.75 slid Luml?ngo. A trial will convince hold at th%residence of Jolla Mclnuiug, week after a visit with their uncle, Mr. p f 1 n •� • . ? ,. a 10 Men's Odd Vests in dark tweeds, sizes 36 to 42, worth. anyone. Price 25c. 5th lice, on Christmas dtt . Everybody g y y R',bt Currie, sr,, and friends fu the 1.25, to clear at .. ............. ... • ... • ... • ... • . '79 - had a good time. township. 111♦L2+•<LST. George Bielby, of Tiverton, has been. Miss Lizzie Reu ;er, of East W(Lwanosh _ . _ ..•..•m,.. w. Overcoats -=fir A pleasant event took place in Belfast holidaying under the parental roof. He who left her, home so -lie 1S mouths ago - 4�� l ats Special is engaged for 1903 in the same school I ",>f on Christmas morning when Mr, Will. engaged t for Dresden N. D , to steep house fcr ALL WINTER T>r R C' (.)ODS T O F I. C ,�. R '12 only Overcoats, sizes 34 to 44, no two alike, worth from $6,50 $5 99 J. Roe, of Howiek, was married to the where he is doing flue work. 4 her brothers, John and Otto, who are ' to 9..U0, to clear at 11 11 . , .. • • • * . • . • . • • .. • • . • , . • ' . ' • daughter of our village blacksmith, Miss Mr. and Mrs. A. L McCall and child- I farming ill that country, was Inarriecl OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Mary Crosby. In the presence of about ren were visiting at Mr. Alex, McClall's 4 to another East Wawauoshor in the ptr- Boys' Yoke Raglane•ttes —= 20 guests, Rev. Mr. Oaten read the pop- for the holidays. ! son of Joseph Dumber, on Dye. 9th, at , .. 1111.,. 1111.- , 1111._ . � .•. :3 only Boys' Yoke Ovelcoa's, sizes 27, 28, 29, worth $7.50, to clear 4,95 ular wedding ceremony and declared On nomination day Tax Collector `Laugdwa, N. D They will tape up a o,them nlau and wife, Miss A,Thompsou Proctor only required $180 to complete I housekeeping at Dresden, was bridesmaid and Dir. J. E. Smyth his roll for 1902. I John H, Roger, of Dresd',a N. D., 'Men's Fur OVerCOatS was groomsman. The bride wore a$19500.0110 god Qtters, cloth outside is all Miss .Maggio B. Lamont, grnuddaugh- , (formerly of this township) is home oil i 3 only Men's b nr Lined Overcoats, g gown of broad cloth trimmed in simple ter of Will. Sheddeu, is visiting here I a visit to his parents, him aud blrs• wool beaver 30 ounces to the yard, lining inside is muskrat, style and the bridesmaid a costume ex- _ In lewood. He intends spending a Worth of HighClans Ready -to -Wear Clothing to �:.. „$,!5 from Michigan. She came back with � g actly like the bride's. The groom, how- Mrs. Robert Shodden who was visiting couple of months in this section. He Gerrlan otter roll collar, worth $40.00 sale glee to clear.... • . P ever made no mistake in giving the sal. i there for a mouth. left here six yt ars a o and this is his Cleared out during this Sale at :t great SaCi1F1Ce 1 1• ute. The party tool: train on Christmas first visit home. He has ev^dyntly dole -Underwear Bargains for Saturday Sydney Bolger, of Belmont, .her'Mall., afternoon for short trip. The good better in that country tit farming than spear his Xmas holidays at his father's - tS7 pieces Underwear, all different sizes and nuali•ies, some mired wishes of a large carols of friends attend Jas, Bolger. Re is well pleased with working at rile millin',t business as that wool, some all wool, just the ends of our 50c and 650 Foods, 39 her to her new home at Gorric. the West and is doing well. We wish was his occupation here, for he looks %�A • • , • , , , , • • • , , , .... , .. - hale and hearty. Ladies' Jackets and tors of all kinds at honey -say Saturday price '''' him continued prosperity, Prices. + - � Irl•ItattngPAniiiesand LlsngurinSlllotoLes •. '... 