HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-11, Page 1•
X O . XXXL►"—' Q, 1009,
For the next two weeks
_.,.,.-, ...,.-...-r.4.or.
Now is the time you will
be .thinking of' getting your
Winter Suit, Overcoat, Un-
derwear and Footwear—in
fact everything to make you
comfortable and warm.
. We are in a position to
do this for you at the very
lowest prices.
Everything we sell we
guarantee and if not as re-
presented will gladly refund
the money.
Note a few prices in Suit-
ings and Pantings :
Good Tweed Suits, made to your
Regular $20.00, out price $17.00
t' 18.00, ' 16.00
" 17.00, " 15.00
t' 36.00, " 14.00
St 35.00, " 12.00
Rf - 14.00, " 11.00
41 1.3.00, ,. 9.50
',A special lot of Partings, regular
price '44.50, a but cut, marls to
your order, well trimmed, see
them, at - - $3.00
Overcoats,made up-to-date, $10 to $40
You will find in oar Boot and Shoo
stock every kind of boot for man,
boy, woman and child, and at greatly
reduced prices..
• Remember, we sow all rips free.
u -
We guarantee every palr ofL m
berman's Rubbers we sell, and we
sell them cheap.
Colne and see these cut prices.
Trade taken as posh.
AllSorts of Dishes
Its heady to kuow that you can
come right straight to this store
the minute you. need something
in this line.
Ahd'you can he saro'before you
come that what you wish you cau
Same Elegant
Dinner Sets
Prices for 97 piece sets from. e116,00
to$15.00. All new goods. China
tea sets front $3,00 to $10.00.
Toilet sets from $1.50 to $10,00,
Beautiful and attractive designs,
new patterns, stippled and gold.
Fancy china of all kinds for Xmas
trade. Call et•rly and get alloiae.
Prices reesonablo.
Ra As HuIchisoN
Prompt Delivery. Phone 51.
If yon want to buy a farm, read the
list in another column. If you are not
satisfied with that 'selection, come to my
office and have a look over as many
If you want a house in Winghe.m or
any village or town within 50 miles, I
can shtw you the largest collection ever
on list for sale in this part.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of nhole., farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Baron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms,
Also a goodsawmill for sale, almost fur a song.
Also u good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con-
hectio11) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a .wagons hop. A general store with largo
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
money to loan at 5 per cent. For farther par-
ticulars apply to
Arent. Holyroorl.
See Halsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's ba]lsHeadache Wafera guaran-
to cure headache.
The TemperanJle Workers.
Provincial VinClal ES
i of the Dominion All
when a decision mil
Issued by FrtAN.K PAT>wnsox, No. 23 Victoria the question of hold
street. Winlhanl, Ont. No wituessesrequired. decide on the policy
view of the vote o
cativo Committee
auce will meet in
bo.ee w next eek
e come to about
ig a convention to
to be pursued `in
Thursday of last
I bought a large st ole of horse blank-
off cheap.
in to nth m c
etsaudamgo gp
T. H. Ross'.
Capital $2,000,000 No matter what you want in dry
goods, clothing or furs try Dulmage and
Ream 2,900,000 if he has whist you want you are sure to
save money.
A General Banking Business Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on sante.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada. United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added toprineipal IlOth June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
B. Vanstoue, Solicitor.
,sulfas paid
Rese ve Fund $I,GO0,000.00,
President—Ions. STUAteT.
Vioe•President—A, G. 11A NET.
,1ohn Proctor, Geo. Rosch, Wm. Gibson,
• A. T. Wood, M.P., A, B, Lee (Toronto).
General Manager --4. TURNBULL'..
Savings Bank-I•lottrs 10 to 3: Saturday, 10
to 1. Det)osits of $1 and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, .and computed on the OOtlh No-
vember aid 131st May each year and added to
8i)eetal Deposits also received at current
rides of interest.
Drafts on Great Britain and the United
States Bought and sold.
Travellers are fiotitied tits, the Bank of Ranh -
flees and its Branches issue CirealarBane, ee
National Provincial Batik of England, Lirlited,
cashed without charge or Cron••
Which can. be c rt
bis nn toy Sport orate world.
'q(1',. COESOIYX,Di Agent
A l.. D1OK1N)3011, Solicitor.
—The Tnnts anal Weekly Mall and
Empire till'lst January. 1004, to new
.tcubaeribers for $1. 75. Prern um picture:,
to net tend old srtl)stribere of Mail and
The Sno Storm.
