HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 5111E, • 1V"11NOTTA • TIMES, fl1 C K 'Now lathe time to. buy. - The Greatest legatos of tha Sarno THIRTY., DAYS' SAI, STARTS ON THURSDAY •'MOR.NiFNQ• The Crowder Co. Have decided to clear out the whole stock of RP.p,dy tow wear, Clothin {Consisting of Boys', Youths' and Men':;;. Suits, odd Pants, ',Overcoats, etc.,' at 250 4n the $ off regular prices. No goods marked up.; no goods marked down; every article yin clothing is !narked in plain figures ! You know what you 'have paid before ; now all you have to do is to pick out your .Suit or Coat, deduct / off the price and give us the balance ! 'We have the largest stock in town. Here are a few prices. to .'explain what we are doing : . :Meta"s Suits; -reg. $6, , orf means $4.50 ?Men's Suits, reg. $10, X off means 7,50 'i:Boys' 2 -piece Suits, were $2.00, X ' orf means - - 1.50 Man's Odd Pantie that were $1,50, X off means - 1.18 Men's Ocld Pants that were $2.00, X. off menus - - 1.50 Bays' Kukker Pants, were 79e, • • X off means - , • .60 Men's Overcoats that were $7.25, off means - - $5.44 Men's Overcoats that were $10.00, X off means - .• 7.50 Men's Overcoats that were $12.00, X off menus - - • 9.00 Melt's Rain Coats that were $8.50, oif means - - - 2.85 UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR During our X off Clothing Sale we • offer the whole of our stock of -Underwear at 20o ou the dollar off regular prices. All $1.00 Underwear for 2 pairs all -wool Sox for ,80 I A11 80o Underwear - - .40 Ohildren's heavy, ribbed wool Hose, .25 ' all sizes 5 to 10, for , - .20 FURS FURS FURS • x/ off regular prices. 2 Black Cub Boar Coats, high collar, well •made, good big sizes, regular price $20,00, X off means - - $15.00 1 only Brown Saskatchewan Coat. regular $24.50, % off means - ' $18.38 only Fur -lined Coats, sizes 36 to 44; these coats aro right up to date, the outside is all -wool beaver cloth, 20 ozto the yard, lined with, muskrat. hides, heavy sewing, German otter collar ou moat, regular prices $37.50, f orf means - , - - $28.18 1 only Fur -Hued Coats, really beauties, regular price $42.00. X off means $31 50 This sale is geuuiue. The reason of this big cut in prices is, we have had a ...splendid season, far above our expectations; We are preparing for spring. Our ,stare is too small, and we never carry aver goods from one season to another. We want to reduce the stock. Wu nee giving the buying public. of Huron county a .chance to buy seasonable goods at reasonable prices at a time when they need them. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL ID O'CLOCK KS" " Special display of Neckwear every evening. gam" Over 1000 up-to-date Neckties to choose from. "l t THE R.. H. CROW {I° ER CO, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 40444444.04444440044.044 4••40.44044.4444440444.044 f 4 4. • 4 4. To lovers of good, ripe, tasty cheese : We have secured a number of Canadian Stiltons, small size, about 7 or 8 lbs., one and a -half years old, in excellent condition, fine flavor, body and texture. To customers wanting to get a keg of fish : We have a limited quantity of Lake Huron Herring, heads oft, and split. Also Salmon Trout, Labrador Herrings, Finnan Haddies, Codfish and Scaled Herrings. ettAiallelbeWseveleselSellesSeeterreelleeleo • • • • •O 4 4 0 • 4 • • • • 4 4 • O • 4 4 4 0 • 4 • 0 • 4 0 d 4 ••t `• 4 4 4 4 4 s e* 444444444444144.4 44446*',', THE COR NIER DRUG STORE Does your Liver ever go on strike? If so, you should use Iron Tonic Pills. One pi11 a dose, 50 pills in each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes you a new man or woman. They' sono the heart, stimulate the nerves, itierease the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. Those pills can be had for 23c a box ---just half -a -cent a close. What you want in Dr IS.... FIRST -LAST. -ALL THE TIME No guarantee of quality oolild be stronger than the guarantee we gine, and no prices could be mote reasonable, A. L. HAMILTON, DRUGGIST, ----WINDHAM ,..... ' .r, w•'.r • -, Corre.spolldellce, , Interesting Iums contributed by Readers of the