HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 2a 4, ' Tat WIXGUA T1*4 DF.C,R PEER I It 1902. iMetT a+eetn bound on quitting it. !fir. E liott l flep4rt of the of Refs e. r r 1 , a I E3T4BL14HH11 1975 A CANADIAN FOLK -SONG. �. CIO��Qci, the evelling's p�'ram with a few til .,.-'' � """' �„'"" TOWN' I)Ilt �C10 �1. ---TuE i z�naar om'"W. d kead�it0 be f�iRlsd lr� r�°Gtgor t� the ogee , ^ j .. / ^-� -.�y '* B *Tib-tTVnc,; --Sabbath#'rvicssat `(�F'il eats Wilfrid (3uutpl ll) t�.LiOTT. PVW.U,xa a1, Pxo„asastoft Ooper needs, The, following is the, report,of Mr. W. • ' '` � .� 1_�t” a � 11 a tat lollop. 7 pn lin, Stwtitly ghoul at . IS P"LISHED ", pray eating Ti Iiia dare µle shut, thri windows, ism, ] :.: �_ - r T � S z= tttte,Tnspactnraf thalioelsstofRefogr, ! 4,,�' uWepcil Jaye cuwus. Re T. .Pat: �/ Fslf' Tf•iURS�A M 3R NG Outsitjetht;{;uatl,+<lt�vi+tt Pat 0, Tlit.' tAlt. I3Et , Il. :Si4fi. In Pctl<t �ilbet t on the 3Gtla, fir. Heal• j.fnr 1903, ;is saibtnitteal to the County 1v1TArat TWO WSE" terS"t B.A•.p:tst4V. W.J.GehapmA4, S.R. aa+- OU4140 tilthHh'va �l g fry cl�ntt>,. Y ' 1 erio$$ton opened the proowlitto br sir- i Council lasts=eek- Superiuteulient. The Times Ofiiiee, Beaver Bloch While hist t ob . IN ks t tl oitii,s NOTS& AND .. (1 n t!'' I it �1� { f. iat<gery,'U&rJ6'ery, loako the tea, in apaper oII Immuilres and the va tie of T l numberof inmates atimitted ` h Canada �stSt vs�$ illY�E�i r11cQ1rzsrC7lc; attzi--caGbathaervioes WiNGErAlf, ONTARIO. , GQ"Jl1M!_NTS ,t The Intercolanitilrailvim ahosstna sur- - manure Are I �. Opening GHArHxa,�, t?N T. , atoll :a rn and 7 p til. Sunday Sehoolnt $tugeth the kettle mcrril�. gen, hosphssras andidpoxaah to the pro- t No. of intnatn On Boase, , . • , . • X78 , Placed two tsndergrsduatcs and one Mdnitu :`�0 g tn: FEp epTth 'tto £ 11t- TEnus; or SuwcuTpTiox- 41 W per annum in '�aoStreRtK►s?' u_a hui+lltx up 1*�ie#e tileJl plus of $85,000 for the, Test d!seal year. $ - ,, as J . t, 1`,103 , , . , da g. prayer portion of 1S0, 190 mud 133. At this No. admitted during the year (3 ro• , h.a to nl o crir'n uthercuiils w i:&#unfti4 wht::b on Wednesday evenings, Rey Richard: tinned tilltallliarrrrears a •it paid, les papal he flowed, are rtw n »1 1 '#she gay yioaa y there was s: deficit, i 23 ;alta •:xga: operon w v mm #•']s to rt4 per Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler S. S. Sn option of the publisher. Tho you a -re ! . s aI li t}ta (I b tyntnthfstwxx,°wing W ]urge extra ex -,proportion artificial manure would cost .�8g admitted) ,.,,,.,,.. ,tIlln h. eriutendcnt, ' � ThHcattue>t`eltl'u}<cliu rshed ac;rY bprtl, 15 an acre, which 18 veryexpensive. 9 Born to House.......... ..., 1 . Due,; It not w casual n Ttertis onus. p Legal gel other Whil si i■,' h t kettle on tlics first-- pew. The road, tinder the present x; T ri.T iw nttantt fixe hast . tntattal ndrerti,+emeutstx perllon�xericllinvfar n 114ra manure was the thing to take care', \u, of cteaths during the year .... 9 We want 100 More bright young men and , PRx_gzTT$RI x CH ,nCttf••-Sabbath ser- SSP int-wrtivn, Be per One for met mTkr muent Margery, Margery, twilte the tvA, Government, has been managed ill At n r women to repare tur titeseexm-i"topenina • � lit at 11 a 'ill and 7 p m- Sunday ' i Ad urmdsetslQntx in local columns ore charged Siugeth the kottle merrily. iitaxssiness way, as ora the ostler depart- of and to nistice.good use 4f'x tis. ifs that :�.o, ab caudad datin'; the year.... ? ti titer to p ung L'nauL�a nertsl,ltese+Ic. School at 2:34 p m, Genera} prayer 10 cts. per Line for first insertion, ands asnta lays all the nourishment fbtlt the soil Aro. discha ratapt4a of the administration. egad dnrttig the year.,.. -9 ;f i�irI.,tc.NLAX .l .", 4VHATiihJit, O!T meeting on Weduestiay eyeniugs. Rev. per tine for dtxttarquent tttsertiot1 I The fisherman on tile bxq in 1114 boat needs. Do no allow it to leaell and yet v No. Inmates in the $ousts .1st Dec. D. Perko, pastor and S ". Saperinten- . -rip - eats of !,oat; Found, Strayed, Shivers and buttofcs up his post, Istr, l iritth WiisOat, X. P., in his testi- not, ]tee it too d but if ex tR tae a 19(1?.. .... , .., s2 deist, ilarla)a for sate. or to itentd , cents,inct or similar sit uu for The traveller stops at the tuvent door, VXAT in thel,ennox election trial made _,�-_ loss half at its food nuci ` .. ............ 