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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 8tea WINOIIAM. TI i i;S, OICEi thER 41. +I9O2 RITCUJE 81 CAMPBELL'S FOR asGnninuu .s.,.........„..,,,,......„,,,..,..,............,,,,.........„. '! Cltrletm wpathprhas artivedt so line our large assortmen Of tautly Chtistwas Goods, eonsistine of- --SILd , ITEM-R'rITCFii$I?. LACE AND EMBROIDE.RE.D }TANDKEli,CIIIEFS, -FANCY BELTS reNI)r COLLARS, ,-WOOL AND KID GLOVES, �, -FANCY WeVISTINGS, v -FANCY TIES, --TANGY NECK RIBBONS. -- All for the ladies. 1 �0 • • t 0, We have not been thinking of the ladies alonte, • we •nev. also remembered the gentlemen. and have pot in stoek for them a large assortment of Cllristiwis Goods, consisting of-. -FUR AND CLOTH DAPS, • -GLOVES, .-FANCY SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES, , • --SILK AND LINEN IiANDRERORI'EFS, --NECK SCARPS, ' -MUFFLERS, FANlarge t�Q' G:IHOSIERY, -BRACES. Etc., • e Eta, ortraent• oe nrlr; all of Insertions extr 0, An LAC EV I. Laces and Insertions halt just arrived, suitable for liendkerchiofs and other fancy w • the newest deal ens. Al,n a good 't hetce of alhover and Muslim. These are all next spring patterns of French int - port. „�W� a good asso F e cehoosestill hefru in cnnCistiug of lertm Orem, •Caps. Garntlets. ,Sable Rnffs and M Also a mice line of smell Furs for r•hildreu's Buy your Christmas Presents hero, AtIgleggiltgatEgille as possible. Get first choice at RITCHIE ftz CM ent . of Furs to br Jnekets, Fur tfs,' Oo'larettes. wear. and, as early BELL'S I MINOR LOCALS. -Christmas comes two weeks from today. -Mrs, Nookes and family moved to Gerrie last week. --All town and township commits will meet on Monday next, -Town taxes sbeuld he pttiil on or be - free Moudayof sat week. -Mr. Thos. McBaiu has hecntngnged .as.teacherin S.S. No. 0. Cuirass for 1003. ••=-Tanuary 8th. Paste it in your hat. Yota'll be sorry if you miss the Scottish ommert. --` S erl►ing statione-y always oa hand at the Trots office, and we print it iu t latest style. • --Principal Cameron, of tln, Ta. tock school has purchased the Tire -. Watchman. e -is- ton -George Iioorl.aformer young Wipe- hamite. has opened a barber shop in Crary, North Dakota. few , I h attendedthe -A e v W u smites funeral of tho late Chas, II. Hnderson at Whitechurch ou Monday afternoon. -Remember the Jessie N. Maclachlan concert in the Opera House on Friday evenin't,. Dec. !Oris. Plan of hall at Oampbell's drug store. -Godcrich lawn bowlers game tun their green. on T last week. It is not often w enjoy this kind of sport on. December. enjoyed a iarsday of are able to the 2nd ci -The latest paper to be added to o:tr exchange list ie the Tyro, published at 'Clinton in the interest of the Collegiate. The paper is a peat one and will be nab- lislied every second week. -The regular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, Sons of Scotland will be held on Monday evening next, All members are requested to attend; election of officers and other important business. ,-Tire trial of the petitions in Centre Druce, {where Tiugh Clark, Conservative is the respondent will not come off tilt some time in January. North York, Centre Bruce and Sault Ste. Marie are the only trials which now remain to be -The Provincial Winter Show is be- ing held at Guelph this week. -During the eleven months of this year (13,721 emigrants have feft Brittsh ports for Canada. -In the Opera House no Friday even- ing. Dec. Nth :-Jessie N. Maclachian, Miss LaDell and Tressa Flanigan. -John O'Donnline, aIeberal member of theSenate, Se ata died c e at hie s h �m home in T. T nto. on Sunday, aged7$ years. - Avery suitable Xmas present to • a friend at a distance is a year's subscrip- tion to the Tn2E ; $1 till January let, 1004. . -No need sending orders to the city for your papers. The TIMES can give low clubbing raves on any newspaper or magazine. -At. Winnipeg