HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 4op that
Syrup o
White • Pine
with, UncoIytoi and limey.
1+'OI:T• ..ALE ONLY AT,..,,
Cotin All fla�pbe.119s
THE Wfl GRA i MKS, ES, UCE i11E1t 4, 1902.
+R 00.0•••4.00••000•{•00011 ••••#+>1r41•9l1•Mt•N• •••••••••••t,i••••• /M•N••• !••••••
1S1,tl k: 7� t 1 Wingham Real Estate Oflice1
'ate Farmers institute
held a very
successful meeting. Miss dladd(xk of .
& uelpli lave a very interesting tale on. The following list is a few of the farm
Domestic Science wbicl. Wa$ winch eu• properties that I harts et present on my
joyed. We hope to have her with us books for sale, and would ask the intend•
i gave again. Dfr. Elliott of Galt also 6 � a u lug purchaser of any situ of a Tartu to
look over tills list and if you see anything
that is of interest to you, call unit get
particulars, or should you not twee any-
thing to suit, I will be pleased to show
you a larger list.
interesting talk afternoon and avenittg.
Miss Tea Barclay has returned to
Bliss Jena Gray is on the sick list.
Dr. C. A. Toole of Brussels was jet the
village on friday.
111r. Clifford Pugh of Brussels, spout
Suuudae at las home here.
Mr. Hartley Patterson left last week
for New York, where beiuteuds resicliug
in the future!. Hartley was a gcueral
favorite nud ins mane friends wish him
success in the land of the stars and
Rev. D. Perrie, ot Winhhani,occupied
the pulpit in the Presbyteriau church
last aahbath.
Mrs. Smith bas returned frolic a vi,it
to her danghtar, are, (Rev.) Scanlon.
Dliss Jessie McKellar is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. J. Johnston.
Mr, Peter Wheeler and Mr. R. Cele -
ridge and sou have returned from the
Mr, Will Turves is home from Toron-
to oa a visit•,
Mr. T. Oliver, of Toronto is visit.ng
at the home of Mr, John Burgess.
Notice of changes Must be left at this
oilzee not later than Saturday uoon,
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening,
Casual advertisements accepted wp
to noon Weduesdae of each week.
I5.4TABLISHD 1512.
11.8. JALLIOTT.Prerasnsa AW Pao1 RlriTOit
THURSDAY, DEC, 4. 1902,
We shall be glad to have contributions to
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away yourself,
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that
100 aacres--10 miles from. Wiui_;l1atn,
nee; For(yee, J7 bores eleered, belai e
nth swatup; fraute hone with stone ce4-
lar iii goon repair, good fretne barn told
stables, 3 wells, salt clay loans in high
state of oultivatiou, good fences. A snap
for Loule one.
100 acres --2 miles from Wingham and
2frau Ier 1eJOnvtee1
ash and cedar swamp, a antes orchard;
duo barn wall t,to..e stables, good triune
house, plenty of water, fences to repair.
No better situation in tlurou county.
100 acres -2 tulles from Wiughntn and
3 from Belgrave,a5 acres cleared, balauce
iu ash, cedar and hardwood bush, 1 acre
orchard, good faults house, stone cellar;
frame barns, fences in good repair,spriug
creek across the back. Will be sold.
96 acres --2i milds trout Winghan ,near
Zetlaud; brick house; stone wall tender a
good barn, hog -house, hen•honso and
pump house; no better feneed farm, iu
township. 8 acres No. 1 cedar swamp,
2 acres hard wood, spring creek across
back corner. Ibis is a highly improved
farm, and will bo sold very reasonable.
100 acres --.5 utiles from Wingham and
5 from Teeswater, a good clay farm, 7
acres hardwood, No. 1 fences, stone wall
under a good baro, frame house, 1 acre
orchard, a never -failing spring near the
baro. This is a bargain for someone.
100 acres, --0 miles from Wingham and
8 from Brussels, Highly improved fartn,
3 acres hardwood, first-class fezces,spleu-
did barn and stables, frame lioa'e, good
orchard, spring creak at rear of farm,
clay loam, No better farm iu Morris tp.
100 acres --2 miles from Wingham at•d
6 from Brussels, first-class buildings and
fences, plenty of water, No. 1 soil, a de-
sirable property; will be sold cheap.
100 acres --1 tulle from Wingham town
hall, a.choiee farm, large brick house
and large barn with excellent stables,
new silo, Al fences, 15 acres first-class
hardwood. This is au exceptionally find
property, and cheap at the price.
