HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 22
IttMAIRett4Peitele 1$72",
THE WINfillAN.Tills,
• $ t1U44(iT7'. I'uin IenxTt r>ru I)aorailta oft
TUURSI)A'X'. DEO. 4, 1902,
At Osgoode Hall- Toronto, ou Friday
enoruittg the election protest against A.
Oatupbell, West York, was dismissed
Without omit$, the petitioners stetting
that they lead no evidettwe to,offer. It is
probable that Addington will be similar-
ly treated at Napauee.
Monette, X. P. for Laprairie and
Napierville, and who left the Liberals
because Sir Wilfrid was too British for
him, has returned to the Liberal fold,
Mr, Monette says that Sir Wilfrid has
"shown to the world, and to Hon. Joseph
Chamberlain, that Canadian autonomy
must remain secure, and air Wilfrid's
conduct must be approved." Sir Wil-
frid is a man who wears well. --London
The most interesting siga of the tithes
from Caunda is the proposed increase in
her bank capital. If Eutlislimeu wlio
view with such distrust American finan-
cial expansion will but look a little
nearer house they will see a growth or
expansion which places that of the
United States quite in the shade. Six
millions of people iu Canada now have
bank deposits of $450,000,000, a gain of
;200,000,000 in five years. Canada may
Well challenge the world to match it.
--Boston News Bureau.
Canada is prosperous! Tliis is the oft -
repeated message of the Government
press. --Stratford Herald.
Well, isn't that a good thing to talk
about? Would the Herald deny the
fact? Good time' are here notwith-
standing the psectictions of the Conser-
vative press prior to 1896. Why
shouldn't we refer to it as often as pos-
sible? If times were bad, the Grits
would be blamed for it. Is it not quite
reasonable for them to take some credit
for the prevailing prosperity? -St.
Thomas Journal.
Thirty thousand American settlers on
Canadian farms is the record of the
last twelve months of the "American
invasion," In numbers, it is a trifle
compared to the horde streaming into
the States through NettYork, but there
is this differeuce: The 30,000 are Eng-
lish-speaking, progressive American
citizens, of a class which the country
would not lose willingly. It will take
generations to produce their type in the
foreigners coming in. The emigrant is
aa American Citizen, The immigrant
may pecotne one after a geueratiou or
so. America is getting the raw material,
Canada the finished product. --Brooklyn
Statute Labor.
To the end of the, year:190i there were
73 townships which had abolished or
oommutted statute labor, in whole or iu
part, and the number has this year beeu
increased to 97, or about one-quarter of
the old settled townships. Of the 73
townships above mentioned seven had
wholly abolished the system, and for
road purposes collected a rate on the
township assessment. Forty-eight corn.
ranted all statute labor, at a rate per
day varying from 25c to $1, the usual
amount being 50 to 75e. a day. Eight-
een additional townships have partially
abolished or commuted the system. The
universal testimony from townships
where statute labor his been removed is tt1
that the roads improvii much more rapid-
ly than io the surrounding townships, }
where the old system is retained, and in ,
some cases it is affirmed that oue year ce
the new methods has been worth five;
years of the old system in. actual improve- '
relent to the roads. The progress =de
with the abolition of the antiquated
statute labor system is undoubtedly due
to the educational campaign which has
been carried on under the direction of
Mr. A. W. Campbell,theipresent deputy ,
Minister of Public Works,' for Ontario, b
who has been especially charged with ]
this duty, and if he had nothing morel
to report than the splendid showing
above made he would have abundantly
demonstrated the success of his mission.
-Brantford .'Expositor.
Lnda osteo l
There are farms of indigestion and dys-
pepsia which can never be reached by
oratnary stomach medicines and so-called
digestants. The kidneys and liver are
involved, and though the stomach may to
all right, it is the part of digestion which
tastes place in the intestines that is
Ali over the Country are people who are
suffering froth jest this kind ofiedigestian.
They don't get well, because they
don't use the right medicine. 'Dr.