1111 Thev place many young girls at a Catarrhozone, x1L•'LGRAVR Al `Gents' Furnishings �� .�., great disadvantage in life. The only est to Tcure is it blood pnrifer like Ferrozone. An instant relief and perfect cure for Mra, Wilson, who had the m We have all the latest isfortune Large assortment Of goods 117 every departmentles, Collars, Cuff Socks, Gloves, i Handkerchiefs, latest in T etc, It cleanses the crimson flood of poisons colds, coughs, catarrh, deafuess,astlllua, Ito sprain her wrist severely some time Choose from. and impurities, renews and strengthens bronchitis, lung trouble and consump- ; use is slowly recovering. it, and makes lots of red corpuscles that tion. ! - Black Curl Gauntlets, worth $1.25, sale 79e. manifest their presence by a ruddy, Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes any Mrs, F. Stalker returned to the village 1 h 1 l l time all 1 it kills a cough or cold in the last week after a visit of four months to k Men's HeavyMitts 190. ' 4 Ths evremony was pprforined by Rev. being a paralytic stroke. Mr. Rlecl boaltily glow i11 t• le c ee is ant Ips, 1 Ferrozone quickly masters all skin ernptious—builds rap broken-down ern- head. her danghter, Mrs, W. J. Sturdy, in Inhale Catarrhozone four times daily Loring, Parry Souncl, catarrh, I �i E. > �. (� �® ��% ♦,✓ v CO stitutious, and dives to weak, sickly wc• men an abundance of cpirfts, vitality, and itpermaneiatly cures chronic deafness, asthma and hay fever. Mr. and Mrs. Benr^,Oltnh are both, we I to bed, Mr. .1 g 4 L y► u•ea t+ I a �(lV �1iIAM. �NTAIRYO, energy and beauty. Try Ferrorone, its ala right. Price 50c per bnx,or six boxes Inhale Catarrllozone ten minutes are sorry to say, col;fiued every !lour and it cures Pneumouia,Con- I Bengoughhas fuflammatoryrheumatism i p ! y, ,,qq _ O C60SIt� Bank of Hamilton i'iighest price �lt6°il fill' Pf , l for $2.50 at druggists, or N. 0• Polson L. sutra tion, Lung trouble and prevents all' ions diseases, Complete outfit and Mrs Benrough with cancer. L �.-�r�..,r_.. i. ,..wan yiltr,litiYli.c(a Y' '=w- AI.'. 1114: i1Y, 4111 it)b04+e00+Ob00®QOs4►000e•► 6040++O+OOese0+0�+++0lr++40 8 -'Kingston Sold b A. & CO., , Ont. y Hamilton. conte , , ••.YYf&L g $1.00; tridL slee'25c. Druggists, or N. Three car loads of Cattle have been 0. Polson & Kingston, Ont. shipped from Here this wt.ek. s PP Co.,' g ,� e ® 0 + NVIC STxrrI.L1). I �, _ e __ R. Bruce, proprietor of the hotel lea s Mrs, David Patterson, of Ch sley,dte d from the effects of burns received while �? ?; + e d At four o'clock on Christmas eve CULROSS. sold his hotel and stable to Jas.Stretton, I 7 f rt,anm of $4 250 Mr. taking a vapor bath, + n • wecdding bells chimed merrily at the Word was received by Air. Jas. Reid of Brusse s, or e , + 0 home of Mr,and Mrs. Mark Mnson,when recently that his brother Daviel of Hart- Stretton will not tape possession