100 acres -5 miles from Wingharn and
2 from Bluevale; good frame buildings,
80 acres cleared, balance cedar, ash and
hardwood bush, fences iu repair. Sells
100 acres-$ miles from Wingham,
from Belgrave; large bank barn, fr; . e
house, 3 acres orchard, good fence:, all
cleared, spring creek; ou a main -'ad.
100 acres -5 miles trout Win am and
2 from, Bluevale, brick house ,:tone wall
wider barn, 1 acre orchard . acres hard
wood, spring Gree t. A • Treble farm.
100 acres -10 n 'les out W'inghatn,
near Marnoch, 90 cr-s eleured, balance
rame house, stone
Through the C. 1'. R. land sales for
November 1902, 146,687.83 acres, for
;'598, 783, were 5, 235.03 acres less that,
for November, 1901, yet, owing to the
increased value of land, the amxouut ob-
taiued was $85,925,08 more.
The Christmas excursion rates from
Manitoba and the Northwest to points
in eastern Canada went into effect on
Tuesday, and will continue all this
month. The tickets are good for three
mouths from date of purchase.
Mr. John Ashtou is home from 11fau-
Mr. Cosons was in Seaforth for a
few days last week ou business.
Mrs. H. Park is visiting with relatives
and friends in Ripley this week.
11fr. Norman Brandon, of Morris, re-
turned home last week from Manitoba.
Morris Ross has returned home from
Manitoba, where he has spent the past
few months.
Miss L. Dulmage. of Gerrie was visit-
ing with Wingham friends for a few day
during the week.
Miss Augustine, of Dungannon was
visiting with Mrs. W. P. Grierson for
a few days this week.
Mr. a lid Mrs. Wm. Nicholson and
children spent Sunday as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Halliday iu Howick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Ross, ..ad children
ofNonaimo, B. C., have been visiting
relatives and friends in this vicinity for
some weeks. They spent part of this
week as guests of Mrs. Ross' cousin, Mr.
Wm. Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tindall returned
home on Monday from Muskoka, where
they have been spending some weeks for
the benefit of Mr. Tindall's health. We
are pleased to learn that Mr. Tindall
comes home very touch improved.
Tuesday morning about 6 o'clock the
barns on the late Colin McKenzie's farm
By -Law No. 469, 190
s;ructiou of a coznmau or trunk
sewer and,sewage disposal works in
the Toe n of Wingham, and to
authorize the issue of debentures of
the said Town to theanrount of $5,-
500 for the purpose of raising the
sum required therefor.
Whereas it is desirable to construct n rem -
mon or trunk sewer along Tosephine Street in
the Town of Wingham with sewage disposal No. 1 sugar hush
works on the bank ot the South Branch of the oellar and stables, good fences, spring
River Maitland in the said. Town of Wingham' Creek.
and to raise the sum of $5,.600 to bo applied for 100 acres -3 miles front Wingham and
the said purpose;
And Whereas in order' thereto it will be ue- 3 from Bluevale, first-class buildings, 3
'Ave lituCk 14t;arkete,
Tomo O, Deo. 2. -At the Western of t-
tie market today tho receipts were 81
ear load of live stook, iucludieg 1,037
cattle, 2,000 sheep and Ituubs, 000 hogs,
40 calves and 20 .trill. cows.
Business was more than dell More to-
day, the quarantine in England on cattle
imported from .the New England States
put our exporters here out of business +�
or the time being, and the export tt'a+le
is practically at a standstill, Iu these
circumstances quotations for shipping
cattle are nomipid and mean nothing.
! 19QtalQ#3s1!!ll�D�A4J!ll041P�I�Mi!
0!!•! 49M1b
ito!! P
• Q�f�sF�t�rt9t>Ne�tislcass��lel4w Q•hi�44�t
Tile foilowieg are the quotations;
Shippers, per owlpATTLE• tit 8 75
Do., light 8 00
l3atol.er, choice .. 2 00
Butcher, ordinary to
good 8 n0
Butcher, inferior ,,,,., 2 40
Choice ewes, per cwt, 3 00
Yearlings, per cwt 3 40
Spring Iambs, each , 2 50
Backs , 2 00
=exerts A1+D OALwsS.
Cows, each .3i 00
Calves, each 2 00
Choice hogs, per cwt5 75
Light hogs, per cwt5 50
Heavy hogs, per owt. , , 5 50
Sows, per owt 3 75
Stags 2 00
cessary to issue debentures of the said Town
for the sum of $5,JI0O as hereinafter provided.