33 1 ---- �'-'" , - mouth. �� R r of I/o n ch s� Hent dud the! kettle answers lila ohitnuoF'i< Ldp ` .No. of finales . ... 2q � T"• bath s ervices Cu inti lu F, >�p m. San- our ratan or Eh The foil wing table shows roar— thostatemeait that Sir Richard Cart' P pthroughout'No. females. ........ . ..... . � advertisements Margery, Dit#r{;t+ry, tussle the tea, le. 3 little gypwRm spread + ht expeadoll S2J,W in his first elec- �fGG!! day- School at 2.30 pan, Gcoueral prayer for.specired periods: Singeth the kettlo Luexril F it and be abeneHt to slit Iattd If t.ie !;1u, admitted dariu,y 19tH from rant! y Soar manurfl lute will help to preserve meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. SPAM 1 Ys. 4mo. $ Aso. 1 oto tion in that roau►tituano . This was s municipalities: e1 "T. g ,,�i+ Wm: Lowe. incumbent, F. Shore, S. S. One Cittmn..."......Vv.m xss.w 416.00 1•n err The firelight cianees n t , ofi'ered ill extenuation. of the money' p" Rait4;oltuaa.-........ s�u1' taco- spas 3.uu ;t Pot the wall t ligands. frosts off it can be preserved so Townships•-UcKifiop 1, Grey 1, East � yp0 �� ` Superintendent- QnirterCotmm� ..... ts.00 l0 00 5;.00 2.as Footsteps Nrtj heard iu the anter hstit glean girteR by himself pend the Toronto j much the better, and until be turned to Wawanosh 1, Colborne 2 (I re -admitted), `"'� �'�-`"� SALvATlc�s ARMY-.Gc.rvice at's and Il AdcertiFemests -without specific iiirecttons And a kissstud a welcome that fill ilia Tarr naachina to Mr. Carsealle4. If the good mdvautage on the fa rui. µ Stephen 1, Goderich township 2,Usborue a m and 3 and $ will be Inserted till forbid and charged record- room, statement i3 true Sir Richard Iters done 1 p m on Snndtty, and inglc. 'transient advertisements must be pahi And the kettle slugs in the glimmer and . The cultivation of corn was next k1,Ashfield1. $HQRTHANp , , every evening daring the week at S for in advances ,ample penance. When he first ran in broa„ht a lar diem>�3on. Sema at the Tosyus and �'iiisges-Goderich 2, Sea- o cl&k at the barracks. Tar: JOB DaeAnrXEhT is stocked with an gloom - p eztan ireamortmentof all rettuisitt:•sfor print- Margery, Margery, make the tea, Lennox, away back in the 160's it was °forth 5 (I r, admitted),Brn_aels 1,Win Poa„r 0mcE-In Macdonald Block. inn , wording facitides not tquall in the Sin etli the kettle inerril vitt a Torr, and he onlyslid as Tories do. � points brought out were pleat corn after ;I h R' BOO K- K E E P t NG Office hours from $ a m. to 6:34 p in, countyfor turnin ,,hat srst class ,. ork targe $ y' clover, do not place deep, don't plant am 3 (I re -admitted), Bayfield 1, Blyth Peter Fisher postmaster, Vpe ands ropr,ste cuts for allstsles of Perste Later he got more light and repented, + I>c ear, Hand 8itL4, etc., and tits utast s les of too early, rather Cultivate for tsva weeks 1• Tito Age of brain Work but, his old tcssxiatea heap right along l 1(ationali • 0 MEaHs- es' Lks uL.^rE-Library and I,&; yes t3 p� for thti ilner ctaxses o print; " longer, then siosy, .3t will kill the weeds, r ty f inmates admitted tint- Bnsinecs Lst.v, Writing, Ca free reasiun rooms in the Town Hail}, In thest days, half our dissawsc coins int their aril syss"a.-Str,�tfordBeacon, i rrespond- g E. B. 1tLLIOTT, plant in hills so as to cultivate both ; int 1902: --Scotland 6, Ireland 3, Cana- ss EI be openevery afteruoon from 2 to . Proarittor and Publisher from the uegleot Of the Lindy in the oyer- 'The Canadian Government has taken I grays, Cultivate till corn gets too high, � da 11, Germany 1. once, T3 gecFritiu�, etc,, thomni illy ,5: So o'clock and lively evening from 7 to work of the brain. In this railway age ptronnpL measures to gnaranhne cattle rat the ellen as late as possible, for no � 1Vo, n€ slays board of isimate c,... 