HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-18, Page 1r VOL. XXXL—NO '1610. • • „Z. SII Sorts of Di* IN ALL SORTS OF WARE SIX MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL XMAS; AND . THE . QUESTION RIES "what to Give?" ' WE 'WOULD SUGGEST FOR LADY A.pair of fine Black Satin Juliettes with far trintwiug, just the thing for afternoon and evening wear, al.70 A pair line bieok quilted, Juliettes with fur trimming, at • $3,315 A pair of Caldiuttl Slippers at , $1,3e A pair of Felt Low Shoos, fur trine piing, price + - $1.0a A beautiful fine of Ladies' .1ll'elt Gaiters, - - V $1.40 Children's Slippers at 35o, 400 and ,45 FOR GENTLEMAN— • What could be a aider gift than a Mee Black Satin or Silk .Muffler,. lined with red satin, beautiful, at • - - $1.00 and $1.993 Way's Mufflers, prices 50o and .75 Irt NECEWEAr.; -We have just re- ceived some of the very liewest designs, some beautifulshades. prices - - 25o te, iii • We have also some very pretty lines of Colored Shirts, Silk Iiau - t, dke' • chiefs aria Kid Gloves. • WHAT ABOUT THAT''NEW SUIT OF CLOTHES AND OVERCOAT ? We guarantee everything first-class in every particular. } 'We guarantee every pair of Lumber- ' men's Rubbers .wwe sell, and sell them cheap. ' Horvath Bros. Sign of the Pi; Bear. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued. by PaA1.r. Pnemnsata To. 23 Victoria street, Wincham. Ont. No witnesses received. Its'hantly to know that } oe can comae right straight to iritis store the minute you need something to 11315line. , And yen can be entre before ,you conte that what you wish YOU Call get. r Some Elegant Dinner Setts-, Prices for p'r piece sets from 46.00 to $15.00. •All,ttewgoods. China tea sets from'$3.00• to $10.00. Toilet sets from $1.59 to $10.60, Beautiful and attractive aesietis, new'patternu,.stippled mitt gold. 'Panay china of all kinds for Xmas trade. • Call early and get choice; ' Prices reasonable. R Ao .D ison GROCER t: Prompt i)elivery. - •Phone 51. tQIT�C4. It you Want a bonne in' :$Vingllaln or any village or" town' within 50 miles,' I can chew. you the. largest colleutioit•ever on list for stile iu'this part. • • • T. J. liiAGJIR "i, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Who: Wants; Farm:? I leave ova; 4.000 acres of choicer farts' lands for nal,., in 50, 45, 100, 150. and 200 acres. lots in Sinless, Greenock, Bruce, Aineardine Huron and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to be sold'ehea on easy torins. p 'Also a good sawmill for sale almost Y r a song. lo odltlaolwmlh shop (dwelling in co- n d o business, for ale'che . con- nection) doing goad us, Wena a a g . A hotel doing good bunincan for ludo cheap. Also a wagons toll. A general store with large trade, liver village. Also a large amount of money to loan at 5 per gout. • For further par- ticuLtra.nppiy to J. A, MMioELNZIE Tnsnrance Agent, i?folrrootd. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. - See Halsey Park's advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran. teed to mire headache, - Why Trai Are Late. es Ian ti t f r the recent erre - An p a of hirregu- larity of trains on he Grand Trunk is offered by the fac that the company is unable to get its soul quality of coal. and is obiighed to ruts its engines with an inferior geed ' There are six hun- dred cars order by the company, whioh should h e been delivered, but none have 'arrive The Cotiipany, has therefore, been c emptied' to finite what- ever coal it has en able to fined. , Complete Atm of candies for Christ- mas at Mrs. Gri dale's. WANraD--A good general servant girl. Apply at the Teams office. i 9 Q� fl Hot beef tea a vays on hand, sold by Capital i + the bottle or in s alter quantities at W. Reserve $2,900,00 WINCHAW BRANCH SHAW B1OgK,' t. A. General Banking Business Trans. acted. Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on sante. Drafts bought and sold on all pointsiu Canaria, United States anti Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT—Interest allotted on deposits of $1 and upwards,' and added to principal 30th June add 31st Ileeember each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager, 2i. V'anstoite. Solicitor, BANK OF HMILTON W3PlG§�AII. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. .. Reserve Fuud, $1,600,000.00. President—sortie artrAur. Vice -President -•-A. G. RA arse, tier BOTOU3 • bhn Proctor, Gro. fioncit, Win. Gibson, lii,P. A. T. Wood, M. P„ A.li.Lee (Toronto). • "leneral Manager --T. TttTtNBt7LL. Savings Bank -'Bourn 10 to II; Setnrdey', 10 to I. De�tnsits of 31 and upwards received. in. terve allowed, and computed on the 30th No- vember sad 81st nay each year and added to principal. raters of intDDeposita also received at eurent '1nr5fte on Greet Britain and the United States Bought and sold. Travellers aro notified that thellenkof Ham. ,tion audits franehes issue Circular Bates of Nptional Provineial Bank of England, Limited, *rruioh can to cradled without charge or trou- ble in wiry part of the world. 'CV. OOBBOIT.L,11, Agent lel. L. DreKiN$ON. Solicitor. .—The Thins and Weekly *tail and Empire till 1st January. 1904, to new eubsoribers'for $1.75. Premium pictures to new and old subscribers of Mail and nyixe. J. Scorr's;resta •ant. Postal ' ate Changes. A. no @ notice man @ authorities stat ed forms witho has been cluing 4 ounces, or fru each additional of, to 1 cent ea thereof. Alsei cuttings (not c bedding.plants. scions or grafts, is 2c for first 4 =memo fraction thereof and 1 0 for each additi nal 4 ounces or fraction thereof. lypostedbytheO 1 stn p that the rate on print- f any writing on them Prete 20 for' the first ion thereof, and 1c for mice, or fraction there - 2 minces or fraction future the rate on seeds, t flowers), bulbs, roots, Fresh oysters arriving daily; served in any style, at Jas. Bttcki<ey's star restaur- ant. MONEY To LoAv at 43G per Cent, on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. The Tsauis has authority to arrange dates and terms for auction sales for either F. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos. Brown, •Seaforth. • High Tariff V , Low Tartfl: Da usage, Kent Block, Wiugbam. The great tquestio. bofore Canadians .to•day is the, tariff. From one end to the other of this; cad Dominion the question of a high . low tariff is being tdist ussed. Honest discussion is what the people of Cana want. It will be interesting to ku • v that the Family Herald and Weelrl, Star of Montreal has opened its cob as for a Tull and free discussion of t is important gnost- ion, The. let -Merl o both political part• ies are invited to g' a their viess a. Is'ttr• mers, inanafaotn #re, importers, etc., will have an o. tortnnity to (Aortas themselves. The ainiiy Herald, being a purely non -poli cal paper. absolutely independent of all olitical parties or in- terests is the one pi +er iinCanaria, where• in suet rut open die •ussimti Cnh be rarrietl on, With- the amity Herald turd Weekly Star's it ;,en* circulation at every post (Aro i the Dominion, this will be a splend'. opportunity for the leaders of both rties to air their views on the tariff qu.. ion, and the public will naturally tic. • to hear from them through the Ea ly Herald and Weekly Star The di , scion Will be watched and read with i 'rarest. ►I INtlf�Al..t'i' VT QNrk IO`t TmJRS. ij , :ti dCEMREi4 :A, 1902. w Wear . eere