HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-25, Page 4• 1 1 you want a nice Xmas gift In the shape of a Brush and Comb, Case, Handkerchief Case, Perfu.mes, Hair Brushes, Toilet Articles,. Ebony. Goods, ete.„ you can buy the very choicest at THE WINGUAll TINES, DECEMBER 25, 1102. • worn:cot:nom . happened on the 26t1z of November rars.R. J. Oayler has returned after 1 an extended visit to her sibter, (lelt.) W.. E. Treleaven of Glettalleu, MiseeeNellie and Mary Troy are home for vacatuiti. Mies Felith Fair of Proton visited her brother, Vrtneitati Fair, this week, M. Samuel B. Latuont of Brussels elated tne Omni, air. J. Ileatou On Saturdev. N. Geo. Lamont; who was operator at Whiteohurch, les; year is renewing old acottantanees in the locality. Mr. Jeanie Dawsou, who left here over Mem; years ago hes returned with his bride to spend Christmas . nudes the parental roof. Mr. C4eo. Fisher, who is attending the Veterivary Ooliege, Toronto, is spending vagatiou with his mother. Mr. Denis O'Connor is home fr am Asstimpti uz College, Sandwich. Mr. McCartney, brother-iu-law of Mr. jos. Laidlaw, is home from Algoma after an absence ot ten years, He re- ports.a good seasou.ana. booming times rhe annual meeting of the White- church. Oliet.se and Butter Mfg. Co was held ou Tuesday afternoon. The report of the Executive was highly satisfactery. The president reported au output of over 153,000 lbs, the'lexgest tne history of the company nod prices received rang - 1U,7, from teat to 19,14 c a, Ib. The old board of die otters was elected rulaw immutty, which speaks well for their management as some of them have been ou the executive ever siuce the factory started. The sports of the vicinity have got. is the track of a wild cat and every clay lams gaags ot. inert and dogs are roam- ing the woods in quest of it but so fur they have not located their prey. Mr. Edward Everitt started last Mon - /ay morning up to Ashfield to TiSit; his brother-in-law, Mr, Hntchison and in- cideutal ly have the pIetteere of a good fox hunt. While up there his dog, which was a very valuable hound was so seriously hurt that it spoiled all the fun and prevented his returning until Friday. We hope the animal may soon recover from its injuries and Mr. Everitt may yet use it in many a good fox hunt. Another of our popular young men has this week joined the racks of the ben - edicts. The happy lady is Langside girl. Full particulars next UM. e Cohn Al Camphell's as mama' in that dietrait. • DRUG STORE Chocolates and Bon Bons in boxes. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each. week. maam.iwn••••••• ESTABLISHED :9r4. THE WINS E. B. ter.e.aoTT. Punusaze awn nnorenteoe . - • • - TFURSDAY. DEC. 25, 1902. • PERSONADS. Mx. Jas. McKinley, who is Principal of one of O'Sullivan's Business Colleges is home for the holidays.. Mrs. C.Flood and daughter and Misses Countess and Gladys Carr are spendiug the holidays with Woodstock frientle. Miss M. Carr of Wiugham spent Mon- day and Tuesday with her brother, Mr. A. M. CRIT.-Teeswater News. • Mr. A. J. Sebastian, who has spent the past few mo IVA in the West was visiting Wingham friends this week. • Mr. J. M. Grahatn, of Hamilton. and Miss Clair Graham, of Toronto are spending the holidays at their home in toWn. Dr. Bethune, of Wingham, was calling on old friends in town this week. The doctor looks as hale and hearty as ever.- Seaforth Expositor. Dr. Jas. Agnew,of Cnstlive, Ohio,'and Dr.Agnew, of Drayton, are visitiug with their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Agnew. • Mrs. (Dr.) Horsey and children and Miss Maggie Macdonald,of Owen Sound, are at the home of their parents, Dr.and Mrs. Macdonald for the holidays. Miss Kaiser, Wingliam, sang at. both services in the Methodist Church last Sunday. Miss Kaiser possesses a very sweet voice. Both solos beiug rendered most acceptably. --Listowel Banner. Mrs. F. G. Sperling, who has been visiting with her (Infighter, Mrs (Dr.) Sperling at Lusk, Wyoming for some weeks returned home this week. