HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-27, Page 5TIIE WZNGJC. M TIMES, NU E:MD:RR 27., 1912. 14tlas Jennie. 0,irrntherli 11f the High- leode in'Gfay town ;lip, to via tiugwitlt with- Maggie- Wtlgiit, ' Masters F vault and *,Cot l3el4en, ot `.Corpgtq.Jiuxctiouere welting With their made r � e , Ni . Saniuel Snell. Me. halliard Millar ie re-e#paged fi 1903 to Morris School No I0. ata• rause I ot< $1.0 on celery, Air. Alen MONO, of Ohesiey and his l beide have been visiting friends au'ouud. , Bleasvele thio week, Miss Uttar Brattu, $ef Grey township ie visiting tier ooush*, Miss xt#e, Bryttud, of the gravel road,. Thursday, Deo lith is the state decided ripen for the "Yo. len terms .concert." A ,,goad progritI1i13 will he presented, Proceeds will be applied to the Sick 1 Children's Hospital at Torouto. Jas. Innes and Jas. Stratum are an - pointed ushers Tri Victoria halt fur Sabbath evenings, Soule assaults of-Iniilaure P.xaocl- A blotched, pimply, clisfieured face, 0 LOAD. ' The R. I -l. CROWDER CO. bought for cash sixteen Mildred Dollars worth { of Travellers' Samples SUITS AND OVERCOATS At Severity Cents on the Dollar.. The reason of this big cut in price was this : Simply too "large a lot for one merchant. We made an offer ; it was :accepted. We have the goods now in stock, We want you to help us unload -our stock, not your purse -as your money will go one-third farther here during our Sample Suit and • "Coat Sale. Overcoats ! Overcoats ! I 6 only Men's Blue Beaver Overcoats, worth $7.00, sate $4.75 5 only Men's B1aek Beaver Overcoats, worth 10.00, sale 7.00 7 only Youthh' and Men's 40-ii1 Grey Overcoats, 10,50 sale 7.75 10 only Grey Cheviot Overcoats, sizes 35 to 40 chest, gua}ranteed all wool; 52 inches long, raglailette back, Talma pockets, lined with best Italian linings, a really nobby garment, worth $12.50, sample sale 12 only Overcoats, sizes 133 to 44, made of Black Cheviot, raglan- otte cut, Telma pockets, 48 -inch long, velvet collar, worth "08,00, ,$8.50 and $9,00, sample sale 6 Small Boys' Overcoats, sizes 24 to 28, worth $4.50 to $5, sale 3,35 9.50 6 75 Tea Jackets ! 7 only Men's Frieze Pea Jackets, sizes 36 to 44, worth $6,00 and $5.00, sample sale - - - :3.95 17 only Men's Sample Suits In greys, navy, checks and fancy tweeds, sizes 36 to 44, worth $7.00, $7,50 and :58.50, sample sale price - - - $5.50 'J Suits only $3.75 For youths, sizes 31, 32, 33, 3.4, 35, in Tweeds, long pants, worth $5.75 to 6.25, sample sale - - $3,75 We have a large stock of Boys' Suits at $1.65 to $5.00 Odd Pants Bargains' Prices in Odd Pauts are away down. 1300 pairs to choose from. .75 to $2.75 'Gents' Furnishings -The very latest at Iowest cash prices In Sox. Shirts, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Mitts, Gloves, Braces, Hats, Caps, etc., WE CAN NOT BE BEATEN. And when you buy from us yon know you have the right article at the right price. gar Poultry wanted. Butter au 1 Eggs wanted. THE R. H. CROWDER CO. WINGHAM, ONTARIO. • 4e•0+++o+0o4•o+b•••o••0++ +•444OO++4•4 '444+•+••+OG•• S SIVA TUMBLERS - For table use,' plain pattern, with .short fluted bottom, 35c per dozen TABLE SECTS -Plain, with a neat decoration ; con- sisting of sugar, cream, butter dish and spoon holder, - - 450 per set FRUIT. SETS -Nicely embossed pattern ; compris- ing six nappies and one large bowl, - for 40c GLASS PITCHERS -Victoria pattern, quart size, 15e each a bargain, - AT t + 444+++++++++++++++++41.4404+ • • • • • • e • • • • • • • A ••• • a O • 0 0 • • 9 • • a d 4 A 0 • • • 4 • • e a A )444444+4++++++4-444'44+++ THE COMER. DRUG STORE Does your Liver ever go on strike? If so, you should use Iron Tonic Pills, One pill adose, 50 