Shoes and Rubbers, • Died in adstock. MMMT. Stephen Pelt u, of Innerkip,who died in Woodstoe . hospital, recently wars an uncle of Mrs J. B. Ferguson, of this town, This v thethird death in the family iu two' yenta, viz: Oidstiu Pelton; of Iituoritip ,Tuba Pelton, form- erly of Winghant, ad Stophen Pilton, of •Ittnerrkip, Rooms to let, Hard and soft water and weodshed on the preiuises. Apply to Geo. McKenzie. • The fun still continues pt the Hent Bleck Sale --foamy prices, Dalinage did trot steal the goods! Nor is he mak- Mg Much moneys The goods hast gt . W, tof W. •.' At the Wit iegnio' al,aatp, Woodmen following officers vyt 'ensuing year:- Fasl Terrif; Cotta. Coin Adviser T„ Rout, K Crowder; Clerk Escort, W, A.. Cat Showers; Delegate Nicholson, . shears.' Meeting of Nation - f the World, the a elected for the Conn, Cont., John Win. Nicholson; axwell3 Banker, R. Wallace. Stewart; pheil; Sentry, W. t head Comp, Wen. Buyyour rooe esat . G °t '•. Irs ri da a s g�' s O aAYov Polrruerr, Life size, • for $2.00,. at Armstrong & Co's studio, ; Veteran ubscribers4. • The T mes had a subscribers on 4o }Undersea and Fr both renewed their' thirty-second. tim the TIIUEs since t published in Jant. both be spared for our cottons is the The Timms hasha utut)y 'old aubscr week. A merry merry Xp1 of our patrons. ftp A large stock of We nuts, eta , fertile Chri J. SOOTT'si'estnarea: J hall from, two veteran day in • Messrs. Chas. luk Oiirruthers. They sul seription for the , Each have taken e that edition was. ry, 1b7'. May they moue, years to read eat wish of the TimES. plea,iautcalls from tors daring the past r'to one and all W. J. Qnziem. polates,bou bons. tines trade tit W. R. T. of T At the lest tare Council, No. 114, R. hugofficers we e araC term:—Select Comic Pass Councillor, A. Councillor, Daisy F Field;' Reo.Sec., N. Jno. Kerr; Ben, Seer Trans., W. C. Thouu Greer; ,Guard, Maggi WalteRose; Pre Organist, H 1l. eE I Officers. it - of X17' iuta m '.of T'., the follow- utri for. the ensuing nor. Herb -Hicks; E. Lloyd; Vice Id; Chaplain, W. caution; Fin. Sec., 'rotas, Juo. Mae; on; herald, Pere)' Tibbs; Sentinel, Reporter, Walter t Hall, - J. Buckles, of the "Star Restaurant", has a few pounds of loose tobacco he will sell at half price. Highest price for turkeys, geese,ducks, chickens, potatoes, dried ai'plei;, butter and eggs. ' Winonan TRADING Co,,LTD, More Municip The ratepayers o almost unanimous ii icipal ownership. 0 ratepayers of that to to vote for two by -la peuditure of $56,00 a electric lighting' plan vor of taking over th was 875 for and 24 l over the gas plata 87 Wiughaui ratepaye portuuity of saying day if they two hi I waterworks foe do also -for a trunk se podal works. i Ownership. Owen Sound are he matter of mum. Saturday last the n were called upon s, involving an ex - for the gas and . •The vote ip fa- eloctrio light-piaut Inst; for -taking for and 23 against. will have au op- t municipal election vor of a system of stio purposes and r and sewage die - Try Dttltnnge,l--scut Block, for wind proof and storm proof overcoats. They are put together like leather and are sold at half price. MONEY To LOAN.