HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1903-01-08, Page 1I "'III: 11rivirlItAll" , 1 c. VOL, XXXII,. NO. 1613 AVINGUA3111 ONTARIO, THURSI)AY, JANUARY 8. .1-903, $1 A YEAR Wear Grows Shoes alid Ittibber.S. Onroserved Auction Sal ADDRESS AN, PRESENTATION. CANA A YET. Concert. and impletuents at lot i ,), con 1, Morris, IlSortsof Dishes The Scottis Unreserved auction stile of farm stock Ott Friday eveni g last. Mr. C. Dallas e And het: The Annual Scutt -4h concert, unflor On Saturday, Tatplary 4th.. Fovorytilirg received a very 1p) Sant surprise At big Co OjO14111501) ith tile iny lade, For all Stood Wa I tberiv-. Cha atiltiCeS of O'VMI L Caledonia, Sons of to be sold as the proprietor has rented holue, oil Gputr- street, wilighain. IN ALL 609T$ OF WARE or Callad Scotlitud will be ]lei;- In oppra house this, his fa w Mr. Dallas Her rollitigatream her vordarit, plaiva, t till. Wra. L, ) racor,orop, A Mae. $0010 few ec--s 090 oaraiii alfopl;,il, nixie; 11 W ul come right straight to this store et ee, lops ril From centre to th main, .971 tie W 3 sing,': Ira brandy to know that you e (Thursday) evening, T'he talent ig tile Ewen, 4uptiotteer, severed his counec-Jon %81,h the G.T. R. And I U I ig best tll0 could be Lie cured and the coo.; gl.a. W, the minute you need soinetbilig as Ra on his divisloi. lie had Tet throe . harp, a d flogeole, 11A this line, cert will be one of r) a beat ever hi -14 Ill. Chath been connected i0mill the G. T. R, for t Chatham. Qrworks. Prolong the sweet efrain Wiv;bam. TLe see -es have been o(:Jliug obat'llnut upwards of 43 yea -a. The section vest Firemen 11 raise, a oil. r f r Canada,; And you tett be sure before you V017 fast and pavetiet-. who wish to at -tend a bat' a defte't of In this division co,­ld not lot the oppor. The laud that's A' Ur alu. ys come that What YOU Wi$11 Ton Calt $1.277 tour years ag - On Nov. 30th, ; should secure their ickets early at Bass', trinity pass witho showitigtheir appre- get. 4002, there wag a. v lug bi, uAllk of The niaplo waves up a our -bills, loWion, of Mr. 11 1 oh $3,00 was, banded over he (Iftle. I thia evening. Dat, evenlim, anumber.--f the men called at Sweet w JA h r tile fiba by the volumissiours to tjio city. No big -to book store and avoV the rush at the hall !Ing and on Friday Special Some Elegant '726i of whi. The plus olershod his home and ores,"var"er" '01 .54 Ing the, four yearn $1 400 was expended ))lillns rated Mr. And Mrs. 91' j filling to rent. with two big handsome easy Dinner cets Wanted--. Qeveral 01-8.1 1 the Vale; Sweet ado, flowers 9 Oil Improvellieuts Qi- the Works, The .1 we lo" laud my Inds, Apply T. J. 11aguire, I - And wee we Oro t We, Bran" Prict,,q for 07 piece sets from. $6.00 above is axwotbe r exiiLiple to show that c iaurs and. read tlif-lollowing address: That; feeds the bra a and free-, Kit -Qure for the most to$15,00. Allnewgoods. China To! - Cuovmr, "YLAs, Canadian lakes and *0osrs and municipal witterivorl g. cart be loads a istusit , " tea sets from $3.00 to $10.OD. Death of Howi'.k Resident Roag'uwaster Q. T. R. Canadian wilds I r nis; anuca r r1C S Paying investmello. to. a town or city. DRAn Sin, —WR he employees of the' Tlien raise a cheer or CaLuda, Toilet sets frorp t,1.50 to; 810.00 Mr. Albert Willits, a ,vfsl-kilowxl re- Home of the bra a and free..Cases. When: all ath!, rn. Beautif ill and attraotive designs Grau I '111raxilt t1way, irrespective sident of Howiok tom nsbip di d oil Dec, now patterns, Stippled and gold. 31st. Re was Ili Wit gliam tile clay be- Or,.