Sunday and Moi ny of this week
we, had a genuine good sample of
winter weather. TI storm which set
in early Sunday mot ing has given us
plenty of snnw for od sleighing. • The
sleighing will slake usiness much better
and should be .the means of assisting
the fanners in marl ting larger quanti.
ties of the needful rood. The trains on
Monday were sow vhat delayed on ac-
count of the storm
Wear G"reer's Shoes and. Rubi)ers.
Delinquent ..' _bscribers.
A few weeks ago t e limas sent out a
i teMber of noon 1utR1 A oar re:niers who
are in larret),rs for hie pallor, 4 -few
have r,soui lptoi pG1Y and theyhave
our that)ks. A lar . number have as yet
failed to rem.,. W ask all rattlers who
are in arrear 'to ki sly remit as sooa as
possible.. We sans t print a newspaper
withont money.
L. O. L Officers.
At the last meet • g of Wiugham 14,0,
L., tete foliowiug •Meters were elected
for the ensuittg ye — W. M., R. A.
Doutrlasg; P. M., . lex Young; D. M„
Theo. Hall; Chap.. 0., Clarke; ; Reo-
Lec„ L. A. Bell; Fi .Sao„Jas. Stewart;
T'reas,, D,tr.11; D. r C:, Chas. Ba;ber;
S •c., Geo. Banken; aomrnittee—A.
Musgrove. A. Dulm se, Wm Nicholson,
John '. MeMannus, John C. Conery.
Bargains! .25 pair f nten's.rubbers for
50o a pair at W. J. `REER's.
You ought to see .he cutter I am sell-
ing for $29.00. • It's • marvel.
T. H Rosa,
Beautiful cutter . finest in town, at.
T. H. Ross'.
You get the newest goods in settings
and overcoatings at reasonable, prices at
Geo. Carr's.
Try Dulmage, Kant Block, for wind
proof and storm proof overcoats.. They
are put together like leather and are
sold at half price.
County Cou cis. Election.
The nominations or County Council-
lors will take place • 1 Monday,Dec.22nd.
We have nothin • particularly new
to report this week. In dtvisio'i No 7,
composed of Wingh, m, Blyth, Lest and
West Wawanosh, 1e present County
Couftcillors, Messrs..'atterson and Lock-
hart are twain in the 'old. Mr, 301111 T.
Currie. Reeve of East Wawanosh is also
in the field. Mr, Carr o, has been Reeve
of East Wawanoi.h fo souse time. lie
has had considerable unio'ipal exper-
ience and wmniti ina e a good county
councillor. We uud 'stand that Mr.
Alex.;Stdart, of West "awanosh will be
a oanrltdate in this di store Mr. Swett
is stn ex.County Conn, iilor. InDiv. No.
(1 comnesed of Brt eels~, Iliorris and
Grey, Messrs. W. . Kerr and Jas.
er theprent Count Cottn-
Bowman e e y
Oillore. We have n • heard of any new
candidates for this division., Ian Div.
No. 8, composed of ioxeter, T'nruberry+
and HOsviek, the or. ant Cottneillors are
,Messrs. Robt. Mill , and R. Lergnson.
We understated tit:,• will both tteek tee -
election, anti Mr. A. Doig, of Howick
will also boa calf date in Division No.
$ill take plaeo o theoSante,day stile
rdttnioipal r31ec do , s.
The Scotti h Concert. •
The annual Scott h eoneert under the
auspices cf Ctttup 0 lerlonia, S.O.S. will
be held on Thnrsdt evening, January
8th. The talent en, aged is sante of the
best, iucludiug D. laid 0. MacGregor,
Scottish bhrr•itone; Mies Edna Snther-
land. elonntionist; Miss Grave Nesbit.
soprano; Jas. Fax. he comic ;Piper Mc-
Douald and Mab McDonald, Miss
Wbelpley, of Mt. hest will hes the ac-
companist. Bills a 11 be issued iu a few
days giving full pat ieulays;
CRAYON PoltTnAIT.—Life size, .r
$2.00, at Arnistroug.3t Cu's stt
.Fresh oysters arrivit. da ,• ; served in
any style, at Jas. Bucl e s star restaur-
Early Christ
There is a world
to do your Christn
All ready the stores
day goods, and it. is
goes eterly and oboe
who have present
have formed an ide
chartteter,tbe quali
desire to pay. • T
what,is to be netne
ly the. good., on sal
ad by the handling
be subjected betwe
Watch the adverti
read theta, note th
the stores and leak
s Shopping.