Mmes, 011.174.11. Miss Lottie 13entley has' resigned the positilut of teacher.' it 17 S. 5. NO. 12, Mullett and Morris, kite, la D. L'hnuiherinlru hits sold her residence ou Diusley street to Mr. Char- les k'loody,. The price paid wtis $575, um. Reward A. exanttor,of W;lnfpog, is visiting at the home of Mr, 'James Bentley; • A new awoke -Omsk liar been erected at 131ytht flour mills to replace the one blown down a couple ot weeks age. Three cars of void arrived at Blyth station last week for Mr. N. B. Gerry. Coral buruess will now wear happy smiles, Messrs. Wank Mctoalf and A. H. Jac- obs were in Walkerton last week attend - jug the annual meeting of the Ontario Fruit Grower? essooitulon. Rev, John Boluses preached anuivers- ary sermons in the Methodist church at Duneauleon ou Senility last. Rev. T. R. McNair, of Dungannon toot: Mr,Holmes' worts stere. A Capital Care for Sore a.•I►roat is to rise as a gargle a few drops of Polson's Nerviline in sweetened water, end before retiring rub the throat gird chest vigorously with Nerviline. By morning the soreness and inflammation will have dissappettred entirely. Nervi - line drives away the pant and cures sore throat and hoarseness quickly, simply because that's whet it's made for. Buy a 25 cent bottle from your druggist to- day. Dr, Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Liver. oULltoss, A Box Social will be held in the schoolhouse of S. S. No. 3, Oolross ou Wednesday, Dee. 17th 1002. This will andoubtcdly be the best eutertaiumeut ever given in this sclioolhonse. A grand minstrel opening ocoupyiug over art hour. A full troop of minstrels dressed in characteristic (Wkey costume, all the latest coon songs, and j.kes exeeuted by first-class artists, concluding with a ltiughuble negro farce entitled "Lida - tion into a Masonic lodge." After this the boxes will be sold and every lady is invited• to bring a. box. The second part of the program. will consist of dealogues, farces,tableaax ete. The best talent of the section and others. Duets by Misses L. and F. Wilson of Wing - ham, solos by Mr. Geo. Cottle of White- church, recitations by Mr. .Tno. A. Mc- Kay and Henry E, Fair of Whitechnruh and Mr. Re/mid G. Gordon of Wing - ham. Tableaux "Tenting ou the old camp ground" by a cadet corps in uniform. Soinethwg for old and toting Come prepared for 3 hours and a half solid fen. Doors open at 7. Concert at 7 80 p. m, Admniesion, Adults 15c.. ohildreu 10c. /oldies with hexes , free. K. J. Beaton, Tiauager. Hearts That are Diseased Will never be cured by the false, un- natural stimulation of liquor. First in- crease your vitality,build up the system, strengthen and purify the blood -then the heart will respond and grow strong, -Ferrozone is precisely what to•take, it Ives von an appetite : r g and a digestion that will look after everything that is eaten. Ferrozone improves nutrition, makes rich, vitalizing blood, and is posi- tively tile most powerful restorative and strengthener known to science; it im- proves the nerve tone, regulates the heart's action, makes the feeble strong and the sick well. Ferrozoue will do you untold good and costa only 50c at druggists, or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A. L..Hamilron.• Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Liver nto.RRIS. S. B. Lamont, teacher on the Gth line has been engaged by the trustees of S.S. No. 10, Grey Tp., at to sabtry of $855, which is a good advance over his pres- ent salary. Evaugelistic services ars being held in Ebenezer church, Browntown, by Rev. F. Swann, of Bluevale. There was no school in the Jamestown school, the stone school house, Button's and Gosmau's on Thursday of Iast week swing to the Referendum voting taking place in them. Sunshine Methodist Snuday school, will hold their annual Christmas tree and entertainment ou the evening of Dec. 17th, 1002. We aro pleased to hear that Gavin Bewley, formerly of this township, has taken nposition in a private Bank in Alameda, N. W. T. Ito should fill the bill to a nicety and will no doubt do well. The annual publio school entertain- ment in connection with