&.To.N PormaAaT,—Life size, for Of the various ( epartments, desire The Lilly blooms u on the plain, give us a trial, Aal $2,OQ, 1 Arnistrou& & Co's Studio, b t ) seize t X c ion of expressfig • Where Wolfe b sberoes, led, fore Christmas and on his way home a 00 10ftnoy oldnaofill kinds forXin Its contracted a cold wb oh deisloped into the deep sense of logs we feel in you The rose adorns I e rbolry steepi money will ba trade. Call vurly and got choice. I Pioneer Resiments. Where Broc a brave champions severingy0ar the an FOR. 1, DY— Prices reasouabli;, Pliennioula, and aft, r a Week's Illness conue lou Grand bled, it we not savis 0'4j The sixth Ituo of Turn )erry township Trunk Railway,ther by losing so worthy TbP rhoillrock be passed away, D vased halt been a Cid the thistle bloom; Apitirof flue Black Satin Juliettes has probably mote prwieer resident Yat just; the thing resident of Howiuk for in 1 8 1 a witu, so competen notlicial, and Su Wbore, Drawn' brave warriors lie, tiny Years. I fur afternoon and ev. tning wear, $1. He was his .1601 year Three oMer ii'em- living wirbiti, a abort (1statice of each I v,J nable all associat In Britain's oil -a, for British laws, 1 with C Theypeeled birliartlecry-, 75 A pair fine black,quilte(l Juliettes A s bars of Mr. Willits fa nily have been oil other than any Place in this district at During the forty ve years of your Thon rpuse it ch or for Canada, nectivii with the ompany you have Where I reed, mA heroes vie, #X, With fur trimmitl9t at least. There are oil tUt line eleven con 0011gl1a. F'11 $1.35 tile sitar list. GROCER rem idents—all Nvithill ii r tillus of 1.1 miles taxed it hearty inter t In the welfare (.f Apair'of Cardinal Slippers at $1,85 Prompt Delivery. We sigh not f(l: ',Tire lands we left"; P,40110 51, House to rent, nour Q. T. R. station. —whose li&g averrge over 80. The your falLlow employ es. A pair of Felt Low Shoes, fur trim- apply to T. A. Mills. names and ages are en herewith-- We Though undre Inwids are dear, $1,00 c have admired he gifts which ming; price as n' We prize the folds our hands have Sohn POW1.311 $7, Mrs. Po-voll 80; Thomas mail you Possess, tWk jealousy with oleft A beautiful line of Ladies' Felt N O T I C E. Property to Tender. Powell 84; -Al Mcicuald over 70; which yowl gaarilea the interests of the From forest) (louse nnildrear; Gaiters, V M $1.40 1 Miss MoDonald"! We'll kindly i ill our Itill kail yard, f w1flter Term 'Opens Ja, t 871 cPherson ()otic oil the or lialid, and on the Our towillininn, M_ Geo. McKoitzle,is Nap tyriint, : sporli we'll dreg; Children's Slippers at 35o, 40o and- .45 1! you wan b a house Ili Wingliam or otreritig all hN prop%-xty for sale'bX ten h 11 es -reeve of the to liship, over 70, other the welfatO ( 010 trinplOyet'S OVCri Lo—, rniiy the nipple wave its leaf, ni,y -village or town Within 60 miles, I d r Mr. McKenzie has been it regident Mrs. XcPhortioxi M , analog, Audor. whi,,-lx you were V loud. tire haurLdnessf CENTRAL cafi show yon'the largest collection ever And fall buil land and spa, oil list for . sale in this part. of Witigham for nia ly years, lint ba -4 son 82; Hugh McDou 1 80; Miss Me- ill which yott held the