HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-18, Page 4TIIE WINGUA.M. TIMES, DECEMBER 18, 1902. save Meek Mantels. a•0041 l DIA*0S 'O/O* 111111041000•011100.1100011,0401111.000 is Toronto,Deo,16.---Trade was good and brisk at the cattle market to -day with a III good run,. and everything pretty well sold out by • the close of the market. Prices on the whole were good, but time were nut so many fancy quality Christ- mas cattle as last week, though in a few cases what might be called Saucy prices were paid. The following are the gnotatlons; er you want a nice Xmas lift In the shape of a Brush and Comb Case,, Handkerchief Case, , Perfumes, Hair Brushes, Toilet Articles, Ebony Goods, etc,, you can buy the very choicest at Meesre. John Miclioisou, of Toroi to and Jchtl Nicholson, of Galt were in, Itown last week attending the funerel of their uncle; the late John. Nicholson. Ur, W S. Rq' a"tson, who has been at the rauitariiun in Graceuhurst for some time past, returned Borrie this week, Ante we are pleased to learn very mach im- proved in health. 11.4. and Mrs, G. Davidson, of the Junction. were visiting with Galt friends last week and while on their way home stopped over at Guelph for a couple of days at the Winter Fair. Mr. W. G. Strong, of Gerrie, Organ- izer for the Canadian Foresters spent a few hours in town on Saturday last, shaking hands with old friends. Ka is now working in the interests of the Order at Berlin. Mr. C. M. Newars, of the Wiii.gham Trading Co., who was taken ill last week rind went to his home in London is, we are pleased to learn, improving. Mr. Robertson, of London is taking Mr, Newell's place in the store here for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray and family left for their new bottle in Dundas on Saturday last. Mr. Murray has been one of our best citizens and we are sorry to hear of his removal front, town. He has a situation in the Bertruni Works at Dundas. We wish him success in his new Route. Colin Al Campbell's DRUG STORE Chocolates and Bon Bons in bons. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTAHLIsHED TIH H. B. ELLIOTT.1'uatisfsx Axa PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, DEC. 18. 1902, THE REFERENDUM. Official Returns for West Heron --the Liquor Act Popular in this Riding. At Westfield on the 10th inst. Return- ing Officer Campbell, gave his official declaration of the votes cast in the electoral district of West Huron for and against the Liquor Act of 1002, After summing up the votes he declared the same to have been 2,836 in the affirma- tive and 1,003 in the negative. The vote in detail was as folIows:. GODERICS. Polling sub -division • For Against 1 68 41 2. 61 45 3 06 37 4 01 88 5...... . 35 47 6 66 51 7 33 24 TOWN COUNCIL. The last regular meeting of the the town council for 1902 wns held on Monday evening; Mayor Vanstone in the chair, and Councillots Holmes, Bell, Elliott and Irwin present. The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed, The finauce committee reported hav- ing considered the following accounts, all of which, except that of J. Gray, Were recptnmeuded for payment: - Howson, Harvey & Brocklebank, care of dam $24 90 W. J. Maliagh, salary 12.00 ~ 00 T. L. Jobb, repairs Mrs. A, E Code, salary 17.00 V. Vannorman, salary 48 00 J. B. Fergnsou,salary and postage 115.550 John Garuess, wood 24.00 John Gray, rent poll booth Dec. 4 4.00 Firemen and Hook and Ladder Co;, services 69.00 Beattie Bros, gravel, cartage, etc, 53.15 Jas. Brock, labor and testing springs 8.75 Mrs. D. Showers, labor at halI1.05 T. Hall, printing and advtg 6.25 By-laws for the raising of the different amounts required for the granolithic sidewalk laid during the year, and a by-law consolidating the seven different by-laws were read and passed. The