—Money to loan on notes, and 'notes discounted at- reason- able rates. Money advanced 'on mort= gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and accounts collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing - ham Rosi. Moth D00. Death of Joh Nicholson. On Thursday last Nett; few Weeks filmes, Jbhu Nichols u died at his resi- dence on Leopold at .et. Deceased elho was in his•G4th year, was one of the old- er•residents of this s coon. He .. was a native of Oumberla d, England, and came to this coiner forty years ago, accompanied by hi brother, the late Istat~ Nicholson, (fa • or of Win. Nichol- soti,town,)and settle in. Clark toeveship. hits brother Isaac me tip to Turn- berrysix months•list r and the deceased came to Turnlierry • few years after. ward. After a resid lice Of five years on the 5th. of Turube ry,deceased moved to Morris township, luevale road, over thirty years ago and cabled there until lust spring, when he 'urehased a home On Leopold street ant moved to town. Before leaving the to • »ship of Clark, the subject Cathie sk tell was harried to Miss Kate Mayne, t ho survives him. Deceased wet a mati who had many friends and all were s. ry to bear of his heath. Least summe . Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson took a trip o the West and spent a very pleasant ti with relatives and friends. He west + a very long star - ml to en„oy a life of ea .e after so many, years apt nt on the far Deeesl,ed Was a iireabeterien in relig' li. The bereav- ed widow and other r.latives will have the sympathy of the c • minunity in their time of sorry. The f coral tank place on Saturday afternoo to the Wingliam ' cemetery, hegbtted yeI. he Ferrie being were all old neighbn and friends of deceased, vie:---lllcss A. Itobt. Maxwell, er„ Thos, Jenkins, : lex, Roes, John Boatmen, (:has. Il- . anion . end J'iis. Wylie. Died at an Ea Age. ' It is our sad duty the week to an opens,* ate du, t.h i f Otis u Eddie Crow- etou, yoyugeat, daughter f atilt Airs, Wiu.&JruWstou,alfedlOy rsaiida7days. Deceit-s.l was a ptoruisi young girl AWL had oul%'beepiifoietY da s with dlphtheii. The lama i will be timely syutp.tthw;ad with fit heiraftiictsun. Tee fauerai took plecs 'root the house ofherr r ta, it r g audpa en , itis ail tars. L. McLean, ou T'uteda,Y ruing to Wing ham ceueltery. , 'Holly for decorating at the "Star Restaurant." Meals at all hours aMrs. Grisdale's, opposite T. A. krill's ore. Death of Gee. id. Walker. Mr. Geo. ,hi. Walk, at liillsburg, 'died tilt week„ aged :36 years. only ,a• week with.., young Wren wag opera station here for, a few ago. IJe,wai1 pupulur friends and the unite euiimely death will, preen:aid sorrow, second ,sun of Mr. W of Gaelfh ' , C. P. R. agent r'hursday 'of last He had been ill neuwonia. This: rat the O. P. It. tenths some time among his many •tvd hews of, hie be received with et:eased was the i Airs, F. Walker Oysters,e the beat; utility at 4 per quart at W. .1. tiaova 6 restaur • Beautifel Xmas pees . is • educe and genre!' tnt.oy stippled,' . J. Guskit'ss, • Fa• rmers are usy. Since the advgsit .of leighing there has been great tiettvity tong the form. er's. ' Hatay reaming is mind couduuted 'very rapiuty. A large unlit of - wuou; is being brought to tut u, met the pltoe has dropped a little, toed is now sail= 'fug no front $2.25 to $:e.50 tar stern wood. For the drat ' ew days of the sleighing it sold at f in. $2.15 to $3. The meruhapts have,U eu doing a good business for the past fe days aud Ourtst- auas buyma have been taking our advice to do their shopping •1y. • You get the navies andovercoatitigs at Geo. Canoe. Make your friend a present of a Ber- liner Gramm 1 0 p 1 no on Christmas. J• Buckley,A7ea r, Star Re tu usuut ," Institute M etings. ' Meetings of the Ea Huron Farmers' Institute will be held for the discussion. of agricultural topics of interest es fol- lmws:—Wroxeter, aesclay, Jan. 20: Brussels, Jan.. 41; arlocu, Jan. 22; 1wlauiey's sObool ho se. McKillop, Jan. 23; and Mnrdie'a so rot honse,hoKillop. Jan. 24, The :oat de speakers will be B.'O. Drury; of. Ct en Hill, and T. H. Mason, of Stafford Ile. C.M. McGreg- or, of Constance., at it G. Mnrrlie, of Sea - forth. musical pr