until AprilFre,9. + © their only danghter, Dora, was united in nee Man., ftarmerly of Culross, had disci ( P `T 0 wedlock to Mr. Will. Blair,of Westfield. I oil Tuesday, Dec. 23, the cause of death DIr. alld Mrs. R )bt. Armstrong, of � e- 0 W"� 4 - N, D• k t are vxsit,um the ;' f VY III Glty, a o a, •, ,, ,� 4Analm ® J. J. ITnstia, pastor of the Beirave calve to Culross in 1535, but shortly letter's mother, D11s, McKenzie. ,+INN Ar Z 0 Presbytorian church, amid the presenco afterwards went to Quebec Province Mr,and .tiTr: J. Stalker, of Lueknow, ± of about 100 invited guests. Tho bride I where ale resided some six or seven 1 hurl lir. R. Stalker, of Aubnrk, were I' 4. 0 and groom entered the parlor to the 1 years. Coming back to Culross he took c visititi-at D,tu CTuddes last week. E;� . The DTarket Bakery Bre' v strains of the wodding march, played the land on which he resided up to Mrs. R. Sterling, of Melita, MauitO f, t perfection itct7lf, White, b 0 t DTi s Christina McClinton. 'Elie I {liras or Your years ago, lot ?.S, con. i,' ba. is renewing old acgaaintauees xu _ x y „� Y sweet centre: •ich, brown,] e 0 ,y s bride hurl groom were attended by Miss Culross. At this time he went to live! this c0lammlity,ti ... crust, Mas,• molded, + Ida Tunuoy and W. John Potts. The with his son in Hartney, who conducts Dir. and Mrs. Watt Allison have got .��v t y .{ ' '}t j and delivered i+t just the v bride was gowned it, white crepe de a very successful veterinary practice. I completely settled in their nely home. p , ,• ti, win your appioval. arrived: A case of Salmon Trout, shipped 0 clime trimmed with cream lace and For a few years before going Nest, Mr. Their many friends Isere wish them a est a long, hap life to�etlter. e J 0 earl triululln�s, hurl •.vote the custom- Reid retired from active life. ` t Py a nwt:r , + from Port Arthur, caught in Lake Superior. p Herb Wheeler,oP <�sctnaba, is visiting i'z.� , 1 �- + ary bridal veil and carried a boqust of A very pretty wedding tools place at I s . +„ ,,» ALL KINDS Gt TRY + Avery choice fish. "`` + ') white lilac blossoms. The bridesmaid Highgate Farm, the home of Mr. and under rile p trrutnl root. 1dU �b D 1 N G C A UCAS a st7ota+ ,+ 0 wore a costume Of orsteel grey,trimmed bars. John Thacker,on Wednesday even- Mr.,. 4 au Ln Norman paid a fiyiug OU I _W a� MORSEL ALSO a Case Of �V 1]itefisll, caught in Labe with Creatu silk and pearl trimmings, ing Dec. 21111, when their daughter, visit to friends in the village. We have all 0 latest rax r crier fish the flavor of 91iss Ella Taylor mtLdtl !L pre+try littlt� LVitcs Aggie, w:ts married to Dir. William �1 very inter •snug and pretty wedding + �ti innipeg• A very sup cry, and till '. is loo axe + + maid of honor and was also dressed in H, Leeson of Kincardine Township. At, took place at. ?Iii• Com 111 dious residence A�ld tt n ltnrt t" (of 1vt1rts ar• of lel oar L'uIl- + which is excellent. 0 Y whito ere e•cle chane. The bridesmaid the hour of seven o'clock to the strains `of Reeve ?1'lWallum on Wednesday fe,•tioneri 11•lly ata Uwil �toty of tmrity and sending to th=a city for, „If.t•tinn. All nur,•andix4 art �tl:etlr fresh" breat,or tIlutt; . +S aud maiclp,f holltlr eaC.11 carried a bo .net >ntdelssolln's Wedding Marcll, I evening, Dec 31st, it being the marriage Hurt and delivitms. The tlltc,t,<•.