(which is the debt to be ereated'by this by-law),
the proceeds of the said debentures to be ap-
plied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other;
And. Whereas the total amount required by
The Municipal Act" to be raised annually by
special rate for paying the said debt and inter-
est is the sum of $318.07; whereof $220.00 is to
be so raised annually for payment of interest
during the currency of the said debentures,
and $e8 07 is to he raised annually for tho pur-
poae of creating a sinking fend for payment of
the debt secured by said debentures;
And Whereas the mount of the whole , te-
able property of the Town of Winghr ac-
cording to the Last revised assess) •ut roll
thereof is $020,347;
And. Whereas the amount of th xisting de-
benture debt of the said Municip . tyzsl+S0,001.00
3 25
8 40
3 75
3 40
3 75
2 74
S e0
138 00
10 0
6 00
5 75'
5 75
4 00
2 50
4VI110IU.4M Arhsatc D neeroners
Wingham, Deo. 4, 1902.
Corrected every, Wednesday afternoon
by Cassels & Carr.
Flour per 100lbs.....,.... 1 65 to 2 50
Fall Wheat ...,.... O 08 to 0 70
Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 00
Oats, 0 28 to 0 30
Barley 0 35 to 0 40
gear 0 65 to 0 70
Turkeys, drawn 0 10 to 0 10
Geese, " 0 00 to 0 07
Ducks, per pair . , .. 0 60 to 0 75
Chickens ,.... ...... 0 80 to 0 50
Butter 0 16 to 0 10
Eggs per doz 0 20 to 0 20
Wood per cord 2 00 to 2 50
Hay , per ton . , • • 7 00 to 8 00
Potatoes, per bushel0 50 to 0 50
Apples, per bag , ...0 25 to 0 40
Tallow per lb 0 05 to 0 05
Larrl.. ...,. 0 15 to 0 10
Dried Apples per lb 0 04 to 0 05
Wool ..... 0 13 to 0 15
Live Hogs, per cwt5 75 to 5 75
acres orchard, 7 acres good sugar bush, 8
acres cedar, river crosses farm.
100 acres -near.. Westfield,Win;ham 14
miles, 92 acres cleared,balance hardwood
stone wall uuder barn, frame house, 2
acres orchard, good fences spring creek,
6 acres fail wheat in, fall,piougbing done.
This farm will be sold very cheap.
100 acres--Winghain 3 miles, Wawa-
nosh Tp, 50 acres cleared, balance ash
timber, plenty water, good buildings and
fences, 1 acre orchard. This is a bargain.
200 acres -5 miles from Wingham,near
Gleuannan, 80 acres clearel, 15 acres
hardwood bush, 10 acres ash swamp, bail -
of ,elfish no part is in arrear; atm slash, excellent barn and stables,
Therefore, the Municipal C. xneil of the Oar brick house,1 acre orchard plenty seater.
potation of the Town of Ingham enacts as +
touows:- A bargain if sold at once.
1. tar the nor, se o' raisin„ the said sum 125 acres -4 utiles from Wingham,
debentures of th T. • n to tate amount of
$5,500 05 aforesaid s 11 be issued in the sums Wawanosh Tp, 25 notes cleared, balance
each, an the first day of thickly wooded slash and swanip,will sell
of not less than $
June A. D.,1003, each of which debentures shall this cheap, or wilt sell by the acre; en -
be dated on the said first d: y of June A. D., quire.
1:)03, and shall be parable on the first day of q
June A. D., 1933, nt The Dominion Bank in the 150 acres-Wingham 2 miles, near Zet-
the said Town of Win glum, land1'20 aures cleared, balance hard and
Each of the said diebeTtures shall be sign- ,
soft wood, good frame house, stone
ed by the Mayor of the said Town of winghatm,
or by some other person authorized by by-law foundation under barn, Na. 1 fences,
to sign the same, and also by the Treasurer spring ; creek across basil corner, a &m-
in this township, now occupied by his thereof; and the Clerk of the said Town of
S0113, Alex. and Sohn, were completely seal of miesMunielttneh thereto the corporate able5pi opeerty3toi e s sold
7 - Wingham, 1
destroyed by fire, together with all the 3 The said debentures shall bear interest at from Bluevale, 150 acres cleared and in
season's crop, incladiug twenty-one the rsd Bfankn phetnhtryarntndmy pyabat
good state of cultivation, spring creek,
valuable cattle and four horses. Loss Ser Tn each and every year during thie currency first-class buildings; a chance for some
th reaf exeebt lite last payment of interest one,
r l naleon tie
about four or five thousand dollars. In- which altaft heroine nra p y b, t 66 acres -5 miles from Wingham near
first dor of Tune, A. D., 10:38; and said deben• Wingham,
shred in the West Wawanosh Mutual tures sha11 h-,ve attached to them coupons far Glenfarrow, a highly improved farm,ex-
for $1 600. payment of the said interest, which coupons celleut buildings, 3 acres hardwood,r;ver
s shall be signed by the said Mayor and Trees- runs across back writer, No. 1 fences.