confidences repos, I Their raise. (riper for Camilla', TOR (.,U%NTLEMAN— Duugall 82; Mrs. Ale i The land o' lands for me. Vm decided to move to Olmllforul.t if lie is Ale 80. ed in yoa by the i en, your capacity for I _; STRATFORD,,oNT, ..A What could be a nicer gift than a T. J. M-AGUIRE,, Able to dispose of hi, property. He has hard work, the )inpr,. firm, tho oa,ghi! mice Black Satin or Silk MuflIer, lined with. red satin, beautiful. at Real Estate and Insurance Age way in which voulischarged your duties, A lar. -P, prog Agent. not Li6en enjoying t io beat of hea-114b. for Highest price for turkeys, goese,ducks, -ressive, 190holol, and am chick -led. apples, butter I ati(I the kind, houghtful, considerate 'a r es a d 0 will. $1.00 and $1.25 the past two or thrine win ters. and wishes s)vs, potatoes, di Duli age can o of, the best oil this Ccwxtiuox t. TUC, en and egga. WisoirAu TitA.DiNu Co.,LTI). wilnuer in whicl you treated Try blill. Is a strom, Way's Mpffiers, prices 50o and .'15 to move South Ili a-raor to escape the. all having I m statement but it Is a 'WAN tr" Who Wants a Farm ? cold weather. Teidersarotoberecoiv. dealings With Yctw. 'TFD—Glrl, capab!e,bonest. High- one nevertheless.' reA qtr', 1Q I-Tr.C1VVVBAr,,_-We have just re- I pst, wag Tile son cel,,,od sorne of the very newest I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands ed up to January nth, Fell partioulars Waterworks and, Sewer By -Laws We atilt Yea to accept these chairs, for es. Apyly residence Thomas S011ool. has a large atteridaiirti is designs, some beautiful shades for sale, Ili 50, 75,100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in as to term's of sale aall be found in advt. The following tlie result of Mrs. Dallas and y6nrself,, and address n$ Holmes. 'because ft is a wide.irwak-e, hattliss, 23C to .115 Xinloss Greenock. Bruce, Xincardine•, Huron, I Moll- i prices. and X.-Mleld Townships. Good lands with in another QolUM Iight token u'- our apprtclatiou of the i work -Ing, result - Producing school. good buildings to bu sold Chea on easy terms. dFLY's vote oil OW -lie ver tul waterworks a s Count ouncillors. -lualitiv -whic We have also Some very pretty lines A14o a good rawmill for sale, 91moilt for a song. utility e-vuellent, a has it man Also a •ood black mith shop (dwelli by-laws ; it C lecent graduates of Coloren Shirts, Silk Handker- 9 K rif In con M and. follow emp oyee have char cterizt-d The election Councillors on r k. sa e, cheap. oNry I WATZ-1VORKS have accepted pip. a e m at 4, per cent. on doft g a good business, fox w LoAx 14 t, A Moto doll, good business for sale cheap. easy ternis'of repayinexiii,. I your sojourn a stiong us, 01 cooly ouultliu Wilig. 1, salons at salaries ranging from W chiefs anct, Kid Gloves, Monday made go e5w eme Also Apply to A.:. For Against. Alsoa vagons op. AgenoralstorowithIltigo Dulmage rent Illoolf, Winirbam, Wili'll 1 ............ 