HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-25, Page 1c•
VOL. XXXL—NO, 1611,
"What to Give ?"
A pair of fine Black Satin Juliettes
with fur trimming, just the thing
for afternoon and eveniug wear, $1.75
A pair fine binok quilted Juliettes
with fur trimming, at - $1.35
A pair of Cardinal Slippers at $1,35
A pair of Felt Low Shoes, fur trim-
- ening, price - - $1.00
A beautiful line of Ladies' Felt
Gaiters, - - $1.40
Children's Slippers at 35c, 40c and .45
What could be a nicer gift than a
nice Black Satin or Silk Mufiior,
lined with red satin, beautiful, at
- - $1.00 and $1.25
Way's Mufflers, prices 50e and .75
NEcl ween. --We have just re-
ceived some of the very newest
designs, some beautiful shades.
prices - - 25c to .75
"We have also some very pretty lines
of Colored Shirts, Silk Handker-
chiefs and Kid Gloves.
We guarantee everything first-class
in every particular.
• o
All Sorts of Dishes
Its hahtjy to kimw that.,you ef11t
coque right straight to this store
the minute you need something
in this line.
And you can be .sure before you
come that what you wish you can
Some Elegant •
Dinner Sets.
Prices for 07'piece sets from $0.00 •
to$15.00. All pew goods, China
ton sets from $3:00. to $10.00.
Toilet sets from $1.50 to'$.1000,
Beautiful and attreetive desiguii,
new patterns, stippled ant gold.
Fancy china of nll kinds for Xmas • •
trade. Cell etarly and get choice..
Prices reasonable.
A. Hutchison
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 51.
If you want a honse in Wingham or
any village or town within •50 miles, I
can chew you the largest collection ever
on list for sale in this part.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Who Wants a Farm?
.1 have over 4,000 sores of ehoic's farm lands
fr sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots hi
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
anti Ashileld Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to be sold cheep on easy terms.
Also a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in cow
nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
'A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagons bop. A general store with large
trade, live village. Also a large anoint of
money to loan at 5 per cent. Por further par.
titulars apply to
T. A.fcKl0NZ1
insurance Agent, �'olvrood.
Wear Greer's. Shoes and. Rubbers.
Death of T =as Wylie.
Thomas Wylieold and highly: re -
spooked resident'. f Iiowick, died on
Tuesday et last w 'k, at the home Ohio
son-in-law, Mr. 1 chard Earngey. De-
Oeased was a res' ent of W iughaui for
some timea.few ''ars ago. The frlueral
took place to iughatu cemetery on
Thursday atfturn 'ti of last week.
Rooms to let. Hard and. soft water
and woodshed on the premises. Apply
to. Geo,llojtnze.
iu mahogany and oak, leather seats,
from $1 to $6.50. i . st clear them out,
Bata. BROS,
G. R. C
The following o
ed by Lebanon Oh
for the ensuing y
W. Lowe; and P
Prin., Dr. J. P. Ti(
E.W.'f'amiyu; S
Dr. J. E 'Tamlya;
holm; S. S., Dr.
Wheeler; Jan., Ja
cars have been elect-
ter, No. 84, 04110.
rs—let Print., ltev.
ii:, FI: O. Bell ; 3rd
seedy; S. -E., Dr. H,
P. Tansley; Treas.
, S., Dr. J. S. 011ie..
. MOAsh; J. S., P.
Holly for deo
Meals at all hot
opposite T. A. Mi
'tithe; at the "Star
s at Mrs. Giisdale's,
's store.
The Central Bu
ford,. Out.. sustain
for thorough, pro.
educational work
a large patronage
mates are to be ft
Mess colleges.
the C. B. C. i
safe one to patrol
the Priubipal, 0
some catalogue t.
ing a business or
a College..
bless College, Strat-
a natianel reputation,
'essive anti al vented
This college enjoys
ad many of its grad- •
ad teaching'in bits.
is should show that
popular t••oho•al and a
ze. Mr. W. 3. Elliott,
ire to send his hand -
ell who intend Jour-
horthaud education.
Cutters, Hurn
fur coats rube,
Selected stock t
No matter w
goods, clothing o
if he has what y
s (single and double)
urge blankets Lingo
'. H. Boss'
ou want in dry
fare try Dultnage and
want you are sure to
See HalseyPark's advertisement. Interest to
We guarantee every pair of Lumber -I In the Delineat
men's Rubbers we sell, and sell them 1 Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran• much matter for I
cheap. ! teed to care headache.
