HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 4"lorollirr* liter Simone, E Stop tit lat I iulcotl, W ,.. laituroe, (: Sault Ste Marie Storinout.............. 1 245 Victoria, W .. , s..... , 1 277 Victoria ictoria E 1. 4111,,•• $81 Waterloo, N 1 U4 Waterloo, S.. ,........ 2 032. Welland .. ... .. .. .... I. 886 Wentworth, N,.,..,., 1 539 BY USING.„..,,., Wentworth, 4'..,. 1 512 Wellington, W..... .. 2 0676 98 GAMPBELL'S Wellington B ::.'..• 2 15 Wrilingtoii, S , 2 Q1G Yoi ks W 2 209 York, N ;3 417 York, E . 1 441 ' W1NGHAM T1 KS? DI Cr4U ER 11, 1602. 1 ijWInharn Real Estate Office, 1 672 1 040 _ 711 605 The following list is a few of the farm 672 properties that I have at present ou buy 263 books for sale, and would sk the intend - 2 cud• 0 1l a t 2 885 ng purchaser of any size ' 486 of a farm to 1 887 657 295 618 667 1 153 1 129 674 '936 Gough Syrup of 'shite Pirie with Eucolytoi and Honey. FOR SALE ONLY AT Colin A, Campbell's DRUG STORE WINGHAM ONTARIO TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up. to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED .872. THE WIN IAM TIMES. B. R. ELLIOTT. PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY. DEC. 11. 1902. Liquor Act Vote. The referendum on the Ontario Liquor Act on Thursday last resulted in the polling of a larger vote for the measure than was looked for by its opponents. The returns are yet imcomplete,but they show as follows: For the act Against the act 162 180 86 974 75 206 Total vote polled, 249,154. . The total required to be polled for the act to secure its passage is 212,723 or one-half the votes polled in the Provin- cial elections of 1898. The returns are incomplete, bat it is evident that the measure has failed of passage by a large margin. All the cities, except Ottawa, Kingston and London, gave majorities for the zileasnre. The vote on the 1894 plebiscite in Ontario was 192,489 for and 110,720 against. In 1898 the vote was 154,498 for and 1I5,284 against. In 1894 women were allowed to vote. The vote in Wingham in 1894 was 222 for and 89 against. In 1898 the vote in Wingham was 227 for and 111 against. Voting was very quiet in Wingham, but both sides worked hard in getting out the vote. The prohibitionists are very well pleased with the vote in Wingham, which shows that 55 votes more have been polled for the act than the required number. The returns be- low are as complete as we are able to get them for this issue: - CITY CONSTITUENCIES. Yes. No. Hamilton, W . 1 664 1 795 Hamilton, E ...... 2 265 1 567 Kingston 1 479 1 571 Toronto, W .. 4 424 2 583 Toronto, N 4 002 2 427 Toronto, S 8 754 4 995 Toronto, E 2 582 3 055 Ottawa 3 996 4 617 London 2 320 2 517 RURAL Cosesrrrt'ENCIEs Riding. Yes. Brant, N 779 Brant, S ... 1 015 Brockville , 1 757 Brace. C .......... 2 147 Bruce, N 1 808 Bruce. S 1 064 Cornwall .1 024 Carleton 1 544 Dufferin ...... ... c 3 143 Dundas .. 2 094 Durham, W 2 007 Durham, E 1 458 Elgin, E 2 059 Elgin, W 2 635 Essex, N 604 Essex, S 1 863 Fort William and Lake of the Woods 536 Frontenac 1 400 Glengarry 1 034 • Grenville 719 Grey, 0 469 Grey, N 3 021 Grey, S . 2 115 Haldimand ' 1 613 Halton 2 018 Hastings, W .... 1 120 Hastings,N 926 Hastings, .E 880 Huron, S. . 2 360 Huron. W 2 359 Huron, B Kent, W 56 Kent, E.....,912 Lambton, E ..., 2 383 Lambton, W ...... 1 635 Lanark, S.... .... „,, 1 647 Lanark, N 1 194 Leeds .......... 1 270 Lennox ............ .. 1 643 Lincoln ... .... 2 344 141iddlesex,W .... 2 221 Middlesex, N .... 1 952 Middlesex, E 2 329 Monck ..... 846 Muskoka 1 460 Manitoulin ...... 854 Norfolk, S ... 1 284 Norfolk, N 1 713 Northumberland, B2 333 Northumberland, W2 100 Ontario, N ......1 833 Ontario, S 886 Oxford, N2 620 Oxford, S 3 020 Perth, N 2 692 Perth, S ... 2 303 Parry Sound 076 Peel .. 1 573 Teterboro, `W .... 1 065 Teterboro, B .... 212 Port Arthur and Rainy River.... 312 Primus Edward,.,2 250 Prescott.... 