HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-25, Page 6NERVES OF WOMEN
ire many times an indication or symptom of functional
They tart: in
most cases dile to functional wrongs, to wk ich
women only are subject.
" OUT OF NIRVI~S " women
are the nightmare of doctors.
°CRANI S" is often the designation
of those patients by physicians unable
to understand the cause of their
irritable condition.
Sx. TAMES WAlisetas have rendered
great service to such physicians in
Great Britain, who prescribe them to
nervous women.
ST. JAMES \ 'AIMR8 afford great
relief, simply by strengthening every
organ affected by the functional.
wrongs in women, such as weak
stomach— weak back --- and weak
Sr. JAmas `VAS'BRs help stomach,
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
zee urttlen,51elonieeal el le
ail' DVeseuggiSta & Chant
Price in Canada ,, $ 1.00 ;.
Six bottles for $5.00 ,
',grave used St. Jamas Wafers
with such, success .as to place
them on sup iist of reliables, '
Dr. Chas. Springer,
rondon, F,nglaad.
St. James IL'afere are not a secret
remedy to then umerousduclorsre-
commending theism to their pati, Ws
we moil the formula upon reque.l.
Where dealers are not selling the
Wafers, they are wailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Cnnadi„n
branch : St. James Wafers Ca., 1725
St. Catharine St., flontre«I.
From the
t a •t9
Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
WINGITANI TIRES, J'T:C;.t,31.13ER ?a,. 1902
1Themes.iit of G.)dcriclt has purchas-
ed the Mille farmon the Huron road.
Ming therefore $2.0t1.1. The property
belonged to the Slone estate.
Mrs. Amity lehtlayson, sister of Mrs.
1). Geddes, of Lueknow, died at Duluth,
on \verinecday of last week, The re-
mains were falcon to Luekuow for inter.
T uirsd'ey, Dee. 11th. the nuptial not.
was titeleby the Rev. C. Rutherford be-
tween Stephen Stothers and Miss 1!Iar-
garrt Melloagb, youngest daughter of
Squire Malluugh, all of �'lslmfhd.I town-
ship, near Daugttunou.
Eli Hyman, who for over thirty years
had been a beggar and a ra;r.pielker
about the streets of Toronto, died, in the
Gauer) Hospital, leaving stock eerie
sates and securities indicating that he
was worth over 41100,C00.
Mr. Bewtenbeimer, for nearly $0
years a resident of Brussels, died iu the
House of Refuge; on Sunday, Deo, 14th,
from paralysis, aged 07 years. He bad
on/y breu an inmate stone September;
the remains were interred at Brussels,,
Miss Barbara Fretech. ciaurltter of
Gottfried Fretseh of the 12th cturces=ion
of Carricth: stied last Friday after a lin-
gering illness. Deceased was 4S years
of age
Philip A.rnent was away to Berryilale,
35iasl:cake, batt week, on a. business trip
• to his timber limit. He expects
to bring down at least 30 ears of lumber
Tor his berines'i iu Brussels.
Children Cry for
CA >o
Oa Ti atm rias' tight, 1)aa, ilia, .John
Holland, con 0, E. D. Ashfield, had the
initifortune to lose his dwelling house,
along with someemouey and furuitare.
by fire, owing to a detective stove-pipee
so it is. reported.
Chas. Ynuim1 -.sold his 188 acre farm
last Week to Geciege Dippel of Wallace
township for $0503.. The faxen is situat-
ed about one and a half mile north of
Mildmay and is in a good state of culti-
vation. Mr. Yandt rives possession in
the spring.
British Troop Oil Liniment is unsur-
passed by any liniment on the market
to -day. It is composed of healing,
ttoothing and cleansing vegetable oils
and extracts. 1t is put up in large
bottles for the small price of 25 cents.
Farmers in Essex County are receiv-
ing extra ptictrs for their tobacco, owing
to the keen competition. The price is
10c per powiewith a tendency towards
12c. Thiseillifke different story from the
6 or i Cents of former years.
