HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-18, Page 5....WINtlltA 1t UAW, l I CT; f it r1� l ',. 1902.
'Would not an O'evrcoat be a nice present for father at Xmas?
.in the Men's Store
The men's store leads in providing for men, you know ;
and men's store prices are men's store prices only.
eSmoking .Jackets and House Coats, Fur-Linedli vercoats.
Men's black and white Smoking
Jackets, all sizes, self lining,
:made of imported golf cloth,
)patch pockets with braid trim-
ming, deep roll collar with
Ibraid trimming, something
. right ;hp to date, Xmas price $4,25
'$3.0Q Raglanette Overcoats $6.50
.Men's and Youths' Raglanetto
Overcoats, made of heavy
frieze, twill lining,talma pock-
ets, velvet collar, all sizes 34
to 44, Xmas price - $6.50
$7.00 Beaver Overcoats $4.75
•6 only Men's Beaver Cloth Over-
coats, heavy plaid linings, vel- •I $5.50 Blouse Suits $3.95
vet collar,worth $7,Xmasprice $4.75 7 only Boys' Russian Blouse Suits
all sizes, worth 5.50, Xmas
clearing price - $3.95
Men's all -wool beaver cloth Coats,
lined with muskrat skins, dou-
ble breasted coat, heavy Ger-
man otter roll collar, sizes 80
to 44, worth $45, Xmas price $131.50
$12:50 Overcoats $9.OQ
Men's dark grey heavy Cheviot
Overcoats, all wool, sizes 84 tq
44,velvot collar,talina pockets,
reg.$12.50, Xmas clearing price $9.00
$10 Beaver Overcoats $7.50
7 only Men's black Beaver Cloth
Overcoats, tight fitting, velvet
collar, heavy satin ' lining,
worth $10, Xmas clearing price $7.50
$6.50 Yoke Overcoats $4.90
4 only Boys' Yoke Overcoats, sizes
20 to 80, made of English
melton cloth, , talnta pockets,
velvet collar, worth $6.50,
Xmas clearing price - $4,90
Wo have large stock of Boys' and Men's
Suits at cut prices; just step in and try
some on. Wo guarantee to satisfy
you in price and fit.
'Underwear for Roy, Youth and Mon at Eargain Prices
JJ _
Xmas Gents' Furnishings—Perhaps we have overdone it by
• purchasing such a nice lot of Xmas goods, but this is our first Xmas in Wingham
We want to be first; we want to have a range of goods to satisfy all classes; we
:invite you to come in and look around.
Seer -All goods selected now will be delivered or kept till Xmas eve. -Wee
Neckwear—We have over 1000 Neckties in all the ]atest shapes. styles
-and colors to select from, at prices hard to beat: 25c, 35o, 50o and 75c each.
Men's Chinese eillr Handkerchiefs .25
Men's Colored do do .50
Men's Crean' Brocaded Silk Hdkfs .75
Tuff Links
•Gents' Cull Links.all pattern s,guar-
anteed to hold their color, some
of the nicest patterns we over
had, each pair in a nice satin
lined box, Xmas price 75c and $1.00
Mop's Cotton Hauakerchiefs, 6 for .25
Men's Irish Linen do 25o and .35
Men's hemstitched pure linen Hand-
kerchiefs, - - 25c and .85
Tie Pins
A. large assortment of Tie Pine, each
pin done up in a nice box, satin
lined, prices - 26o to $1.00
«Come one, come all. Everybody welcome at the man's store.
?Store open every evening until 10 o'clock.
efelerPoultry wanted. Or 'Butter, Eggs ,and Wood wanted.
Now f.r X
We have just opened up some of the newest
up-to-date goods in China ever before seen
in Wingham, consisting of Tete-a-tete Sets
. comprising i teapot, sugar, cream, and two
cups and saucers, from 90c to $3.00
Afternoon Teas, comprising 6 cups, 6 sau-
cers, 6 plates, teapot, sugar and cream,
from $3.00 to $5.00
JAPANESE GOODS.—A full range
of cups and saucers, biscuit jars, tobacco
jars, epergnes vases, jardinieres, rose jars,
marmalade pots, fi nit sets, etc.
lks4ee44440-4.0erollev41ee ogesi
• EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. •
'► SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock
�� ` of the latest desi• gns and choicest woods in use in
vi. • the manufacture of up-to-date furniture.