•of illustrated cook
llomllth Bros.
Sign of the Big Bear.
issued- by FRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria
street, Wingham, Out. No witnesses required.
Your Read
Place your order
now. The best for
' found in a first-olas
the Trues, giving
I neighborhood an
daily or weekly au
paper for the far
money by availing
.. I bing offers.
g Matter.
or reading matter
our purpose will be
local paper such as
11 the news of the
an up-to-date city
a good agricultural
Leri. You will save
ourself of our club•
D 0 i i 0 B A Wanted—Several farms to rent.
IApply T. J. Maguire.
House to rent, near G. T. R. station.
, Apply to T. A. Mills.
$2,900,000 1 See Uampbeil's c ug store window for
$2,900,000 handsome Xmas g" ts.
Mr. John Grov
accident while at
which is being b
Trans' building of the
The supports u
gave away and p
Mr. Groves and
considerably bru
feared that his s
were injured, b
learn that such
Groves tvae pre
will be laid off
A General Banking Business -'
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on same.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada, 'United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added. to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
B. Vanstone. Solicitor.
on Saturday..
s met with a serious
vork on the addition
It to the cold storage
ingham Procuce Co.
der part of the roof
rt. of the roof fell on
ith the weight livabves
sed and cut. It was,
ne and one of his legs
t we are pleased to
is not the case. Mr.
y badly injured and
rk for some time.
Best chocolate
boxes for Xma
j °�' store.
'3� I o Mite 'swell get
c Jl CC, I has them down fi
Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00.
Reserve Finid, $1,000,000.00.
President -401M S2nAu2.
Vice-President—A.. G. ISA arse,
John Proctor, T. Wood, M.P., A. B. Lee (Toro to).
General STanager-•-3.'1tiltNPtJL'b.
enmities Ilenk-1Tottre 10 to 3• Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the 30th No.
t*eniber and 01st Hay each year and added to
Special iiepeeita also received at current
rated of interest.
traits on Great Britain and the Vnitce
States Bought and sold.
'S?rttveners are notified that the flank of Ham-
ilton audits Branches iasua+ Circular Untamed
National Prcvinolal Bank of Bn! land, Limited,
Which can be ervilind without charge or trona .
ble in any part orate world.
ilM. L. DICKINSON. (Solicitor. \kis\
—The Tress and Weekly lkiail and
Ittitpire till let Urinary. 1001, to new
subscribers for $1.'15. Premiumpletnrea
to new Mud old subscribers of Mail anti
' $tmipire,
ik, r.•
and bon bons in fancy
at Campbell's drug
fur coat. T. II. Ross
e, both in quality and
New Telep
The Bell Telep
their new Teleph
ern Ontario, copie
distributed to sub
local manager, M
'Wingllam now h
including a long
a continuous se
'phones in use i
stantial incret s
was published,
the energetic to
will no doubt I
another direct
Mr.Campba1l t
Wiugham• the
here was 21.
ne Directory.
one Co. have issued
ie Directory of West
of which are being
cribers in town by the
. Colin A. Campbell.
s over 00 'phones, in-
istalice equipment and
vice. The number of
Wingltatnshows a sub -
since the last directory
nal with the efforts of
al manager the number
ch the 100 mark before
y is published. When
it charge of the oftlee in
umber of 'phones in use
Motive' TO LoMN.--Money to loan on
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates. Money advanced on mort-
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any year. Notes and accounts
collected. Oiiice----Beaver i3lock, Wing -
ham hour. MoItinoo.
novelty in the fo
Hot Cakes for
practical suggest
meal, and a pap
the. Winter lunch
those who have
board. These a
the magazine a
paper of advice
er by Margaret
e Housekeeper.
for January there is
ousewives. The page
ry portrays a decided
of a Chinese dinner.
reakfast oilers some
ns for the morning
• on the character of
on table is of value to
harge 6. the family
e also in this' issue of
tuber of recipes and a
the young housekeep.
Beautiful Xm
gents' fancy slip
Make your frie
liner Gramopho
Buckley, Agent,
presents I—Ladies and
ens, at W. J. GAZER'S.
id a present of a Ber-
o on Christmas. J.
'Star Restaurant,"
Wed ng Bells.
