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The Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 3
OVii LITZ STOOK gieeeeie cattle Jn the rrlett 144 u4 the Chleige a:N.4009 . Chicago,' Dee. 5. The , fele lowing are the Ontario prize winners at the Live Stock Expose tion now ,being held berth neither Lamb-.i!'irst, it, H, Bann. fug .Thortalale, Out, r 'il of five wether ) phs--First, Il, Herding, Thorminia, Out. Champion wether to be .selected front preveding clusses-r11. IL Bard- lug, Votswolds--Wether one -year-old and Under two•• ?i,^st, Elgin V; Park, Burgessvdlie,. Out. ; . World. -siting; thit•ti,. 4.r. Walker, Ilderton, Ont. I.eicesters-Wether ciao year old and under two -First, Orr ,ti Lillice, Gait, Ont.; second, ,John Kelly, Shakos- Deare, unt.; tt led, A. W. Smith,, Maple Lodge, Ont. IVether Lamb -First, Orr & Lidice; second, same. Siu•ups,l.ires. ono year old and under two -Second prize, itichard Gibson, Delaware, Ont. Anierleen Shropshire specials. - First, ]Richard Gibson; third. John Campbell, Woodville, Ont.; fourth, same. American Shropshires Association specials, wether lamb -First, John Campbell; second, B. Noel Gibson, Delaware, Ont. American Shropshire Association special, champion wether -H. Noel Gibson. Long wool type, wether ono year old and under two- First, J.. T. Gibson, Denfield, Out; second, same; third, Orr & Lillice, (Milt. Wether lamb First, Orr & Lillice; second, J. T. Gibson, third, Orr & Lillice. Pen of five wethers one year old and under two -First, .. T. Gibson; second, Orr & Lillice. Pen of five wether lambs - First, Orr & Lillice; second, J. T. Gibson, third, Elgin F. Park, Burge,isvilie, Ont. Champion • wether to be selected from above classes. Award Two -Pure Bred Tat. Shoop.= Shropshire wether one year old and -under two -First, R. Gibson; second, John Campbell, third, same. Wether lamb -First, lt. Gibson; se- cond, John Campbell. Pen of five wether lambs -First, R. Gibson; second, John Campbell ; third, George Allen. Champion waterer to be selected from above classes -R. Gibson. South Down wether-Tolfer Bros., Paris, Ont., third prize. Pen of five wether lambs. - Telfer Bros., third. Shropshire wether, one year old. - Richard Gibson, Delaware, Ont.. Grade wether lamb -John Camp- bell, Woodville, Ont., second prize. Fat cattle, Shorthorn, steer or spayed heifer, two years old and un- der three -James Donnie, Blackwater, Ont., second prize, also fifth for one year old and under two steer or heif- er, also second prize for steer or heif- er under one year. 1,IBERALS. TRW MPH. Yarmouth 'Elves. the. Greatest Majority in its"History. VICTORY IN ARGENTEUIL ALSO. Mr, Bnwm1u D, i.aq, Gm Government Cetudidate lo Tar:eouth,, Defeated Mr. 'fifes, C„ Coming, Cuaiiervetive, lb$ . 840 elejoriee-Air, l;lirletiote ma- jority In Argenteuil. Almost 240 With More to Came, Halifax, Dec. 4,- The. Liberals of Nova Seethe are rejoicing over the great party victory Won in Yar- ntoutll yesterday, when Air. Bowman B, Law, the Government candidate, defeated M.r,. Thos. C. Corning, K.C,, Conservative, by 848 litajority, the• largest majority ever given in a Federal election in that county. Yar- mouth has been steadfastly Liberal, with the exception of. one election, 188e, since confederation, but never has the constituency pronounced so signally for Liberalism. The Con- servatives made desperate efforts to capture the constituency. They int - ported an army of speakers, includ- ing Messrs...A. C. Bell, M.P.; .0. B, Tanner, the leader of the Conserve- tives in the Provincial Douse, .and a French speaker from Montreal. Tho Liberal candidate had a majority in every section in the county except one, where the Conservatives were live ahead. The result is n'ot only a triumph for the Liberal party, but is also a tribute to. the personal pop- nhlrity of Ilon. IV, S. Fielding, who, with Dr. Benjamin Russell, M.P., and Mr. 1). • C. Fraser, 111,13., took