'We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture.
1 .4
Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort -
went of wood seat and leather seat diners is a 1
marvel of style, quality and cheapness. i
'FYW'O g'O e"84lliti b0 9ti dtti
ining room Furniture
Furniture and T,Tndertaking.
The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office.
Correspondence ;
t Interesting Items Contributed
by Readers of the Tittles, j
This week me chronicle the death of a
well-known resident of this township in
the person of fables Shiell, who passed
away on Thursday of 1a4 week. aged 41
years, 8 month' and 22 days. Deoeaserd
had been in delicate health for some few
years, He was a man held in hk4 es-
teem and hada large carols; of friends,
He leaves a widow and family to mourn
his loss and the sympathy of the com-
munity will be with them in their of
affliction. The funeral to the Wit:wham
cemetery on Saturday afternoon last was
very largely attended.
A Good Quarter Dollar's Worth
Is contained in a bottle of Poison's
Nerviline, which. cures Rhcumatistn,
Neuralgia, Sciatica. Toothache, Head-
ache, Cramps, Sick Stomach and Indi-
gestion, Mothers find Nerviline a first
class liniment for children's sore throat,
hoarseness, eold in the chest, and taken
in hot water before retiring is a splendid
remedy for colds, Don't be without
Nerviline; it is the most economical, po-
tent and reliable household litlinlent
made. and costs only 25o.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Our° Constipation,
One of the most interesting entelain-
ments and Box socials will bo held in
Murray's school, Con. 2, Kinloss—U. S.
S. No. 9 on Monday evening, Dec. 22nd.
Chief featuree:— It is ooulio through-
out; a clown; a comic singer; a darkey
singer; two violinists; two pipers; cotni 0
quartettes, dialogues, readings, recita-
tions, and mouth organ, by the pupils.
After the programme a lively lox social
will begin. The auctioneer, John Purvis
never fails to entertain a crowd. remis-
sion only 15o; ladies bringing boxes free.
Doors open at 7 p. m. Coucet to begin at
7.30 p.m.
a► -
A Wonderful Tonle and Strengthener,
Said a druggist to -day, "No doubt
about it, the tonic that gives best results
is the biggest seller, and that is Ferro -
zone. It enriches and purifies the blood,
restores strength and energy to the
feeble, and is a scientific reconstructor
that was always popular. In Chlorosis,
Anaemia. Tiredness Languor, Blain
Fag, Indigestion and Dyspepsia its action
is prompt, and satisfactory cures always
follow. Yes I recommend Ferrozone to
my customers because I believe it is the
hest tonic and strengthening medicine
that looney can buy." Large boxes cost
50e. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Township Council met on Monday
last- Minutes will appear in our next
Mr. Jas. Shurrie attended the Winter
Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week.
There is little municipal election tells
in this township. Some say that this
year's council will be re-elected by ac-
The Sunshine Methodist Sunday
school held its annual entertainment on
Wednesday evening of this week.
The young mau Hag itt, who had his
leg broken a couple of months ago by
being run over by a threshiug engine, is
now in the House of Refuge at Clinton.
The hone has not knit and an operation
will be uecessary to aid in the reuniting.
Dr. Nonan, aged 64 years, and a well
known resident of Guelph, is dead.
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. " Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
arc thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. If: is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Send for free
tie sore that thio picture
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Palomino you buy.
Scott& Bowne
Toronto, Ontario.
50c..ad$1 r all druggists,
There will likely he t► contest Its this
tnwusilip for the poaitiou of Coutrrtllors,
Messrs. Wrn. Mitchell anti Thos, jorcll,
two' of the previa (io u ehillor& hevir e
movt d. from this tow:rehire will 'rake
room for two clew'len. W�e'l,Inderarktntd
that Messrs Johu Coupland and John
M esgrove two of thepreseut Ctnneillors
will eeek re-election and Metlslts Alex.
Xelly, John Rutherford and Peter Scott
levo nnnouuced themselves as oand'idit,tes
and have cards in another coinsure o!''
this lssse, .dr,.Win Bolt is also Ment•
innel as a probable eaudith to, Reeve
Cruickshank is not likely to ]lave upb
position. Nomination take place at the
Foresters' mall. Blnevalo, on Monday,
Dec. 29th at 1 o'clock p. m,
The council .meeting was held in the
Clerk's oftlet. ,Blueva.le,on Monday, Deo,
61h. Members were all present; Reeve
in the chair, The Minutes of last meet-
ing were read and adopted on motion of
Messrs Mos;rroye and Lovell.
