HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-18, Page 6t
TJlii. WING11 M TIMES, DECEMBER 18. 1902
Several uropeatl and American governments have made
cornpperative tests of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for
:tiooldiers on forced march., Thos, tests have invariably resulted
in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks
during all strenuous work, chocolate
and other sweet, beverages being
given instead.
The result of these scientific re-
searches is applicable to the army of
feeble and overworked people seek-
ing strength. I,tyi;,lid 1ai:clkines tare
necessarily alcoholic; they merely
stimulate and their effect is only
fc'.ltpoi:sj y.
Weak people should take ST.
JAsrl s \'4 Arms ,, which are a recon-
structive and a tissue builder ; their
effects are lasting, and a permanent
will always follow their
steady use. -
t Sr. JAMES WAVERS help stomach,
digest food and send the. nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strength.
wt,he kind that lasts, develops and
h'.: «ds til: v--` rgy wilted accom.-
priblu% much,
tt ear.1 t't�t a.S.Srraea Waters a
Halt wast?l�ent preparation for
the trfe9 and shallrecomtnten4
'MOM. generally.,,
Dr. Thos. Brooks,
AOrderany ..
Price In Canada: $1.00;
Six bottles for $5.00 4
SI.Jau,es If -niers ere nor a Jerre!
remedy : to tlr+nunternus din tors re-
evtotending Ten, I..their patients
tee mail lin. frenula upon revert'.
Where dealers are not sell ingtit e
NV -tiers., they are mailed upon re-
ceipt of price at the Canadian
branch r St. James %Yafars Co. 1721
St. Catherine St., Nontrest.
.......—........-.....W11.,.1/11.....M.r,—visin.,-,.. ao
interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
alar. R Osborn and fainly, for the
past five years residents of Teeswater
Moved to Tomato last week.
A liver pill that is small gust sure,
that nets gently, quickly and thorough-
ly, that doss ,nut gripe. Loot -Liver
Title; puss a then gn.li ies: and are a
sure cure for liver Complaint, (Joustipe-
tiou, SickHeadache, etc.
There have been 16 persons initiated
into the membership of Court Princess
Alexandria, No 24, 0. 0.1'',, brussels
he the punt mouth. The members
reorder 1 valuable Aid to Organizer
Terminus, of ListuWels
Tito »,Lt or Miracle*
Is past, but unity who are enrol of
itching, hleeding ur protruding piles by
the mei Of lar. Chase's Oint nm.iut look
nem their recovery ala nem f) nttraent-
ous. It is not uncommon for persons
who have nudergoue painful, risky and
Lti 1(-13
et Pensive opernraoas in vain to be fivally 1t�.rt..E +4J1" L�: 'rp r!
cured by this wonderful oiutmeut. It �. ft;ALLY;
•s the standard the world over and the
• only guaranteed cure fur piles. 0,6E -'1-G01,05
The res;ap,ll6ti of Mr. Ciao. Crooks ou !" tits "4. R '
Queens street,Bruseele, ivas the seeuo 0! %' `_ttC•
sa very prettx and interesting event nu
Wednesday tifternooni Deo. 10th it b.ing
the occasion of the marriage of their
youngesteleeghter Lyda to Mr.Roderiok
W. Matheson of Lucknow.. About 40
guests were pe'esent; all relatives of the
contractiug patties, Rev. John Ross tied
the nuptial hues; and delivered a very
. appropriate adtiness. Redettn McKenzie
of Blyth, the title's young niece, De' .-
formed the duti'ee of tt maid df lto•,,or,
and A11ss Jean M t ' ahbhlin play- 4 the
I wedding mach.
From the J,c
Sanctum Mill
Mr. Jolla Miller has been jailer at
Owen Sonia for forty years.
C. H. S. Cooke, manager of the Strat-
ford brunch or the Merchant,' Bank, has
been moved to Walkerton.