' sense in the advice
s shelving early.
ire filled with holt-
1 wise buyer who
es leisurely. •Those
to purchase must
before this of the
and the price they
at being the case
by delay? Certain -
will pots be improv-
mprov-to which they.urust
1 now and Christmas.
Entente 111 the TIMES,
bargains, then go to
your seleetioi s.
Ladies' and Gen :' Xmas Slippers and
Shoes at W. J. GI ER's.
Team harness, w 1 made ail, warran-
ted, best value in t• vu at T. EI. Ross'.
The Jessie g Ma • ischias Concert.
The plan of hall f r the Jessie Mac-
lachlan concert op sed at Campbell's
drug store on Itlortc ey last and the tic-
kets have been sal ug fast.. 'With such
talent as Jessie N. Maclachlan, Scottish
prima donna; ss Marietta LaDell,
Canada's favorit entertainer; Miss
Teresa Flanigan, t►anada's sweetest so-
prano, and Rebt. Buchanan, jr., piano
soloist, the opera case should be crowd-
ed on Friday eve Ring, Dec. ]9t11. Both
Miss Maclacnlan and Miss LaDell are
notstrangers to a Mebane stn laenCe allfl
Miss Flanigan co res very highly recom-
mended. Secur= your seats early at
Campbell's drug -tore.
MONEY TO LOAN at 414 per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Block, Wingham.
The MIES has authority to arrange
ens forauctionas
datesand telsales for
either F. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos.
Brown, Seaforth.
The rrolley in ruce and Huron.
M. G. Cameron, M. P. P. for West
Hurou,was at the irliawent buildings,
Toronto,last week s ith a small deputat-
ion from Goderich. They hod an inter-
view with the Pre lar. Mr. Cameron
says the Huron, 13r ce au1 Middlesex
Elentric Railway Wil soon be a ren.lity.
Goderieh has jnet tel them i150,000
Ashlleltl township ee 5.000, West Waw-
auosh and Colborne . 25 000 each. Work
will be commenced i the sating, and ten
mile sections n•i1l b pushed with rapid-
; ity. One line of th road is to run north
belong the lake en re, and another to
Dantsanuou seed u of the country
which are at preset t badly served with
railrood facilities.
Women's rnbb s, first quality, for 80
cents, 'only fifty air at tins price. Buy
early. W. J. GREER.
—The TIMES d Family Herald and
Weekly Star til 1st Jatnuary 1904, to
new subscribers for $1.75. Premium
pietures to new and old subscribers of
Family Herald and Weekly Star.
Missio ary Giyings.
During the las hutch year the follow.
ing ainounti a• • contributed towards
missions by th - iethodist chureh-'s in
this section; ” ngltanl,$353,41; Myth,
$137.51; Jackso s. $40.39 Westfield,
$178 75; Brussel., $101.61; Ethel remelt,
$15:) 23; Fordwi 1 circnit,$1$7,30;Gerrie
ciranit, :5181:95; Vroxeter circuit, $102,.-
20; Blnevele civ• silt, :51201.00; BPlgrave
circndt. 8^120,43. The total smarm, rats -
it n Cott it was $5350.80. Irl
,feta, Heron y
addition to this t e Epworth lategues on
the several ciroui s raised the following'
tonne for the sup rt of missionaries in
Be.tish Oolutnbi:i Winghatn,$4:Erus-
t+ele. $25;Etli.1.$4; Fordwiclr,$27;(orrie,
$18; Wroxeter,: 13 Betgrave.$27: Blyth,
$:33; Danpatni nr, 21; \Velton, $'4. The
total amount raise l.by the Loaguee was
$782, making a gr nd total of $6'!82.30,
raised for Mesio s by the Methodists
of Huron equate-
- With• the •9 lers.
The Members of riie Ingham curling
club heid n meeting on Thurslla7 mita
ing last,. Arraugern is were made
with Mil.>J. 11.,Steppe on for the use of
the rink foe the. winter rid the eoilectore
were f)stiACttdto r Ce with theirit
work. The rewire' gait a promises. to be
very .peppier iia Wi g ant this season.
moo* nevi7;P7IYers li oiniug the club.