26,215 taught by az;serieuoed teachers at the : g:SO O'clock Miss 1Siitit3 Robertson' the wear and tear of labor and intellect, i , 9:30 o'cl 7 P ,Sate_an,t,t, M. i.).,,i. C. P. S. O so oil without pause or self pity. We frora the sit New England Stater, where � time in its life is coria perfect food, but ; No of Hayti board Keepers family p a py, f t . 3temberof the British Medical Associa- live longer than our forefathers. but we tlraetoot and anOathdisaase ezis:te. The the older the better, the silo preserves and help .... ,.... 1,2x1 QieS Cil it�i$t vSJ and c3iiQ ToSSNCat'cClzi-i . Vanstone,hSayor; Voll. ti a aiatodd es of oniiiandZ'hii4 suffer more, They fatign,i4 only the I r "' + Wm. B;Ohnes, Thoq. Bel}, Robt. Me -,ren. Of tabours-tto4p.m.7to9p.m. muscles, we ox.banit the fitter strength; British 04rautin$ against cattle from: r the first value, no other place will pre- t Avers ,e iLo. inmates daring IWZ 8.S �t p Indoo d J. Elliott W, F. VanStone, „ , ilisine sr34I affect Canadian cattle !! n > of the nerves." Dr.f,ha4t1 s Nerve It'Ocld ports , serve it without lass Corte chopped `With Keepers fatuity and help .L�ai� [aQf�t�+ Lit London, Qi�t. A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. � �R. � AMO'iALD, is the greatest fnadiciue of this age he - the Grand Trunk shipping largely from with other foods iucrease its food value. � added ........ ............ 12.18 , gason, Clerk and Treasurer; cause it is best suited to the needs of the: Portland during the winter. All cattle Better agricultural education for our!' Total expenditure on House told We have no difficulty in placing c•om- Clegg, Assessor, Wm, R�bertsou, Col- precout clay. It restores and revitallizes . from Ctu'nda will now have to be shilrp, sous sva.e the prince 1 talk at the even Farm .... ......... . .. . ...151.36 � petent ails iu lector. Board meets first ?+fonder} even- Geotel Street wasted nerve cells and makes the pale, pa P P good pOAiYionF: Collego ing in each month at 3 o'clock WiagLiam, Ontario, weak olid gxhauated strong and healthy - ed irotIISt.JohnorHalifax,thesebeingIng session and more,olrpartaniriesshon}diiAddvalue gfprOvi_aionsand fuel re -opens SePc.3. Send forCatslo;;nes, and vigorous. the only Canadian winter ports open. be taken b oar sons of the SCHOOL BOARD,-fi. Il err, (chairman), y good our on hand 1st Sail„ 1902 , ...$1152.05 Phos, Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. Qat cattle business with Britain. will t g Add ten p - Homat Win. Moore, O,t.�. ACNEW aSricaltnral toile s mi ht do them per tank for depreciation J. W, WESTERi=ELT. Principal, � "`h Bbl �'m• s 'i Say " Hello I„ probably; be distributed for a time, ai- r He should have a good technical educes- ; of implements ......... , . $ 55.00 X Physician, s FarmersWill i, P . Button, C.1_ Griffin. Secretary, Wm, Surgeon, etc. Thr- fanners of the °tatesa have though one view is that Canada will � tion. in all ants of farm life even as the Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. , Office Macdonald Block, over S. E, Davis' men of them, little independent tele- Po 'Total expenditure ..............kb20S,2i C>� fi i fGi` 1F4 ¢�afi �i ��i (iC Meetings second Tuesday,evening lit each Deng Store. Night callsans,vered at theofSce. many of The drastic measures taken bv�professional youth has in his line of � �,�- .." �����;�,�,1t�,����',ir��;a month. pinus services of their assn at a small the United States Government to stain ' Deduct expenditure on capital P I studs, and not make n�5its• became a . L cost.' The first Of t,h :se is Hots; being out; the. disease should resnk in speedy t aha mother of intention from sheer force account . ................ $ 351, i 6 - # PCBmo SCHOOL TE.ictiEas,—A. H. T. CHISEOLM, J. S. CHLgHOLM put' i r. in, Ontario. . w, . ; M (Permanent Improvements...... 65.92 C C Musgrove, Principal, Miss Brock, M•u•,x-D•,C.'X..iEC.P.t`o un.nm,cac.,nsePso. The Mcdern 'telephone Co, have sign- mormas, when there sto the s return to sof ignorance. s g c $Ormal t:t)ntlnhanS,!