HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 6THE N(ia TIMES, ngagBER. PREPARING FOR BABY Cleft teeSt Rt ``t UR eruhcnottele0 "Io50f/ ` ENRICH-THEMOD 8.5Tee THC CONSTITUTION o ►don f nfl400tr 13 -PPIC:--""` --.Fad=: ea :F.10,....,, A lTBRITAla/-AMCRPG ste el Dr lee.15 •s et Glamis a a sire Pris(.in Canada :$1.00 ; Six hotil;.s for $3.100 a When a baby is coming the ex- pectant mother needs to take special care of herself, for upon her health. depends to a great extent the health. of the unborn, babe. _If diet, etc.,' etc,, etc., is not watched, the start in life of the future offspring will not be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake to tithe liquid medicines at this time,. for they all contain alcohol. Their steady use bas the same effect as habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissues. If you are weak you need a tonic, not a stimulant. Don't take medica- ted wine or alcoholic medicines ; but take ST. JAMES WAFERS, they are a tissue builder and a reconstructive. ST. JAMES WAFERS help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get healtand strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy wliich accom- plishes much. "I hive us.d St. Jarnen Wafers for years. None bctttr." Dr.n. 3. h:addos, Zondon, Eng, St. ,/tees Ira/iv:arenot u mere: 'remedy: tothe numerous doctors fe- con ",,n;:u . them to their tad, nts wemail She jotmu,a vpun request. Where de:dersareurt selling the Wafers. they are nr.iled upomre- ceipt „f price nt the Canadian branch : St. Jima Wafers Co., 1728 St. Oaths Ina St , Montreal. Tir tnteresttng Paragraphs from our Eschnnses From the __es Sanctum Mill 0. H. 'entitle! of J3rn-;sels his sold his grocery business to M. L. 0. Keats, of Seaforth. It is now sel t'ed that a fat stook owl dairy•sho.v aud auction side of stock will be held in Os:awa next a inter. Children Ory for s:' CAS i The trnste;s of S. S. Ne. 5, 1-I•)wiek, have seemed tee services of Miss Mar- jorie G" 't ii+', of Se icor tib, as t e:ii her for 14;,3. Mr. David Callers of the 2nd con. Howick, has sold his 13;1 were farm to hie brother-in-law Mr. Win. iSpotton, who now lives neer Laeelet. lllilburu's Sterling IIeadache Powders give women pronto; relief lion) monthly pains and l ave no bad after effects what- ever. De sure yen ger. Milbt:rn's. area 10 alar] :15 cants. All dealers. Mr. Jas. Irwin, late of the Brussels. Herald, has so1.1 his grocery busiuess in Toronto, and i3 now engaged in a whole- sale grocery establishment in that city.. Mr. Thomas Gibson has sold his fine farm on the 0th con. of Howick, to Mr. Andrew McKee of Molesworth. Mr. Gibson inreude ntoviug to Fordwich early in January. Children Cry for CASTS '', IA. • Mr. D. Bowyer, of Listowel, has sold ,• ; out his business and stock of stoves, tinware, etc., to Messrs. Adolph es Bon- nett, who will carry on this as a depart- ment of their hardware trade. Mr. Robt. Mttinprize, of the Brussels electric light plant has purchased a new 100 h. p. Wheelock tandem compound engine. The new engine will greatly increase the power of his plant. British Troop Oil Liniment is unsur- passed by any lruiinent on the Market to -day. It is composed of healing., s oothiug and cleausiu;g vegetable oils and extracts. It is put up .in large bottles for the small price of 25 cents. A writ has. been issued against the Town of I'Iarristou •by Andrew Howell, through his lawyer. Hngh Guthrie, K.C. { M. 1'. of Guelph, claiming unstated dam- • ages for injuries received by the claim- ant through a defective sidewalk. Since the inception of the temperance movement in Ontario there has been a large de' -line in the number of licenses in Ontario. In 1875 there were (;,185 licenses is';ned, and last year the total licenses issued were 2,048, showing a large decline since 1875. The essential lung -healing principle pine• tree has iivall• been 1 + Of the t, bt.er st cc,e . - os r .fully separated uti(i refined into a perieet cough medicine in i)r. Wood's Norway . Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a • guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 Owett Sound's towns clerk celebrated 8erd birthday on \treduesday of last hk. Mr. Gordon holds the office, but n't perform the duties. The village ]erk of Southampton will be 85 years of age in a. feet days and still performs all [she unties pertaining to the office; he is treasurer of the nunicip ilily and rinn of the public library. A Young men named Thomas Earfoot milted suicide at Shallow Lake on ay by taking a dose of strychnine. unfortunate fellow had been rear - bed a few weeks and got into fin. trouble. Tlholr in a,flt of insanity, test this poitton, but afterwards re - and went to Dr. Dunlop to have j effect ootnnteraote(1. The medical meld dr) nettling and death ensued a isroperstst, straggle. Tih't ll)l1 Telephone Co. will ask the. City Council of Kin gston for permission to lay cable and wires underground. If a child eats ravenously, grinds the teeth at night and picks its nose, yon may eltuoet be; certain it has worms and should r.eindtester without delay I)r. Low -s Pleasant Worm Syrup. This remedy contains its own cathartic. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, manager and matron of the Oxford CJauty House of Raft -me, have resigned after ten years' service, on account, of th etf-wt of the ace eat duties of the wars mien t heir health. Children Cry. for CASTOR I Mirza Eliza Shaw, relict of the late W.1 ; Shaw, diet] in Exeter on Sunday, N iv. % ; 30th ai t 7a years turd 1 uteutb. Dee. 1 , "1 eased was formerly it. well itnown aud esteemed resident of Clinton. She re- cently returned front Manitoba. where she resided for St vera] years with her son. it►-l:,w, Me. 61 sprite Robinson. The, only ntl•tuber•t of her family in this neighborhood are her daughters,, furs. Thos Shipley, of the Huron road, 'and Outs, W. k# twden, of Exeter. Letter's Y -Z (Wise Ileed) Disinfectant Soap PowLIcr dusted in the bath, softens the water aud disiufec:ts, 3; Mr. Geo. Wallace, ,ssec-treasurer of S. S. No. 13, West Wawanoah, and Mr, William R'tl.ioson, sec•trensurer of S, S. No. 7 of the saute township were in Calton last week an 1 as the results of their visit engaged two teachers, who are at present attending the ;Miocl; l seined, for It'03. Mi -s Minnie Ker of Chinon will have charge of No. 15 and .tiss Sylvia Sire 1 ufCrtalhrnok of No. 7 The salary in each arse is w200. At the plebiscite in 1898 in Foruhora polling sub -division in Carrick Tp. 113 votes were cast agaiust prohibition, and oily one for. Formosa is the banner litptwr ward of Bruae C lusty.-Chesley Faterprise. Qa;eu Alexandra, wife of King reheard 1 II., was born December 1st. 184i,and therefore is fifty-eight years of age. She has always been popular with the English people and is admired by Capatlians. Far Cnts, Wonncis, Childlains,Chapped H7in'ls, fhemmatiaun, Sniff Joiuts.Burns, Scalds, Bites of Insects, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Hagynrtt's Yellow oil will be fount] an excellent remedy. Price 23 cents. All clealers. Berlin has made a final offer of $87,- 500 for the gas and electric lighting plants, being $2,600 more thau the last offer, and $2,500 less than the company asked. It this is not accepted the matter will go to arbitration. A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, 19th inst., nt the home of lir. Pardee -emit Karges, 4th con. Wallace when his clau_'hter, Catherine, was mar- riedto Wm. •• r kIi r m. .T )hu Zucbtl;,g of Kut•ti.vilie, Rev. L. K. Eat of Listowel perfc:rnling the ceremony. A violin belonging to Robert H. Coates of Ottawa, formerly of Clinton, original'•y costing $12, had been stored away for some. time. On its being sent to Ottawa and overhauled the tone was found to be so much improved that Mr. Coates could readily sell it for $109. Dominion of Canada bills of tho de- n'uuination of one dollar, bearing the pictures of Lord natl. Lady Aberdeen on either stile of a legging scene, and bear- ing the