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The Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 6
Hints for eak Stomachs, Eat ulotvly, raaaticatirg the food thoroughly, a;'ven more, it posaible, tl>au is required in health. The more time the fritts., Venda 1)4 the 11leut,I, the less it will spend in the Stomach, Avoid drinking at tarsals in general, dyspeptic stomucbs manage dry ft, o4; better than that containing unicl fluid. Eat Neither very hot nor cold food. '1'ha best tcn:peratitte is that of the body. Be careful to avoid excess an R:ttirg�. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Soon.ties less than ts really neededd Must be taken when digestion is very wtak, Strength depends uot on what is eaten, bt:t on what is digested. Never take violent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, either just before or just after a meal. Nt.ver, cat more than three times a day, and make the last meal very light. For many dyspeptics, two meals are better than more. Never cat a morsel of any sort between. meals. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted from mental or physical labor. Never eat where the mind is worrit-d or the tempt. r ruffled, if yon can possibly avoid it. Eat only food that is easy of digestion, avoid- ing complicated and indigestible dishes, and taking tut one to three courses at a areal, After meals take two ST. 3ADIES 'f GI1:E STRENGTH TOWS URChF 111,Wes ewes Y@SO ri `•Y ENRCHTHEBt000Pc51P.l:ilral ". THE CONSTITUTIONii: a cJtcJ111'aa-, don.E' ntrea11 KEIT BfiITgPRCAM k IN all Druggists & Cheroot , t i Fit5y 1 • utAFJ:RS, "I believe St. James Wafera then a are tho ntostcomplttecombina- tion of drvt;s for atrerighther.ing h tl 1 f tt a nt•rvoua bystent ever met glassful %vial ,," U f 11 O t Dr. Robert Drclutyle, Price in Canada: $11.00; • Edimburg, Scotland. water. Six bottles icor $5.00 T li e y help stomach, di ;est food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy 'which accomplishes much. 2 .S? James Wafers are oat a secret remetty: tothe nu/Mimes doctor, re- rnntrnend:ag them to their patients we mail the _formula upon request. Where dealers are not Felling, he Wafers. r mailed d u'tn re - hey are m i upon �.fers.t ceipt of price at the Cnnartit n branch : St. James Wafers Co., 1725 St. Catherine St.. :Montreal. Interesting i;aragrap:ts from our Exchanges Mr. Geo. Rowlett, of Clifford grew a cabbage in his garien that wai hes 14 pounds autl 4; y ounces. hfl re Ory for CASTOREA e. The farin prop,.e.ty in Ontario as h,. reached the total valnation of$1,001,3::3, 292, cotnparttl with ;974,514,031 the previous year. Tiverton :village r, tepayers pay a tax rate of 25 male -on the dollar this year Their highest rate heretofore was 20 Mills, Tho populatiou of the village is 470. British Troop Oil Liuiment is unsur- passed by tiny liniment on the market to -day. It is composed of healiug, soothiur and cleansing vegetable ells and extracts. It is put up in lav o bottles for the small price of 25 cents. In January,1901, 7S9,0S9,of the popula- tion of the British Islands were in re- ceipt of relief from the rates. Of these nearly 07,000 were adult nus able- bodied. =The 20 large diamonds in the British Crown are worth £1,500 apiece, and the two centre diamonds •£2,000 each. The entire cost of the stones iu the Crown is at least £100,000, Another of the old residents of the township of Ashfield has passed away in the person of Mr. George Twamley, Which sad event took place at his late residence, lot 9, con. 8, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, Wash greasy dishes, pots or pante with. Lever's Dry Soap a powder. - It will re- move the grease with the greatest case. 56 On Tuesday evening, Nov. 25th at the residence of Paul Reed, Ashfield, his , datt3t.ltt,r Lily was married to Thos. J. Anderson. The Rev. F.J. Oaten, M.A., officiated iu the presence of the immedi- ate ielntives of the contracting parties. Mr. David Creighton, nssistaut re- ceiver -general at Toronto, declares that there is no truth in the story about the calling in of the King Edward five -cent pieces. He thinks it is some joker's yarn. The essential long -heeling principle blithe pine,tree has finally been snccess- fatly separated and ,,.fined into a perfect cough medicine itt Dr. Won't's Norway pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a " leverrantee of satisfaction. Price 25 Cents. 