Chase's liidaey-Liver Pills are admirably
suited for this very trouble. They act
directly esti the kideevs, liver and bowels,
reitieve the cause; and Italie a permanent
maned intestivalindigestion, backache, and
diseases of the filtering and excretory
Dr. Chases Kidney -;Winer Pills are veg-
etable in composition, and remarkably
pt Arid effective in action. They are
lin thoubatids of homes as a standard
Mticiitirsa, Aad hoe proven by years of
trial, to be without a rival. One pill a
Boas, 45 cents s box. At all dealers, or
Bates ilk Co., Toronto.
ilidasy.Liver Pleas
Huron Leads as Usual.
Oxford couuty seems to be peculiarly
Livered in the matter of high distillctiou
for parliamentary represoutativos. Ws.
have had Premier Mowat, now Witten.,
out Governor, Sir Richard Cartwright,
Ml:iuister of Trade and. Ooninlerce, R
Privy .Couueillar, and Hen. Jas.. Suther,
land, ltImister of Public Works, with A.
Pattttilo, M. L. A., standing well to the
trout of a portfolio in the Ontario Goy,
erument in the near future. Where is
the other conuty that eau show such an
honorable and distinguished record?-
Iugersoll Sun. -
Hurou eau easily surpass thiel record,
Rx•Premier Robson, British Columbia,
was raised in Huron. Be -Premier
Greenaway, Manitobiespent most of his
life here. Premier Ross, Qutario, is a
former resident. of Huron, Sir R. J.
Cartwright represented . Centro Huron
in the Dominion House. Dr.MeDonald,
Deputy Speaker of the House, is a well-
known Huroniau, The late A. M, Ross,
Treasurer of Ontario was a Etat-entail.
The late M. C. Cameron, Lieutenant -
Governor of the Northwest, spout the
best part of his Iife here, Hou. J. T.
Uarrow, a former member of the Ontar-
io Cabinet was raised in Baron. This
is a pretty good record for one eounty,to
say nothing of the Cebiuet material still
iu it,-Cliuton New Era,
Death of John Campbell. ,
On Thursday, Nov, 27th, another of
Listowel's aged citizens etrtered ` into
rest, when Mr. John Catnpboll passed
peacefully away, full of years and be-
loved by everybody A little over a
week ago he had received a stroke of
paralysis. Tue deceased John Camp-
bell was born in the oouuty of Antrim,
Ireland, oa March 2Gth, 1814, and came
with his parents to America when a
young man of about twenty years. His
father, the latef.)a$. Campbell, settled
near Albany, New York State, where
the deceased learned the tanning trade.
On April 15th, 1847, he married. Martha
McCully, of Delaware county, N. Y.,
and with his wife came to Kingston,
where for some years he was manager
of a large tannery. Subsequently he
went into business for himself, formiug
a partnership with the late T, Merrick,
Esq.,of Merrickvilie,•where they success -
f ally carried on a tannery for some
time. It was while in Merrickville that
Mr. Canipbell and Mr. George Towner
became partners and in 1867, the year
of Confederation, the firm removed to
Listowel, dud established what became
under the ownership of Messrs. Towner
and Campbell, one of the largest sole
leather tanneries au Canada. As well as
being a practical andexperienced tanner,
Mr. Campbell also:travelled considerably
in pushing the firm's- business. Having
acquired a comfortable competency, he
sold out his interest in the business to
his partner, Mr. Towner, about twenty-
four years ago and has since enjoyed a
life of retirement.
The First Snow.
The first fall of show in this section
for the past ten years fails to show a
single case in which there had not been
heavy falls of snow either in October or
in the early part of November. The re-
cord 1s:
1902 -November 26th.
1901 -November 14th.
1900 -November 13th,
1899 -November llth,
1897 -November 9th.
1896 -October 18th.
1895 -October 29th,
1894 -November 9th.
1893 -October 28th.
1892 -Nov. 6th. "
In 1891, however, two inches fell on
November 27th. In 1872 it was Nov.