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Sperling cornea home very - much improved in health. Christmas Farmers' Advocate. "The Golden Fields are waving, The sun sets golden red. A. sleeping Empire's waking. An Empire's day is breaking, A maiden Empire's making A mother Empire's bread." The above lines were written. by Cy. Warman, the clever American author who makes his home in Canada, for the beautiful colored frontispiece of the Christmas Farmers' Advocate, of Lon- don, Ont., to which the readers of that ever -popular periodical have been treat- ed. Some idea of the mngnitnde of the issue may be seen from the fact that it actually required over 161-4 tons of paper to prinr. it. Some 30 or 40 special- ly written articles on every phase. of ag- ricultural stied kindred themes, by the most eminent writers on this continent and in Great Britain, appear in its 80 pages, which are embellished with over 100 photogravures and reproductions of many of the best of modern paintings. • It is a tinigne production, every page disclosing something of interest and value. We congratulate the Fernierce Advocate on its snccees, and the farming interests of this conntry on having such a splendid exponent. With a large and. competent staff, thoroughly understanding the practical needs of eh departments of agricnitore' the Advocate has laid. plans for 1503 thatmake it in- dispensible to the Inert who wants a re - liable and high-class farm paper at a Very modest outlay. Tanis and Farm- ers, Advocate for one year for 81.73,uetv or renewal subscriptions. • II tereortevn rttee The English, Methodist and Presby- terian churches are holtliug their annual seetXmas tree on the 23rd, 24th and 25th. •Mr. Jas. Owens was lu Lucknew this week on brtsiness. : • AV ROA:ETRE. A =tuber of peoplu from here attend- ed. the Sunday sellout itutertaiumeut 10 Gorrie last week. Fred Gofton, of Sandusky is visiting with his grandfather, Mr. John Gofton. It is 20 years Alice he saw Mr. Gofton Miss Jessie Gibson, of Durharnt is visiting her sister. Mrs. F. V. Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and daughter, of Treherne,Mate, are visiting here. Mr. Thompson left this place 14 or 15 years two. The Presbyterian entertainment held ou Thursday evi'niug was a success. The Bank of Hamilton has opened a branch in this place. The Standard Bane were also talking of opeuiug a branch berct. Wesley Sage and son, of Melvon, Mich., aro visttiug with the former's parents. Miss Mary Robertson, of Boissevain, Mau., is VISitittE with her parents, itir. and Mrs. John Rebertson. lliss Jennetc Miller is home for the holidays Miss Purser, our lady teacher, left last Friday for her home iu Port Hope. A 'number of the scholars went to the station to bid goodbye. Mr. John Kuutson met with a serious accideut ou Mouday at the Pnblic Lib- rary. Ile went in tbe wrong door and fell down stairs. Iu the fall he broke his collar bone and dislocated his shoul- der. Ile is up in years and the accident will be a hard blow to him. He is im- provine as well as could bo expected. Messrs. William Gibson and John Gillespie have taken up land iu the North West. The curling club has been re-orgauized with. R. Black as president and John Bray as vice president. Mr. Beckett, who hes been working for Mr. Doughy., returned to his home in Simcoe on Wednesday. -•••••••-.0.- CLURVA.LE. Mr. Wnrdrope, of Teeswater, preach- ed in the Presby terian church last Sun- day nierning. The auntie' meeting of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Co. was. held last Friday. Tha season's business as report- ed by the officers of the Company ap- peared. to be satisfactory. as the share- holders re-elected the old Board of Di - lectors, viz: John R.Miller. W. J. John- ston, George Turvey, Jas. Elliott and T. K. Powell. Percy Paterson and Chester Pugh aro home irom Stratford Business College Ifor the holidays. Miss Alice Duff is home for her holi- days. She has been teaching at Elsinore, l Bruce Cobut after New Years will 'tench at ilb. 0, East Wawituosh. The Wotnau's Institute will meet at residencethe . . F. Swairn on . Thnreday Jan. 6th, in the afternoon. A full attendance is requested as officers • will be elected for the year. Clayton Duff who has been undergo- ing treatment at Listowel for the past seven !neighs, is home for Christmas. Court Douglas, No. 27, .0. 