1 t; t► THE The (brut of It. al. Dougki .10th con, 'Grey, has been leased to Donald McCal- lum, of the atone litre, for sterni of yem0,he is to get possoftsiota next Iliareb, 11r. Douglas will remove to Park River District, North Dakota, where he will try his fortune. AN EXPLANATION ATION —"C.) ., CO" rubbers aro nipper. shoes MADE IN CANADA by the C;tn. ada Rubber Company. Dr. I1ilray, Dean of St. Jcsepli's ahuruh, Stratford, entered on his 73r1 year on r �'hnn+day, end the Otis anaiyer. sary of his ordinatiou to the priesthood. The event wtt5 fittingly commemorated. at the L•)retto Convent, where con irar- alntory addresaea were presented by the pupils. I1Irs. J. W. Cox, of Kinloss, had a Dar- row escape from death recently. While getting out of a buggy her dress. caught on the str-p and the horse , started on a u:af1 gallop. Mrs. Cox was drugged a long distance, and the only thing that saved her life was that her skirt was torn from her. She was picked up en the road considerably bruised, but not seribnsly injured. The case against Mrs. Geo. MoUCim, of Walton, • charging her with selling liquor without license, enane up for hear- ing Friday :afternoon, Nov. 21st, in the Council Chamber. Brussels, before W. H. Herr, 3. P. The defendant pleaded not guilty And two witnesses were ex- aminerl by Inspector Miller, who swore she liquid was lepton soar. Case was .dismissed by nt. tgistl'ate. If n child eats ravenously, grinds the teeth at night and picks it nose, you may almost be certain it has worms nod should adininister without delay Dr. .Law's Pleasaut Worm Syrup. This remedy contains its own cathartic. From _ Sanctumthe Mill France makes annually 143 million pounds of chocolate and bonbons. I» this respect she stands second only to Great Britain. Germany ranks third. G awe Inspector Miller reports that not more than 1x0 deer:were taken on the Brnco peninsula this year, just about half the unmbor shot in any previous. seasoai. • For Cnts, Wounds, Childlains,Chapped Hands, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints•Bnrns, Scalds, Bites of Insects, Croup, Coughs, Cold., Hagyard's Yellow Oil will he fonnd an 'excellent remedy. Price .25 cents. All dealers. In fasting feats the sect of Tains, in India, is far ahead of all rivals. Fasts of from 30 to 40 days aro very eemmou, and once a year they are said to abstain food for 75 days, Within the next few weeks lucre ices of the wages of their employees will be announced by various United States rail- road companies that will swell the year- ly income of the 050,000 men affected by $17,000,000. Children Cry for ST :lr RI to The Upper Canada Bible Society has just sent ;5,000 to the British and For- eign Bible Society ae a gift to aid it in wiping off a debt of $20,000. The Eng- lish society is the parent of the Upper Canada Society. Mr. J. W. Gray, agent at the G.T. R. Brucofiolcl, while working at the station inet with an accident which will lay him up for some tinge, Re phrtly disjointed his knee, injuring the cartilage, making it necessary for an operation. Mr. Gray is doing as well as can be expected Milburu's Sterling Headache Powders give 'tvolnen prompt relief from monthly ; After a protracted illness of several pains and leave no bad after effects what -1 months Mr. James McDermitt, for many An Owen S Rind man has a tible that was printed in 1595 during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. A Hanover roan has a German bible printed in 1603, that weighs eighteen lbs. The corners are encased in heavy brass, in the nidlnle of of which there is a protruding piece of metal to keep the book from re ;ting en and destroying its leather surface. The Shelburne Economist _has au English bible printed in 1610. Children Cry for c ST W INGiIAM TIMES, PF.CEllrWR 4. 1902 - nth I T GEN LY Oto iv, �4jP!�JjD �5E TtiE SYSTEM t.. LE EFFECTUAL1.V; r�p0-5 LHEy pl 601..0—EA�A��RS; OV?C3Mra roNsTIPATIGly Mil`eiTUt'�L PERMANENTLY. ITS Be 4° GO ACTS, `ftriCIAL � BUY THE GENUINE -MAN'F'D BY ,LII ©f NIA G YRVP 00ISv/4, • yrNFRANC,s_ 1". vogr v KY f CAL. O N.V.