ala will be given at each. evening sessio • Twenty-five cas� calved to sell as Inn and as high as GOt goods in settings asonabie, prices at of Oranges just re- m two dozen for 25o per dozen at W, J. Scorn's restaurant. —The Titres and Weekly Globe till 1st January., 1904 to new subscribers- for $1.60. Premium to new and old sub- scribers of the Globe. • • Coal Ship Mr, T. D. Burns rem hard coal on Monday, stributed it among his and quarter ton lots. hot suffered for the w same extent as people cities. Fortunately wood. has been delive many people have bee coal furnaces. Mr . car more reloads o f co when these are exhan the black diamonds[ ee freely. - ftenewi'ng dbecripttons, Daring the pest MAX a large nutnb4r of Tielxs subscribe have renewed lei lt)Oi. 'We have n bells adding a large number of new sat riburs to our bet. Ude afternoon sari g the week we add• ed dvan wKaisar! ere. The Tunas i s able to give low cal biug rates for any newspaper or wage' uo. If yea do not see what you wane' our dlubbiug list iu another column, uquire at the office niid we will give yo u low rate. We want to add a• In ge number of new names to our list du ug the. neat few weeks. Mite 'swell get a 'fur •oa T. H. Ross has them age% flue, ` in quality and price. • 7n a lb for chicken , 7cll or ducks, Wen lb for geese 10c for irl:ey, either cash or trade, A. ';I>: (eltisholm Block. Anniversary and The first miniver ary of the, opening of the new Methoiis Church in Wingitani will be celebrated 'a Sunday and Bion. clay, Deo, 28th in 20th. Ott Satidsy hey. l)r. Catenate "mural Sttperiuteuci- wit of the Method t Cbureh in Canada, will preach moth lig and evening. On Afuudilytveuing to church will be foe. melte dedicated t the worship of God. Tea will lie serve in the lecture recut, to be italowed at an entertainment. Rev, Dr. Carmel will deliver his lecture entitled,"John fox dud John Wesley." alum mill be In haled by the choir of the church, and there. edicatory Services Cutters, Iiurttess (stu.le a double) fee mutts robes, horse lit - eta Luige seu04d etoek tit. T. H. ' see' Nu ,natter what you- want iu dry goods, clothing or furs try Daltnage nits if he etas what. you want you are euro to save money. Jessie N. 'Macs chitin Concert. We again remit our readers, both Ili Iowa and count , that they ehuulu bear to ultud. rue astir . T. 1ltre1netuiau conceit to be meld in the opera house on Friday evening of this Week, liltu Inst. This will trite be cite lust appeal- on here lit rue w lld-relluwzmta u buvt- ttdit Sneaker, and tl use Who tint to hear - will OU 1'ridgy evuu ug may never have rh 11is tU t C e � rLUU a anotheru u l•p Y enuring mugs to lie r. bites Atuclaut,lan will lie teoty assist d IAy bliss Marietta Label', Chwadu a favorite entertatnur mutt Miss Teresa Flauigan, Uaua„a's sweetest soprano. Secure y our seats at Campbell's drug ore to -day or rot. muiritv4 and avoid he rush on. I.+'1i • y uvei lug.• Snow. FOR TAN Days-- Rocktere i.0 tn•ab.cgatiy east • ak eether seats, from 41 to $6.50, clear them oat. 1304431We. The Collet is Boll. a, ouc a a iu t las t1 Up to AZ . i Ir e R, the G y MI which to pay to taxes to escape having the percents added, Collector Robertson bad oolitic d all but 1:3316.55 out of a total of $t4, 35,05 ea the roll. This is the best slip ug in yenta. The uneolleeted taxes on th Deoember last year ttpioquted to $.0 24. Lt M:tOO then was 014.51, and to .899, 11164.77 collected. 