HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-18, Page 2THE WING LUL TIMES, DEMU ER 181. 1902. ttlaTAi3LIttaffiD :e?;", TOEJNGuA TIES. B..t$, i041/1,OT z ,1?a eat' smut asp iPnorieie on °!'iIURSDAi , DEO. 18, t902. NOTES AND QOMMENTS The Ankaunt of chattel mortgages re- ' teredi against fartlkers4 in Ontario in 1,898 waa 03,820,532; last year, $•3„84- 750. The Liberal Govertmetit didn't do it, but the people were assured that such things wouldn't happen under Liberal rule, The taxpayer of tho United Kingdom pays 29 shillings 3 pence a year per head of the population toward navy and army ',while the most heavily weigbted colonist pays no more than 3 shillings 5 pence a year per head of the population for naval and nulitnry purposes. Justices Osier and Meeleunan gave judgment Friday morning dismissing. with costs the Lennox election petition and directiug that T. S. Oarscalleu hold the seat. Judges Osler and Maclennan have been appointed to try all election petitions to be tried next year. As showing the wonderful develop nreut of business the Customs returns are a good evidence. All over the Do- minion these returns show very large increases. In the year 1890 (when the Liberals took office) the retorts of Olin. ton office were only a little over $3000 for the entire year, The returus for the six Inonths• that will end on the 81st of the present month, show nearly $6000. This is for the half year, and indicates clearly the prosperity and progress of the country. The four Dominion bye.elections held recently all went strongly Liberal. Yarmouth, N. S. elected Mr. Bowman B. Law, by 800, the largest majority ev- er given in this riding. In Argenteuil, the election of Mr.;Christleput an end to the stories about Liberal dissentious in Quebec. The popularity pf the Yukon administration is shown by the election of J. H. Ross by 700 Majority, while the newly appointed. Minister, Hon .R. Prefontaine increased his majority in Maisonneuve from 1,774 to 1.981. Many a vote was lost to the anti -Liquor Act 'people Thursday by the circula- tion of the dodger issued by the Walker distillery people, attacking the whole Methodist church for the thoughtless action of a young girl in accepting a contribution of a couple of cases of 'whiskey for a church sale. Such tactics only distrust decent people. A charge of inconsistency against a great religious body, founded on such slim evidence,iu- . juges the cause it is intended to serve, and reflects anything but credit on its authors. -Stratford Beacon. It is safe to say the prohibitionists of Ontario feel agood deal better satisfied over the attitude assumed by theta to- wards the referendum than the prohibi- tionists of Manitoba felt with regard to the course adopted by them on the occa- sion of the second referendum in that Province. The Manitoba prohibitionists stayed away front the pulls, and thus discredited themselves and their cause, while the Ontario prohibitionists went up against what they thought to be an impossible tasl:.but made such a splendid showing that they have just reason for congratulation and hopefulness. --Brant. ford Expositor. This custom of hawking about sub- scription lists and petitions of one sort and other is not only a crying evil, beta positive nuisance, and should be sup- pressed. It bas got so now that the assault of the subscription list promoter is not very far remold from the "stand and deliver" of the footpad or highway- man, with the differexce in favor of the latter -as the victim has some chances of putting up a fight with the latter if he so desires. Hawking about petitions looking for contributions for this and that and the other enterprise with which the average victim has not the slightest Concern is simply blackmail -no milder tern. will do justice to it. A little more backbone on the part of the victims would soon stop this petty imposition. . Chesley Enterprise. smommismosonmoiac Canada Seats Her Record. The past (season litre been the most successful one ever experienced in Ceti - ado, in the manufacture end export of butter and oheasc. Cheese exports der - lug the season just closed slio+fved a total increase of 308,432 boxes. over those for 1901; and a total increase of 22, 35$ boxes over those for 10:00, while butter ship- meut showed an increase of 124,058 pack- ages over those for 1901, anti an iucrease of 2r " 8 3$8 packages over the season 19. 00 The disbursements to rho factories for cheese were also largely in advance of tinyprevious year, cheese betug eonstaut. ly one or two Gents higher thou the previous season. Butter makers were not relatively so fortunate, the price on butter being lower during the season than it was iu 1901, ,As the exports are larger, however, the totol disbursements to factories would probably amount to about as much as last year Facts for Business Men. There is absolutely no success with- out advertising of some kind. Even the preacher must base pnblicity in order to succeed. You cannot seli gold dollars for 50 cents unless the offer is advertised. And the man who says he never reads advertising or is influenced by it is de. ceived. Advertttsing for general public- ity -to creat a demand and meet it either in advance or afterwards --is adapted to some kinds of business, such as propriet- ary articles, and is distinguished from mail-order advertising, which introduces the advertiser to his customer, leaving future relations between them to be worked up and maintained by corre- spondence. Present day advertising dis- criminates very carefully in its mediums and methods. according to what it is exploiting. If the advertiser is prepared to meet