0. F. leas been gathering in newt- ertenthe;s on: rather a Liege scale lately. Daring last week Organzer John Tomuce, of Lts- towel, had succeeded in gettingtwea ty- five members, besides four notinitiated. On Tuesday evening after a number were iintiated tables were laid. and an Mr. D. Allison, who has been attend- oyster sapper was much enjoyed by the. . ' lag Medical College in Toronto, arrived tnembets of the Court, their wives and leer. week for a short vacation. swe,:thsarts, atter which short addresses • ia. Bruce is maim; her son, Robt. at present. Miss Maggie' AlIleon, of London arrived home Tuesday evening to attend 'her brother, 1Valt's wedding. WeddingBells are tinging very Dewily hi and arena the village this week. The Young. Melee asoembly held in the rereettere- hall last Tanstley evening vow; a &Meted SItetTPS, littltkifeS or- chestra hem LlatIon furnished tha sanftle. Mr. jos. Stalker of Liteltnow visited at MP Den ri#4,10,8, thio week. ibilitridor arrived at her father's LIFASPIllt - . week from ew Ontario; sll he Jas. Thynne Is stithreehin N'g. He is urn until May. to ay ever the hundred days' work now. Attotion N. 5. Morris had a Edward Leen lies gone on an extended setiomporkg prograrataa mat rriday visit to his daughter in 'Washington, D. and presentod their teacher. C. est. It appears alto was being treated. at the hospitte for some. eihnout and was improving satisfactorily, when she took bronchitis aud owing to her courlition was unable to withstand the attack.. It will be remembered that Mrs. McIutosh taught the junior department of Otte $011001 in WiliQ11 capacity gave the best sat olfaction ; Hint also taught school tu Rarrietou teed one of her pupils in liarrieton wits the Doctor evil() attendee Were giveu by Mr. A.. H. „ Musgrove, of Wingham, Rev. W. 3. West, John Tor - ranee. Perris; or D. Holmes of Wiughant, Mid Mr. Joseph Loth. R. A. Douglass of Winghtun, gave a eonple of readings that wore muen enjoyed. Altogether a very 'enjoyable eveuing was spent. Miss Lillie Oliver, of Tomato, is Visit- ing her genuaparents, Mr. and. Mrs. John joint 'largess. On January lith sp"eial services will be held in the Presbyterian church, and on Monday evening t following an old &Aliened tea, meeting will to held. Mrs. Witt. Messer is in pour health at ?esteem*, with a ClbTy 11E11(1801M) Mr. AEA Mr& iltobt, Dimon received Ghat* mai looket, Mr. Piussmo.re is the sad intalligenee of the death at Re - IV **Amy and will, sttedy gine, N. W, T...of their daughter Anii ;Thee, if of William AlcIntosh, which a4v0 Stock AfavIcets, Tonox•ro, Deo. 23.-Toolay was guile au off day at the Cattle market, partic- ularly iu the local butcher trade. Who run was very light, and there was very little wanted, and it is pot likely the 1 there will be much of any kind Wanted for the mita this week. The following are the quotations: CATTLE. her iu bar last illness. The news of Mrs. MoIntosh's death woe received here with SMPPerst per owt $ 4 75 $ 5 50 Doe lighe . 4 00 4 50 Bntehor, choice 4 00 5 00 proforma sorrow as she was behteee by all who knew her. She leavebeside her hueband one daughter aged twelve years. Mrs. 1VIcIutosh was forty-five years of ego. Mr. and airs. Duncan. who are well strielten in years have the sympathy of the cotonmuity especially es they were expecting a family re -union when Mr. and Mut. Daman would con -t. tumor -ate their Attieth anniversary of their wedditig, •••••••••••111.1M,MOIMINIIMEMIMMIIMMI. It'"2.11TVICIIESIEVELTS. Irt ronchitis It 1 ' "1 have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral in my house for a great many years.. It is the best med cane in the world for coughs and colds." i J. C. Willieras, Attica, N. Y. t, 4/011•111.1104El• torma•t: All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at fast in a single night with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, 7, and for coughs of all kinds. r• • 01.0110121Watintrratinmelr/. Three'otitos: Cc., enough for at or.17nlry -cold; Mc.. j got rixtt;, for CnIatt. 