17 33 While regret;ing the loss of a valuable' 4 h:im, There aqVlarge,,, vow polled. mouth to -5800 PeraxMilm. trade, live Village P. larger amount of I _l mt. For further par- The vote as fired raonov to loan at 5 per cent. Ward Ow 1,0 a that tile WHAT,, BOUT THATNEW SUIT tialthira apply, to I oflicer Nye Wilt I L ill the fervent praytr,1 Write for our A .;4 new CajalogaQ., or t I that Heaven's ichesD blelising may rest; Luck 41 L,,.)n6on. warel vo (114 U U 01cr Messrs. Fitttoraon Or CLOTHES AND OVERCOAT ? - Ward 5-13 and Lockbart, have een electedI for this We griarautee everything first-class bilinralice, Agent, Ifolvirood, Xr, Tag. MCK"l, , to of the Star - on you and 3 IS, division, Mr. John .Currie was placed! W J. EL 101, in every partiOular ill 140 Signed on bel elf of your fellow em- L A Rtstaurairt, Yfln, law, but now of Majority against 9. ployeas. t at a disadvantage, It viug been confined PR12KCIPAL. GENERAL 10CAL NEWS. -London, appears be strRing it rich in 31. DrL.A.NEIZ, to his howe throu illness for several; s rLlt the Western He attended J. AlcDONO("'n, days prior to electio i day. We are pleas- ------ Wo.grillrautee every pair of Lumber- See Halsey Park's advertisement. W,rd 33 I -orm. 11 ed to learn that lie is recovering. The; concert at the era, House the othEr NVai(i, ,, ........... .... I, I ( . 13 alt. mlou,a Rubbers we sell, and sell them Campbell's Hoadache Wafers guaran. Wingbam, Jan Mr- 101111 You: g left here On, Monday cheap. teed to cure headache. evening at, whiel a number of prix •s Ward 3....., 27 31 1st, 1008. vote:- were given awn, The ticket held by Ward 4 .. ..... ........ 41 47 Mr. DAllas vv taken completely by for.Louclon wheat he has acceptied, a sit• nation in D, surprise as he b,.(l no tile% that anything e. Mr. McKelvie c;.Iled for a handsome set ;g 0 WhOl sale hardware ho,&F Sons of cotland.. 122 m u Mr. Young is a T... lung mail who should The regular meeti of dishes valued at $"9.00, vlhicli wore;! Majority tlgainF-,, 10. of this nature N -as to come to pass. In wo rld g of Camp, Cale- W in irinfie his inArk, a the Homuth brull 9 duly handed over to him. Mr. mcKel- a few words h( heartily thanked the :m zd And tb,s a g p. i T6rEs wishes hi n every su dorlia,, Sons of ScAland on Monday vie is at presenj travelling for the Cigar Rooms to let. Hard and soft water men for their kft-driess and appreciation. 1 l-4 1 Sign of the Big Bear. evening wits larg' attended, The ;'Winizham 2_35 1) 337 -109 newsituation. Ay firm of Stirtomp Dyer, and is meeting 1 and woodshed oil the premises. After the Preset 'atioll supper was serv- 1 Blyth .... -31 officers for 1903 we a installed by Mr, ; to Geo. McKenzie. ...... . 134 81 224 0 - with splendid d1access on the road. ed and the seed -n men and their former 1 Feast Wawanosb. . 186 1"8 286 1,8936 1. Mrs. D. Stewaii,-­ D. Stewart, Past Cl ief. D Stewart re- roatluiaster aper t -it few hours to -ether West Wawaxiosh, 50 366 13's 428 week from Loudi, MARRIAGE LICENSES signet)'as Chiefof tie Campand D.. E. Ig 1 '80 issued by FnAxlc FArEaso-s, IlTo. oDonald was oleo d to the ro4tion. I -The TimPsauct Farmers' Advocate l Electric y Power. very pl6lisantly 0 505 876 803 75( visit I 23 Victoria M 'we I or will be sent to any address in Onnade, ori ,, our !injured . til,,, rAl- street. Wilighain. 011b. x5o witnesses required. Wim-Nicholsonwa elected represents- the ,United States till January 1st. 1004; The time for d power fro In Division No Messrs. Miller and; stead. 