Moyer/ by Mr, Lovell, seconded by Mr.
Mitchell, that weadverli-a nominati)n
meeting in Wingham Times and Ad-
vance, two insertions. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Mitchell. seconded by
Mr Itiosgrove, that bylaw No, 12, 1002
for the holding of nomination meeting
and the appointment of deputy -return-
ing officers, to be read three tunes and
passed. Carried.
The Reeve and Treasurer laid the an-
nual report before the Council for final
Moved by Mr. Conplancl, secon<derl by
Mr. Mosgrove that the aunual report be
adopted and that the Clerk be instruct-
ed to get 100 copies printed for distribu-
tion at norninathou sleeting. (earried.
Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by
Mr. Lovell that bylaw No. 13, 1902; for
the opening for public travel of that por-
tion of Augusta btrcet lying south of t110
river in Win;,•harn Town Plot on or be-
fore the lOrh day of May,1903. Carried,
Bylaw read three times and passed.
The following accounts were passed
and cheques on Bank of Hamilton issu-
ed:—McLean 85 Son, 819.00, lumber;
A. Kelly, school section 11. $2, polling
booth; Geo. B. Scott, school section 3;
82, polling booth; Alex. McPherson,,
school sectiou 9, $a, polling booth; John.
Burgess, $2, pelting booth ; Geo. Mc-
Donald, $3.04, gravel job on Morris
boundary; Duff ds Stewart, $24.80,
gravel on Morris bonurlary; Peter Mc-
Laren, $50, salary;. Peter McLareu,
$7, postage; Peter 114eLaren, $7, making
annual statement; Wm. Cruickshank,
$2, making anima) statement; Johu
Mosgrove, $45, corn. and council fees;
Wm. Cruickshank, .$00, corn. and coun-
cil fees; John Coupraud, .$45, cow. and
council foes; Wm. Mitchell. $45. cone
and council fees; Thos. Lovell, $45;
Corn. and council fees; S. Vaustone,
$2.50. repairing bridge and culvert;
John Burgess, $60, salary; John Burgess,
$12, postage; John Burgess, $6,rent of
office;ePan] Powell, 823, salary; Paul
Powell, $5, postage; Tho'. -Hangh,
$7.50, culverts and work on. roads; H. P.
Harrison. $47.85, error school taxes;
Hugh McKinnon, 615.75, gravelling
Winghanl houndare; Wm. Chandler,
$1.00. gravelling Wingham boundary;
L. Pearen. $8.25, gravel Wingham bonn-
dary ; John Tert•itt, 50e, work Wawau-
osh boundary; Rout. Hupfer, $8, brush-
ing: Paul Powell, $1, error in A. Patter -
son's road work; Joseph Breckonbridge,
$1, damages.
Council adjourned sine die.
W R O XTTE [t.
Peter ltobertsoit of Killarney. Mau.
son of Johu Robertson called on his
parents this week and will return home
on Friday.
Miss Parser, our lady teacher will
leave for her house in Port IIope on Fri-
A number of our young people will
take in the party at Peter Patrick's on
the Carey Boundary this (Wednesday)
Mr. Ruben Wenclt, of Mildmay is as-
sisting his brother, John Wendt in his
jewelery store during the Christmas
Miss Wendt of Mildmay visited with
friouds in town on Sunday.
Messrs Tolton and King are cutting
wood for John Gibson.
Robt. Hupfer has taken a contract to
cut a quantity of wood for John Knox.
Mrs. Geo. Harris received the sad
news last week that one of her nephews
who met with an accident in Manitoba
had died. His parents live near Wiar-
ton. Mrs. Harris left last Friday for
Wiarton, and after she. got there had to
drive 20 miles.
Miss James, of Gerrie, was in Ford-
wich last Friday on business.
Wm. Orr, of Fordwich, was in Bel -
more on Wednesday.
Mr. French shipped ono car of hogs
from here last Monday.
Jennie McLeod, who had been ailing
for some time, passed away on Tuesday
last at the age of 39 years. The funeral
takes place to the Wroxeter cemetery.
