HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-27, Page 8r . TRE WI GIIAM TI ES, NOVEMI3F 1t 21, 1902. • • RITOIUE. 'CAMPBELL -.1. . +. FURS o There is eati4actinn In buying Furs from us, knovriny ' that: you the going to get ot►;,istaetiun. Our Furs are rapidly tuovu'g one, lint we still hie large and well. .reed ranges to •cllootae from. Astrarlutn Jaciuets.' - troth y2 i 00 to $45 00 p Mollie awl S:tblu Italia, - frpeia 7.00 to 20.00 tlulltAretrt+s, - from 8 00 to 30.00 Eleetri,i Srtil , Rutfs- frem •1.00 to 6.00 • $able Muds, -11 - (rout .00 to 12.00 Neutra Caps froait 8,00 to 4.50 Pt railer. Lamb Cxps front 8 00 to '12.00 (1"' Buy your Furs early and get first choice. • • Iti tl� Flannelettes Blankets Fiae• white Uushrinkable Wool .Hla•e.itets, guaranteed absolutely pure; pink and blue .borders. Weight,. 5 lbs., size, 56x74, price. $3'.225 Weight, G lbs , stze, 60X18, • price. 3 75. Weight, 7 lbs., size, (14xe2, price, 4.27 Weight, S lbs., size. GSxea, price, 4,75 Wool Sheerin Guaranteed pure wc'o1 Sheeting, colors grey and white, 70 inches wide, extra value et 90e a yard UNION SHEETING, grey and white, 70 -in wide, extra value 60e 6 pieces Canadiau Flannellette in neat striped patterns, regular f]e for 10 pieces heavy Canadian Fiauueltette in plain colors of White, cream. pink, blue, also fancy stripes, 36 -in wide, regular price lac and 1.2140, for - 8 cents A 5 pieces extra heavy Ehg;lish Flaunellette, 36 in wide, guaran- teed to wash laid retatu their color, reg, 140, special 12 e WANT1,D._.Butter, Eggs and Poultry, for• which the highest price will be paid. cP RITCHIE cif,IVIPBELL■ •• - 6c a yard MINOR LQCALS. • -Fear weeks from to -day will be Christmas. -The first snow storm of the season visited this section ou Wednesday. -The annual meeting of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association will be held in Walkerton, on December lst, 2nd and 3rd. -Prices on coal oil are advancing owing to the increased consumption of oil during the scarcity of autbracite coal. Two fee deer•eareesges arrived in Wiughani on Friday lest, the result of Mr. A. M Crawfcrd's hunting excursion in Muskoka. -.A successful ball and supper eves held in the council chamber on Friday evening last, under the auspices of the Winghani Social Club. -Mr. Alex. Ritchie, of Ritchie & Campbell's has been on the sick Iist this I week.. His plauy friends hope he may soon be fully recovered. -Mr. S. Gracey was in Blyth last week packing up his household goods and making preparations for the removal of his family to St. Marys. -A businees meeting of the Wmgham Curling Club will be held in the council ,chatober on Friday evening, Dec. 5th. All parties interested iu the game are xcquestetl to attend this meeting. WANTED -A smart boy to learn the printing business. Apply a t Trees office. -A rare treat is in storo for the people of Wlugham and surrounding country onFriday evening, December 19th, when Jessie Maclachian, the Scottish Prima Donna, will appear in the Opera House -Last week Mr. T. J. Maguire sold his driving horse to Dr. Armstrong, late of Walton. We understand that the price was nearly $150. -The r egular meeting of Camp Cale- donia, S. 0. S. will be held on Monday evening next. All members are request- ed to attend this meeting. -Mr. Arthur Knight, a former Wing- hamite, who is attending the Philadel- phia Dent al College, nearly lost a finger r in a by having itsqueezeddoor. qo -One day last week Mr. Wm.Thomp- son, employed in Smith & Pethnek's store met with a rather painful accident in cutting his thigh with a piece of glass. -County council nominations will be held this year on Monday, Dec. 22nd, and municipal nominations on Monday, Dec. 29th. Election day, Monday, Jan. 5th. -Wm. Beer, for the past four years principal of the Dutton public school, has lcen appointed principal of the. Kineardine Model School, at $700 per anuumt -The bricklayers will finish their work this week on the new office being erected by Drs. T. and J. S. Chisholm, on Patrick street, at4he rear of the drug store. --The funeral of the late John Cole,of Kincardine, took place from the G. T. R. station on I+ricIay afternoon last to the Wingham cemetery. The service at the grave was. conducted by Rev. D. Perrie. -Dr. 