4! , arelli, light plant a a ­ We have only' le We underst nd that the West-, Inill- cto Donald as alternativ neqrer- been get for Turriberry it. n ties WANTRD-A first- I cook. Apply a !which is: Miller vote urn to Ohica: ern Foundry Co., an other. manufactur. I Doig 20,3, Fergrt tive to the Granct Q nips and D. E. Me- for $175. Note the reauction,I.,' electric ins to be dritwing PAumpits-01 done the fax Ferguson are re -0 able to A Good C-ourcillor. Ing establishments in town. are consider. Brunswick House. of week. More H rd Coal. soil 220. formerly of Bluevale, Mr. 7), W. Many ratepayers, sere Sorry last ing the matter of pui ing electric motors -J. S. Timmins formerly Wing Phytilclans, Mr. J. D. Burns r calved another ear- 5 when it became known that Mr. ill:,, tit their establishmen s. We hope to be has been elected a ember of the Village No matter what you want in '14fry visiting with Ill ";' ninde by Mr. Mr. McKay THE DOMIN1011 SAM load of hard coal o Tuesday and has Holmes had lectin -d to stand for re -0 able to give more p iculars along this council of Wiaches r. goods, clothing or furs try Dalmage and . -t Wilan tit hernoribold'i. had it delivered t his customers in election to Council. Mr ?line ill a few weeks During the past years 190 or wi-ed, T. V 111'TCHI- the lawn 0 if lie has what you want you are Sure to, lie 11 IT 6 quartet and half t It lots, He expects liclutc, *ANTED ChoiCetoll butter 20c. fresh i save money. H( Ith (MIW0% London, a has No. 11 nere, farin for sale int Tolimship qinc. v of tile r le 11v ill wig,,LAsor by mail that another car load will arrive on (, been -a member of the year the Wiligham. lentric Light 00- egaQ 20c, lilglipst, price for fowl. man will occupy their new C=ouncil for fifteen --ears and bad give" has installed over 00 new lights in mink or fox $4.00. Our $5.00 prize given -cbft t " wells anti, very of Morris. Or Monday next. (,Burns has dealt the town faithfuls rvice. He was well ;town, Tho latest , editions being 31 away weekly with it $2.00 purchase is! ;flowing frame most of the "Ons, with W. 1, wi 11 patrons and has been V sprilig; brfA p leaving wl %,Von by John Eglestone. Goo. E. XiDA-; baru with gond staWig. At a 1 rgain. KlOndyke a. promises in the posted on the Wft -rworlis system and lights in tile NVeste ii Foundry and 20 able is customers supplied, inade a good oil (ensu for Cho Fire, b A I to A. E. Smith, Wing)inull litolits Ili Mason's b ok store. 'All the V-%R51-F0T1. QUI 1C SALt Q.5,0X-fth: PP Y though the quit City At each delivery has I I:. , -.- no- I'line of Turuberry, inile Mason Block, opWater and Li Committee. Mr. ucandeacent lights to being put under s fro The run s not been very I ge. W N look Sale - i ham; one lie e act oil soil; B 'did not. stea: A i w Site the Holmes will be .. atly missed in the; the meter system. There tire now near- i good _J'a", P-ERS+NALS. Queen's hotely 1003 council. heartily with lvloometersluww in Winglialif. house Ind: I chard d, Imp Try Dulmage, Kent Block, 'for wind! livater; 1.) acres -it f I wheat; Dr, J. S. JOroixk-, of Blyth was in Ing -much u. on of abont Jan. 201h. proof and storm proof overcoats. They i many of the ratep yers that Mr. Holmes Ploughing done; p session. March ]St; 'town on Tuesday. The Trim.,:- ­ are put together like leather and are has t(standing cla for the Mayoralty. -The Tilms and Family HeraldVery easy terms. e this at once, Ap- i Mr and Mrs. Sar-tiel Smith of Toronto'datOs •'%till tet.) sold at half price, ngllaul. eithor It'. S. !Scil'J..; ernId and! ply -Owner, Bwc i W- are. in town this Week attending WeeklvScar till tat January 1004, tof row i new :subscribers for 61.7Z. Premium