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The Wingham Times, 1903-01-08, Page 4
e THE WING ITAXl LIV.St 41YAL, It'd Kt.rtatOl:.�z,e;, 1rvllYGUAU UAliK T 11iA$kc]!141ax poopp0oof*pHplNopNP:pMWlpos IlppppsoppR�pOppppOpopW►poo0�►oppppop•lppp•pApppMpo m Ml, N101P,AL ELEQTION I Wiu haul, sit, 7 1903. - Y The folio sin ; is tn,'� result ac rite quiet but pretty wedding took place 13 - = r+ _•, - t� l� want ( ! Corrected every Wetitiosday Afternoon AS. . �+ I( 0 muuiMipal clectiotl ill this distriatas far Jalti Burgess, wlaeu ]lisle xC+&ideuce of by Mussels 4ttxx. * JOHN KERR PEOPLE'S on, New ears day, at t1 tlyt � � as eve ]terve been ab'.q to ]carte:-•- � t g g �` 1' .O lung per lOtl ibe, . » , , .. l 8a to 2 5�1 s POPULAR STORE In, Wingham the council was elected, Lillian Airy Oliver, eldest .daughter of -.... , ... „F, U 6") { .0x11 Wheat to U 70 • acclamation, and is composed as fol- Thos. Oliver, of Toronto, was married Sprtug wileat........... 0 00 to 0 00 • 000 i (by p to W, J. Gillespie, also of that city. The vats..... 0 28 to 0 3p 0000.000ap0a00oc1000pi0a0o pOpOmOp®QOOpppOgptlpOppQ000(1x000@elpglora�l0e�rp0A?lp409 _ ]saws:- ayax, Ii. Vanstoue, Council- Iceremouy tank plat;q atgtuvett q'(loclrA 13ariey .. 0 +15 to 0 �0 Is,in the she e of a °Peas ....... u5to 0 70 fors Tlios Be11, S. l3entiett,A, Dalmaga.,, .,.. Yo' can. St38 I under au evergreen arch in, the aging. �l,urteys, drawn 0 11 to 0 12 i LL our goods are marked lit j��,caiii fi�uY'L'�. Brush and Comb J. J. Elliott, Robt, Mcltidoo. 6 p .. .,.. '.Cite room wasprettily decorated for the Geese, ....., ,•... • U 07 to 0 03 .• �tThen We ,Clll4t- � special �� prices _e Chief School Board—The election, in, Ward 3 oceats[oii with smilax and roves. lviiss the price ou every article. Case, Handkerchief 1 Dunks, per pair . ,,,... 0 6o to 0 75 P resulted in the return of A. E. Lloyd. Oliver looked very graceful and sweet Chickens .. , . .., 0 30 to 0 60 • Case, P e Y f u ill e S, The vote standing:• --Lloyd 01, Wilson in, it gown of wllito silk organdie anti Butter z �. , l� to 0 la o you call tell by looking at the price ticket ViThc`11, �` Special " prices ••..• IR,,,f Hair Blushes, Toilet i 34. The School Board is composed its carried it boquet of create roses. She Eggs per do ...... ...... . `� ti O n ° ioilowa: -Thos. Abraham, R. A. Dong- y, P C, awes attended by ]]lass Floraattce Bali, oY W Cr Coit 7 00 to 8 00 'ta �rrttcl�s, ' r • meal.] at t .. Wood per cord. , ..., , , , 2 QQ to 2 v0 . s ' ... his store. .. ... . lass, J. J. Hoinutlt, W w, llloorq, H. Kerr, Goderlen, who was gowned lit pink Putatoeg, poi bushel. .....0 50 to 0 60 • GOOCIS, etc., yOl1 Call A, E. Lloyd, C. N. Grifiiu and Ww, muslin with black trimmings. and Apples, per bag ,.......,,.0 30 to 0 50 • 13uttqur Tallow or 1b 0 05 to 0 06 • buy the very choicest carried a. baguet of pink ro.e5. Jas. Lard .. 015 to 015 ; SPECIAL JANUARY STILE SPECIAL JANUARY SALE Taruberry—Bolt 10.1; Bosmati 74, Burgess performed tho duties of grooms- Dried Apples per lb . , , 0 % to 0 05' • at Couplaud 211,. Felly 2130, McGee 112,. man and ]Hiss Mabel Oliver, sister of Wool ...... .. . . 