457 Rerifrew,N 1 335 Renfrew, S 1 205 nuelosil 1 172 WENT HURON, We give below the returns for West Huron as far as we have been able to get them: Goderich, town Clinton ...... Blyth Ashlieid, incomplete 858 Colborne.... •308 W . Wawan osh, iucomplete231. E. Wawanosh " 249 Goderich tp. " 197 Hullett " 141 For Against 390 283 254 179 86 75 147 lit 85 39 16 •lgok over this list and if you. see anything that is of interest to you, call nod get particulars, or should you not see any- thing to suit, I will be pleased to show yen a larger list, 100 acres -l0 miles from Wingham, near Fordyce, 97 acres cleared, balance ash, swamp; frame house with stone cel- lar in good repair, good frame barn and stables, 3 wells, soil clay loam in high state of cultivation, good fences. A snap for some one. 100 acres -2 miles ftoin Wingham and 2 from Bluevale; 9Q acres cleared ,balau tie ash and cedar swamp, a acres orchard; fine barn with sto.,e stables, good frame house, plenty of water, fences in repair. No better situation iu Huron county. 100 acres -2 miles from Winghazn and 3 from Belgrave, 95 acres cleared,balance iu ash, cedar and hardwood bush, 1 acre orchard, good frame house, stone cellar; co frame barns, fences iu good repair,spriug creek across the back. Will be sold. 96 acres -2:i miles front Wiughazn,near WINcifram• Zetland; brick Louse; stone wall nuder a For Against good barn, bog -house, hen -house and Ward 1 60 27 pump house; no better fenced farm in Ward 2 42 28 township. 8 acres No, 1 cedar.swatnp, Ward 3 71 23 2 acres hard wood, spring creek across Ward 4 113 40 beck corner. This is a highly improved - farm, and will be sold very reasonable. 286 118 100 acres -5 miles from Wiugham.and Majority for 168, and 55 over the re• 5 from Teeswater, a good clay farm, 7 quired number for the Act, acres hardwood, No. 1 fences, stone wail .--- under a good barn, frame house, 1 acre For Against orchard, a never -failing spring near the Brussels 113 70 barn. This is a bargain for someone. Wroxeter 55 25 100 acres -6 miles from Wingham and Sea forth 203 132 • S from Brussels, highly improved farm, Turnberry, No. 1 • , iU 22 3 acres hardwood, first-class feuces,splen- Znruberry, No. 2 113 11 did barn and stables, frame house, good orchard, spring creek at rear of farm, clay loam. No better farm in Morris tp. 100 acres -9 miles from Wingham and 6 from Brussels, first-class buildings and fences, plenty of•water, No. 1 soil, a de - The Department of Crown Lands. has sirable property; will be sold cheap. made ail estimate that 884,500,000 feet 100 acres -1 mile from Wiughant town of pine sawlogs and square timber will hall, a choice farm, large brick house be cut ou licensed territory this year. and large barn with excellent stables, new silo, Al fences, 15 acres first-class hardwood. This is an exceptionally fine property, and cheap at the price. LaIi B 100 arses -5 miles from Wiugham and 2 from Bluevale; good frambuildings, 80 acres cleared, balance cedar, ash aud hardwood bush, fences iu repair. Sells cheap. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE CON- 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham, 2 struction of a common or trunk from Belgrave; large bank barn, frame sewer and sewage disposal works in house, 3 acres orchard, good fences, all the 'Toe u of Wingham, and to cleared, spring creek; on a main road. authorize the issue of debentures of 100 acres -5 miles trom Wingham and the said Town to theamount of $5.- 2 from Bluevale, brick house, stone wall 500 for the purpose of raising the under barn, 1 acre orchard, 8 acres hard sum required therefor. wood, spring creek. A desirable farm. Whereas it is desirable to construct n emu. 100 acres -10 miles from Wingham, near Marnoch 90 a r mon or trunk sewer along Josephine Street in C eS c 1 eared, balance the Town of Wingham With sewage disposal No. 1 sugar hush, frame house, stone works on the bank of the South Branch of tela cellar and stables, good fences, spring River Maitland in the said Town of Wingluam, Creek. and to raise the stun of $5,500 to bo applied for the said purpose; 100 acres -3 miles from Wingham and And Whereas in order thereto it will be fie- 3 from Bluevale, first-class buildings, 3 ceasary to issue debentures of the said Town for the