part in the campaign, In 1900 at the last general elec- tion Alar, Flint defeated Mr, Corning by a majority of 221. Another Liberal Victory. Another Liberal was elected by ac- cln;na.tion yesterday for tho Local Douse in Luuenburg, where 111r..T. D. Sperry was returned unopposed. For tee vacancy in Shelburne County, Air, A. If. 12oberteon, Liberal, and Noses Nickerson, Independent Liber- al, were nominated. The latter was an unseccessful candidate for the Lib- eral nomination at the party conven- tion Last week. Nova Scotia is still solid for Laurier. Victory in Argenteuil. Lnchute, Cue., Dec. 4. -Mr. Thomas Christie (Liberal), sun of the late dumber of Argenteuil, was elected to the house of Conunor.s yesterday ov- a' ills. Geo. Perley by a majority of about 200. Ilith six places to hear from Mr. Christie's majority is 198. At the lust general elution Mr. Tho- mas Christie, sen., secured a major- ity of 32e over Mr, W. J. Simpson. '1 he returns as far as reeehed Make Christ ie's majority,. with six polls to hear from, 1 98. ______ BSOLOTEcy a., l �� li 1�r Genuine J' Y ,, I ,�a ,,,,t -V• Little Liver Pills. Roust Dena' alienator© of /4e---- 4e---X/,...-i..;,--r-le Seo Fac -Shall,, 4Wrapner Relay, .- 'Yew email nisi'. as army to take as Eager, CARTE S - n iTTLE { 1 yE aFN1 �i " ' Am. Il, l'I Fen �.t,lblrattsICEgtS3. n FOR Cllidl]+h• el.`e g. Feel Tania WEE. MINSTIPATiC)1. FR SALLOW Si:itl. Fill THE cariilAcmen MUST MAVG 9)ONATUA^3,.. 6EN7.7...r1J Pitta 17 ? -Vcgecabla,/�zr+..„ti.a.. :6 Gets CURE SICIC HEADACHE. A Bad Breath 'A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 25c. MI druggists. Want your nionstacho or beard a beautiful brown or Ha bleak? Then me }� BUCKINGHAM'S DYE tggrors .. etA, O, D.VOMAT9. OP a, P. IOU. d CO.. tlAtOWA, N.14 1.. IT P AY S TO ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES e� ACCUb.i.) OF DUPLICITY. Lord Lanidnwne's E11101111 10 Laiir lags to Chinese Iforeign i)itl •, London. Dec. 4.-A Parliamentary paste", i •sued yesterday, gist ing the cors espor,denee relative to the evacu- ation of Shanghai by the troops of th • inteees.. j )w ec 4 s 1 .C. led. The most striking point is the directness ctness with which leo' Olge Sct.retcoy Lansdowne instructs Minister Satow, at Pekin. to inform Prince Ching, President of the Ci Those Foreign Office, that "his duflicity" in agreo'ng to Ccimeny's conditions regarding' the Yang Tse Valley, while sine 1taneously inform- ing Great Britain that he knew no' henn theicof, "was deeply rerout- ed," st- ed," and that Great Iritain would not be bound by any pledges of the Chinese Government or the viceroys, whereby British freedom of artion to hnnintain order and protect Brit- ish interests in the Yang Tse Valley would ho limited. A similar notifica- tion was sent to Connelly, Lord Lan'downe stating that the principle of the "open door," on wl'iclh Ger- many based the proposed menditions, was sufficiently safeguarded by the ea'i••tirg inter -agreements. Germany replied that she would drop the con- ditions, since she bad received satis- facto.y assurances from China, • ;OW REFORM 'I :LC LORDS. • Education 13i111'a''o'a House of Commons byi.40 to 11:3. London, Dec. 4. -The House of Commons had the Educhition Bill maim, debate ycste day, and Premier Balfour,. having appealed to the pub- lic spirit of all clas:•es to do their best to ensure the working of . the Education Bill, than which, he said, .no better alternative niec:su:e had been propose 1, the House adopted the third reading of the lneusui a by 246 votes to 1211. The hill was Im- mediately ,out to the liovse of Lords where, in..the presence of only tined peers, it was formally load for the first time. ' 11: W1NQ [A ` osis DECE tBER I It 1901. DR WQQQ'$ NORWA PINE SY'RUP'o t 1 J.us&at, Prompt >w44 Perfect Cure Lor COUGHS, COWS. HOARSENESS. SORE THROAT. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. CROUP, and all Tht'oi. and Lune Troub et.. Obstinate Coughs yield to its grateful, soothingaction,and in tho racking, her. sisteat ough often present in copsurtip• tive cases it gives prompt and sure re- lief. Mrs. S. Boyd, Pittston, Ont., writes; "I had a severe cold in my throat: and head and was greatly troubled with' hoarseness. Two bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup completely cured me." Pelee 25 costs Sipbottle. T9E CATTLE EMBARGO- Britain Will Not Accept Ship- ments from Portland or Boston. AUTHORITATIVE ANNOUNCEMENT An Official Note on the Subject of the Rumor what There Would Be a lte- luxatioit of the e)rderAgalnet Cattle Exportations -Nothing ie Con - ended - Boston bzoauasbip .!`gents Are Discouraged. Ottawa, Dec. 5. -The British Board of Agriculture' has consented to no such relaxation of the embargo against cattle export from the State of'liialno as was doclared in a Boston despatch yestet day had been conced- ed. The report was that a cablegram from London de lured that the au- thorities bad consented to the ship= ment of cattle .for the English mar- ket. from the harbor 'of Portland, Maine. The statement was scarcely credited here, in view of the empha- tic refusal of the Board of Agricul- ture to so much as allow Canadian cattle to pass on bonded cats through the Portion of the State of Maine traversed by the C.P.It. short line between Monteeat and St. John. However, to set all doubts at rest. Eon. Sydney Fisher cabled the Dinh Colnmfsuionor• in London yesterday to ascertain the, facts. Lord Strath- cona's reply, received. late yesterday. afternoon. stated that, there was not a word of truth in th'e report, inas- much as the board had not authoriz- ed any relaxation of its' order against Portland and Boston or the passage of cattle through any of the six pro- hibited England States. New r was asked if Hon. Sydney I is e this was regarded as settling the matter, and replied that it must be so regarded. nos".n Agents Plseourngeti. Boston, Mars.,Dec. steamship agents wet e all cliscourag•- ad yesterday on learning that the lat- est and most earnest effort to have the embargo by Great Britain upon New England cattle modified to ex- empt. the portof 1'o eland, lie., had failed apparently. News came that an attempt by the Grand Trunk Rail- way, -through Canadian officials, to provide for shipments from Portland had failed, the British Government having positively rcfui:ed to relax the prohibition of handing rattle through Maine, and that also of the loading of cattle at. Canadian ports on ves- sels clearing from New niggard. This put a stop to the proceedings which had been begun to have western cat- tle shipped to Montreal. thence by the Canadian Pacific from Montreal to Mattawaukeng, Me., and thence to Portland, Me., by the Maine Cen- tral. Premier 9axasta lies Resigned: Madrid, Dec. 4. -Premier Sagasta has resigned. Senor Sag -testa had an audience of Xing Alfonso yesterday, at which he presented his resignation, and inti- mated that the stop was irrevocable: He informed the Xing that the Oppo- sition had treated him with distrust and discourtesy., which ho did not de- serve The Majesty will not decided on the course he will pursue until to- day. ill39,000 In Stamps Missing, •Dansvillo, I y„ nee. 4. - Revenue stamps to the value of $39,000 aro missing froth the Internal Revenue , Qfnco of the Eighth District._This discovery was Made by the oficials investigating the recent mall pouch robbery. Battle Via. St. .lohi . St, John, Dec. 4.