the Anderson school on 8rd liue,will be held on Friday evening 19th inst. This week it is our sari duty to an- nounce the death of Aline Butehill,belov- ed wife of Mr, Archibald Nicholson of the 4th con., aged 51 years, Mrs. Nic- holson had been enjoying her usual good health auci retired about 0 o'clock on Monday evening and a eouple of hours after site passed away to the great be- yond. heart failure was the cause of death. Deceased was a sister of Mr. Samuel Burchill, of Ttirnberry, The funeral takes place this (Thursday) afternoon to Brandon cemetery. art Stuffed tip That's the condition of many sufferers from catarrh, especially in the morning. Great difficulty is experienced in Clears ing the head and throat, No wonder catarrh causes headache, impairs the taste, smell and hearing, pollutes the breath, deranges the stem- itch and affects the appetite. To Cure catarrh, treatment must be constitutional --alterative and tonic. "1 was 111 tor four months with catarrh in the head and throat. lead a bad cough tied raised blood. T had become dig- couraged when niy husband bought a bottle ot Hood's sarsaparilla and persuaded me to try it. I advise n11 to take it. It has curet) and built me up." MRs, Mani Ito- nort'n, West LIsconmb, N. 8. mood's Sarsaparilla Cures eatarrh--•-it eoothes and strengths ens the mucous membrane and builds Olt the whole system. . I'loTgs. teet the ►VPii►�tr to )resbyta,Eri'4ltilbKl►cli oil 'A esday alsxt Crossley Mal Hunter t'omnsenPed 7a series of evangel/title eervioes iii *uderw ieh on Sunday last, Rev, 7i'. A, Q tssidy, of t,*ueipli left this we*li for Japer to .inter upon hitt duties ark iniesiouury. • The usual quarterly sae aa'nental nervi., ces were held iu Wi eelie. a l'rest'yrOrian i olxuroh 9lrrSunday last, Rev. Mr. Dunn, of Whitechurch preached the preparat- ory sermon 011 Friday last. Bev. Dr, Medi,,who was taken seri,. oaiely ill tat Cli.utou a few weeks ago is recovering tend hopes to resume his dories as meter or the Hensel). Metho• dist uiiurch in a few weeks. • ' AnetiveriU"y services will be held ill kthe Wliiter:140mb Methodist chnreii on Snncley next. Rsev. Mr,' Gnrbntt of Corrie preaches miming satcl evening; Rev; R. Hobbs in the afternoon. Rev. R. HOW was itt Exeter Sunday last where he preached arinivorsery s•rmnns in the Main street Methodist church, Rev. R. Millyard. of Exeter took Mr. Hobbs' work liere and preached two splendid, sermons, Rev. Win. Lowe, of Winghatn, who is acting agent for this district of the new lafission wheaten of tlo Anglican church, visited the pittis`Ies of Middleton, idol,- erville arid Sturtui trhill, on S iLhi ty last and treated the aoltgregrations to a stirring address ori the needs of the church, There were go td cougregations at all three stations•and good collections were takeu up. Mr. Lowe's remarks are generally appreciated by all who listen to hila, and he is one of the sin- cerest oreaehers cf the Diocese of Hur- ou,--Cliutou New Era. 4'ultNls:Itxtec. A happy event took place at the home of the bride in Miteheli, on Wednesday, December 8rd, when Mr, Win. Holmes, of this township was tnarried to Miss Ella Nixon, Tire ceremony tock place under tate arch of evergreens and Was performed by Rev. Mr. Howard of Mit- obeli, iu the presence at nearly a hun- dred invited! guests. The bride looked the picture of loveliness in a dress of slate .Mored silk, trimmed with pearls and applique and carried a limpet of roses. Miss Jessie Pceltnau; of Mitchell was bridesmaid sect wore a dress of blue silk, trimmed with cream silk lace. The groom was ably assisted by Mr. Fiect. Hanson, of St. Marys. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Jas. Nixon, and the wedding march was play ed by Mrs. H. Drake of Toronto. The ! bride is ono of the popular young ladies of Mituhcll and received mane' handsome • and costly presents, Mr. and Mrs. Hol- mes will have, the best wishes of many friends for a happy wedded life. 011 "1 had a most-t+taborn donut for many years. 