131, Moat Det.4..,uleM tor oltruidc outlet% itel Its 1:1-, it .M.1.3311,1, .1. C. INEE Cu., lo•troll. Norm. • VAcrtirt::rAv:tVr.14e4V,e."".N'':"; By -Law No. 4691 1902 A By -Lew TO PROVIDE FOR TUE CON- straction of a conimon or trunk sewer and sewage disposal works in the Town of Wingham, and to authorize the issue of debentures of the said. Town to theamouut of 55,- 500 for the „ purpose of raising the sum required therefor, Whereas it is desirable to conattatet a com- mon or trunk sower along Josephine Street in the Town of Wingham with sewage disposal works on the bank of the South Branch of the River Maitland in the said Town of Wingham, and to raiso the sum of $3,500 to bo applied for the said purpose; And Whereas in order thereto it will be ne- cessary to issue debentures of the said Town for the sum of $5,500 as hereinafter provided (which is the debt to be created'by this by-law), the Proceeds of the said debentures to be ap. plied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other; And Whereas the total amount required by ' The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for poyingthe sold debt and inter- est is the Mill of $818.07; whereof $220.00 is to be FIO raised annually foe payment of interest dories the currency of the said debentures, and $98.07 is to be raised annually for the pur- pose of creating K sinking fund. for payment of the debt secured by said debentures; ' And. Whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the Town of Wine:am ac- cording to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $520.817_: And Whereas the amount of the existing de- benture debt of flu, said Munieipality is$80,COLCO of which no part is in arrear; Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows: - 1. For the purpose of raising the said sum debentures of the Town to the meant of $5,500 as aforesaid shell be issued in the sums of not less than $100 each, on the first day of June A. D., inos, each of which debex:ttums shall be dated on the said firat day of June A. D., 1003, and shall be parable on the first cloy of June A. D., 11)3.3, nt The Dominion Bank in the the said Town of Wingham. 2. Each of the said debentures nhnll be Pign- ed by the Martyr of the said Town of Wingluun, or by 130M0 other person authorized by by-law to sign the WIMP, and also by the Treasurer thereof ; and the Clerk of the said Town of Wingham shall :Atte)) thereto the corporate sent of the Municipality. 8 The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent por *mount payable at the said Bank on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber in each and 'very year during the currency thereof except the lest payment of interest which shall become due and payable on the first dor of June. A. D., 1008; and said deben- tures Phan hare attached to them coupons for payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the said Mayor and Trees- ure.r 4 During the currency of the said deben- tures, there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable propl,rty in the, said town of Wingliont the said sum of $220.00 for payment of interest on said debentures, and. the said sum of $18.07 for the purpose of creat- ing a sinking fund for the payment of the debt hereby secured, inaldng in ail tho sum of $818.- 07 to be raised annuallY, by special rate as aforesaid, during each of the said thirty years. 5. This Bylaw 111011 take effect on tho thir- teenth day of January, A. D., 1003. 