HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-25, Page 81r'ir"n�flrit'►Ar'1tr+►•'�►�+�11,'�tA[''�r RITQH!E 84 CAMPBELL'S $ tChristmas oodsi tiellietieleeleaseelaatele1100111011,111eVraiallellelfelseialeir'lkliolk,Ak # Obristtuas weather has arlive(1; till has our large assortment of Fancy Cluistma to Maxis, consisting of- -SILK, IIE11I-'TITOHED, LACE AND EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS. • -FANCY BELTS AND COLLARS, t. '� -WOOL AND KID GLOVES, -FANCY WAISTINOS, -FANCY TIES, • -FANCY NECK RIBBONS - AU for the ladies. ♦ We have not been thinking of the ladies alone. 'We have alsnrememberetl the gentlemen, and have put in stoclt for them las large assortment of Christmas Goods, consisting of- : -FUR AND CLOTH CAPS, GL,Oti ES, • -SILK AND I,EaTEN HANDKERCHIEFS, . --NECK SCARPS, -MUFFLERS, --FANCY HOSIERY; ---BRACES, Eta., Etc, An extra large assortment of 9illl i it�iN tri a i_Laces and Insertions has inch arrived, uslim. These. are ell uext spring patterns of Premix im- the newest and: port. j FuR , c_wee`sthoose u1 Morefroma cogoodnsisting assortme of'FurntJackof Fursetsto , , Fur Ceatte Caps. (YatnitletseSable Rafts and 1\Znffs, Oot-layettes, Aiso a nice line of small Furs for r'hildren's wear. Buy your Christmas Presents hero, and as early as possible. Get first ehoiee at RITCHIE 81. CAMPBELL'S aLIANA% '0#001314,%/04140•W40.00• liti/01V0Sideziltyik "04 (i MINOR LOCALS. -A. Uannv C;aristmnts and a Prosper- ous New Year to all. -A branch of the Bank Hatuiltou has been opened at Wroxeter. --fl,vdr you renewed your subserip- ttioil to the Tanis ? The school closed on Friday last for the nnticiasys Is will re;-opcie ori bion• day, January 6tn. • -Secure your seats for the Scottish concert int Loss' :.ac:olc store On or after January Hsuee The Scottish c•nncrrt, opera house. on January 8th. Secure your seats et Ross' beau stare. - Thda railway&report this the busiest December on record for freight and patbenger bu.iuess. -This factories of the Canada Ferre- tti -re Manufacturers a=pe closed for the bo ,,days. Meters. Bali Bros. sold one of their Meek horses hist week for :1;260 to a De- troit gentleman. This is a fancy price. The Tines office is the place to get your wedding iuvitatious. Four set of invitations were printed at this office fast week. --Capt. and Mrs. McDowell of the Salvation Army will hold/ farewell meetings. in the barracka on Sunday next. -Money loaned at 4 per cent. in large amounts; smaller in proportion. Easiest. tern=s. Thomas Hennes Sr, Sous, Bank- ers, ete. ----Dir. Geo. A. Newton has accepted :1 position as iorernau in a large harness shop ianTorouto, and will leave for that xity in the near fn taro. -Zetland Sunday school will hold their aunnal Oblistrnas tree and enter- tainment onlyfew Years evening. Saver collection will be taken up. -W.1,'. V austono shipped a car load of hogs to Toronto on ;t onday and D. ° E. McDonald shipped a carload of cattle on'.1']rursclity. -Dudley Holmes, barrister of Wing - hare *as in town last Irriday atteudiug the meeting of the creditors of the W. E7. Rutledge estate. -Mildmay Gazette. The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, 0.0. F. will be held on Frirlay evtprnit..4 of t11is aveek. A large attenl- anee of the members is desired. Election of officers • TRF, WINGITAM TIMES, DECEMBER 2& 1902 Dir. W. E. Groves of Toronto is speud- ine the holidays with relatives iu town. Mics Lauriue A. Kaiser ie at her hoaale. Termite for the Holidays. Mrs. 1Zobt. A. Kerr and children are in. New York spending the holidays. Miss: Ethel Kingis spending the holi- days with friends in Ingersoll. Miss Wile McGillivray spent tt few days with fr=onds