HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-25, Page 5WE SELL EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS EXCEPT SHOES The ()POWDER GO'S Clreat Slaqhter Sale Of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits a Ivercots id etc., commencing Wednesday morning. Here is a chance to get an Overcoat or Suit to fit man or boy at two thirds regular price. We have bad a big turnover in Suits and Overcoats this winter. Our object now is to clean up, no matter how Inueh we lose; we wilt not carry goods over from one season to another, :HER 'ARE A. FEW OF THE PELICES $8.00 Overcoats $5 75. .11 only Men's Ra;lauette Overcoats, made of black frieze, heavy twill lining, velvet collar, talma pockets, sizes 35 to 44, worth $8, sale Just a few words on the Suit question ; We have a number of broken lines in Boys', Youths' and Men's Suits .at all prices .in single and double breasted, sack coats, etc., which we are oiferiug at 25% ow on the dollar, If you are wanting a cheap Suit give us a call, as price is no object if quality is taken into consideration. 25.75 FUR LINED COATS 3 only Men's Fur -Lined Coats left, sizes 38, 42, 44: These coats are all - wool beaver cloth, with rat lining, German otter collar, worth 42.50, sale $28.75 $10.00 Overcoats $7.00 •O only Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, made by Sanford of Hamilton, sizes 30 to 42, worth $10, sale - - - - $12.50 Overcoats $9.00 14 only'Men's heavy twill Cheviot Overcoats, right up to the' minute, velvet collars, talma pockets, box back, worth $12.50 to 714, sale, choice - Boys' Overcoats at Cost. D. only Boys' Overcoats at prices from $2.75 to $7.50. These are broken sizes • and comprise 0 different hues. If we have one that will suit you, price will be no object. $8.50 Rubber Coats $2.65 16 only Men's Grey Rubber Overcoats, sizes 36 to 48, long length, box back, regular $8.50, sale - - - $4.00 Pea Jackets $2.95 12 only Men's Pea Jackets, made of all -wool frieze, sizes 36 to 44, high storm collar, double breasted coat, slash storm pockets, a bargain at $4, sale $1,50 Pants $1.00 17 only pairs Men's heavy Fulleloth Pants, all sizes, reg 71.50, sale $2.50 Waterproof Smocks .x',1,90 20 Meu's Waterproof Smocks, sizes 30 to 48, worth $2.50, sale We have a large stock of Underwear at greatly reduced prices. In fact, any article you want for boy or man—except shees— we can give you at the right price. Itiffir Wood wanted. Der Butter wanted. $7.00 $9.00 $2.65 $2.95 - $1.00 $1.00 THE Ra U. CROW ER CO. WINQHIAM, ONTAiiIO. +iP+0•00dOCRi••••99000a00+4 0444A+00000.0.4000®v00i0000 A 0 4 f • + + + + We have just open- a up some of the newest up-to-date goods in China ever before seen in Wingham, consisting of Tete-a-tete Sets comprising i teapot, sugar,. cream, and two cups and saucers, .trol%1. 90o to $3.00 Afternoon Teas, comprising 6 cups, 6 sau- cers, 6 plates, te ,,oc, sugar and cream, -, . $3.00 to $6.00 JAPANESE C• DS, --A full range of cups and sauce biscuit jars, tobacco jars, epergnes va::: ardinieres, rose jars, marmalade pots, fi 'ets, etc. • well^ lla eratal`>✓• etatellate, leaser Wee 4 C + • g ®' a!RI- s to a - i► it - Y • EXTENSION ;I'ABLM. Is one thing we have t ment of wood seat ant marvel of style, cl SIDEBOARDS-- --The lar. of the latest designs a' • the ' 1 lh manufacture of t - We carry a complete C `i 'IP i�F . 'A� ( 1, E rue" iituro az Eno Furniture Store appnuite th .AAAAAA*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtokiet- e THIE Wt1'f 1tAu MIES. DECEMBER kr. ft Corresporidenee I+ Interesting Items Contributed byit Readersthe , • of Tunes 4,. tam WAAte Sil Council met, on Dec. 35 according to Statute, Members all present, After paseing a 1 trge number of accounts which will appear in a few days in the financial statement, the council aa - jimmied, b 4 4 . 