HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 5VIE W.INGIIAM TIMES, DEmB1411, 4, 1 STORE OPER EVERY EVENING TILL 10 , 1010 We've Planned for the Musiesf kind of business IN DECEMBER 'Our plans include big: purchases of new goods. Men's, 'Youths' and Boys' Suits, etc , etc,, bought at 70c on the dollar; the specials here advertised ; spot cash profits and December sale prices, We are after your trade. We mean, business ,It will be worth your while to spend your money with us. Watch our advs, Everything as advertised. No playing with words, No indefinite nothings, Our Sample Suits and Overcoats are going fast ! OVEUCOATS 4 only Boys' Overcoats, heavy nap sloth, with red eapote, for - $3,50 4 only Boys' Pea Jackets, sizes 26 to 30, with large'storm collar, for $2,75 F6 only Boys' Rain Coats, sizes .26 to 35, for - $2.15 :28 only Mon's Grey Rubber Coats, sizes 36 to 48, choice - $3.25 ¶ESTERS, $5.00 7 only Ulsters, sizes 84 to 44, made of dark grey frieze, large storm collar, linen thread sewn, at , $5.00 OM/ *A1 TS, $1.0O 10 pairs Meu's Tweed Pauts, sizes 32 to .40 waist, worth $1.35, for - $1..00 47 ouly Boys' two-piece Suits, all wool, at $1,75 OVERCOATS' 17 only Beaver Overcoats, sizes 33 to 42, choice, while they last; $5.00 29 only Men's Black Frieze Raglanette Overcoats,sizes 84 to 44, 4t snap $3.76 19 only Melt's Clark grey Cheviot Cloth Overcoats, sizes 85 to 44, long length, Talmo, pockets, and made rzght up to the minute, choice till gone $9.00 PIRA. .21.AA.VI ETS sa.75 9 only Men's Pea jackets, made of heavy Frieze, good twill lining, large storm collar, sizes 36 to 44, $3.75 000 Ph1.I1tliS, $1.25, 19 pairs Men's Odd Pants, good heavy Frieze, black and colored, all sizes, a paw for - - - - $1.25 11 only Youths' Sults, sizes 32 to 85, long pants, well worth 5.50, for $4,00 1.2. Suits for lylen,.at $5.00, worth. $7.50 and. $8.00 1414,.. '1JNDERWEt.111—We have all kinds of Underwear for boys, youths and men, at popular prices. We ask you to see our Xmas Neckwear before buying elsewhere, as we think we have it dead right. 'To the Public of Huron County We invite you to come and see our goods, get prices upon them, and then see whet you can do elsewhere, The more you look around, the surer we are of having -yon for a customer. (Air Poultry wanted. Or Eggs and Barter wanted. 'TUE R. 1i • CROWDER CO. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. iia*••••••••••••••Or0.O••••• + + + + + + •+ + + + + + .+ .4 + 4- .4. .4 .4 4. 4. J. + 4 +4• ++++++++++++444+44+++ a++ b4.4••••••••m••00•04,•♦••Q+• 4, • • O • 4 • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • O To Iovers of good, ripe, tasty cheese : We have secured a number of Canadian Stiltons, small size, about 7 or 8 lbs,, one arid a -half years old, in excellent condition, fine flavor, body and texture. siviivevibitvgavib, To customers wanting to get a keg of fish : We have a limited, quantity of Lake Huron Herring, heads off, and split. Also Salmon Trout, Labrador Herrings, Finnan Haddies, Codfish and Scaled Herrings. IFFIN Correspoudeuee t interesting items i;ontribute4 Lby Readers of the T1mes, wi;sr WAWANOtlaU. Comma uzeton Nov, 12th, according to addourionent. Members all p*mat. Minutes of last streeting read end Ott - firmed, Treasurer's statement showed balance of $931.97. ',?ba renewing checks were issued:--• Win. McNally, repairs to grader. $11.50;: J. Ii`ilpatriek, gravelling, $30.89; Thos. MoAztzi, inspecting, $/.$0; Wm, Bur, kett, culverts and drain, con. 6 and 7, 02; J, Reid. gravel, $8; W, Sylli r, covering bridge, $6,70; Assessor, select- ing jurors. $4; .7. Alton, gravel, $10.30; 0. McDonald, culvert, $4; Thos. Miller, work ou cog. 12, 50e.; D. Ferrier, col - vert, $2; .1, Jefferson, repairs to scraper, $1.25; A. Johnston, gravelliug•, grading, &e., $184,63;' W. Woods,. gravel, $2.75; W. Douuelly, gravel, $3 45, Council ncljotirzied to zzzeee an 'Dec. 15th, .at 10 o'clock. W. S. MCCiiosxr>, Clerk. nom Inns iiiaby cry et Night? If so, it it; well to know the great value of Polson'n Net vicine, a household reme- dy for stomach pains, creanps,toothaol►o, sick headache, and the nlauifold ills pe- culiar