80th before any snow worthy of record
was observed, and in 1888 snow fell on
the same date as this year, Nov. 26th.
Scores of Users
While Dr. Chase's Ointment is best
known on accDnnt of its wonderful con-
trol over eczema, salt rheum and piles,
it is found to be in almost daily demand
in many homes as a are for chilblains,
chafin,piutples, sunburn, burns, scalds,
and each and every fprm of itching, irri-
tated or inflamed ski». It is invaluable
in every home and as a soothing appli-
cation knows no cured.
Blasts From the Ram's Horn.
The throne of grace is not a bargain
Deep digging iliust go before high
The love is not faultless that falters
at a fault.
Trials are heavenly teachers in earthly
The stream of life rises not above its
Culture is not character but character
is culture.
'there are no sins that a man may
keep to himself.
When a man is his own god he is
other people's devil.
Some Hien march to hell to the time
of heavenly tunes.
POW ever intend to take more than a
tiny' taste of sit.
The .only thing that casmet to a man
who waits is the dust from the proses-
The problem is not to get education
out of politics so aitch e4 to get educe-
tion into the politieiarte..
A St. Thomas. Oentletuan Whom
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets Cared of I.tltnbxgo
unix Never, hitt Any
llcturn of His Old
It will, no doubt, be a saurce of tzetis.
faction to those who fere suffering from,
the effects of wrong acting kidneys, to;
know that Dr, Pitcher's Bagkache
Kidney Tablets not duly give prompt
relief iu all eases but they more , !So
effectively and thoroughly, that the-.
dieettse la not likely to return again -.the
cure is pertuauent. To illustrate the
pernianeucy of the cure ehey effect, we
cite the case of Mr. Joseph Fitzpatrick,
a tutu well up in years, w1ie liveat 54
Metcalfe street, Ss, Thomas, Out.
Statement, 18$3.
"Darieg a recent attack of lumbago
and kidus'y trouble, due to exposure to
cold, I took 1)r. Pitcher's Backache Kid-
ney Tablets,aud eau speak ulibeaitat iugly
of their tine qualities. They are easy
in action, give relief quickly,and, despite
my age, Gave completely cured ate and
put we in fine couctitiou again."
(Si iced) Joseph Fitzpatrick,
Statement 1902
"I have never had any return of the
old trouble- with my back and kidneys
sines Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets oured me in the fall of 1891). • At
that time I could hardly get around at
all, but they soon cnred sue. They are
a grand remedy. and both my wife and
myself prize them highly."
(Signed) Joseph Fitzpatrick.
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Eidgey•,
Tablets are prepared from the formula
of Zino, Pitcher, M.D., formerly Pro-
fessor of Matteritt Medica and ;Naito -
urinary ' diseases;
Naito•urinary'diseases; Michigan College of
Medicine, Detroit, Mich., U.S, A„ The y
are the must effectual treatment kaowu
for bacltache,paii>; iit the back or betweeu
the shoulders, bloating, swelling of the
feet and legs, pufiiteess under the oyes,
difficulty of urination, 'pain or distress,
seauty flow, highly colored urine, brick
dust, or other deposits, frequent, calls
during the day or Inght, rheumatism,
uric acid 1u the blood, dragging pain
in the loins. sena of weight or pressure
in the region of the bladder.eonstipation,
kidney weakness of childreu aud old
people, and all forms of bladder, and
urinary troubles.
• Price 50 cents a bottle, or three bottles
for $1.25, at all druggists, or sent by
mail. The Dr. Ziva Pitcher Co., Tu-
oronto, Ont.
Among the p erils to which a submarine
cable is sabject are ocean curreuts,which
swirl agaipst sea-bpttone crags, and the
attacks of the sea monsters, sharks,
swordfish, and the.ilike.
Artesian wells made possible the grow-
ing of melons in Colorado, crops being
successful several years running, and
then a sand storm cause along and cook-
ed the melons on the trees.