the 'B u, Seaforth. A. E. GIBSH,Nlanager Isbanded Weddin at Goderich. i pictures to new and old gnb, cribers of •futioralof the late lohnForster. Have At the bonle Air, and, Mrs. Goo. i Fanifiv Herold and Weekly Star. The Late J hn Forster. Mrs. S.' A. "INV,-Lelix and son, of Dau- Alellinno Blo minstrels who play- Thomson, of God rich ouDecember 21#11 Death litwthis %-s: okclaimed another:'phixx,1%Tan.,are visikixgwith her litirvilts, ed here early in. t-te season, have gone a happy event to k place, being till-, mar- widely known and respected resident of Mr. and Mrs. John IvIcOracken, Frances I out of business. T e company, Inwhiell street. wirilgh-am's slin State riago of their d righter, ;Hiss Harriet! this town, in the pc -son of John Forster, Owen Sound capit-.1 was largely inter, 1,eolla (Hattie) :'7 who passed away L Tuesday at the ago' t Walter W. Horn, of i JOODS 1 Mr, D. MeKay, o Cookestown, form- serol, was not stri rided, but owing to. BBER 11 30 the bride escorted, conditions prevailli k on the road, moi ElinvaI8. At 1. , RU of 61 yoars^ He Md. been in failing fur; erly of the Times tag -was vibiting tit money her father all(. attended by her niece, Scum time. The deceased gentiellif Was being. lost, till l a Windup for 1111 1 the parental home in Oil' I . ross for the the i Miss Bessie Thor tson, its maid of honor; We carry a wmplete st i I BANK HANIHILTON OC I had been for luillwyeari a resident of: liclilliys, present was deemei advisable, Itis said : r"Wingbanx, and by virtue of his occupa- d mistletoe, I as a bridge eont aetor, L enjoyed !for ah entered the art , which was decorated I Miss Matirl Haul, left a Tuesday that tile owners .1.,Iessrs. George Evea Nvith. evergreens holly an 1 tion ath. WINCHAMA leign, Robt. M_-Xbbilney arid John Me- imorethaulocal r:putatiou, having it,,, whey' she will attend the and took her plal o beside the grootri in i Cauadtt Business C liege foe the text, P capital.paid up, $2,coo,000.00- an ilough. have drqp ed about $3,000 Ill 'Cont of a bank o! cedar and holly. Miss I -HOT WATER 130TTLES filled coximtvts in, lifferexit parts of on- J three months. -to. it ber of St. Paul's Reserve 11"and, $1,600,()00. 00. the business. 11,)rn, sister of tis grooin, played tile' tat lie was a -FOT I XTAIN SY14IXCTr3S (Anglican) 0111 0 Mr. R. 0. Sp a. arli Lg IS now lualCing d in Prpqltlewit- ToHN- 4TVAUT. 4- wodding match. The nuptial eeverno Polities a 'V fee G. RAU eases ny busWess trip tbroil: ,h Maikitoj)n, tho,", I)r. Butler, specialist in the (Us was performed by Ilev.Dr. Daniel, pas. •-COMBIXATIOIT SYRINGES Reformer. Am it of Sterling integrity 13IG BARGAIKS of the eye, ear, ucso and throat. Eyes, Wrist In the intereA of the NVI.-Ighaill I tested and glasses supoiell. Office tot of North striet methodist church, I _EAR A, land fluo qualities he will be tnissed ill 4D P-1 I eye V actory. "john Frootor, Gen. Ronell, Wiwi. Gilmon, AT.P. posite St. AnArew's JfiuiVll, 0 10Y, i The f I " . A. T. Wo(KI, Ds.I' A. 13, Lee (Toronto). Lon(lon, and Rev. A. 10. X. Thomson, of Rodi the community. uneval takLs: ]DURING TRIV1 Ontario. brother of the br-de. The bride lo -XASAL SYRINGES place to -day (Tl raday) from his late Mrs. Barns Will oil Thursday look() i Very sweet and pt city in a gown of white' -EMBUA SYRINGES residence, Shute street, under the direc. Of 110-xt IN181c, JAUU