debentures to be issued run for fifteen years; the total amount to be raised is. $1898.55, and the amount to be raised each year $170.76. A by-law to provide for holding the municipal elections on January 5th next, and appointing polling places and deputy returning officers was read and passed. The following are the places and names of deputy -returning officers: -Ward 1. -At J. B.Cuinmings' shop, Jas. Plenty,. deputy -returning officer; Ward 2, -At the Advance office. Then. Hall, deputy returning officer; Ward 3. -At the Town Hall, J. B. Ferguson, deputy returning officer; Ward 4. -At T. Lougheed's house. Wm. Robertson, deputy return- ing officer. Mr. A. MeNevin appeared before the council in reference to an error in the amount of his assessment, and on motion of Count, Irwin and Holmes he was granted a rebate of $2.10 on account of error. On motion of Coons Holmes and Irwin all those entitled to exemptions of taxes Me account of farm lands were granted. The Mayor, and Treasurer were author - red to complete the financial statement for 1902 and have it published. The matter of a public meeting to discuss the waterworks and sewer ques- tions was left with the mayor. PERSONALS. 390 283 CLINTON. 2 79 8 59 4 47 BLYTIL 1 2 47 39 86 WINGIZADM 1 .60 2 42 3 .... 71 4...... 113 286 ASEFIELD 1 74 2 94 3 I00 4 Si) 5 20 6 60 7 61 468 COLBORNE. 1 2.. 8 4 119 42 99 43 303 WEST WAWANOSH. 1........ 84 2 87 3 60 4..... 74 5 60 365 EAST WAWAN\OSB. 1 85 2 90 3 74 4........ 56 305 GODEI:ICH. TOWNSHIP. 1 93 2 08 5 65 38 59 47 35 33 42 70 27 28 23 40 118 aIle "About * year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so 1 bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. I t stopped the failing, and made my - hair stow very rapidly, until now it e is 45 inches in length." -Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, 1Cans. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instanc' . needs hair vigor ---Ayer 5. ij This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always 4 restores color, and makes I the hair grow long and heavy. $1,00; kine.. MI drai;tide 14 If your druggist cannot supply you, , send um ono dollar and we will exprrea you a bottle. Bo sure and give the ,..E+5e • Of your nearest express mace, Astdrv•��, J. C. AT VI CO., Lowell, Mass. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Dr, D H. McVicar, principal of the Presbyterian College at Montreal, died suddenly on Monday evrling. The Presbytery of Meitlaud held its regular meeting on Tuesday of this week. A. report of the proceedings will appear in our next issue. It is reported that Rev. T. Albert Moore,the president of Hamilton Metho- dist Conference, will next June assume the position of associate secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, The Exeter Advocate iu speaking of Rev. R. Hobbs, who recently preached anniversary sermons in that town says: The Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Wingham. and formerly a junior pastor of this charge, preached both morning and evening. Mr. Hobbs has lost none of his youthful activity as a pr'acher. Lerg e audiences at both services were held spot - bound by his eloquence, peculiarly his own. By -Law No1 469 1902 A By -LAW TO PROVIDE Fol: THE CON- struction of a common or trunk sewer and sewage disposal works in the Town of Wingham, and to authorize the issue of debentures of the said Town to theamount of 35,- 000 for the purpose of raising the sum required therefor. • Whereas it is desirable to construct a com- mon or trunk server along Josephine Street in the Town of Wingham with sewage disposal works on the bank of the South Branch of the River Maitland in the said Town of Wingham, and to raise the sum of ;5,500 to be applied for the said purpose; And Whereas in order thereto it will be