HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-27, Page 6r 1,W
,T. James WAFE
yl Glee* 0-10";
ea,` 4TRENeT1170
• ENRlaiTHEBL500 tRI f�
Dllfion▪ or re8 •
uggI5T5 & Cit
Price to Canada: $1.00;
Six bottles for $5.00 ,
leo remedy covers so large a field
O usef u1u ss as St. JAhlItS WAVERS.
They are indicated whenever there
weak cond't'otl est they tone
is a i .l ,
up the different organs and bring
strew ,tit to the tissues.
Palpitation of the heart, poor di-
gestion, slreplessuess,weak nerves,
antet;iia, and chlorosis, are quickly
relieved by ST. jtLMl,stVAlirvlS ; they
also repair the waste caused by hard
work .:id fatigue.
ST. JAMUS \VAr*Jags help stomach.
digest food and send the nutriment
through the blood, and thisis the
honest way to get health andstrength,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accom-
plishes much.
"St, Jstne8 Wafers furnish a
moat powerful evidence of the
vastly increased power of medi-
cament by combination of Judi,
clone pharmaceutic prepara-
tions. I have used them vritlt
good anccesa whelk my patients
maede4 Strength."
D • C7 ivNall.
St.Jamer Wafers are not a secret
remedy: totk4numerous doctorfre-
commendtns them to their patients
W4 mail the formula upon reque€l.
Where cleat era ore not selling the
Wafers. they are retailed upou re-
ceipt of pre at the Canadian
branch: St. James Wafers Co„
St. Catharine St., Montreal.
From the _
Sanctum Mill
The 100 atore'term heloug to 11Ire.Oweu
Smith, Guelph. lot 13, ma i 4, Grey,. hits
been purt'ihnt:etl by Juta. B. Smith. who-
hntl fuQvdrl to ei settond Morita qt1 the -
piece. Bo will work the farm as soon
as the existing lease expire.
W. N. 4lttuniug, of Cliuton,°wbn' has
beau louping round fore ideation for the
organ fncrory which he purroaes eb-
tabtisttibg, had .decided upon Ires, d u and
purctweed, tart, buttery of *111) defant
'Oeuadiart. Veneer owl Lumber Co., in
that city.
The court for the revision of the voters'
• a
list was 'palet its tale oouuail chatul or at
Clinton one day litre weekweek1,tifore Judge
Doyle. It took Iiiti Honor bet au. hour
to sanetion the patting ou t,r 32 Oen-
sorvatives and 37 Liberals, and tate strik-
ing off of 5 Liberals that were on the list,
and 6 COnsorvatiVes.
Co." rwbbers are rubber shoes
MADE IN CANADA by the Can-
ada Rubber Company. .
We are sorry to report the death of
Mr, Anthony Wynn, which' took place
ou Wednesday morning, Nov. 12th.
Deceased attended the laud sale In 1850.
null moved up to Carrick two: years
later. Ho wad a stnunclh Crttrcrvnhvc,
an adherent of the Eugtish church, attd
a highly rospeeted nems,
A pretty wedding took place in the
First Presbytoriau church, in the city of
Spokane, 'on Nov. 10th, at preciseiv 0
p. m., when Geo. Willard, of Spokane,
Wash., and Miss L. Symiugtou, of An.
burn, Canada, were united iu the holy
bonds of matrimony, by the Rev. G.
Wan. Gibney, in the presence of a large
number of witnesses. •
Woruts affect a child's health too
I seriunsly to neglect. Sometimes they
....-44 , 4.. , cause convulsions and death. If you
f.nspoet thane to he present, give Dr.
Interesting Paragraphs from our rxchaag s Low's Meas:tilt Wornt Syrup, which
.,.r. .—•....AM-.».-,.......S.-_A•* -. -� destroys the worms without injuring the
Frank Hall, of Guelph, shot a white i .A viottan of hard titres is generally a child. Pride leo,
deer while iu Muskoka. vlctitu of IltzinPSS. D. K. Liviugsbon, 15th con., had the
Trying to educate some people is like ' In Thamesville Wednesday slight two I misfortune to break one of his legs be -
driving a nail into a rotten board. hotels, two general stores, a butcher I low the knee, both bones being brolcen.
shop, and the Herald office were entered 1 He was moving his household effects
frout his former residence to the house
Children Ory for
CAST iR Ass.