in Morris last week.. Mr. ,Alai Stewart, of 011ie op is visit- ing with his parents, Mr. uud' Mrs. D. Stewart. Miss Ada Cline, of Owen Sound is visiting her sister, Mis Celia A. Caiup- bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grierson are speeding the leaidays with relatives Hud fritiads iu Par];hill. Mr. W. Pearson and Miss L Henderson are upending OHrietnras at their lteme in Ingersoll. Miss Estelle Griffin esslited at a Olujsttnas tree eutertaivauent in Brus- sels ou Monday evening. Miss ,,Dorothy Arltell, of Teeswater was visiting with \Vinghau Wendslast week, Dir. Jas. Campbell, of North Dakota it visiting with his permits, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cawpee11, Frauces street. Miss Agnew, of Philadelphia, Pa , is visiting•with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew. Miss McLean is spending the holidays at her howe in Berrie, and Mies Brock at her home in Brussels. Mise 0. Mncdouald, of Ottawa is speeding the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald: Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Holloway spent Chlistntae with Mrs. Holloway's parents at Exeter. Miss Jenuie Maellath returued home this week after an extended visit with friends in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Kaiser and child- rew aact Mies i\lary Begley are iu Walk- erton for the bolirleys. Mr. Hugh Gillis, of Aldine, N. W. T., formerly of Culross, is visiting with old friends iu this district. -Jus. la. Srawairt has sold hitt house and lot on Carling street to Mr. Mhlvey, , of Delmore. lair, Mulvey will clove to Wiughatu. • -Last Friday night the train from Palmerston ran into the London train at the Winghitul Junetinn. The baggage ear on the London train was consider- ably damaged. -The entertainment given by the Baptist Sunday School on Tuesday even- ing was in unary respects the most pleasing ever presented and was enjoyed by all preseut• -Last week Mr. Wm. Holmes of Tnrnherry sold to Mr. John King of Rluevale, a team of horses for $1.25. The animals were one and two years obi. This is a good price for a young team. -The TISIr.s isissiteda few hours ear - liar than usual this week, owing to the holiday. This paper will be issned a few hours earlier next week. Arlvnr- tisere and 'correspoudents will kindly beat this in niiud. -The TIMES and London Daily Adver- tiser for one year for $2.25. This offer holds good until the 1st of March. This is a good 'chant•e to get a good weekly and a good daily newspaper at small cost. -The rain and mild' weather on Saturday and Sunday put an end to our sleighing. The three clays this week before Christmas were not es live- ly in town as thee -would have been had the snow remained with us. -Mr. D. J. Small bas resigned his position as foreman in the finishing de- partment az the Union factory. He has been in this position for the past eight veers. We understand he will leave Wingliani in the near future to accept a position in Quebec. -Winghaw Council, No. 114, R. T. of T. and the young people of the different chnrches intend holding a social after- noon in the Opera House on New Year's day. A good programme, refreshments, games, etc. All the young men of town and diitriet are invited. More pardon - litre in our next issue. PERSONALS. Miss Ainiie Gilchrist is spending the holidays with friends in Lucknow. Harry Ansley is home from Chatham for the holidays. Mr. W. Belden, of Toronto was call- ing on Wingham friends this week. t1fr. Kenneth Chowrn is spending the holidays at hie home in Clinton. DON'T 0 O ATURKEY SURE. Olci Clilistulils tint() is roiling round: Oace more spot) the fr,zeu ground The snow 1d white and pure; The pudding's