Iry lata, w1a after. Ravin ahlrdli. , 0 i tion of the M. onto Order, of which a a -1, ours I o 3; Now Year's Day Het -e. 6rgandio trimtiie(. with white valencier.. Wards oil the first 1ree Thursdays of MONTH I X to 1. P ost s Ian Av, swre eived. In -NIPPLES toreat ow and 'PLoullni. e( oil t 0 , tit No: 'Wit'll the texmp -rot to just, cola onough nes insertion ant} chiffon. She carried I deceased hall, I n -it iricluber for many ot"41 month. N. vemb aril Ul, fa each year added to to be briac-ing, but of uncomfortable, a sliower boqnos: of white earnations.': -10H r.A(,,S, LTCB., Iftc. years. Servio attliahouse at%30p.nl.,-ditor of the Avo II principal.]BOOTS ANI) Special Deposits at4i) recelved at current and with bright sun little, the weather The uirrid of IlMor also was daintily after which set dee will be held in St. iwin Tinies was e Illix on frionds, in rates of intorvilt, for Paul's church'. tud the roniahis interred "Wilighanicii V till y last and gave tl,.e On Now Year's Day. ould scarcely have dressed in White, organdie. At - the con. We have a, line guaranteed DrArts on (Irmt Oritain and the Vattoll bo jll nicer: I one Year., S 1-10 1; S AT or It was great day for the elusion of the co mon congratulations: stittea Bought and soli]. in NVingbatil. e motery. A widow, and I T=-; a- fEendly c 1. tI01SVI-AtiIlj,1 J-tT Trhvellf•r.4 are notified Mit the 13A nk of Ram- 011JOYlitell; of wine - pleasares, and till were extended, a d the Compally, whiell 1twolsous,Frit.13 011 New Olittivio, and !,big home In 01fthAtu ltoiswell pluwqodi Ilton and il,..q 141•a nelle.q issue Circular Rates of who could apPearo to be taking advan. 11111mbOved about ottY, then partook of Roy. at home, re loft to inoarn, the loss. with the west. Nationsi Pruvinotal liank of Enfland, Limited, which can 1f, vaoliptl without O:Xarglb or irowl- tnge of it. On the rinelpal streets there Ali excellent rep -1 t, at Which the toast lot it 11% band J father. art ofthe world. Give us n, call and Save uloney, D., 1). 1). 8, , of I 100 JA tal y1r 1ORBOVSI), Agont Was an almost on eas procession up and of the bride Was Ittingly honored. The chicai 'a 'I udfn - his Christ - W. 6 Z, meXINSON. Solicitor. down of 011ttets ld 'sleighs, filled with wedding preset is were many, alul; lon. ill p Ing a flying vil"it to MoNwr To to loan oat' mss Vacation ill P r It D ufrp -The TvNing and Wttekly MAil and. nervy ones. At he rink, both Ill tile beautiful. Titin Vidoisainoatestimable WALTON McKIBRON '110te'g, 4111d notes 01SCOUI&A at reason-frionds in town vivinity. Ito, is nt.w' afternoon and ov ning, the attendance young Iftily and will bo Well known to table rates. Molloy advairml oil Mort- Prof. of den, al p E,wpire till lit tannery. la)1, to no%,v thf,%ig Ill the of skatoni watt --. Tho curlers ng pvivlf(,P of perving at the, al Vniversit and one of the I ad ng t. maril of our rcoders, )laving ne',' Optidan " y subsoribersfOrV.15. Promiurliplotor resitled f -DrUftiSt a t Zetland, prior to' 11 of any v(-xr. Xotedi nitil menunts r1bers of t&ll and the afternoonion, he too on the river ittid' with her paren's a collkxtiA. 0.1 a-1; ilea( Mock, Wing.; dek.lital stirgems to now and old suhlv I mms bat eitT. The D.. Zniplro. lAd % gooll. aftor it's $port. their rculoval toAJo0rich. Next to P(M oftlep. <4 A. hain MAT. X01,40M. 1 looks well. W1 I ...... .. ....