Holly f ecorating et th ' Star
Restauran ." ,
1 ' yrs =. Grisdale's,
Meals ata 1 Eton 1V� ,
opposite T. A: Mill's - e
K. Q. 'if. Officers.
The looafTent of t e S. 0, T. M., has
elected the followiuu Meted for the en-
suing year:—Past out.; Wm. Carr;
Conn. E. E. Sell; Iii ut.-Coin., Wm, E.
Moore: R. K., J. \W, Dodd; F., K, Jesse
Button; Chap., A. ird; Physician, T.
Chisholm; Sora;., .. Monk; M. at A,,
A, E; Sitnmonot;:. et M. of 4., J..A.
'Lamont; -`Znd"lef. at(3':, R. H. Buttress;
Sentil.el, G. Steyet ; Picket, R. Finley..
Robes, horse blan -ets, harness, both
single and doubl ,T, E. Ross'.
The tun still continues at the Kent.
Block ,Sale—funny prices. Dululage
did not°steal the goodel Nor is he mak-
tag nluuh wouey! The goods must gu.
t Carp Ball.
Since our last iss e the Sons of Scot-
land and the Woo mei of the World
have been admitte as members of the
Carpet Bn11 League. These societies will
play off together f r this monelt. The
A. O. U. W, acid I. O. It'. teems play-
ed a very iuter,'stitt ; gntne on Thursday
evening. The 1. 0. U. F: were winners
by a score of 14; to 8 Ou Tuesday even-
iug the O. O. 1'. an, A. O F. teams play-
ed,the game ending 'il favor of else 4.0.
F. by a Score of 14 > �.
For. SALE—A new heud•m• - : cutter.
Apply to T. J. Maguire.
Complete stack c . i les for 'ist-
mets i,t Mrs. Grist]
A large stock of ue es,bou bone,
nuts, ere., for the.C' ,utas trade at W.
J. SO.)TT't; restaurtttlt.
Flattering Testimony.
When men like 1' W. Hodson, Domin-
ion Live Sleek 0 umissiouer; H. G.
Wade, Registrar of F.+ive Apoolg Prof.
Shast;'late of the ; tunic) Aricniturai
College, and other a 'borities on Agri
oultera so strongl recommend the
Family Herald taus] ` eekly Star of Mon-
treal to Canadian is niers, there is no
wonder at the paper oing pu enormous
agri 1 ural Tums of
business. The u c co
the Family Herald tud Weekly Star
are worth a. great eal to Oanadiaus
WANTED—A good general servant girl.
Apply at the office.
—The TIMES and Farmers' Advocate
will be sout_to any address in Canada er
the United States till January 1st. 11)04
for $1 75. Note the reduction. •
Dr. Butler, specialist 1n the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite Se. Andrew's church, London,
Livery St4
y last
situated on the sou
street was destroy
had gained such h
seen that all the cot
with the excepti
Two horses,' a cow
set of barnessmak
the Contents. The
mystery. stove
premisesNo . Mr. Ne
!poser as we uuder'
to Burned
Ile livery
morning t t e v
Mr.. G. A. Newton,
h end of Josephine
O by fire. The fire
adway • before being
tents were destroyed
n of the buggies.
harness, and a full
's tools were amours
arise of the fire is a
ad been used on the
ton will be a 11' ye-
yand 11e had • y $500
Buy your groceri. s • ire. Grisdale's.
Rooms to let, Hard and soft water
and woodshed ou the premises, Apply
to Geo, McKenzie.
—The 'Pisses and Weekly Globe till
1st January, 1904 to new subscribers fur
$1.60. Preshunt to new and old sub-
scribers of the Globe.
TERS—All prices Taylor's, Ro-
ger & Garlets,LaPivers,Ideal;otc.
HAIR BRUSHES—Ebony and Rose-
wood --all prices.
PURSES --Ladies' and Gents' "
SUNDRIES—Tobacco Bowls, Smok-
ing Sets, Vases, Shaving Sets,
Opera Glasses, etc.
These we will sell at prices
rawer before given in
Walton McKi
bbeni MIK&B
Next to Part VW
WA Phan be glad to 1
this ooluntu front any of
have visitors or purpose
drop in and tell us, or se
ve contributions to
lar readers. If you
wag away yo;irself,
UN at note to that
Mr, and Mrs. C.
with friends in D.itroi
Mr, and Mrs.. R. t . Sperling spent
Sunday with friends i Gorrie,
alas are visittog
Dr. J. S. Jerome, of 1: lv'h, was calling
on, Wingllain friends • t Thursday last.
