HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-12-04, Page 1f ► et TI VOL, •XXXL----NO. 1605. WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; DECEMBER 4, 1902. s Surprsng. Now Xmas Steals Up on a Parsort. SPECIAL PRICES For the oerl two weeks Now is the time you will be thinking' of getting your Winter Suit, Overcoat, Un- derwear and Footwear—hi fact everything to make you comfortable and warm. We are in a position to do this for you at the very lowest prices. Everything we sell we guarantee and if not as re- presented will gladly refund the money. Note a few prices in Suit- ings and Pantings : Uood Tweed Suits, made to your order --- Regular $20.00, out pride $17.00 r, 18.00, " 16.00 ,r 17.00, " 15.00 1(3.00, " 14.00 .. 15.00, " • 12.00 .. 14.00, " 11.00 .' 13.30, •' 9.50 A special lot of Partings, regular price $4.50, a big out, made to your order, well trimmed, see them, at - $3,00 Overcoats,m.ade up•to-date, $10 to $40 You will find in our Boot and Shoe stock every kind of boot for man, boy, womau and cbild, and at greatly reduced prices. Remember, we sew all rips free. We guarantee every pair of Lutn- bernlau's Rubbers we sell, and we sell them cheap. Come and see those out prices. Tonle taken as cash. Hoiiuth B WILL SELL CIII P. MARRIAGE- LICENSES Issued by Fil.A.ICK PATEESON, No. 23 Victoria street. Whirham, Ont. ,No wituessosrenulrcd. Thr re will be roast turkey', plum pudding and coke and Santa Claiw almost before we know. it, And there'll be mince pies too, hundreds of them, for what else could he done with' all the mince meat. that we've been selling lately. And there'll be Xmas cakes a- plenty too; we know that by the amount of peels, raisins and nets • etc. we've sold. Now it wouldn't be a bad hies at all for you to buy every single thing you need for Xmas here. Then you would be sure of purity, snre of getting only the highest grades, and there wonldn't be'a cent ostia to pay either. Hs A1 Hutchison CROCER Prompt Delivery. - Phone 51. NOTICE. If you went to bay a farm, read the list in another column. If you are not saric-fled with that selection, come to my office nod have a look over as many inure, I: yon want a house in Wiughent or any village or town within 50 miles, I can shew you the largest colleutiou ever ou list for sale in this part. T. J. IVIAGUIRE, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 4,000 notes of thole+ farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 ander acres, lute: in Kinloss, Greonot:k. Bruce, Kincardine, Huron arta Ashfield Townships. Good lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. Aizo a good sawmill for sale, almost for a song. Also a good blacksmith shop tdwellin in eon- neotion) doing a cooditlt'iness, ter sale cheap. A hotel doing .goutt business for sale cheap. Also a a-agousllop. Aener el store with targe trade, live village. Also a large nmonnt of money to loan at 5 per cent. Per further par- ticulars apply to J, A. BicKENZIE, Insurance Agent. iiolvrood. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran. teed to oure headache. . Sale le of D Mx. J. J. Purvis, the hammer tit a ve dairy cows at the on Saturday last. the whnlo was a tr M. J, `Villiams, owner. ry .Cows. nctioneer, wielded y successful sale of h ntioual hotel girds 'he average price ctn ie over 882.00. Mr. Newark, was the DomiNioN N You get the newest asods in endings and ovarcoatiugs at reasonable, prices at Geo. Carr's. Capital $2,900,000,` WMr, CeA..tng at Catuph Reserve $2,900,0913 W11HAM BRANCH SHAW BLOM A General Banking. Business Trans- acted. Farmers' Sale ,Notes Collected, and advances made on sante. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada, United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 0th Juno and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, 5 anagen. It. Vanstone, Solicitor. Owen Sound to-il be married to Miss daughter of Mr. an formerly of Win many Winghain f to hear of her rein lags of the weddin next issue. wen Sound. 1, of town, is in where he is to erne Cline, eldest Mrs. Jas. A. Cline, ham. The bride's fends will be pleased n to town. Particu• will be g' n in our Bnautifnl cutters ii.est in town, at T. H. ROSS'. Higltest price for turkeys, geese,dnrirs, ohfekeus, potatoes, dried apples. butter and eggs. Wn GUAM TRADING Co,.LTD. Almost Serio s Accident. Mr. D. Showers 1 et with what might have been a fatal no 'ident while at work in the cider mill on Sutnrdny last. He was putting a belt on 11 pulley and his 'hand slipped and 1 is arni was drawn around between t e pulley and belt. Fortunately tate art i was not broreii but B • _ s T0or will bo faid aside tom worts for some time. 1 119,A Ai ■ IL Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve FtUid, $1,600,000.00. President—•Jona' StrrAitS. Viee•Presiclent—A. G. 13A erste DIRECTORS John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P. A.' T. Weed, M.P., A.1;.Lee (Toronto). General Tanager—J. TU1tNBtJLL. Elavin s Bank—Itonrs 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 to L Deposits of *1 and upwards received. In- veinber and 0 B t iZv`itayu�eacht yeaar raid added to prinkipai. Bpeoial Deposits also received et current rates of interest. Drafts est Great Britain and the United Staten Bought and sold. Travellers are notified that tho flank of Nam - Elton audits Branches issuer Circular Pates of which can he en lied without of arge or rue- i,ie In rant pari ortle world. V. DOItlIGIL1iD, Agent E. L. DIOEust 3OZ Solicitor. • --.The /Isms and Weekllr 'Mall and Empire till let :tannery. 1004, to now •bubscribere for $1.73. Premium pioturen MEI new :l old subscribers of Mail and Empire. Pon SAtl;—A :new hand•ntacle cutter. Apply* to T. J. Magniro. MONEY To Lo/N.—Money to loan on notes, anti notes discounted at reason- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gagee. with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes and aceontlts olleotod. Office --Beaver Block, Wing - ham hoist. MoINnno. County Cor The nntriinntinns Menem will be hold ber 2:2nd. The no on No. 7. ctenposed East and West We' on the above date Wheeler's warren 13elgrave P. Port Wntvanoslt,is the n this division. In t tut oominissirnleril, Lockhart will seek have heard the nal and Atsx Stuart et candidates. In div of 2tureberrv, plc Mr 1'tnbt. Miller, coneriasiotiers, wil Hon and ltiir. Aitdr has announced this ntissioners. county Commis - it Monday, Decent- iinntious for Divisi• f 'Winghatn,1.31rth, !nosh will 'be held t 1 o'clock in P. nd repair shots at rfh4lcl, clerk of Bast urinating officer for is division the pres. i:esstq Patterson end re election and We a of John T. Currie tinned. as probable gine No. 8, composed ick and Wroxeter. tie of the prostate ldkaly Seek re-elste w »oig, of I•Iowick, he is a cattdiciltte. • Wingha A meeting of thtt Olth will be hold itt ou Friday oveniug members and person. genie are rc;quuated t� ing• Qurlers. Winkhanl. Llnidlug tie oonuoll nitanber f this week. Alt intelreeted in the attend the Meet-, 1iiLATON POWttAIT.—Lifa sfze, for 0.00, at Armstrong & Co's. studio. Fresh oysters arriving daily; served hi any style, at Jas. Buckley're star restaur- ant. Annual Wings. The annnnl meet' g of the filnevale Cheese and Butter tnpany will he hold in the Foresters' hall Blue•vale, on Fri- day, Deoa+nibur I9th. On Tuesday, Dec - .anther 23rd, the a1411 1 meeting of the Whiteehurnh Cheese nil FButter•Corn- panv will be held in a Foresters' hall at Whitcohurol,. M' ONET To LOAN at 43 per cent. on easy terms of repayment, Apply to A. Dulwago, Kent MMlctck. Winghaul. Stock and fm lement Sale. Mr. Thos Lovell; of lot 8, con. 6, Turnberry will list e an auction sale of farm stook and h tlesclay, Decetnber, )th. Air, Lovell hes sols] his farm and verything is to he sold wit hunt resew . 