• FOR SAIL BY All OPUGGISTS. PRICE 50c.FER 80ML Peter Clark, tewinl,ip treasurer of Culrose,was to tl e county town last weak. He reports the gravel road good for this time of the year, particularly the Cat - Toss p )-tion of it. He unid the conety rate for the toss nship-of Culross, 27C0.- 81. The Township of Culrass h is the honor of being the first to pay the county rate for the hist two years. Tho deaths from contagions diseases in the province for the month of October, t202, show a light falling off as cotnpar- ed with last year, especially in typhoid, despite two or three severe outbreaks in different localities. The figures are: 1901 1901 Scarlet fever li 15 This is good advice from the Mount Diphtheria 60 63 Forest Confederate:—Don't fool with 'Measles . • .. ....• 1 4 electric wires. One of our town boys Whooping cough........ 8'' 8 got a surprise the other evening ou putt- Typhoid 54 65 Ing au open penknife to a live wire at the Tuberculosis l GG 1P4 Town Hall. The knife was broken to -- pieces and sent spinning out of his hand. 30i 319 He himself received a pretty severe Deaths from all causes vero .1,978, shock which might have been serious. In against 2,081 in October of hist year. site of objections of some good eo le : n p s p C. R. Co." rubbers are the people to the use of the word ""don't we say "Don't fool with an electric most tasty and best construct Wire, nor with a gun that isn't loaded." ed rubber shoes in Canada. FOUND AT LAST. If you value comfort and Mfl ErU9 EIS1r.L Tuzilt 'rl:la:t•I)(11i'?t. Termination or Cgnelliatlort a'lamt ;$tt4 to Their taking*, Scranton, Nov. 27.—Quito in eon- trast with the happy fiices of the in- dependent operators' Coimnittee, when it rotut ucd from :New York 1 Tuesday night, were the coutitenanc•os of the Ininel s' 1 eiresentati es when they returned ye,tel'day from their , disappointing trill to Washington. How the. latter dews the s .ddGn and surprising turn of aiTuirs is set forth in a stutcluent bsucd yeiter-. The , day. 11)o minors' uttoruoys state- ! went says: "'rhocommis, r ci x i s ,ton Lo is i e 1 fo nm 10 rt art days,pursuance i I t nn Lenge:none n s t a lin r t tat, p i of a r s t,eaa between the rattles to gi a ol.portan ity for conciliation nn aecou•nt of it telegram which we understnu•.1 was written by George 1'', Deet, in the presence of and with the consent of every railroad concerned, and was signed by Wayne ItlacVeag11." Tln aleselseng ac the Miner, Pottsville, I'a., Nov. e.7.—Tho Un- ited Mine Workers havo decided to 1.ee1t a full force of inon at work at all tho collieries on Thanksgiving day. Tho operators requested the mon to remain at work;,and this ac- tion is in compliance with their re.- quest. e- quest. .Miners to ltes SVurk. St. Etienne, France, Nov, 27.—The committee of the Coal Miners Feder- ation of the Loire held a meeting yesterday and ie,olved in favor of the resumption of work at all tho mines in tho district next Friday. With this decision the 'general strike of the coal miners of France, with h was declared on Oct. 9, and whin h at one time involved oyer 100,000 mon, I camp to an end. A liver pill Chet is small end sure, wear insist on your shoe dealer that acts gently, quickly and tliorongtt- supply tng you with this brand. lv, taint does uot gripe. L•i:on.-Liver Pills possess these qualities. and aee a sure 'lire for liver Complaint, Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, etc. The sacl intelligence was received in Brussels recently that Robt. Melvin Dickson, a former well known resident The funeral of Minui', rho belowd of Brussels, had paid Nature's debt at wife of Mr. A J. Ward, whose death Laudon, North Doliota. Typhoid fever occurred at Grand River, Ont. on Wed- was the cause, a hemorrage being the nesday, the 19th inst., took place on, fatal turn of the disease. R. 11M. Was in Sunday, the 23rd iust., from the home his 38th year and was widely knees of her sister, Mrs. Alex. McLaughlin, lot 17, con. 8, Howick. Mrs. Ward was hut a young woman, being iu her thirty- third year. and her early demise will be a