number 553,340 issue of March 1,169t; are counterfeit and should be ex- amined. Counterfeit $2 and ,";Dominion Bank bills are also in circulation of the same date. Genuine Cast aria alwnys bears t.c Va ., „nc:are of Chas. tl. Pletcher, J when Ilrby was sick, we Kava her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cr•d for Castoria. When she became 11liss, she clung to Castoria. When she had C1:iterea,slie gave theta Castoria. One of the very old residents of Clin- ton passed away at the udvariced age of 82 years and eight months, on Sunday Nov. 30th, in the person of 'Mrs. Tolland, widow of the late John Tolland. Dec. eased was formerly a resident of Sea• forth, but had resided in Clinton for a number of years and was a highly re- spected resident. FOUND AT LAST. A liver pill that is small and sure, that acts gently, quickly and thorough. Iq, that does not gripe. Laxa-Liver Pills possess these qun]tties. and aro a etre cure for liver Complaint, Uonstip t. tion, Sick headache, etc, atairitia.11.dw4eS1 1 iil.Mi1 ;:f eseataa. For Over Sixty Veers. Au Old and Well -)'reed Remedy -Mrs Wiuslow's SoothingSy np ]las been lifted for over sixty years bymillionsnf mothers for their children while teethihl,t, with perfect success. It soothes the Chili t. softens the cnuHIS, allays all pain, euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarnccelt. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ins valine iA incalenlahle. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, mid take no other kind. Lest week .Tames Lynn sole] his well impr•lverl ICOanles.S31ots 24 and 25, ccs. 1, Grey, to J')hn eft•Leunan, of the Boundary, whose farm adjoins Mr. Lynn's. The price paid was $4,7CO. As Mr. McLennan's other farm was a long Mt and Mr. Lynn's square it will snit him well. Thera aro good builllings on the new purebase aud the farm is in fine condition and well fenced. Mr. Lynn contemplates the purchase of a 200 acre fart» awl will probably not go very far away, which will be pleasing infornlat- iou to the many friends of the family as they ars first class people. 4- OR. A. VI.. CHASE'S •I, r+r , q, 0. CATA13:111 fN iJ ii l: -IN-, tc r-nt direct to the+dts'a ed + parts by the Improved ttluwm 'Lf bads the ulcers, clears the art ? :rr;'i f p..`:=ries, groin drupptns in the t- P', • '»rat +•td pn•u'anantly ohne, t'\. 4 ('utarrh and liar Fever. B1uwer Lii'''1, 1;,7,,, tree All d.,1,et•o or N.,. A 'JY ( base teedtcine Co. Toronto and F,nnrio The whole community was greatly shocked on Saturday Nov. 29th to 1 am of the 'Sudden death of Mr. William J. McQuillan, of the 14th concession of West Wawannsh. The deceased who was one of the first pioneers of the town- ship, was in his usual health at the time, and was assisting to split a block of wood He had only strncic a few blows with the axe, when he was snddenly straiten with heart failure and died in a few minutes. Mr. McQnillau was in his 73rd year, aud Was well known and greatly respected in the section where he had continuonsly resided for over 40 years. Mr. F. C.E:ford, of Holinesville, sec- retary of the `Jest Huron farmers' in- stitute, writes to the Toronto Weekly Sun as follows: "So far as my observat- ion extends, people are to some extent going out of dairying. They give as their principal reason the scarcity of hired help ami consequent high wages, while the high prides for stock is given as the reason why so ninny in this sec- tion are giving up the cheese fnctery, Farmers here are realizing that one cow may lose what the other makes and are weeding out the inferior ones. They are judging not only from the pail but the Babcock: test as well and as a rule the milk at home or at the factory is coneequently testing higher." According to the Ontario Bureau of Industries, Middlesex still ranks as the premier county. The farts land in Mid- dlesex is valued at ever $3&,000,000, Heron corning 11(St with a valuation of twenty-eight and one-half million. 