Neil White, blacksmith, has sold his
business to Mr. Adair, of Atwood.
The council at its last meeting granted
a rebate of $25 in Mr. Black's taxes,
owing to the loss of the Daum in the
Messrs. Sanderson Mitchell have their
store very nicely decorated.
Last week 500 sucks of floor were
shipped from the Blyth flour mill to
South Africa,
Rev. 0. H. P. Owen, of Lneknoev,
officiated in Trinity church on Sunday
last. Rev. J. Edwards took Mr Owen's
work at Lucknow and St Helens
Below will be found the new officers
of the I.lyth Methodist church Epworth
ILeague :--P,esident,]':. C. S'Viiford t fire.
vice president. ;Hiss Lottie Bentley; See
ot1<1 Vice-prrsllent•, 111iss ?('land (Tiril -y;
third vice-president, Ilaeh•1 Quinn;
fourth vice-president, Mise Allio 1)otlp:t;
sesretnry, H SVettlnuler; treasurer,
Miss Serail B ntley; c s, t cap ,utli'e„* ...c'-
retary, Issee Quinn; or;;,nni'r.\1iee Pearl
Gidley; ns;sistent rncanist, Miss Bertha
N'ewe etibe, anperintewtl•ent i jani:,,
league, ?Hiss Addle Tamar,.
Th., ftteoei,;.", rllilet.re f ,t• 7'1„
year were teeeted by L 0 L , N• 0413:
I Worshipful Meister, lir,,. w if, 1: Eir. y;
deputy master. Bro A. 1:i •ti n'lr ; , hnp-
lain, Pro ,Tt,hn efe(Till; recorltte •e7•r
tart', Bro W. P. Hunte -f financial see
rotary. Bee ,Tat M'tile;; tame.. Bre
;Tenn Wilfof•l; director of ceremonies
Bro. ,TDs (hbson; 1e.•tnrer, 11 r Joseph
Hunter; teen trnitteetnen, lira, Moller .
I'd('t'emmitte. 11» ort Nint..L E. Ta,it;en,
Absat nu Taylor, \Vat. Gibson.
Tbal'o prt•cisely 'what
Vapo-Crecolene.dots. You
light the vaporizer, the
vapor of Cresotene is given
aft, Not . a- disease" &ettn
sr ease
can live in tht, vapor, Iwt
it can't j os-.ibly harm evE.n tl,e
youngest dried. Just naturally
breathe -in the rap r; it destroys the
germs of la grippe, I:ay fever, uiflu-
t:nza, and whoopingct.ugh, It's the
common sense trtetn,eut for all
troubles of the throat and bronchial teb'-s,
Ya;x,.Crewnteoe is sold by Ong; -1,44 evervwh, re.
AV„pn•Cr. lin.-milis,palgoi• t %%INrip rHod
;amp tv,vch thoold l rt a 1.6.114.-, and .t 1. ctie ,.f
-•r,' 'deur. comp,'r,, /17.$11; rsa yll p Iib„ 1, r.
'nn _,n 1171 an,nrt•nta. Illuatr 11.' 1) 'hit 7 ci,tn ne.
• hvsiciiius' te$' 7 i,. n ,tl t re, npng req'. r; . V.' <,.
r _
From centra
to crust
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. White, light,
sweet centre; rich, brown., short
arise Mixed, molded, baked
and delivered in. just the way to
win your approver.
We have alt the lntest machin-
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
And n sweet story from a sweet store, where
only the purest of swet is are sold. Our Con-
fectionery tells its own story of purity- and
perfection. All our candle.' are strictly fresh,
pure and delicious. The cheapest us wc•11 as
t11e most expensive.
The superiority of our
Chocolates, Bon Bons, Ete.
Is att:'steel by the quar.tities we sell daily.
Star flestaurant.
Plcassut Cure for Weak Lungs.
The best remedy for sore, weak lungs,
is the soothing vapor of Catarrhozotte
which traverses every air cell and pas-
sage of the breathing organs. It treats
remote parts that cough mixtures and
sprays can't approach, and kills thous-
ands of germs at every breath. Ca-
tarrhozoue drives away pain, congestion
and inflammation; it makes breathing
easy and regular, and exerts a marvel-
lous influen,'e on Coughs, Colds, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Deafness,
and Lung Trouble. Catarrhozone cures
at once, is delightful to inhale, and
simple to use. Prue $1.00; shall size
25c. Druggists or Polson & Co., King -
sten, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Vavo•Creso-
lene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists.