a rational demaud, anywhere, he is advised to.nse genera/ mediums; if he cgu haudle &lily a localiay or district he should select ublscat ois covering ti a t territory; if Ila is seeki`a mail order business, he must use mediums whose circulation was largely secured by ad- vertising. - - Compliment to Canada. In ten years her trade has increased by nearly $200,000,000. In a single year the increase is $40,000,000. Exports of manufactures are $18,500,000 in 1902 against 87,600,000 in ,1893. In the same period agricultural exports have doubled. The tremendous energy and success of Canadian workers are indicated in the fact that deposits in savings'banks have doubled in four years. Assets of Cana- dian banks grew in that time from $243- 400,000 to $4&8,300,000,, the note circula- tion showing a like increase. Six nears ago Canada was thought to be losing population. Massachusetts was 'com- plaining of the influx of peasants from Canada and all along the line to Oregon there was said to bo an incoming cur- rent, Now this is all changed. Immi- grants are flocking to Canada from the United States -farmers, ranchmen,min- ers and other active classes. From 11,- 000 in the 1897 the,iminigrants have in- creased to 75,000 in 1902, one third of these being active workers from the United States. As respects the creation of needed railways across the contineut and in the far Northwest, Canada is very progressive, as also in establishing trans- oceanic steamship lines and submarine cable to connect with Europe ou one side and Asia and Australia on the other. Our Northern ueighbor seems to bo very much alive. -(Ind.) Sun. CURIOUS FACTS I also showed a decrease. 1 A. W. Campbell, Provincial good Oa Jan. lst,1902,nearly 900,000 people 'roads commissioner, was present and ad- were in receipt of xelief, or one in every dressed the council in`regard to the Act 40 persons in England and Wales was a of Legislature by which 61,000.000 has pauper. Of all these nearly 130,000 be- ' been set aside for the improvement of longed to London, jthe roads of the province. Huroufs £20 was the rewlyd given by the War I share would be about $40,000, ttnd the Office to the police nen who discovered 1 council was advised to take such steps in the Waste of brass to the amount of the institution of a system of county £10,000 a year at Woolwich Arsenal. roads as would entitle it to draw this At the congress for the advancement amount from the Provincial fund. of the welfare of the blind, held int Dr. Matheson and R.S,Box, represent - Brussels, it was suggested that blind ' Ing St, Marys Collegiate Institute, wait - persons could be employed on telephone work, as their sense of hearing was highly acute. As Ting Victor Emmanuel has ex- pressed a desire for the reconstruction of the Campanile at Venice, and has con - COUNTY COUNCIL (Condensed front Signal Report.) The December session of the council opened ou Tuesday afternoon, 2nd fest, at 3 o'clock, Warden Patterson in the chair, and all the other members in attendance. The following Comm twice - tions were read and aealt wktn:-- Froin Charles S.heppard, secretary of Molesworth pablie library, alliin a $' a grant from the council. This was, lett over until January. From A. M. Todd, president of the Huron and Pet Stook Associatiou,aftking fqr a graut of $50 to 'aid iu holding the annual winter show, *25 was granted. A letter from Itobt. Leach of Auburn, stating that his horse had been hurt by aefect '11 d in M uchester bridge, and claiming damages. Laid over, From Allen. McLoud, of Lnoknow, claiming damages tor injury to horse, susteiued r'rotu breaking through a rotten plank in a bridge on the Niue Mile river. Recommended payment of 620. Front Lieut.-CalVarcae with reference to the grant from the county to the Har- ou regiment. It was recommended that no action be taken as to plying the antenna -000, granted to the 33 regiment for its annual drill but not paid, owing to the change made in drilling the offi- cers instead of the privates. A petition, signed by forty-seven resi- dents of Fordwich, asked that the unin- corporated village bo erected into a po- lice village. The report of the jailer showed seven prisouers, all males, confiners in the jail, three insane and four on charge of vag- raucy. The report of D. French, keener of the House of Refuge, gives the following as the amount of produce raised on the farm during the year; ',Oats, 470 bus.; barley, 260 bus.; beaus02 bus.; onions, 150 bus. ; mangolds, 1350 bus., turnips, b 665 u us. da , • garden E n b ett+ 20 bus, ;parsnips, 8 bus.; potatoes, 273 1 us. ; table turnips, 55 bus.; sugar beets, 2 acres; cabbage. 1100 heads; cauliflower, 150 heads; cel- ery, 2.40 heads; raspberries, 1800 qts; apples, 10 bbls.; hay, 24 tons hay; fod- der cora, 1 acre. Seventy-eight rods of wire fence had been erected and 50 rods of 4 inch tile drain put in. County Commissioner Ansley submitt- ed his report on the roads and bridges of the county. About the usual amount of repairs had been done to the bridges and: approaches during the past season, and they were at present in a very good state. Sotne county bridges that are now 20 feet between the abutments, might be shortened when rebuilt and still be long enough to suit the stream. Mr.Ansley recommended that Benmiller bridge be rebuilt and the Road and Bridge Com. recommended that tenders be procured at once. The orders issued by the commissioner since the June re- port amounted to $2,610.02, the largest ones being to Frank Gutteridge, for abutments for Stanley bridge. on Bay- field river, $I,020 and work on abutments of Lower Wingham bridge, $600. From .Tan. 