on Monday morning, the tetnperatm a was 26 below zero. We have not yet had it down to zero in W ingham, -Mr. John Murray has sold his hole% end lot on Edward street through Mr. A. Comm. and he and his family ivlll move to Dundas. -Tenders are being asked for the erection of the new Catholic church at St: Augustine. Contractors should see advt. in another column of this issue. ---The retiring school trustees in Wing - ham at the end of this year are J. J. Elltoty, V. S., J'. J. Homuth, Thos. Bell, and Wm. Button, all of whom aro elig- ible for re-election. -Merchants and other advertisers will kindly see that copy for change of advt. is handed in by Monday noon, otherwise we cannot guarantee it attention for the neat issue. -At the meeting of the Public Library Board held on Tuesday, tele. A. Dulmage was elected Treasurer which position was made vacant by the removal of Mr. J. E. Davis from Wiugheen. -The dates of the winter show of the Huron Poultry and Pet Staple Assortia- tiou have been changed to January 20, 21. 2'e, and 23 to be held at Goderich. Sharp Butterfield, of Sarnia. a well• known experr,has been appointed judge. Charles Reid is the secretary of the Association. for this year. A Herd' foie Xmas. Let zvdth the, Grose S lbs best spdee y 8 ba best cleft 1 E. lbs 'rows& & and o- � day Reminder „, Just twelve more ns supply you withyour shopping days bp - us Grocery and China wants. Commencing y Department we quote you seine real Christmas Bargains. The grip le prey lent iti Eu, :aUd, "--.Keep Fritley rriaht:Doti. 2ut11 •fierthe. Jessie N. Dlacluebinu concert. of hell et Ceuupbell's drug stJrtr, • The luau, Carter, win!)o pa�ssebd forged ohegoea out nar+rehauts Ggelpb, $tu* ford, and other cotes was. sentenced to seven years' imprisonment at Kingston on Saran:ley. ,tri: If yoti would like to have cheap reading for the winter months look over the Mute clubbing list. We can give .ynat low •clubbing• ratee An any news- paper or magaaiine, Tr•The regniar meeting of Court Meit-. land 0. 0. F., wilt be. held on Ft kitty evening of this week. "After the meet- • • • ing a game of carpet halls. will be played • with the K. O; T. U. testa, -;e1r. D. Rush has en iuterertinc an nounceweut in another coinaw regard- • mg Christmas bargains in the grocery le and coltfeetioilary line. Thoee wanting • 1 goads should see his stock. • -The plan of the hail for the Jessie d N. Maclnehlan. coneeet is ,at Campbell's • drug store: Secure your seats !early. • Malay seats have been sold. but a twee • number of good seats are yet available. • --The Huron Cnnniy Council iiuielied • their business on Friday last. The min • ittes will appear in our next issue, The report of the Inspector of the House of • Refuge will be found in another column • of this issue, • • t Patronize Home Industry i i • t IGOWN I1U1QN RANGLS 1 • • . -._. MADk; BY TRI •-* •• '• WESTERN r tiNDRY GO.,' ►ltd.,. of Winaham •• • • NOW ON TE•N MARKET. et• 6a II and Examine•• s • r • Judgement was given in the South Oxford eleotion case on Monday, dis- missing the Liberal petition aeainst' D, Sutherland. M. P. P. The Liberals will eppeai•to the Court cf Appeal against the judgement. -Mr, R. Tren"h Ilan sold his farm in Tnrnberry to Mr. Geo. A. Turner, of Culross for about $6.000, Trench re• bently purchased the farm from Mr B, B. Harris. We mid. ratand this sale was merle through T. J. Maguire, real estate agent. The product of experts! Complete ie all particulars! Thoroughly up to -date iu every: dotail 1 We unite the inspection of all our friends, and defyall our competitors r. to equal or better the quality and price of the ()howls R gals: RANGE. We also carry a full line of kieetiug Stoves, suitable for coal or wood, ' . YOUNG . SONS • • LcadinA hardware Merchantswukiwzoi 0 • v • • • • 000.00.0•••••••••*000••Od4 ••O.00••0000•••d�POOmC+O•••• The Woobine hotel, nearLontlon, was destroyed by fire. The