1 A TEARPIN Wanted—Several 'afa • o rent. Apply P. J. Maguire. - House to rent, u : r T. R. station. Apptr to T. A. M' ' See Campbell's t . g e window for hupilsome Novas gi Cutters have • be n se 'rig fast •and Iuttous, Why? ac, • se the goods and p.ices are alright. . T. H. s, K. K. McRae of Harriet , general anent fur pratical Tay or tem, was in Wnighain-this week purchaced eu overcoat from A. R. SMITH, Chisholm Block. u Municip• Elections. • The muuioipttl drawing near and any probable can of town counciito Mations on the e will probably bri good men for th toff Count atious vett a car load off place on Mends and he has de• .'ion, No 7, of w part, the uumina LielgraVe to F. W 1 o'clock p. in. division are likely good supply of Carrie, Donald 1' • ecu to town not Albs, Stuart, Th titer, of West Wo, burning wood in urns expects two mentioned. the itsw eek and .ell It tattooed that No use in freezing II be moving more can buy a beautiful f Boss for $20. ' We prices. =Tito Tines and Farmers' Advocate Cottage td rent on Fr will be sent to any address in Canada or Hard and soft rent r, sto the Udited States till Jitnuary 1st. 1004 bedrooms, parlor 1 ents. .ustotners in -half inghamites have t of coal to the other towns and S. O. S. • ffrcers. At, the•utoetiug , f Camp, Caledonia, Sons of Scotland hi ii on Monday even - int: the following .fficers were elected fur tile ensuing ye. r:—Past Chief, Win. Melva -ma: Chief D Stewart; Chap., Alex. Campbell; hysicianr,Drs.P; Myo' i id mol t • ,Agnew a .1. S. i 1 u d maid alai V , t kin -Sec., W. ylor; Rcc-See., H. B. El tart; 'Irma., ' us Holmes;. Marshall, L. 4. B:itl; Stat . Bearer, D. Carrie; S. Guard, W. A. a:upbeat J. Guard. H. Hamilton; Tru' ems --Alex. Roes, Alex. Campbell, G. I + v idson;Auditots, D. aI, Gordon and A x.•Ross; piper', L), E. McDonald; jam or, W. Williamson. Best chocolates and boxes fur Xmas at store, :Roves—We bare six di rent kinds and it your face is • d u you !erre the cash they are your ' 11 and Inspect, All first-class antis •ted stock. HAitNA & Co. An fancy eli'a drug Twenty-five ars' Married. Mr. acid Mrs. W I. Green celebrated the 25th anniversa y of their marriage on Saturday last. The event was very pfetistultly celebre d by the giving of a dimer to it large umber of invited rel. naves and friend Guests were present. front G',detitih. Mitchell. Kincardine, Ripley and Lou stilt, Mr. and 'Mrs. rand- •,• i is of wan l Green were the r cep en y :ratite presents. n the evening a tea 4Vii8 given to the met hers of the Ladies' Aid of theMethodist nreh and their friends. A 1,tiver collect' n was taken and over $30 was realized, Which will: be given to the Ladies Aid t e applied to the build- ing fund of tire ' w Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Gr n's many friends wish theme many more Years of happy life. WANTEn--!Choi +e ro butter 20c. Fresh eggs 20c. i t prices f, all kiwis of fowl and w furs. G.T. -a. Ladies jitckets and skirts, a •argain's a bargain for a'that. ry '-and you will save money to bu , utas box for yourself. HANNA & Co. • nomination day is Seriou Accident. • e have not heard of Master Thos Ho mes, son of Barrister dates for the position R. Holmes, met w th a serious accident . for 1003. The nota- hast Thursday ev iug. He was climb - Mug of the 20th inst, log to the top of a olished cherry ban- g out a number of Wistar which was y. slippy and losing ositiens. The uoli,iu- his bold fell to the wee landing. strik- ' •Ywill t ke Council 1 tors a 1 . wasfared hisright @ e It e to o n t For D•vi- g ]t p next, amend. i v result, ' } the rain v osis ,cit Win ham forms a i but los oflm g but the little fellow'strength and yout outs will take phew at I was in his favor and e rallied from the eeler's vvagon chop, at shock He is now ecovering rapidly e candidates for thin i though still showing fleets of the force to be Messrs John T. of such a severe b w. A couple of