�t as vl, ll a, p " + q I of DZr + '®®m'�'' " "" �� 0 of flowers. The bribe received a until- played by Miss Gregrgena Million, the of his dcui ),ter, :+osis. At pr©:isely grit most es11• 7•Ivt•. D, LOU 43 H l + i Tlie snlwricrrity of our •+ 0 bet• of handsome and useful presents. bride entered the room on the arm of i b o'clock the groom, Mr. Edgar Vincent, + Ere. '� 9 After the ceremony all exeellout dejenu• leer father and tools her place beside the tools his place ill the dravviub room hurl Chocolates, Boli Bons, ` Opposite to Prest7v;, �ia,i Cilurtl + 4 � o or was sctrvecl, •0110,1 w.1s followed by � groom under it beautiful arch of white I a few lnolnel l", Inter, tilt; bride looking I attt•�tt;t i,y tile• anal,+.its.• «r>, 1 d:t:lr. j i,, ,�.T H } j e o� �a..a 1 I Music, games aud sncial chat, all of design, decorates with f;olclen lulhmlli ,her sweet, Charming self, ;;ovvnecl in s . 9 �.,`, { MA -h the guests vo i ived. leaves. The bride was prettily gowned pretty dress of white ntnsliu with trim• I 1 , Star Restaurant ..d—+ + +,++.++e0++eee4ee+ee*oee•a+e•t ra++aoeeeaeeoe+t++"�•®�+se ' ----o--- in cream oashlnera trimmed with silk � sslings of lace au,l ribbon and carr�•ln» a' The Scottish fig lin; fleet of 500 boats, and Carried a large bouquet of white j bmgnet of white ruses, entered, the room -• �-�- -" ruses and wore white roses in her hair, f leaning on tht• :trtu of her father. Brides -1 ®ivvvFY®v®9v®vTS v®O��Ovvv�OF�vv�vvvvvvvvv'G (Svllich hag been cul a#tc=1f in the Iterriug; j TTVTVOavWvvv . voyage, froin Yarnion,It shwo the begin• 'There were no attendants. Rev. Samuel j with anti .lore ri-moil .vett dispensed ® `� iu: , f t );sober, is n nr hems. A bola's i Dempster of Toronto performed the? � vv itfl and tl,f t t t n:uuy -,vas performed ® !o •t oy l.t t. J. J 11 till the presence o. d . ► ; ! claming for th•7 six w,•t•kv has ranyecl � t ert:muny. � S Y t r g Cu Weduesdal*, Doc. 31st, t.,c home of 1 over one h:l a ay. trtl „net . The ► 'V ; fr in :S•:'.0 t.t ? 00 C :e earnings of the!.111, ie was the Cere11101)y lit. ! 4t.lt:.',:1.1t11l,l tto118 over + ! r Mr. and Mrs. Jolla Karel I c"tt11!t t•,Ilua , In do tel ; tiro herriul, ( 1 p Y : c t h, carters wh1, have carried o j stens of a pretty wedding, when their � repast ct to t.t ul 1:n ru,1n, ,vllere all {,u 1, au ! daughter,11iss Mary K. I3ardie was 'the dallltir:s tee *t• :. ret„ iu ltbtltulanet. ri� ' ' WINTER,f� y i5� +. ©: bllnirt+ thi .tyo , :tt Yatuloutil, are l Q a w a i 1 t< jT spaYA Gk: ® , a' assort- lltltted in niarrinf_.T,e t0 9Tr. �Villiatil C. ; til,It UVB r thb t''1't :lin» Tht Spells ill Songs, ` �� `-01� r) U ► IS Orie thing `,t'e'e have the le, tt7, OUC d Y I.st elated tit 11 q rirter of a willion stet• , I c j Homuth, of Turuberry.D.l'errity Ir:ones aud dnnCulc•, '1'ln• l ri:la is ono of t ► 4 lilt:. 