Ripe raspberries were picked in the
garden of Mr. John Snyder, at Clinton.
., r trance
paella 0. I: t
Nev. lti. Lev [t_m p.. t: ea ,e
'~slew this:
Re.. John MoMechau, for 20 years
pastor of St. John's i:'reabytsrian chnrcit
at Port Perry, died Fridaey inerning at
the '•old manse."
MissPtrter, at present attoncliute tin ri
Clinton Model, has been engaged for U.
• • S. S. 1 o. 10, Ilullett mid Geflcrieh town-
shil:s, for nest year.
British Trop O': Lin hneut i; wrl.out
rxoeptinit the west et;:eetire remedy for
Cuts, Wounds,Ulcers, Open Sores,! ha:n-
matism, Bites. Stilets of Iusec":s, etc.
.A large; bottle 25 cents.
Jolla 'McLean, of Whitechurch, lens
one of the finest and ntost complete
barns in the county. It has lately beeu
fitted tt with cement floors, mangers,
The Ccunty Prude uniform promotion
examinations will be held on Dec. 19th
. find 22nd. Teachers must notify the In-
spector how many sets are required not
later titan Dec. 4th.
Children Ory for
and robbed of small artielos.
Mtlbnrn's Sterling Headache Powders
coetaitt neither morphine nor opium.
They promptly cure Sick Headache,
Neeratl„ he, Headache, Headache of
Gripper, Headache of delicate ladies tend
Headache fro auy cause whatever,
.Price loo sod 25c.
The Listowel furniture factory are in-
stalling an incandescent electhio light
dynamo this week and will now be able
to run full time, and at nights when
needed to catch up with their rapidly
ucrensing business.
1t I1. Frnuk Pedley has veturued to Ot-
tawa front the West, and states that the I Do you wear 1 libbers ? II
accounts of the Donkhobour difficulty 'so, buy rubbers with a reput.l-
was greatly exaggerated. No Doukho- R. tion. i• C.Co." rubbers
beers wen clubbed, and no Mounted
have stood the test of half a
century. Fit and style speak
CAST; Ise,
The great progress Made in a genera-
tion a well illustrated in the fact that
the late Principal Grant crossed Canada
30 years ago, the journey occupying 183
.� days, whereas naw it can be done in.
about the same iaumber of hours.
A. M. Spence, M. D., 0. IT, wlio has
been engaged in the practice of medicine
and in the dru.; business at Pordwich
�. t+ for the past Il years has gone to Luck.
now, where he has found a lucrative
Bald for the I:.ractice of his profession.
the breath of the pines i, the breath
{ of life to the consumptive. Norway Pine
Syrup contoins the pine virtues and
i come coughs, midi, bronchitis, hoarse-
' mess, .and all throat and lung troubles,
which. if not attended to, lead to con-
i eaten rtion.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James,
10th eon of Kiulnsf, an the 5th of i' ov.,
their daughter Mand Was married to
Those. Iol
Ia a popular ar oungfarmer
of the same vicinity. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Smith, of Kin -
,An interesting ceremony toric place at
the personage in Gurria on Wednesday
of last week at :i o'clock, when Rev,
Mr. Hall United in marriage Mr. Alfred
lAlubt.rt, on Milverton, to alis .Teauiie
Watters, of Orange Bill. Ur. and 'Mrs.
Lembert will reside iili
obi the same farm vacated by his father
and mother who reoently removed to
Ethel, when he slipped and a milk ens,
filled with flour caused the trouble..
JasTnrntuII ofBrussels, who
his house add lot to Chas. Ritchie, of
Morris, has pnrcbused the residence of
Jno, Atuent. near the G. T. Ps. depot,
Brussels, the price beiug $1600. He
gots possession next month, Mr. Ament
and family are rehnovinty to Millbank,
Perth Co., where a heading factory and
saw mill have beau bought.
Pt lice were called into service,
Clatuire Cssgerra r:lwaya bears t:as Malin:see
o: Ches. 1.Fletcher,
Where 11 -by WAS sick. Iva gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she oriel far I:..3.m.ia.
Whet she :se:dine Miss, ate eltite±to Castoria.
Wheashe bad C:tilcrert,she;,ravetheat Castoria.