Governor Crane.; of Massachusetts,
dislikes public speaking, and though- he
is always interesting in his addresses,he
conalers the necessity for their delivery
one of the most trying features of public
Thirty-five men are continually em-
ployed in painting the famous Forth
bridge at Scotland. They commence
operations at the south end of the bridge
and mooed steadily to paint their way
northwards; their laborious journey oc-
cupies three years; thou they begin
One of the largest meetings of credit-
ors on record was held in Paris recently
in connection with the failing of the
Chinese Generale des Fanilles. The
liquidator sent out 85,000 notices, and ho
had to Hire the Trocklero, one of the
biggest halls in Paris, for the meeting.
A baby carriage which is a miniature
of "the deacon's one-horse shay" and
was presented to Hon. Heury L. Dawes
while iu the United States Congress in
the sixties, when it was announced that
he was the father of a bouncing boy, is
now being repaired to do service for
Henry L. Dawes the third.
A novel feature of the now municipal
electric tramways at Yariuouth,Engiand,
which ran their first full daily service a
few weeks back, is a telephone line ear-
ried under the street standards, by means
of 'which, iu case of accident or break-
down, the driver or conductor can with
a probable telephone carried on the care,
et once get into comnIunrcatio i With
the tramway' heedquarters
Mile Empire of Turkey possesses an
extensive system of agricultural •bauks
under Government management, the
purpose of which is to furnish small
loans to farmers. The capital is provid-
ed by a light annual tax to agricultural
property. Principal agencies have been
established in 65 cities, capitals •ef
provinces (vilayets) or c0uuties(sanja155)
and there are 803 branches in less im-
portant places,
At Parkhill the other eveiling, Jessie
Maclachlan, the great Scottish singer,
met several "O' her Min folk" after the
the concert and talked Gaelic with them.
One elderly Scot, named Buchanan, who
crime from the same part of the old land
as the singer, was successful in proving
a distant relatioeship, and Jessie Mac-
lachlan was very gracious towFird situ.
The old Man was at the station next d'ay
to see bis new found relative off. "Dear
Cousin, Ante, f ant ferry glad to have
met you," was his Dar ng salutation.
,vITFIIN TWO Nir1ril t3
The Canada Business College
CHATKA4 , ors r,
Placed two underflrs,duat.a and Otte eradeute
xk aatar1ty 4)1441 I.,b ;t.eo each per annum, end
luta to *snow ten vtltvr cads to go unlined W iiera
tee %USas otter.id we.e trot a ;54 to ;uc per
Leer tt nue ])M7 to attend the best ?
We want 100 more bright young Inca• and
women to premie tut' tlicaeaixesateui3Ot)enin);d.
NV ri to ter OM' Lyauaunu:+ eta bates ue.
!; 5IcLAi:/MAN •t2 ve., on.crittsout ONT.
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by eiperieueed teachers at the'
Forest City Business and Short-
hand College, - London, Ont.
We have no dilficalty in placing com-
petent liupils in good positions. College
reopens Sept. 2., Send for Catalogues,
J. W. WESTERVELT, • - Principal.
:;•Bui do the�• Fit?
11 G t? t.
IWhen you buy a suit of
Clothes they enlist fit right
,t as well as look right.
They'll last longer •
and that. is • what gives you
value in clothes.
tt •
' Order your Suit or Overcoat
,` tliade by
In the Shaw Block
f f f %f f fffl%ft% g%t
A Christmas Gift of
utmost satisfaction to
both giver and recipient
An Engraved Visiting
Card Plate 6f the
Finest "Script,"
100 Choicest Visiting
Cards printed from
the plate, •
A Fine Seal Leather
Visiting Card Case.
Vie send these com-
plete to any address,
prepaying delivery
charges, for $3.00.
Write for our new catalogue.
It wilt acquaint you with hen.
dreda of hew ideas. We mad it
on request. •
Kyrie 'ros.A
ww Jewelers.
L' tong and Adelaide Sts..