4. During the currency of the said deben• 50 acres -3 miles from Wingham, 1 to
tures, there shall be raised annually by special 'Bluevale, 49 acres cleared, balance hard -
rate on all the rateable property in the said
town of Wingham the said sum of $220.00 for wood,uood frante house.stone wall under
payment of interest on said debentures, and barn, 1,', acre orchard, No. 1 fences.
the said sum of $88.07 for the purpose of creat- 50 acres -232 miles from Wingham,
Mg a sinking fund for the payment of the debt Turnberr Tp.,good frame barn,new
hereby secured. nankin.. in all the sum of 5313. y'
(1) Tho residence of Mr. John Murray,
Edward street, will be sold ou reasonable
(2) The House and Lot advertised last
week for °$900.00.
Sugar Beet Test.
Prof. Harcoutt, of the Ontario Agri-
cultural College, has made his report to
the Department of Agriculture on the
Either of the above can be bought
worth the money. Buy ahead of the
boom that is sure to strike Wingham
next summer.
results of the tests made in growing oe to be raised annual y. by special rate ea frame house, 1 acre orchard, 3 acres ash
sugar beets on experimental plots at 1 afore.Tuliid,Bylaw ha 1 tai a efeet on rtheythir- swamp, good feuces; a chance of a life
Markham, Brantford, Brussels, Guelph, teenth day of January, A. D., 1903. tame. .
0. The wiles of the electors of the said town 20 acres -near Trowbridge. first-class
St Catharines and Orangeville. The of Winghai :than bo taken on this bylaw at buildings and fences, good orchard and
percentage of sugar in the juice average the bi rain y t'3 times and.
ddit places, anuarrto.A 1), garden, plenty water, a desirabble hotne
ed 16.2, and in the matter of purity seor- 1803, rormneneina at nine o'clock in the fore- for old couple. Will sell cheap.
noon nud continuing till fisc o'clock in lite 60 acres --10 miles front Wingham, 6
ed from 86 to t $. The yield per acre afternoon of tlw same clap by the following from Teeswater, 1 acre hardwood, stone
Varied front 14 tons, 470oandsper acro denute,retttrning o.'dcers:
P In Ward 2, at .Tames Cumming's house by wall under barn, good frame house,
at Orangeville, to 17 tons, 63 pounds at Tampa t'leuty Deputy Returning Officer for splendid orchard, No. 1 fences; to be'
said Ward 1.
Markham. This is considered highly sari Wani•d 2, at the Advance OEiee by Theo- sold cheap,
satisfactory, however, as le tons per ti h tl Hi:il, Deputy Returning Officer for said 45 acres -2 miles from Wingham to -
it wlyd;l at the Tarvu> Fall, NCinaham, lav tr'arcis Whitechurch, all cleared; good
acre is a paying yield. Johtwen;7.iters-uson,Deputy l eturningOtt3crtr buildings, h; caro orchard, spring creek,
for sirs Ward 3, suitable for dairy farm.
Geo. BeacocL, of WiertOlt, found two yy ilia tt R tiiitsonohn L ngheiurniaonteffic y 37 avres-adjoining Blnevaie, frame
large snakes, one over sex feet long dead forsaul Ward 4. y cottage, bank barn, ?2 ,bre orchierd,river
on his store roof, ' On Saturday, the third day of 'Tannery, 'fortes one boundary' line, ea acre, bush.