1n buildings Middlesex is also ahead, with a total of $I0,1102,00e, IInron again coin- ing second reit]] $10,734,000. In iin- elements Grey takes first position, with a total valuations of :2.703,000, Heron minim; next with$3,090,000,Sinlcoe third with $2,672,000, and Middlesex ranking fourth, with a'valnation of y.'>,,630,000. In live, stock, Middlesex is first, at ,0,- 7Gs,600, Huron once more taking second place, with ;;6.71!'1,000. Lumping the four classes of farm property together gives Middlesex a valuation of $50,367,- 030 $ 0,867,-030 and Hurotn a total $48,040,000. The following figures, taken from the annual report of the Postmaster Genet al gives the amounts paid for carrying the mail from the different postoffiees in the country to the railway stations. The contracts for this work are let by tenders and fortn an interesting comparison: Blyth and stati' n, half mile, 24 times a week $175.28 a year. Brussels and stations, half mile, 12 tines a weelc,$G0.00 a year. Clinton and station, quarter mile, 42 times a week, $147.87 a year Exeter and station, one vile, 24 tinsel a ween, $I56.G0 a year. Godetich unci station, three q'iarters of a mi e, 36 times a week, $144.e0 a year. Honsall and station, quarter mile, 12 times a week, $100.10 a year Seafotth and station, quarter 10110 2.1 times a' week, $1C0 a year. Winghasn and station, one mile, 30 times a week, +250.40 a year. reee- 'Nrt (ffigk§ial;V‘ ACTS GENTLY c LIVER ! aPI lD raiovita5 . 15 . THE SYSTENI EA EFFECTUALLY; Di;;F~ GOi- 000. UcR ; o)JLpeoM:5 a ! PATIO N 11(1611 -UAL PERMANENTLY. ITS LNi'° +GI7T CTS, BUv THE GENUINE-MAN'F'DBY ABRENiAlictSypviDC1 bQV nY t<<t' `y*N CAt.,C(S Q E N VOR? FOR AlS£ BY Alt 04tJGGiSTS. PRICE 50c.PER Beane '• OUT or CUtJIIT"• TALK. • Chalrman of Coal strike commission lin., Not Tet Lost beget. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 4. -Thr, an- thracite coal companies and their onit.ioyes having failed to come to an agreement during the thanksgiv'in'g recess of the sth'i..e colnn:i ,Finn, the hearing of the Joiners' side of the case was continued yesterday. With the reassembling of the commissions, however, there was a revival of the talk of settlement "out of court." Chairman Grlly, speaking for the comnli;'sion yesterday, again ex - pre: sed the bore that ellorts would be made by both slits to agree on as many i cents as pc;ssillc, and that the commission was heady to lend any conciliatory hill: to bring about. that end. [Orel Commission Cols :410,e00, Washington, re:. 4. -Tho IIouse yestet day ptts.:ed a bill to appro- priate -.O,UI;u to (stft'u, rue expens- es of the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, and to adjourn until 1'riday, M•11( 11 the L011d011 dock I Li11 will be considered. There were two hours of discussion on the commis- sion bill, during which the Presi- dent's course in creating the com- mission was highly commended, ex- cept by Mr. Lenton, a :Missouri Dem- ocrat, who contended that the com- mission was created without author- ity (,f law or leeislktion. All Lunend- ments were voted down. The bill was passed without division. "J:ICHII,3" fIa'L,ton sToictits. French Cabinet Organizes Provisional Service in Mediterrault'uu. Paris, Der:. 4. -The Council of Min- isters, at a meeting yestel day, decid- ed that, owing to the se foes inter- ruption of traffic, due to the sailors' and stokers' sti ike at Marseilles, the Government will ot•gani're immediate- ly a provisional serh ice, by requisi- ti011illg 'the companies' vessels ttlld manning them w ith sailors front the navy. The ;Minister of Commerce, 3I. Trouillet, preeenl:d detailed plans for two, weekly sailings fo:' Algiers, Ttulis, Corsica and other points. This is expected to relieve the para- lysis of traffic, L•t t it may arouse the stril/ers to s of r:`stntnx`nt. A Marseilles despot( h says the only change in the strike situation has been fur the worse, although no dist.urbanee has vet eccau red. Work at the docks has almost ceas- ed, as tee c'1 cws of the tugs have joined the stl ike' n, and