1st to Dec. let he had issued orders to the amount of $2,780.81. The House of Refuge Committee re- ported that they had met and found the House clean, well kept and everything satisfactory'. The House is filled to its utmost capacity with 82 inmates. Re- commended that the rules regarding admission of inmates, be made more specific, as they found iumates who should have gone to a hospital instead. The average expense per inmate per day was 11.05 cents; last year it was 12.09 cents. The total cost of mainteuance "d ., 3`� tributed R4,000 for that purpose, it has '"> been definitely decided to commence re- I Pupils over the amount received from building immediately after the removal them in fees. It Was pointed out that a n r, Ela c kaa ch o of the debris. ( there might be a balancing claim against ed on the council in reference to the at- tendance of pupils from this county at that Institute. They notified the coon- cil that in accordance with the statute this county would bo called upon for the payment of the balance of the propor- tionate cost of maintenance for these 1,fr. Jahn Ouhcen, who is in the Fish Business at fort Hope, states :-"In my business I der a great deal of driving over bad roads and the constant jar of the rig along with exposure to all sorts of weather brought on kidney disease. I was in miserable health and suffered a great deal with sharp pains in my back, I heard of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pitts and de - tided to try them. Before I had used all of the drat box 1 felt better and three boxes have entirely cured ate. I ate very glad of an opportunity to recommend Dr. Chase'e Kidney -Liver fills for I have proven their wonderful control over kid. nes disease." It seems unwise to waste money and tan the risk of experimenting with new Jangled, untried remedies when you know that lir. Chases XCidaey-Liver Pills will cert om. Ont. 11 tt. dose, 250. a box, at til; cm -arm or einaanson, Bates ee Co., Tcrooto. Chase's litidnetiver Pi r Iu the case of a woman at Brneon1 the county of Perthon account of pupils I41 oravia, who had suffered from violent from that county attending the Seaforth headaches for 20 years, it has been found Institute,and the council decided to take that one of ht r teeth had grown upwards no action until the matter was further instead of downwards and had forced looked into. Accordingly a reference its way into the nose. On the tooth be- was made to the executive eommittee, ing removed she was relieved of the whit. recommended no action at this session, as these school hatters would come up for consideration at the Anti. "try session of the council. headaches, A pian liar been fined at Cologne for selling dyed cranberries. l'or some years he has been supplying hotels and restaurants 'lvith particularly fine red Tito many friends of the Rev. r, L fruit, and, although it Was not proved Stewart, formerly of Ethel circuit, will that the dye was deleterious, Ike was ad- be pleased to hear that lie aiid his corn- judgedtohave infriugedthe adulteratien party have safely reached China. Al - law. though he reports a very roflgh voyage Dr. Wyles, chief chemist of the Unit- itcrose the Pacific. Tho Epworth erl States Agricultural Department, has Leagues of Stratford District will sup - advertised for a dozen healthy young men who will have nothing to do hut eat. They will be fed for ten days on food containing pxedervativea or coloring (natter, in order that the effects on general health Wad digestion may be studied, port Mr. Stewart in China. iv1N.m1. D I'AITIIhtir PERSON T)TrA V• (l for well ettabl = d lio1hr in a fete eo1 n^ t t1eN itiir,g on retail mel ehaets and agents:. Level territory. :salary -SI.ON u ye:>rr and expellees, n^e.:,, nn5allo 19 70 a wee in sand expenses e a r Rad• lnnw1. Position, permanent. Busint ;, Fuc. ees.fnl end rusting, Standard House, 11134 Dearbern kit., Chicago. • ITHIN TWO WifER$ The Canada Minns Coilege CHATHAM, ONT. Placed two undergraduates and one gradahte nt salaries averegin; 1600 ,mch per Holism. anti' had to •tllaw ten other eons to bo unfilled where the wages offered were from 185 to $W per month. 1l0e<t It not pity to attend the best 1 We want .100 more bright young nice and women to• prepare for these excellent oi,uniugs. Write for our lien lnotae catalogue, O. ineI.AOItLAN sa 00., OffATIIANI, ONT. SHORTHAND « . BBOOK' KCJPINO Business •Law, 'Writing, Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc„ thoroughly taught' by experienced 'teachers at the Forest City Business and Short- hand College,' - London, Ont. . We have no dificculty in placing com- petent pupils in g d positions. College re -opens Sept. 2. Send; for Catalogues. i J. W. WESTERVELT, - ' Principal. MgAMigtggffIffIl PIeasiHg1 • fig But der -the Fit?. Y •' When you ,.,buy a suit of f' Clothes the must fit right ; as well as look right. odaa 0.5 t They'll i4st longer %. and that is What gives you I tvalue in clothes; fOrder your Suit or Overcoat I made by i g 'E1 C. CLARKEJ c_ o In the Shaw Block 13t6re. after. V00a'S TOS11110a1119, The (creat English. Remedy. `5 ' Sold and recommended by.al1 z druggists in Canada. Only reit- \$,..4 medicine discovered Six q : packages guaranteed to euro all forms of Sexual Weeknese. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Wo-ry. Excessive us' of To- baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on .eeeipt of price, one package 51, six, $5. One tofl6lilease, XIX IOW air Patnphlets free to tiny address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, it. A. Douglass, and T. E. Davis, Druggists. AGENTS WANTED EITHER ON FULL OI'% PART TIME Are you eatisflt'ei with your income ? le your time fully occupied? If not, write us. We enn Five you enrployniellt by the niniltil nn geed tf?x1114 (tr C011trilet tel pay sett wl•lI for such business as you Secure tor us at odd times. We employ both male and female repreeentativee. The next three menthe ie the very beat time to sell ear goods. No deposit is required; outfit is absolutely free. We have the largeet nurser - les in Cenain ov r+(7n+rr=-a largo of valuable now spreialties, and nil our stock in 1 ee• uarai t .,l s re r �. r 1 rr . vo n , v i t t 1 It a want to g t = represent tire largest, most no{offer and hest known nursery, U lvrit uv. It will bo worth gout tvle9ct. STONE & WELLINGTON, Teronto,Ont. "Catania's (1tateet Ntlreet1ut." TOWN DIRECTORY. BAVTIST OnnitO i;- Sabbatlas•irvlees at 11 a in alta 7 p tu. Sund€ty School; et 2:30 p ut. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Roy. 3.3. Fat- terson, B. A.,pastor. War. Chapman, S.S. Superintendent. METHODIST CxUItcu--Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 pin. Epworth. Leagne every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting ou Wedueeday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor, lir. Towler, S. S. Sup- erintendent. FRESnyvnitw Cimacu-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday dent.Seltool at 2:30 p m. Geueral prayer meeting ou Wednesday eveningti. Rev. D. Perrin, pastor and 5 'a. Superiuten- ST, PauL's amnion, EPfscoPAL-Sab- bath services vices at 11 a m aud 7 p zn. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, incumbent,. F. Shore, S. S. Superintendent, SALVATION Anaraa Strvice at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and. every evening during the week et 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block, Office hours from 8 a in. to (i:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTrruTn-Library and free reading room. in the Town Hall,' will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock.. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Tower Comeon,-R. Vanstone, J,v1ayor; Wm. Holmes, Thos, Bell, Robt. Mc- ludoo, J J. Elliott, W, F. VanStoue, A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. For- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets\first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Smoot BOARD. --f3:. Kerr, (chairman), Thos, Abraham, J. 3, Elliott, J. J. Hoinuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win. Button, C, N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurbr, J. 13. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. • PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Br c k, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. • BOARD OF HEALTII-Mayor VanstOne, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary r' College. Office and Infirmary •orner of Victoria and ' Minnie Sts. 'Wingham, Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection Bell TIephpne Company OF CANADA. ;y W A new issue cf the SUB- SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including t h e WING Ei A M Exchange, will be issued early in September. Orders f o r new connections. changes of address, changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed et once to ensure their appearance. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER. JOB PRINTING, including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. � BOOKBrNDTNda.-We u're pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with .us for Binding will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, 14,4 50 50 YEA 5ii3v h .-EXPi3,rVIIMNCE TRADE MARES bcsiaNs COPYRioH'rs &C. Anyone sending a sketch and descrtpttnn mar InonIsrhblttetalaventipony opinion Cemmunte tions ntrletlyeonadenttai, handbook on Patontr ,cont free, Oldest ageney'forsecuring stents. Patents taken tthreuah Munn & Co. receive epccial sotiee, without chemo, in the Scientific Jittericano A handsomely iltnt,trnted „reekty. I.nreest rig. dilation of any W01111116 t.n,rnnl. 9'rrms.5? t lyour • four months, 51. Sold by I.11 rewsdealern, Itl UZ1 t'J C0"61ht•:aduay' <e1V Yuri ranch Office. 64 i t.,\'•n-1,'. ,.••,i. 1). C. RAILWAY TI1I1 TABLES. Yy RAND TRUNK RAILWAY' SYSTEM. GRAND x111150 =EAve ren London 0.50 a.m.... 13.100,m, Toronto &East ..0 a.m0.58 aur . 8-.05p.m. . Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 pars.... 8.88p.m, Annrgs lama Kincardine -.6.50 50 a.m9.00 aut.. ,. 8.05 p.m. London.......... 11.10 am.. , . 7.55 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & East 1.40 pan. ... 8.i18 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. (`1N AADIAN PAOII! IO RAILReAX'. _1 TRAINS LEAVE P011. Torantoeta Vast 0.57 nen. . 8.91 p.m. Tecswater 1.17 p.ni....10.48 p.m. Annt'vf1 PROM Tceswater..... 0.57:r m,..,.0.43 pan. Toronto and East .. ,117 p.m.....10.48 p.m. X. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wftighaln. WANTED. --A trustworthy entleninn or hely in c=ash count toMenage g ilian.1114"neA. r 11 :71 9 for s 1 old established house of solid financial standing. A 8t1ai6t, bona fide wearily COAL salary of 18:00 raid b cheek each Wednesday $ withall expenses direct from heatlquerters. Money nclvanct4'1 for expenses. Manager, 810 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. E$TABLI6$ A 1872 THE WINGIIA TIMES, IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -4T- The Times OMce, Beaver Moak WING%IAM, ONTARIO. • image Or SV31seitPrtati $1 39 per nnnunl in advanco, $1.50 if nut so veld, No paper ibcn Untied till all arrears are paid, exeept at the option of the publisher. Anvinunsrxo Hallos. - Legal and other casual advertisements Sc per Nonptariel line for first insertion, 8c per line for teielesubeequcnt insertion. Advertisements In local columns aro charged 10 Sts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent lnsertiou. Advertisements of Lost,. Found, Strayed, Farms for Bale or to Rent, and shuther, $1,00 for first month and do conte for each subseglaent month. CONTRA04 RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements. for specified periods:-- sYAOE. 