HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 88 -THE I1'F WING IMAM TIMES, UMBER 4 1902 MICK & CAMPBELL There is satisf.tetionin buying Furs from us, knowing thus volt are going ;o get satisfaction. Our 1''urs are rapidly tuoving out, but we stilt have large and well - assorted ranges to choose frau. Astrachan Jackets, - from ?3 00 to l;i 00 b1"rtin and Sahli! blue's, - Trout 7,00 to 20.00 iii Cul]ttretfes, - fr,uu 8 00 to 30,00 Eleetriu Seal Puffs, Eton: 4.00 to ti.00 liable Moire, from, 3.00 to 1x•00 Neutra Cape- - 1rt'ni 8,00 to 4 50 Persian Lamb Caps- from. 8 00 to 12.00 Buy your Furs early and get first choice. IF 1.1.1.•10.•=1111111.11WESO Finfl white Uushrinlcable Wool Bhu kets, guaranteed absolutely pure; pink and blue borders. �1 Weight, 5 lbs„ size, 5Gx'i 1, price. $3.25 $ 'Weight, 0 lbs , size, 00x78, pride, 3 7.i "Weight, 7 abs., size, 04xS2, price, 4.25 Weight, 8 iris-, size. 06s5b, price, 4.75 Blankets Wool Sheeting Guaranteed pure wool Sheeting, coapts grey and white, 70 inches wide extra value at • 90e a yard UNION SHEETING, grey r.11d white, 70 -in wide, extra value G Oe 4 Flannelettes 0 pieces Canadian Flannelletto iu neat altiped patterr.s, regular 8c for - - - - Ge a yard tP 10 pieces heavy Cannata': Flaunellotte in plain colors of white, :.• cream, pink, b,l•) lue, also fancy stripes, -iu wide, regular J price 10c nod 1„i.,f c, for - - 8 cents 5 pieces extra heavy English Fl innellette, 56 in wi,ie, guaran- teed to wash and retain their cols:r, reg. 14c. special 121ie ' Butter, Eggs and Poultry, for which the Wf'��1TssiA._.,a highest price will he paid. ttb! RITCHIE 8y. CAMPBELL. Ls" s V w 1>/ W WI e.`vs t, a -sA V G V. mI s,wI i►' V Y, 7 V MINOR LOCALS. -Division Court will be held i 1Wing- lram today (Thursday.) -The bricklayers commenced work on the brick work of the new Holmes, block em Monday. -Dr. 31 rodono]P, M. P. acidresed a temperance meeting at Luckuow on Mouriny evening. -Mr. Jos. Adams was able to be clown town this week fur the first time since his recent accident. -A num named Lee. who has worked the forged cheque game iu a number of places, was arrested at Kingston on Saturday. -Bills will be issued in a. few days giving full particulars of the Scottish concert which will 1 0' held on Thursdny evening, Jaunary 8th. . -Siernons Magazine, published at Wierton,Ont,ancl the Illustrated Leader, at New York, have both been added to to the list Of publications prohibited from circulation by mail in Canada. -Mr. Wm. Williamson, of town has been engaged as cleaner at the G. T. R. engine house. Mr. M. Gray, who held the position for a number of years, resigned a few weeks ago. -The hardware store of Sutherland & Stelicls at Dauphin, Man., was con- siderably damaged by fire on Thursday last. The balk of the stock was saved. Dir. D. Sutherland is a former resident of Wingham. -Fort William and Port Arthnr afford samples of Ontario towns that run their own public utilities. These muni- cipalities opeeato street railways, waterworks, light and telephone sys- tems. The waterworks and electric light plants at Fart William produce a revenue c,f $20,000 per annum and have been in operatiou telly three years. Produce Prices WE ARE .Il'AYING I(lc dozen for new laid Eggs. 30e Bushel for Potatoes. 18e pound for Butter. 10e and lie per le. for Turkeys. ;o and Se, per lb. for Chickens. Sic and tfe per lb. for Geese. 80e to st;c per pair for Decks, SIHILLIct Vert orange and I,3tr'lon Peels 15e per 1b. 3 lbts best cleaned currants 250. 