the move- ment of foreign teasels is difficult. The strikers held two nneetirgs yes- terday, and resolved to informs the Government that they would furnish crews for the steamt rs, on condition that the vest=els be used purely for the transportation of passengers and mails. The stripers also offered to mann a vessel and tali° the delayed passeng'rs to Algcrio, without asking any wages. K'nilt I'tetarns of r•loaeys. Chatham, Dee. 4.' -•At the County Council, now in session, Clown At- torney Smith created a clutter by saying that loony county magistrates .and justices had not, since his ap- pointment this year, trade any re- turn of moneys collected by them in Anes, nor for some time before his entering on the duties of his oc]ice. Action will be tai en to bring the de- linquents to time. Sprigg' i.oNrs 1 riends. Cape Town, Doc. 4,--Pr•entior Sprigg met with a vet y hostile re- ception front his constituents at East London yesterday. ]lis speech Was constantly into i'uptod by hisses and grits of ".l edits!" The disap- proval with the Premier's attitude was so marked that 110 vote of confi- dence In his polity was proposed. 'Tree. 1ti11 .tguinst the itatyntontts, Toronto, 'Dec, 4. -In the Criminal Seeesions yesterday the grind 'Jury indletod Anson ilaymond and his wife, E1i'nbeth, on a charge. of hav- ing awing n counterfeit plant in their pos- session; The couple were called for trial, and rleaded not guilty. The case was then adjourned till a date of trial could be arranged. Mr. Hays at the Capital. Ottawa, Doc, 4.-Cenerel Rinrnger Trays of the Grand Trunk lin II way arrived in town yesterday and im- mediately pr'oc'eeded to the ofi'ce of the Minister of .1 ustiec. Acc'onlp7'nied by Mr,. Pit/patriot:, he afterwards called upon Sir Richard Cartwright and had a long interview with him, Died [,hove ]ling Snow. •Omemec, Dec. 4. -Francis Adams, who has lived alone for a number of years, was shovt ]ling snow off his verandah yesterday morning. Ire was observed lying in the snow by pas- sersby, end was dead when carried into the house. Heart failure was the cavae of death. A GUARANTEED CUBE For Al! Fcrm 3 of Kii,tn ;yt Disease. The undersigned Dringist am felly prepared to give the foil 'wintr'nner. »tee with every 50 coot hot -1e of Dr Pt rt. in{ ill's h.idnt y Wort Ta'+lety, the only milledy in the world that positively 'cures all tronhles arising from weak or tifeased ItilnJ•ys:- '•Nloney cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved nod improv' d after use of one bottle, Three to six bottles effect astonishing and permanent antes. If not relieved aud cured, you waste no monney " A. L Hamilton, Druggists, Winghanh ;)ut w CALL ANY TIME rinrir g hastness hours. You'll find the done open -- and us ready for hu.ine-s. Command ns, We're here to serve yon We would he pleased to show yon our lines of couch, sopt.ms ing yu.1 don't want to buy just 3 et. Oar sleek is a big one -you'll notice that in a m1111320. There's variety in it, tun --and exclusive- ness. No matter what von want or when- we'll do ell that we can to please you. FL MAXWELL. HIGH ART TAILOR. AMtM V,11YrWitir iW N WIftNifiMhrlfdiHA Mibi . R 7 Not1OWC -z r Butti OW Good! " The most successful fanners in Canada read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they `- thinlc about their work, they act upon its teachings. and they are its greatest admirers. >. Its editors and contributors are specialists. ' The }' a 4". STUDENT KILI.Is1) BY TILAIN. .12.* Charles Stevens Roll Over nt Dresden Stadion Tuesday Night. Chatham, Dec. 4. -Charles Stevens, a lad attending the Cullet.; ate Insti- tute here, was killed at ilre.;den Sta- tion Tuesday et calm;. The boy's home was in Dresden, and he came to Chatham collegiate by train daily. Ire clitln't put in an appearance at hie ]tome 'Tuesday night, and search was fist ituted. Yesterday the dead body was found alongside the track. , The boy had been sauteing on the platform of the passefiger conch and had fallen off. it being about 6 o'- 1 clock and dark, tine boy was not see missed from the train, and no trace 1 te of the Ian! could be fulled until the body was picked up. Sl„ nor Marconi Ts Besting. North Sydney, N. fe., Dec. 4.