4 • 0 0 • 0 0 4 0 0 W. McCaos'ixc, Calmat. ciao Common C4L11se of rleati,eehe. Perhaps the most general cause, of headache and pain moss the eyes is nasal catarrh. The simplest cure is to inhale the medicated vapor of Catarrh- ozone atarrhozone which traverses every air cell and air passage of the throat, In ugs and nose. It kills uiyrids of germs at every breath, clears away mucous discharge. preserves and heals the membrane. Catarrhozone is just a splendid remedy for headache, and its action is certain turd indefinite in diseases of the Thro'tt au:d Lungs, Deafness, Bronchitis, Asth- ma, and Catarrh. A trial will convince the most sceptical that Oatarrhozonc is all right, Large size, $1.00; trial size 250. Druggists, or P.ilsiu & Co., King- ston, Out. • Dr. Ilatniitou's Pills euro Constipation. .LIST WAWANOSII. 0 0 a 0 a 0 4 a 0 ►+4>0444++++++m1 -4•4•++++t+ • Tuxes neat tre. The follnwini; is the report of S. 5. No. 0. for tint mouth of Decembers ---Jr. L. Pt, 11. --Willie Linklater, Charlie Anderton Jr. L. Pt, 1.—Fred Ilouhutlh. :Po hub clubs.—May McKague, John James, Burt Murchison, Walter Ander- Wu, Resale Ki11g, Afary Crowe, Leslie larycc. Senior Third—Aihertena Show. era, Earl Porter, Edna Dickson,Edith Ilolnutil, Bina .Chandler, Minnie Link - later, Sarah I''oxtou, Leah McCormick, Tommy Uoy,, junior Third. ---Charlie Wattles, Nettie Dawson, Ella Wade, Vera Stapleton, Velma Chandler, Henry Fox - ton, Peter Kelly, Hazel Little, Kitty McKinnon,. Senior Second. --Hazel Mitchell, Sadie Ding, Stella Kling, Effie McOoriniek, Laura Elliott, Ueuevie McCtormiclt, Sarah Goy, Maggie Crowe Junior Second.—Violet Showers, Maggie Chandler, Stanley Dickson, Fred Fox - too, Roy Poster, Toluh McKinnon, Annie Crowe. Roy Goy, Norma Mo- Kaguo.Robert Taylor. Senior Part Se- cond—Willie Janice, Bert Little. Robert Allis Borlie, Elliott, Annie McKinnon, Janinr• Part Second—Violet h1 iller.Rai ;y Mciiagne. Vim; King, Isabelle l.'allis, Pearle Pallis, Ella Falls, Wilfred Mc- Kague. Part First.—Della Miller, Earl Dickson Albert Poitou. Average attend- ance for mouth. --43. E.G. WILSON Teacher. On Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray gave a farewell party for Muss Agnes S. Grieve, who has been teacher in S. S. No. 9 for the past three years. The eoholitrs and a number of the parents spent f4 very pleasant evening and during the evening Miss Ida nth tool read the following ad- dress, and Miss Bella McDougall made the presentation of a chain:— East Wawauosh Dec, 18, 1002 Miss Agnes S. Grieve: Dear Teacher and Friend :—Now that we are called upon to sever those pleasant relationships which have for the past throe years been ours as 'teacher and pupils, we desire to place on record our hearty appreciation of your untiring efforts to advance our interests anti wel- fare. For the deep interest you have taken in oar edvaucerutwt we feel very grateful, and although we must soon part and ger lots will be cast in different places, we cannot but feel that your bright example will in the years to come serve as fill incentive to us to "cultivate the best gifts." On behalf of the school we present you with this chain, not that it in any way serves to express ourai,preeiation of your labors ou our behalf, but as a slight to- ken of our regard, and that, it may he a memento of the pleasant time speut among us. Signed on behalf of the pupi's ofSchool Section No. 9, East Wawaahosh. Ida Rin'out Bela McDougall. Miss Grieve in a few words thanked the eclholars for their Meatless in pre- senting her with the crhaiu. Miss Grieve has been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 9, Turuberry for 1903. The chartered banks or \Voorlsto :l: have decided to (lose at 1 p.m. on Fri - d tys instead of Saturdays. Of the $20,334 on the Listowel col- lector's roll for the current year, $10,000 have been paid in. After (leafleting ex- emption., only about $800 is left uncol- lected. a• v'VVVVVYVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVYV 44 is 4 4 4 'ead in. Our assort- 4 • itheraseat diners is a ;.y and cheapness. 