inmates escaped front the upper'rooius by a rope made of bedclothing. • Sir Fiederielt Burden will introduce a biII to amend the militia act next season, which will probably provide for an in- crease in the permanent force. -The by-law voted on in Brussels Mr. Jaiues Rogers' rig wee struck by- last y last week to loan money to Loekeridge a train wear Havelock. Mrs. Rogers Bros , of the wolleu miti was defeated. was killed, one son fatally injured and The vote was three sslxt,rt of the required Amber, The by-law will be again sub- Mr. Rogers and two other children hurt, •mitted• to the ratepayers on municipal The Canadian Pacific Railway has election day. granted au increase of wages to conduce -The TIMES would be pleased to hear tors and trainmen east of Fort William from its em respondents as often as pos• averaging 15 per cent„ which will sible ani! early - in the week. News bud; Gets should retire/ the office on Tiles- amount to a»out $:50,000 pot annum, day or at latest on Wednesday morning. Three young people of Grimsby,Misses The Parker they are seut 5h6 better it Maud Hughes Gertrude Hainer and Mr, will please us. -The children of the Winghan► Rap- Harry Brady were struck by it railway Mat Sunday School are busy practicing train and killed. for their annual Christmas entertain- The Canadian Freight Agents' Assoc - "tient which is to be held on Tuesday iatioii is expected to raise the rate on' evening„ D: sem ter 2.3rd, This enter- Ontario flour from interior points to the taiuu,ent promises to be one ref the best ever given by this school. seaboard 24 cents per 100 pounds. -Our citizens are not faring so badly for hard coal, nor are they paying fam- ine prices for it. Mr. J, D. Burns, one NOTICE TO CONTRACT RACT of the ln:ai d at r• has been e e a t his customers in half and quarter tort lots. A good supply of furnace and stove coal is expected in a few days. -Some people have forgotten that an .. advet•tisixng,xnediuru of the first order exists in our n i let,and h t� a been p'.n- ning their advts• in the Yost Office, from Which they may be sure to receive poor returns. We have betel the means scores of times of bringing lost articles and losers together. Try the TIMES. -Dr. McKenzie, of Moulders, son of Mr. Geo. McKenzie, Wrngham,purohns• ed at the 0 d Glory Sale in New eYork last week, one of the .very best bred colts ever brought into Canada. He was sired by Chimes ChI at s (5348)and whois 'r sire of seventy-five in the 2 30 glass, and eight in the 2.10 class. Hie clam, Satory, is the Liam of Mandolin, au t, 2 16, and grandam of Dare Devil, 2 00. He is a. large, eiuooth turned colt, a square trotter and hes already shown quarters in 35 sec- onds, WIn. Hashetr, aged 73 was , found drowned in a cistern at Brantford. The sentence of Higgins, the boy mur- derer of St. John, N. B., has been corn - muted to life imprisonment. Interviewed on the result of the'refer- enduin, Hon. Geo. W. Ross and Prin- cipal Cavin consider the vote menus "the bar -room must go." Get Rid ©f It.) If .you have catarrh, why don't you try to get rid of it ? The first thing you ktaow it will go down into your lungs or stomach and cause serious trouble. You should use Vapo-Cresolene at once. Tlxtc reelecisso and so pleasant. You put some Cresolene in the vapor- izer, light the lamp beneath and breathe -in the vapor while sleeping, that's all. The beeline, •soothing vapor, goes all up through the nose, gt:ict n g inflammation and restoring the parts to a heelthy condition. Doctors prescribe it. 'Vap•r 'rea+le•ee t, .1d l,u dn+gelsta evervnhere. A Vape Cr ,oleo, outfit, in• 1 dire tle:Tote . tranal 1 .ci i. which shut I l .,t a life tire., anti a "sale of Cr -.1 n cnrnnlet dt.5 =ausupplies, fCreao- l.e..: iat-reseed <lneats able ,te:lt not Irtaa taln- ing 'tt; ,,.c acs' te.. iin.•'t b :. a ape r r n .est. l'.