sad blow to her husband. The re- mains were interred in the Salem cem- etery. Do you wear inbbers? If so, buy rubbers with a reputa- tion. " C. R. Co." rubbers 1 To prove to you that Pr. have stood the test of half a and highly respected. He was a bares - tar by profession and unmarried al- though a matrimonial alliance was iu contemplation in the near future we understand': Simon Grant, of Brussels, was an uncle to Mr. Dickson. Many re- grets are expressed over tho snddeu de- mise, and sympathy felt for the bereav- ed ereav eel relatives and friends. Chisc a Ointment is a cortit in and absolute cure for each and every form of itching, century. Fit and style speak bleeding and protruding piles, for themselves. ever. Be sure you. get Milbnrn's. Price 1 years a respected and highly esteemed 10 and 2u -cents. All dealers. 1 resident of Fordwich, succumbed to the A very pleasant event took place atravages of disease and died on Friday, the home of Mr. James Downey, Clover I the .21st inst., at the somewhat advanced Valley, on Tuesday evening Nov. 25th, 1 age of 00 years. During the last stages when his daughter, Miss Maggie E., wool of the illness of the deceased, and when married to Mr. James T. Patterson of I his life hung in tho balunce, his two the 12th con. Huron. The ceremony 1 sons, Levi and James, of the TY. 5., and yer, of Teeswater. The bride was given was performed by Rev. R. I. Hosking,1 daughters, Mrs. F. A. Donaghy, of Sault away by her brother in-law, Mr. John of Ripley. ; Ste Marie, Ont., and Mrs. Wm. Dunlop, Hyslop. The Wedding March was play - Oa Wednesday afternoon Nov. 26th, i of auitoba, were summoned to his bed- ed by Mrs. W. May, of Stratford, and there was solemnized by Rev. Dr. 1 side. Stewart, at the residence of the bride's j D'rom the Evening Journal of the father, Jas. Ferguson, Clinton, tho mar -1 American Soo we cli) the followin :— riege of his eldest daughter, Lillian, to 1 ."Malcolm J. L Campbell and Miss Mahe] Wm Carter, fireman of the stave block, , Victoria Clegg were married Wednesday Stapleton. The ceremony was witness- evening of last week at the residence of ed by a few intimate friends only. the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I3, Clegg. The bride was supporter] by Miss Clenalne Castoria always bears the signature Ethel Ruddy, of Thessalon, Ont., and both bride and groom are held, After a of Chas. 11. Fletcher. James Mathews of the Soo was grooms- wedding breakfast the bridal party left — man. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are among for Teeswater, where they' will make the most popular young people of the their home. Soo and this fact was attested by the t'te manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tee. t.hn ntials in the daily press and ask your neigh: bars what thgv think o' it. Yon can use it and rev roar money had: if not cured. rag a box, at 11 dealers of Enat.tvsov,i3ATEs S, Co.,Toronto, Dr, Chas 'o Ointment A pretty chrysauthemnm wedcline was celebrated Wednesday, Nov. ..6th, in Stratford, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hyslop, when Mrs. Hyslop's sister, Miss Florence May St. Jbhu, was united in marriage to Rev. Thos. Saw- The Ontario minister of education wants our young lady school teachers to know something about getting a meal ready when the happy time comes that melt a thing is necessary. Accordingly graduates of the -g ormal school will be required to take a coarse in domestic science. After this year the courses of all Norrnal schools will require a full year's attendance. A good story is told by a license in- spector in a neighboring county. When on a trip of inspection on Saturday night he went into a hotel and found the bar locked and the lights out. When leav- ing the place he ,net an old man and asked him if every thing was locked up tight. The old man did not know the inspector and replied; "Come around in lesdt tux hoar, the inspector is nota mak- ing his trip." 0 the ceremony was performed by Rev. W. 3. Ashton, of West Lorne. Little Bessie Hyslop and Clara Bell 'Webster acted as uloids of honor. The bride's wedding costume was of Japanese silk trimmed with chiffon. Tho bride receiv- ed many