0 13 to 0 15 • t Musgrove 294,Rutherford 193, S,:ott 167' the bride, played the wedding march Live Hogs, per owt, ...... v 75 to 5 45 OF w , The new council will be Reeve, Will. very acceptably, After the cerenionyColin � Ca � V��Wraickshauk Councillors—John Mus -which was pgrYortngd by i?ev.bit. Lowe, �■ rove Alex bell Jahn Con land and + d1 grove, y0 P rector of Sr„ Pauls in Wiu„haul, the Jahn.. Rutherford guests sat down to a dainty repast, after urors, • rs CLOTHIINU STORE 1 g intendingIRS �l�uRu�. Morris• --Old connil re-elected by ac- `which the bridal party left on tite 3 • Chocolates and Bon ciamation. train for Toronto. Their friends assaitt- • Bons in bo1:PS. Ills East Wawanosh—Reeve, A, B. Carr bled at the siation where they showered 1160, John McCallum 262, Councillors, the happy couple with rice aur] good It will pay you to see me, before plae- °Wm, Beecroft 301, ,Toho E. Ellis 293, wishes. The bride's travelling gown ing your business. TO ADVERTISERS. Nath.:Tohmton 165, John ]]Menzies, sr. was of blue cloth, trimmed with folds • Notice of changes must be left at this'233, Gaviu Wilson 181, Couucil for of cloth and pipings of velvet, white I represent purely Canadian Com- : We wish to turn all our Par MEN'S OVliIiCOATS offiganatlater than Saturday nolo(., 19W—Reeve, John McCallum. Couu- sill blouse, and hat of fawn beaver, panics. • goods Into money this muni]], ".Che copy for changes must bee A and to encourat:?e you to buy llil.v'S UI.STHI2S not Tater than Monday averring. � tailors, '1Vm. Beecroft, John E. Ellis, The bride ',vans the recipient of many Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town y g properties for sale. e ” 10 percent off LOys, OvEitCOA'r5 " -Casual advertisements accepted up I John Menzies, sr., and Gaviu Nilson. pretty and useful gifts together with early we afle: to moon Wednesday of each week. I Vote on bridge by-law: For 113, against good wisfies from her friends for the AB COaSvENS. • N14 New Year aur] for life. Among the out • N I,2N'S SUITS E6TABLI6fiED'872. I Wroxeter—Reeve and one Councillor of town guests to the wedding were LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT`. w LADIES' COATS Mrs. Gillespie, of Toronto, M. J. Bar- CAPES I30Y5' SUITS THE WINOIIA1% Timm I elected acclamation. New notniita Council- on Mriday, Vote for County Council- .gess and childran, of Woodstock, Mr. • and Miss Little, of Orona, and Miss Bail Live atonic nlaarxocs. • lors: Doig 111, Ferguson 21, Miller 69. • CAI'ERIVI'aS g,g,�,I,IgT�j`,p>ZRLI6t3SItAICApltgritlETOR of Goderich, TORONTO, Jat) G.—Tile total • For the month (if January at a West Wawanosh—Reeve McQnillin' Mrs. Morrocw.of Wingham spent New cattle received yesterday at the cattle r RUFFS, Etc, discount of 25 per cent. rrHURSDAX, JAN. 8. 1003, acclamation. Councillors—Camerou,Mc- Years at Mr. R. N. Duff's. market was unusually large, amounting Lean, O'Connor and Taylor. Miss Hzrriet Saunderson of Toronto to 110 car loads, composed of 1,744 • sheep, 1,390 hogs, an10 d 25 • They must go! cattle, 2,000 s1 BY-LAWS DEFEATED. Brassels—Reeve, S. Wilton, Cannell- is visiting Uri,. J. Diment. •. per('r diacnunt for the As will be seen by the returns of the I Tors—G. E. Blair. Samuel Plunim, A. The Woman's Institute meets to -day calves. montl-' of January only. ; We haven't room for them voting on the waterworks and sewer Baeker, Robert Thompson. The by-law (Thursday) at 2.30 p. ui. at the parson- Good veal cattle continue to be want- providing for a loan of five thousand age, ea. • ' ' bylaws, given is another column, both P g , dollars to the Loeb^ridge Bros, for the Miss Polly and Mr. Cla- ton Duff re. The market for lambs was fair and by-laws were defeated by narrow uta purchase and putting in operation the Monday. hogs were steady, • , turned to Listowel out ,]..Duda €, • jorities. Perhaps the main reason that P P At the opening the prices of export • Brussels woollen mills carried by 15 Wesley Demean is attending school in 0 SPECIAL JANUARY SALE OP,. Ladies' Tailor-made skirts and. Coats Our regular prices for these per' feet-fitting er- feet•fitting garments are "very Ell low, but we wish to cle2n up the stock, so we offer you a discount 1 ' of 10 per cent, off LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SILIRTS AND COATS for the month of January only. RUBBERS these measures failed to secure a major- ity of the votes polled may be found in majority. j y Clinton. cattle showed a slight disposition to sag, Probably on account 0f the large • • I: I Sl'I `" Remember our "special," it ices t ®®© �g ��++ +I t Oyer- the fact that there Was not a proper Clinton—Mayor, Jackson. Council- Miss Bell Fowler left last week on, an l Fo l but sales passaad �>fi with animation, and Jiioo019it7 I''resit Lake Herring arriving '• on Heavy, Rubbers and !�. understanding of the schemes on, tete Tors—Combe, Ford, Joyner,Hover, Stev- extended Gait, Stratford and the market, closed steady without any et err week 25c dozen shoes. " "'part of many of the property owners. ensou, Overbury. Ayr, q notable changes being made in, prices. • We are just in receipt of a large I.stice Ilerring No. 1, in kegs. 82.25 Rubbers for ;t1.90 The sparse catteudauce at the public Seaforth--Councillors—E. Hamilton, The would-be councillors made it live The following are the quotations: shipment of Brooms, and they ' •� r 51,65 Ot ershoes for 1.40 meeting called to discuss these improve- M. Y. McLean, J. M. Best, John Stew- ly about the village oil Monday. Joseph Burgess and son,of WooclstoRk; CATTLE. ° • • are splendid value. r Lnbradnr Herring in kegs. l,fi.t Overshoes for 1,40 Overshoes for 140 meats, lndicated an apathy on, the part I art, W. H. Willis, James Archibald. few days with his fc>tha't, Mr. Shippers, per cwt...... $4 50 6 5 00 60 • • Prices, 15c, '20c, 25c, 30e each. I Smoked. Iladdie, etc. 1.80 of the ratepayers in, regard to them. — Public School Trustees—John. John. Rankin, spent a Dor, light............ 4 25 4 • That an efficieut system of sewage W, Ballautyue, Alex. Stoble, A. P. John Burgess last weep, ` " " Butcher, choice .. . 3 75 4 25 �mOB�m'®000�Om00®OA0000®O®800@s®m®00m®®SO®00®Oe00o0Y disposal is neccessaxy in Wingham, from Joyut. The many studt�tits of Bluevale, re- Butcher, ordinary to 3 25 3 50 a�®pmQO®®s ® ®g14a+�E9@OPJOOm+000 a sanitary point of view, few will deny, time itn- Goderich—ylayor, E.N. Lewfs.major- turned to,their res high schools on Af()aay• Butcher, titer, inferior ...... 3 40 3 75 25 0® BLOCK,A M 0. KERR and that it is already some ity of 267. Councillors—W. T. Mnriiey, Clayton Duff has returned to Listowel Stockers . • • • • • • • • • • • AND LAMS. ° JOHN KERR JAS, provemeut was made in the present ` is also a fact I Robt. Thompson, C. A. Reid, G. M. • - after a few weeks sojourn with his SHEEP Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 25 3 40 A I Lt [1 A .. gystem of fire protection, Elliott, C• A. Humber and J. P. Browfi. Yearlings, per cwt,..... 3 75 4 50 la t�� Iv w Lich cannot be controverted. These will require atten- Kinloss—Reeve. 1+'rank Henry—Couli- father. Anniversaryservices will be held in Spring lambs each P g ' Bucks. r 000®®0©@®00000@00©Om®Ot►043u3 m0A@®At➢P30if Q)19.0sa0®000®s®000 000® 6s®® O®00000®000.0.0 are matters which tion—anti the earlier the better T Sud cillors J. H. baake, Joh t 1 cDouald, J. S McKenzie, and DarMeDouald were Bluevale Presbyterian church next Snu- • • ......r..... CALVES, rIILKE 30 00 50 00 While making; an expenditure for these inter- ° all re-elected by it�bfatnation. day when Rev. J, Al. Aull, of Palmers- ton,morning and evening." ton, Cows, each .......... , . Calves, each,.......... 