. Miss Mand Passmo e, of Teessater,
was visiting with Wit ham friends last
Hugh McDonald of ensall hat taken
a position its A. R. Smith's clothing
Mr. R tlph Hodgson and bride of Nap-
auee are visitiing• wi h his parents in
Mr. S. L Jones, of Torento,Dominion
Bunk Iuspeotor, was u towu for a few
days this week.
Dr. Ross, of Moo. =jaw, N. W. T.., a
former resident of " iugham is visiting
with friends in this iuinity.
Misses Alice and t orenoe Park have
returned house sate au extenders visit
with friends in Brat tford and Santee.
Mr. Harry Carr returned home on I
Monday. He had 1) en 'no one of tho C.
P. R. boats running ut of Owen Soiled
for the past season.
Mr. A, Cosens, ag`nt for the Mutual
Life Assurauce Co., vas in Dnuaannou
on Friday last payi • a Se,000 endow -
meet policy to Mr. '' m.MoNilly.
Mr. W. P. Wright
Insnrttaoa Co. was
adju•.ting the claim
on his livery stabs
on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. R. I
for their new 110111
will be greatly til'
ehtu'eh, where they
We wish them s
Mr. John Marra
few days with his
Murry intend' t11
Dundas in the pea
good situation i:i t
that town.
Rea. J. J. Pat
moved to Diegou
ncoup'ng the hones
Mr. M. E. Zurbr
will be at home to 1
on the second and
each mouth.
of the Berlin Fire
n town thio ri e.•it
f Mr. G. A Newton
destroyed by fire
opt left this week
in Guelph. They
sed in the Baptist
ere active workers,
mess in their now.
, of Deludes, spent a
tinily in town. Mr.
ving his family to
future. He has a
e Bertram Works of
rson,'B.A. has re -
street and is now
lately vanated by
g. Mrs... Patterson
r friends as usual
fourth Tuesdays of
J. Buckley, of 1e "at: .estauraut",
has a'few 'poundof oose tobac , he
will sell at half i•e.
WANTED—Choice Roll tutter 20c;
Good �
Goo 1 turkeys cud vn Oc. Wo buy
for cash or trade. '20,000 stock to
select from. GEO. E. KING.
Ancient For ters Officers.
At the meeting o Court Huron. A. O.
F., held on Tuesda, evening, the follow-
ing offs :ers were eleted for the ensuing
term:—P. 0. R., Nash; C. R., E•
S. Moore; 5. C. R. :. Porter • Tress. Dr.
T. Chisholm; Sec. W. Allenby ; S. W.,
Geo. Rankin; J. ' Jos. Mitchell; S.
13., John Perrin; ' B., Wm. Aikins;
Trustees—Jas Ha niton, A. Cummer.
F. Shore; Auditor , Dr. J. S. Chisholm
E. Nash, A. Cu •• er; Coreespondent,
F. Shore.
Oysters, the b•. ality at 40c per
quart at W. J. S T's restaurant
Highest price for turkeys, geese,ducks.
clii(kens, potatoes dried apples. butter
and eggs. WINO a M TRADING Go.,LTD.
Regular meeting a School Board held
on Tuesday evening Present—Chair-
Man Kerr and Mess Hrnnurh, Abra-
ham, Moore and Griffin,Minutes of
last meeting read and pproved.
Principal's re ; ort for November
was read as follows:
Dept. Boys Gi Is Total Av,
laand b IS fi
26 t,
3 16 2
4 25 1
5 26
7 31
8 21
198 2 t
A H. Mt*snisovn,
On motion of i essrs Homuth and
Griffin, the Priocipt 's report was adopt-
ed as read.
A conlmunicatior eves read front the
Seoretary of Bras ala School Board
re the School Bo eels taking action
to secure larger grants front the
Legislature need C•unty Council for
contilinatton class s• ric in a irumber of
the schools in the unty. Tile Secre-
tart' was instructed ' C write Inspector
Robb on the mat er before tho Board
torn any action.
The following 60c lints were recut:—
Gray, Young and )nrling, fir,, brielcs,
$2.95; W. Taylor, in ltigntin„ school 95c;
D. I rrfogle, lime an work, $2; R. Kins-
men. work, $1.35; Howson, Iiai•vey 8t
Brockelbank, woo , $15 :•t A. Posliff,
drawing woo,1,:2.5s ; U. Sheik, painting
blackboards,$,; G . Mason,supplies, $5
On motion of g essrs liomnth silt
Moore, the acaoun s were ordered to b.)