sum of $5,500 as hereinafter provided (which is the debt to be created'by this by-law), the proceeds of the said debentures to be ap- plied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other ; And Whereas the total amount required by ' The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and inter- est is the sum of $318.07; whereof $220.00 is to be so raised annually for payment of interest during the currency of the said debentures, and $58.07 is to be raised annually for the pur- pose of creating a sinking fund for payment of the debt secured by said oebentures; And Whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the Town of Wingham ac- cording to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $620,347: And Whereas the amouet of the existing de• benture debt of the said Municipality is$80,901.99 of which no part is in arrear; Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham enacts as follows: - 1. For the purpose of raising the said sum rbentnreH of the Towia to the amount of Parliament is not expected to open until February 19. acres orchard, 7 acres good sugar bush, 3 acres cedar, river crosses farm. 100 acres -near Westfield,Wingham 14 miles, 92 acres cleared,balance hardwood stone wall under barn, frame house, 2 acres orchard, good fences spring creek, 6 acres fall wheat in, fall ploughing done. This farm will be sold very cheap. 100 acres-Wiughain 3 miles, Wawa - nosh Tp, 50 acres cleared, balance ash timber, plenty water, good buildings and fences, 1 acre orchard. This is a bargain. 200 acres -5 miles front Wingham,near Glenannan, 80 acres cleared, 15 acres hardwood bush, 10 acres ash swamp, bal- ance slash, excellent barn and stables, brick house,l acre orchard,pleuty water. A bargain if sold at once. 125 acres -4 miles front Wiughant, $5.500 as aforesaid shall be issued in the sumsWawanosh Tp, 25 acres cleared, balance of not less than $100 each, on the first day of thickly wooded slash and swamp,will sell Jude A. D., 1903, each of which debentures shall this cheap,or will sell bythe acre; eu- be dated on the said first dcy of June A. D., 1etre Stoeg Markets. Toronto, Deo, 9., -.Trading at the Western cattle market was light to -day. Fortunately supplies have been largely held back lately and so prices for cattle have been fairly well malutnided. A few export cattle were sold today at from 41.i to 153. per lb., but there is. practically no movement in shipping cattle, nud prices are nowival, Owing to small receipts and generally poor quality there was a rather active demand for what good butcher cattle was on the market. The following are the quotations: CATTLE. • Shippers, per cwt $ $ 75 $ 4 25 Do., light 3 00 • 8 50 Butcher, choice , . , 2 50 3 25 Butcher, ordinary to good 8 00 Butcher, inferior 3 40 Stockers 2 50 SHEEP ANA LAMBS. Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 00 3 40 Yearlings, per cwt..,... 3 75 4 15 Spring lambs, each ... 2 50 2 75 Bucks 2 00 3 50 MILKERS AND CALVES. Cows, each 35 00 GO 00 Calves, each 2 00 10 0 HOGS Choice hogs, per cwt5 75 6 00 Light hogs, per cwt5 50 5 75 Heavy hogs, per cwt5 50 5 75 Sows, per cwt 8 75 4 00 Stags ' 2 00 2 50 NO 1903, and shall be payable on the first day of quire. June A. D., 1933, at The Dominion Bank in the 150 acres-Wingham 2 miles, near Zet- 423 the said Town of Wingham. laud 120 acres cleared balance hard and 157 2. Each of the said debentures shall be sign- + + 750 ed by the Mayor of the said Town ofdWin b inbgham, soft wood, good frame house, stone to tireo the same n le also ay t said Treasurer spring creek across back corner,a desir- 5S-r 1 299 636 or by some of er person au i orifi y y- aw foundation under barn, No. 1 fences, thereof: and the Clerk of the iTown. 206 716 369 487 235 of Wingham shall attach thereto the corporate able property to be sold very cheap. seal of the Municipality. 