1' 'J4privdtt me' of sleep xnd I t r' ''cry mita l then tried Ayer's t,'#wilt i'ccteriai,, a0tiwan quictiy cur.:t +i 11, Mann, Fall ,~Allis, Teen, ST cry years of cures and such testimonyas the above have taught.us what Ayer's Cherry Pcctprali will do.• We 'know it's the great, - est cough remedy ever made. And you wilt say so, 100, after you try it. Tlierc's cureineverydrop. Three rises: 25.,.e nougte for en ordinary colli; tiec., Scnt nett for bronchitis, hanr,,.n. utsr. hard colds, e1114 0, tangs cclmolttkal 1i for chronic rase. ,tad to k,,'t, en luted, J L', ATAlt tie., k,Rcn, ).mels, ; .c., -w, ...•,-.a1.t ar.•'T: gsfrsessee s er "" SS' I*ZTF.Q 111.11IQ I[ Mr. John luacKay, who lens been working in Vermeil, Man alt sulnhler. returned house ou Dee. urd. We understand that ins intends to return to the West soon again. Air. Dougal McGibbon, a tutlller restcletlt is renewing old aecduutntancua this w' etc, Ur. an yl rs. John Sparlin•t spent lest week visiting frienus til Brussels mid v,cntity. • MONO a. b1cslnto411 uud (Gillesotr !rave their chopping tn.i1 in order and are prepared to do all hinds of (dupping in nest -ulnas style. • • iter, A. 1, li•;own of Ctuabtekie',u tenger pas- tor of the 1' ethodett eimrultwas here on Tlturr..- (14y recording his vote m taxer of prohibition. iter. Q. C. Kahle and wife visited at Vine River last week. The grins reaper, death, has again visited our conimuntty and carried away two of our best. and most respected citizens. Mr. Charles HrntiltunIientterson,,8 yo,sng elan just Intel - Jug the prime of life ,vats cullet! away to the great beyond on Pinta' t rt napit December ath, at the rsirly age of hJ years 1Jeeeltsetl had been. Meir barely a Week, On Tuesday evening Drs. Gunn, lrlhett and fanlieaon operated on ilial for appendicitis. Although everything that Medical skill and loving friends toted do was clone for hint, he sank rapidly. Hissudden uud unexpected demise has tilt..st a gloom over the community las he was a universal favorite. and his puree will be very hard to 1111. The_ sadness of the event is increased by the fact that Ise had been married only six months and had just laut•ch.ad out into business for himself. The fttnrrr f services on Monday were conduct- ed by tlu', Cuuatltan Order of F,n ('51(1.5 of � whirls Seatery the young Ortel was a highly it'- s (Ketedmember. Rev. (1. 51. Dunn, asistedby coucluetcd the service in the Freaky teriun clinroh whltli wtis uppropriateiy draped in whit*. tu4 black. Til' paster preach- ed an utile and eloquent sermon from. the text, ,Tames iv; 14th, "b or what is your life. It is even u vapor that appearrth fora little while and uteri vanisht'th tn' ty," Who .Yuneral pie• erssiun,was one of the largest ever seen here, and the- large concourse of sympathin friends nntl neighbors trial toll)weii tits remains to rho Winttltatn r.'nmteryror intrrinc'at. allowed thin tht' atlliotsd relatives have the sincerest sym People 'With Asad Wreath. Generally sntiet: from Catarrh and should use Catarrhozone Inhaler four tines daily, and be cured. The pleasant scented Oatarrhozone vapor spreads through every air passage of the breath- ing organs, sect reaches the very root of the disease at once it, kills the germs, purifies and Cleanses the mucous sur- faces, and erradicates every vestige of catarrh in a short tuna. Pure,swect breath,free frons headache, sneezing and discharge are quickly de- rived from the lase of Oatarrhozoue In- haler. Complete outfit, guaranteed to Cure, costs $1;00; trial size 25e. Drug- gists, or N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out, Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Liver. • dames -re) wee Mr. John Cutt and Will McEtven took a business trip to Goderich last Friday. Mr. Jas. Strachhn had the misfortune to fall in the barn and injured his back. We hope to soon see'him out again. Mrs Jas. Cutt has been seriously sick for tate past few days. We hope she will be better soon. Fred Wright returned home last Mon- thly from Toronto hospital, after being there 1-r six months. He is much un- proved in health we are glad to hear. Quite a number Of Jamestown people attended the wedding last Wednesdy of Alms Rosetta Wheeler ou 4th Turuberry, and Win. Wright, of Morsisbank, A very pre/ ty wedding was celebrated on Wednesday of last week at the home of Henry and Mrs. Wheeler, Turuberry 4111 line, when their eldest daughter Rosena was married to Mr. Wm. Wright, itt the presence of a few intimate friends. The 'bride was attired in a dress of grey cloth and looked very pretty indeed. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, and the wedd- ing march was played by Miss Nettie McNaughton. She young couple were unattended. The bride received ninny pretty and useful presents. The young couple will settle down to the realities of their new life 012 the groom's farm in Jamestown. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso• leve tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. wioxa;Tn:tt, Mrs. Belden, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. F. Miller, for some time, left last week for Toronto, with her two sons. Mrs. Donald Fisher has been on the sick Iist but is getting better. Miss Jennie McLeod is still very low and the encs is expected. Nelson Plant, Who has beou with Mr. Areas rang, has given up his position. Geo. lustre. while skating on the pond last ! week rats against the guy wire and Wassltghtly littered. John Hantitten shipped a ear load of cattle front here tills ween:. Killing pigs is the order of the clay at pre - Kent. John (Colton 1111,, G 15ark8 cuttiug ant slteavrs wait }tis rutting box and Mercer. A car Mad of cattle from Norwich Sven sold by nuotion in town on Wednesday. Thee. Ree shipped tt large number of fnrkeys on Wednesday. The Presbyterian Sunda, school will hold tut entertalnmrttt 0a the evening of December 17. car Reeve, Al 'x, ntattro will not stand for reelection, Mr. and iters. Thos. T. Appleby Celebrated the 50th anniversary of their Wedding day on Saturday, Th Ar u111011. WAS Messed with ttYc d togilte rs and one son. The sort is the only . child note living And he dined with his paren>'s Oh Saturday. At 8 o'elock the Trttstc'cs of the Methodist clmeelt with their Wives Assam b 4 and presented Mr. and Iter Appleby with two chairs. Lunch was served after who ii a plea - emit eve Bing was spent in speech malting, sing - tug haulm, 'to. bir. Appleby is the elaas lend. er in 'tit' Methodist ehurelt and is the sttu« lard of Methodism. in '4vroketer. Ile has. been n keel preacher fora finntber ()tyroslard is now in his 774th year, pathies of all in their hour of bereavement. Almost tat the 8711110111)111' on Friday evening, (God coiled another, this time one of the pioneers 0Y Kinloss for Itis own. Mr. Geo. Russ, who settled on Itis farm on the second nearly forty years ago and hos resided there eontinuou'-ly since that time, cleparte.l to ht's eternal rest on December 5tlt. bly hard work and patient en- deavor, Mr. !toss succeeded in building unit eomi'ot•tabie Moine for hitn a'IE ane! ralsdag a family of eight 80111' and two daughters, ail of whotn are left to mourn the loss of a kind hus- band and loving rather. Four of the sons re- side nu Hartnc'y. Manitoba, one in Rowlins, Wyoming and cite other three with t n, "i r sisters are still tit home. rlie fun' ral on Tuealnv to the Lucknow cemetery was a tame nue. Rev. G M. Duun coaducteet the service and preach- ed from the text, "There retnainc'th therefore tt rest for tate people of Gal." The pallbearers wore Messrs Imbert, James and (George Ross, F. Henry, Geo McIntosh and Relit. Fe)•rie. 1 missed in the conunuui- Ir. Ross will r mac. t ant,. d ty as his nature wets of that cheerful, bouynnt type which never seemed discouraged and wits always ready with a kind word and a helping; hand for everyone. Wm. Priest, a Brandon bootblack, has inherited a fortone of one million dollars by the death of au uncle in California, Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood'. The fact that it is thebe st preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in st'rcngth, least in taste. Young women in their "teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood , which shows itself in paten ess,wcal nessand nervous- ness, by regular treatment tvitli Scott's Enmulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women stiffer. 