ne- 21 cessary to issue debentures of the said Town 89 for the sum of $5,600 as hereinafter provided (which is the debt to be ereated'by this by-law), the proceeds of the said debentures to be ap- 25 pliee to the purpose aforesaid and to no other; 79 And Whereas the total amount required by 17 ' The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and inter 10 est is the sum of $318.07; whereof $220.00 is to be so raised annually for payment of interest 189 during the currency of the said debentures, and 508.07 is to be raised annually for the pur- pose of creating a sinking fund for payment of the debt secured by said cebentures; And Whereas the amount of the whole rate able property of the Town of Winghani ac- I 5 9 18 13 22 CATTLE. Shippers, per cwt $ 4 754 Do., light 4 00 Butcher, choice .. . 4 00 Butcher, ordinary to good 3 25 Butcher, inferior 8 40 Stockers 2 50 SHEEP AND iA3#Ba. Choice owes, per cwt... 3 00 Yearlings, per cwt ...... 3 75 Spring lambs, each ... 2 50 Bucks..... .... .. 2 00 MILKERS AND CALVES. Cows, each 35 00 Calves, each 2 00 HOGS, Choice hogs, per cwt5 75 Light hogs, per cwt5 50 Heavy hogs, per cwt, 5 50 Sows, per cwt 3 75 Stags 2 00 5 60 4 00 5 00 4 (,o 8 75 3 25 to 2 75 3 50 05 00 10 0 6 00 5 75 5 75 4 00 2 50 WINGRAIK MARIELT REPORTS Wingham, Dee. 17, 1902. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per 100 lbs...,...... 1 05 to 2 50 Fall Wheat .... 0 68 to 0 70 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 28 to 0 30 Barley 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 65 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn 0 10 to 0 10 Geese, " 0 06 to 0 07 Ducks, per pair . , .. 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 50 Butter 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per dos 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 50 Hay , per ton......,. 7 00 to 8 00 Potatoes, per bushel. 0 50 to 0 50 Apples, per bag 0 25 to 0 40 Tallow per lb ............0 05 to 0 05 Lard .. . ,. 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Wool „ 0 13 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per cwt 5 75 to 5 75 Intending Insurers. It will pay you to see me before plac- ing your business. I represent purely Canadian Com - panies. Farm Loans at lowest rates. Town properties for sale. ABNER COSENS. LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. JOHN KERR PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE JAS, I. KED R :0000.0•••N•••i•0••e00•00Oe1 o•••••0•.•O••••••••••sesc cect•e••tuma••d•••••e••••s•s• • • G. .AND DISPLAY OF I Goods i Fresh GROCERIES -7 I FRo3f FRANCf?:, ENGLAND, GER FRUIT, etc, 1 MANY AND AIM rEIA. NEW FR11I'l.'- Freneh China 'Tea Set, regular Mexican Oranges, sweet, juicy $15.00, for $0,50 fruit, 20e, and 40e dozen. California Navels, very large,sweet eIi ,juicy frutt, 500 dozen. Valencias, per dozen, 15e. • New Currants, 4 lbs for 25e, • • • ,o • a • DRY GOODS • • • SUIrAIiLL•` FOR. CIiIZIST3LSS • PRgsEN'rs. w Fur huffs from: $1.50 tip.• 'Fur Caperines, new styles, 53,50 • to $25.00 each. MS. e Fancy Silk Cushion Tops • Fancy Silk Piano Drapes o Fancy Silk Chair Drapes • at prices to suit you • pocketbook. a w Ladies Fancy Silk Ties, • • $125each. • Children's Silk Ties, 15e to 25e. • a------ -- FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS Hem stitched or latae edge, Sc. Fancy handkerchiefs, trimmed • with deep lace, 10e to 75e, Silk centres, trimmed with deep o lace, 50e. e Plain and fancy silk handkerchiefs • with or without initial letter, •• 25e to The each. •e • Linen Table Covers, Tray Covers, Table Napkins, Stand Covers, e Towels, etc. splendid assortment. Christmas CHINAWARE Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, printed, painted and traced in gold. Our Dinner Sets are ` great value, at $6,50 to $10.00 for porcelain goods. Tea Sets, new shapes, 44 pieces, $3.00 and up, 25c to Toilet Sets, all new shapes, hand- somely decorated, $2.00 and up • • FaneY, Laces and Insertions, real • Valenciennes. • Ladies' fancy Silk Collars 25e each • • Ladies' and Children's Gloves and • • Mitts. w Chenille Table Covers, Curtains, &e 40.0000®000000.