2 00 10 0 tlana]!lasla�ilLYltlfihl5tliilll.iu.,: IIt°I11IJlIEfi purposes, would it not be in the the town generally to spend a ° KiucardianeA:tlV John Ruttel. will preach A grand soiree will be given in the Hoos. Choice hogs, per cwt... 5 75 6 00 ^ J� esus of little more money on, a system of water { ulna Win. n ill a —H M. Le ear W Con, c prf• 1; Q ! , la iu church on Monday , n chu c foresters hall and dr .. 5 5"v per cwt . . hong, p 5 50 5 75 5 75 , p%ot �m Drag.•�.O,r� o the ���f Drawn V k for domestic purposes which would '-iuuter, P. Flett, W. Henry. Water evening 12th, when addresses will be g Heavy Bogs, per ctvt... Heat/ 3 7r 4 00 b 8 i i a W or s Commissioners—S. Henry, Jos. Barker. in a very short time judging from the, given by Revs. Messrs. John Aull, F. Sows, per cwt ... , ..... 0 �-v y ,• Stags ................. 2 00 2 50 "� experience nt ocher towns where Ouch Lucknow—Reeve, A. T. Davison, Swalt and G. M. Dauu. .Music will be systems have been installed,not-only pay Couateillors—W. C. Treleaven, D. Sher- rendered by the Wingham Presbyterian How Often when you read of the pro - for its Duan maintenance, but produce a j riff, G. R, Lawrence, J. N. Brown. choir and by a gramaphone under the Rev. Mr. I McLelland, of Tiverton, con- Ceedings of Parliament you wish you could revenue. Listowel—Mayor, F. W. Hay, Coun- direction. of Mr. Skilling, of Teeswater. ducted services in, the Wingham Presby - "see them at it." Notwithstanding twit an insufficient cillors—Wm. Pelton, J,S. Meyers,Henry Everybody welcome, teriau church on Sunday last. number of proper ty owners voted in I Horne, R. Woods, C. Prueter, F. W. I --As Laurier in stately diction and impas- favor of the 'uy-laws on Monday to Featherston. The by-law for the town WROXETis'r. -- sioned eloquence delivers his speech on the warrant their enactmen t,there is aray of to take over the electric light and water- Air. T. Fr Sanders took it trip to De budget, gaff hope in +'he fact that such a compara- 'works wits carried by a large majority. troit for the holidays. lively ,targe number � ed themselves I pro —when Borden analyses, sifts and criticises, Clifford—Reeve, H. Bekenswiiler, A load of young people of Gorrie gave �. `` SORDEt�: —and Cartwright thunders, onrerordat the poi,,: 'sari r:ovingof the 'i Councillors—J. S. Hoemaker, W. H. Mr. and Mrs. B. Mutch a call last week. ]loses WPO -1 uieuts. And the opiu- 1 Scott, J. Fritz, G. Howlett. School Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson had six j —while Fisher tells Wlly� n . °- figures, n has been expressed that the, councilllen the butter �VOri't • ma"""r —and Mulpcli ti Trustees—Al. B. Matheson,l2hH. Graef, of their daughters dining with them on, dt cif 1003 should not let the matter .. drop, M. Smitb. New Year's day. One daughter all the - —and Paterson explains. but should keep it on the order paper, as Cop.' put a penny in the .;,,. I Teeswater—Reeve, P. Pu`rvis. Conn- way from G aacouver. •/.,�> it were. Itis possible, therefore, that I cillors, J. EYAllS, W. Hardy, J. Thacker, Mr. A. McGuire D. D. G. M., of churn," is all old time dairy `-!, � Yes, you ltrdnt to see them, these questions may be kept prominen'"- ID. Ferguson. Brussels installed the Oddfellow officers ipTOVerb. It Oftel] SCC111S t0 i 'iyp°t ly