1 Ya., 0 oto. 8 Iso. 1110 One Column 500.00 585.00 $15.00 to 4vt Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be Inserted till forbid and charged, accord- ingly. Transient advertisenieuts must be paid for in advance, THE Jon DerAnTans'Nr is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for prints ing, affording Nullities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers,Hand Bills, etc., and the leteet Styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print. ing. H, B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher_ T P tr • Memlble rof thee British Medica Associa• tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child run. Office flours -1 to 4 p. In.: 7 to 9 p. m, Dn. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNE.W, Physician, Surgeon, etc. • aerr aE. oeDrugOffice-Macdonaldt.Nclisanswedttheffic, T. CHISHOLM. 3. S. CHISHOLM a{,n . u.n. 0 o. '. zso B . Ant, MC PS O. HAS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC, Oi•1'Icu--C1itt1ielm Block. 5'osephine street. RESIDENCE -Iii rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls, will be answered. ' VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Privet tenna Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No oom)niSsiolt char 1. ort - gages, town and farm proppertyy bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Willgliam. JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Dumttic r Rotates DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. Orme: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR .5. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of DentalSurgory of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oce over Post Office, Wingliam. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. T T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.A.F. New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's<teeth. Moderate prices, and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham, Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, Juty and August. se, 11fY ata JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURA.I+iQE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TiMEs office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. JI.' S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders eon always be arrangers at the Tarns office, Wingham, MISS DELIA *RUNG A. T. C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN *INCA A Ht TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepered for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music will he pre - Mired after Oct. 1st to receives a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -Steno block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham, PIANO AND THEORY MISS SARA LO'JISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, ofipupilsrforrinstrrtetianvon /indeed and Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -;hone blocic, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Winghtun. FARMERS Mid nnyon© having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, alienist advcr tise the same for silo in the Three, s. Our large cirr111atiolt tolls and it will hnstrange helmet if yens do net getaetetomer. We can't guarantee that you will sell heenuso you- eta y Ask More for the article t r1t eek than it is worth. Bend pour advertisement to the TIMEn and try this plan len disposing of your stock end other Artic i3EREFT. Lines published by request in memory of Qlarcnue Gray, who died on Novemb- er 5th. There's il,lone little grave enthillside O'er which has no blossoitt y blown; Upon it the firer snow is failing And around it the winter winds moan. There's a dear Iittle eh•tir by the fireside) That vecttttt will be evermore, 1 i.11ere's a box laid aside f n ll ofp lavthitttda That will nevermore litter the. floor. There are dear little school books now useless, Haw oft their creased pages I've kissed For the brave little stutient'that conned: them, Life's school is for ever dismissed. There's a scrapbook that's soiled and worn, More precious than all earth's gold, --- The work of the deer little fingers . That are hid 'heath the* dust' and the mould. There's one more Iittle angel in heaven, (How selfish of tun to complain!) I have one precious Iamb safely. folded Away facto. earth's sorrow and pain. And its slit that eau now never .touch hint Or tarnish his soul pare and white; For hint has dawned the glad morning That never wanes into the night. Oh, heart shat is empty, and ac}liiag For the little one under the sod, Hold fast to those sweet words of com- fort : oni,-fort: v "Of such are the Iiiug(lom of God?" THE QLDEMp Y BUCKET (13y Edmund Vance Cooke.) • Hoe; dear to my heart are the scene o.