Lifeburty Soap -disinfectant -la strongly
recommended by the medical prolassiou as.
a safeguard e„ t:lust L1f:al:t.s'lineases. :]
Mr. Ions:]) 11 oper, who et teaching in
Langside, bad his salary raised by his
trustees last week from $.3355 to 400,nad
he has accepted the offer and will remain
for another year.
Children Cry for
By a vote of 41 to 31 the members of
the North Brace Presbyterian church
have decided to introduce instru.
Mental music into the service of ,
praise. The session has since pasted a
resolution sanctioning the same.
Miss Ida Brigham, of Lendesboro, leas
been engaged to teach iu 11. S. S., No.
Hallett and Morris. The salary is
$300 a year.
Children Cry for
CAST wo 3! IA.
est FAV
,� at51 iF, l ION
l �A31TU1�} ., t,,f
ITS �' '�'+O CZ?. CTS
OVt5v/t! y,.pvaANC,:s re ttEvNYRt
v KY CA L, •
eset►ttta for V\'tiro„u, _ -
"Few thieves are Rttttre i'-nportant to a TH
commuuity than @belien II of its women.
t o fi �
lt, A• 11
If strn is they mothertnie'fthesays •
a prover tiro sons y1 give laws to the
l,.” 13r. Ch,te;e's Nerve Food is The View of An Expert Judge of
especiatty woman's mediotne. By its Horses on the Different Classes
action ou the blood and nerves it gives of Horses.
strength and vigor to the delicate fent-
] organs and ensures their regular
l and healthful functions. It gives color
to the pale, strength to the weak, and
:rounded lorni to the that and angular.
The fullcw:ng is a synopsis of en
address delivered by Dr. J. Hugo Reed.
one of the expert judge's employed by
this department at the iccent Char-
lottetown, P.E.I. Fair.
There is opposition among the towns- If a man is breeding for the market
men of Palmerston to the erection of he sIm.u;d find out .what the market
the Carnegie public library. The Town eleme ads and then make up his :mind
Council accepted Mr. Carnegpe's offer, as to „vase style of has: s in demand
able, if intell;gc•ntly nutted, to prc-
drier: a guo1 type of carriage horm.rs
To get •carriage iweseat by the- use of
it tltoroughbeed.sire, you must have
mares Of high action For the thorn-
uulabred's natural gait lis a gallop or
run l ime has long lciY Merlon: i •. ;c`.
1,i:%-: rt•r, the puree t blooded unite.
in.•the world. '•I.
Ii:fearing to ilia term."thor
Irredr the word Is um'treh ab
eau eau only bt correctly inept ,.sed. It
Not;it•tit thorou�ghb:t'd ray ani to the
los pari tied t«t-at,.tttlar oat; herr•' or
canner. br cipptiett to «e. 'fire weird
Lectin^y, nor a bad' ct Clyde ur s
Stull ordinals Ina , a a•iun or a WAY.
never tltotoubl'' ars puts t,,csi1, bat
bred stallion .ercd. The thorough-
utc cu,t, giv cont his purity of breed-
stannous, better remelts. than other
mares, wine rough and Coles blooded
Ito r .dna' wait often get good : addle
cif 4 drat. way. It is the iufluvuce
the roughbced blood that has pro-
aleced the Standard bred trotter
of to -day. It is itis iholoughb.td iva-
cestry which gives hen his couragtl
and endurance.
Saddle Horses. -As above indicated
aaucilers can b•st be gist by list; tint
or a thoroughbred stallion. slaves of
strong conformattun should b. chosen.
Strength of loin :ltd guurtor is an
tall-intpurtunt neeteeny in u astdlk1'.
A good general perpase metre can b:
used and w,ii give saddle horses for
heavy weight riding more surely than
mares of fitter breeding. tilted sad,
Mors are px•rhaps the most (liffiealt
horses to -day to buy and they bring
as boom prices as the carriage horse.