to children. A Few drops of Ner- vfllue in sweetened water makes pleas- ant drink and never fails to quickly re- lieve. N, rviline is as good as the doctor iu cases of emergenlies and costs only 25c bottle, Get Nerviline front your druggist to -day. ' Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills Cure Headache. A • A • 4 • 4 • • • • A •b e • • a • • • • O $.4404444++++++++++++++++4 THE CORNER DRUG STORE Does your Liver ever go on strike? If se, you should use Iron Tonic Pills, Oue pill it dose, 50 pills in each bo#C; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes yon a nein man or woman. They tone the heart, stimulate the nerves, iucrease the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. These pills can be had for 25c a box—just half-a•cent a dose. What you want in is.... I3IRST—LAST—ALL THE TIME No guarantee of quality could be stronger thalt the guarantee we gi'ge, and fie prices could be more reasonable, 4444 ;imams. Mrs. Thos. Maunders is visiting her daughter at Sebriugville. We regret to hear of the serious illness of -Mrs. P. Barr, 5th line, but her many friends hope for her speedy convales. ceuce. Jackson church Sabbath school annual entertainment wilt be held ou Tuesday, Dec. 23rd. A. good program will be ren- dered. Mies Lina McArtor arrived back from Hartney, Manitoba, recently, She and her sister will' likely move to Brussels and make their home. James and Mrs. Hall have arrived home from a very enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in Manitoba and the West. They visited Toronto friends ou the way back. Monday of last weekRichard Cardiff, son of M. M. and Mrs. Cardiff, 5th line, left for Toronto where he takes a position in a commission house. Thos. Skeltou disposed of his 100 acres 7th lino, to Janice Kelly, of the same line, the price being $6.300. Mr. Kelly gets possession on March 1st. Mr, Skel- ton has bought 150 acres from Win. Jackson, 8th line, for $1',200, Mr. and Mrs..•Jackson will move to Brussels mid make their home there. - •--ate-- -The vocal solos by Miss Teresa Flalri- gan were charmiu gly rendered. She has a voice of wonderful power and compass and at the close of elm first stanza had captivated her audteueo.—Buffalo Couri- er. Opera House, Winham, Friday evening, December lOth. 04ara rettw. , Mian Calow elf, - et Paisley in i ia'ti"g her *44r, Ochi', David Kaitrsaytu the lot :inept Morris. Miss Aneie Seott, of Moleswotth is spending rt week .er so With herr ei'ter, Mrs Copeland Stakes Miss tfeztdersotr, or Wilrghant l vleite Lig her sister, Mrs, Richard Millar. Mr; Ale.ander.Seett returned home PIM; week Niter a sojourn of a IOW months in the West. ••••#0•4144.44.e.44,••••14 n>4.x r11. Mrs, Sterling, of Detroit, is rnuidpg au extended visit with Iter daughter,. 14rs. {7.- W. Veil. Mr. G>. B. Denstedt has cold Itis resl- dense on Xing street to Mr, Isaac Barr, of 1 ullett, The pries paid was 1850. Mr. George I'ow'ell was busy last week shipping seveu cars of turkeys to the British markets. The points of ship went are 13lytb, Brussels, Chesley, Clin- ton, Parkhill, Seaforth and'w'iugham. Rev, Win. Qaance, of London,preaelt• ed in. the Methodist church here on Sandy last. The p;tstor, Rev. Jelin Holmes was preaching annivergary ser- mons in Hamilton road Methodist church. at London, Mrs. Samuel Gracey and the Misses Gracey left for their ;row Moine in St. Marys last week. During their two years' residence hi Blyth they made many friends who regret their departure and who unite inextending best wishes for their future happiness and proper- ity. Dors. G. F. Deusterlt and daughters Left for their new home in Gorrie last week. Mr. Denstedt lute been in Gerrie for the past mouth, having purchased a hardware and tinware business in that village. He was associated with the hardware and tinware business in B1vth for 25 years and during that time both he and Mrs. Denstedt were highly es- teemed and much respected citizens, They leave in Elyth hosts .of friends who will always be tzlad to hear of suc- cess attending them. Nerve YVreteked aunllnsomniong. Aa Lo HAMILTON, DRUGGIST, -- - —WINGHAM Everything goes wi'ozig, head feels