+ December, As; glad recollcetione present theme to view, The kindling, the coal and the fire and the ember, ' Ana all the. warm goods theft I formerly knew; The, grate as it playfully threatened, to burn us, The jolly old,cookstove with' cheek' biushinil red, The, bulging base -burner,, the cavern- , our femme, And e'en the, old bucket, the, coin - mon coal-huckot, • T1.e:i galvanized bucket; wbich ,sat in , the ;shed. That galvanized bucket oft claimed 1 ray nttcntion . At noon, or al. night, when returned from. my toil I'd' find it, 'there waiting, and wifey, would incntion 11 had to, be fined' oro the, settle , could, boil. ROW ,sudden I seized it and banged it f Arid slammed it, How strong were) the words *liicli Ita,stily said, As full of the chunks of caloric I jam- , ' coedit • , An I brought in the bucket which% t sal in the shed • - The beastly old bucket, the dad casted bucket,; Tl,e much -cussed bucket, which sat , an the ,shed. , • . e How gladly to -clay would I hastily filI1 i l it, If only the wherewith reclined in the bin ; . . I'd.'.troa,sure. each nugget, nor mar it, nor ispill it, But all of the day lug it cheerfully, ' in. Fart better then, ping-pong, or golfing of tennis, I'd play at the coal -game frons 1 breakfa,stf to bed,, But; alas that my name. on the coaI- book is Dennis And, empty the;, bucket which ,site. , in. the ,shed- f The destitute bucket, the vacuous; l bucket,, The Raer-empty bucket, which Sits in the shed. How's This? Weloffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, 0, . We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus- aiess transactions and financially able to carry oat an any obligations made by - their firm. WnsT &'IRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALBING, FINNAN & MARVIN, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and rau- cous surfaces of the system. Price 70e per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes- timona.ils free. Hall's Family fills ere tho best. There is a noted difference hi the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another pair. Then there, is the low price and better quality of cloth put in theme -cloth that wears See our new:ods and prices. is � ri f'.S. WEBSTER & CO i 1 ., Christmas Jewelry. S o. 0 � a. CI ©v 44 .4q65t4t4) O' c o i THE Brooch which we show above (No. 900) is a Sun Burst Pattern of 14k. gold mounted with sixty-five pearls. We send it to any address for $24.00. 1 We have hundreds of other styles. You may save a goodly amount on your Christmas purchases by sending for our 1002 catalogue -We Seed it free of toss. You will find in ft illustratloos of ire numerable gift pieces at prices host inviting. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Ycnge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto, "DIAMOND\ HALL.." Est. 1854. 13t6re. after. V00a'S TOS11110a1119, The (creat English. Remedy. `5 ' Sold and recommended by.al1 z druggists in Canada. Only reit- \$,..4 medicine discovered Six q : packages guaranteed to euro all forms of Sexual Weeknese. all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Wo-ry. Excessive us' of To- baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on .eeeipt of price, one package 51, six, $5. One tofl6lilease, XIX IOW air Patnphlets free to tiny address. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Wingham by Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, it. A. Douglass, and T. E. Davis, Druggists. AGENTS WANTED EITHER ON FULL OI'% PART TIME Are you eatisflt'ei with your income ? le your time fully occupied? If not, write us. We enn Five you enrployniellt by the niniltil nn geed tf?x1114 (tr C011trilet tel pay sett wl•lI for such business as you Secure tor us at odd times. We employ both male and female repreeentativee. The next three menthe ie the very beat time to sell ear goods. No deposit is required; outfit is absolutely free. We have the largeet nurser - les in Cenain ov r+(7n+rr=-a largo of valuable now spreialties, and nil our stock in 1 ee• uarai t .,l s re r �. r 1 rr . vo n , v i t t 1 It a want to g t = represent tire largest, most no{offer and hest known nursery, U lvrit uv. It will bo worth gout tvle9ct. STONE & WELLINGTON, Teronto,Ont. "Catania's (1tateet Ntlreet1ut." TOWN DIRECTORY. BAVTIST OnnitO i;- Sabbatlas•irvlees at 11 a in alta 7 p tu. Sund€ty School; et 2:30 p ut. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Roy. 3.3. Fat- terson, B. A.,pastor. War. Chapman, S.S. Superintendent. METHODIST CxUItcu--Sabbath services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:30 pin. Epworth. Leagne every Mon- day evening, General prayer meeting ou Wedueeday evenings. Rev. Richard Hobbs, pastor, lir. Towler, S. S. Sup- erintendent. FRESnyvnitw Cimacu-Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday dent.Seltool at 2:30 p m. Geueral prayer meeting ou Wednesday eveningti. Rev. D. Perrin, pastor and 5 'a. Superiuten- ST, PauL's amnion, EPfscoPAL-Sab- bath services vices at 11 a m aud 7 p zn. Sun- day School at 2:30p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Wm. Lowe, incumbent,. F. Shore, S. S. Superintendent, SALVATION Anaraa Strvice at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and. every evening during the week et 8 o'clock at the barracks. POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block, Office hours from 8 a in. to (i:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTrruTn-Library and free reading room. in the Town Hall,' will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5;30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock.. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Tower Comeon,-R. Vanstone, J,v1ayor; Wm. Holmes, Thos, Bell, Robt. Mc- ludoo, J J. Elliott, W, F. VanStoue, A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. For- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Win. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets\first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Smoot BOARD. --f3:. Kerr, (chairman), Thos, Abraham, J. 3, Elliott, J. J. Hoinuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win. Button, C, N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurbr, J. 13. Ferguson. Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. • PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS, -A. H. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Br c k, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings. • BOARD OF HEALTII-Mayor VanstOne, (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary r' College. Office and Infirmary •orner of Victoria and ' Minnie Sts. 'Wingham, Day and night calls promptly attended to. Telephone connection Bell TIephpne Company OF CANADA. ;y W A new issue cf the SUB- SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including t h e WING Ei A M Exchange, will be issued early in September. Orders f o r new connections. changes of address, changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed et once to ensure their appearance. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER. JOB PRINTING, including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &c., c., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. � BOOKBrNDTNda.-We u're pleased to announce that any Books or Magazines left with .us for Binding will have our prompt attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, 14,4 50 50 YEA 5ii3v h .-EXPi3,rVIIMNCE TRADE MARES bcsiaNs COPYRioH'rs &C. Anyone sending a sketch and descrtpttnn mar InonIsrhblttetalaventipony opinion Cemmunte tions ntrletlyeonadenttai, handbook on Patontr ,cont free, Oldest ageney'forsecuring stents. Patents taken tthreuah Munn & Co. receive epccial sotiee, without chemo, in the Scientific Jittericano A handsomely iltnt,trnted „reekty. I.nreest rig. dilation of any W01111116 t.n,rnnl. 9'rrms.5? t lyour • four months, 51. Sold by I.11 rewsdealern, Itl UZ1 t'J C0"61ht•:aduay' <e1V Yuri ranch Office. 64 i t.,\'•n-1,'. ,.••,i. 1). C. RAILWAY TI1I1 TABLES. Yy RAND TRUNK RAILWAY' SYSTEM. GRAND x111150 =EAve ren London 0.50 a.m.... 13.100,m, Toronto &East ..0 a.m0.58 aur . 8-.05p.m. . Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 pars.... 8.88p.m, Annrgs lama Kincardine -.6.50 50 a.m9.00 aut.. ,. 8.05 p.m. London.......... 11.10 am.. , . 7.55 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & East 1.40 pan. ... 8.i18 p.m. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. (`1N AADIAN PAOII! IO RAILReAX'. _1 TRAINS LEAVE P011. Torantoeta Vast 0.57 nen. . 8.91 p.m. Tecswater 1.17 p.ni....10.48 p.m. Annt'vf1 PROM Tceswater..... 0.57:r m,..,.0.43 pan. Toronto and East .. ,117 p.m.....10.48 p.m. X. H. BEEMER, Agent, Wftighaln. WANTED. --A trustworthy entleninn or hely in c=ash count toMenage g ilian.1114"neA. r 11 :71 9 for s 1 old established house of solid financial standing. A 8t1ai6t, bona fide wearily COAL salary of 18:00 raid b cheek each Wednesday $ withall expenses direct from heatlquerters. Money nclvanct4'1 for expenses. Manager, 810 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. E$TABLI6$ A 1872 THE WINGIIA TIMES, IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -4T- The Times OMce, Beaver Moak WING%IAM, ONTARIO. • image Or SV31seitPrtati $1 39 per nnnunl in advanco, $1.50 if nut so veld, No paper ibcn Untied till all arrears are paid, exeept at the option of the publisher. Anvinunsrxo Hallos. - Legal and other casual advertisements Sc per Nonptariel line for first insertion, 8c per line for teielesubeequcnt insertion. Advertisements In local columns aro charged 10 Sts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent lnsertiou. Advertisements of Lost,. Found, Strayed, Farms for Bale or to Rent, and shuther, $1,00 for first month and do conte for each subseglaent month. CONTRA04 RATES -The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements. for specified periods:-- sYAOE. 1 Ya., 0 oto. 8 Iso. 1110 One Column 500.00 585.00 $15.00 to 4vt Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.00 Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 6.00 2.00 Advertisements without specific directions will be Inserted till forbid and charged, accord- ingly. Transient advertisenieuts must be paid for in advance, THE Jon DerAnTans'Nr is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for prints ing, affording Nullities not equalled in the county for turning out first class work. Large type and appropriate outs for all styles of Post- ers,Hand Bills, etc., and the leteet Styles of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print. ing. H, B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher_ T P tr • Memlble rof thee British Medica Associa• tion, Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child run. Office flours -1 to 4 p. In.: 7 to 9 p. m, Dn. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNE.W, Physician, Surgeon, etc. • aerr aE. oeDrugOffice-Macdonaldt.Nclisanswedttheffic, T. CHISHOLM. 3. S. CHISHOLM a{,n . u.n. 0 o. '. zso B . Ant, MC PS O. HAS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC, Oi•1'Icu--C1itt1ielm Block. 5'osephine street. RESIDENCE -Iii rear of block, on Patrick St., where night calls, will be answered. ' VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Privet tenna Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest. No oom)niSsiolt char 1. ort - gages, town and farm proppertyy bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block. Willgliam. JA. MORTON, • BARRISTER, &o. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON Dumttic r Rotates DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. MONEY TO LOAN. Orme: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR .5. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of DentalSurgory of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Oce over Post Office, Wingliam. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. T T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.A.F. New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special attention to the care and regulation of children's<teeth. Moderate prices, and all work carefully and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham, Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, Juty and August. se, 11fY ata JOHN RITCHIE GENERAL INSURA.I+iQE AGENT, Wingham. Ont. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty. All orders left at the TiMEs office promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. JI.' S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Special attention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders eon always be arrangers at the Tarns office, Wingham, MISS DELIA *RUNG A. T. C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN *INCA A Ht TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Pupils prepered for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music will he pre - Mired after Oct. 1st to receives a limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -Steno block, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Wingham, PIANO AND THEORY MISS SARA LO'JISE MOORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated Musicians of Ontario, ofipupilsrforrinstrrtetianvon /indeed and Theory. Special attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residence -;hone blocic, over W. G. Patter - son's jewelry store, Winghtun. FARMERS Mid nnyon© having live stook or other articles they wish to dispose of, alienist advcr tise the same for silo in the Three, s. Our large cirr111atiolt tolls and it will hnstrange helmet if yens do net getaetetomer. We can't guarantee that you will sell heenuso you- eta y Ask More for the article t r1t eek than it is worth. Bend pour advertisement to the TIMEn and try this plan len disposing of your stock end other Artic i3EREFT. Lines published by request in memory of Qlarcnue Gray, who died on Novemb- er 5th. There's il,lone little grave enthillside O'er which has no blossoitt y blown; Upon it the firer snow is failing And around it the winter winds moan. There's a dear Iittle eh•tir by the fireside) That vecttttt will be evermore, 1 i.11ere's a box laid aside f n ll ofp lavthitttda That will nevermore litter the. floor. There are dear little school books now useless, Haw oft their creased pages I've kissed For the brave little stutient'that conned: them, Life's school is for ever dismissed. There's a scrapbook that's soiled and worn, More precious than all earth's gold, --- The work of the deer little fingers . That are hid 'heath the* dust' and the mould. There's one more Iittle angel in heaven, (How selfish of tun to complain!) I have one precious Iamb safely. folded Away facto. earth's sorrow and pain. And its slit that eau now never .touch hint Or tarnish his soul pare and white; For hint has dawned the glad morning That never wanes into the night. Oh, heart shat is empty, and ac}liiag For the little one under the sod, Hold fast to those sweet words of com- fort : oni,-fort: v "Of such are the Iiiug(lom of God?" THE QLDEMp Y BUCKET (13y Edmund Vance Cooke.) • Hoe; dear to my heart are the scene o.+ December, As; glad recollcetione present theme to view, The kindling, the coal and the fire and the ember, ' Ana all the. warm goods theft I formerly knew; The, grate as it playfully threatened, to burn us, The jolly old,cookstove with' cheek' biushinil red, The, bulging base -burner,, the cavern- , our femme, And e'en the, old bucket, the, coin - mon coal-huckot, • T1.e:i galvanized bucket; wbich ,sat in , the ;shed. That galvanized bucket oft claimed 1 ray nttcntion . At noon, or al. night, when returned from. my toil I'd' find it, 'there waiting, and wifey, would incntion 11 had to, be fined' oro the, settle , could, boil. ROW ,sudden I seized it and banged it f Arid slammed it, How strong were) the words *liicli Ita,stily said, As full of the chunks of caloric I jam- , ' coedit • , An I brought in the bucket which% t sal in the shed • - The beastly old bucket, the dad casted bucket,; Tl,e much -cussed bucket, which sat , an the ,shed. , • . e How gladly to -clay would I hastily filI1 i l it, If only the wherewith reclined in the bin ; . . I'd.'.troa,sure. each nugget, nor mar it, nor ispill it, But all of the day lug it cheerfully, ' in. Fart better then, ping-pong, or golfing of tennis, I'd play at the coal -game frons 1 breakfa,stf to bed,, But; alas that my name. on the coaI- book is Dennis And, empty the;, bucket which ,site. , in. the ,shed- f The destitute bucket, the vacuous; l bucket,, The Raer-empty bucket, which Sits in the shed. How's This? Weloffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, 0, . We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus- aiess transactions and financially able to carry oat an any obligations made by - their firm. WnsT &'IRUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. WALBING, FINNAN & MARVIN, Whole- sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and rau- cous surfaces of the system. Price 70e per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes- timona.ils free. Hall's Family fills ere tho best. There is a noted difference hi the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peo- ple back for another pair. Then there, is the low price and better quality of cloth put in theme -cloth that wears See our new:ods and prices. is � ri f'.S. WEBSTER & CO i 1 .,