0. The rotes (.4 the el eztorm of the Pohl town of Winghant shall be taken on this bylaw nt the foltowing times and places, that is to soy, on Monday tha t1th day of annual y, A. D., 1003, commene.ingat nine o'eluck in the toe,- noon and continuing till five o'elock in the afternoon of the P:Mle day by the following deputy returning officers: In Ward 1, at James Cumming's Muse by James Plenty. Deputy Returning Officer for said Ward 1. In. Ward 2, at the Misrule(' 0:ftlee by Theo- philus Hall, Deputy Retailing far said Ward 2 In Wl'-rrlfl. at the Town Hall, Winghom, by A)lineou B. Ferguson, Dspaty Returning Officer for said Ward 3. In Ward 4, at 3ohn Longheed. s honso,„ by Wilitam Robertson, Deputy Returning (Meer fox said Ward 4. 7. On Saturday, tho third day or Atmore. ten o cloek in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places afore- Fftifrend at the final summing up of the totes by the Clerleon behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this Bylaw respectively. 8. The Clerk Of the said Town of Winghatxt shall attend nt the Paid Town Hall n o'eloelt in the forenoon of WetInesd3y the seventh day of January A. ID. 1008, to sum tlp the lumber of votes giyi» for and tzgainpt thts Dated nt the Town mat in the 'Town of Wingham this second day of Decenffier, A. 1). 1002. efityote Clerk. NOTICE Take netice that the above., is n true eopy t.,r it Pc09(0.cd Whet? whieh has been telten tido Pen, - .).,111 he filtllyaszed IIPt1(1::);?..Venil t 4,r •ti1 fhi• alp;i:41.i•t1471,,lilift".Mtg;;,./ thereto) after tom month !rein the first. itubli- ' eation in the Win:Thom Times, the dale ef whit* publienfiem vres the fourth daY of 1),'. pember, A. D. le02, and tlmt the votes of the r4eetors Of the Paid Monielealit will 14,-, ttlit.pitz-00 rigietl.nt day and at the lit ars and peteel Town Clerk's Ofllee, Winghath. nee. 4th, 1902, FBRGTISON, Clerk. 13etcher, ordinary to good 3,25 4 00 Buteher, inferior • . 0 40 3 75 Stockers 2 50 • 3 25 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Choice ewes, per cwt... 8 00 3 25 Yearlings, per cwt 3 74 4 50 Spring tenths, each 2 50 2 75 Backe 2 00 3 50 MILXERS AND CALVES. • Cows, each35 00 kc 53 00 Calves, each2 00 ' 10 0 mos Choice hogs, per cwt5 75 6 00 LIMA hogs, per owt,4 50 5 75 Heavy hogs, per mt5 50 5 75 Sows, per cwt - 3 75 4 00 Stags 200 2 50 WINCtliA11/ hEARKET itecomers Wingham, Deo. 24, 1002. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon, by Cassels & Carr. i1'lour per 100 lbs.... ...... 1 65 to 2 50 Fall Wheat ... 0(38 to, 0 70 Spring Wheat 00 0028 ttoo 00 0800 0 35 to 0 40 0 65 to 0 70 OpBeatuat.siso, y . . ... .... . Turkeys, dra,, wn ... . . - 0 11 to 0 12 0 07 to 0 08 Ducks, per pair .. it . 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens ., . . 0 80 to 0 60 E • • • • 0 . 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 Bo Hay, per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 50 to 0 60 Apples, per bag 0 28 to 0 40 Tallow per lb ..........., 0 05 to 0 05 Lard 0 15 to 0 le, Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 0 18 to 0 15 WLivoeolHogs, per cwt. 5 75 to 8 75 iiitanding insurers. It will pay you to see me; before plac- ing your business. I represent purely Canadian Com- panies. Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town properties for sale, ABNER COSENS. LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. -The bye -elections to fill the seats in the Ontario Legislature recently vacated by the courts, for North Perth, North Norfolk and North Grey, will be held on Wednesday, January 7th. •••••. 0 • agmes••••••oosoomoompootioom000soonempoos000000moomoom00000moom • PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE I JOHN KERR JAS. H. KURR • •••••••5065050004,0 epee coos oseeosseeeeeeeeoesoaoseeeaeeeeeeeese0000•000004,004,0 1 • Christmas • • • 1: • Candies •••• • 0 • • 0 • 0 101 541 • 0 • a a 0 a 0 • • 0 a 50a 0 Best Light Mixed, Best Dark Mixed, Best Jumbo Mixed, 3 lbs. for 25e, Cream Mixed .Chocolate Drops Maple Walnut Cream Lemon Nut Taffy • a • • S • • • • • • Almond Nuts • ▪ 'Walnuts • • Peanuts • • • Filberts • .15 .15 .20 .20 ,20 • • Mixed, at 15c per lb. • • • • •m0000000cocoecoseeeettoosoocec000s000000s0000c000c000iscocoormooeescis0000se0000s