before the minds of the ratepayers on Monday evening. . > ---Seo Ross Count votes and again at no distant date submittec,L work thou h,no one has ever ---and Whitney, the same. raxsse0l aJxingare�s acxts�• Miss Gerrie Barris, daughter of R. B. g for their approval. f i Boston, Jan. 2•—ror some days no I Harris, is on the sick list. F told Gti`lly. See them all, just as they are in their rloTEs AND COMMENTS 1" port warranting new quarantine I A number of our citizens attended the When mothers are worried most interesting moods—their crucial mo- i m'� asures has be n received relative i funeral of the late Albert Willits on, The homestead 0autries in Canada for to ;t.he foot and mouth disease among Saturday. because the children ` do not ments, just as they stand with arm upraised the calendar year just closed numbered ` ' Massachusetts cattle. This has I Mrs. Charles Scott of Vancouver B.0 . gain Strength and flesh we or finger pointing. 22,1'94, 901 I strengthened the conviction of Dr as compared with 9'115 in 1 r ` ' Poets, chief of the cattle bureau, is visiting in, this vicinity. len] cr1Ve them Scott's Emul- being an increase of 13.019. Viat the disease in the common- ( Mr. Rentoul and family of Wawanosh say PaAT"ISb 'rhe three bye -elections for the Ontar o wealth has passed the dangerous are visiting a0lr.Alat Sanderson's. Mr. I Sipa]. N Because the Toronto Deily Star's Legislature were held yesterday in, North ;stage. Rintoul lost his arm in, a threshing , It is like the penny ill the p n* ,tlY e eh and North Norfolk. I Parliamentary reports are illustrated with Berth '_,-,x. f I3nxxttirs Infest I{wttngsi. 1 machine. The arm is almost heasta to I ]Milk because it works and sketches drawn from life at the moment, you '7Cbe ">;IaiEs goes to press too early to Victoria, B. C., Jan. 2.—Hong bliss Sin clar, our lady teacher started ,1. give the result of the voting. ; Kong despatches to Japanese papers oil Munday to teach, aatd boards at .lir. ' 1pcCatlse there is something r , ; , get the most vivid impression of the �vap they izegkonitfh the seat of Senator Blassou, � dated Dec. 10, says that one-half of Hartley"s 2`. <)X say and do things in Parliament. �+ Kwand;sf Province is now in the aStO111Slllllg about 1t. - f Who has been absent for two years, as ;Landis of bandits. News from wet- John Harris is vision; at W tlkerton ) -vacant, tiro clsatlt of Senator Armand Iands'ci tells i a goe mining boom with Alvin Hemphill. Scott's I:111L11S1011 is simply � g The Star's own sketch artist illustrates leaves six appointments to be made to there. Mr. Reuben Wendt, who lass been a milk 0t pure cod liver oil the reports Of Tli.he Star Parliamentary the upperhelping his brothers, ratutti•;tl last Sun- h SO ne by to hosPhites debates. 1 chamber. When these •ire • -- -- _ � , .Cit 1' l p • __. to 'Ilildin :y. died the Senate will consist of 42 • You can get the, Toronto o Daily Star straight I.iberuis and 39 Conservatives, � Mss :iia g'o lli�Ie�, oP '1'aronto, is e:;lycCially l71'epared for delicate home for a short tittle. every week -day next year along with this a Governmelit majority of three. ! �t �� Vim ;itoi11aC11S. The total membership of the Honso of `91 McMichael Bros. have arrived home paper for �`�.