41 great variety. and best selected stock iloicest woods in use in late furniture. f all kinds of furniture. Ira aT�LJ� a .4 4 ri e 1 t.V nth,rt king. ..oat Office. 4 1, lAAAA.AAAAAAAAA,AAAAAAAA I t F°M1�i"7t'•r# 1 ,u`/1iban P��`•��i•� � Y�'t, #r,�AJ� N Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has beep traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive . he brings the strength and flesh Ile so much needs. To 'all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons lie gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown tip and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul- sion of pure cod liver oil—a delightful food and a natural tonic for children,for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT as GOWNS, °hemlete, Toronto, OntarlO. apo. and 4l1.CO1 all druggiuts. vie saving .fame of health Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to; nourish and invigorate the body.' If j your blood is thin awl watery use "Per- i rezone." It supplies the necessary Hie- meets s.relt as phosphorus and iron, and I quickly restores lost strewth and spirits. Ferrozene is an unequalled restorative ; for the tired, the sick, and the run down; it stimulates appetite, aids digestion, soothes the nerves, and makes the system too healthy -for disease to exist NO. tonic does so much good in a short time as Ij'errozone. Get it to -day front any druggist for 59c. per box, or six boxes for :$8.50. By mail front -N. 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out. Sold by A. L. Hamilou, A Siege The matrons of the Edi- son Orphanage at Lowell, s,U.S.A. wrote they haul a si ge of whooping-. cough in their Institidtione., They said that every case? was promptly relieved by V;Apo- ( r esolt no. Its value in coughs anti colds was so great they always hi pt it ready fof use. You know liovait's used, don't you? 'Tis heattd 1'y a vaporizer and you. inhale it, Wt Ito us for a Doak that tells all about it. t hrist ovelties ya,n.Cresltene 14 veld t'v d^ni;'i<ts ever,' The. V.po i.eer and f.amp,,,e•irh to.n id tabu,. i fe. um •, and •t honk! ,.f 4 u,•tut, no cam l u, C i...; tteittreatreuplisooif,d(eresneeni grut,* ued manuals free upon rmtea. >'et'u-t^ttasatt. Na t„o., 1.250 I ulnl„ Si.. New York, U.S.". Dr. Hamilton's. Pills cure Constipation, CULI.tOSS. A telegram to Mr, David Ireland on Saturday, Dec. 13th, conveyed the sad news that his eldestdaughter, Mrs. Johu Mines of Morden, Mau., had died from the effects of burns caused by the ex- plosion of a lamp four days previous. Seven years ago she was married to M.r, Mines who then conducted a livery busi- ness in Teeswater. About five years ago they moved to British Columbia; where they resided for some time. They then moved to Indian Head. At this time Mrs. Mines and family visited for several months at her home in Onlross and on her return they went to hforcien, Man. She was in her twenty-eighth year and leaves a husband and two small children .to mourn her departure. Meeting such a tragic death and at such an early age makes the occasion doubly sad and it is a severe blow to the husband and ml - attires. Council met in the town hall, Tees- water, Dec. 15th, 1002. The minutes of the last meeting were read and sustain- ed Kautz—Reid—That by-law No. SO being a by-law for holding nomination meeting, appointing deputy returning officers, poiliag bobtlhs grid poll clerks, be uow read a first, second and third time, passerl,signed and sealed. Carried. Kautz —Donaldson—That a by-law be prepared and passed extending the tune for collecting the unpaid taxes until the 31st day of December, 1902, and that the by-law be now read and finally pass- ed, signed and sealed. Carried Kuntz—Reid—That this council pay caretaker of the hal the usual fee of $2 Reeve's resignation—I,Henry Mackay, reeve of the township of