--Thirty-fear cars Of cattle for shipment to England arrived over the I.C.R. last evening, end tvill be carefully inspected and placed oodnthe steamer ManchesterC, • rirava Restored Thousands of Can -diaxs Women to Health and Strength. There is no need for so many women to safer pain and weakness, nervousness, sleeplessness, anemia, faint and dizzy spells and the numerous troubles which render the life of Stomas a round of sick. miss and suffering. Young girls bwkling into womanhood, who suffer with pains and headaches, and wheat face is pale cod tho blood watery, will find Milburn's 'Resat and Nerve Lill help them gme"tlythairig this polhal, Women at the change of life, who aro nervous., subject to hot fi'u hes, feeling of pins and needles, pal pitatit.n of the heart. etc., are tiled over the trying time of their life by the use of this wonderful remedy. it has a wonderfnl cf"ect on c woman's evstem, =ekes pains and aches vanish, brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle to the eye. hey build up the system, renew lost vitatlite, improve the appetite, make rich, red blood and dispel that weak, tired, listlees, no -ambition feeling. 3 sero, retic sox, tot roe in 20 ALL CF.ACtM:a. 1114'14;1.21W h GJ., i,Imitsd,'tor0 10, Otte HEALTH QF' THE PRQVINQE Toronto, Nov. 470 -The general hoe. itlt of Oatul')a• wee dtilcuseeit by the Q'rovine; tl .130aTa of kiealtll at 114 qu;'rterly newtind yesterday ut Dr. l,ryce's offiet.s to the 1,'arliarnept butluings, sed the etmel )sign coached Wee that oondit494e generally were fuirlyi good, Oitnirmin Dr. Vattx, of li'unllle)u, presided over time meeting, which 'was attended,' by Due tore J. J_, O.iss.iiy, U dr:t^nt,. Kitchen and S4ero- taffy' Dr. l3ryca., A number or reports were received from vermin p.al'ts of this province giving details or the work do;to in otatnp n, cut bur aloes, 4 pbthat•i•s ands other contagious ouy d,s ascs, v+h ) O1 t1 l pear to have been very st'eoeeiful. A .few snt,tllpcx woes were reported, but they were trivial the eomp.u'ed with ti:", uec,.rds in contiguous states. A etnlp1 int was reeeivod from Whitby with reg'rd, to the pollution cf the nets hrtlow the town, due. to the presence of sewage matter, which hes caused an outbreak or anthrax ternonb cattle, The board reiterated its I>revit:ub advice. that a filtration sew f.trun to istnhlished. „ tie. Gcnsidy reported that, pur'uant tet tat. advice of the J'rovineiel Hoard of health for the restriction of tuber- culesis, the city of Il;.Lndlton had just p ;see .1 it by-law requiring pbysirians ttI report :ell cases of pulmonary 'u11- ereulee;s within a week of their dtlg- nosis. co tlh,• C measures m'gbt be taken' tai prevent contagion. In his annual report Secretary Dr. Bryce. recommended teat the old van- elw,tiou act of 1iid3 be repealed end a more simple net pelt=ed in its stead. Dr. Bryce suggested that the now act pro'id;: fora monthly report ow till children been in a municipality by mu- t:1(41)d Clerks to district health offi- c: r.y, who. at ould ba appointed public c-:,t'ciu.,tors required to pi offer free v:onutatien to all children at :heir homes. Tim net sheutd further pro- vid:s tlaat any•ch'Id ran tirrivittg at. ..cht)oi 1+qa unvacoin•it'ti, must not be dine -tett to any eduo,tio,raI institu- tu,at in the. provitho,; it should, of cavtse, retain the old provision for compulsory general vacctnat;on dur- ing Sir] elpe x epidemics. I)r. Bryce pointed out th)t the ed- renttgte of such an act would be that v:.cein.tian hid been carefully and system itla thy It•'rfln•uiel at tome per- i tees or children's liven when it would civa' the least possibl a ineonvuni;nre, •'.rid when lb.: urgency of. the a pidentie clid not creta Baste. l"r.rth'rrhorc, the vcicc,hie used regularly by such' r -f - ricers w•eu:d muIw:'ys lxi fresh awl pure. -most important paints in this de;i- o•te' cixratit:n. t , Blood Bitters has Rha most natural action ea tae stomata, liver, Lowers and blood of any necitaiac known, hence its effects are prorept and lasting. It cures, without fail, all such discasesas Dyspepsia, Constipation. l:ilioueness, Bad Slck Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors, Eerie -111a, KidneyCom laint9 Jaundic ef Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and General Debility. The fact that it is guar- anteed to cure if used