ttersuu, Al. Lockhart, years ago the same lit le boy hada nate name of John Web- rw escape in mach tl ranee way when Hush has also been he fell to the middle 1 ding of the mato stairway id his fath 'a Toronto rest- denee and out his bee severely. Not- v shock of 1tYs 1i .e es k t othe o .clan when you withstanding r t front T. H. last accident and the t et of his being iu ave them at all a comsitose state all iii ht, his first ttbrds in the morning wer, "Wasn't that a Fra s street.1 peach of a dive?" cellar, threw neer room; large Funs ! Foos I I Faits ! i ' It for all Stomacoh Trnithle Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets We guarantee an absaute cure for the most distressing cases. When. all others fait give us 'a :trial, and your money will be refunded if we d not sa} li • a N satisfy. A, Douglass1 for $1 75, Note the eduction, tato ten iced pal v. Vacant Jan 16. wait. get the nice mars. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases Apply to it. Herdsman. fur Mats cheaper til of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes bought wholesale. tested and glasses supplied. Office op- Municipal ,Ownership. postte St. Andrew's . church, London. a,,.....,.....,.i....e it. 'Id.. appear to be wail Waterworks Ontario. Don't c re selling 1 toy can be ANNA & 00. alio pleased with niaui -- — _ town now owns t and as will be see they are now UP works. The Bet!' Ntws Record says: sewer and sewage di: +ossl works. Time a. —The civic Light 'tg committee is well Engineer's estimate r waterworks is in existence. The held a brief but tan- 821.000 and for sewer • ltd disposal works portant sessiotr au fues;lay evening, As ` e,500, snaking a Iota, of $+26,500. The e result they wi go before the Gas Connedis not submit ing the question ''Ccmpony us soon is a couferenee can be of a storm areal to th ratepayers. The w' arranged, and s not another offer for annual expenditure fn these two eyemos s - e cirnhg WE RAVE SUITABLE XMAS. PRESENTS. COME IN AND EXAMINE PERFUMES AND TOILET WA. TERS--All prices ---Taylor's, Ro- ger & Garlets,La?ivers,Ideal,otc. HAIR BRUSHES—Ebony and Rose. . wood --all prices. PURSES—Ladies' and Gents' . SUNDI:tILS-Tobacco Bowls, Smok- ing Sets, Vases,Shaving Sets, Opera Glasses, Acte. These we will MI at prices never before. given in Winghant. '_. a Man MCXEibbon PIod lien to Post Office,, nd Sewer. Winter Term Open Jan 5th p )CENTRAL 1001/4011, -STRATFORD, ONT. A large. progressive school and one of the best on this Continent. This is a strong statement but it is a true one nevertheless, 'The reason our school hos a large attendance is because it is a wide-awake, hustling,. working, result - producing school.' Recent graduates have accepted poi r iii ns at s o salaries ran n fiom a a month to $300 per annum. - 'Write for our new catalogue. W..J. ELLIOTT PRINQIPAL.. For neck scarfs lees, we can baa Neck scarf fro mufflerfrom.35o .. rdc. HANNA&CO. and the ay's muff- wu on variety. to $2.aO; Way's Bought the The i<lavelle• Wi completed the ne chase of the Even management will n Jen. 1st, when th tinned as an evenin for ?a. year. Mr, r interested in the formerly editor of ronto News. isms syndicate has iations for the pur- g News. The new t take control until paper will be con - patter only, at least S. Willison,. who is ew syndicate was e.Torouto GIobe. Abolish At a meeting of • in Toronto on Tue Dominion Alliano chief temperance ' represented, a res calling for legisla bar, the treating s in clubs. A deputy Government to este of abillto this else of the Ontario Le the Bar. einperanco workers ay, called by the at which .all the orgattizations were lution was passed 'on . abolishing the tem and