handsome and costly presents, indicative of the high esteem in which When Erby was sack, we gave her Castoria. When site was a Child, she cried for Castoria. *amen she became miss, she clung to Castoria. many beautiful a► . costly wedding gifts Whcushehad Chitdret:,shegavcutemcastorla. they received." The groom is a former, resident of Blyth. Over eighteen thousand dollars reach Wh do I wear '"C. R. Co," ed the Dead.Letter office during the ., yeas in improperly addressed envelopes. rubbers ? Because they fit So did 4 writs, 40 watches, G waists, G vests, 103 railway tickets, 20 pair of stockings, 12 shirts, 27 railway passes, 100 photos, 10 mortgages, 47 neckties, 1 onion, 1 horse chestnut,') false teeth and many other useful articles. properly and wear better than any other rubber shoe in the market. You can not afford to be without a pair if you value your health. WILL 'I A%Ji JOINT ACTION. Great Britain amt Germany to Collect From Venezuela. Berlin, Nov. 27.—C erns any and Great Britain havo delotlri;nsd to take joint, action to collect their claims against la cneeuela. The two powers aro in correspondence' over this form of action. No cline can be named when they. will act, because the res, ective for- eign offices havo not yet agreed on alto details. it is understood that only slight differences exist 1 egtu d- ing the course to be followed. It is confirmed here that' rho Unit- ed States is fully instructed on the subject of the negotiations, and knows that what is meditated will ,iftteme. the Monroe do -trine. What's the Price? That's the iutportnut (Ines tion —and the first One that nine t us of ten customers tisk: Our answer—no need to pay itlorh that: you think 'ou ut.ght. ]'rices etre graduated —so are thea aloes —arid one is worth the other, alwt,ys. Suits as law as S1:.' 00, and go no by ctt'y hr8ges t0 S25 00. Every extra 6' gees you that tnueh more wu)'th. IlAvE A LOOK. MAX 1.320E ART TAILOR. p`Zii6N►bYtttt!^iYl%itrili!4`�1aSYddklYlfYYtras'ke'iPiL�iltYYh INiY. Not w Ballow Good The most successful farmers in Canada raid the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they think about their work, they act upon its teachings. and they are its greatest admirers. Its editors and contributors are specialists. „- The 9 1 }., FARMERS w z. ADVOCATE contains the cream of agricultural thought, 7, and practical men continue to read it be- e-„ cause it pa}} s� them and because they want the best. We want thousands of new sub- ;� Y scribers tubo will appreciate something good. �- The sooner you subscribe, the more you -. will get. ' For Over Sixty Tears. ' An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs Winslow's SoothingSyrupp has been used for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers fot their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Solei by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its vain is incalculable. Be sure you ask • for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. and NOME MAGAZINE Mr. Jas. Aitohea')n, of Roxboro, is the n le Icing of turnip growers. The other clay three turnips taken from lti;+ field. were weighed and tipped the scales ,at 82 pounds, one going 50 pounds, and the othere 20 pounds each. Writ. Cronin, of cola. 0, Culross, was mai ied to Miss Durrer, of Formosa iu le :mesa 11, C.c'h'trch on Moudtiy nlorn- lutr, Nov, 24th. In the evening a large ntttnber of peopleosttlnbi tit at the br.de's house, where a. most ea joynble !ante was spent in dancing, games, etc. t i•,e 1 on r u'(�t wedding WWI soleti n I t A t a 3 g Tueatlay evening, t ante, Nov. 25th, tit the res- idence, of Dir, and Mrs. Frederick Wolf •n the 10th con, of Carrick, when their daughter L;turinit, was wt dd'r1 to Henry 0. 