A happy event ` which brief mention
was made in las week's Tames, took
place as the resid . ice of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Clarke, on T ursday noon of last
week, when th it only daughter,
Miss Edith Beatri .e was joined in wed-
lock with D. D. ., .ss, D.D.S., of Moose -
jaw, N. W. T. ha ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. r . Hobbs in the presence
of the intimate f lends of the bride and
groom. The bri e received many hand-
some and costl presents, showing the
high esteem in tt ich site is held. The
happy couple wil visit for a Short time
in Ontario befor- going to their western
home. The Tin :e extends hearty con-
Get your piano toned or renuired be-
fore the New Yea Leave orders at T.
H Ross' music at' e, Satisfaction;guar-
enteed. . R. M. Ross.
—The Trims and Family Herald and
Weekly Star till '1st January 1904, to
now subscribers for $1.75. Premium
Family Herraldand Weekly Star. ens of
A. 0. U. W. 'Officers.
At the meeting f the A. 0. U. W.
No 139, held on I'' iday evening last the
following officers ;were elected for the
ensuing term: -s . W., A. I•f, Ming ova;
Foreman, R. Alle i; Overseer,;F. Shore;
Guide, F. Johnston; Rec. Sec., R. •
Vanstono; Vinepcer, B. C. Clarke:
Receiver; C. N. rifn ; Inside Watch,
R. Weir; Out ide Watch T. Bell;
Physician, Dr.. t inlyn, Delega°c to
grand lodge, 1'1 C. Clarke; Altenato
Delegate; Dr. ttmbl •)i Bro. P. II
1%1011.enzie, Distr act Deputy, was present
and gave a very !interesting address on
the standing andilvantages of the order.
An ad journnlentt was made to Scott's
restaurant, whortl a very pleasant hour
was spent diaeussing the: oyets s, etc.
Rad Wel ng.
The alliance betweei the rain cud the
frost that batt aceu►nu ted on the pave-
ments and (roads thre cued the down-
fall on Saturday Otani and Sunday of
many a oitiziii. Sots said the walk-
ing was bud. It Was a nistake; it was
the eittiug down.
Fresh oysters nxrivin daily; served in
any style, at Jtts. Buda y's star restaur-
Mos= To Lassa at 434 ' per cent. on
easy term* of repayment. Apply to A.
Dunnage, Itent°R1ock, Wipgbam.
Attractive indows.
The merchants pt n them have had
their store windos s diessed in very
attractive style, s wing the many
articles, they have a ital,le for Holiday
presents.. W.: 0, A. Campbell, druggist
has what many '1,1 e said to be the
nicest wrelow in' vn, with Smith &
Pethick's a cit s a se it. All the met -
chants have had cry attractive dies
plays in their wind Nes, •
A merry merry, ntss to one and all
of our patrons, W. J. Gar•E1t.
For neck scarfs a a the Way's muff-
lers, We eau beat t e town on variety.
Neck smart from 'c to $2.50; Way's
mutilerirum 350 to e. liANsi & Co.
The Scott • 1i Concert.
The ani mal Sc tieh concert, nadir
the auspicee,'ot pat pCaledonia, Sons of
Scotland, on •Thu :day, January halt is
one of important events for January.
This concert is a nays looked for with
pleasure anti this 'ear it promises to be
better than ever, The following artists
will take part: Dantild O. MacGregor,
Canada's tavern : Scottish baritone; 'Mies
Edna L. Sahel and, elocutionist; Miss
Grace Nisbet, s erauo; Jas. Fax, hum
orist; Mabel Mc I '• mild, Highland dancer
and Piper MeD. mid. 'Miss Whe prey,
of Ma Purest he been engaged as ac-
companist. Pla •of.11all will open at A.
Ross' book stor • :on Friday, January
2nd, at 2 o'clock . m.
J. Buckley, of he "Star Restaurant",
has a few pound c of loose tobacco he
will sell at:hitlf' •ice..,.
Try Dhtlipagel ?lnt'f3lock, 'for wind
preof and stdrtir prooii'Uvetcortts. They
are put together like leather and are
sold at half price.
County Coun• I Nominations.
Monday last was omination day for
candidates for the, position of County.
Councillors. In division. No, 7 the
nominations took place at Belgrave.
The candidates no iinated were John T.
Currie, John Web ter, Matthew Lock-
hart, Donald Pat, rson, John Wilfrid
and A. . E. Brat in. The last two,
gentlemen mended llaye retired. Mr.
Patterson has bee a member of the
County Council f.: six years ,and Mr.
Lockhart for two ears. Mr. Currie has
boort Reeve of' E at Wawanosh for a
number of years a d. Mr. Webster has ,
been in the "West ` Wawanosh council.