'Macdonald, M. P. has been on the sick list for a few days. He was at Brucefield last week speaking at a temperance meeting and contracted a severe cold. His many friends will hope to soon see him enjoying good health. Cirist s s All in now and are the finest of mat. years. Everything nice, fresh and new. Come in and l't us show them to you. , en' till too'clock every o c )cls e c.ry nigg ht co NEW RAISIN"S-Large, juicy fruit, -Table Clusters, -Sultana (seedres NEW CURRANTS -Ali washed Iencing Monday, Dec, I. n0 stems, '3 lbs for .25 r ib, .20 ), 2 lbs for - .25 rid stems taken out. -Vostizzas, per lb. - .10 ---I'atras 3 Ib- for .25 -p'hate s l lbs for - .25 NEW PEELS ---Crosse ren 1 ckweil's, per lb. .15 NLW SHELLED ALMONDS, per Ib, - .40 NEW DATES, the best kinds, per lb, - ' .08 NEW FIGS, lavers. per ib. - • .15 and .20 PURE.' PASTRY SPICES, per lb, - - - .40 PURE PASTRY FLOUR, 25 lbs for PURE ICING SUGAR (no lumps) i 3 lbs for - .50 i' PINK ICING SUGAR 2 lbs for �•> t .25 SORTSALSORTS O1' EX14RACTS, 3 bottles for - .25 Au le'LAVOPS ,TELLY POWDERS, 3 pac:l:ages for .25 I3AKINt. POWDERS, Royal, Magic, Ocean Wave, Forest ,i City and Art,. per tin - .10 to .25 • WE GUARANTEE everything we sell, and always do our best to please: If at any tune goods not satisfactory, we cheerfully refund money.. I OLT {; NEW CU 'NA Tudhope' 0, EY' AND C1iOCKER"Y STORE -.$ very. suitable Christmas preseut GO ai'flieteft et a distance Is a year's sub- scripGiou to the TIME4. $1. will pay for et to January 1st, 1904, to any address iu Canada or t-he.Milted States. -Mr. Allan M: Fralick, of East We- avtanesh has sold his farm to Mr. Thos l;,uvrll, of `rural erry. ']:'he price 1 aid wes'$u.G2•7. Mr. Lovell will get posses- sion on this 1st of Mi.roh next. Mr. V, Wenzel leas wt,ved into Mr. S. Youhill.'s house on Leopold street, and lir. M. E. Zarha'.gg has moved into la. s new home ou Center street, recently purchased front Mr. Wenzel. -Mr, and- 'Mrs. D. E. McDonald are this wet moving, to their u0W Bowe. op Frances street. They will hay.x a coin- fortable home and the TIMES hopes they may be long spared to enjoy it. -The members of the Young People's Auxiliary purpose holding a sale of fancy work xu the basement of Sc. Paul's church• about the 20th of December. Further nutibe will be given later.. -The Orangeville Advertiser has MI6 - ed publication. Ttie paper was one of the oldest iu Ghat town. The town of Orangeville is still well supplied with newspapers, still having three of tlient. -The roof is now completed on the Glritfiu block. The work of finishing wilt 'be proceeded with' as ri.pidly' as possible. Mr. Win. Nicholson, the con- tractor, was fortunate iu having gond ,\t eather for this work. -Copy for change of advt. for the Canada. Business College, o3 Chatham came to hand too late for this issue This College has recently placed two un- delgradu:ttes in positions at wages rang- ing frog.. $35 to $60 per mouth. -Three bonus bylaws were submitted to the ratepayers of Walkerton ion Fri- day and all carried by large ma- joxities. Oue was for a bobbin factory, one for a lit isery factory, and the third for a biscuit factory. There was scarct- ly'auy opt osition. -The regular meeting of Court :Mit- /end, 0. 0. F. will be held on Friday eveuwg of tuffs week. The fluid gauze of carpet ball in the Nuvember series will be played after this meeting between the teams from the 1.0.0.F. and 0.0.F, -The TI.MEs was pleased to receive an interesting letter from Battle Creek, Mich. from otir -former townsman, Mr. Jas. Louth. He has a good position and is enjoyiug good health, and wishes to he remembered to his Wiughaui friends. He enclosed al for the Times fur 1903. -The Ladies Aid Society held a very successful bazaar in the school rooiu of the Methodist church on Thursday last. The receipts for the afternoon t\i11 total up to about t5(}. The ladies are energet- ically doing their share of the work of � paying fc.r the new church. . -i.Ir. C. H. Coi.ery, of the Royal Ar- tificial Stone Paving Co., of Guelph,aud brother to Mr.Johu Couery of this towe, has opened a shop in Fergus, where he will make bilis•, corner stones, arches, drain and well tile, etc. In this way IYr. Conery will be able to give his men employ ineut during the winter. 