0.1Tlent of woad seat and leather seat diners is a ® � �- ,, � pastor of the Winghallt Presbyterial) i the 1110St 1tElpitlaT i U13U. ladi,•s o° this v eiltirell performed the ceremony in the plaeo stud th many t:sc•ful nt:d Costly, ► marvel of Style, quality and cheapness. �' 40e 1prvsenC � of a number of invited guests. i pros rat 1 reeeivc'd ltv 1 Cr vcritird the ► tin' ���'�� ct �'illtr britic's ueire, 4liss Liz::ie Siwpson fact Tt+t+ ;;rooul, l d r �incollt, is a , SUITS SONLOOL COATS* AND �Wvr i3VvBr rY'a► 45►'a To health wnd happiness is Scrofnlr - asN.g G acted as Lridesmaid, and Dir. Albers f lrrlti let lr;ra-,lt,•, all, is well and, fav- ; v 1 Pas ualy as ever since time i:nmemoriC.r, iiuuluth, brother of the ;;roam, support ' c ably known here. He is now a pro-! at prcay near your own price. w. ► T TABLES tY • It Ca1YSC5 i,lYllChe9 ill the neck, diG• , , ,.•yt:11n, After a sulalltuonti we 1- 11. ,it'll- busbvt : 111.111 llf 5prill. field, to ��� •T_ �_��; ► EXTENSION TABLES In Meat variety. idtll „ i,eut t whirls Ilclr + h, .liar h,. ),ride left for on . ► •3 figures rile skin, Inflames the mncotlr ` ilio;; slipper tin, hup ly party 1 1 menlbrawl ., waste t t11C 1lltisClcs, tveai- very plrasatic t;veitill� ill dal?(.illy, t+t, ` hlirsday :t'tt t, �.-1 (it' tilt :)••'-3 traits SIDEBOARDS -Nile largest and best cele-ct-:cl st)cl~ ens the bones, reduces tI1G power o� 17t)t.'t miss tl�e; January I>�tr yin, r c t:ho'CZ:St tVt)t)t15 111 Ilse lit j'1,110 presellts were? „ninerous and costly, tuuill shcnvta +i ler' :raft the of the latest designs and .t res1A.A_nc . to dlstm ;,_ alld the capacl+y air aud DTra. ricn,utla will tai + n;+ tit tlu•fr in:l:l,r ' pp I n: felt {licit Futuro jl the III of up-to-date furniture• for reedfverp, and Sevelopo into cel:' honsvkeephig oil the grootll'S far,la In 1,:lppill'•�•,, ►• sunlption. i ri'nrnbe,ry hart theyllave the best wishes 1 ✓ �1 ~ n rl r I ttll•e7 ' , , SIV + "' • i lilt+711 ,r f ill l kind.-; of f U it scrofula cored . , , fru ads for 1.1,x. , + , a,, t »• • of I} t 1 ! o „ had f ', • 'i , t lint. 1 ldren 1 , •dull, u . A -0 -IT complete C of to c li ' l sal t v. Z, A ti Carr a ! rue y dot t ,, h, y ,4 which l apt growbt dcei•Cr anUC d kept their t lrs of a happy and prosprruus wedded �.ec rt tarp of tht. has 1weli t`1=,7NC11 ()lttartu. • from t;o Ig t0 s:'ht101 for three i,1011tilt'� fl'. 111 1 .: ))',•,rd's Dap .L11i:11U',`. ._....�.. 1_111.._. - ' roc:_r..b:,'.'.1•--,_._...._....._..-,...:._._.W _____ Ointments dnd nlecliciues slid 110 good unti. l C1: began l;iv in„ thel7, li+lod's r4arsaparlilr. Coughs, colds, lloarcaness, mud other throat i ► � •', ' r This n,t?dicuie CaltSed the sores to Mill, ata' Ret*. bre iXi£itlyd, of Clinton, ftlrut; rl_v aittneuts arenaic1;19 relit vedby�aUo CresO• r l tiro Children have shotvll no stuns of serot, of �Vinpha,u, alas received aud llecepted i lenetablets, ten eelltstlerbox. All druggists. V WALKER BROR, & u � � I Mosinee.,, a. W. AILGINN, Woodstock, U � ,a utsanliuotts invitationfront tide qn tr• Itt•v. %atlur:1iC':.etlal,li,,,whohas , ter r� , )Cate,1 at f'lilttttl for S)Ire tinlcl' I �• Furniture and Underta�lk2llig 4 ' ��d�?�f��<" 1Sy�Y`�d�l�D�i�iL(GP� � retia iltttirtdaf lirat`t� c.11urell, St.lhoml„ bt.etllt � Do. Ito I''ltrnitttre Store opposite rho Post (ifiitto. � � will rid you of it, radically and per. Gtobtvtll0irpa*t•)rforthenextcouferttucu; u� Yllunllu.Yl trt�ltsrrrrrcl toL�fddttlp ,� ,����. .•" _.: _ �{ &A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* AkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA " nnanently� as it )las rid tllousantls.. year.