3 The said debentures shall bear interest, at the rate of four per cent per annum payable at the said Bank on the thirty-first day of Decem- ber in each and every year during the currency thereof except the last payment of interest which shall become due and payable on the 175 acres -3 miles from Wiughain, 1 from Bluevale, 150 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, spring creek,` •f first-class buildings; a chance for some i •1' one.�i, 137 first day of June, A. D., 1..3.3; and said deben-' 66 acres -5 miles from Wingham, S near 1 tures shall have attached to them coupons for Gleufarrow, a highly improved farm,ex• .�.. 519 payment of the said interest, which coupons cellent buildings, 3 acres hardwood,river is L1 shall be signed by the said. Mayor and Treas- urer runs across back corner, No. 1 fences. 1* 4. During the currency of the said deben• 50 acres -3 miles from Wingham$• , 1 to 624 tures, there shall be raised annually by special Bluevale, 49 acres cleared, balance hard- es rate on all the rateable property in the said 551 town of Wingham the said sum of $220.00 for wood,cood frame house.stoze wall under payment of interest on said debentures, and barn, 3. acre orchard, No. 1 fences. 4• 404 the said sum of $93.07 for the purpose of creat- 50 acres -2,1 miles from Wilt ham •1• 944 ing a sinking fund for the payment of the debt + 482 hereby secured, making in all the sum of $318.• Turuberry Tp., good frame barn, new 55 07 to be raised annually', by special rate as frame house, 1 acre orchard, 3 acres ash a: i aforesaid, during each of the said thirty years, swamp, good fences; a chance of a life •F• 929 5. 'This Bylaw shall take effect on the thir- 1 023 teenth day of January, A. D., 1903. time. 44."4.4.÷÷4÷14+4.44++.1. t t :• i i t •1• ; t••Y •1.3 •II••i• i• i3 �rfi• t• i i i••'o's i• 0.The votes of the electors of the said town 20 acres -near Trowbridge, first-class GIS of ingham shall be taken on this bylaw at buildings and fences, good orchard and 927 the following times and places, tintis to say, X38 on Monday the fifth day of Tannary, A. D., garden, plenty water, a desirabble helm 1903. commencing at nine o'clock in the fore- for old couple. Will sell heap. so noon and continuing till five o'clock in the GO acres -10 miles from Wingham, 6 ,.41 afternoon of the same day by the following Teeswater, it 93E; deputy returning officers: from 1 acre hardwood, stone 9G3 Ia Ward 1, atp Tames Cummings house by wall under barn, good frame house, Talars (dents, Deputy Returning Oficer for splendid orchard, No. 1 fences; to be said Ward 1. 1301 In Ward 2, at the Advance Office by Theo. sold cheap. 266 philus Hall, DeputyReturning Officer for said 45 acres -2 miles from Wingham to- �w wtlyds Whitechurch, ell cleared; rgcsod 3 40 • ,1 75 8 75 tVINGIIA11I MARKET itgPORTS Wiughain, Dec. 4. 1902. Corrected every Wednesday afternoon by Cassels & Carr. Flour per 100 lbs. .. 1' 65 to 2 50' Fall Wheat .. . . . 0 GS to 0 70 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00 Oats, 0 28 to 0 30 Barley .... ..... 0 35 to 0 40 Peas 0 65 to 0 70 Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 10 to 0 10 Geese, " 0 06 to 0 07 Ducks, per pair 0 60 to 0 75 Chickens 0 30 to 0 50 Butter 0 17 to 0 17 Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 50 Hay , per ton 7 00 to 8. 00 Potatoes, per bushel. 0 50 to 0 50 Apples, per bag 0 25 to 0 40 Tallow per lb .... 0 05 to 0 05 Lard 0 15 to 0 15 Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Wool 0 13 to 0 15 Live Hogs, per cwt 5 75 to 5 75 DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE (1) The residence of Mr. John Murray, Edward street, will be sold on reasonable terms. (2) The House and Lot advertised last week for $900.00. Either of the above can be bought worth the money. Buy aheadof the boom that is sure to strike Wingham next summer. ABNER COSENS. LOAN AND INSURANCE AGENT. ••1f1.04NR••••••• 000•ti••0••••••••••••••••••••QONf •••••••tlN••••••••••••NN JOHN KERB , PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE AS H. KERR •00.000000N000C•0.00•••00040•o0••000.000•••0•®••0000••ON0001!