heavy and dull, mind is filled with strange forebodings, stomach is ant of kilter. You need a good tonic like Fer- rozene to bring back your lost appetite and digestion, and cleaner) the blood of all impurities. Ferrozone is a wonder- ful invigoraut and streugthener that .aglliott. will Minis!: gloomy depression and Pr. 2 Tr. --Violet ;<Ti11gr, Rubio Malta - quickly restore you to a healthy, vigor- ous mutation of mind and body. Noth- gue, Vint Ifiug, Isabelle Fallis, Ella iug is so good for the sick, weary and Polis. Pearl Fallis, Wilfrid McEague. debilitated as Forrozoue, Prire 500 t►t Pt 1—Delia Miller, Albert Foxtou, druggists or Poison & Co., Kiugston, Sold by A. L. Hamilton. HamiIton's Mandprakatione Pills, Cure Cousti- -<•4444-- A Surprising Discovery. Yon will be surprised iu trying Ca- tarrhozene to find how quickly it cures cold in the heat. The agreeable, pone- trating vapor traverses every air cell and passage of the udse, throat and lungs. In one breath it oarriesrinstant death to the mullions of germs infesting the re- spiratory orgaus aud breaks tip a cold in ten minutes. A. trial will convince you that Catarrh- azone is the most potent, satisfactory and pleasant cure for Colds, Catarrh, Deafness, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Trouble. Complete ontfit $1.00; small size 25e. Druggists or N. C. Polson Co., Kingston, Ont. Hamilton's Maiidrake Pills Cure Billious- ness. sthma 4'0m of my slaughter* had if► terrible ease of aathmaf. We -tried nitnestt everything, but without re. lien, We then tried Ayer's C4erry Pectoral. east Three and one.balf bottles cured her," —Balm* Jane iintsminger, Lr:ngsv111e, !J, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ce>K•tainlycures mai'iycases of asthma.. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs,Pie . wlloeping*coup, croup, 14 winter coughs, night I. coughs, and hard colds, Ml 1Era5 t ,lge41 .-., rnaul!it fur in ordinary 1: ,• SW,,,lu,,t right tar lirunohltla. buarb.. 1144114, bird u.1 ie, etc.; 01, ,nuat economies! r•,r rt.:t,)tt • 9,r3 nr:.i to kue en band. j , l r Yi.l. ori., leuw9lr, lttee,.. TIr1tN rrr:.t ilk, The follo ' ina is the standing of pupils in 5. 5„ No. 6. Nunws arranged 'in or- der of merit:— Jr. Leaving Part 2—Willie Linl:later. .Tr. Leaving Part i—p'red Rotonth. Chase 4—May McKagne, Mary Crowe, Rosie ICing, John James, Bert Murchi- son. Sr, 3rcl-Earl Porter, Alberteua Showers. Edna Dickson. Edith Hornnth, Edna, Chandler, Maui() Linklater, Leak McCo :niok, Tonnnie Goy. S T Jr, ,Irt1—Charlie Ames, Nettie Daw- son, Peter Kelly, Ella Wade, Vera Stapleton, Velum Chuudler.Httzel I.lttle, Henry Ib ton, Kit tie McKinnon.- Sr. cKinnon.Sr. 2nd—Hazel Mitchell, Sadie King, Stella King,LaursElliott,Maggie Crowe, Sarah Goy, Genevieve Me0oruzick, Eine McCormick. Jr. end—Violet Slzowers,Fred Foxtou, Magme Moodier, John McKinnon, Annie Crowe, Shanley Dicksou, Roy Goy, Roy Porter,I!'ortna McKague,Robt. Taylor. Pt. 2 Sr.—Willie James, Bootie LittIe, Robt, Fallis, Anille McKtnnou, Burlie ev1tOXi;T 1n:. M. J.Chowan and J.Brethauer attend- ed court at Gorrie ou Tuesday. M. Nash, of the sixth, formerly of the Gorrie Vidette, gave Wroxeter a call on Wednesday. Miss Jennie McLeod is very poorly and the worst is expected, It is said that Win. Wright, of James- town, and Miss Wheeler, of the 4th of Turnberry, are to be married this Wed- nesday, The Presbyterian Sunday school child ren are practising for au entertainment to be held about Xmas. The Howick Insurance Co. met at Gorrie last Saturday for their usual monthly meeting. The pastor, Rev. R. S. G. Anderson will occupy the pulpit in the Presbyteri- an church next Sunday. Rev.Mr.Falliug delivered an excellent temperance sermon in the Presbyterian church and yet did not mention temper- ance. A pig could have been beard failing on the floor, The people were delighted. with the sermon. Thos. Hemphill shipped his daughter's household effects from Wingham to Hensall last weep. The trustees of the Wroxeter Metho- dist church held a meeting on Mouday evening and adjourned at a late hour. Miss Magge Robertson, who has been at Boissevain, Mau., returned home the latter