•.ro• Cn sors-,•e C',., iSo Fulton St., New Yo']c, I'.S..t. ted raisins for - 2:10 nee! •currant- s for 2v`c Blacltwell's lemcin or peels - - 25c 2 tits Cranberries for - - - 25 Xngersoll pure lard - - 140 lb Shelled almonds and walnuts 406 lb S The icing sugar (no lumps) for 25 21bs pink icing sugar for - .Apples. oranges, lemons, bsnanee table raisins table figs, can- dies anti nuts New dates a bs for - - 15e Cooking ge, new frnit eclb Mince „eat-Wethey's Original package - - each 10c W ton's Homemade bread per loaf Sc ' leon's pan dried oats per package 10e ,luaker Oats per package, - 10c Rocco Cereal Coffee per pack- age 10 3615e Swiss I• ood,and all the good break- fast foods, always fresh. Don't forget to try our tea and CHINA DBPAI ,TlfBNT..-.The early buyer gets first pick of the new things, land has More time and gets waited on better than those who leave their shopping until later. Come now and d pick out t vhat y o u want; we wiII' be pleased,t to I t itasm for youif at'vi a. Read down the list,itshould interest you: 2 table sets, all new, from to 425 Bread trays - 25c to 21.1;0 SO water sets, very pretty designs, Soxnethitag extra in fanny trays and 25 dintttter sets, mostly all: different `'1.50 patterns 0.5:()0 to $10.00 Oh' iti,•b tea *eta - $5.00 tt. 88.00 let sets, all sorts 21,25 to 0.4.50 Five o'clock tea Sets with trays to match $1.'75 to ite.50 Deslut! cream sets 25e to 75c t, pepper and mustard sets, Spit led*movpmpper slxakrrei coo. 5 and 10e jirfl rs r flee e th n . Vases, large ex ssor tneut from i lOc to. 2.0 O Biscuit jars from s 50e to 1.00 Salad dishes, real nice ones, 25c to $1,50 Plait Pets, 13 pieces- to set 45c to $2 u0 Cheese dishes,lenglish and Prench of stands GOo to 81,00 Tea p 10c and lye Tobacco jars - - 40e to Otic Decorated tea pots each 35c and 45e. Children's telt tete each "5c t $1.00 Lamps with shades or globes coni - null,. nnr --t F nice r r I 'tV n lr ntri on Ders.tltr 1 lr g , the wife of Eataand Folder, a dh+ngtrtri•. Bret er lilt. --.In Canoed, on Nov. eeth,1502,the Wirer of Josetrll Stc,ffirv'; n daughter. I,rHON. -In Zed'watlr ou Dcc.:i:d h ,t e wife o,. A. Nelsen, son ofAdaughter. Mirr;ttt: At Whitetwatcr Man., on 1�orcm- ber 25th, the Wife of T. A. Millar : tt daughter, NIAMEI].O CAxmnr•,M--Cr ttiE--Ort Dee. 4th, mit the rest. ire d<•r of the bride's df parents,3 byRev. D'.Petrh of Weigh/on' ham' atia assisted rl Rex,. it ti g aicAlm S i of P Owen Sound, Colin A. t:a a bell, of Winghanl, to Masa Nellie Clint-, eldest daughter' of Jas. A. Clint.. of Owen Sound. Wnfc:nm---Wnsartat.-Attire Reef ory,Wfng- Iron. ou Dccc'ntber littl, by 'Rev. Win. Lowe, William H. Wright, of .Jamestown to Mist Roselle wheeler, or xurnherrv. Hnr.'ttes-Ncxoe-In Mitcha"t, on December turd, by Rev. Mr. Howard, William Rolmr•a, of '1lameerry, to Iiiiss Ella Nixon, of 1silt -hell. DIED d 0 i maps mud saucers Iii to Tits tl N' la. -In nti s;+ , all Nov. ,> ^l Isnl la ltbiiert - 1Oo to +x9 plrta - ik,25o73.5{GiY b tovoi e, 1nerorietsigt In MoltsOrt Deeebt, reo , d; sari Vetter plates 10e to 25e All good bargains. I Revs. aged tt:.•tars and 4 menthe, MI le time:v.--Iu West w ttwareeli era Nevem. Btu gee, Ltpt'gq+r, hay-, strew, oats, wood, fowl, potatoes, apples. bee Sala, Wilifern a. McQadlan. aged WI ;years. eeta fact all farm produce taken as Cash. eitiveensos.-- eiveetteehttreh on Deetarttd,>80 5th, (,!sties Hamilton Hende -se% cheer! 110 so ` , `Ott % ' yr et viensair=-_In Morrill on December see 1 eReenIRt .' 81170 1 erg' ' r rt, rvife of iirel:ibttld lYitthtti3r»r, Sealed tenders for the bnildl . e of the new Oatholie churcheat St. Aft ma, will be re- ceived by the underrate red > to. January 15th, 1103. 