®00000000.0000.00000000000000000$000.414000000000000 00000•a••o- • QQ�'� n �i • JOHN KERR UiA1„flf AI ■d RI Mt,� 1 JAS, ■e crena a • • ! 0000900604460110000120006000 o•®c0000e o••®ta00000000000000000e0osaa�a000000••o••- Christmas Candy Best Royal Mixed, 3 lbs for - .25 Best Brown Mixed, 3 lbs for .25 Best Jumbo Mixed, 3 lbs foe .25 Chocolate Drops, 15e a lb. Cream Candy, Elea lb. Maple Walnut Cream. Lemon Walnut Cream, Almond Taffy and Walnut Taffy, 20e per lb. GENTS Hats, Caps, Braces, Neck Scarfs, Mufflers, Ties, Gloves, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Gauntlets, Underwear, etc. Its ele;ined Currants, 3 lbs for 25e 'New Raisins, best selects, 10e lb. •• •I • • • • • • • Chocolates, Coffees and Cereals • • Icings, white and colored, all flavors, • • • • • • • • a • • New Seed(d Raisins, 12e, Mince Meat, per package 10e FRESH CRANBERRIES Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, 15e to 20c per lb, A splendid assortment of Cowes, TURKEYS Bring your Turkeys and Geese in early. Not later than Tues- day, Dee, 23rd. Earlier than that if you can. APPLES We want a few barrels more first. class Spy Apples. WINCH A' NI 44+++++++++++++++4-1444++++ +d., +++4 1-P4••t••F••1••i:•i••1••1•n::. 1.4..l' i'5,4 0 -0 - cording to the last revised assessment roll ,1, thereof is $020,347: And Whereas the amount of the existing de- benture debt of the said DAunicipality;s$S0,i'01.09 ,'p1. 4 4. 4 a- .I. 4. 62 of which no part is in arrear; Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of win ;ham enacts us • follows 14 1. For the purpose of raising the said sum 5 debentures of the Town to the amount of 7 55,::00 as aforesaid shall be issued in the sums of not less than $100 each, on the first day of 14 .Tune A. D., 1003, each of whish debentures she ll 9 be dated on the said first day of June A. D., 1903, and shall be parable on thetlrst day of Tune A. D., 1933, at The Dominion Bank in the the said Town of Wingham. 2. Each of the said debentures shall be sign- ed by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham, 1S or by some other person authorized by by-law 16 to sign the same, and also by the Treasurer thereof; and the Clerk of the said Town of 13 Wingham shall nttneh thereto the corporate seal of the Municipality. 3 The said debentures shall bear interest at 4. 52 49 BY �j0 i « .l ++� nt d DECEMBER 15th MY NECESSITY YOUR OPPORTUNITY I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Wai tches ; Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and other precious stones ; Lovely Brooches ; Bracelets, Ladies` and • Gents' Chains ; Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., etc., suitable for Christmas. 3 6 16 226 25 Ht LLETT. 5 6. 36 59 58 153 • We shall be glad to have contributions tc RECAPITULATION.this column from any of our readers. If your have visitors or purpose going away. yourself, Goderich, .... ...... 