A. D. 1203, the Mayor of the said Town shall To be sold at once very cheap.
attend at the Town Hail of the ,.aid 'Town at 50 acres -7 utiles from Wingham, 4
The Ontario %'tuft Growers' convent- ten o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons
ion at Walkerton appointed a delegation' a i"a to 1 slag fin, z alma ntinnt" oftkr s•c tfs%a
stone wall under barn, first-class fence
(rani Wroxeter, all cleared, brick house,�
n .,
to Ottawa to urge the appcinttnent of a! the -Clerk on behalf of the persons interested hi Ill im roved Bigvalue for the
in and promoting or opposing the passing of g y p i
railway CClnmissian. t this bylaw r4•epentively. prxc�. r,
i ei The Clerk: of the said Town at Wingham
The ,fudge in the South Orford electron .11Tilll ette1ul at the said Town Hall at ten If You want a farm near Brussels, Blvth,
case disagreed on the personal bribery i di shelf in the forenoon of Wednesday the Clinton, (3aderich. Luckttow, Kincardine,
sr apnth .lay of January A. o. font, to tiunn up
Teeswater, Belmore, Gorrie, etarriston, Pal -
charge, alio the cas0 Will probably go to' t;i ' number of votes given for and against this m yrston; Listowel or Seatorth, call and get a
' the Court of Appeal. t bylaw. lis,
l Dated at the Town Han Pt the Z"orvn of /also have simnel) larger list of town and
The mother and four young children;', ii;htenthissecondclay.of Deeember, A. i)• daoepr rtndetlte i.ngingiin price from -$406
g purchaser will
of a Galician family named Ilartook i .favor, find it to his advantage to look over this list
bust -
were lrtiril+?d tip ill it Tiro that destroyed q Clerk, before making choice of a house or lot or
• nes stand.
their dwelling, near Russel, Man, 1 �.7 fYrr� r
Besides thtr0 00 xc inge, many' ing pre•
NOTICE • j { pp Bei far talc or exchange, 1hae including atlasr
r f,srzns. lionseq, lots, mills and machinery, bnsi-
3Siss ti eranrt Sutherland, daughter of 1
' Tal>e none( that tbo shave is is true ropy of 11 111'55 blocks in Wingham And other towns and
Mr, and Mrs. William 5, `Setheriand, ; l,r,,,I,,,c.+t h 'hew whir3l hill been taken into eon- villages, Also several retail businesses, such as
'Woodstock, taking ' laltdanum for the th eCounr, 05 the' iruznieil bii finally pas:�e cl by• g As Well as hating mtehent 1WCess in the sale
toothache, took ten large a dose, and it - Id ti eiii4 PhtJQ f Yetliiti eleet>Irsybe ng lnbtab sw1 of local lancta I am pleased to report increas-
I thereto) after one month from the first pubic• ins, sales of Manitoba and N. W. T. lands.
4ed fatal. cation in the Wingham roans., the date os x expect to be 86011 Bottled in my new ()Mee
ll Holmes, of Clinton, Ont„ flus lot-ailpubtieation was the fourth. day or De- in the Vanstone 11 look, where I will be pleased
cc mi r A. P 1401End that the votes of the to have ealls from 1111 who intend to buy, sell of
been tired 040 and casts itt Deloraine, F 41e d' r,,of tits t wit, Sfunit )pnlity wilt bt, taken exchange property.
Man., int sending a carload of apples to the e, n eri tl,e d'and at the hqurlsarttl places �y� �s �y y�
ti e r n) 8xpd R J. 1M1�1� W it FJ
that town that were itnpropetly packed R'cnPa Cluck v °fete, Win ham 7)oe. 4th, 1002.
J. B, k chef etiO , Peal Estate Agent.
st *worked.j Clerk. Olhoe at present at my residence, Lcopol6.8t,
We°re not so amcious to "get rich quick" as some are. That
foraccountsour success. We always try to give you gooU
value, use you right, and, make it a pleasure for you to shop
at this store.
Our aim is always to make it profitable for you to trade here,
We pay tb.o"h,igb,est market prices for produce. We are satisfied •
with small profits. We give full weight and full measure, always
They sold rapidly. They should
o at the price. Another lot just
• .put into stook. Buy quick if
. you want any..
A$1.25 Flannelette Blankets,
• white or gray, for - $1.00
1•i $1 00 Blankets for - .80
o All.wool Blankets, $2,40 and up
e • Flannelette and Woof Sheet-
, ing, gray and white, per
yard, • • .30 to .60
41 We are still offering Overcoats
• and Ready -Made Snits at clear-
* ing sale prices.
• $10.00 Overcoats for $7.50
7.00 Overcoat for 5.00
o 55 00 Overcoat for 4.00
• 12.00 Suit for • 9.00
o •
9.00 Suit for - 7,50
0A 5.00 Suit for . 4.00 50e, GOe and 75e.