•0.00000.00@0000 a 0 r e a S • • • • • • • • • 0 • • S • • • 0 • • • a • • • a • . • e ry Goods We are offering big bargains in Fur. Coats, Capes, Ruffs, Caperines, etc. Call and get our prices, LINEN Seldom do you see suchan assortment of Linen as is found in this store. Table Cloths, white and colored, Table Linen, bleached and un- bleached, Stand Covers, 5 o'clock Tea Table Covers, Tray Covers,' Alt iine.linen, drawn work and hemstitched or. fringed. Table Napkins, per dozen, 80c to $4.50. Table Cloth and Napkins to match. • • HANDKERgHIEFS n• We certainly have a stock of a Fancy Handkerchiefs that • would be a credit to large city estores. Cambric Handkerchiefs, hem - w stitched or lace edge, each, 5e. o Fancy Cambric and Lace, Silk Aand Lace, 10c to 60c - 2 Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, e - • 15eto$1.25 • Plain Silk Handkerchiefs, a• .25 to .75 a • Buy early while the stock is Fe full. • a etpee0osee13eseepeepecesoo•160.0.00.•oo•ocoosa••00.0.OapO•:300®ocsocte.lO000••••••eva g • JAS. H. KERR •- ©o•el3oftlBe•e©•omo0.a•••00• o FANCY China, Glassware Opal, etc, We always carry a large stock in this department, but our stock this season is mach larger than it ever was. Come in and see the bargains we arc offering. 1 crate Bavarian Glassware ; Fancy colored Rose Bowls, Vases, Fruit Dishes, etc., new shapes, very pretty, worth 20e to 25c each, our price .15 1 crate Bohemian Glass Vases, very large size, handsomely decorated, our price .25 Bohemian Glass Rose Bowls, Table Sets. Vases, Vinegar Bottles, etc. Vases, enamel decorations, reg. price 15e for - .10 Vases, small, reg. 10e for .05 Fancy Mustard Cups, with spoon, - - .10 German Glass' Oil Bottles, en- graved, - .15 Fruit Sets, 7 pieces, red, green and blue, per set, .45 Fancy Cups and Saucers, each from - - .05 to .50 6 and 8 piece Water Sets. Dinner Sets. Tea Sets. Table Sets. FRESH Groceries FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING Shelled Almonds. Shelled Walnuts, New Dates and Figs. New Peels, drained, Lemon, Orange and Citron, 15c to 20c per lb. New Raisins, best selects, per lb. - .10 New Currants, recleaned, 3 lbs for - - .25 New Seeded Raisins, per pkg .12 Mince Meat, per pa4kage ,10 Chocolate Icing, per package .10 White Icing, do .10 Colored Icing • do .10 White and Pink Icing Sugar I t • • { a a • i • • 0 SUGAR •• • e e S 30 lbs best Raw Sugar for 1.00 24 lbs Light Sugar for 1.00 22 lbs best Granulated. 1.00 Baking Molasses, per lb .04 Baking Syrup, per lb .05 Table Syrup, per lb .05 APPLES -� Spy Apples and Russets in barrels. Good sound fruit. Low prices. Bring in your DRIED APPLES now. Prices may drop after Christmas. , 5c a lb at present. • • • • a • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • JOHN KERR • 0 a a0000oo0®coo••ooa0•000e••la 0000000000e000060C0111COOa•O MACDONALD BLOCK, WIN C• 11 A M ....1, ;.4.4.4.•i• •. F.'l'4'+4.4.4.+ F.4...e,.,,g�4 4.4.,cy..1•.l••1,,.•d• :• i• fi •:•.:• :.4. H k • 4 �` r� M : lu. 'i• q $BY DECEMBER 15th] 4.moi. 4.ICY NECESSITY YOUR OPPORTUNITY 4, 4 M I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Watches; Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and other precious' stones ; Lovely Brooches ; Bracelets, Ladies' and •1• Gents' Chains; Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., etc., .1. suitable for Christmas. -4t. ti. q, 0 •i• 1 865 • As I must have money these goods will be sold at slaughter prices during the next two weeks. THIS SPECIAL SALE IS NOW ON 1 . BUY NOW ! - SAVE MONEY! HALSEY PARK Macdonald Block. JEWELER +i -i•+++++++++++4.4-44-:•44+++++ ar 362 In ward 3, nt the Town Hall, Wingleiiu, by 484Tohnsonli.Ferguson,DeputyRetturningOfficer buildings,acre orchard, spring creek, for said Ward 3. suitable for dairy farm. 8Si In Ward 4, fit John Longheed's house, by 37 acres -adjoining Bluevale, frame 314 William Robertson, Deputy Returning Officer cottage, bank barn,x.' acre Orchard,river 51,e, for said Ward t rday, the third day of January forms one boundary line, ;s acre bush. 370 A. D. 190'i, the Mayor of the said Town shall To he sold at once very cheap. 