31be best ['elected Raisins 30c. 31ha Iceing Sugar 23c. Cooking Figs i ,e Tb. New Prunes (large) 3 lbs 25e. vetrythfng in China at lowest prices. OPEN ievri G; S TUDHOPE'S Store, -W. Vanstone shipped a double deck cat load of hogs from.Wingham on Monday. -Wingham merchants will help their pieces of business open until le o'clock every evening during December. -Mr. Alex Ritchie is improving since our last issue and is now able to sit up for a few hours each day. He hopes to be around ['gain shortly. -The many friends of Mr. Peter S. Fisher will be pleased to learn that he continuos to improve. We hope to see hien able to be around again in a few «' eeks. -Secnre yonr seats early for the Jessie N. Maslachlau concert. There is likely to be a great rash for seats. Plan opens at Campbell's drug store on Mon- day next at 12.30 o'clock. -The merchants of Wingham have laid iu a stack of goods suitable for Chribtmas presents. Readers of the TIMES should carefully read the adver• tiseitents at this season of the year. -13y-lawn were carried by Goderieh ratepayers granting a loan $23,000 to the Croderic:r Organ Company to rebuild their factory, and to take 850,000 stock in the II. G and B. Electric Railway. -John Potter, the Wiugham lad who pleaded guilty to stealing a horse and bridle from Arva parties was allowed to go on suspended sentence by Judge Wm. Elliott at London on Thursday last. -T. J. Maguire, real estate agent, has a long list of desirable farm properties advertised in this issue. It will pay parties who are wanting to purchase a farm to give Mr.Maggau•e a call. Read his advt. in other column. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Green will cel- ebrate their silver wedding on Dee. 13th. I Insteed of friends bringing presents of! silverware, a silver collection will be taken to be donated to the building fund 1 of the Methodist church. -The Listowel Standard of last week in speaking of aliss La Dell and Miss Flanigan, who are to appear here ou the 13th of Dec. says; -"Should these, clever; artists conte this way again they will no ! doubt receive a good audience." -Mr. Patrick Keating has disposed of his 100 acre farm on the 12th con. to Messrs. Geo. and Rnbt. Baker for $40&0.' We understand that Mr. Keating intends moving to Wingham whero he will re- side in the future.-Gorrie Vidette. - GVhile assisting in unloading•grain at Mr. A. II. Carr's store house on Tuesday Mr. J. D. McEwen had his foot run over by the wheels of a wagon. He will be laid aside from work for some time, and now gees about by the aid of a crutch. --lir. W. P. VnnStone and wife were in Toroutof for a few days this week. rile. VanStone went to consult br. Carvell, a,specialist. Dr, Kennedy tie compauied them and returned biome Monday evening. We are pleased to learn that Mr. VatiStone is improving in health. Darnel it . 'tCormlc]• ., of the Grand Cen. trai hotel, Hamilton, formerly of Wing - ham, has issued a writ for $200 sgainst the (rand Trunk Railway for the tots of his Irish spaniel through the allegEd carelessness of a railway official, The dog made its ertape from the Toronto Until** Station. A new railway I3 applyiug for int or• porntlon in Manituba torun froth Port- age la Prairie isonth-westerly to ut t r 1 Belwoirt Station, on the C. N. 11,, at d' also from Poi tare la Prairie to Brandon. The brothers, Wdham and Alvin Pep- per, of Stratford --the former chargt d withshooting with intent, and both charged with being impiiealol in recent holdups and t,tore robberies, in partner- ship with ••Foxy Smith," who has up- parently made good his escape -were be- fore the Guelph police [magistrate eu Monday for, blearing, and again remand- ed, Both prisuirers were token toBerlia jail. nuit�. BAT,TAnTv.I5-In Blyth,bn November 10th, the wrfe.Andrew Ballantyne; a nun. KEnax-In Morris, on November 10th, the who of John Kelly: a son. TAYI.oR-In Morris, cu No,vember 20th, the wife of Charles K. Taylor • a son. Torn -Tit Evst Wawanosh,on November 10th, the wife of Win. Toll; a on. TtTY.rEY-In Morris, on November 20th, the wife of Areh. Tunnt•y: is sou. H1TnsnEv-In Brussels, on November 19th, the wife of F. B. l{ursley; a son. MAO VAu-IuWalton. on November 22nd, the wife of Rev. A. Mia'Neb; a dam:liter. STEwAnT-In Chapleau, on November loth, the wife et J. B. Stewart, formerly of Gi'ey ; daughter. . Bodes - In Wingham on Dec. 1st the wifo of Harry Brown; a daughter. MARRIED Coax-IIe)rnmmr.