Onlross -hereby tender my resignation as reeve and re- quest that the Culross council wilt now ac.rept of my resignation. ' Reid—Ballagh—That the resignation of Henry Mackay, reeve, be now accept- ed. Carried. A number of accounts were read and ordered to be Haid. Donaldson—Ballagh—That this coun- cil do now adjourn. Carried. From c8iitro to Inst The Market. Bakery Bread is perfection itself. White, light, sweet centre; rich, brown, short crust. Misted, melded, baked anti delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D. L O U G H E E D Opposite Presbyterian Church. FOR Useful presents AT tthisard&Go's Our stock is now complete in Christmas Novelties, and we are pre. pared for B1n 13usra'rss during' the holiday season, The demand for useful ;and wearable goods as Xmas presents is yearly getting -greater. Please inspect our stock. No trouble to show you the goods. HANDKERCHIEF'S. Handkerchiefs are always in great demand for Xmas presents. We are showing a -very large assortment from the low priced to the high pric- ed comity. Prices range tbue 5c, 10e, IVO, 15c, 20e, 25o, 30c 40c, 50o, iSo, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. LADIES' TIES' NEW KW CLOVES. You take no risk in buying your Kid Gloves , here, We handle the best makes—style, fit and wear guar- anteed. See our No 1 quality at $1.25. Ladies' new Silk Ties and Collars jos; received. Special value at 25c. FURS. A large stock of all kinds, compris- ing all colors, in plain and fancyneck Ribbons. See our special line at 25c. Special values in all kinds of Furs for Xmas trade. Caperines at $3 50, $5.00, $6.00. $7.50,$10.00, $12.50. $15, $18, etc. Ruffs. $1.50. $2.00, $2.50, $4 00, $::1.00, :$7.50, $10 00, eta. Gauntlets in Electric Seal, Astra - can, Gree Lamb. Fur Coats at special prices. A MOUTH-WATERING MORSEL And a sweet etches from a :tweet storo. where only the parcel e•1 swee•tS are sold. ear Con- fectionery tells its (yam 510,9 of purity and perfection. All our eanciioa are strictly fresh, fpure and delicious. The cheapest as well as lue most expel:stye. The superiority of our Chocolates, Bon Eons, Etc. Is attcs:ea by the cls ast:tics we sell daily. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by VapoCreso lene tablets, ten cents Der box. All druggists. rLoltims. Juo. Wright, of Hartney. Manitoba, brother in-law to Mrs.Peter Jackson, 8th line is visiting here. Miss Annie Budd, 3rd line, has gone to Shetitord, where she will vieit for a time with Mrs. (Rev.) Pring, formerly of Bloeyale. Chaistnas Tree entertainment in con- nection with the Jackeon thodist church Sunday school was held. Tuesday ea euin;. ti'4'iltiitui and ,Tames .1.ndersoll„ 3r 1 lino drove over to Sullivan townshi1 , Grey Co , to visit relatives. The latter wi11, remain there for a time. A new Wick residence will be erecta• reit season on the farm of Alex. Clark, eth 1 nee. oar Sunshine. He will got the mateual ready this winter. The trustees of Barrie's school, 0th line, have engaged Miss Perscilla Alex- ander, of Mono Road, Getty Co., as teacher for the coming year and agree- ment hos been signed. W. A. and Mrs. Lowry, of London, are visiting with Jas. Sharpe, 5th line, the Lowry families of Brussels and other old friends. Mr. Lowry has just terurned from un enjoyable trip to Sault Ste. Male anti Mrs. Lowry from Detroit and Toledo. Mrs. Alex. Nichol, 6th line, continues quite p:o:ly. She suffered some weeks ego from a stroke of paralysis whichlias elf`e.