1)lebel, of Mildnaay. Tito ceremony .vas performed by Rev. Mr. Wittiuh, of tite iOth c011. sera V. eeara At=t=FR R For $,.00 we Will send to new subscribers every issue of the VARAIE]VS .ADVOCATE a from now till the end of rgol, including the ,• beautiful Christmas Number for both years. R' Time is money. Read 1 think 1 act! Send * for :t free sample cony if you want to sec a .; practical, up-to-date tanner s paper. It will please. you. CENTRAL IIAS RUNG OFF. Reoognition of Union at Bottum of Van- couver, 1).C., 'Photo Strike. Vancouver, D.C., Nov. 27, --Tho op - orators, the linemen unci. the repair- ers of tho Now 11'estioinster,and Dur- rard Inlet Terephone Co. went on strike. at 5 o'clock yesterday after- noon, and telephone service through- out the city is temporarily suspend- ed. Trouble has been browing between the Management and tho employes for some time, the question of the recog- nition of the union being at the bot- tom of the dispute, 'i'he company claims that the sus- pension is only temporary, and that they will soon have new employes from the Enst. ADDRi?SS tbt Weld Co.,Etd. LONDON, ONtARIO. 1 • A GUARANTEED CURE For All Forms of Kidney Disease. The undersigned Druggist 4111 fully- propnred to give the following guarantee - with every 60 cent bottle of Dr Pett-• ittgill's Kidney -Wort Tablets, the only' remedy in thn world that pos.voly cores all troubles arising from weak or • die»pad kidneys:— "Money cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved . after ase of one bottle, Three to Fix bottles effect ustoiishing and permanent • cures, If not reli«aved and cured, you waste 110 money," A. L. Ha►nilton, Druggists, Wingham Ont. I'.lipd, If Not Menti. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 27,._I1. A.. Ilurrows, the young Ulan front Mon— treal, who shot himself on Wood- ward avenue, a few clays ago, re- mains be a semi -unconscious condi- tion ondition at ITarpor I•Tospibal, The sur— geons say that, if ho recovers, he. - will be blind in both eyes, as the op- - tic nerves are destroyed. reeve :Negroes to }1. sold. Lancaster, Ky., Nov. 27.—Two ne- gro women and one negro man will ; be sold by the sheriff to tho highest bidder before the courthouse on Fri- day, ono for three months, tho other- two for Iwo and three years respec- tively. They were convicted of Vag- rancy in the Circuit Court. Jamaica and U.S. Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 27.—The - newspapers, planters and merchants of Jamaica are joining is an agita- tion, with the view of inducing tho °overalnent to open negotiations with Washington for a reciprocity VVVVVVVVVV IVVV A4''VVVVVV'VVVV C)Iubbing ‘vi S ers. V AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A\AAAAAAN A THE TIMES announces the following low - Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :— Tithes till Jan. lsz, 100. 1 00 Times and Weekly Globe, including the premium picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors .... 1 60 Times and Family Herald and Weekly. Star, with premium pictures, ' Alone" and ^Putity."... 1 75 Titues and Weekly Mail and Empire, including your choice of premium pictures, " The Dectcr," or " Contentment." 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and• Western Advertiser . , 1 40 Times and Weekly Sun 1 75 Times and Daily Globe.. 4 35 Tines and Farmers' Advocate.., 1 75 Times and Toronto Daily Star.. 2 20 rate, We could extend the list, but it, is not necessary. We can i give you clubbing rates for any Newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down . so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use • asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. Call at the office, or address— THE TIMES, OR Ontario .. .r ... L:7• t1M t '�' '':: .d THERE ARE TWO PAPERS TI•aAT OUGHT TO ECM - is :. :. NS? '144i7 Wt.; t In every home in this district THE G UAll TIMES Wilt supply you with the latest and most interesting Local Home and Foreign News, and THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are -Market Reports that are un- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions h•+ "Bystander" on current,events. Reports of Convention ;;,.aeociations and meetings of in- terest and value Le `"r.l farmers, dairymen and stockmen. Practical talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects. ' SUBSCRIBE EtiOW for .�..,. THE TIMES OriLY mnd Tj-11C WEEKLY. Y. iat'ti jet ",—.``....'" And we will sand The Sun free for the balance of 1902. Lcrt.'re your order. at office. 1.75 74..., a .•.r a< pr. s DROP A POST CARD TO THE WEEKLY SUN, TORONTO, AND THEY WILL SEND SAMPLE COPIES; FREE. 'i" •t y eft. s.,:t.