'I eader:s will be owed for the whole or any part of the we t. alba lowest or any tender not r}cae,sarily nceept'{d. •, .J. A. HANLON', P. p., Sr. Augustine, Ont. Plans and specillestions gimv be tcen on ea - plication to .1. J. Sullivan, 'Winghum, u'ata Deeendier• 27th: 11:02. ftp Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ia successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Rout Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1. per box, No, a, 30 degrees stronger, $3 per box, No. i or 2. mailed on receipt of price and two scent stamps. The'Cook Company Windsor Ont. Nos. 1 and 2 sold aria recommended by all responsible Druggists to Canada. No. 1 and 2 aro soict in Wingham by A. L. Hamilton. Colin A. Campbell, Ii. A. Douglass and .1. B Davis Druggists. • T, J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. RESILFNOR-Leopold street. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, lot 80, con. 10, East Wawanosh, a large Improved English Berkshire Boar, winch has been shown et all the local shows for two years, and fres altcays wen the red ticket. Also baro for r=ule n number of Breeding Bows, five and six nonth•t old, which have been bred from this boar. Also one young Boar, fit for service to prize-winner) for sale. P. GIBBONS. Marnoch P. O. tliS I MAS AT D. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINOHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- poeite Macdonald block. Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser VOCALIST Teacher of VOICE PRODUCTION. SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign. Also Pianoforte coal Physical' Culture, yorees TESTnn rums, CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Rq:tidence II. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wirrghani. ANNUAL MEETING. THE• Annual Meeting of the Bluevalo Cheese and Butter Factory Co. (Limited) , will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Bluevalo, on Friday, December 10th, 1002, at 1 o'clock :ex., for the presentation of the Auditors' Report of the past season's business • the, election of a Board of Directors, and the {transection of any blot• AMR thn t may be ialdbefore the meeting. By order. JOHN BURGESS, • Secretary. Biuevalo, Noy. 20, 1002. PUBLIC NOTICE. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION COUNTY OF HURON. U H N. Public notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the electors of County Division No. 7, composed of the municipalities of East and West Wawanosh, the town of Wingham find the village of Blyth,will be held in F. -Wheeler's waggon and repair shop, Boleravo, on Monday, Dee. 22nd, 1602, et the hour of 1 o'clock p. m„ for the purpose of, nominating candidates to represent them in the Council of the County of Huron for the years 1003 and 1004,and that iu case a poll is demanded, pal is will be opened on the 5th day of January, 1503, in eneh polling sub -division at the time and place fixed. by by- law of the municipalities- in the said county division. P. PORTERFIIILD, Nominating Olii:,er for County Council Division No. 7: Dated this 1st day of December, 1102. LOGS WANTE at Wingham. We are prepared to pay for First-class Maple logs $14 per M First-class Soft Elm logs14 " First-class Rock Elm logs16 First-class Basswood logs, 15 First-class Beech logs 12 All kindsand grades wanted. Call and get our prices. ,r „ ,t The Canada Furniture Mfrs. Limited. OVERAWING The Button & Fessant Chair Factory, Wingharm, Ont. ARGAINs I AwAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,PtAAA OUBH'S Spooner's Powdered eD ie Dis t ���r eet� a� CO tiiN`.CU' IONL+'llt,Y Bluest ne t h l s Chocolates, ales, IGc to 40c Finest Creams, IOc to 40c k'it:est Creams in boxes Dark and Tight. et, 0 to 400 box: Andy, 31bs, 28c. FANCY CANII S OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES . • Fancy Candy Toys from to to 15c earth. Jumbo Peanuts ' e Almonds t, Mixed at Walnuts !lie per lb. d•ilbetts Chestnuts at 12c r tie per lb. - Oranges. Lemons. GfOC,Cl Y LI NJ i 2 8 lbsgood Raisinsfor ue aI � . 