•ted. hes,. eight side. She has been a re,narkable healthy woman hardly ever being on the sick list. Mrs. Nichol is G4 yt ars of age; her ninny friends hope a change for the better will soon ensue The residence of .Calvin Campbell, St;. - lire t destroyed lotlJ,coir, ,, was by Monday morning, Dee. 15th, about 8 o'clock. cloth the old and new home were burned, the fire started in the ter- mer, supposed from a spark front tihe chimney. Following were elected office bearers in CJnhiec tion with Jackson church Sab. J. BUOKLEY Star Restaurant. Do Yon itcielh tins. If you have uneasy sensations in the stomach, a bad taste in the moutlh,hearl- ache —remember that teen drops of Pol- son's Nervhliuo in sweetened water is a quick and certain care. Nerviline aids di go tion,dispels the gas, makes you comfortable and free from distress a' once. Nerviline is just splendid for Cramps, Colic, Dysentery. Stomach end Bowel Trouble s, and costs only z5c. Better try it. Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure Constipation. bath schnnl for the incoming year: —Wm Jackson, Supreiateudeut; Wm. Taylor, Assistant Supreintendt ut; Miss Rog t Cl2hrlt, Secretary-Treasot or; Robt. Skels ton, Librarian; T. Biel by, Wm Jacksi n, David Watson and Misses Sara Clark, Sara Taylor and Maggie Bieluy,teachers. The school is in good /:cart t.nt is doing valuable work. Monday Dec. 10th, Cluintiu Anderson, 3rd line, received a message that his sister, (Kate.) Airs. Mash•, of Sullivan township. near Ohecley, had paid Nat- ure's debt that day after a brief illness. She was about 52 years of age and leaves ono son aged 20 Mr. Mair was killed a few years ago at a barn raising. Mrs. t Mair has lived in that locality for the past 8.) years, and was vert highly esteenata by a large circle of friends. KNITTED GOODS. CROCE 1E5 - The Grocery Department is cora- plete with Xmas Fruits and Petite, new Dates, new Figs, new Raisins and Currants, etc. -Our prices are always the lowest. Special values in Teas. Try our leader at 25c A. large assortment of Fancy Shawls, Fascinators, Clouds, Booties, Hoods, Children's Coats, eta. See our Ice Wool Fascinators at $1.00. LADIES' BELTS- Tust reeie,ved the very latest in all kinds of Belts, fancy velvet, and jet elastic; choice goods, prices ora 2Se, 35c, 50e, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2,00. BOOTS AND SHOES. Nice Xmas presen' in , ,adies' and Men's Fancy Slipper... Special value in all kinds of Foot - ear. Gents' Formshillgs. We have a large et elk of the latest novelties in Men's and Boys' Wear. New Ties, new ti.' .ves, new Caps, new Braces, new Mufflers, new Shirts. See our new Silk Ties at 25e 85e and 500. Wishing our many patrons and fricuds a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. ..1,.,..,a IX., ... =,=.,a Wo ,. ..1224, ft E. ISAR. u ('- o. Opilosite Bank of Hans ton Highest price pa: far Prelim 11 Itchin a Skin Distress by day and night— That's the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Rheum—and out- ward applications do not euro. They can't. The source of the trouble is in the blood --make that pure and this seal- ing, burning, itching shin disease will disappear. et was talten with tttt itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable. I concluded it Was salt rheum and bought a bottle of hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days - after I began taking it I telt better and it was not long before I was cured. Rave never had any skin disease since." Dills. lel E. \VAnD, Cove Point, Md, Hood's 'Sarsaparilla this the blood sof all impurities and cures all eruptions. rt Is And you won't go by Patterson's Jewelry :+t.t:,3e without you buy, for he has the swellest li:.e of WATCHES, CHAINS, ^AMO D RINGS, SOLID GOLD P.F' c,t1.3 PEN- DANTS AND LOCKETS, NIS and. STICK PINS, BRACELET. iADI S' And many pretty novelties in gold and ..r nice would,, make a nit.c. Tains gift. IRRhv[YP.tn[ •aL'Lwmnnsum R.av �1tF.E9u(-31AQ2��'.JISi'•ifrs••••n-•••••', . A new line of Pr rate. etten&zee :re 'zap Lee �+ t vi•i Just arrived, all of the latest designs. The g are all right in style and price, for they quick sellers. ... :-rizewle,mest•. Repaliferin For repairing we beaten. REMEMBER TM?, STAND Stone Block - - - Opposite t VEg PaCs)F `itSW' ,,, fya--ylf-_KYfeSY •"YdMYW !^'YkJ.w 4.••.'-a,ek 5t:. . • a►' 11 not be ifs Hotel