12 mn,tth? credit, See bills for parti niers. G. Barton. auctioneer; elements on Wed - BARGAINS IN MILLINERY—Millinery going at cost and below. Come early and get your choice. 'Miss MacPherson. A Social The Westminster hero Presbyterian social in rite lecture on Friday evening gratillne of solos, r nvranged and refre. ed. A pleasant sot Silver collection. Evening. i1)i1d of the Wing - moil will hold a room of the ohuroh f this week. A pro• ]dings, etc.. is being 110005)1 will he serv- al evening is assured. —The TINES and Family Herald and Weekly Star till lst Ja,nnary 1904, to new steeserihers for $1.73. Premium rictnres to rt'w and nirl snbeeribers of -Family Herald and Weekly Star. • Tho Carp Bali League. The final gam for Noventher in the Carpet Bull I,.n ie was 'played nit Fri- day' evening las after the streeting of Oonrt ltfiaitlaerl, . O. F. The C. 0 F. and I. 0. 0. F. ere the teams playing and C. 0. F. tenwon by a score of 15 to 4. The folio ing is the list of games to be player] dnr ng Deeember:— A. 0. U. W. 0. 0. F.atA A. 0. P. at 1. K. 0. T. M. I.0.0,F.s I,0.F.atAa I. 0, 0, F., Dec. 4. 0. F. Dec., 9. •^ 0.10.. Deo. 12. t C. O. F., Den. 12. K. 0. T. M.. Dec. 16. O, U. W „ De 7. A nine nett/ stool of 1 eH halts. lace cnllnrs and ties are I tock for Xmas, Trade. At HANNA. & Co. n ill •a r 'Weekly be t —The TJblCn 3 W o y Gl 1st .lannary, 1904 to new subscribers for 1 00. Premium to new and old sub- scribers of the Globe. Jessie N. Mac achlan Concert. The Jessie N. 1 chiohlau concert to be held in the o). ra house, \Vinghatn. on Friday evenin:r wombat 19,promises to be one of the b ' t ever held in Wing - ham. With ascii n array of intone the hall shnnid be nwded to the doors Jessie N. Marla .filen, the gneen of Scottish vocalist vill he assisted by Miss Marietta LaDe1 , Canada's. favorite entertainer; M,a Teresa Flanigan, Caanda's sweet st soprano: and Robt Buchanan, Dist) t solist, Pleu of hall opens at Csinplu 1l's drug store ou Mon- day next at 12.8 o'clock. Sect your seats early. • Robes, horse bla ke , berness, both single and double, H. Ross'. Dr. ]Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- r posite St. Andrew's church, London, ! Ontario. Municipal Q nership. A good example o the benefits of municipal tones* f waterworks ie /Oven In Otte cele• of t o city of King- ston 1tt `il3,3 the I y acgnired the water work& system Ilea there were i)00 0910111r4lOrs•:. With ,au annual teeenee of $25A00; 1RfpNr the are 3,500 con - minters -with inn annuat eeonne of $30,- 000 Consnnlers get th it water supply for one-third the cost a antler the old system, 01' the preeen reveling $5,800 goes towards i'edeend re debentures. When these have been 11 paid off. the consnmevi Will get their pply for about oue-half the present 09/3.. wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. The Toms has authority to arrange dotes and terms for auction Bales for either E. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos. Brown, Seaford). Death of Mrs. Collins. This week' wo are called upon to chronicle the death of . eleu IlXattell, be. loved wife of Jas. Utiles, which and avert, occurred at her ow on Victoria street on Tasesday oto ling. in her 40tH year. Deceased heel b Nil sick for some mouths suflb ing with ►tit dread rtiseese, cancer. Mrs. Collins vas held in high esteem by a large circ], of friends who will hear of her death ith ureter. She had been a couch reap cted resident, of Wittghani for upward of twenty-five years. Besides her lin. }and she leaves a family •of two daugh re