made, the fowl is picked, And all the working nmeu expect To get a turkey sure. The people all around are blessed-. The leen, the b'as, and all the rest - The rich as well as poor, And es the boss is passing by, A little twiuhle in his eye Tells of a turkey sure. Your work perhaps has not been mach, And what you've =lone bus been a botch, But this will be a cure; The boss has'tot a heavy parse, And though the fowl is very scarce, You'll get a turkey sure. Just go to bed on Christmas ere, But ere you go be sure you leave Ajar your kitchen door;. Aral in the morning. when you rise With huppy heart and dttzzliug eyes, You'll see your turkey sure. -Working Man. rsoas. BTdt('KAls.-In W111010ut. on Dec•emi er 21st, the. wife of Cl. Binckell; a dnvel[rer. Ittrnts eta. -in 11..adelt, on D aoent'ter loth, the wife of Charles Killinger; a son. Mtrr.vtav-In Belmort•, on December 18)11 the wile of John Waiver* a sou. iw..BltlEl) {Rosi-CransE-At the rotiiclenee of the bride's I Hermits, on 1)eceanber lsth, by Rev. R. Hobbs, D. 1)- Row, D. D. S., of Moose -jaw, N. W. T., to Miss EdithBt:,triec, only dtn,gilter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Clarke, Winelunn. AlcDO:tAr -THon-eat the Mi ase, Win• hemi, on Deemmber 17th by Rev. D. Pmrrie, I). W. MoDonakt of Zetland to •Ali,s Ba Osie Jane 'lhnm of Tu nberl y. WAtww-E uct.rov-In Perm, 4. on Dee. 17th, by Rey. Mr. Haunelton, John 1i. \Vnrd, of Ford- wich, to Miss Lithe Il mullion, of Fergus. "DYED tl1:s unless yott want to know where your looney will go the farthest and at the salve time get the best quality. Everything for your Xmas Cake, Xmas Tree and Santa -Claus' pack. lea Taffy nosed iee light )nixed slates or (,,reams er MVtolnsses Taffy • all sweet. :l0c and Mc Nitta :25 '13razi!s,,per lb - - .25 Peanuts, per Ib rs - Almonds, per Ib 25 Walnuts, per Ib - Mi=;c•tl, all kinds, per Ib Shelled Aliilonde, per Ib per dozen • .25 .15 and .20 Lemoiss Per dozen &'tarr slat 3 lbs best cleaned - rr ATTwoon.-In, Grey. nn Dee. 10 Annie, daughter of Harry and ble's. Attwood, aged years. i months and, .i clays. MollAna -In. (irc;y, on Sunday, Dmcetnbrr f14(31, Te-.egp,enly duugltter of Willitun McNabb, aged.lc yen's and:30 dttvs. a 'rt'ar;).irt.r..-Ii (*rely on Dee. 13, Margaret Turnbull, seed 58 rep r+, WYr.ett.-In Ro•.vic':., 0.1 December 10th, 1 Thonuts Wylie. a,;c el xi yeats. Gnu rH.-in Wigglier( on Desember 17th, 1 Ch'wti.= E., son of Mr. told Mrs. Edward. Smith in 1114 itis year. .20 .15 .15 .20 .15 .40 .i0and 23 .25 .15 Naw rigs, per lb, - .05, .15 And .23 Graces, 'finest tinted 'aria 40118 m E1 1 1 E l per reset, lura:• amounts. t.nuelier. in pry Do ion. Easiest terms. - Thomas Holmes elL ':Sons B:1NnElt-e, ETC. 4t0Of'J��tO!! Ol040�OtMlt?Ot ♦,t,N,++,+4il.tw tt�t+t♦'tt e I Patronize Home industry! 1 1 GROWN UUi.ON RANGES O♦ • WESTIRN FOUNDRY GO., ltd,, 9f WinAham • •- NOWON THE MARKET, • -- MADE BY THE -- Z O O O IGall and I xam• ne• 4 b The precinct • of experts! A eOompleio iu all particulars! •s 4 Thoroughly up-to-date iu every detail ! • i We incite the inspection of all our friends, and defy all our competitors i to equal or better tho quality,antl price of the Citowl. Huitol\ •1ZAX0s. e We alto carry a fall line of Heating Stoves, suitable for coal er wood. • O • • A. YOUNG & SONS • • •Leadint► Hardware Merchants - O Ota09044A000400000$O*0000•4 0000044000vAOt400000004000 QOt00©000004•:'OA40®400 +00044 0 w 1 At the Corner • • • 04.099990o4o900.990044amomo O 4 • 9 0000 00004000000000000 00 0t, �+ 0 O PRESENTS • • • • e O O Drug Store; is 3Elair Brushes Cloth Brushes Military Brushes $ Purses from 5c to $3.00 . e Perfumes of. all kinds. O O O 4 4 Prices on the above to suit •A O ;y a d a 9 o DRUGGIST, 0o0.09999000004000.00909000.0 00000090000940044004000949 every person, at 4 .O O O • O e Of0 • 4 0 0 9 4 O 9 O• L. AMTOW , O O 4 WINOHAf p 0004000000.90006 00'30000600© Mss Laurin Agusta Kaiser VOCALIST Teacher of etc., Pin PRODUCTION. o F ori it. Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture- roICrs TEieren VIM. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Residence H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Winglmm, T. J. MA G U I R.E ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. RESILE;,, CE-Leonnld street. LOST DOG Strayed from the Wen ' :cs of the undersig- ncdl. Lot 30 Con. :, ' st Wawanosb, on or small the 24th ofember, a Scotch Collie tJ Dog, with yellow v and head, white b'•eur t and short tail. Answers to the naine of Jack. Parties knowing anything of the whereabouts the dog rill be rewarded. by eommtuiiating tvitti"ase; ISAAC WALKEaniY. - Wfi1SUUIP OF TURIIBE OMI:iATION MEETIN A Ince of the electors : the Town- ship of Tin erry will b eldi iu the FOR ER. HALL, BLU E, o Monday, a tuber 29th, 190') at 1 o'cite - p. le. For the .mination of ♦ didates for I the nfli :. - of Reeve and fon ouucillors for ti year 1903, JOHN BURG levale, Deo. 13, IBM Ret. ( leer. rot. Councillor of Ti amber r y ' Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been requested be a number of the ratepayers of the Township of Turn'berry to became .a candidate for THF BEST the position of Coattcilior for the C01111.1 t� L7 S 1 BOAR FII SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, lot 88. con. 10, East Watvanosh a large Improved English Bkv1iro Boar, w111 erch hlas been shown at all the local shows for two years, and has always won the red ticket. Also have for sale a number of Breeding Sows. dye and tail months old, which have been bred front this boor. Also one young Boar, fit forservico (a prize-winner) IBOS.M ernoch Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $i per box, No. 2,10 degrees stranger,$s per box. No, 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two S -gent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. re� siblo Druggists Ana tit Canada. mended by all No. I and l aro sold 1n Winghain by A. L. 17atmilton, Colin A. Campbell, R. A. Douglass and J. E Davis Druggists. STACKS OF cil of 1903, I hereby solicit your vote and influence. • PETER SCOTT. For Councillor of !'ua>:'nklerry Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been requested by a number of the ratepayers of the Township of Turnberry to become a eandirlate for the position of Councillor for the Coun- cil of 1903, 1 hereby solicit your vote' and influence. JOHN RUTHERFORD. IFor Cot,) iteJllor of Turitberrry Ladies and Gentlemen: Having been reques of the ratepayers Tttrnb.rry to beco potsitinn of C of 100014 I Ire itlber Ipot- the; ncll THINGS hero to make gents' suits of --vat. iety enough to please every fancy ---to gratify every desire. • Fix year own price -choose your own cloth ---you know best what yon need--.woknow best the way to make 1t. We see that the ftt, the finish, the workmanship all through are pre- cisely as they thonid be, and are going to 'rave you pleased with what wo praise for you, from the firet time yon put it outfit the last time yoti put it off. R. MAXWILL WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS.WINGHAM. Night calla at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. LOOS ANTED at Wingham. We are prepared to'pay for First-class Maple logs $14 per M First-class Soft Elui logs14 " First-class Rock Elm logs16 " First-class Basswood•logs15 " First-class Beech log 12 " All kinds and grades wanted,' Call and get our prices. The