>.StO Yhd of 1 � u ProylsiUIIS,proci.nce,nesn clothing, � e+i isiLsReyrtOldS, Miss FaT(laliarSgn, � n Cdi tG0n11'aCtB for t11C CStt1611:I1mCIIt Of Ps iuS ArB�v, , b Pleas I ng, i 'iC•arnyu, Mass iicl,emn, Miss Matheson DRS, CHISHOLM $ CHISHOLM a rurat telephone service embracing itsfuelonstand letDec. 190: bs• PHYSICIANS. SURGEONS. Pirc.Cattle batsr`en C:itiads and that cotun- I �Miss Reid, and Miss C`nmuiin its circuit bLarkhzm, T,ocust Bill, may- i On Saturday the. tth the sesaians wars ;, as per inventory...... _ ... 1210.06 , 6 Whi tevale, Green Ri vett and Broug- herd at Auburn, 'aha president rta�a3A t>t • g Produce sold during 1902 and a BOARD or HEA,LTEr-Mayor VAnFtone, OrsicE-Chb,-holm Block, Jogephine street. Lam. About :i0 farmers will W benefit- : g But do �' t t• r (C}salrinall), O, .�. $E•Rdin-, Thos Greg- ' RBStAEac$-In rear of block, on Patrick tit., ed by the service and hay hon FArmers' institute Meetings in Huron , cupied the chair and took for his open- J other receipts......., .... 3SO.50 C N ors, Dr. T%ennedy, J. B. Fereason, Sec- -here night calls will be answered , q phones. remands the subject weeds, and ask-' Received from paring patients.. 7650 0 � I retary Dr. J_ 1%, Macdonald, Medical , 1't ark On the installation •has bee n I r e IF G "Health Officer b ��'tsTO started, end poles are now being erect- . ; ed the farmer not to buy "ything that ; L naspimrl insurance .... .... _ . d6.1 r R: ed. , IA Wrt i3aringthe L'ist week of iVofember the, offered to them bat see that it was 0' When you buy a suit of � I BARRISTER, SOLlorrOR, ETC .runni y dans the Service :vill'be officers and executive of the Farmerswas ;, A C q IIs. Bsic (armee on the system cleauseedtheyweregettiug, ¢2130.91 Clothes they must fin right PricateauaCompanyfrnd4tolonnst•lonect p y"StO, rvitich completeshisespendi- ti r r'? rale of inter I. Apo control �ioa citnc; , i. ort- tune, with the exceptiani of u small Institute 3II West Huron have labored Amount expended for support of as well as look riQhG. "Feeding steers for export" was Lilt ; � f i , y . ', aw, toxo and farm I�ronerty bongltt and annual payment for maintenance. zealously in Wingham, St. Helens. Port , inmates ,,.. . , ... _ • .....f.50S;.30 H /i J. • J. Elliott,Li litt'sold oil%e Braver siccY ,Dei bo , Medd's topic fordisca ion. $e said Lits 6 V t , t„ � There iti ma centrail .exchanon the Albert and Auburn. Two r,e& ons a hsd been at at since a and he tivon}tin't Ayers e e nse inmate Der ¢ 6 I,; � 3t _, a Sonoran riGraduate rT of ystem ; subscribers have, commune - ' T j ! t Oataeno'Seterinary s day were held at each Of the places, and ' da icy i� �$I iQ(��t$r u A. MORTON. y.... .....__ ..... 11.i76e Ze J D totlrce. tial -I -itL tach? tither through think of selling slain any more. It must i e �-r�„ Office and IttBrnxan �` ttoh a rode papers of mach interest- to the farmers Averaee•e weekly expense per in- C 6 sr - - aornerof vietoFm anil BARF>ISTER, dc. cO bell signals, Privacy, is secured ins be convertediuto something better and , 1: y � I i ,� ` . $Minnie Sts. Wingham, i Win all conversations, although nine or ten, vera seed and discussed at each meeting mate .... , . _ S2�`c nearly and that is what toes ou ' tag s Doc and night caIIs g ra, Oat. A report of the Windham meet3n, Ap- "spial was export beef. He did not: be G The a IIditure on the HOaSe end Farm . f value in Clothes. • pramgtty attended to. t Gixt talk, over, the tsva svirest at the 3- lieveinhousinghis stock up for they TLlerhoneconnection.I one time. The instruments arc Of pea t St, our issue of -Nov. 27th. '± accounts is as follows: 6 6 I M L. Dxct'I:,3-ox DVDLSY HaLifES long; distance equipments � did better in the open as long as they', At > t, Helens an Kar, 25th the meat- Hin=d help for house. and Farm $ 246 26 � Order your Stitt or Overcoat � DICKINSON i �} ingww opened 3n regular order with got ,pleatkeofgood food. �+ "Stock, teatamnd implement.... 