pills in eaoh box.; 3 pills a day for seventeen days, makes you a new man or woman. They tone the heart, stimulate the nerves, increase the appetite, and keep the bowels just right. These pills can be had fey 25e a box -just half -a -cent a dose. What you want in IS,... FIRST -LAST ---ALL THE TIME No (guarantee of quality could be stronger then the guarantee WO give, and no prices could be more reasonable, velionskularlarasaimionheereetvetemido A. L. HAMILTON, DRUGGIST; ---- --- WINGt9AM Correspondeu.ce Interesting Items caritribute4' 1 by Readers of the Tltnesw J n t,,l.-T, ti, Mrs. E, D. Chamberlain, of 'Toronto, has been yisiting with old friends iia. 131yth. The Sailday school of Blyth I etihii- d church ust will hold a inasicalititd liter- ary entertainment on Friday evening, Deo. 19th. Mr, Itobt, Somers, jr„ has taken a situation iu a bakery at Stratford. The Youug People's Soeiety of 'Trinity cliurpli have elected the following oflicel'e for the.ensuiag s nxonths:-President, Mr. A, 5, West; vice-president, Miss Grace Bdtnouds; secretary -treasurer, John Moore; organist, Miss Edna Card- er; assistant organist, Miss Ella Metcalf. Miss Sybilla Wettlaafor, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Adam Wett- Iaufer, died on Wednesday of last week. She Ixad been ill for the past eight weeks with typhoid fever anti stomach trouble, The funeral took place to the Union cemetery ou Friday' afternoon. Turning Down the Doctors, T110 marvellous cures of Catarrhozeuo are beiug touch talked about, Thous• ands are daily reeogiliziug the except- ional merit of this simple inhaler treat- ment, and iustead of rtuuxiug to the doc- tor with their winter We they protect thetuselves by Catarrhozene; it stills colas in the head iu ten minutes, quick- ly relieves Catarrh, 13 roach iris, Asthma, Lnug Troubles, aud cures even though all other reutodies have failed. Catarrh - ozone is very pleasaut, safe and oolhvetii- ehxt to use. Its best recotncxteaatiou is its enormous sale; try it today, Price x;1.00, small size 250 at Druggists. SALE IL The Tfit*S till end 1003 for $1. See the special clubbing rates in another column of this issue. A very pretty weddiug was celebrated on Weduesday at last week at the home of Mrs. A McMichael, Beltnore road,wheu her daughter Annie was mar- ried to Mr,Davicl Weir,soi of Wats Weir, Esq., in the presence of a few intimate friends, The bride was attired in a dress of white silk and looked very charming indeed. The eereinouy was performed by Rev. L A. McKelvey and .the wed- ding march played by Mrs, J. Hartley., sister of the groom. The young couple were uuatteuded and only their immedi- ate relatives were present. The bride received many pretty and useful presents. The young couple will settle down at once to the realities of their new life ou the groom's farm here. TL'lt\ lll:lxTts. Minutes of council meeting held Nov. 24th, Members of council all present, the Reeve in tIhe clxair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on mo- tion of Messrs. Mitchell and Mosgrove. Reports: -The Reeve reported having let n job of rebuilding culvert on Morris boundary to E. Blliott nt $6; also let a job of gravelling on Wingham boundary to H. McKinnon at 20c per yard,cout-ae- tor to pay one halt inspection. The following accounts were passed and cheques on Bank of Hamilton issued: H. B. Elliott, printing, $,2.50; L, Peahen, gravel, $1.02; Hugh McKinnon, gravell- ing, $31.40; Hugh IvlcKinuon, work on Wawanosh boundary, $27; Gas-iu Wil - sou, Inspector on Wawauosh boundary, $3; Hugh McKinnon, work on roads, 00; Wnh. Carruthers, Inspector, $2; Wuh. Chandler, Inspector and brushing, $7.50; John Woods, repairing