-Ire Wroxeter, on Novem- ber 211th, by Rev, 1. A. McKelvey, (lornelius Cook. of H,-nsoll to alias Minnie Hemphill, eldest d,nigliter of Thos. Hemphill. CAM1'1 ,I,-Cr.eoe-At the residence of the bride's p tr eats, on November 19th, by Rev. C. R Steele Malcolm J. L. Campbell, formerly of Blyth, to Siaeel Victoria, daughter of W. H. Oh'gg, all of Sault Ste Mario, Michigan. NAYT,on-PRrr,TaP3-At the Ashfickl Parson- age. Lunknov-, on November •Lith, by the Rev. F J, Oaten, M A., 1Vn, T, Naylor, of Last Wawanosh. to Loulsa T. Phillips, daughter of Hugh Phillips, of Ashfield. DIED CAarrnt r,t-It, Listowel, on November 27th,. John Campbell, in his 00th year. MoDxinn't'T-In Ford wieh,on November 21st, Tames bleDermitr•, aged 09 years. Dteasos-In f,an(&.on North Dakota, on Nnvetnbei‘ 19th. Robert Melvin Dickson, for- merly of Brussels, in his 85th Lear. EDWARDS-In Bshno•"e, nn Noveniher 2.2nd, Sarah A.. slaughter of Win. Edwards, aged 22 years and 10 months. COT.T,INS-In Wiugham, on Dec. 2nd, Helen Mattel!, wife of Jas. Collins, aged 49 years. AsxTov -In Turnberry, on November 25th, Thomas Tarries Ashton, son of Francis, Ashton aged 24 years, O months and 9 days. ANNUAL MEETING. rpHE Arnunl,Ideeting of the Trek. Cheese 5. and Batter Factory Co. unitel s will be held in the Foresters' all, nevale, on Fridny, December 10th.100• ,. t I 'clock ref., for the presentation of the A ditors' Report of the past season's bnsine the election of a Board of Directors, and th transaction of any busi- ness that may be laid before the meeting. By order. JOHN BURGESS, Secretory. Bluevalo, Nov. 20, 1002. PUBLIC NOTICE. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION COUNTY OF HURSN. Public no?Ice is hereby giv, 1. the t a meeting of the electors of Count Division No. 7, comrosrd of the munieip• ides of East and s 4 i •hnr and t � 1 n wn - n. , the o n West Wa\\ nn 1 t t Wing linin village of Blyth,wil a held in F. Whee1•4• s waggon and reps • sh. ,, Betgrave, on Monday, Dde. 22nd, ]:02, at It lour of 1 o'clock p. n1., for the purpose o )ominating t•ondiclates to renresent them in the Connell of the Cnun,v of Huron for the yen s :003 and 1004,and that in cases poll is demanded, polls will be opened on the 5` h clay of 'Tannery, 130+.1, in each polling sub -division at the time and place filed by by- law of the municipalities in tho said county division. P. PORTERFIELD, Nominating Offlei' • for County Council Division No. 7. Dated. this 1st day of December, 1002. LOGS WANTED at Wingham. We aro prepared to pay for First-class Maple log • $14 per M First-class Sof Eltr og-. 14 " First-class Rost Pan logs16 " First-class Bawood logs13 " First-class Beech logs 12• " All kinds and grades wauted. Ca11 and get our prices, The Canada Furniture Mfrs. Limited. Oren ATt\(i The Button a. Fogsant Jhn.ir E ne>torr, Wingham, Ont. r< C..]r I, on TV' the Baby. Did you know yeti critrlc Ef (_ give nlelicinetoyour child - i , Sid., ten while they ter sound- ly ~t � sleeping? You certainly can. t It is calls d Vapo- C reso,t.T,e. ' on put some Cresoiorre in the vapolizur, light the lamp, and Ware near the 1 ed. The clllildren quietly breathe -in the vntor. There is nothing equal to it for who ping cough, croup, colds, rough, sore tnro.it, and a.l other troubles c,f the throat and chest. It is Leo- AOmita1rpleasant, sife, Vap,-1,es•le+tc Iadd by drt:g hts everywherne , sol tie ntnfit, tn,:ls diog the V:,ncriz'r an t [asmn, which s4'nid last a iifa•nms. and a bo :lc of lr s dsmr., cotnviatt:, di.g • , t ra n,pplies of Cresa• »ii' 5r.•-ntstoni5btenth liotsa.ned,:oekletcnntain- icg••s'vacan 1,stimnntr,isfreaupunredtust. Vero• ...rr 1. , tont ,t...,, •. ""'e V vk, T'. t A. Cook'at Cotton Boot Compound. IS auoeossfuiiy. need monthly byoyere r 10,000Lad les. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask f ppeon� your druggist for Cook's Colton Root Cot• imitations aro danger us. P ll 'Mixtures, N i. • pills1a er box, No. 2,10 degrees atronger,ts per box. No. 1 or 2, moiled on receipt of price and two 3 -sent 5t�am�psa� The Reek Cotepiiny Windsor Ont. QA Nod. 1 and 2 acid aha recoinmended'�y all reeponolbleDruggiots th Canada, Igo. 1 and 2 are sold in Wingham by A. 7,. IlaintL 1nein D oar g Campbell, 13. A. Dong e)* Imparts a natural glow of warrinth and hea'Jth, without ' ii4h, the system is always an e 7 prey to colds, chills and infltr za, which are engendered in mo tsof weakness and undue fat': ue Bovril is not mere- ly a sti ulant, but a highly nour- ishingfood, containing all .the strengthening .properties of bed icy a most convenient and ap- petizing form. It can be prenmred in a moment. Md a little boiling water and it is ready for use. nirsritememr •O.00 b000�00000000000O•�0• ••$•••+••O '•••••••••+•••'» • Patronize tion -ie Industry y• a •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • 0 e ROWN HURON RANGES - MADE DY THE - WESTE,RN FOUNDRY GO., Ltd., of Wingham z.rOW ON THE MARKET. 0 O • • O O 0 0 • 0 0 • 6a iI and txarn•ne• • Tho•product of experts! A se Complete iu all particulars! 4 0 Thoroughly up-to-date iu every detail ! 0•0 0 We invite the inspection of all our friends, and defy rill our competitors • 0 to equal or better the quality and price of the CROWN HURON RANGE. • • •• eWe also carry a full line of Heating Stoves, suitable for coal or wood. • • • • • Leading Hardware e . Merchants WINGI1?U 1 • •• 940000000.0 r000•00O00.00.000 000.0000000000.00000000000 1 1 Read Saturday's Mail and Empire, November 22. ombhi.ato CIothhig Sae from four manufacturers, amounting to $30,000.00 0� etinesday9 November 26, 1902 Commencing at 10 o'clock A.M. All the goods are above the average of Ready -Made Clothing, and the majority are high grade tailor-made garments, the like of wbiuh can only ba seen in fashionable establishments in Canada and the United States. - So say Suckling & Co., Auctioneers, Toronto, in Mail and Empire. Children's two piece Suits, short pants. Boys' three piece Suits, short pants. Youths' Suits, long pants. Men's Suits, Men's Trousers, Men's Eisters, Youths' and .Boys' Ulsters, black grey frieze, Rainproof Coats,' plain black, heavy weight, Winter Overcoats, Raglanette Reefers. A. R. Smith is attending the above sale this week, whi:h is the greatest held in Toronto this season. For Bargains call at Ihs Chisholm bloc (Miss Laurine-Agusta Kaiser VOCALIST Teacher of VOICE PRODUCTION• SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign. Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture. VOICES TnsrED'h'nnn. CONCERT ENGACi;Mt1NTS ACCEPTED. Residence H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingham. T, J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE ANT) LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Cbllected. • Con- veyancing [lone. I1.ESI DEN (/E -Leopold street. ALKER OROS. 84 BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WIt'gGMAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of Scheel House, Shop op- posite Macdonald block. DT T E . T HEREBY gi J Olive. Irwin, ]inn without cause, I will debtscontraeted by to her after this de Dated at winbh 11)02. L- t 3;s notice that my wife, eft my bed and board be respon?ible for any • for goods, supplied •ith, my Written order. this 9, ' of November, JOHN TMU . Con. 11, East wnnosh BO' ` FOR SERVICE The Undersigned will keep for service on his u)remises, lot 110. ccln. 10, East. Wawanosh, a rge Improved English B'rltshirs} Boar, which has been shown et all the local shows for two years, and has Always won the red ticket. Also have for enle a- number of Bre('cling ows4. five and six