part of last week. Win. McLeod, who has been out in Manitoba this summer, returned last week well pleased with that country. The temperance rally in the town hail lust week was well attended. Tho sing- ing was good. Thos. Rae has a gang of workmen pieking turkeys. There aro a large number of turkeys coming to town this week. E. C. Attrill, a wealthy citizen of Godorich, became insane while visiting in Chicago, and wade a violent effort to jump through a window. The date chosen for the election trial in Centre Bruce is December 20th. The petition will be tried at Walkerton. Hugh Clark, Conservative, is the re- spondent. The inquest on James Quirk, the Brantford hotellceeper, fouutl dead last March, was concluded, the jury return- ing a verdict of murder against parties unknown. Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di- gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. 11 gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest is wasted. Among the signs of eivealt stomach are uneasiness after eating, fits of ner- vous hoadttehe, and disagreeable belch- ing. "1 have been troubled with dyspepsia for years, and tried every remedy I heard of, but never got anything that gave the reliet anti) X'took Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 eatmct praise this medicine too highly for the good it has done me. X elwnys take it in the spring and fall and would not be 'without It' W. A. INluoalfr, Belleville, Ont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Strengthens and tones the stomach and the whole digestive system. Earl Dickson, Susan Elliott. Average atteudanca for the tnonth 42, E. G. Wilson. Teacher. The Traders' Bar: of Canada will open a branch office at Oweu Sound. The Woodstock Tinges (Conservative) has been puroletsed by The Express (In- depcndeut). General Manager Heys of the Grand Truuk says Govertuncnt assistance will certainly be asked for the new Pacific line. Mr. Cornelius Bermingham of the Kingston Locomotive Works has return- ed from Germany, briugiug Gl skilled machinists for the works. Mrs. Malcolm, wife of John Malcolm, ex -M, P. P,, Kineardiue, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John Robertson last week, and while there called ou Mrs. 3. Erethaner. John Robertson was visitiug at L'lue- vale last week. We see .Andrew Doig out again. No doubt preparing for the coming county council election, John Douglas received one ear of hard coal this week. An event which has been looked for- ward to with ninon interest was the wedding of Miss Minute A. Hemphill to Cornelius Cook, of Hensen, which took place at the home of the bride's par- ents, T. and Mrs. Hemphill, on 'i adnesdaa afternoon of last week. Rev. I. A' McKelvey conducted the ser- vice in the presence of a large company of relatives and friends. The bride who was given away by her father was uh- attended and was attired in a gown of white silk. After the eerenzony a wed- ding breakfast was served, and the happy couple was presented with hearty congratulations. Mrs. Cook will be greatly missed by her young friends, amongst whom she ryas very popular. She has also held the position as organ - let in the Methodist church for a num- ber of years, The young couple left on the four o'clock train for Chicago, after which they will reside in Honsail. A warrant has been issued:at Montreal for J'. A. Contuse, 0. P. R. agent at St. Scholastique, Qtte., `she has disappeared with an express parcel of $1,200. .`•.•.•,.;.w..,.. The walking sick, what a crowd of then there are: Persons who are thin and weak but not sick enough to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means—long sickness. To stop the continued loss of flesh they need Scott's Emulsion. For the feeling of weakness they need Scott's Emulsion. It makes new flesh and gives new life to the weak system. Scott's Emulsion gets thin and weak persons out of the rut. It makes new; rich blood, strengthens the nerves and gives appetite for ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be taken as long as sickness lasts and do good all the time. There's new strength and flesh in every dose. We will be glad to send you A few doses free. fie sure that Oda picture in the Lern of a label is mt the tvratiltiier of every bottle of ) tout$inn you buy. SCOTT A BOW N1 Chemists, Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $t t all druggists. s1 ISM'S [the Leadiog Store tmartil Trade m Makers AT - 61. E. lard &Co',A, Our ever-increasing business' tells that we have the right goods to offer, and that our customers buy thein and find them profitable. Please note below a few snaps here and there throughout our large stock, which will be of interest to the kerne' t buyers. 