3 lbs CleatiCts ttr si for 25c. C r Alt kinds of Spices, Peels and Shelled Nuts for Christmas, Mince Meat 10c per pitchegc. - Mince Meat, bottle made. 120 per lb. Purest and strongest Essences of all all kinds on the market. Choice Coffee, 203 to 40e per lb. Special Ba;r'gains In 'ea. ----- Regular 23e Tea, u lbs for$1.00 Regular 35e Tea at 3Oc per lb Regular 400 Tea at 85c per lb Package Teas at equally low prices -Canadian .nd American Coal Oil. 6 3 ovvvvvoevvvy The best in the world ; was awarded twott ale medals at the tiorId, s Tait, Chicago, WAS used exclusively in the stock depart- ment t Ithat time. at Protect your homes bent eon- tagious disease. t is adopted by Its t sethe best p Domini on, families in the x To prevent such diseases as cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet, typhoid and other fevers, is easier, cheaper and more intelli- gent and refined than to heedlessly breed them and afterwards en- ' deavor to cure theta with metliciue INWertvyvoi Only 25e : package. Sold try } Smith 4 Paihick WWWWWWWWWWWV <t Christmas Gifts. Nothing will be, more appreciated than an article of Furniture. We have left no stone untlyrned that will tend to make this the Greatest Holiday Sale of Furniture, and at prices that cannot be equalled anywhere. We advise you to make your selections early, as the he lastfew w days (judging from the past couple of years) during the rush we cannotgive you the attention we would desire.' MUSIC CAI31NETS•-Ac ideal gift,, in mahogany and oak, WRITING DESK'S -From $4.00 to $25 00; which would ' give a person an ambition to fill with good books. FANCY TABLES -From 75c to $9,OQ. Our i$1„50 and $2 50 cut oak polished are particularly good value. EASY CHAIRS-- Ail made with that made to fit feeling about them, upholstered in velour tapestry and jute, at $5,00 and upwards, ' COUCHES -See our Couches ; little need be said of them, . they are so popular, at $5.75, 87.50, 88.50 and up. Nothing would make a more stticable reinenibrance, FANCY OAK DRESSERS AND STANDS -Something new in good 4- cut,oak, Highly polished, at $25.00, $28,00, $30.QQ, 03.00 and $45.00. Also a SOLID BRASS BEDSTEAD at $30.00, which would make a handsome suite. Don't buy your Christmas presents without seeing • what we have. Goods delivered: Xmas eve if desired. BALL BROS, i RESIDENCE -PATRICK ST. S. Gracey's former residence, where night calls will ;receive prompt attention. Furniture Dealers PHONE 51 And Undertakers, ItlidelEIZZSIESSiedlelffelelleirelleeMeettsessemiletel t AAAAAAAitl AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :5 I h*a hey liandkerehi . f !for Ladies vvvvvvyWvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvW 7 y? OUR GREAT ifir WE ARE GIVING A STRAIGHT Disetunt on all Furs purchased from us. We have a very large stock of Ladies' Fur Goats, . Ruffs, 'Collarettes, Muffs and. Gauntlets, and will have no trouble in pleasing you in quality,, style and price. Come with the crowds who will take advantage of this big offer. " You may as well save money as ydur neighbor." h. Without doubt we have the loveliest range of Handkerchiefs we have ever shown. If you axe looking for something really dainty, something; different from what has been shown, we, can please you without the slightest difficulty. seethesegoods To e is rto a t'e,•iat pp a them. OUR WONDERFUL SALE OF Wes is a y-tovw r Clothing goes merrily on. Men are not slow to take advantage of the g re at bargainsw • aTe oIer in g• Think o f buying Y in a well a e, heavy tweed Suit withdoable breasted c.o at for 86 75 ! -- a suit that could not be put up by any tailor for lessthan s $12.00, See the big values we are offering in ltteti's Overcoats. Stylish Beaver Overcoats, well made, splendidly lined and finished throughout, regular value $8.50, our special price is G 00. v�F . Boys' Stylish Grey Raglan Overcoats, well made And 0 iinlslled, a snap llt � o x.00. See the big snaps we are offering in Underclothing ! Big bargains in every department till January 1st ! i3I(, MlGordon Direct Importer. Plast .s FOR Tht' ER AND POULTRY, , } i