5200 � made b� 6 �hil � ii�i��i���ii � �j��M�� - � . The cosy we want was thenextr ;t RTtlephone CompaqNew Patents tile3r preei3ent in slue chair, 3uclreir $sIaries-Inspector, Keener and El}iott Bare a good a :dress cII '•How to subject and seas hsndled bythapresident ' 'tfatron ...... . , _ ... BARRISTERS, SOISCIT(1R8, Etc. s. l;n ditn. Y`tnt• T. aehanair,562 a0 Mo�sr mo LoA.z. y The cots that will give a liberal ser 1 .. •' [ 1 J. maintain mr istare sad fertility iII the : £i FP F { I'll ' ( 1 , oaf milk and ssrsIl breed a good calf is 'ys3c•ian ssaIary,appliancesd C 3'� � ! E. VV ii��F�Ii�t � OI•pics: Sieger 131ock, Winrham. hots • C. J. Smith, thrc.hxg m:.chines; soil, and clover and cover hay." 3fols-' ' :Repairs to building R furniture tis 55 1 s 'r` �}F CANADA. A. $amill, clinch` for rock drills ; C what we want. He thought the short ' C • W. '4 oilmrinn, air coolers and l tura and clover ger hood 311 hand, he Provisions and clot I66S 63 puri- horn was the best to cross with, and by clothing _ _ ..... ; T 1 h � 3i d A I,THE3Z; J. IRWW, D. A. S., L. D. S. fiers : A. 0. Connor, potato digging � said, antit}ie uses great a>ementssecti- Fuelandlight ..... .......... 3-45 23 i tQ ItIQ Stll�� ��Q�t� �i Li implements,: ediveisiniti en, (the hardest to t svd:xrngwouldgetthe kindsrewanted. � , y ay �3 zi ne�v lsstle cf` the SZuB- Doctor of � llements;;J. E. Currie, brushes; J. $oaks, s.at3onery and pw"age • . 12 00 r � Dental College and Licentiate of the Ro 1 Poirier, au fenders; J. Morrigsett, SUB - Phosphatic aced and potash. It is wLae � At the close • of the hired help problem Sappiies for stack and farm.... SI 59 tSCf �i6CCCC�i�C�CCf f ��CGG, SCRIBERS • DIRECTORY ore po5t �cta�ins am of Ontario. O83vice pt5tons ; F. S. Smith, broom clasps; G. to imitate nature in our cultivation; cul- q the following resolution wall introduced r v _�*..... i ... �' �J40$�;'-:04 for the District of Western A. Watson, boot and shoe holding ap- On capital account....... . 351 r6 i Office closed erery Wednesday afternoon Pliant ; A. U'Iiorn�, gasojine barn- tavate shallow, keep the fertilitF Year'" and ordered to be sent to the immi;;ra- Ontario, including the a during June, July and August-, Incidental expenses_...._.____. 201 .0 c s• R. Stokes, coil oil or the service where it is needed, where � tion departments Permanent improvements...... 63 92 l W I \ Gr H A iii Esch3nge, I � a tors, , to , petroleum - ' T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., 1" - r`Ths clover era Totha3l3nn%terofAgricaltnre.Tamnio-- i ; will be issued early' 1n I 0DT'k U.sS. Pntentz" J. C_ Burgess, colt!; the lents roti tale : n r mthly. The root craps meed psi SVe ilia members of the West Huron a Total.___._ ._,_......... ,53951 36 V s Sept -ember. O r d e r s f o r '�ea-method fur painless ex- i,rorr shears; S. Fader, knob attach- root Fazmers' last3tnfe aemble3 f a ff fzaction. No Cocaine. mro4t ; J. J3. IiTtll, sva to heating ap- wiilha dit there. C.overhay srOntgiveni , eeling the I In addition to, above receipts. from I Jeweled new connections. ehal3g s , 'Speciatattention to the care and regnlntion p, 7 g }aCk Of competent farm Iabor, would re• 4,�,p was Raid to the of address, Cban�es of !t Q� s `n th. Moderate prices, and aLt inauldia�'C g HutcY iAgr, matehine for Iiorsehs3Fe5l5lttiil'ndi :Slrisf ciin `ylll - ' paying �t i carefully and performed. Oinca o concrete fence= Growdaver.gmw• is ey spea^tfnllymemariaiizethe immigration ountyonaoconnto€3liss Brown. fro; Kyr n p► names, duplicate enter of in Beaver Block,Wingham, Lesmrince, folding bed; R. McArthur, t ur eryw.iera, alttl department of Ontario to take such steps C LJl � � 1r� V � y 0 your land, and as may be account of the has been taken in; o names, etc., should be i uze..T even Sugust. ay afternoon attachnnent for lib �leirhs; C. Scha1- assnrtenasr&Siit'an rydaringJune,JniyandAngtis%. berger, wood preserving compound; C Gar farms ,vi I sago be built up to a ineptly before the rural population of above, mares. placed. et once to ensure H. Stainton, and J. 11. Prow_e valve standard of caltivation. xGreat, Britain and Ireland the advantage their appearance. � L>� P -ITCH. + of emigrating to Ontario. And would11 - Imthe evening =interesdasgprOgratu»ttlGoimnr sn;ronyoarHonorable body CURIOUS FACTS `HE Brooches here men- Glv,"aRALMSURAz:CEAGMQT, gendered, zzr*=fig of music on titattanlesssucinas��istance is given the ' tioned mar offer a desir- '� � A. ; i3err's Thin. '.firs_ J. M. Hough, wife of the station able su estion for Christmas i t Winghain, Ont. gramtsithe lze. vicaki, addre--,%s by G. A. r PrOdcctiolis of the farms of Ontario tui}. I � k Weloffer One Hundred Dollrtrs Reward „ be materially lessened and their value ns agent e. Woodbine, Iowa, has .invented buying. � LOCAL MANAGER. A for any Case of Catarrh that cannot be Tebbutton' Hrom lt;*s to sagar, and � JAS. h:ti..vt�s.