10 pieces fine Freneh Cashmere Waist Cloth, all new patterns, wide, regular value 50e, while they last....,,.,•,,.,•.•,,. One piece Plaid Dress Goods, wide, nice pattern, regular price 25c, to clear at ........... .. ,..,•,.., 4 pikes Homespun Dress Goods, all wool, 51 inches wide, reg- ular price $1.00, Bale pried, . , , , . 0 011., , . , . Ladies' Pelts, to clear, different styles, regular price 36e .and 40c, your choicefor,. ....... ... .... . Boys' Sweaters, jtst arrived, a nice assortment, all wool, elastica rib, choice colors, special value............... , .. , ... , Underwear, another shipment just received, all sizes, Fleece- lined underwear. see our leader at Wrappers, it. special Iine, fined,well made, regular value 1.25, special price 10 pieces extra heavy twilled Flannelette, fast colors, wide, .regular 10e quality, sale price . . .tib Caperines, nice size, with high collar, Coney and Astrachan fur, regular price $5 00, our price, Ladiea'sTnekets, in black Beaver, nicely made, high collar, • regular value $5.00, special at. 4444_ Ladies' Waists, pew patterns. lined all through, fast colors, new style. regular value 1.25, sale price, .. • . 1.00 Carpet—A special line of heavy Union Carpet, yard wide, new pattern, good colors, regular value 35e, special at. • .... , .25 Men's Suits— Our clothing is the best make, and selling fast. See our Men's Suits, worth $7 50, at • .. 6.00' Overcoats—We have all the new styles, and best assortment, See our trade winner at .. 6.00 Boots and Shoes—We carry a large 'stock of the best makes, high quality, low prices. Good Rubbers .40 Fur Coats—We have the right kind in Men's and Women's, and can save you money, tree our special men's coat at.. 15,00 .40 .19' •75 .25 .50 .50 1.00 3.50 3.75 ,cscs®I•wmvYW 11. E. ISARD Co. pOpposite Bank of llantii i Highest price paid fair Produce ti 7.r lt `s3i '2Kri Cotigha, colds, hoarseness, and other titros,I ailments are quickly relieved by Vavo-Creso- • Iene tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists. it A leg, evidently from anther victim of Lake Harm's waters, was wasiied ashore at Kincardine, 1114,.. *.m...,..01..-.,..•••••• .m,.•-.. . , w.. AT TVIE THEATRE OR 'APTER THE THEATRE You 'will find our cantles delicious. A box of our mixed confectionery or tui: K1 chocolates, will beat delightful addition to the pleasures of the clrntna or'net a. Boxed amities deriver"d, it desired. The price of our selected chocolat,, ermine is tlir to .5e por pound. ;SAS. BUCKLEY, Star Restaurant. Geri re to crust The Market Bakery Btead is perfection itself. White, hglit, street centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked and delivered in just the way to win your approval. otectsrrowsralteactmeaarortorssiesurdal ALL K11VDS OF PASTRY WEDDING CALCES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest inaehin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. e DyyyVVVVYVVVVY'VVVVVVnt Y'7 'S to r monitor Is one th'ilg we have the Iead in. Our assort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a marvel of style, quality and cheapness. 4 EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. 4 444 4 4 4 4 41. 4 4 4 4 J,. F.' SIDEBOARDS—The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use in • the manufacture of up-to-date furniture. P D• t. 6 E. The "urnitilre St n•e opposite the Post Ofliac. AAAAAAA,A.AAAAAAAA,AAAtAA.k4 4LA Aft,ALAAA,AAAAAAl,AAiiAAAAAAA,AA► Te carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture, r,c„;f,114. .., ii.,.inWr,,.,,,dwY10, WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. 4