according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to Burdock Blood TO SIDETRACK CANADA. Canada May Tet Be Made an Exporter of Dead Stoat Only. London, Dec. 5, -British eupplies will he greatly affected if the Cana- dian export cattle trade is stopped, for during the first ten :months of this year no fewer than 75.077 Can- adian cattle were imported. The British Government is most disinclin- ed to give Canada any advice upon the question, whether to permit the importation of cattle by the Canad- ian Pacific's - short line to St. John through Maine. British official opin- ion is that Canada must take her own risk, being protectionist friends of the British farmer, the British Board of Agriculture will probably not be sorry to see Canadian ports scheduled like Boston, and ,Canada made an exporter of dead sheat only. JOKE CAtit33:D DEATH. Boy Blown Up With a Pneumatic Ater Pump Bleu. New York, Dee. 4. -Harry 11uit, an employe of a locomotive works In Paterson, N. J., iced in a. hospital there to -day, as a reset,. of a practical joke played on him by five of his fellow employes. They were arrested, charged with having causal his death. It Is alleged that they "blew up" Balt with a. pneumatic air pump, having a pres- sure of ills peones to the inch. Soon after this the boy's stomach became greatly diaiteided. Atter several hours' suffering he died. When the men accused of having caused Butt's death vete arraigned in court in Paterson, the dead boy's father rushed at one of theta, named Dorn, knocked him clown and started to kick him. The father wan restrain- ed by the court o;iice.s. The accused non were held without ball on a charge of manslaughter. PINY • Claaurbee lila at fort • Said.. Port Said, Vgypt, Dec. 5. --- The British cruiser Omni Iiopo, having on hoard Colonial Secretary Cham- ber'lain and party, bound for South Africa, arrived here yesterday. The vessel had been delayed by ;storms in the Mediterranean, Mr. Chamberlain landed and went to Cairo, To 'Ratify Appointment, Kingston, Dee. 5.-eQueen's trustees meet this afternoon to ratify the ap- polatment of Rev, Dr. Gordon, Hali- fex. as principal. In the evening they will attend the civic ceremony of formally presenting the Kingston Arts. Building to the University. Discourages Si;h.Idies. London, Dec. 5. --It is believed that the whole tenor of the report of the Select Committee on Steamship Sub- sidies will be that subsidies should be discouraged except in easeswhere it is necessary to maintain communica- tions. - Opinions of Leading' Physicians. I have used fitrous's Pileltone in internal and external piles, anti find them mare satisfactory than any outer suppository on the market G, :3• Wrr.sos, et. I)., London. Pelee Il 00. For sale by dt'uggists,or by moil on receipt of price. W. 'I. »TIiONCt, Marinfaotu imt Chemist Lt radon, Ontario. Mr. Smith. represepting the Metrop- litau Beak, one of the new monetary in. stitations of the Province, was in Brus- sels lint week looking over the ground with an idea of a branch of the Lank be - ins opened iu that place. -The great magnet to music lovers was the S,'ortish prima donna, Mies Je sie N. blaclachinn. She was heard twice here last seasou and there was no one who would gainsay her light to the title "Queen of Scottish Song," Last cveningshe enlisted ninny new admirers. --Stratford Beacon, Nov. 67. Opera House, Winghanh, on Friday evening, Dee, 19th. Plan of hell ,row open at Cl, A. Campbell's drug store. An acetylene gas Want has been instal- led ttel-led in h,leAlbster's cellar, at Ethel. Pipes have been laid connecting it With most of the business places. The following will have their buildings lightt'cl:-Mes- ars. Longeway, I,Iausuld, Eckmit+r, MMitchell,Henth, McDonald and tic Allito ter. Ireenleen erase in ltonie. 