�OA, Winghan;, out. , anGetlaenCe decreased- an improvement on the mail Grana for Each one is of srtistia merit cared by Hall's Catarrh Dara. the vvarkings of the Berau facw:r was F. J. CHENFY � Props., . At the evening seting this resolution q fasts trains. as well as surpassing value. py OB PRLITLVG, LIC 1s£iD A7 CTIONEER Co.,e P , Toledo, f' Ply ers--it ei ; , In nd 3dOC� on ;' i snr the Co=ties of Huron and Brace. £ales 4, ss a, .�. �' 1?-, andsthe 'eek'fleltin„J u The kitchen tower °f the aid castle Of, NO. 1332q, et ss, la i Sur and �clttdinS Bcw;t3, Famphl'e.�, Poster , Siii,i We, the undersigned have loosen F. I^SLiSSerS—t..eir a1'B�..ii and. ��-�"'a- , fl a ii of Farm SIarI: and implements a specialty. f; #i n,Aa sild'°The xar:it E tae' was situ sub- w brought to s close by an able ad -1St. Andrew's, Fifeshire, $CotHrud, is ba- 'I Gas t des' of Baa Pearls cad tot;d s %ICthe artr,' at amaod`era enpriiw a dna I � Dors left at the TtuEs office promptly .TCheney for the Inst to years, and be. S * nd g a dress on "Canada," by M. G. Cameron, int undermined, aced isin°daanger of fall- x :hart noose , attcmdul to. lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus- >i of a vYr ia,e.�5dn ai' - bF Rs;s u ' Na ]3317, it stn; is a row_-eo scroll i Boossr.�-nixg: Weare p _--ed to ansoamee a Te.�s reasonable. mess transactions and financial) able to +� r * P. A arta into the sea. destan in soled Gold, mounted rich i that any Books or Mngwdnes left. -with rs for ;f y �hatey. He :ci dog ,cease the . nrlta p, Binding, Will hart sur prom r attention carry Out an any obligations made by lses•aase it net. !t lad dove otxa,uatzon- The sessions of the Institute stere in -1+ The cotton production of the United a line Ametht sT surrounded with Pearls. � Prices for Binding in any le their 'firm. ybe siren on S. SCOTT, Iirnsset , ant. Dan't:eaTa beta=%yon think- you yrs , terc_stingand profitable. The nutiring � Stated for the season of 1901.2 was'1 BsuNo. .1336 ,a t $ 4�, i a Peat San I application to � O�� ��,,�ED 31 CfiI0.1�FER WEST `� TBVAs, Wliolesala Druggists, ct r rr• Toledo, O. going to get. scm«th ng cleaner to da, or"a tive In , F. C. Elford,ssho takes a very � according to the United States census, ! No. 13400, zt S42, is a Cloverleaf, Wingham. I Z5 premared to conduct mie_s in this, section. WALDING, FINNAN & MAn« Whole - bay a ea`fer work. Zr 1--.= asa there ! no active interest in the wOra, says a num.- r 9,951,945 c otrimerrnial bales. 6 pared wi:h fine Pearls. laving for its - R Spae^.ai tettention given to sales of farni'stoci, sale Drnggists Toledo, O. e 3ey i. ,Tke f e Pi�daCer bzr of additions are reported to the l" Lightning left a streak- down the back tent -c i Leautiful Dfatnoad �`t4 - �a c f� rjs, (i E $' J', -ii d implements- , ders � g,wa arranged at a Hall's Catarrh Cerci is taken internally, :A s IIi0•be= Line• Wets^t:ateesafedellrers,andcheer sir .`�`r; l:t iSCi;3.e Yixs o"dce. Wincham. Ctltt directly upon the blood fltld m1i- I and tali to 33Le sce..th a. the cyan , of T. K. Vase, of Eaton, Wyoming i fully retrad the fall Mut if a seilction . cons surfaces of tine system. Price iso and `fives so-oun'I tE;" bas, lea -_e:. =orals o is fa any way nasstisfaatorl. y �_... `".u.^'?5' . ?� , ' 3 county, banning cher flesh, but Iea43IIg � y� p� i(` r j SPARING e j j� per bottle. gold by ail Druggists. Tes- risr$ I:3_ '!