s,ikirs. W, Irivin of Arthur and Mrs, .Pro t. McBride, of Winghenl, ate] one sett,. • r, John Collins of Listowel. The facer 1 took place this (Thursday) morning to 1. e R. C. caplet• ay at Fortnnsa, QHUFIOH NOTES. Rev, Wm. Lowe e. hanged pulpits nu Sunday last with Rett XL A Wright, B. • A., of I oimesviile, The.Presbytery of i timid will hold its regular meeting a the Wiughani Presbyterian church, on Tuesday, Deo - amber 160, . Oomutuninn sordid s will be held iu thePresbyterian ur '11 ►n Sunday ext esbytrri ch a . ua ty u Preparatory service ill be held on Fri. day tveining. Rev. S. Gould, A • itlican witsSiouury to Palestine deliverer a very iutereatiug and instructive loot re in the school room of St. Pant's. iteral on Friday evening last. SI A YEAR IN ADVANCE WATERWORKS A D SEWERAGE SYST M? The Au:;lienn Chu Wert asked by the this week as a week prayer for the doepe life of the members roll In Canada has (ahoptl to observe 1 supplication acid nig of the spiritual 1 the chnrcb. Rev. W. J. West, . 4., of Bluevale, 4oe:npled the putpi of the Wiughaui Presbyterian choral on Sunday last. Rev. D. Perrin took • r. West's work at Blnevale and Eadie' c lurult in Turu- burty. Tile anniversary se vices in ooxnleetion with the 1•Vinghaul Methodist ell ur h will br held on Sand ty, December 28th. Rev. Dr. Carman, G 'neral Superintend- ent will preach the sermons and will also lucttnre ou Mo lay evening. 29th inst. Rev. R. Hol s in making this ennouncentent on 8 inlay evening said only $1.300 was yet to be provided to way of enbsoliption: or the new church. Lie hoped this atueu t would be subscrib- ed before auniversa y day so th die church coals be de octad. By -Laws to be V. ed on at ',January Ele tions. For all Stomach Troubles Try At the regular 'eettng of the town couucii on Monday -venin;; the members wens all preeeut mime & ounc010re Holmes and VenS rue. Messrs. R. A. X perty owners on F of whose places a walk has just been ing that the walk the erossiug shout prutettt against the their properties 19 put iu better cu Committee will lu •r and S. Young,pro- auces street, in bunt w grauulithio side- leid, wrote complain - too high, and that • be lowered. They levy being made on the walk until it is Anion. The Street k iuto the matter. On motion of Oo ns. Bell and Irmo., a rebute of $4.20 wa: allowed ate 0. Coo's taxes ou account o .mistake in awouut of assessment; an a rebate of $6.80 to E. L. Dickinson o ueovuut of error in roll, '1.'he report of lh. nuance Cowinittee reeoutulended the epeeist of the follow- ing accounts; G. Mason, statio ery........$ 1 80 lr. Pettersuu, tub r ou streets 2 00 1i. l3. Elliott, pre ting , 0 50 R. Hodgson, re tiring tables 0 00 W. Paulson, tea is.A ..... 80 R, Hope, paiutin hall, eta , . '87 00 Bell Tel. 0.i., n a ring phone 1 23 'N. Page, labor u 1 streets.. , . 3 00 0. A. Campbell, theiufectiug solution ...... 2 00 R. Tennant, lab • on streets.. 43 O. A, Newtou,la or uu streets 75 Thos. Scott,labu ou streets.. 38 Rout, Atlanta, la' ,r on streets 3i Le .1. Ite.diug,lu acting nine. walk .. . + 88 Reading and Pst' .rsou,raising sidewalk 58 00 Wiaghanl Lrileetr Light Oo34 74 V.'Vannornutn, alury 42 00 W. Rubertaou, s•lary,,,15 00 Jas. Brock, labu 12 61 Juo. Daviesou, t ming 5 75 A. J. Felon, lab() to hall ,.., 1 25 ,las. Nelson, sawi g wood1 00 A Young de Sons supplies15 01 Geo. ale.detuzlem stirs fur hail 3 75 L. Petartsn,. gray 1011 btreets 8 ,,:3 Wan. °hauuler, spreauiuo. gravel.. .., 1 50 H. McKinnon, ravelling15 75 Davidsuu ccs San.rann,gravel- ling , .. ,... 