Canada Furniture Mfrs. d. OPERATING The Button & Fessant Chair Factory, Wingham, Ont. . AAAAANtAAAAAAAAfVAAAAAAAP A L Spooner's Powdered enIe 3 Disinfectant 3 1 The best in the world ; was awarded two gold medals at the World's Pair, Chicago, was used exclt113ively in the stock depart- mentat that time. ?Meat your homes from con- tagi us disease. I, use is adopted by the best fa ,,lies in the ,,Dominion. -O prevent ;such diseases as c1'olera, :smallpox, diphtheria, starlet, typhoid and other fevers, i4 easier, cheaper and more intelli- )nt and refined than to heedlessly reed then) and afterwards en - envoy to euro them with medicine Only 2.10 a package. Sold by Kei• th &Pefhick ii s -, ?i w CIwh..tnja.s Gifts , , Nothing will be more appreciated than an article of Furniture. We have left no stone unturned that will tend;to make this the Greatese.tioliday Sale of Furniture, and at prices that cannot be equalled anywhere. We advise you to make your selections. early, as the last few days ( judging from the past couple of years) during the rush we cannot give you the attention we would desire, MUSIC CABINETS -An ideal gift, in mahogany and oak. WRITING DESKS -From 44.00 to $25 00; which would give a person.an ambition to fill with gond books. FANCY TABLES -From 750 to $0,00. Our $1.56 and $250 cut oak polished are particularly good value, EASY CHAIRS-- Alt made with that made to fit' feeling' . abor,t then, upholstered in velour tapestry and jute, at $5,00 and upwards. • COUCHES -Saye nut' Couches little need be said of thorn, they are so popular. at $5 75, `x7,50, $8.50 and np, • Nothing would snake 11 mora suitable remembrance. fi FANCY OAK DRESSERS AND STANDS -Something new in gond } cut oak, highly polished. at $25,00 $28,00 $30.00,' $88.00: and $45.00. ' Also a SOLID BRASS BEDSTEAD at $80,00, which would make a handsome suite. Don't buy your Christmas prants rtthout seeing what we have. f(• n Goods delivered. Xmas eve' if desir } B'\t s Li Furniture Dealers RESIDENCE-PATRICE. ET. S. Gracor's former residence, where night calls will receive Aad Undertakers prompt attention. PHONE G1 [, r rry hri r, +a FIRISTMAS is too close at ha buying much longer. T crowds grow bigger every, who come now will fare those 'who wait. Christmas Things for Wo Without doubt we have the daintiest ra.% of Handkerchiefs we ever carried such fine drawn work and fancy edges. These dainty goods are always appreciated by the ladies. Kid Gloves The finest Freneh Kid Gloves will be found here, in all the nrw shades • of grey and tan, ail sizes, special at Stylish Belts A large assartmeri of pretty Silk and Satin Belts. ranging in price from 25c to ..$1.00. They make such acceptable gifts. 5 -o'clock Table Covers Ask to see the Irish Linen Table Covers, beautifully embroidered, most serviceable covers, at - ' 61.00, $1,40 and $1.60' Ladies' Ties and Collars Our Point taco Ties and Collars are attracting a great deal of atten- tion. The designs are so new anti pretty. All pricey, $1.00 to $4:2.75• Waist Lengths as A Waist Length snakes a present that is always appreciated by the . fair sex. Oar French Voiles with fanny satin stripes are just lovely. You may buy them at 60 dents a yard OMi Great Par Offer Don't forget we are giving 10% discount oft ail FUnS sold till January 1st. You may as well take advantage of this big offer as your neighbor. Nle 's Swell Xmas Ties The wettest range of Ties in the County will be found here. Just. the ost stylish goods yott can buy. A gentleman does like a pretty Tie to be given him. f ott want a present for your father, mother, sister, brother, sweetheart or friend, we can please you. U M . SP on. mar G PRICES ia'0R TRADE. •