BAPTIST Cnultotn-••Sabbath s'lrvices at
11 a la aitd 7 p m. Sunday School set
2;30 p ui. General prayeir wetltiug
ou Wednesday evenings. Rev: J. J. Pat-
tersou, B,A.,pastilg, W.J,Chaputau, S.S..
H n:
Mux o ST CHnxtCll-Sabbath services
et 11 a nl and 7 p in, Sunday Sohool at
2:30 pin. Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S, Sup-
PEES}YTERIAN Crtuttotte-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a nt and 7 p no. Sunday
Smoeetihoolng atou 2:W80cdi pp e4m1ay, evenGeneralings. prayerRev.
D. Perris, pastor and S a'. auperinten-
ttt. 1.
ST. P.i,uL'S CHUROlf, EerseorAr.-Sab-
bath services at 11."a nt and 7 p m. Sun-
day School at 2:30P in. General prayer
meeting on Wednohday evening. Rev.
Win. Lowe, inculnbeut. P. Shore, S. S.
SA1;vATION AR1EY--St; vice at 7 and 11
a m and 3 anti 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFFICE -In •Macdonald Block.
Office hours from" 8 a m to 6:30 p .
Peter Fisher, posti�;Iaster, m
MECHANICS' INSTrruTE-Library and
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'olock and every evening from 7 to
9;.80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson,
Towel OouNcn --R. Vanstone, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Roht, 11fc-
Indoo, J J. Elliott, W. P. VanStoue,
A, J. Irwin, Coanoillors; J. B., Fere
guson, Clerk' and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL BOARD. --:fl. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, J. J'. Elliott, J. J.
Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Button, C. N. Griilin. Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, MissBrock,
Miss Reynolds, MissFarquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD OF HEALTH -Mayor Vanatone,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec -
rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
�r ;i;;!' "1 '' r^'s J. J. Elliott V. S.
l��?I��"I���e M ° :•� Honorary Graduate of
Iii; �G?I; a e Honorary
G. ,. i ,. College.
' s` =i^" Office and. Infirmary
'ornor of Victoria and
!Minnie Ste. Wingham.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
T,1'olouhone connection,
BIf Telephone Company
A .new issue cf the SUB-
for the District of Western
Ontario, including t h e
W IN0-liAi?i exchange,
will be issued early in
September. Or d e r s f or
new connections. changes
of address, changes of
)names, duplicate entry of
names, etc., should be`
placed et once to ensure
their appearance.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
BOOKEIsnINa.—We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our - prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given qn
application to
50 VE3:I4S'
2V re. dater, 'Wood's Pilin 1,oa5. o,
Thr Great Engtish Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists. in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Sts
packages guaranteed to Cure all
forms of Sexual weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, E3eessive us^ of To -
Mace. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on .deetpt
of price, ono package $1, Sir, $5. Ono taillptease,
tit teal cure. Patnphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phesphodine is sold to Wingham 1)y
Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamilton, 11.tA.
Douglass, and T.1. Davis, Druggists.
Are you satisfied with yoer income ? IS your
time fully occupied ? If not, write us. We can
give you employment by the month on good
terms or contract to pay you well for such
lmsinesc atty on seeure for tts et Odd timf•A. We
employ boor male and female representatives.
The next three months is the very best time to
self our goods. No deposit is required; outfit
is sbsolnteke free. 'we have the largest nurser.
Re in Canada --Durr AYl acres -a large range, of
valuable ROWspeelaltieq,S rind all our stoek is
tfttaranteetl a9 rel)re,efted. If you want to
represent the berttest, most popular and brat
known nursery, write us. It will be worth
Year While,
"Oangdas Greatest elarseries."
Anyone bending a sketch and description may
quickiy ascertnin our opinion free whether as
invention is probably 1•nfeetnhle. Cntnntunten
none strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent tree. fittest :money for securing patents,
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
spec:at?aotW, without ebnrge, in tho
Scientific Ninerican.