We are glad to report that airs.';. S.
Cook, of Pordwich, who lits been iu
Blinwocd for the past two weeks under -
;plug an operation for au ailment of the
amore anti eye, is improving Nicely lied
expects to return home in a short time.
nor sou, Dr. W. R. took performed the
ion.'whkhh was very „successful.
Children Cry for for thernsFlves.
I * A. S Ba, ii. C., Wod,
Ilk �t �"� iu ]lis possesllsion an aofncientodocustmeockntbus of
The staff of the Palmerston Public great historic interest. It is a military
School for 1003 will consist of seven certificate, dated January 2nd, 1800, and
touchers instead of eight as at present. grants a lieuteuaut's coultnission to
The average attendance so far this year Michael Showers of the county of Lin -
has only been 280. Pupils in room 1 and coin, 'Niagara district, empowering 'aim
2 will be amalgamated with but one
Mrs, Eiiznboth Singer, aged 87, loft
Weiland on the' lith for Soath Dakota to
to act in the capacity of an ofii ter in the
fifth regiment of his district. The cer-
tificate is signed by Sir Francis Gore,
Lieutenaut Governor of Upper Cuuada.
visit her daughter, and her claim for Oa Wednesday aftornoou Nov. 19th,
distinction is that this is the first time at five o'clock the home of Mr. and Mrs.
she has over been on a railroad train, Lewis Bolton, Listowel, was the scene of
During the journey she lightened the a pretty white chrysanthemum weddii,g
monotony by smokhag a clay pipe. when their only daughter, Annie, was
L' eel internally Tial yard's Yellow married to Mr. Russel Alexander Climie,
Oil cures Sore Throat, Hoarseness. youngest son of the late John M. Climie.
Quinsy, Pain its the Chest, Croup, etc. The ceremouy was performed by the
Usar1 t.xternuly cures Rheumatism, I bride's cousin, Rev. 0. Bolton, St. Oath -
Stiff Joints, Coutracted Cords, Sprains, crines, assisted by Rev. Mr. Oliver,
Strains, Barns, Settlor, Cats. and Bites
of Insects. i Listowel.
Mr. Thos Male, of Listowel reports "C. R. Co." rubbers•are the
that the rein fall for thopast ten months
most tasty and best.eonstrufrt=
has been equal to it layer three feet deep ed rubber shoes in Canada.
over the whole su 'ace"of the conutry.
you value comfort and
This i.•1 au enormous quantity of water If
and about twice the average amount of . wear insist on your shoe dealer
rain which falls in a year. supplying you with this brand.
The Director; of the Molesworth
Cheese and Butter Company have pass- The cream signs, hammocks, tennis
ed a bylaw to borrow money for the nets, hot weather jokes, Oxford ties,
purpose of putting a cement floor into fans, parasols, white cotton those, picnic
it boating r A uieetiu'� of rho share' shirt waists, lemon o pies, partier ,
Li 05 A GO ppfoR
4B -, Cdr
1 Sij:KO GFrfI GTS,
VRANG ..0.44•104
'- tw <<t . hr CAI., '�O• N.V. •
f0! Sett BY All MOOTS. PRICE 50c.PER 8O),
The big plant of Armour at Co., Chi-
cago which oreunted t hroa ani a baif aoa es
of ground at the extreme south end of the
stockyards district, was totally destroy
ed by tiro which started at 12 50 o'clock
Sundry morning on the second floor of
the feriilizsr building. The loss, estim-
ated by Chas, W. Lennox, manager of
the couipnuy, will total, ;9;900,000. In-
surance is tk721.5(0. The chase of the
fire was said by Mr. Leuhhox to have
tither been sponcaueous combustion or
an imperfect dryer.
holders is called f r oao'clock ,_ ou Sat -
lawn socials, damp meetings, hay fever,
urday, , Deo. nth to sanction the bylaw fall fairs, cold:lather, moonlight rambles,
and Iet contracts for gravel required. bicycle sweaters, Thomas cat concerts,
serenades, big egg yarua, fish fables,
Why do 1 wear "C. R. Co." celluloid collars, yellow waist belts, tan
rubbers ? I3t:cause they frt shoes, sunstrokes, gin riekeys and lawn
properly and wear better than mowers—have been called in for the
any other rubber shoe in the winter,
tnarket. You can not afford A rather young looking couple drove
into town on Wednesday evening, about
to be without a pair if you 7.30, with a team and double seated ear.
value your health, ridge, ;carrying but two passengers.