0...\-4-m Your Sge Pt 11. hroat Gargles can't go back far enough; splays don't leach creep tnnugh; but the air ,'eu breathe touches fi3T.S. every Tart. Then why not r ttc,,a put s me healing medicine in the air anti let them go aiong together ? 'l hitt is what .apo-Creso- ler,e is for. It puis the healing medi- cine rirht.on the places that most need it. You now see why it so quickly cotes sore throat, bron- chitis, ron- chitis, hoarseness, whooping -cough and asthma. 21 vrel-Cr selene is sold by druggists everywh-ra, Tit;: Voi.s,6zor a•,d Lamp, wince s:,outd last a 1 le. aloe. .edna bottle ..•f t.re.uk,,e complete, $ t.5o; extra supplies o: Cr3o1e1,e 25 carts and 5o cents. Itlustrateel booklet containing pnysicians' testi. nro, t.'s Fee upon request. \'ArceCa sottor. Co„ 'so Nulto.t St. ',:•w \:,ri. U•S.A. Mt/RN. FtNr.'tY-In Lower Wmgham, on November 23rd, the wife of Alonzo Finlay; a daughter. MOOS. y. -In Ripley, on November 14th, the wife of (eco, $. iI n •' •' 0o e y , Editor of the Express ; a clauthtt•r. DA..ri.-In Howielcon November 10th, the wife of Geo. Dane; a daughter. Srirrr•,ns.-In Morris, on november 12th, the wife of Joseph Sellers; n dtutgitter, Toom-In Brussels, ort November 16th the wife of Dr. Toole; a ao.t. %t.Ut. RI ui> 'Ver eta-McMtcn.tvT,.-At the home of the bride's mother on Nov. 10th, by Rev, I. A. Air tielvey, Mr. D tvid Weir to Misr. Annie Mc- Mtenael, both of Itowick• Gonnox-O CoNnon -At Walkerton, on the 19th November, t heRobin- son, ov l v t Rev. Rum 1 RDean n i - H..) n son Patel M. Golden c ;t< c t .t v, son of .1. R. Gordon, Ble., of byhitb', to Constance Mary O'Connor, eldest dtittbuter of the late H. P. or OGnno K. C. Rowe -Carrie --On November 10th, by Rev, A MclCay, at his residence, Mr, :fns. A. .Rowe, Greenock, to Mrs. Charlotte Cuff, of Kinloss, WAT,t.ACI -In IR wi dr on Nov. nth, Will- iiant Wallace. fath •r of grim, Jos. McG:tvin, t forma formerly of W'n,leanr, ,..1. 01 years and 0 1 months. Cor,l:.-Ito Khmer line on Nov. 13. 1t!Ot. John Colo, rot merly of Wiugh.ent, aged 61 yrs Tinos. 14 days. llirr.VILT.x.-In Lend•wboro, on November 14th, Mra• .Tolm D. Melville, aged 40 years and Rmoteths. Wrrarty.-Iu asst witwanosh, on November 14th, Maas Rachel Wilson, ngetl 57 years and 6 months. Wl rr„AllenTt.-In Myth, nnnlov mbcr 19th, Miss rybilia Wettlatife r, aged 19 years. ROAtvs.--In Pe.(wat+.r, on Noseinbnr loot, 100., asibena White, react ot the late Wm, Beene, Aged 53 years and 8 months. B totem. -In ;Cutros%, on November 20th, Peter T. Brower. son of 'rhos. Brow..,' aged 23 vine( and 8 montee, CAisr I%sr t ,-•-tn Winehinn, O11 No et miler With Tarn.* Hill Campbell, youngest son er Mr„sac{ Mrs. 1'Pter, Gttmb211 u 6t d 19 ear •, 0 months y anti ;,Lduyrt MC.MrerrArar..•.-m Senfoi'tle. on 24th lust., Margaret l.a,dlew, wife of Mr, Tomes Me - Weasel, eged 7(eyeurs, 4.months and 15 days. ••*•••QN•+•N••+••••I•*•• •••••1110•••♦••►••4!4!•••••0.0• Patronize Home e Industry /.1 2. •6iowN flUkON PiN iE S • •- nfAD4 BY THE -» • • IP • WESTERN FOUNDRY GO., Ltd., of WinAham•. , 1 -NOW ON TIUE. MARKET. + • s•t► it • Ga I.1 and Examine o. 0 o The product of 'experts! Q p Complete -in all particulars! • i Thoroughly •up•to-date in every detail I A a We inlet/. the teepe :tam of all our friends, and defy all our competitors -O • to equal or better the quality and price of the CROWN HURON RANGE, a s, d• We also carry :if ull line of Heating Stoves, suitable for cool or wood, e • • • • • Leading (hardware Merchants - • WINGtiil�l • e