The Wharton Cauadiau reported last
Week that a peniusalar farmer sold
500 buslrela of peas at $100 per bushel.
This, although they were a beautiful
sample, sounds rather fabuloas, and no
doubt a dot after the I in 10:) would
bring the price down reasonable.
Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders
give women prompt relief from monthly
pains and leave no bad after effects what-
ever. Be sure you get. Milburn's. Price
10 and 25 cents. All dealers.
Mrs. Walton Dodsworth, of the 16th
concession of Goderich township, has a
pallet whiolt was hatched on the Orel day
of April and began to lay on the 5th of
Angr.at. She also has a duck which was
hatched out on the 7th of May and be-
gan to lay the first week in October and
has Since deposited thirty large eggs.
Children Cry for
The trustees of S S. No, 8, Grey, have
ged 'Vries Agnes B. Smillie for next
at a salary of 1!2$0. Miss Edwards
t teacher will go to the N. W.
she formerly taught. She has
awaiting her now. Miss
` "°'•e is in Morris township
me There were 2 appli-
''iertedatiest lung -healing principle
e tree has finally been success -
ted tt-d tt lt'f'i refined r i o 1 into
a perfect
es In Dr. Wood's Norway
. Sold by all dealers on a
mf aattiefaction. Price 25
vole iino, time well known
tie breeder, of Ethel in the
Grey, recently suffered a
death of his imported
ha had at the head
We fine animal weal
rime porch/used from
townehio, who
a Is snppoesed
A man will forget a favor, but if yen
cheat him he will remember you the
longest clay lie lives.
Honesty is the best poliny for a mail
during life, but a good insurance policy
is the best' thing for the widow at his
Miss Nettie Combe, teacher in the
Clinton public school, has resigned on
aec..ount of ill health, and is succeeded by
Miss Della O'Nei I, at a salary of $8C0.
Lifebuoy limp—disinfectant—is strongly
r,eommended by the medical profession as
a Safeguard against infectious diseases.
Miss McLellan has resigned her posit-
ion on the Goderich Collegicate Institute
staff, of which she has been a member
for seven years past, her specialty being
commercial work. She intends to re-
tire from teaching for the present and to.
take arest at her home in Stratford.
For Cuts, Wounds, Childlains,Ohapped
Rends, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints,Barns,
Scalds, Bites of Insects. Croup. Coughs,
Colds, Hagyard's Yellow Oil will he
found an excellent remedy. Price 25
cents. All dealers.
A very sad visitation: has stricken the
family of George Harland, formerly of
';Clinton, and now of Detroit. His two
n 7S,BflSll, age seven, and
five, died within a few days oiYfIadrirp
AN OTTAWA 7.11801.
in. Mrs. Harland contracted the disease
also, but has now recovered.
The Manitoba' correspondent of the
Presbyterian makes the following ref-
erence to an old Huron boy: "Rev. J.
S. Mulr`irow. of Souris conducted the an-
niversary services ot Wawauesa on Nov-
ember 23. The service throughout were
of a most interesting and profitable
character, and the Sunday offering am-
ounted to ;350. The congregation is cde-
ternlivail to clear off its entire obligation
and begin the new ytar flee irem debt.
Genuine Castoria always bears the see nature
of Chaa. ii. Fletcher,
A liver pill that is small and sure,
that acts gently, quickly and thorough-
ly, Oat does not gripe. Laxa-Liver
Pills possess these qualities, and are a
sure cure for liver Complaint, Cunstipa-
tion, Sick Headache, eta.
Peacefully was the Master's call re-
sponded to Thnrsday,Dec.I11th by Annie
daughter of Harry 'and Mrs; Attwood,
of 4th con. Grey,. as the mortal put on
imortality, She had failed very rapidly
of lute and despite till that careful at-
tendance and faithful wattling could do
that fell drstruytr of so many—consunlp-
tion—could.not be repelled. Deceased
was in Ler 24th year and was an intel-
ligent, and cheerful young woman who
grew up from girlhood with the favor of
the community resting upon her and
many will.regret her early demise.