• .
so eocooceo esoo leee6 oeseeeesQreeeslCOGlQtl3eeeeeeeeo eortepeemeoeeeoeoeetacceoeseseee w
• •M� �Q .Q BLOCK, JAS. 11. KERR •
• 7.00 Suit for - 5.00
Shoes are one of the most impor-
tant items of dress at any time
of the year, and especially so
now that we are certain to have
changeable weather.
In style, price and quality our
shoes are just what you will ad-
rltire. More bargains for next
Ladies' Bax Calf Button,
'• Dryfoot" kind, hand-
some shoe, reg. 2,25, for 2.00
Ladies' Dongola Kid, lace or
button, reg 2.25, for 2.00
Ladies' Dongola Kid, lace or
button, reg 2,00, for 1.75
Ladies' Felt, red lined, lace,
. button or congress, reg.
1.50, for - 1.25
Orange, Lemon a• nd Citron
Peel, mixed, the very best
quality, per ib. • ,20
Letnon and Citron peel,mixed,
best Canadian, per ib, .15
New Raisins, best selects,
. per lb. - - .10
New Currants, re -cleaned,
3 lbs for - .25
New Figs, 1 -Ib packages,
large layers, .15
Cooking Figs, per ib, - .05
Good Rio Bean Coffee
1-1b Tins Coffee
Capital Coffee
Best Java and Mocha -
Crosse & Blackwell's mixed, .25•,
Piccalilli, .25 •
Heinz's Pickled Olives .35 it
Horse Radish .25 0
Mustard Dressing .20 SI
Sweet Midget Gher- •
kins, -
OOOM>1 S0690®ot90000Oo190009l ftee®Onesooesseeeeeseeelee•i 66600000000290000000600000:
q..: •t••f•3••i+z ,••Y•3•g•:rp3•.w;..f..l..,.•>r•?e3••g••r.,S 4.4•+++++++++++.1-144-14-:•÷4-4-:434
d Tho s's azaar
88 50
I have in stock a very large assortment of Ladies' and Gents'
Watches ; Gold Rings, mounted with diamonds, opals, pearls and
other precious stones ; Lovely Brooches ; Bracelets, Ladies' and
Gents' Chains; Silverware, Cased Goods, Novelties, etc., etc.,
suitable for Christmas. •
. . .
As I must have money these goods will be sold at slaughter #
prices during the next two weeks.
4. BUY NOW 1 - SAVE MONEY! •t•
* r
. Macdonald Block. JEWELER
4• t •: 4••'5 e4- 4••:-4.4-+4••, 4• - 4,.1, i• « 4••:-4•�r 4s4 -4 +3..;,,a Y.4,.;,.g.4.4• ;•oo3 4.4• •1••1••,,•Y,'t •l.
�. 4�'®
WANTED -Big heavy men to get bargains 10 fine black
Worsted Coats and Vests and Heavy Overcoats.
WANTED ALSO --Men with beads as small as Shakespeare's
to buy Fur Caps, which will be sold at less than half price,
Good assortment of FURS left in Capes, Caperines. Collar-
ettes, .Muffs and Gauntlets.
In Silks and Ribbons we still shine,
Our -Dress Goods are the best value inthe County, Don't
be afraid to ask to see them. Can't bother us I
We have also Gents' Fine Dress Shirts in white and colored.
See our Reckties and Collars! They look- fine, at half
MASE" is Coming, and we are preparing .
Watch for our big sale, larger this year than
ever. New Xmas goods arriving daily.
As we expect to be leaving Wingham shortly
after Xmas we will have some rare bargains, as
everything must go. Don't wait until top late.
Come and get your choice before they are picked
"-Watch our next adv. We will have a big
surprise for you."
A great assortment of Chatelaines to choose froth, different
sizes, with leather hangers, handkerchief pocket outside,
Regular 75e, for 50
Regular 1,00, for .75
Regular $12.00 Dinner Sets for
Regular 10 00 Dinner Set* for
Large assortment Cups and'saueers reg 15e and 20e, for .10
Large assortment Cups and 5aueers, regular 25e, for.. .15
Large assortment of Vases, regular 10c, for .......... .05
Regular 15e 'Vase for ..... , O .. ... .10
Lemonade Sets, assorted colors, half dozen glasses,
piteber and tray complete, reg $2,00, for....,. 1,50
Bread and flutter Plates, each.. - , , ..... . .05
Dust Pans, each, only
re Shovels only
Drip Pans, only•
i 6Y....r.
♦♦ .10.... 05
Dippers, -Only ..
*1,44.4YY.,.. Oa
.....,.. .05