On motion of Messrs. Griffin and
Moore, the salnri• of the teachers and
°M.lers were orde .0 to be paid for Nov-
ovember and Deem er.
The ,,tatter of 'toeing wend for the
school was left at it Trustee Moore.
Thr Mesial easy" ar,, closing' 8eh001 is
i4lonr1flv4 Deo, 2 till, Permission was
lives to el the
a tutted.
on Friday, Dec.
(11) 01
50 51
44 40
44 40
45 38
51 43
57 40
59 47 s from A
' 428 3GJ Hot beef tea al Sys • hand, sold by Nico
submitted, the bottle or in 11 :r quantities at W.
Now'that the con oil has deeded to
submit the question . f a wnterworlks and
sewerage systeln I • the ,ratepayers of
h tti 1 1 elections 'n
Matt m ai
u ha e e
January, it is quite n aider to place the
matter fairly before the people, .so that
eyeryoue iutereste may be thole:n.103'
in a position to vo intelligently when
the question coufr is them at the polls.
As was stated i these columns last•
week, the euginee , Mr. W. M. Davis,
of Berlin, i'ecoruw. ode as the source of
supply the springs
the town, the cap
ember was 240,0(
as it is estimated
of water in. Wit
some years exee
day, it will be s
would furnish au
stand -pipe propo
hill in the east
to the north-west of
ity of which in Nov -
gallons per day, and
that the eoo••Anlption
ghoul would not for
120,000 tedious per
en that these spr.ngs
lnutdantsupply. The
d to be erected on the
n part of the town
should have a caploiey of 10,000 gallons,
For the carr 'ng away of surface
water from the rust end of the town,
caused by spring realms s. storm drain
is recommended, to rntt north :,long
Jasephiue street, ruin Alfred, haviug its
outlet in the rive
For the the d posal of. sewage the
is bacterial putificat-
wo septic tanks and
Id provide for 80,000
re. T11e septic tanks
goy for 24 hours sew-
this plan, the town
purchase about two
drtiou to the gravel
Ott street,
these systems are as
its, $21,000; Storm
age nisposal works
nes, $2,7t;2; Trunk
ug a total of $27,(155
of waterworks and
seem like a large
r the town to expend,
should soon cooyiuce
ind iu regard to the
it would in a very
a paying investment.
e issued by the town
ty years, and for the
lug for interest and
e warerworss deben-
m -of only $1,214 43
be raised annually
That is, providing
'htttevtir was derived
But in towns wbere
meetic purposes has
experience has been
we a prolific source
erns, for instance,
system has been
uni••iptal ownership,
bows that the profit
h sum of
ached the
1 bead to
an to
ion by. means of
tiltratiou beds wo
gallons daily per a
would have a cepa
age, To carry ou
would require to
acres of laud in a
pit in the rear. of S
The estimates fo
follows :—Waterwt
Drain, $1,146; Ser
and incidental exp
Sewer, $2,747; meek
for coulplete systel
sewages dispoeal.
To some this ma
antount of money 0
but a little figur•iu
the most seeptioal
improvements tha
short tune be mad
The c1. bentnres to
would run for tbi
purpose of prove
striking fund on t
tures alone, the
would require 't
daring that tins
that no revenue
from the system.
r 'r's0 r
waterworks o
been put in, the
that they have bac
of reveune. In
where an exteusis
installed, uuder
their annual report
for the year 1901 r
The sum of $818
would provide for
fund for the sower
The total annual
fore, for both syste
,. .
$1.53,+.b0, provided
whatever from the f
Tho question of 0
worthy the most c
of every ratepayer
the better nudersta
we believe it would
public meeting, or
possible to have th
Wiugharn on the u
and explain the wor
tems,so as to place 0
before the propert
day of voting.
7 raised annually
teres, and sinking
expenditure, there -
s, would not exceed
was revenue
se improvements is
reful consideration
1 Winghan. and for
ding of the matter
be wise
to call a
rbaps better still, if
engineer come to
,ht of nomination,
rags of these sys-
e matter thorougly
owners before the
We have before u.' the third annual re-
port of the Water Csmmnssiouers of the
town of Berlin f,ir 1 01, and a few items
from it may be of it erest to Wiugham
ratepayers at this me. The total re-
ceipts for 1901, incl ding balance from
previous year, amot utud to $20,711.02,
the total expendit re, general, fixed
cha gee. pumping a
t•'nl, was H2.720.7 1
system for the yea
d distribution sv s -
The profit on the
1901 was $7,(127.35.