JAS, N. KERR • • • • • • • • We • wish you • all a very Merry Christmas Christmas Fruit Oranges, Vnlencias, per doz. .15 Oranges, janialea, sweet fruit, per dozen, .20 to .40 Oranges, California Navels, • very large, juicy. sweet fruit, • .50 to .60 Dates, fancy 1 -ib packages, 10c each or 3 for .25 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • La•Yer Figs, per box .10 • • Layer Ffgs, 1.1h package .15 • • 0 0• • Fancy Layer Raisins, pee lb .20 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APPLES - Northern Spies, per peck .10 Russets, per peck - .10 COCOA COFFEE CHOCOLATE BLUE RIBBON TEA • • • • JOHN KERR • • • RACOON ALD BLOCK WIN 0 H A NI egmeoesootw0000s0000esoee coaesoeoceeoew0000m00000 c0000mosaaosemocoome000se is+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.++++++++++++++++++.:•14+..l.-14 + ▪ qi, • ,,... + 4 + ' / *BY DECEMBER 15 th ,'• + 4. . + IMMTMtlICORM4aa.r.m.m.....- ....cl.aaau...uAn-aa.Mir + ..i.• 4 - NI Y N EC ESS T YYOUR OPPORTUNITY , 4.' i• •-'.. + - . . .7.* + 4. + • + I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents'. ..t .1. ..+ • Watebe.i ; Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and 1. i. other precious stones ; Lovely Brooches ; Bragelets, Ladies' „and '. Gents' Chains; Silver*are, Cased Goods, Novelties, ete„ etc., .1'. st. sis 4' .1. As I must have money these goods will be sold at slaughter prices during the next two weeks. 4. suitable for Christmas. Macdonald Block. JEWELER +4-1.4-444.4-+++44444-1-44444.4444 oe4.1-4-444-4•444-44-44+++444.4.4.+4-1- 4.• THIS SPECIAL SALE IS NOW ON! BIJY NOW ! - SAVE MONEY! 4. HALSEY PARK • Intamt••••nrsrma •• 11. • • 1 1• is 6 In the'lit Kent Block yott can find lots of suitable gifts. Silks tirlit Ribbon are always aeceptable. Xid Ives, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties; Scarfs, Booties, Cartel-. Gilt Drapery for screens and cushions. Then 14,i -umber that the prices are only half of' the usual cost est • • ch goods. Try iv f..r Boys' Salts, Overcoats, Ulsters. If you try here first y save Cost. In 14#.. Fancy Dry Goods, Handkerchiefs, Gimps and Dress *1 ."nings, assortment is good. Alsa Embroidery, laser.' Lawns, Prints and Fancy Sateens. We dr for ev, Denim object to show our elegant Summer Muslin, nice g wear; Sheeting. Pillow Cotton, Ticking, Drill, xford Shirting, Cretonnes, Skirting, etc., at the REV (J'ILE • RING SALE GE • I • ti• ' sAzt.,,,o, %Au; TrAtv ismovoo.ar sov orvkvit IMOINIIIIME11311 Button _Block--;-• -Wingham• We wish all our customers a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. BARGAINS! pARGAINS! BARGAINS! We Still have *between two and three thousand dollars of stock to':•clispose of in our quickest possible time. Don't delay it you want the first choice. IMSNICMISMMIMPOIMMOLLII ....C.-JAMMIII01111421!M TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS'! Toys for Xmas and New Years, of all kinds, 'at cut prices ; too numerous to mention, n CANDIES! See our window for choice Candies at prices which you cannot buy:them for at any other store in Wingham. •Ii•fit•seemsensrenawes Filo Floss, all shades, reg 5c, „ 3 for .10 Bittenburg Braids, per yd, from le up. Battenburg Spools, reg 8e for .05 Battenburg Patterns at your own price Shetland Floss, reg 8e for - .05 Berlin and Zephyr Wools, per oz. - .06 Brilliant Silko, per spool .05 . . . Come quick if you want bargains in Knives 4 only Carving. Sets, reg $4, for $2 and 8.00 Knives and Forks, guaranteed twelve pennyweight silver, reg $5.50 per dozen, now. for - 4.00 Tinware and Graniteware at greatly reduced prices Flour Sifter, reg 20e, for - .12 10 qt Dish Pan for . .17 14 qt Kneading Part for - ' .40 4 qt Covered Pail, reg 20e, for .15 Dippers, each - . - .05 'No. I) Steamers ▪ - .30 # GROCERIES . I3est Pink Salmon, 2 this for - .25 8.1b box Satin Gloss Starch - .20 1 -lb box best Bird Seed - - .07 Extracts, 3 large IN bottles for - .25 Worcestershire Sauce reg 20e bottle for .10 101.416,44.4006,Oliosiol:4401‘,64%/1644411011VO/VOli. t •