890 drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that , Clinton 254 effect. Blyth 86 Mr. N. Wescott of Seaforth has taken Wineham ..........266 a position in Ball's factory. Dr. W. J. Caesar of San Jose, Califor- nia is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Wm. Wescott, of Seaforth has been visiting with friends in town during the week. Mr wand Mit. Fawley, of Boisevain, Man., are visiting with Mrs. Clendenn- ing on Minnie street. Mr- John:Agnew is home from the • Londoe Medical College for the holi- days. Miss Risotto, who has ben milliner with Mrs. Green for the past season, re- turned to her home in Exeter this week. Mr. Bert Bays, Winn has been in Manitoba and thea West for some time,is visiting with his p•irents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross. - Mr. M. Lockhart, of East Watvrtnosh, one of the Comity:Councillors for Divi - aloe No. 7, spent part of last week in Wingham. `• Mr, .Tohn Olean of Wingltatn is assist- ing Mr. U. Wade in his rush of black- *mith work incident to this buss' season of the year,- k ordwic't Record. Mr. D. Hu'i rteon returned home on lt'rielsy front the Old Country. He re- ports a pleasant trip, though lie had a very rough voyage,Unthe.V returnt trip.. Nessus Char Moore. and Bing Wad,: Warned home on Monday. after spend - lag the, pile. mama on one of the R. ipend- R. boats pinning out of Owen Pound. lshfeld 468 Colborne.... 303 W.Wawanosh, 365 D. Wawanosh 805 Goderich T p 226 Hullett 153 2886 OVER, REQUIRED VOTE. West rtnron more than did its share in the support of the Act. The number of votes polled iii this riding in the Provincial general elections of 1898 was 4,028, a majority of which would be 2,405. The vote polled on the 4th inst. in favor of the Act was 2,836, an excess of 371 votes. All the municipalities ex the CIerk on beh:nlf of the persons interested more than the required half of the vote S. 'Lie Cie•rk Of the said'Town of Wingham en table. ` Total vote Share of Vote the number of votes given for and ugainst this in 1803 required obtain- bylaw. votes ed, Datetl at thus Toivn Vail in tine. Town of j VPingluam this second day of December, A. D. 660 430 800 1;102. 545 273 7 38 16 61 283 179 75 118 180 the rate of four per cent per annum payable at the said Bank cm the thirty-first day of Decem- 4, As I must have money these goods will be sold at slaughter leer in eaeh and every year during the currency '1' thereof except the last payment of interest 4 prices during the next two weeks. which shall become due and payable on the 'f' first day of June. A. D., 1533; and Said deben- 2" tures shall have attached to them coupons for THIS SPECIAL SALE IS NOW ON I payment of the said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the said Mayor and Trees- o urer r tures, there shall be raised annually by special 'T' rate on all the rateable property in the said "- town of Wingham the said sum of $2220.00 for payment of interest. on acid debentures, and 4' the said emu of $18.07 for the purpose of creat- t. ing a sinking fund for the payment of the dent hereby secured. making in all the aura of $318. •,, Macdonald Block. 07 to be raised annually, by special rate as i aforesaid, during each of the said thirty years. +4'44++++ i1 +44444""+++44+44 5. This Bylaw shall take effeet on the this • - teentii day of January, A. D. 0003. 0. 'The votes of the electors of the spid town , of Wingham shall be taken on this bylaw at ^ the following times and places, that is to say, on Monday the fifth day of January, A. D., Eq3, commencing at nine o'clock in the fore - 4. During the currency of the said deben- BUY NOW I - SAVE MONEY! HALSEY PARK 62 noon and continuing till five o'rloelc in the afternoon of the same day by the following - deputy returning officers: o2 lit Ward I, at James Cumming's house by 25 Tames C•leuty, Deputy Returning Officer for bl 1. In Ward 2, at the Advance Ofrtee by Theo- - plane th'puty Itetarning Officer for said I0'3 Ward 2. In Wnrd C. at the Town Hail, Wingham, by Johnson B. F,'t•inison, Deputy Returning Officer for said Ward 3. In Ward 4, nt Tohn Longheed's house, by Williar,t Robertson, Deputy Returning Officer for said Ward 4. 