42 38 A. Sanderson, w' rk ot1 grader 8 40 A. Li» khtter, la t r 9 42 li'. Gnttritit e, .ti 47 63 On. motiou of.Oi1 us. Irwin and Bell the report was ado. tea'. The Clerk read the report of Engineer or)iu, ' re proposed or some time the wit deliberated upon Mrs: Grisclale hitt o tied ntea gro'tery opposit0 T. A. Mills' ; leo meals'tt 15c,nr a lunch et 10c. Good utter and eggs tak- en iu exohuum) for g 'cer•es. Try Dulmage, Kent Block. for wind proof and storm proof overcoats. They are put together like leather awl are sold at half price. Do Your Tre ing at Home. This is the neaso of the year when the country Is flood by catalogues and price lists from som of the big Toronto. stores. It is it Mists at front every stand point to trade ontsk of your own town, and as a rule the vet saute articles can be bought from on uleruhauts for has money. There is 01 way to prove this a.tatemelit and wog' meld• like to have you try it, Beforke sending ro Toronto- take orontotake your catalog*" to one of our own business ]nen in th same tine and ask them if they can st ppiy you at the sane price. Iu nine gas s out of ten they eau do it, anti often luck . cheaper. You have a chauce to t back some of the money yon speud t home, and send it away and you wit ever see a cant of it again. Do not fail t s; . our bar tains in Shoes at the doo H A & Co. The Munici al Election The time is not f • distant when the' municipal elections hnnlrl be one of the moat prominent sub eats in the mind of every citizen. As y t we have not heard very numb talk as t who will be in the field for the pnsiti t) of conncillora for 1903. Follmciug be usual enstorn of having a Mayor 0 the town serve for two years, it is lik 1'y that Meyer Vim - stone will be our Ik1 or for 1903. Mayor Vanstone has fillet the position to the satisfaction of th ratepnyers and be Should be elven mother term. The onnneil of 1002 has one eotne good work, hut it is not know* whether they will nil seek re election, oininatinns will be held on Monday, eceutber 20th. A first-elees?arm for sate, within about t3 j miles from Wroxeter and 7 miles from Winshene, on good gravel road; good buildings and farm well improved. Apply to R. Vanstone, Winglta):t, Yon ought to see ing fote$29,00. It' he • Iter I am sell- arvel. T. H Ross. The Refer: dum Vote. Before this issue f the TtsiEs reaches many- of our subset: tees, the electors of Ontario will have pronounced on the Liquor Aot of 1602. A few figures nosy be of Muerte* to on readers. To put the Act into effect 213, • 8 voters will be re- quired, to vote for it. Tho figures of Ontario in the 189'. plebiscite were 192, 189 for prohibition • 110,720 against. In 1893 the vote was 1 4,498 for and 115,284 against. The folio ving is the total vote cast in 1898 in the differeut municipal- ities of Huron coni ty Huron East—G :y 5G0, Morris 711. Hullett 404, Howie. 041, McKillop 565, Tnrnberry 494, Bi ssels 238, Wroxeter 103, total 4,386. Huron South—S a forth 519, Gocierich th, (part) 288, Tuc ersntith 684, Exeter 421, Usborne 632. S epheu 1,070..3enss1l 203, Bayfield 1.41 S nley 601, $ay 823, total 5,301. Huron West—Cli ton 545, Ashftedcl 880 Colborne 512, Goder ch 860, Godericb tp. Mart) 381, Hallett Wingham 460, W Wnwantsh West 3 The prohibittoni' thus have to poll 7' the referendum if sharp of the work. art) 224, 13131h I10, Livattosh East 440, , total 4.928. s of this county will 28 votes iu favor of ley desire to do their Conies' And Gen s' ers and Shoes at W. J. GI •,At Team harness, u€tri ell e and warran- ted, best value ittjalvn at T. U. Ross'. The party who took that coat, whether in fun or iu earnest., had better return 3t, as he is known by the wan across the street. Suicide of a For er :3rrnghamrte. Thomas Howarth of the hawking firm of Andrew 5.. Hui rth, Oakville. shot himself at went o Monday, aryl died about three hours ter, The shooting occurred in the bat -, in the presence of his daughter. Fi utoial difiit utty is given as the reuse for the not. Mr. Howarth was forum rly a resident