Major itioscrip, of Stratford, was in About 8 o'clock;, aftergetting a ring and
Listowel last week . with a view to the paper, they Accosted a well known
formation of a local company of volun- } citizen to know where they might find a
teens. .1. commission as Captain was minister; he hesitated, but finally direct -
offered to Mr. Alvin Bricker, with bis. ed them to a parsonage. We have sines
W. It. Dunn and Mr. W. A. Nichol as learned that the parties were W. J.
L hu of B1 th and Xi tts Pearl e'er u
ed, if sufficient recruits offer, to form son, l►xanciesttar. - Cliuten New Era,
the Company.
1st and 2nd Iieutenants, anti it is intent. Y ' y ' it
Good Health Is Impossible
Without rewular action of the bowels.
Lltxa-Liver Pills regulate the Vowels,
cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness,
sick headache, and all affections of the ,.
organs of digestion. Pride 25 cents.
All' drrggists,
rill. A. VI. CHASE'S 25
13 s.at direct eta thelkIlsealed
Dalt' by the lmprovtd l Iaw4r.
;r-"1 Beals the ulcers, titan ebb ale
pn.Nw,tsien, stops droppings in the
[Trust and perntanantlly Mire*
Catarrh and Stay fever. nloner
from All d -Iters, or 1.r.A. W. Ct,aee
idodiolea Co,. Toronto Rid )1311ritls
For Over Sixty Years.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs
Wilislow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymilliousof mothers
for tbeir ohiltlren while teethip`, with
perfect success. It soothes the ehiltt,
softens the },'ulna, allays all pain, cures
wind relic, and i, the best remedy for
tiinrhhcea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists' in every 1 art of the
world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its
value is incalculable. 13e sure you salt
for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
1 l4r. 1). Creighton,, the Assistant Roe
eel ver -General, writes the :f°Deming
Iletter" to rho press. in refereoeo to the
circulationadirty Dominion Govern,
anent ono or two dollar hilts;
A5 there are it good tn'tny hazy
toots and much loose talk indulno4 in
.te, to the issnel of small notes byt]a-
tit r.permit
ov •r rue' i tat iyon will "x n
Gt . i1 t t
1� t n 1 1
rue to v :r tent out or two mist pprclatne
starts and to make an observation or
two ttu.'ing to it bate tho nuis•.ance of
the oircuisttinn of worn anti dirty
thea';, which the public (temple ia or,
1 but for which they t o solvcs nye
11 irgely to blame.. Titis haz:nets of idea
is welt saetuplified in a recent state -
:lett or d' tad to a 'alcad'ng char ter. d
haute ;authority," that "too fete of
Meet bills ria ie:ucd at: too infrequent
interv:.is, and consequently there are
elwuyt. in circulation quantities of
these national notes tlt•rt present a
fiitby and dilapidated appearanee."
After this :statement front such it lame
poised ;authority it may surprise the
public to Lear that there is no inter vt1
wht, Lever, but Ilea t tlhu issue or new
melte is continuous, thoueatncls of thein
wring out every d'y from the office
in '1'0 onto to the panics all over the
prnvit.ce, and as to the quantity it
:e simply regulated by the businees
dettr•and of the ecuntry. Thousands of
smell notes aro also daily cancelled
:And withdrawn from circulation at
this office. But ea the public 115 not
•s.t; n rule have much to do with banks,
'•ne nortr visit this office, many notes
tv,aieh might be withdrawn `;.till re-
„, •en ;r• eiroute tion. 1! the public and
Ow b:treks are really desirous of k-
me ,sent the circulation of dirty notes
KQti i31.'ii l;u:'ltt) iaetxiirr DIRTY PQMINION• 1$11,1.$
TOM of liu4ht In fornix 1#04 'beep
London, Nov. 20. -Tho St. Peters.