Thursday morning of last week the
, fine new hank baru on the farm of Jim,
Howard, eon. 14, Grey, was destroyed
by fire and all the season's crop, consist•
lug of two days' threshing, 80 tons of
hay, &c. 11 head of cattle, a new bind-
er and other valeaLle property were also
burned. Mr. Howard was back at the
bush and a hired boy was attending to
the chores. A lantern upset. or exploded
and the place was soon blazing beyond
control. Mr. Howard had only $250 on
the contents. His father, who lives in
Brussels, owns the ,farm and held the
policy on the barn. It will be a serious
loss to both.
The ccmmanity were sadly snrprized
to hear of the decease of Mies Margaret
Turnbull, who had passed quietly away
at the residence of her brother, 15•h con.
Grey, on Saturday night, Deo, 13th, aged
63 years. She had not enjoyed robust
health for some time, her ailment being
a kidney and lung trouble, but she was
able to be about on Satnrdey. Deceased
was born at Whitchill Brae, Roxboro' -
shire, Suotlantl, and was a resident of
Grey for over 40 years. Miss Turnbull
was very highly esteemed by the people
of this community. She was a sister to
Andrew, Wtllimun, Adam and Thomas
Turnbull, of this township,
When n -by was sick, we gave Tier Castoria,
When she t: ms a Vend, the cried for Castoria,
when she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
t'.-Tteu shehad Childrea,she gavethem Castoria,
In January li;01 Miss Kelly book-
keeper at Jackson Bros.,mat Clinton and
her assistant, Miss McEwau, wrote their
names upon a Molsons Bank bill which
was paid out during the day in the course
of business
The s, . .Cl
ie hilt
was then
� atmcd
crisp, but when it turned up again the'
other day, after nearly two -years' circul-
ation, it wits worn and disapidtecl. It
would be interesting to know into how
many hands It -found its way while on
its travels.
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kid-
ney Tablets completely cure
him of a serious attack of Kid-
ney Trouble and Backache.'
Inhalation of fine
dust, heavy lilts, ex-
posure to chilling
winds—these are some
of the things which
tltait,t ttmitsonS general-
ly subject to attacks
of eeney trouble and
�` backache.
Ivy 'vlmasc home is 1351
W u.Sr.Gl:onut:s. Cumberland Streot,
0 t, t or: al Ont., i, a
stonemason by trade, and was so uufortn-
nate_.as to become a ri..:•n of kidney com-
plaint. The history of les ease he gives
as follows, in a recent loiter:
"Dear Dr. Pitcher :-1'otnli" me. to write
and thank you for your liacl.ac'.mo ltiducy
Tablets which have done me so hack good.
"I suffered for two long years from
weak ac and kidney trouble.r.
I was completely used up so that
I lust all
courage, and had no hope of recovering.
Z, o one could do anything for am.
"lhtrinz the first meek of April hut, I
met with =1 friend of Mini) and he advised
too to ttilio your C. n. t
thought I would try ono bete, and after I
had finished this I felt so notch hotter
that I continued the Tablets until I had
used in all six boxes. Every inn: I took
Children Cry for made me feel better end :,t c;m, ,r till now
I am perfectly canal. •
C STi.
'tj ant nowas strong end lessithe as
▪ ever I was in my life and can attend to
my work, which -i is vera heavy, as I ant a
stouealas nt. I feel confident from the
benefit I received that anyone suffering
• front lame back or kidney e will oubl
r not
be disappointed if they take your Tablets,
Yours truly,
'uV't. be. elientors1,
Wm Inglis, of Tyner, North Dakota,
" n
who is here vis'tut
m his father 1
brother,'on con. 7, Grey, and old friends,
ha.'r been ism the West for 23 years and
has: prospered. He owns 020 acres ad-
joining Tyner and in the past season
had about 0,000 bushels of crop, wheat,
oats, barley and flax, an average of from
22 to 25 bushels per acre. As to the pro-
ductiveness of the soil Mr. Inglis says he
knows of 0 successive crops of wheat be-
ing reaped without the use of anything
in the nature of fertilizer. The visitor
thinks the time will come in their section
when cattle keeping will become the
rule rather than the exception. .