�®, Subscribe direct Or front M�tnitobat They look weal. Children tape to it naturally Cotnntuns is reduced frotn'214 to 210 as amu. - r: ��T lair. ai3d lags. Ilenry Allen, of Wiug- 1)CCaL15e tiley like the taste through ofiiCC Of this paper. ar result of the census- Ontario will WHITNEY lose six members; Nova Scotia two; I `(I was given up to die with ham, were visiting friends hero on Sun. l and the remedy takes just as t trick eonsum tion. I then began ; day last. John Bray drove Mr,. Allen I -^v , New l;runswielc oue and Manitoba gains . '� q t' to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I f home on Sundry evening and Mrs.Allen l naturally to the cllilclrcli bc- three members: British Culawbia and ; i+ lmpro at once and am now iii atayca over until T'nes(la,y cause it i:; �.o perfectly adapted 1'rineuL+d°d ward slaudwillg-tinuueeach.° t." ttrfectltcalth.79—Cttas. 1;, Hart i I „ � t' and the l 1-; 1 Mt�s I;a�vrie lllaclau him of I3rntvu If the Northwest Territories tf I (,ity, Miuh., tvhn ltas been visiting tri they to their �c�ants.' Ynkutt w(°re dealt with in tine sante ' fry y ratan GII.bsto n N. X za 1; -or all -,yet t c pa a - x s YdcH ' *�'""""'"""'""" _ vicinity for same time returned to ltcr i 'Ll' '.rid IC and xu nor as thct pruviuces, the organized E: It's too 1lClijly ]playing I home last week. ilial] Children �COtt's IJmulsion. l9 d' trit`ts of the territories wonldl be un- . c + ailed til fi members suit] ilea Yultou to i 'vtal your tough. is the most SfLt1Sf actor y treat- ✓ i llO 1ii1` �f tlliMla x(011 -- .� •ra 1. { t� , I AYLGI TIN X 'AttS. ]]lent. a' Foe ov.,r Sixty' yeaartf. `' 9:i1�.1"t",� It �" i l IJt�. d�i�1VIl Vide Vvill send yott � n 'J Gavcrnor-Gonoral's rteceptin on New �. •. + •� 'R �• An t)ldl anal 4i'ell-irle(lliemetlg'--i Zrs ! °6t i 1p il➢ Olde lLtllg9 nail] I dear's Attemlod 10y over Goo. � � �_= ;* t11e penny, wink.O s Soothii) :syrup inns he. n t s(d 1 , 5" _ C i 2 - I 'S .,(.1' illple free. !r"" +t , �•� f oul:reixtyyears by0nilliunsoftuuthers; the i",1 � ��gll C OiCI. yy SJ% Ottawa, ,Tan. alis Dxcellcnry t .� ..,. �di0lyOClt -} 1lr'n wllllE? teetltin<x, tvitli 1 rr' �{ f'1 u 1 rho isnVCriigr (iE'ttCr<tl'S :*TCut' TCai'S ; i re sura dant tlria pietura in four their (vial l ( ➢ ; ^v u i l� *rY 1 t it s t r 500,1t n+ the furan Of,a 1110 is on the r<r_ „nM21_X r`° "�FJp" �..., �p,�ep,/tfect. rtntrd+ess. It studies the clnld„ ?., .a 'reception wa.3 attended by n Cvltattler of evoy battle of�� -, =.t ��� .� �• �= so t( -an the pants, all;rya all pawl, curps ; ill .f, Pectoral ul"ld Sttlil 1 the iarge4t. for year. Ills i *:cellency ! ; y,,xn,at<.tion oubuy. - wind Colic, 81101 is the b^st i•c:mt dy fur t � ! was; attentled by a guard of hottot � W' y l ' Cil gll' ' aliail•rh<t*a. It is plE�:isant to the tasty. � front the iocztl t,atrri:;cit, anti X.t)rd ; r'--^°' �C N , I � �, O- � .,dl. '�� 0"CT ;5;• 17,C1'VV l byr dru{tltittttt hi every part of tilde vrosRwv ,.,..:•, ""` ! iri.ndlttuaild, 7'.orti llyittaer, slid nearly r. d fir nn ar'0a.nrn (� Tw(•nt -flvt� t t t:r + a bC)ttlf,. Iti; .., j pl y all the lteadtlna.ttet;5 (siert veao re `� {�� �tV7'r Kt4•,,?,,,.lad ti °'�. ... ,• t 1 fIR• „•iK•'-° rIt), A,1«' a*y1 ' lculable, ilii sunt you ask cal+t. ii .T1.(,, and RR 11 rine it itift •[,� a. ; t•, ,..•. ,".era ,,a. x.,ao+ w.,<„a•a,iics, I Petit, ifl tinilt)t'ltlr • "� t)1•tylito Ontario. kv °I..--?. d>C Il t y w,F'ty� _ r , „P rY,:iriiir , n• e•a ., p,' 1„ Dt•tY U!, • ' • l Dt tui Ertl Ills 1:•�t- A Li.a� . /ailti.�4,txt ; A rU^,Cj1St%', '�� MMP/ -• ' •, , �,. Idrd Wtn�inry n :+t' �thmg Syrup, said ; J. (,. �; �< Co.,71 i t iIM'i)t0r ;Ifaudu a(cuit 1 a � 5 �� "'•' ""� � ` a �,t� kind. � �Iq H ,�l , Y,•q ” kindi. - flA� � VM.x• .wry-'i`.'-...�.._..it._:::3..:'_'r�.w'.�..;::. 1� U m 13F�t➢�Fr WING .s.A i!