0 We will be glad to tend h sample to any sufferer, ]ie stare that this picture in the tont of 8 1th,4 sx ort the tvetplier of every bottle of twostay'yell buy, sco-rr At 's(OWNt, t haniI te, Toronto, Ontario. Our Stock is now colnpleie In Christmas Novelties, and wei'are pre. pared for lire BGsrattss &trine; the holiday season. The demand for useful and wet4'rttbie goods as Xmas presents is yearly getting greater. Pirate inspeet our stock. trouble to show you the goods, IIANOK RDNIEFS. 1anikerel'iefs are always in great demand for Xmas presents. We are showing a very large assortment (rout the inw priced to the high pric- ed quality. Prices range than So, lar., 121c n, 15o, 20e, 25e, 30o 40c, 50o, 75e, $1.00, $1.50, $$2.00. LADIES' TIES. Ladies' new Silk Ties and Coll just received. Special t'alne at 25c. FURS. Special valnes in all hinds of Fnrs for Xmas trade. Claperines at $3 50, $5.00, $6,00, $7.50, il0 00, S12 $15, 818, ata. Rills, $1.130. $2 00, $2.50, $4.00, $5.00, .x;'.7,50, .$10 00, ata, Gauntlets in Mario Seal, Astra- can. Grey Lalnb, Fur Coats at special prices, KNITTED GOODS. A lar"e assnrtm•'nt of Fancy Shawls. •E'asc'ittatnrs. Glenns. Booties, Hands, Ohildren's Conte, etc See our Ice Wool Fascinators at $1.00. LADIES' BELTS. Jest reeioved the very htest i') all kende OfTielts, Taney velvet And jet elststiee choice winds. prices ars 250, i16c, 50e, 75c, $1.00, $1.,25, $1.51 and $2,00. NEW KW CLOVES. 'You taste no risk in buying your Kid Gloves hars. We handle the best makes -style, fie and wear guar- anteed. See our No 1. quality at $1,25. RIBBONS. A large stock of all kinds, comprise ins; all colors,, in plain and fancy neck Ribbons. Sue oar special lice at 250. GROCERIES. The Grocery Department is come plete with Xmas I+'rnits and Peels, new Dates, new Figs, new Raisins and Currants, etc. Our prices are always the lowest. Special values in Teas. Try our Ieader at 450 ROOTS AND SHOES - Nice Xmas presents in Ladies' and Men's Fancy Slippers. Spe.:ial value in all kinds of Footwear, Gents' Furnishings, We have a large stook of th•a latest novelties in Men's acrd Boys' Wear. New Ties, new Gloves, new Caps, new Braces, new Mufflers, new Shirts. See our new Silk Ties at 25c 85o and 50c. WTishitto tar many patrntis and ;and a prnsnernus New Year. friends a very merry Christmas H. E. ISAR.& Co. pi Opposite Bank of Hamilton Highest price paid far Produce r ae► :dl r4svt milt # :. 5(1' ",: s151il.1/ ( . *' ', i The popularity ofmnnleipalownei' tip is not declining in Birmingham, The taxpayers have decided by a vote of 15, eon - trot. al n r`favor of mnuuit.l 9 8. Stu p 13 to )o trot of the tramway system. -Stratford 1 Beacon. s AT TIlE THEATRE OR AFTER THE THEATRE 'Vert will find our candies dt lit1ous. A box of oar mixed confectionery, nr mixed chocolates, will he u delightful addition to the pleasures 0t 111,' chums or opera. Boxed ca,tdies delivereet, if desired. The price of our selected chocolate creams is rix' to 7c,t I;er pound. JAS. BUCKLEY, Star Restaurant. From contra to crust The Market Bakery Bread is perfeetiou itself. White, hgdtt, sweet centre; rich, brown, short. crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. ALL KINDS OF PASTRY WEDDii' U CekES3 A SaEClAt.TY • We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the cit!' for your bread or pastry; D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. s 18 d 1. Pi; 0- EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. PS- SIDEl30ARDS---The largest and best selected snick or the latest designs and choicest woods in use in the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. We carry. a complete line of all kinds of furniture. VVVY •Trri7TVVVII vvvyvvYITIVV 1 4 4 Is one thing we have the lead in. Ourassort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is it marvel or style, quality and cheapness. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON `urniture and Undertaking. EThe Parniture Stere opposite the Post Ofliee. Ak,s AJ/,il►,iR,if,tl,if AAAAAA ICA,A.totAAAA uRAAA; AAA; 1►AAAA: C,kAAAA►1LakAAA 4 1