AO••O®O•O*•00•©90044044•*OSo @04•OQ•0®®04'OO•eti040000000 Read Saturday's Mail and Empire, November 22. Com1ikatkm Cloihhig. Sale from .four manufacturers, amounting to $30,000.00 til Wthi!1ay9 Novm' 269 1902 Commencing at 10 •' ock A.M. All the goods are above the ave ge of Ready -Made Clothing, and the majority are high grade tailor a.e• garments, the like of which can only he seen in fashionable establish ents in Canada and tate United States, - So say Suckling & Co., Auctioneers, Toronto, in Mail and Empire. Children's two piece Suits, short 'pants. Ploys' three piece Sults, short pants. Yc•utbs' Suits, long pants. Alen's Suis, Mien's Trousers, Men's i;lsters, Youths' and Boys' Ulsters, black grey frieze, Rainproof Coats, plain black, heavy weight, Winter Overcoats, llaglanette Reefers. A. R. Smith is attending the above sale this week, which is the greatest held in Toronto this season. For I$arg'lins call at :. :s 3nth% C Chshom o wALKER BROS. '& BUTTON UNDERTAK,Rs, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School. -,House. Shop op- posite Peiacdpnald block. • MEETING OF THE HUi.DN COUNTY DOD's .IL The Co : oil of the Corporation o the County of Duron \ ill meet in the comic chamber, in rho Town o Goderich, on Tu . day, the 2nd day of Decei ' er next, at 3 ock p.m. LANE, Clerk, Dated at Go rich thi 15th cloy of Novem- ber, 1002. IH STiT U MEE T IIOS. Meetings of E t Harm Farmers' Institute for the discuss' 11 ot A grin subjects will ' e l,eltlia I'OYD ICM, Nov. 23th, MOL' $WOiST1r, Nov. 09 , BL VALE. Dec. let; Ar' 1EL, Dec. kite; 1 ALTON, Dec. 3rd, 1902. Eie day at 1.80 and 7.:11 n• in. Al -e cm, dial , invited to attend those meet' 's and tel , nn intelligenF part in the diecussior )2 the v •led sabjeels introduced by the speakt, s. T. W. McMILLAN, GEO. HOOD, President, Seeretor ttu•ul and kindred Miss f,aurine Agusta•Kaiser VOCALIST Teacher of VOICE PR.OD'(;CTION. SINGING, Oratorios, etc„ in English or Foreign. Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture. YOIOES T1:5TED FREE. CONCENT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. ' Besideneo H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingham. T. J. MAGUIB i' ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. ' ItESIL EN CE-Leonold street. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned. will 'keep for service on his premises, lot 86, con. 10, East Wawanosh a large Improved English Berkshire Boar, which has been shocvn at all the local shows for two years, and has always won the reel ticket. NO'' ICE • T HEREBY .give public noti:e that my wife, 9 Olive It win, having. left my bed and board without cause, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her or for goods supplied to her after this date with out my written order. Dated at W'ingha n this Otlt duty of November, 1002. JOHN THOS. IRWIN, Lot 38, Cun. 11, Best Wawano<81, Graid RAlYL T flA U�AY S S 313 5O Iljghani to Chicago aid return 'MOR THE International Live Stock Exhibition Nov. 29th to Oec. Eth, 1902., n Tickets are goodgnivg Der. 1st aui and s'rd unit valid. returning. from Chicago on or before Dec. ith, 1P02, S THE BEST SERVICE Splendid road-lye1, ltttnclsriinn \OddVest€bolo Conches, luxurious Dining and Cafe Parlor Cars, Pittman kilt -Taves, and the fast ,tittle mode, insure to comfortable journey. • CALIFORNIA WINTER RESORTS Round trip tourist tickets not -an. ;Sole good for nine months. Arrangements mode for parties or 811100 passomere. ''Pickets, foluers and all information fivnl Agents. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Ts 5uccessfulty used Monthly by over 1o.0OOLadies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Cots - Fogad. Take no othher, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, Si per box, No. 2,10 degrees Streit ger, is per box. Na. 1 or 2nxailedon receipt Of • price t r o end two Leant Atlamps The Cook Cpen1innyY Windsor Ont.. IlfrNos.'1 and 2 sold non recommended by all respougiblenfuggista (u Canada, dri, No.1 and 2 ore Hold in Wieiglesm by Al L. Ftamilton 'Colin A. Campbell, 1(. A. Douglass and 3.10 Davis Druggists. Also have for sale n number of Breeding Sotos, five and six months old, which have been bred front this boar. Also one young Boar, fit for service (a prize-winner) for sale. P. GIBBONS. Marnoch P. 0. AAAAAAAAA/Ar40eA9+0,,VAAAAOSAt°;/SAA Spooner's Powdered he tyle. Disinfectant rVVVVVVVVVVV The best in the world ; was (e awarded two gold medals at the World's Fair, Chicago, was used exclusively in the stock depart- melt at that time. Protect your hollies from con- tagious disease. • Its use is adopted by the best families in the Dominion, . To prevent such diseases' as . cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, a scarlet, typhoid ntid other fevers, is easier, cheaper and snore hltelli- gent and refined than to heedlessly breed' thein and afterwards en- deavor to euro thele with medicine rVV'+/1/ANVW J Only 250 a package. Sold by Smith' Pethick WWWWWWMMvwVWWo'w The very lowest prices Prevail Here The last' few weeks' immense rush of business was indeed gratifying. It proves conclusively that the public in general have faith in our announcements. We have already stored articles away for Xmas delivery. : And the reason is. quite apparent, for where can you get values such as we offer ? Our Book Case and Writing Desk stock is corn- plete. What is more convenient in the home than a Continuation Book Case ? Prices, $3.75 to $22,oa. Another shipment .of Iron Bids this week. The ' factory wonders what we do with so many. There are 6 or 7 good lines, and if you have half a notion of getting one, now is your time to buy. Don't forget that we bought a stock of Window Shades below wholesale price, which we are selling at a close margin. B LL RESIDENCE-PATRICii ST. S. Grncoy's former residence, where night calls will receive • prompt attention. Furniture Dealers PHONE 51 And Undertakers. EfreagiESSESENEMIONEEEEZIEMEMMEMINEENIECUMIZERMIEIME912 /oANNAHit:AAANNAAAAAAAAA,AAAA VVVVVVVV°srVVVVVVVVVVWVVW," b i �. t•y +h � � 'q � l qJia. 5 3 T., T, er s nig.;';4 o ' 1713 tor yeti 3 3, > yon will still have a chance for a couple of weeks Longer. Men's Blue Beaver Overcoats, splendidly lined and finished throughout, lots of style and wear in them, wade to sell at $8.50, while they last you may buy them at. , .. $G,50 Boys' Raglan Overcoats, with slash pockets and cuffs on sleeves. well Spade and nicely finished, all sizes, very special at 5.00 Men's Heavy Tweed 'Tits, double-breasted cent, with No. 1 linings, mere by first-class tailors, regular price ce $10.00, our special price is 6.50 Gentlemen, don't pay $1S•00 for a made-to-order Overeoat, when you Cal'1 buy a swell Raglan Overcut here, out and finished in the very best style, for '' i 10,00 These coats aro made by the best tailors in Montreal. Wo have some big bargains in Men's Underclothing to offer. Ask to see the heavy fleece lined and nil -wool Underclothing, never sold less than 00c aud (tae, that we aro clearing out at .50 ..11.2.111611 The weather this fall has been too fine for the sale of Furs, and the result is "we have too many on hand." In order to clear them out in a hurry we have decided to give a straight cash discou'it of 10 per cent. All our Furs were marked at a very small profit to begin with, and then think of getting an extra to per cent discount on these already close prices ! What a big saving it means for you! You may as well save money as your neighbor. This great Reduction Sale commences on Saturday, so come early and get first choice of the finest range.of Furs in town. fliESCLAII Have you been fortunate enough to secure some ot the big bargains we are offering in heady -Made Clothing? If ;you haven't Be sure you see the' snaps we are offering in Ladies' Shoes. Yon may buy them at half price now. Come with the crowds and get these bargains and dozens of others. Kr Open every night during December. r, . .oma n " Direct I®' offer a BIG PRICES VCR TRADE AA AANMMMMMM/so1lMwAAA hAAAA/VM/NOMAAintleMOAAA 1, } 3a T• > 3