Gt urea! principles.- W h :ever 1enc
of breeding a nt,l•n may folk IV he
must Lave a definite objet and know•
what he Os do ng. There are now on
the f:lentl a good many maria that
would matte well with the thermal: -
bred and hackney or couchingstall-
io:ns.. I would not u•se a. coa.ra' or
cold blooded uumre but would endeavor
to get one w;tlt stan.lartl bred or
other warm. bleed. As a general rule
a good driving mare w.11 cross well
with a hackney. If Government in -
:motion of horses, such as Irl carried
on ill Quebn, could be carried out
free front political intrigue it would
b: a good• thing in any country. The
horse mon,,, have, however, the whole
question in their- own hands; the
scrub stallion only exists because he
is patronized. If breeders demand
purebred stallions the scrub w:11 have
to go out of business. Some farmers
seen, to think that because they have
not got a choice .mare that it. is not
werth while to pity (roma $10 to $15
for. for a good stallion, but they take
a. :scrub at from, $.1 to- $8. This/ is
a great mistake; if a snare is worth THE TIMES
breeding at• all, she is worth breeding Clubbing Offers for
to time b'st stallion procurable. The
•great need, of the horse business is
more, iattelligenee a ml entcrroe iee
amongthe horsemen rather than Gov-
To preserve or restore it, there i ► no better
prescription for . men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicine approved
and used by every physician. Ripens Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people—but to the
plain, every -day folks they arc a veritable fricnd
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy, They are a dependable, lion -
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
cpnstipation, offensive breath,°lleartburn, dizziness,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver. com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stori ache , build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five -
cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
CIu.bing Sifers, �:
vA * v
A .�A®.aAAAAA/MAArI .V.kAA NA/An..
and then passed a by-law imposing a tar ee can ptoduee a: most in alit 'to hint- crnment regale Hone.
of $650 on all the rateable property in self. Til: ba,t sell:sg degrees to -day
F. � e Hon mu ,
Live. Stock Comm:?signer.
town to provide rands to buy land. tu: heavy clta:::;h.s, cares.,;;,: :torsos
The apple packing seasen is practically Objection was rakeu to this by -1.1w by ;and saddle horses.
over and Mr. D. Oantelon of Clinton Mr. Hunt, one of the ratepayers, on the Heavy 'Dr:ui,•;_tt:.-i'rinc:• ih:ward Ih- p
estimates that 100,000 barrels were Shipp- ground that it required a vote by the land is certainly in tt peri, ion to pre-' 0 t< h L
ea from Huron county alone. the people, and an injunction was educe good heavy horses. The Clycles
The essential lung -healing principle len-anted restraining the Council from are a good betted and stem: to be, in
of the pine tree has linaliy been success- !proceeding cutler the Act. The town moat demand. The stallions at pre -
folly separated and refuted into a perfect now. appeals to the Divisional Court, on sent tweed on tee Island writes rattled
sung h medicine in Dr. Wood's Norway } the ground that it has power to snake .r • •p will •
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
.o goad mares certainly produce
guars utee of satisfaction. Price 25 grants for library purposes. Judgement coifs that will sell wel. A )pare of
IX... -
was reserved. reasonably good conformation is re -
ft'. Jim. McKenzie of :lorthburn, , quire. There are I.:Wa es on the
familiarly known around hero as roe a"«" sixty rears. secures where Clyde stallions had
Soldier Jack,' formealy on con. ti, Cul-
otta, died on Friday of last week of
the home of her foster parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Archer, on Wednesday, Dec.
10th. Tae ti?ccnsed. WAS in her 21th
year and was greatly beloved by all who
Imew her.
Milbnru's Sterling Headache Powders
give women prompt relief from monthly
pains and leave no bad after effects what-
ever. Be sure you get Milbnrn's. Pricy
10 and 2;r cents. All dealers.
There passed away on Fri•day,Dec. 5th
at the age of '5I years, a. welikuown and,
respected resident of Brucefield, in the
person of Mrs P. Sl:Gregor. She