Dr. Pitcher's Baelcaehe Kidney Tablets
ere the most effectual remedy known to
science for promptly relieving and permit -
lumpy aurin" haekeehe, lame or weak
back, swelling of the feet and lege, male-
ing or irritation o£ the urine, sediment
brick dust deposits, neuralgia, rheumatism,
fipecksfloating before the eye's, pain in time
head, torpid liver, kidney troubles of old
ogle, bed -%wetting of elaildren, and all
forms of khlnoy, bladder and urinary
diseases. I'minn Ste. a bottle or -3 for $l fen
at all drnggistw or by mail. The Dr. Lilt*
Pitcher Co., Toronto.
g N fi o t5i
15P bSQ L0' r,g5
ti" F HERS.
OVEPcas,„Mrs - 1�,4Ti0N
%ABiTUAL ..t
CalirciZNIArG YET?
4 Kr,t,
yPNCAL.C' O, Nr. N•Y.�r
The corner -stone of Brautt'ord's new
library was laid by Rev. Dr. Mackenzie,
Manager Paine of the Ontario Power
Company promises to be supplying To-
ronto and other points with electric
power from Niagara within a year.
George A. J. Fraser, who has been
connected during the past ten years with
Judge;Holt and the late firm of Cameron,
Holt & I3olmes and Cameron, Holt Ss
C late= in their legal business, has
o num( need the practice of his profes-
s on in the offices lately occupied by Mr.
Holt, at Goderich.
M. A. W. CHASE'S 4.1j0,
is s+at direst to the' llseased
parts by the improved Blower.
- r Is the ulcers he
II .a clean t a4
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanently cures
Cafirrh and Ilay Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, ur Or. A. W. Chits,
if.,dialne Co.. Toronto end Buffalo
A. MoD. Allan arrived home iri Goder-
ich recently from the Old Country,
where he had been during the summer
and fall as fruit commissioner for the
D''+miuion Government at the Cork and
Wolverhampton exhibition. He is now
engaged iu preparing a report for the
Department of Agriculture.
Roe eyuor Sixty rears.
An Old and. Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used
for over 5'ixty years bymillionsof inotltere
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the chile,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by -druggists in every part of the
world. • Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is iucaloulabde. Be sure you asst
for Mrs Wiaslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
A Kansas paper reports the following:
"A wise judge in Missouri has decided
whom the eggs produced on the farm
belong to. A farmer attempted to take
a basket of eggs to town to sell but his
wifo objected. They hart a fight in
which the old man came off victorious
and the eggs went to the market. The
wife was not satisfied, bat had her lord
arrested. The justice fined him $3 and
costs, and told him that in the eyes of
the court those eggs belonged to his
wife, and therefore he was no better
than a thief when he took them and sold
them without her consent.
731eor the past three years it has been
customary for time lovers of lacrosse to
sign $5 notes to guarantee fiimancial
strength to the Dafferin Lacrosse Club.
and for the first two years every man
got his note back without having to pay
a red cent. But the groaning time has
come at last. Now every man is asked.,
to call at the Bank of Hamilton and pay r
clic full tilt face value of ins note in order
to wipe out the indebtedness into which
the Dufferins ran this year after a some-
what inglorious season. Some of the
note givers have payed up and looked
pleasant, while others are threatening
to go to court before they pay up.