=r Aa ud ccutentment.11 Healthau8$upt �.hiPlOtil([SyiSti' unhurt. ivrfe:arcnreewatao.'as j I= 1 lt�� �E�✓� t31 a �l li tlmq[1ai18free. 3€any vaere tho- t a!uts bmn Lav c� is . He why has health has hope• and he I A, T, C .Flails Family Pills are the best. .n i d ii "who h A- ho a „ Instead of bui.Id; og in sections, as ns n , ��ave?:rG.t.ar� e„°xxiCY a*;tlit.3 a si.r3G4fi7Y pe 12...A eveTythi2i�. Bat,, - :2'esrlrer <r PiaLo,Theat•F and 1:`lefclTer Music ------ - - -- `.} %-- r t c at P y • customary, a steel stack, 140 ft. loin„ I ' Rethod. simples and Fxindergarten. `_ fait, w„ t face res. sea r�;ch o be ti,:pee� the rosciz Of kidney " �, e r13r2ase with tate dreadful pains which ' was recently elevated at the one time ill j� ` -.� �'1'Px .E RRaRxs prepared for Conservatory eseaminn- rle Bros., Dram (lane gained en t� a x5,.^4. ,yet e;ar youw ,men' arcmpamy it. 'With the fleshgratdual}y ,, West Albany, X.Y. Jeer eters, � Y v f Caps R:G!4 rs &G. p � . - nalling.theb3-zt rwhb*, and the de`Dilr ' „ t+ , Aare. ase el•z aski-16atmIe-s_--'R L'sn=a- x4;iit11 often casanas stn victims Of this sal- The gCpsy nsth rues beau ht Yin Yorte and AdekUt Streets, gti:ctty a-o°n c nr or:n oh f"w� *e: a. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN 1% i1j,S. , 'Massachusetts for acientifIC study, and uxrertezn zaP-a*'tt3y;n:c- � - C6=mr .lea 1 D3ent. only the tY9e ° D>`. Chase's Mild me sc•rte11jrc,,nL t,ai li buokcm Patens SFL\CHAX Suf mss = u:rer Pii1s Will rt'stttre hope can fiinC9111::1 piss been doitsf a Iitfle studs- Toronto. k s rreeere •res P4,,-entq taken th=e :. zb u7la ,-t a. Zwc y fade rp and hryltn, One .lI a deme .a r •I s � bi 4i�il i� c Glyfnthecb T xynri TEACHER OF VOICE CllLxllRE. - p: ., s 1. ; c' to a box. ? pm_Two e anti f nt fordoll� t ria was � �, - - e rl%wa�, = iagoa its town srotlnL _ P=IL9 prepared for Con_+erratory of music z recently X tands„me7� i' t-atM ,rt r i r••c e.r. i ese_natnattona e ISAIMUt h C A Tj�' it Arthur ii. A, Brjisre. 11!r+ WCi"1rS1GS110{1@r j a :tea f s�rsr�e�ti1 a ".a-.e`F.' \ 1 - POl:nted aaragrgplis> Gross, wo*n by Gunner T, , 1 T.c ' x s rs.a7 Croup is -.1-e te�wr est' �ever,r too EronitlteChi� iecvs. at Sebastopol, in IC53. r, 27secrexEa�f;vt.Famalt,. kl�b'R &G ��tc:_�'a�..ra��Ys i�E VIOLIN AND GUITAR, -� i said tle4� ewuse b* 1stt1 !at <I+is+iiz ,. S41d and zero e#tdtd t5*Z i .-�_. 2 t..:., . o.� r• .. .. t• ;; . ♦,..i div stn fz Carida Ont reg=a ff Ike 3r1,€ergs ns *ime g s good fr€anti, " Rays, lit the Hobo dens iloti of the . , €tt' yy *ISS CARRIE MOORE . ,r",- - ,!. axnca s ills e• a;; ea air. ebatse•a , able rhedi U4 Ziscarered S.i dp �f I.` -tau x53 fivax;rrt: z e Cue mast +saffe. stn tirrlsxr co to;eitstesCkatrannzarazli`oeti have got YlteCTsm-:' x��ccss gtrarar:� W rare sal?' ; cf3.ondunE`oa4etrator3 of �iti�ie, trilll>epre t,� brims p::.m,, t• .lr f "_ the let: r1ut - " - farms at Seztu iCetYz ass, all B sets of absYx RAiI.wA� TIME TABLES. I after Oct 1st tb receive a limited num- ✓ > tz _ suffc.'1:g9 rat othm. chewing habit, and th-e stook of cheVring q or exsx�, Yenttfi waren. EzCxc ace ns^ of To- , ;'. s oil anis for Instruction on. Violin slid " ��, __ � „+"+..•allele tug tess*s> aka t:rat+.hlnx easy ar3 ^ boom. Opium at StimulAtR& Malledon ktelpt , ; Guitar. l+rclke i s auk-x>.:ea, St is a'hers' The mmus,,*er of an opera company is ;' ban dLsAppm-s nif;htly*. i 1 y_R�� T5 U' S R ,�i'A� SSS Est a f#c.:Ite ''-*=Cul ref a:-92ts, -:,1.l, -FIlsl3� in tltu"i`n, on a3ra. rl'lia. �tni32$ the df price, oma pili age tts free . t5. tnt a d atotesr, V� _ - R .Iesvelrrstare clock over iv, G. patter * is $ age slang is demon. ; sfxspTdcxra Patnphlrs fire ser an$ addtera TaALSS Ll a� vols s `''s ,e reLiystore, WiQiam. atstkas. A tart has nine UvLts--aad atletst e.ght strabM by tine fact �Mi, r.,endp wbith � � �r s Cobden ........ ..... t. W ant.... s.top.m ," Crump, brvancIdt1r, 1sC�t)i+>sg cougy a jet. '1st: W. Vnnj, to liat•*,onsll frx t fern are a evoted to vocal culture. '„ f°rIIlerlg bare cpnY.tfYnental intrriptiotts � Ca �onod.�»� t�ytm �ioc� a �za� i �� c � ;t Kilt-'�.'h `tea aai�m... 1s�>�m.::: sa.�+�p m: 'I ���� fl �,�� ���� �'i �. Tho Wood totnl'raaty, syindsar, Ont> , nbo Danatliss. andr. E. Darty. DL cR„s.s alallrri rlaOx - - .