]nit's correspondent of the Mali tele-
graphs that n lire Resting three dee*
has destroyed the town of lro•.ht,
Verga. Fifteen hundred hairnet and
tunny warehousts wore tripe d out,.
persons a it d
d••dt at.
t • . hundred
d �o hu tt
an 1
hoose Watteau learns IS 'Unrest,
Vienna, Now. 2.0. -The Tyrolese vll.
lege of Mauch erns nl,ltust totally
destroyed by lire yesterday. ,`;even
hundred persons are L.n. destitute,
and 500 cattle perishes' in the 'hones.
Tho fire was started by a woman
who owns most of the vilingo. She
wished to punish the peaseuts for
disr'esileet toward her.
There passed away to its final resting
place, on Sunday Nov. 10tb, the spirit
of Mrs. Richard Stoneham. Sha was in
her 59m1 year, and has boon a resident
of Clinton for nearly 20 years, during
which time she had become widely
acquainted. and she was looked upon as
a gored, kind neighbor. Some two years
ago she suffered a paralytic stroke, when
she was coufined to bed for several
weeks, but she was so far recovered as
to be able to be arouud. Two weeks ago
however, she suffered another attack,
and in her failing strength it was soon
that not inuoh chance remained for her
recovery, death coming to her relief.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Poynter is better than other powders,
as it is both soap and disinfectant. eg
Robert Armstrong, a well Inoue' and
highly respected citizen of London, died
on Wednesday Nov. 12th, at his l:otne
in Lonrlou at 610 William street. Mr.
Armstrong was born on Juno 10, 1825,
in the township of Markham, and there
spent his early youth. In 1855 he marri-
ed Miss Mary IItlnsisker, of the same
township. In 1870 be moved to Brussels
•13uron County, and resided there for al-
plost. a gaaarter of a century. going to
L',11cliau in 1808, where he has lived ever
since. For many years he was iu the
employ of the Johu T. Smith Company,
of Stratford, as a millwright. Besides
his wife, who survives him, there are
left to mourns his loss three daughters
and four sons.
It is our sad duty this week to ohron-
idle the death of Emma Jane Wal',
beloved if f Ma• . lel uand
ii e o thew i3 Ha b • e y
d'tughter of John Wall of con. 9, Culross,
which took pine at the family residence
in Teeswater on Monday afternoon, Nov.
17 tlh, at the early age of 34 years. 11
mouths and 23 days. She had been all
only a few clays and her demise was a
Der, 1)r, rurltt,r tying.
London, Nov.. O0, -The condition of
Dr. Parker, Minister of the City
Temple, is now considered hopeless.
Dropsy sot in Paddy, since when
oxygen, has been adminiseered to
hien. Dr. Parker hhaself wrote a
bulletin, which was i end in the City
Temple Sunday, remarking that it
was the last thing Ito would ever
Thrcm 'Royal limiters.
Loudon, Nov. 20.-13otlt the Ger-
man Emperor ,end the Ding of Por-
tugal spent the clay cut ehooting, the
former with the %•art of I.oner'ale and
the latter in company with King Ed-
ward in the royal preserves near
Windsor. The Emperor distinguished
himself on the Inst day of Ns present
visit to Englund by bringing down
84 rabbits in 20 ntinutes.
Vaudois iu 13nriln.
Merlin, ' Nov. 20.—Vandals have
again broken off parts of five of the
statues on the Sieges Alive, the his-
torical series oreetcd by Elnrc'•or,
t@illintn ret his rorsonni ext>eese.. The
statues themselves were not harmed.
Misr ]na)fotn• Weds.
London, Nov. 2n, - yips Manche
Balfour, a niece of the Premier, was
married to a Mr. llugclalo at St.
Mary Abbott's Church. in Kensington
F,Wit toen 1Cillr to Txpios1on..
Cairo, Nov. 20.-A powder maga-
zine iv the citadel here blow up yes-
terday. Eighteen Egyptians were
killed and a number of others
the Prig?
That's the important (lues
twit -thee the tire. one that
nine t tte ut tett customers ask.
• Our answer -nn need to pay
more the von think tau
ot.t;ht. friers st•e graduated
-so tare ihev,tlues-•and one
is worth the other, el wt y s.
Suets as law ui ;112 00, and
go it;,) by ett,y est ages 10
825 00. Eti ry tem a R. gets
ou that tnutlh more worth.