1 948 attend at the Town Hall of the said Town at 694 ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons 50 acres -7 miles from Wingham, 4 503 to attend at the various polling places afore- from Wroxeter, all cleared, brick house, said and at the Erni summing up of the votes stone wall under barn, first-class fences, 782 the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested 1$3 in and promoting or opposing the passing of highly improved, Big value for the 391 this Bylaw respectively pr1c3, 8. The Clerk of the said Town of 'Wingham 176 shall attend at the said Town Hall et ten If von want a farm near Brussels, Bivth, 513 o'clock in the forenoon of Wednesday the Clinton, Goderich, L ucknow, Kincardine, 619 the n tmber of votes v n for and againnst thins merston Listowel of 3t aforth, call and,get Pal 370 bylaw. list. sae Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of I also have a much larger list of town and Wingham this second day of Decenilxr, A. D. Pla epi r and es, ranging in price from $400 intending purchaser will 390 Mayor. find it to his advantage to look over this list 1 093 Clerk. before making choice of a house or lot or busi. 914 nese stand. NOTICE farms, Besidee the above list I have many'ether pro. 1 914 pertles for sale or exchange including other 1 128 ♦ nets blcs houses, Wingham and other townsband 3970 Take notice that the above is s true copy 6. a " 578 donation bylaw wh ill be be finbeen ally pm: into to grocery`• dry geveral retail businesses, oods boots and shoes, etc.,,tch et as 541 the Connell of the Municipality lin the eVe fit As well as having excellent success in the sale of the assent of the electors b7-l:.g el, tam ed. of ]Drat lands Ism pleased to report increas• 105 thereto) after one month from the first max. , int( wales cr Manitoba and N. W. T. lands. cation in the Wingham Ta-irs. the date of I e'xl tet to to eeotr settled in my DOW oilier. 331 Which gabble anon was the fourth day of lir- in Me'Van'atorte Block, where Y will be pleased 558 rembrr. A. D.190° find that the 'votcs of the to im'ic r at v from atlwho intend to buy, sell or 1 072 ' h +tors of the said Municipality velli be taken exd.ango p. -C, qty. tis r titin on the day and at the scats and plate* ; 891 the rein heed. P T. N 7. MAGI -TIRE, 782 Town Clark's ()tee, Wingham. floe. 01, 1002, 86.2 J. B. FiiF.GCS Cicrk. vomit at my residences, LeooAgent. t 11111 r At Ban r t k KENT BLOCK WINGNAM WANTED -Big heavy men to get bargains in fine black Worsted Coats and Vests and Heavy Overcoats. WANTED ALSO --Men with heads as small as Shakespeare's to buy Fur Caps, which will be sold at less than half price. Good assortment of FURS left in Capes, Caperines. Collar- ettes, Muffs and Gauntlets. In Silks and Ribbons we still shine. Our Dress Goods are the best value in the County. Don't be afraid to ask to see them. Can't bother us We have also Gents' Fine Dress Shirts in white and colored. See our Neckties and Collars! They look fine, at half price. Th S's Button flock ar Whigharn "SANTA CLAUS WILL SOON BE HERE" TOYS ! TOYS ! TOYS ! See our large assortment of Toys : Jumping Jacks, Horses, Dogs, Guns, Whips, Rubber Balls, Re- turning Balls, Birds, Rattles, Cannons, Watches, Dustpans, Tops, Go -Carts, Cradles, Buggies and many other toys too numerous to mention. DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! Targe and small, dressed and undressed, from 5c up BOOKS ! BOOKS ! BOOKS ! See our large assortment of Children's Books : -Robinson Crusoe -Old Mother Hubbard -Tom Thumb -Heed less Harpy -Little BoPeep -Jack and the Beanstalk -Jack the Giant -Diller -Dolly's Playmates -Youth's Golden Days -Jingles and Jokes OF SPECIAL INTEREST We have added to . our stock a large as- sortment of Candy :--- -Maple Creams -Molasses Chips --Walnut Creams -Pan Taffy -Chocolate Creams -Bon Bons Nice Xmas Gifts in Fancy China -20 dozen Fancy Cups and Saucers, at - 10e, 15c, 20C and .25 We have also the best walnut finished Crokinole Boards that money can buy, regular 11.25, our price .90 Ping Pong, at per set, .50 and $1.00 Rave you got your Xmas Cake made yet ? If not, see our story Cake Tins, square and round, in sets of three, choice - - .30 and °5 ss �'M''K'N'i1v0.1+ir4N'r'O�N� �N.�'N►�V'� t