Prof. 0. A. Zavtiz who has charge of
the Experimental Union, ,which has I
done so much to place Ontario in the
front rank in point of yield per acre,
seys: "Allow me to Congratulate you 1
upon the way in which you are handling l
the agricultural department of the
WeeklySun, As I meet farmers in dif-
c nl
fereut parts of'Olitario,I learnthat your
very excellent paper is very highly ap-
preciated by those who know it best,
There is no other agricultural paper in
Canada which gives the farmers of the
i'ro�ut:tio full ee sll. accounts sof
t thep rac-
tical results ofI
e s the experiments p tints "svliich ,
are being conducted at the Agricultural `
College or in ort
Coconnection with g
u w t _the Es.
patiiaental Union." The Trans and
the Weekly Sun sent ta'any address, for
one year, $l.7ti. Leave your order at
, this trili�e,
wiarton'a new heat sugar factory has
commenced nittImutectovieg•
Mrs. .Steven i''lestt,tl. eouneittetl seit;idtt
tit #toSsentt by taking steyulemiee.
—Tho Huron 01'1 Bo, s' Association of
Toronto will hold ltv. annual At .fomite in
It is reported that Lord Stratlteone,
has promised to give the snot of e50,000
to McGill University, Montveel,, for the
eattiltii,hmmnt of a ;)'mitnaaiuttt.
The iinnellnee'ntent is uuttde of the
marriage of Mrs. Elizahetb. A, Hnntz,.
widow of the late Theory geurz,.of Hein -
ikon amid Gideon Porritt, the well.
know athlete, of Brussels, which ocunrr
Hd nit the evening of December 9. Rev.
Canoe F orneret ollicieting. The -wed-
ding was private, only time necessary
legal witnesses being preseet.
Venezuela's latest vital statistics give
these figures; Aron 503,018•.gmture miles;
population 2,600,000; yearly imports,
mostly front Britain, 4.407.977; exports
mostly to Britain, $17,9112,857; total
debt, $16,000,000, mostly due to British
and German investors: total yearly re-
venue 0,500,000; totril yearly expendli-
tures, $0,000,000,showiag a steady mane..
al deficit of $2,500,000. •
Mr. John Benoone an old resident of
(xoderieim township, died tit Merton on
Saturday, Deo, 13th. Mr. B.tttco,i was
born in Gotderich :township some Vel
years ago and was a son of the late RoLt.
Beacunt. He was married sortie ten
years ago,to it Miss Patrick, who remains
to mourn his loss with two small child-
ren. 1-fe stud occupied every online of
honor in his native towustmiu and was
etre of tie, most with ly l nnvvn mai in
this district. His witty nature mode
Intl% a good after dimmer speaker, anti he
coapt always (Inteltain iu ri„ ht royal
For MI Forms of Kidney Disease.
The undersigned Druggist am fully
prepared to give the following guars tittle
with every 50 cent bottle of Dr Pint -
i ngill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, the only
remedy in time worn that positively
cures all troubles arising from weak or
diaased kidneys:—
"Money cheerfully returned if thee
sufferer is not relieved awl improved
after use of one bottle, Three to six
bottles effect astonishing and permanent
cures. If. not relieved and cured, you
vv este no money."
• A. L. Hamilton, Druggists, Wingliam
Sacoessl'nlIloyeott on churches,
Lansford, Pa., Dec. 18.—During the
coal •strike several clergymen of this
town and Summit Hill took sides
with the operators and counselled
the men to go to work. As a result
a boycott was declared against the
churches presided over by these pas.
tor, in Lansford four out of the
six churthes have been placed nuclei
the ban. Every parson who attends
the services is called "scab," and all
union • men are requested to shut:
th ern.
la Summit Hill four ,of the pastors
were forced •to resign and the
churches are now closed.
Wireless Works Well.
London, Dec. 18.—A news agency
despatch from Rome says that Capt.
L' ivione, Signor Marconi's represen-
tative there, has received a, letter
from Signor Marconi, dated ten days
ago, saying that he is now in per-
fect communication with the wireless
telegraph station at Poldhu, Corn-
wall, and that he daily receives and
transmits several despatches, all of
which are perfectly clear. The sta-
tions at Cape Breton and Cornwall
will be opened for public business be
fore the and of December.