-IlePe iS ii i1C1tOC� dtferenCe stir t. ltasrrst. e3 sxYs . ,'13axt#Id C' usii* tke nari who is always on � now battr f-ppant p'hrri�es. � 1 � ta.iis�e ....5 �e ut.. O.�tl a.rn.... 33x15 pi.ai.', bIIS`S SA$1! l,s}i)IS}S lttOUl2Et L.Cr,itC, t. -e3 5rour xttr+l via_+ »3` fsetlla 4s T'"', time--anrl,%etimehe> me.ntsa3.in off;; r h _ 4I,a�:on ........... Mt()ran.,,.. VM pad. til the Style and fit il� t ulrb DAT .1.'t1_* girl ha,s boort b'LL'A n Tier riei7. - ;i Pal-cntn�.............. 11lasan. lana =r,=I)c-r of the .Asrotfzt_�d Mit-dclatr9 of J Pants -*ve 1fi11t'kt in its po +arse e., emrintr �e3^ 'i a�3 $ As mans o, the Paris hot;✓italy are not lty�t Ott �i iso to tier arrat:I, fiver t T�M>r tfrne, And 3 '' ,aptss fnodern requirements 34 is pro- iiittta?NTED !s�rrstotbBeL13E«;:a Agt,a.�s y:1?ci ronnsared ttirot receive nlPit+io$d13n itofYilihtt lr. cx:xt is iiaL'1 I i -%- iasn sway be xrtexmmbls 'sate hes ; pow to PuU theta down wad baill ao- ;� �` d Theerr. shake that A1%V,a 'S brings peo- fWwd ]?f . �eaxe le r,yrup of Li_stt3 sattd err- f'r tittia'�3 Mt rbrgEt Iutn us ItY)]� last in$ o s - !, EtTHE'ft ON FULL OR PART TIME ,a�•ttom' �i�'r' P.�lCTPTO BAILFY:LTw �l •c � pinus aa� �vrtt !a pupils prppArtYtg. V"kd*L I t:s "Ot a'k to* XZW7 Ot t wl% them rflotie . elft s. Tlt e� W lyaald b $lv,t1Q'J,SrJO. Are yrtt, t*tisf �il frith your ir,%=v ? 2a :r,,.1• � t nto and Eas't.... C57r��m.>.. ;? � .m. I' r Ite!idenc�tunt� .btoek. orer W. a. patter plC' back fUt` atllClt�1C I` �)$li. - It is ea&r for m4mber of tFns British Royal Sxtety Ce S n age± eat bl slit+ s to at a p oa? Tet sratpr .............I i.2« p,m....tt�.4 p.m. •oh s levrelrs store, Wingham. « etnt ser bottle. aiI dtsierl� g.G" i . k y I P f!i Yiakr! iuls ileal onstrated to the %,sista^ti:)a rof ': tc-zitis t r c�btrs t to �sv ym wt�ll_r'ot a -7h ! � atrr.,... ds; a lit. � .m. TIE 11 tilCl L' 1S tilt iC}t1t J13`iC ttWktslitpis, yAttdeat y% t:r.> TttrOsitas lltt ai [ .Lion It is for m to lea ftaotnt 'htL.asf4 4*e an attzii fes. tsna gad isrnea. We'i T`,ton'.o rn3 ;3Seat _..... 11: p tm....10.+At p T& � + ' ' .age of fish mag thole. T1� tT> eFeaa3 fry xL� rrtrtntasaeea 4 G.�7 iII1C<wttCqualityO C�rJ(�l UC trill. „his calIexgaes that the +Lison g b Mots Tits nez' t*� -et mts.ntlss is fho carp best tf-^me to { H. B3� Atrtit, WiafiLatn. u �ia Malay ss 1ittf4 to Vttttitt ltoiir be si>d by titt'rr atXele+. ; see]d our Rtit d, Nt�,t+p+wlt a rtttrisrer3 • c itEt!� . !I Y.nd anyo-te hrlriftg live stock err t,ther y lVlrslli`t1lbt7efid t aeltl "i�A fi-P�kilfirL7r 115E►:i"!Yf tr ieit,acSateltfree. Wehrta theCartreietttir.cr ?i aiticlts'tb#y ishto di Of,%hoaidadvot i.fT t1l�'111^ Gjt�t 1 stills Ctl{"a ` yve1&u!!Zbe T av'- iat fA,Cit •--,;v(it, 7&c-rtt-=s.�rgeratttte DVWA;.TXD.-A rttttvrorthr�tttemaitotlltdr1ti*ethk- e -A teforaalr.lTn htx"l`tack3 tYartar t + !, e1 fair • *11 *!PftbtL-bed ktAft it a fat* rtoamtit+I j; V*Iuable v** sjwFaitiiatt, anal all c err sto- k is in ce-•h co.thty to tmstm", 3b"Il aft for an old, � cit rnlatit tt sella tud it Will be strittytte ihdik,A if �' S C,O C' 1)r llew goods , "' ff arts 1� ton � two wt cis ! cis Illi rrttr . zap wo►rrTctit zrP= n ger decal. Lm�l ttaarar;teod as rfzm-gented. If y4 -a that to , rs!sbii�itrd dt+ ere rf 9o9d $mtnc:al .±unsling. Ff dotiokttt!tstrasferaNF. tveenn tgttarttnnfa I o t>Y�t ter »• ;±'JZt41M4 a r gad ems! rpt fere ltret,tirost rttpuker and 1.ret;i A LstraialaY, 3,rra# lade Fe+rt-lt eax+h stentr�- ht that �n##1ll dr12 baratiswe yotttsg s+alTslrnrtt.. to tirrtat fe $t tell if Iwts pts csaseeei, qtr xis oti poli 1rg ahoek ei,ch Ptedns tiwp rrlth au i� for tTnc ttArtirlH it s track tltett it 1, st arrth, tenet , 11 }alrMttlt.7sarrrzirkat andtx ez,e!etr-i;ltasuerx i. t eertte4 new Tt vt.11 bt +worth; +� �S' � >I�" � txlrrnr�rt direct firtetn 1LeadtptYtri,eric, bfarae�' Sews• atcl�Y to this Ttatas and ti`,rC lttite TV&** 071:')I€:t'�tT10,-f,T'bmto0*144adisAeAd the � 7iAA*% a".*0C1k*kQ of di at $oosr okvk ^Aa nti4er$TER & cot 1V 0071* Hifi err 9e�rfr 13t-=:. . "i aetadick fire+ t"t ltttkN ttit '" i3ids., 1 irt$01 , l j it M