months old, which have been from this boar. Also sme ymtng Boar, fit far solve% is lobo -winner; for Pete. '. P. C143BONII, :tnrnoth P. 0. NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA Spooner's Powdered • ti = le Disinfectant TMVVVVVVYY ov Tho best in the World ; was awarded two gold medals at the World's Fair, Chicago, was used exclueively in the stock depart- ment at that time, Protect your homes from con- tagious disease. Its use is d ado t h e bythe best families in the Dominion. To prevent .such diseases as cholera smallpox,i diphtheria, scarlet, typhoid and other foyers, is easier, cheaper and more intelli- gent and refined than to heedlessly breed them and afterwards en- deavor to cure theta with medicine OVVVVOIVW Only 25e a package. Sold by Smith & Polhiek The very lowest prices Prevail Here The last few weeks' immense rush of business was indeed gratifying. It proves conclusively that the public in general have faith in our announcements. We have already stored articles away for Xmas delivery. And the reason is quite apparent, for where can you get values such as we offer ? Our Book Case and Writing Desk stock is com- plete. What is more convenient in the home than a Continuation Book Case ? Prices, $3.75 to $22.00. Another shipment of Iron Bed.\ this week. The factory wonders what we do with so many. There are 6 or 7 good lines, and if you have half a notion of getting one, now is your time to buy. Don't forget that we bought a stock of Window Shades below wholesale price, which we are selling at a close margin. BALL CROS. RESIDENCE -PATRICK ST. S. Gracey's former residence, '(iii ‘ whore night calls w111 receive prompt attention. Furniture Dealers And Undertakers. PHOND Gl A EINIMMIREMEMOMEZIEMEEMBEEICE AAAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAV_a:AAAAAAAA VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVVVv 7 7 7 33 9 7 3 a Y 7 9 d! There's m Ln ey by it for you 11•11=111•=11016 0:21•1•110, 41 The weather this fall has been too fine for the sale of Furs, and the result is "we have too many on hand." In order to clear them out in a hurry we have decided to give a straight cash discount of to per cent. All our Furs were marked at a very small profit to begin with, and then think of getting an extra To per cent discount on these already close prices ! What a big saving it means for you! You may as well save looney as your neighbor. This great Reduction Sale commences on Saturday, so come early and get first choice of the finest range of Furs in town. Have you been fortunate enough to secure some of the big bargains we are offering in Ready -Made Clothing? 'If you haven't you will still have a chance for a couple of weeks longer. Men's Blue. Beaver Overcoats, splendidly lined and finished throughout, lots of style and wear in them, made to sell at $8.50, while they last yon may buy thein at.... $6.50 Boys' Raglan Overcoats, with slash' pockets and Cuffs on sleeves. well made and nicely finished, all sizes, very special at Men's Heavy Tweed Tuffs, double-breasted coat, with No. 1 linings, made by first-class tailors, regular price $10.00, our special price is 5.00' 8.50 Gentlemen, don't pay $18.00 for a made-to-order Overcoat, when yon can buy a swell Raglan Overcoat here, cnt and finished in the very best style, for 10.00 These coats are ado by the best tailors in Montreal. We have some big bargains in Men's Underclothing to offer. Ask to sed the heavy fleece lined aid all -wool Underclothing, never sold less than GOc and 65c, that we are clearing out at .G0 3 i- 9 Y� �e 3j y7. 9 13e sure you see the snaps we are offering in Ladies' Shoos, You maybuy them at half rine now, Come with P Co a the crowds and �• get these bargains and dozens of others. 123r Open every night during December. Ger' on Direct Importers BIG PRICES FOR TItAD7: MANWSMANV1AAAAAAAAMAA AAAAAMAAMAAAAAAAMSANOAAA6 t