7. On Saturday, the third day of January-, A. D. 1900, the Mayor of the said Town shall attend at the Town flail of the said Town at ten o'clock in the foremen to appoint per ona to attend at the various polling places afore- said and at the final semen= up of the voter, by e G Goderich Clinton and Blythgave to s Byla CIA iv oppesing the passing of C p , this Srlaty respectively. in 1808, as will be seen from the append- sb all Vend at the Paul Town Rall .et ten d•�= in the) forenoon of Wednesday the seventh day of January A. D. 1003, to sum up Goderich Clinton Blyth ........ 190 95 Wingham ..,460 230 Ashfiel(l 831 ' 416 Colborne 512 256 W. Wawanosh263 G..n C L. Wawanosh 449 224 ( oderich tp.. , 331 166 Hallett ....., 224 112 4,928 2,46 251 80 286 408 303 365 305 Mayor. Clerk. NOTICE Take noticethat the above isa true tfa; er+ntiE7lbyltwuvlsirlth•isbr•raitnitnintorrm id,'ratiori and tthdrh will be }Melly passed by nen the Conned of the ?dui eipelity tin the event nt of the ise:eept of the a leeturs le it l la nin. d 153 tl a re te+ after one month from tin- flr:at pai;li• 4 cation in the Winuham Tints. the date of 2,81':41 tvltirll publieatii,il was tie' fourth slat/ ?c;4 Ile - e, mbE r A I) 1 Y1 anti th5t tin vut,-a t lE 'Up to Tuesday evening the total vote ttEEtrr�1of eandDui et7 will t +tzI , n, reported in Ontario for the Liquor Act iri , 9e on the (lay nod at the • leans and Ida ( is t 1ee,77C; with :12,$91 against, making T,.wiinc elk +():"ie-eeveii eeelit Dc-c.4th, no? a, a majority of 82',77e for the Act. T. 13. Clerk. JEWELER +4-:-1444+4.4.4.+++++++++++++++ Good Che r for Xmas In the old Kent Block yon can find lots of suitable gifts, Silks and Ribbon are always acceptable. Kid Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Scarfs, Booties, Curtains, Gilt Drapery for screens and cushions, Then remember that the prices are only halt of the usual cost of such goods. Try us for Boys' Snits, Overcoats, Ulsters. If you tr,f here first you save cost. In Lace, Fancy Dry Goods, handkerchiefs, Gimps and Dress Trimmings, assortment is good. Also Embroidery, Insertions, Lawns, Prints and Fancy Sateens. We don't object to show our elegant Sttminer Muslins, nine for evening wear ;; Sheeting. Pillow Cotton, Ticking, Drill, Denim, Oxford Shirting, Cretonnes, Skirting, etc,, at the GREAT CLEARING SALE A, DULMAGE • , • • • • • S • • • • • • • • • • • • Tho s si'.zaar I T Button Block Wingharn Many values for Christmas and New Years. Leas than two weeks to Xmas, arid every moment of these few remaining days must be full of business for you and for us. The special bargains we have to give are ecep-' tionally good values. Our stock must be cleared out. CHRISTMAS JEWELLERY Children's Rings, gold filled, plain and carved, 10e and 20e Ladies' gold filled Rings, warranted for 3 years, - 50e Ladies' Muff Guards, black silk, with beaded effects, for 25e Children's Bracelets - - • 50e Ladies' Bracelets - - - 50e and $1.00 Gents' gold plated Chain, warranted for 5 years - 1.00 We bought this week Travellers' Samples, con- sisting of :, Tray Cloths, etc., reg. 75e and $1.00, for 50c Umbrella Shawls for $1.00 --only the price of the wool. Combs that retail for 25e go at - - Sc and 10e each Babies' Bibs, reg. 25e, for - 10e Water Sets, various colors, for $1.50 CANDY FOR XMAS 1 -lb box Bon Bons, reg 40c for 25e I Maple Creams - 1 lb Gum. Drops for - 10c I Walnut Creams - Best Chocolates - - 15c Molasses Chips, reg 40c for 200 20c 25e MUSIC We have about 400 sheets of Musie left. We are putting there up in bundles of 10 sheets, no two pieces alike, your choice for .d®dmwaw 15e CHRISTMAS CHINA -Splendid offerings China Cups and Saucers • 15eChina Cups anti Saucers - 20c Bread &; Butter Plates, So,10c,lbe I Cream Pitchers • 20e We have a large stock of Toys of every descriptionviz.: Whips, Sack, Dolls, Jack•in-the Box, Gans, Horses, Carts, Dogs, Birds, da and many others too numerous to mention. •