--12t', Mitr'coni is s)vertding a fete days on hoard the Italian cruiser Alberto in Sydney harbor. The slip will leave for Boston on friday, and 110 tut- 11ouneeulrnt of the work completed at the Table Heed Station will be made until after the inventor has visited ('ape t'od. The aerial cables are down at the wireless :station, and Wol'amen are engaged in finishing 740014' of the ltrilty h 'O;•1:., C 11 FARMER'S ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE contains the cream of agricultural thought,' and practical men continue to read it be- cause ,ta pvs them and because the want the best. •we want thousands of new sub- scribers who will appreciate something good. The sooner you subscribe, the more you will get. For Shoo we will send to new subscribers every issue of the PARMER'S ADVOCATE from now till the end of rge3, including the 'beautiful Christmas Number tor both years. Time is money. Rend 1 think! net! Send for free maniple copy if yell want to see a practical, up-to-date tarmers paper. It will please you. ADDRESS t the William Weld o., Ltd. LONDON. ONTARIO. rtMitJ?NMNPM'l!'JNlPMJU,1Net/V7.J'l,tfMMY La • 1 ., . FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription, for, men, ,women and children than Ripans Tabules. They arc easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the .heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply for a year. O ..... 711-1'K' Y!:i'1. `1t'Y:l o:,. ')':,'4h .t': ... i•. 1 . Clubbing Gj°:Ier o AAAA / AAAA Al \/ AAAAAt : r A7 ` A THIE Tums announces the following low - Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :- Times till an. 1 s„0 J 1.0! el CO Times and 'Weekly Globe, includirg tic: p1eluiens picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors 1 60 Times and Family Herald, and Weekly Star, with premium pictures, 'Alore" and ':l'ulity."1 75 Tines and Weekly Moil and Empit'e. including your choice of premium pictures, "The Dcetta'," or " Contentment." 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser 1 40 Times and Weekly Sun 1 75 Times and Daily Globe.. 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate , 1 75 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 90 We could extend the list, but it is not necessar. We can. - give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine - published. The above are our FI\ED RATES, markeddown so as to admit of no reduction. T herefc re there is no use asking for cheaper rate;. In each cas': the weekly papers will le sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different parers. rate - ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE . • An Auction Salo this Fall or Winter p If you are, it will be to your interest to come to the TIMES Office for your bills. We can arrange dates for any of the neighboring .Auctioneers. Sale • Bilis printed while you wait, at THE TIMES ES OFFICE Wingha, - - - - Ontario ' TII EIDETARE TWO PAPERS ]Ha,'r OTJQHT TQ H .etei •ee `' . In every home in thio district V I 'N G 1 Jj a' j ')'O' j y T i V l Y It fa. A.J Will supply yotf with the latest and most interesting Local Home and Foreign News, and THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are -Market Reports that ate un- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABIILITY. Regular contributions h-, "Bystander" on current events. Reports of Conveutiot . -; soociations and meetings of in- terest and value t,- . ,i farmers, dairymen and stockmen. Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects. SUBSCRIBE Now ilor _......,a...r TI -1 'TIMES elect` *rid THE 3A.1k3 yLt\} :,yt: .._m......... And we will send The Sun free for t.)e balance cf 1902. Lett"re litour order a2 oilicC. • DROP A POST CARD T1 TIE WEtLY wU,'i, TORONTO, AHD THEY Will SENO SAMPLE, COMES, Ff;EE. 175 k4 y ,.R: ,, tom'