thinking ion will wait on the or the introduction t thesession :Y: next essio tare. tet soltr piano tuner . ,r repaired be- fore the New Y r. rave orders at T. 41.Ros�s' music • e. Satisfaction guar- anteed, R. ,••atoss. —The Thins and Faintly Htci'ald and Weekly Star till. 1st January' 1004, to new subscribers 'for $1.75. Pm.remiu pictures to new and old subscribers of Family Herald awl Weekly Star. ,pal ow.. he The two questions flat are now wet•:rworksnershipsystemTa, of discussion with; be rateprt arstopics of (� front the following Winghant area new , -ystem of water- V11411,3111s Leau1n Shoe Store otiating for the gas works fordomestie p 'rposes and a main the plant, au offe in excess of,that trade tetras will be very trifl ng to each rate - at the previous 'voting. As the Gia payer. The experhate has beeninother Combitny has re • need its Agates by if5.• towns tliati the waterw .rks systems are 000 it ip expecte" that a price 'will be self-sustaining. 'Wi ham certainly agreed nl,gn wit out resort to arbitrat- needs a main sewer eta the ratepayers ion. The coma ttee expect to complete should sbppeet the by ass'. The sewer its labors and It ve the proposition in has to be pat in sooner , r later find we shape to ley be . are the electors at the may as well have it ne year as two Municipal eleeti, as in January. years front now. The ,wit'trill have to nett year expend mono on oor present rhe Hue 'n Judgeships. waterworks system I make it more efficient for fire protec art. Itis erutim• Judge Masson ' senior Judge of the uteri that at least -$10,0 will have to be County of Huron has been superannust• expended in this war . Would it not ed owing to ill- e tab. Junior Judge be wise to add another $11,000 to this Doyle has been p ''tooted to the vacancy amomnt,rehicit would tl n give the town and Mr. Philip H it, N.C. of (pdeiich, it system of waterwor s that would be has been nppoiute jnnior.Tudge. s`er`ge t sed for both flee protec on and domestic Masson. wits ap, , used to the Bench in purposes. Many townaro now oporat• c• nr . , buthas 1 ,, incapacitated .t from" theirCrit, avsystems anR j( 1,J( 1„ i i c. act etas in t to own � t r o a ditty for some tine past owing to the 'W nghani should keep the procession state of his healt . He will receive the whit other progressive truq. We be. uansal retiring s,lowaaee. Theaq np- him that the town : ands to make p'sintments shoo . give general satiefact. money by owning a d operating it ion. Jnrbm D.t, 1e has always been a waterworks system, - public meeting painstaking Ju • n, and We are pleased c f the ratepayers wilt ; : held in the to bear of his n motion. In the ease of ;'l owii flail on Tuesday- evening, Dec. Judge Rolt, Iii pppintmobt Weestroug• Roth, when these gtuesti. a will he Bee. ly recominen d by members of the Ceased. EEtigintier Wm. ; of Berlin, will legal prorea i t mid cititetas of the be present end give int.. anon Oat the County. The , isms is also pleased to sabjeat. A1x ratofalys should, attend I hear of his elevation. this m•►stilig, S e1. _ _... s - -� Can be picked up in a shoe store'. If you get among the proper shoes, it's one of the easiest things in the world to get something suitable—for any body. It'll be useful too. And serviceabe and appreciated, you may be sure. Slippers make en excellent present. Nothing could be more appropriate, ray for your husband or lbrofher. We have tint of slippers at dikes-nt prices that would do. Yea, slippers ore all right. So is a dressy. neat:, stylish pair of shoes --for ladies or gentlemen. No trouble to please any caste here ---erred do it too, with- out charging more than yen think yon ought to par. 1 J. GREER r