'dleithi ileh aieNlhtit'hw.ih1thnie ei ddY,j
•Not a,I %yellow
ButkIN Good
let the farmer, ith'n they rec:ire such
notes,. try to got them into a bank
for reopen to the A.s.sititvnt Rete3ivcr-
Con• r t and 1 t merchants ante athcre
1','ivies: hank accounts, instead of pay.
into out :swill notes promiscuously in.
(+ergo cut out the dirty ones. If this
tans generally: ileac It would very
gre•atiy airtto the nuisan(1s of may
tin cireutctlion, and brine tomb
ciroulatton to a minimum.
Sentenced to 00 Tears,
Halifax, N•S•, Nov. 20. - Mortotla
McNutt, found guilty at Truro Tuve
day for attempting to murder his
wife, was yesterday, sentenced to 20
years' imprisonment in Dorchester
Penitentiary. Ile dile received five
years' additional for shooting at:
5lrs. Hamilton, his mother-in-law,
• Pleads but Guilty..
Rochester, N. Y., Nov. f0. -..Airs..
Lulu Miller Yo ng, accused of Hay-•
ing murdered Miss Florence Maclt'ar.
tan 'Tuesday, was arraigned in the
nonce Court yesterday and pleaded.
not guilty.
Sworn 111 Monday.
Ottawa, Nov 20. -Tho Supreme•
Court has adjourned until Monday,
when it is expected that Sir Maser
Tnscheroau and Mr. Justice Armour
will be sworn n in.
Japan to bead n Fleet.
San Francisco, Nov. 20. -The Ja-
panese Empire will maintain a per-•
rnanent fleet in the American waters
of the Pacific.
Appointment. Confirmed.
Ottawa, Nov. 20. -Mr. Frank Ped-
ley's appointment as Deputy Minister
of the Interior has passed the Court
@i1 , vvvvfiat•r'a vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvy
(Ji.ubbi. g •ffers. to'
AAAAAA, 6, kiaAAA l6..4 r! YN AAAA
THE TIMES announces the following low - rate,
Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :—
Times till Jan. 1st, 1904 1 00
Times and Weekly Globe, including the pieniiutn
picture•ol Ontat io's Lieutenant Governors , 1 GO
Tithes and Family herald and Weekly Star, with
premium pictures, • Alone” and Put ill1 75
Times and Weekly= Mail and Empire, including your
choice of premium pictul es, " The Dtctt.r," or
Contentment." c ten.__ 1
t 7a•
Times and Weekly Witness 1 GO
Times and Western Advertiser 1 40
Tinges .a ad Weekiy Sun 1 75
Times and Daily Globe . 4 85
Times and Farmers' Advocate... 1 85
Tiales and Toronto Daily Star 2 20 •
We could extend the list, but it is
give you clubbing rates for any
not necessary. We
newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED R ATI:S, marked downt
so as to admit of no reduction,
asking for cheaper rates.
Therefore there is no
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted"
are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers -
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
ran Twiny IcAt•
Call at the office, or address—
Wingham, - - - Ontario.
The most successful farmers in Canada
read the FARMER'S ADVOCATEa they.
think about their wort:, they act upon its ,,.
teachings, and they are its greatest admirer
. �'Y,
Its eeditors and contributors are specialists. �•
FA I '9 fl E ' 'Ott. t Via" r .1:4
{ . TIER 'S.`A li3` 1r'O TWO PAPERS
',, contains the cream of n�riculturarl thought, I
and practical men crn,hnuo to read it bc.
cause it pays then and because they went *
the best. Ve want thousands of new sub• ,�
scribers who will nppretiate something good. .L..
The sooner you subscribe, the more you
will get.
i. ..
severe blow to her husband nod relatives. (I A MG G
She was born its Kincardine Township.
Twelve ,ears ago she was married to
Mr. Hatlouty who was then living on
con, 12, Culross. About two years ago
they ]roved to Teeswator where Mr.
Haldenby has carried on n successful
implement agency. Six children were
born to thein, the four youugest of ss hom
arc still bio nn
A Familiar Name
In the lsotneg of Catania end the
United States there are few tames more
familiar and none more reverently ,
spoken than that of Dr. A. W. Chase, I ..
the great physician and meow:, bet k i g.
author. 1Ie is blessed for the sttferiug
he has relieved and the diseases 'Ite hos
oared; this remedies are used and
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