of Wingham, having b n emplayged in C Tait Scott's private sick, and leader of the tOwit band. IL? at this place about uluotreu years ago. 1 bought a lire stock • arse blank- ets acrd ani going • • 1 them oft cheap, T.H, No other store in town ca low you half the nssortmen of r coats and jackets we can. r v- thing most be good enough to guarautee or we will not sell it. }Leese. Sr, Co. Electric L. ht Figures. ' Geo. Johnson, its tis aannal summary of the use of electr' icy fin: lighting pur- poses in Canada, :ays the number of companies doing b airless in electricity in connection with ightiu'e has increas- ed from 259 le 1898 nd 306 in 1901 to 312 in 1902. The re lights ioereased front 10,880 in 189 to 12.884 in 1902 and the ineandeseent 1 tops number 9055,056, an increase of 179, 80 hums over 1901 anti of 331,441 eve 1898. Ontario cities, tnwns and villages avail themselves of electricity for ligh ing 'o a great. extent. There are over 11 of them in which eleotriciiy is used or lighting. Of these over 20 own their wn lighting establish- ments. Several ties and towns have more than one p ut. Woolen's rubbers, rst iality, for 80 cents, only fifty pabis nrice. Bay early, W. 7. Gunn.Tho fan still contiuncs at the Kent Block Sal' --fanny prices. Dulmage dirt not, steal the goons! Nor ' e mak- ing mach motley! Tho g c s trust go. Rooms to let. Har and soft water and woodshed on t : premises, Apply to Geo, I1cKenzie. WNW -IAM P Report of con 1ktsLeau, teacher. the month of N following subject Algebra,Book-ke 1 ing a total of 400 Alice Chaputat Fret]. Howson 3 i Hattie Gannett 262, May Sweets I 230, Elva. Dodd EVERY ARTICLE, GUARANTEED 213 Anise Parr 11!' IGS • 240, Merton Hart Fletigned it Position, Lot Week Mr. C. Dillies resigned his of the G. T. lie ant the sante tn01: effect on Monday of thi week. Mr. Dallas was one of tho st and most highly. reepeoted men ou tl tamed He had been with the G. T. 11 for forty.Ilve y{:ars. He hall been Remit aster on this division ing to Winghain 'rem Ingersoll. Mr. I Dallas will lioW lh totired and he Will have the best wish of many friends for many yeArA of ea,St Uhl tomfort after so ninny yenta of fait All service. Mr, ;1`.. Remy, of Sarnia, a former resident of Winghatii, to Mr. DMIoe position as 'Headmaster on his division. AXING purchased the Drug Stock of 3. B. Davis, and greatly added to the sense, I have new is first . class stock of "Pure Drage.' and drug sundries, whirls I will sell as cheap as A share of your patronage solicited. Walton MINA Phml Next door to Post Offiee. BUD SCHOOL. nautical class 73. R. The examinations for *ember were ou the :—Clenadian History, narks ;- 312. Laura Nay 808, 0, Harry Green 291', 88, Hettie Campbell -1 Olive Cruickshank:1 2449, George Gregory 244, Norman Park -23, Vera. Holmes 224, , Alfred ?Wig 209, Minnie Barbe•r 202,1 Margaret Stewitre108, 1 142, 8 exam.; Alice n.; Beetna file Griffin 08, 2 eXam; 800. 13. McDougall 2 3 V. DaYidsoe 273 A. Howson 2 3 I Davis 236 M. Robertson 2 11 it. Rose 200 II. Wilson 2 I L. Ansley 135 N. Vanstone 1 4, 0. Vergason 143 IL. Martin 1 5 O. SteWart 133 S. Gartiek (2) 12 E. Scott lat W. !shiner 78 r..Rtmeiman 0)45 W, M. Davis, of waterworks, and members of the co the question. The engineer a springs to the nerd west of the town, which would give a uple meaue of water supply. ehe con would not for some 000 gallons per day. tion of the power h and it would probe the river. A standi at a point east of mains extended aim up 'Victoria and Joh therewith. The tot waterworks plant th $20,034. For sewage advised the nee of tw the purehase by the 'pit in rear of Scot sewer should be rn street, connuenciug vised utilizing the umpteen of water years exceed 120, - The present low - se is not desira.ble, y be moved across pe should