Ii L111:V..Lh.
Mr. John Torrance, of Listowel, Or-
ganizer for the Canadian Order of For-
esters has just completed some good
work in this village in the iuterestof the
Order. In eight days he succeeded in
securing thirty names for membership
into Court Dongles. Oe Tuesday even-
ing a special tweeting of the Court was
held and tewouty-five of the candidates
were ini'iat:'d. Atter the business nit
oyster supper was held and a very pleas -
nut evening was spent in speech making,
ching Joints
In the fingers, toes, arms, and other
parts of the body, are joints that an
inflamed and swollen by rheumiltism—
that acid condition of the blood which
affects the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, especially
after sitting or lying long, and their
condition is commonly worse in wet
"1 suffered dreadfully from rheumatism,
but have beeli completely cured by Mend's
Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate-
ful." :toss FRANCES SMITH, Prescott, Ont.
r,l t tate
I ha'9 an attael: of the grip whichlett
weak and helpless and suffering from rheu-
matism. I began taming Ilood's Sarsapa-
rilla and this medicine has entirely cured
Inc. nave no hesitation in saying it Saved
my life." Id. J. Mcl)oNeLD, Trenton, Out.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ileuioves the cause of rheunhatisnh—no
outward application can. Take it.
Our stock is now complete in Christmas Novelties, end we are pre.
pared .for BIG BUSINESS during the holiday season, The demand for
useful and wearable goods as Xmas presents is yearly getting greater.
Please inspect our stock. No trouble to show you the goods.
Handkerchiefs are always in great
demand for Xmas presents. We are
showing a very large assortment
from the low priced to the high pric-
ed gna,ity. Prices range thus 5e,
]Oc, 121ec, 15c, 20n, 25e, 30o 40e, 50e,
75c, $L00, eiL50, $2.00.
Ladies' new Silk Ties and Collars
just received.
Special value at 25e.
Special values iii all hinds of Fors
for Xmas trade. Caperines at $3 50,
$5.00, $6..00, $7.50, $10.00, 812.00, $15,
818, eta. Buffs, $L50. $2.00, $2.50,
00, $5.00, $7.50, $10 00, ete.
Gauntlets in Electric Seal, Astra -
can, Grey Lamb,
Fur Coats at special prices.
A lame assortment of Fancy
Shawls, Fascinators, Clouds, Booties,
Hoods, Children's Coats. oto.
Seo our Ice Wool Fascinators at
Just recieved the very latest in all
kinds of Belts, fancy velvet and jet
elastic; choice goods, prices aro 25o,
35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $L50 and
You take no risk in buying your
Kid, GIoves here. We handle the
best makes—style, fit and wear guar-
anteed. See our No 1 quality at
A large stock of alt kinds, compris-
ompris-ing all colors, in plaiu and fancy neck
Ribbons. �Seyenoqur sgpepci-ails line at 26e.
The Grocery Department is cum-
plete with Xmas Fruits and Peels,
new Dates, new Figs, new Raisins
and Currants, eto. Our prices are
always the lowest.
Special values in Teas. Try our
loader at 25c
Nice Xmas presents in Ladies' and.
Men's Fancy Slippers. Special value
in all kinds of Footwear.
Gents Furnishings.
We have a large stock of the ]atest
novelties in Men's and Boys' Wear.
New Ties, new Gloves. new Caps,
new Braces. new Mufflers, now
See our new Silk Ties at 25c 35c
and 500.
Wishing our many patrons and
and a prosperous New Year.
friends a very merry Christm• as
I I. E. ISA F1: D & Go.
Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid for Prato
And you won't go by Patterson's Jewelry Store
without you buy, for he has the swellest line of
And many pretty novelties in gold and silver
that would make a nice Xmas gift.
A new line of
Just arrived, all of the latest designs. The goods
are all right in style and price, for they are
quick sellers.
431.../.11•11e41114212.411..#10101013 _ _. o,mv'�itssa•uatAs
Igor repairing we can not
Stone Block - - -OppositeQueen's
t-1 �
stalo. .na.^,.
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