1. Rome, Dec. 5. - A requiem mess was celelnrnted yesterday in the chap- el of the Canaction College here for the repose of the soul' of Superior Louis Colin, the founder of the col. lege, who died at Iolon'trcal, Nov. 25. Archbishop Ilruchted of Montreal of- Ileiated at the Pontifical Mass The Ontario Agricultural College is again offering a free Winter course iu Stock and Grain Judging and Poultry Raising to meet the •wantswho of those �. are anxious to extend their knowledge and improve their condition, but cannot afford the time for a regular course at College. The course for the former will begin on the Ie 8thJanuary next of e x and will last for two weeks and the latter will -begin the 0th of January and last for four weeks. No tuition fee will be charged, nor any entrance examil:ation required. Any farmer and farmer's son may enter for Steck and Grain Judpir g Course, Nubile any man, woman, boy or girl may enter for the Poulry Raising course. Shoemaker's The constant bending over that of neces- sity a shoe- maker must -�.:2 do when at y N\��\ work c o In o s 1ls • heh�,1'' An the hard �r back ahndhar:i on the lid- i' net's. L Backache, lame, weak y - and sore back -r' are the bug- bears of a shoemaker's existence. The kidneys get cramped and strained, are unable to filter- the blood as they shou?u-they tell of their disordered condition by mak- ing the back ache and pails: • There isn't much use robbing on liniments or sticking on plasters when the prime cause of the ache Ties in the kidneys. The remedy that is most effectual for "shoemaker's backache," as for all kinds of backache and kid- ney trouble, is Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache i.idncy Tablets. INTttiEII PAI L john Saunders, shoemaker, Whitby, Ont., gives the following ovidencem-"I procured a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's U'aok• ,vthe Kidney Tablets et the drug store, and rut say that they gave WO great relief im- mediately. I was sutToring with intense piin in the back and biliousness, with bad ',nee in the mouth, and lags of -appetite. Under the influence of the medicate all tee, quickly disappeared and I'feel well Again. Ono thing I wish to say, while they did the work fierily, they were very gentle in action, no distress, no griping ,i:ee other medicines, and I 'was able to work all the time. I can heartily rxcont- mend theta to all who suffer from back. ael.e, kidney trouble or biliousneen" Peen +ices a bo*, at, all druggists or by ..,i, T.ns 23a, Ziff I'11•tnEit Co., Torente. J n alid,. Requires nourishment in a concentrated, palatable and easily digestible form. Bovril should therefore form. one .of the chief items on the diet list of every inva'Ixd, as it is thG embodiment of all these qualities. Bovril is not merely a stimulant to prop op the flagging spirits for the passing hour. it is 't highly nourishing fond, containing all the strength -giving properties of the bestlesn beef in the most palatable and easily digestible form. Bovril is Liquid Life, .. .r.; •er.=8t veer -Oat a,` . FOR ONTARIO'S TARIO?S SICK ::JA ,ILD N.. Opportunity for Beery Citizen to ,loin ill the Noble Work of Bring-- ing Htutltlr and '1•iappine'ss to Young Lives. %f's' eeer ee eelgeleleeeneteee adz -e ✓e: ,,r,,#t�'^yA f!:}'.:C�J i • =7?';c;lY2%. .ss41.."• Whoa a farmer puts his seed under mother earth he expects it to bear bushels of grain in a few months, So it is with the merchant, He in- vests money in merchandise, counting on a profitable turn o v.er- A father pays for his. sons e'ducatlon • anticipating that It will provide the young man with the powers of mind to put the body and head at work in gain- ing a livelihood. Yet the seed may not bring na forth the merchandise may not be grain, sold at a profit, and the young man may not reach the ideals of his father. In all these instances the expendi- ture of money is a speculation, It may bring happiness and it may not. To -day the Hospital for Sick Child- ren, Toronto, is performing a Heaven - born mission on earth. It is renewing health, removing