All the candidates in this division have
had consider'.ble unicipal experience.
Iu Division No. 8, obt. Miller; of Turn -1
berry, Itobt. 1! erg son and A. Doig, of
Howick, are the candidates. Messrs
Miller anti Fergus n were members of {
the County Coo i 'it for the past twos,
years. In divisiot No. 4, Messrs Spaek- ti
man and R. Hiclt • are elected by acclam- f
Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye-, ear, nose and throat. Bycs
tested and glasses supplied. Office op,
postte St. Andrew's church, London,
s c . onin ter
TERS—All prices—Taylor's, Ed-
ger & Garlete,LaPivers,Ideal,etc,
flAI%'o BRUSHES—Bbouy and Rose-
wood --all prices.
PURSES --Ladies' and Gents'
SUNDRIES—Tobacco Bowls, Smok-
lag Sets, Vases, Shaving Sets,
Opera Glasses,, etc.
These we will sell at'priee•1
haver before given in
WaiIon McKibbon Mod
Next to Pest Oaten.
Temperaice i
• At A meeting of th
West Huron Tetnye
held in. Goderieh las
showed a surplus
Which is a pretty go
Peud G re
s were nA
little more, and wh
that this included 1i
lug, as well as othe
seen that the camp
travagaut one, U.
the polling subtly!
some of them -co
this, It was dem
present organizati
tion was expressed
Exeoutive of the
nee organization,
week, the receipts
ver expenditures.
exhibit, Theex-
out $350, possibly' a
i it is remembered
Mature for the rid -
expenses, it will be
ign was not an ex -
y of t8 on each of
ions was made, bat
trinated more than
el to maintain the
t, and much satisfac-
it the largeness of
the vote in the ridlJig.
CRATON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for
$2 00, at Armstrong & Co's studio.
Cutters have be
furious. Why? B
prices are alright,
i selling fastand
cause the goods and
T. H. Ross.
The following is th
al weekly exannnatio
senior departments e
during the month of
Department A,
Meveuration, ehemis
geometry; maximum
374, May Robertson
310, Ade Howson 3
Pearl Wynn 2:15,
Agnes Wilson 284..
Haunch Wilson 27
222 (3), Mabel Ross;
rims 185 (8), •Bella
Laura Martin 02 (1
Department 4,
Mensubation, litera
French; maximum
309, Maude' Rose 2,
262, Elgiu"Currie 2
Olive Ferguson 211,
Edna Scott 197 (3
Highest price for'furkeye, geese,dneks, 192 (3), Carrie Stew
chickens, potatoes, dried apples,. butter 159 (2), Laura Km
and eggs. WiRGnix Titeorea-Co.,ZTit man 147, Willie
The ffirst aunt
connection with
charm will be b
Monday next. At
church will be ted
tract price of the e
e 1 for. The Meth
Wingliaul has dou
for their new chur
stand that all onrst
been paid and the
hand to be applie
pester, Rev. R.
credit for his a nt
clay next, Rev. ,D
both morning an
day evening tea
lecture room afte
anon will deliver I
Johns: John Kno
The admission to
25 cents,
d Dedication, Holmes 123, Gerrie
.Jeanie Riutoul 05
ersery services in Maggie Fisher 33 ( le DOW Methodist Department B;.
t1 on Sunday and tory, arithmetic a
he services the new muni 300; Elva D
.ated as the full cons
eh has • been provid>
dist congregation of
bell 285, Laura N
283, Hattie Gann
278 May Swart s 76, George Or gory
splendid in providing 200, Fred Howson )05, 13arville (Stintbuilding. Weundei•- 250, Nortnau Purl. 260, CarrollHole 25.),
uding liabilities have Alice Chapman 05:, Ethel Ferguson 257.
over $1800 is now on
on the mortgage. The
obbs deserves much
lug efforts. Ou Sun.
Carmen will preach
evenin;r. On Mon -
di'. be served in the
which Rev. Dr. Car -
result of the use-
s head in the two
the 1 ublic school
fors; Subjects.
literature and
400; Allan Hobbs
43, Maggie Nixon
, Leo Kerr 310,
zzle Gilchrist 2111,
oma Edwards 275,
, Norma Vanstono
'05 (3), Jessie Gar -
Macdougall 95 (1)
unions; subjeots—
r+'', grammar and
00: Viola Davidson
, Alberta Rintoul
Irene Davis 245(8).
aura Ansley 207,
, Marjorie Gordon
rt 198, Hattie Rose
152 el), Robt.Ruuci-
bister 143, Winnie
rutckahauk 120'(2),
.), Ethel King 53 (1),
objects— British his -
d geography; maxi -
14 288, Hattie Camp -
For all Stomach Troubles Try
We guarantee. an 'absolute
cure for the most distressing
cases. When all others fail
give us a trial, and • your
money will be refunded
if we do not satisfy.