Made to Scotland.
London, Dec.. 18, —• Messrs. Neil,
Reid & Co., the Glasgow manufac-
turers. have secured an important
contract for locomotives for the Ca-
nadian Pacific Railroad. They had
keen competition from Canada and
United States firms,' The successful
tenderers promised the earliest dee
New Cstbloet Minister.
St. John's, Nfld., rec. 18.
ward P. Morris, a member without
portfolio, of the Colonial ministry,
hats been appointed Minister of Jus-
tice in Premier Ilnncd's Cabinet, in
succession to W. Ir. Horwood, who
has been appointed Chief Justice.
T. It. lyimlte Dead.
Amherstbnrg, Dec. 18.—T. D.
white, ex -Reeve of the Anderson
Township, and a prominent Coil=
servative of South Essex, died at
St. Mary's
Hospital, al est rd
ay, where
he had gone on Tuesday last for an
Against Reciprocity.
Detroit, Mich., Dee. 18.— The live
stock breeders of Michigan have
made protest against the recent con-
vention held in Detroit for reciprocal.
trade relations with Canada.
reseed 1'emreima Um.
Washington, Der. 18.—The Senate
yesterday imsiv 11 the 3 onsion Appro.
prlatkon Pill will s) 't di:acnssink, It
earn, ll
Opinions of Leatliug i'hysicluna,
f l,avn eta)nlnitd etrontt's Plislratite and have
t,rescT9b+d tt in my prootic rvltli .aatisr,motory
resttlts, cT. M. PIPlf,lt, M.D., SON, M.U'., Cocom-
er, I.onden.
f'rlce $1.00. yam. wee' by druggitts,or by mail
on receipt of pricer.
W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Chemist
.as.•.:.rtit,.i, •:, ,,",•-• .•t,i4•i.ra.r
TO preserve or restore it, there is no better
pre:scriptton for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy totake, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are.
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plaits, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need, Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They arc a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
plaints, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
roti -down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five-
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
. ' aT.f }..•.y
v yvvvvvvvvv. vv tkyv yr vvoyvvU
(Mu' bing Oflers.
THE TIMES announces the following low - rate:
Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :—
Times till Jan. iso, 1904 w1 00
Times and Weekly Globe, including the plelniune
picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors 1 60'
Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium pictures, ' Alone" and " Purity."1 75.
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, including your
choice of premium pictures, " The Doctor," or
" Con t en toren t." 1 75•
Times and Weekly Witness 1 60
Times and-Westeln Advertiser 1. 40
Times and Weekly Sun 1 75
Times and Daily Globe.. 4 85
Tiinee and Farmers' Advocate.., 1 75
Times and Toronto Daily 'Star 2 20
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cans
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked downy
so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use -
asking for cheaper rates.
Inach 'case the sc. t de weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted-
are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers.
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
An Auction Sale this Fall or. Winter ?
If you are, i t will be to your interest to
come to the TIMES Office for your bills.
Vie can arrange dates for any of the
neighboring Auctioneers.
Sale Bills printed while you wait, at
VV i11gpham, -
- - Ontario
a:'x. t,i...'{": ,,y.t'r:;;7'.5t•t�..:t.
In every home in this district
Will supply you with the latest amid most interesting Local
Home and Foreign News, apd
Its special features are—Market Reports that etre un-
equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY.
Regular contributions 1'e "Bevetander" on current events.
Reports of Conveetior seet.ociations and wettings of in-
terest and value 1,, ,l farmers, dairymen aid stoclemen.
Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm
Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, Mel other subjects.
and T. E iLYl:iaKti :t' ti,1t✓!;Y ...w..a..�...
And send The Su:: fret for ,A we wilt o thebalance ha once bf tgox,
Lent. e; erotix order tut ofelec.
5 �c .., 5<a KKtia: •r,.z` i i!"K:aiu, •t.,. ,,.... i•..
lta p
et sty
.:wtr'' et.