A handsomely tllur trate$ weskit/. LIrcest etr
eutattoo of any edentate pumal. Tertna. ti9 s
tenth; foto. months, SL 8b11 by ail eowsdenlers.
' HH P. ,361sroaUtif'1,i5ai, 'or)
tttat li Caiee, 1.24 ° ry, t• y, ;;r^n. Il .-
London 6.50 a m.... a,lOp.ni,
Toronto & Fast . ,9 a,nt,6.63 a tri.... 8 05p.tn,
liincardine..11.10 MM1.40 pin., .. 8.88p.m.
AltRtvh ri'noltt
Kincardine ....6.50 a.m0.06 a,tn.... 8.05 p.m.
London.. 1I 10 a m...-. 7.55 p,m.
Pabnerst.tin 11.10 ant.
Toronto & East 1.90 p.m.... 8.88 pan.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
V 'rretrss LEAVE ren
Toronto and East 6.57 a.m.... 8.43 pan.
Teeswatet ... 1.17 p.m,...10.48 p.m.
A1tltivt?i rnoM
Teeth ater...... 8,57 tt.tn 548 p.tn.
Torontoand East 117 p.m....10.48 p.m,
J. H. DEEMER. Agent. Wingham.
WANTED. --A trustworthy gentleman or lady
In melt eotinty to manage business for an old
established house of solid financial stranding.
A Straight, bon fide weekly cash salary of
$18.00 paid by cheek each W'ednewday'with all
expenses direet from headquarters. Money
mivanral for expenses, Manager, 840 0axton
Bldg'., Chicago.
Xa'rAP GI5Ii<ED 1872
The Tildes °Mee, $eaves Block
Tineas Or Sunsonti'TtoN-$1 J0 per annum in
advance 11.50 if not so paid. No paper diseon
tinned till all arrears urs paid, except at the
option of the pubUsner.
ADv)GHristri i - Legal and other
casual nflvertilurments be pet'Non uariel Mai for
first insertion, tie per line for each subsequent
Advertisements in local eeI u isa are charged
10 eta. per lino for first i)usertion, and 5 coats
per line for each subsequent insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, . Strayed,
Firma for Salo or to Rent, and sahib;r, 41.00 for
first mouth and 50 cents. for ouch subsequent
10NTIlAo1 RATiss=Thetollowingtable shows
our rates for the imitation of advertisements
for apoeifled periods:-
egacm, 1 ra. 6)10, S MO. 1 Mf'
One Column $OOAO $3.5.00 7115.00 is Prl
Half Column 85,00 18,00 10,00 cu0
Quarter Column 18,00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific directions'
will be inserted tilt forbid and charged, accord-
ingly. 'Transient advertisements mast be paid
for in advance.
THE Jos DEPARTMENT is stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisitosfor print-
countyfordturnini lout first cla7equalled
inqu orlk. La ge
type and appropriate cuts for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bills, etc„ and the latest styles of
choice faney type for the finer classes of print
ing. •
Proprietor and Publisher
T•P litENNEDY, M. D.. M. O. P. S, O
• Member of the British Medical Assoeia•
tion, Gold Medallist inMedicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women tend Child
ren. (Mee hours --1 to 4 p, m. ; 7 to 0 p. in.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, eta.
Office -Macdonald Block,.,over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls unawered at the office..
A Ti,D,
e at., M o.Ys.o Mie, atu,oat., at b Pe n•
°S^rrioa—Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
REsIDENos-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
Private anti Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest. No commission charg r 1, ort -
gages, town and farm property' bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham.
Wingham, Ont._
Omen: Moyer Block, Wingham,
Doctor of DontalSnrgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental of Dental Surgeonstof Ontario Ofce
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
New method for painless ex-
traction. No Cocaine.
, Special attention to, the care and regulation
of children's tenth, Moderate rices, and all
work carefully and skilfully performed' , 'Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham,
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August,
Wingham, Ont.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Fates;
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty.