Rt A. Douglass,
284, Janis:! Perin
t 281, Harry Green
Alf. Podia 256, 0
garet Stewart 24
Ethel Elliott 2.7,
Barber 224, Olive
Kelly 215, Alice C
184, Della Mitchel
181, Merton Hurt,
s lecture, "The Two WA:tTED—Choice roll butte
and John Wesley " eggs 20c, nighi.etprice for
a and, lecture is only mink or fox t;4 00. O
ergo Elliott e51, Mar-
Vera Holmes 242, .
illie Scott 220,Minnio
"rnickehank 210,Tom
ad 193, Lillian Deyeli
188, Mildred Beeuter
'2 (2).
WANTED—A first-class
girl and one genera se
est, ,rages paid. A
a, fresh
Cv1. No. 1
.00 prize given
• • away with a $2.110 pa •hasp was won by
Mise tileCallum. . Geo. E. King.
ming: room Cottage to rent Frances street.
fluid HIt;-
fluid cud soft wate , stone cellar, three
nit girl.
y at rvi b. bedrooms; parlor a dinner roam ; large
kitchen acid p;int Vacant ,Tau 15.
—The Tiaanti Farmers' Advocate; Apply to R. Herds
will be sent to any address in Canada or
the United Suttee till January 1st. 1204 I The. IVf unr..pai Elections
for $1 7
The fun still continues at the Kent
Block Sale—funny prices. Dulmage
did not steal the goods! Nor is he malt-
ing much money! The goods must go.
5. Neto the retraction. ' ' � The municipal ominationa will take
ext. There is no ex-
am and we have not
as to who will be can-
,inncillors for 1903.
has filled the position
thisyear and he should
903'. Wingham needs
a good council fo . 1903. Iu some of the
neighboring tow '.hips there promises to
be seine warm c . . tests. In Turnberry,
l it is probable th t Reeve Cruickshank
will be re-eleote by acclamation. Such
will not be the e
Messrs John Mo
Alex. Kelly, J
Scott, and Wm
I East Wawanosh
rug and is in the
eller. The nein
and Jolie MeCa
candidates for,
Councillors the
have been meat
Gavin Wilson, G
Sutherland and
ras it is said the
will be re-electe
Howick, Reeve J.
and Jas A. Strop
lin are. likely to
position. It is sal
McKee and Spline
Jessie N. Mac . chlan Concert.
The Jessie N. M.' lachlon concert in
the opera house on Friday evening last
was a success, b• h financially and
otherwise. Those esent are warm in
their praise of the It gh class programme
provided. Miss J -.sitz N. Maclechlan
was, of course, the main attraction for
the evening. She '. certainly the queen
of Scottish vocali s. At each appear•
slice she was gre .ted with enthusiasm
and responded g aciously to encores.
She was by many 'onsidered to be better
than when in inghani a year ago.
The recitations Miss La Dell were
enthusiastically fleeted on her every
appearance. Sh is a favorite with a
Wingliaza audio ce. Miss Teresa Flan-
igan, who niado ler first appearance be-
fore a Winghan audience is possessed of
a sweet sopra o voice and she won
favor with the udience.
The TM's has authority to arrant;g
dates and terms for auction sales,, r
either F. S. Scott, of Brussels, prsthos.
Brown Seafortlt
you want go d f'erslt groceries,
choice candies, et good opposite T.
A. Mills' stoss. Bread. always on hand.
tones—We ha.. rix different kinds
• and if your face is • pod or Non have the
cash they are you a. Call and inspect.
All first-class and elected stools.
The ratepayers
attend the public
ball on Tuesday e
when the gantlet
sewage system wi
1 Davis, of Berlin,
the ratepaycrt scm
connection with t
be voted on on ' ! anuary 5th. Every
ratepayer should g; all the information.
he can on these qu • :tions. 'We have be-
fore us a clipping f . ni the Berlin Daily
Telegraph of Dec 18th, in which is
,i shown that the Wa 'r Commissioners of
that town have a su .Ins of $250, after
paying for nil the tensions made in
their system this y , This surplus is
above the required + . ount which it was
necessary to raise t pay the debentures
due this year. Tb t waterworks system
vestment for Berlin
ying investment for
and Sewers.
of Wingham should
eeting in the town
ening of nett week,.
of a waterworks and
be discussed. Mr.