From the report we learn that the plaint
' is being exteuded c •11 year, no less than
I8140 feet of mains el extensions being
put down in 1901. he total number of
! service connections laid during the year
was 197, and the t• al number of con -
earners on Jan. 1st " • as 1152.
These facts go to how:that when once
the plant is install: • and in operation
the deu:aud for ne connections is con-
stant and iucreasi , , and there is reason
to believe that sac would be the case in
2 — Ladies fur lined f�qp� 0 to $40.
!/ H .AtStCo.
for all. Stomach Troubles Try
We guarantee an absolute
cure for the most distressing
cases, When alt others fail
give us a trial, and your
money will be refunded
if we do not satisfy.
R. Aa Douglass,
Winter Term Opens ,lana 5th
A large, progressive school and one
of the best on this Continent. This
is a strong statement but it is a, true
one nevertheless. The reason our
school has a large attendance is
because it is a wic4s-awake, hustling,
working, result - producing school.
Recent graduates have accepted p0-
sitious at salaries ranging from $45 a
month to $800 per autumn
Write for our new .catalogue.
Cut prices in skirt • std mantles from
now until Xi s HANNA & Od.
Hon. James H. Ross was elected to;
the Commons for the Yukon by over 500
Hon Raymondelect-
Perfontaine wasel..et
ed to the Commons for Maisonueuve by
1,918 majority.
North Grey Censer+atives nominated
Mr. T. I. Thompson, of Owen Sound,for
the Commons, and Mr. G. 11i. Boyd for
the Legislative Assembly.
A Safe Investment.
A Traveller writes to the Globe as
follows: "I learned recently of a farmer
of Prince Edward County working
eighty acres, who took off twelve tons
of Lops that. yielded him 25 cents a
pound, netting some $6,000. This is
about double the amount that ordinarily
would be asked for the farm alone, and
seems to me to be a remarkable instance
of profits out of a safe investment, even
in this great growing time that Ontario
is having. I wouder how some of the
sore stock speculators would like to try
a chance?"
Twenty-five cases of Or; ges just re-
ceived to eall as los as o dozen for 25o
and as high. as 60 er dozen at W. J.
SCOTT'S restaurant.
Buy your furs at once you •et choice
, selection and as y. • all 1- '.w they are
advancing. So sit e -' sty, call andin-
epeCt the largest r. ,ge in town.
Wnigham's Leading Shoe Store
A Quiet H e Wedding.
A quiet home w tiding took place at
the residence of ; r. and Mrs. Jas. A.
Cline iu ()ween So nal ou Thursday of
last week, when t teir eldest daughter,
Miss Nellie was u arried to Mr. Colin
A. Campbell, of t is town. The cere-
mony was perform 0 by Rev. D. Perri°,
pastor of the Win ghaut Presbyterian
church, assisted b Rev, R. McAlpine,
in the presence of ly the near relatives
of the contraotiug parties. The bride
was the recipient of many handsome
presents. Mr. and Mrs Campbell cause
to Winghapn on friday evening and
have taken up their etsidenee on Edward
street', and the TIS at joins with their
many friends in s islling them many
years of happy ant prosperous wedded.
Make y
attr friend a IN
sett of a be -
liner Gramopho e /oh Christmas. J.
Buckley A est eelStar Restaitraut,"
lelonva eco LOAN —:honey to loan on
notes, wild notes iliseouitted at reason-
able ranee. Money advanced on snort.
gages, with privilege of paying at the
r Notes and as
n �, any year,. N e
collected.f yOt tic°—Beaver Blocks Wing.
ham govt. MoINeno.
Christmas Gifts
Can be picked up in a shoe store.
If you get among the proper shoes,
it's one of the easiest things in the
world to get something suitable] -for
It'll be useful too. And serviceabe
and appreciated, you may be store.
S'iopers make An excellent present..
Nothing could be More appropriate,
say for your husband or brother.
'We suave a lot of slippers at different
prices would do. Yes
p ees th1 , slippers
are all right. So is it dressy, neat,
stylish Fair of shoes—for ladles or
gentlemen. No trouble to pled
any taste here—and do' it torr, With-
out ebargiag more than Cott this
you ought to pay.
W. j1 CRI