AU orders left at the Titans office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont,
Is prepared to conduct sates in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farnr stock
and implements.
Dates and orders can always be arranged at
the Turfs office, Wingham.
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine-.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory bf Music, will he pre-
pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited nuns-
ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence -opposite II. C. Church, Winghatn.
and member of the Associatad Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited atm
ber of pupils for instructiJn on Piano and in.
Speefal attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Residence -o r:melte II. C. Church, VPinghntn.
and anyone having live stock et other
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver,
tise the Same for sato in the TIMES. Our large
cireulation tells and it will be atranttcce indeed -if
you do not egsteetiettomer. weeen'tguerentee
'chat roe witt sell becaw.po you may ask more
for the article er stock than it is Worth. Bend
your advertisement to the TOM mid try this
ppllea. oaf` disposing of your stook and other
Deal gently with her, Time: these mapy
Of life have brt.'urht mord smiles with
thein than tears,
Lay not thy hand so harshly ou her now,
I3ue trace tteeline so slowly OH heri¢row
That- (like a suuset of the Nomerit
Where twilight lingers iu the enamor
And facies tot last into the silent eight,
Ere one tray note the passing u;r the
So may she pass-siucti 'tis the conimtot;
ry s one who, resting, sleeps and knows iG
John Allan Wyetb.
I remember, I remember, ,� ti
, ht• house where I was; born, s t
'Mc little window where the Sun t
C:t1nv. pooping in at mare;
He. never e:irlie a wink too seen,
Nor brought ,too•loug ai. day, -
But now I od'ten wish! th . night ;
1I0.,1, borne my breath a way ! ! ,
t f 1
I I-en:ember, I remember, f •
The roses,.' red and white, ,
The violets, and the lily -cups,
Those flowers made. of light! I
The lilies where the robin; built.
And where uty brasher set
The laburnum, on his birthday--. 1
The tree is living yet! - 1 • t
I remember, I remember, t
Where I was used to swing, r ,
And thought the air must .ruaht as
,fresh , -
To swallows on111e. wing; t , ;
111y :spirit ,flow in fcatbera, thorn, ,
That is so heavy; now, •
And summer pools could Hardly coot'
The fever on my brow!
remember, I remember, t
TY,t• fir -trees dark and high, ' ; •i
I used to think their slender tops
Were close against the sky; •
It woes a childish ignoaance,;
But now 'tis little jay •
To !;;not:' I'm farther off from hcav'a
Than when I was a boy. • , t,
[Chicago News.] ,
Any girl who induces a youug man to
propose begs the question.
When a Iuan gets full it is a good time
to take his bust measure.
If a Hiatt • eat:nuts to anything he
doesn't have to boast of his ancestors.
Truth lies at the bottom of a well, but
the angler never goes there to fish.
It makes a . woman heartsick every
titne she has to cut a valuable piece of
When a locotnotive goes off on a toot
the engineer is geuerally carried home
in a cab.
, All mon may be born equal, but the
average man imagines he was 'born a
little more so.
What a nice old world this would be
if everybody was as polite as political
Slander is the curse of society, and.
gossips are the purvey ors of slander.
Many women who gad about and° are
ready to faint if they hear a word a little
off color, will tear to shreds the reput-
ation of a man or woman for the edifi-
cation of soulless hearers and actually
snake themselves believe that they are
God feariug people. The eha •ratter
wrecking gossip is the chief curse of
every community.
1 Eow'e Tiffs?
We;ofier One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F. -J. Ct3ENEY & Co,, Props., Toledo,
We, the undersigned have known E.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus-
iness transactions and financially able to
carry out an any obligations made bj*
their firm. -
WEST .64 TRUA%, WllolesaIe Druggists,
Toledo, -O,
sale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hull's Qaterrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu-
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes-
timonails free.
Hall's Family Pills aro the best,
There is a noted difference
in thestyle and fit.of pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
1� p
Then there is the low price
quality of cloth put
in them—cloth that 'wears
See our new goods and prices.