11 be present and give
facts anti figures in
by-laws that are to
place on Monday
citemeittln Wine,
beard any rumor
didates for
Mayor Vanstone
with much credi
be re-elected for
has been a paying i
and it should be al
'Vinghaiit. •
—The Canada B
haat, Out., will
Year inn Monday,
iness College. Chat-
-open for the New
nary 15th.
se with the Councillors.
*rove, John Copeland,
kin Rutherford, Peter
olt are in the field. Iu
Reeve Carrie is retir-
aad for Oounty Couu-
s of Messrs A. B. Oar:
um are mentioned as
the Reeveshiii For
following gentlemen
oned:—John E. Ellis,
o. T. Robertson, Wm,
m. Beecroft. In Mur -
the present Council
by acclamation: , In
J. Gregg is retiring
and Robt. McLaugh-
candidates for tile
that Messrs Gowdy,
will seek re-election
No use in freezi
can buy a beautify
Boss for $20.
Lathes jackets a
a bargain for a'th'
will save money t
to death when you ---- ,' .,...�..
fur coat from T. H.
e have them at all Win liam's Leading Shoe Store
Hurter Trym Opens. Jan. 5th
�/�ii /jfiIF"!
A large, progressive school and one
of the best on this Continent. This
ie a strong statement but it lea true
one nevettheless, The reason our
wheel has a large attendance is
because it is a wide-awake, hnetling,
working, result producing s.ehool.
Recent graduates have accepted. po-
sitions at salaries ranging from $15 a
month to $800 per annum.
Write for our new catalogue.
Lizzie Lawrence
Edna Manning
Mabel Bailie
Olvetta Brigham
Annie M. Courtue
Eva Dunlop
May Hogg
Katie Eartt
Mabel Harty
Mabel Jennison
Ella Johns
!Minnie Kerr
Jennie Lowrie
Josephine Lane
Kathleen McColl!
Maud Porter
Lillian M. Robins
Edith Robson
Thos. J'. O'Loughlin
Harry Walker
Edith Taylor
Mary Troy
Lillian Wilson
Mabel Walsh
Fred Bryant
Clark Fraser
Wm. /Irwin
Robt. king
Lin L. Knox
Melburie McDowell
Chas. Sewers
Edward Stewart
John W. Todd
n Edward Welford
wait, get the me nes. We are selling
fur coats chea then they can be
bought wholesal Eaten. & 00,
—The Tistis and Weekly Globe till
1st January, 1904 to • new subscribers for
$1 60. Premium to new and old. sub-
scribers or the Globe.
—Renew, for e Tistri; promptly.
This is the best ho day present you can
give the editor.
t. lry us—and you
• buy a Xmas box for
The Board o
County of liurcn met in the Clinton
Model School on =lay, Dec. 22nd,
and completed th work of the Model
Schools of the Co ty for the -session
just closed. The were In attendance
at the Goderich odel School thirteen
fetnele and six ale candidates. At
Clinton there wer eighteen feruale and
eight male caudis es. All tho
dates in both ache Is were successful in
obtaining third c ass certificates, To
obtain a certificate andidates yap .re.
quired to make GO r cent of the total
number of marks Those candidates
who obtained seve y -live per cent or
Over of the total lin aier of marks ob-
tainable are placed the honor list.
Out of the forty -fir Candidates, tuelve
following is the list‘
Mary Clark A nie E. Martin
Hattie Cameron Min% Mcklwen
Pearl B. Jaekson, Eitiel Musgrove
Tena Johnston 0041via Seel
Examiners for the Christmas Gifts
del Schools.
Can be picked up in a shoe store.
If you get among the proper shoes,
it's one of the easiest things in the
world to get something suits ble—for
It'll be useful too. And serviceabe
and appreciated, you may be sure.
Slippers make an excellent present.
Nothing could be more appropriate,
say for your husband or brother.
We have a lot of slippers at different
prices that wonld do. Yes,. slippers
are ell right. So is dressy, neat,
stylish pair of shoes—for ladies or
gentlemen. NO trouble to please
any taste here—and do it too, with»
out chargiter more than yen think
you ought to pay.