pain and straighten- ing distorted limbs of hundreds of DEFORMAvrltu young Canadians, boys and girls who will yet make their mark in this grow- ing Dominion, but who, were it not for this noble institution, might have al- ready filled an early grave. That's where your dollar can find a way to bring you pleasure and profit without any doubts or fears as to the investment. Money is atwaya at work. it is ceaseless in its labour, but in no spot in this fair Canada is It put to better service than at the Hospital fcr Sick Children. You see your money Is at work from the very clay it is placed at the Hos- pital's disposal. Your investment quickly brings you back joy, for your contribution has entered into the task of life saving, body building and health giving. La at a few examples of the work done in the Orthopedic Department. The feet shown are those of children who live outside of Toronto. You see the condition "before" entering the Hospital -and you see the condition "after" hocipital treatment. The par- eats of these children could not afford to pay for treatment." Do you know of Pity child so situated? Then have him sent to the Hospital. introits Amor The Hospital for Sick Children de - tan dpeoplel of oufon the Ontario. generosityIt requires people $35,000 a year for Its maintenance, and it stands to -clay as a monument to the big hearts of Ontario people. Lo- cated though it is in Toronto, it is not a elty institution; it is provincial. The child in the farthermost regions -of Ontario has the game rights anll Privileges the one that may live next door to the Hospital. The Ontario child is on a level with the Toronto child. Neither has an advantage. • It takes a dollar a patient per day to - maintain the Hospital. The Ontario Government contributes $7A00 a year, , or almost seventeen centsper patient per day, for there are always at least 71141r072:4 AFT= one hundred and twenty children under treatment. This amount from the Government is all expended on main- tenance. Then the corporation of the city of Toronto gives $7,500, or seven- teen cents per patient perr day, and remember, not for Toronto patients, but for every child no matter from what point he may come. -And in ad- dition to this Toronto citizens donate $6,000 for the maintenance of all patients. Again remember all these gifts from Toronto are devoted to the main- tenance of patients from all over Qa- tario as well as the city limif, and the children that seek relief from place outside are very numerous, and it ought to be as great a privilege and pleasure for the generous citizens of the province to contribute to the main- tenance of this Hospital as it is for the people of Toronto. Ten years ago the Hospital was en- cumbered with a mortgage. Tear by year the mortgage has been reduced, and it is now paid. The Hospital must proceed in per- Yormth' its great mission. Money is needed to maintain It, and this appeal nt:rnrr .sv'rm n in made for that purpose. Hospital work cannot be conducted without money. To keep the machinery mov- ing the dollars and cents of the people of Ontario are needed. Nurses, do- mestics and officials have to live. Their wages must be paid. True, it Is, that some have to pay - yes, all who can afford it are expected to pay -but those who cannot pay and can produce the certificate of a clergy- man or known ratepayer of the pro- vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay, can have maintenance and treatment free of, is de to charge. This yeas' an effortbeing cleat away a bank overdraft created by cost of maintenance. Every dollar sent us helps to lighten the load that is being carried. Let everyone who can spare a dollar forward it tis quick as the• good thenalit strikes them. to Dottglas T)av+'l"oft. Secretary of the Ilcsnital for Sick Midi en, or to .1. Bens Robert- son, Chuirtna.n of the Trust, College street. Toronto. Auction Sale bills printed at the TIMES office.