be placed rating street, and Minnie street aud streets to counact cost. of installing engineer placed at i disposal works he wn of the gravel , street. A. Until: along Josephine ! t Allred, with out- let i.rti bitilk of th river near Scott. street, The cost of r isposal works surd sewer would be $6,65 , making a total of , $27,389 for waterwo ks and sewerage system complete. After discessing th qnestion for some time the council jimmied to meet again on Tuesday ev Mg at 7.30 o'clock. At the tueetiug cn Tuesday evening there were present t e Mayor and Omni- cillors, Bell, 'mite Toledo° and Elliott. . On motion of Co us. Enna, and Mc. In.doo bylaws Nos 468 and 409, for the purpose of raisiug 1,000 for waterworks eystem and $3,500 for sewerage system were read a first n d second time, mid will be submitted 0 the qualified ewe. tors on January 51 next. Council adjourn WANTED—A ours' Douglass' Dyspepsia Tables We guarantee an absolute oure for the most distressing oases. When all others fail give us a trial, and your money will be refunded if we do not satisfy. Al DaUglaSSO Nand the Best ----11 Pays STRATFORD, ONT. Recent graduates have, accented geed poeitions at $40, e45 $30 awl $00 per znonth, and a few do... ago an application wai received nirering one uf our graduates of last term a salary of $,'.800 per annum. This is the kind of evidence you are lookit,g for as tO the best school to attend, Cat &epic) free. Enter this month if possille. PRINCIpA L. —Huron Count ottucil is meeting a Goderich this wee —Mr. W. A. John , of town has been appointed baggagem at the G. T. R. station. —Regular monthl Ineetine of the School 'Ward will be Oil next Tneeday goods, clothing or fu s try Dulatage and if he has what you. ut you are sure to save money, —The Youdg Lad s' Fortnightly Club will meet on Mond evening. December Sth, at the home o' Miss Kertie Ross. —Donald 0, acGregor, Oaltada's ferrite Scottish baritone will be he Wingitani for th Scottish concert on January 8th. will he sent to an address in ()email or the United States till Jarentry let. 1904 for $1 75. Note e rectuctieri. —The circulat nes to grow. to our list every ti paps how. nu ary, 1004. —Miss leaDe and received d number —Toro Wingham. Fri Tura your s drug store. 0 of the &nil it- „) are tn.; Itt4ut natueS veal:. 31.111(.1411)er 1 Tait Until the 1:4 Or took the hortee by steno, uble (emotes sor every ts early ac Cteipbell'e Wmgham's Leading ',Mao Sim pply„ar Tarns f°111.1alkY Prices rubbers The commit hay decided to Wm* a ' ayers at the January hY'laW to the rate 01,000 for a water. ' eleetions to raise wurks system, Id a by-laW to raise 83,500 for IL sewer. ee system for the town. another column. Temper The tempera)) the town hall 00 letetely attender two splendid ad liquor act, and reasons why tin the net which i Dr. lettecdorald Ilobbe -were th held last bight. —The great was the Scot Iessie N. Mao twiee here last one who woak title I'Queen evening she en House. Wingh Den. 19th. P bell's drug sto c Meetings. mass meeting held in eVeuing last Was son, 13. A., delivered reaSea, dealing with the nch speaker gave many eloetors should support being voted en to.day. .spealters at the meeting ingnet, to music lovers sh prima. donna, Miss Allan. She was heard vast)» and there Was no gainsay her right to the Scottish Song,” Last sted many new admirers. ,acon, Nov. 27. Opera in. on Friday evening, nor hall opens at °amp - on Monday next at 12.801 \At .A.s far apart ftS an get them. Quality as high—prices as low. Inowing where to get gond shoes— tsnd getting them there—knowing how much they might to cost—atid paying that much—makes this es good a place as there is in the eountry which to buy Wales. Shoes for boys and girls Shoes for men and vonien. good a time to look as any.