bridge, $2.00; H. Wheeler, gravel and damages, $8.00; Jeff Mosgrove, damages, $1; John Ansley, gravel $1.50; Jas. Powell, re- pairing culvert, 50c; James Elliott,board of health, $5; Peter rlcLaren, part of salary, $50; Win. I3omuth, board of health, $1; John Burgess, part of salary, $50; George Fotunrn, board of health, $4; Paul Powell, part of salary, $30; Wm. Cruickshank, $4; Dr. Agnew, M. H. O., $5; John Burgess, board of health, ,$6; Estate John Diluent, Sanitary Inspector, $1, Moved by Mr. Lovell, seconded by Mr. Couplincl that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Cleric's office, 131uevalo, on Monday, Dec. 15th, at 10 o'clock a, in, Jorix I3L'ltonss, Clerk. The Grand Trunk Railway has deoid- I ed to make Stratford the chief point for the repair of locomotives. /Zcient Foe To health and happiness is Scrofula-. as ugly as ever since time immemorial, It causes bunches in the neck, die" figures the skin, inflames the =cone membrane, wastes the muselea, weak- ens the bogies, reduces the power of resistance to disease and the capacity for recovery, and develops- into con. sumption. "Two of nay children had scrofula sorc7 which kept growing deeper and kept then! from going to school for three month, Ointments and medicines did no good untii I began giving thein Hood's SarsaparilIs. This medicine caused the sores to heal, and the children have shown no signs of serot- ula since," J. W. eleGise, Woodstock, Ont. Hood's Sarsooarilia will rid yon of it, radically and per• raanently, as it has rid thousands. an xi y s.«l1ilsu 404110 ti4 real. doixcit" of her bister,,Mrs, );;dell 8404 SA 'gut Wiyte41305t4 Ott + rirl:t.v NW 14:11. She h'id het* Meinvesha furii groat many yo r. 1� C..Qinr'ce.of Win: heed bees been I a1r. hold.insr irteetin,ga PI the Brice clients vicinity, erganizieg i'or the. 4rit of Dec- ember vote eu the Ontario Liquor Act. feeling of exhaustion, wracked nerves, headache atm n, dull brain. The proper cure is bee Ferrozone Tablet atter oaeh meal. Ferrozotio clears and beautifies the complexion by making rich, pure blood, It restores the. enfeebled ;brain and unstrung nerves to a itealthy vig- orous condition. It invigorates all the physical and mental powers, and brings strength and ambitioa to the depressed. Refuse a substitute for Ferrozone-it's the •best tonic tinct rebuilder known. Price 500 at bruggists or Polsoix 6 Co., Kingston, Ont. Sold by A L. Hauxilton.. w LTQN. The 12th annual Sabbath School Cou- ventiou ill connection with the Union local Association was held in Duty's church, on Tuesday, Nov, 18th. At the afternoon session, President Goo. Bar- rows, 000upied the chair, and after de- votional exercises and chairman's re- marks tho following program was carried out: --Rev. M. G. Arrow, "The Pastor's Sowing;" Geo. Grigg, "The Teacher's Sowing;" Miss. A. Gardiner, "The Par- ent's Sowing;" Rev. A. MacNab, M. A., "Can anything be done in the traiuing of our teachers for more efficient work? ; " Question Din:wer; Closing. At the evening meeting the new Presidont,Rev, Mr. MacNab was introduced and spoke appropriate words. , G. F. Blair. of Brussels, gave a full and clear explana- tion of the new Liquor Act or the "Re- ferendum" as it is improperly called. This was followed by a bright, helpful address on "How we may help the Pro- hibition cause" by Rev. T. ` W. Cosens, of Brussels. Choice musical seleetioos were rendered by the choir. The collec- tion, after expenses are paid, will be de- voted to the finances of the Prohibition campaign. The convention was a good one aud was well attended considering tho bad reads frt><d 'disagreeable weather. The Agonizing Paine of Itheumati,ul. Swollen, aching joints, muscles .aro stiff and sore, every movement aceom- panied by pain. Tho most potent remedy is Poison's Nerviline, which has five times the uain•subduiug power of any other preparatiou. Apply the Nerviliue copiously, rub it on well and then bind in a hot fiauael bandage. This will cure the worst eases in a short time. Try Neryiline for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica or Lumbago -it's all right and only costs a quarter. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation. ctIza .OSS. Council met in the Town Hall, Tees - water, Nov. 18th. Minutes of last meet- iug were read and sustained, A petition was presented to the Conn - by George Falcouer, signed by him- self and others, to have a watercourse opened up at lot 29, con. 3 and 4, under the Drainage Act. Kautz -Reid- That the petition of Geo. Falconer and others be laid over for further consicleration.-Carried. Kautz-Ballagh-That this Council refund the stun of 840 to the Teeswatcr Council, being amount overpaid on three eight inch tile, and that a cheque be issued in favor of their Treasurer for that amouut,-Carried, Kuntz-Bnllagh That the approaches to the 13ridge on the 14th con. is danger- ous for travel, that Jas, Donaldson have the sane made sate in whichever way he thinks best,, Carried. Donaldsou-•-•Kuntz -That the Clerk have a bylaw prepared and ready for passing at the next sitting for holdhxg nomination and for appointing deputy returning officers to act at election, if eecessary. Carried. Finance report -V. Rettiuger, gravel, $5.70; Wm. Sproals, contract of gravell- ing, $151.522; Thos. n. Brown, grayling sideroacl, 910; Win. Cassidy, contract on G, and C., $20; D. Island, inspecting and spreading gravel, S6; Township Olerk, services re Ditches and Water- courses' Act, ;3; Win. Baptist, fixing 20th sideroad, con 13, $12,75; Angus Smith, services as engineer, 8120; 111Maa- kay, selecting jurors, $3; refuucl on tile, 84c. Ballaglx---ISonaldson. -That the finance report as just read be adopted, ---Carried. Donaldson-Ballaglh--•-That this Conn- ed do note adjourn to meet again sin the 15th day of December as required by Statute --Carried. CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. The Grand Trnuk will begin immed- iately the construction at a railway from. Gravenharst or North Bay to Vie Writs, 13, 0. and may absorb the Mackenzie- Mttltu line. J. 13. NOW, of the Gth cone 'scion , E'et Wdwituosh, lots rented his 10) ilei e farm to 0. Cools for i1 numb, r of 3•carr*. Mr, Nicol, whose lieelth is not good,tut- thuds going farther south f )r the preteut. muiiturs. The .council met according to adjourn- ment on Nov, 17tlt;nreetbets all preseut; the Reeve in the nha:r; minutes of brat lueetiug read rind passed, Oa notion of Jackson and Taylor, Mr. Cock was io- straotecl to have culvert on sideline, be- tween 1)ts 10 slid 11, con. 7, rot in a proper state of repair. On model). of Shaw and Taylor. the foli'twing perr:ons were appointed deputy- rrsturninl; uflieers in sass a poll be required at the comas; municipal election ,name] y: Polling sub- division 1. A. Lairila,w ; No. 2, tiVtn.Tity- lor; N. 3, 0. McQren; N'o. 4. Thas.. lliiilor, jr„ No. 5, Wein, Eagtol); N).. 6. J. Robb. On motion of Code aryl Tay- lor„ tivr following accounts were ordered to be paid; -Jars, Shari), lantilers aryl re- pairing on( vert.: $7; M. Healy, a]eauing ditch, $3: 11. Richmond, repairing cul. vert, 2; F. Gntteridgs:, $12 51;F. Gutter- idge, tile for west boundary, $0.2:1; F. Gutteridge, tile for,torch bona, clary, $10; F. Gutteridge. tile for Brassels boundary, $10,50; Jas. Rob- ertson, drawing tile for west bound- ary, $1,50; S. Vtutuornl'tn, putting in. culvert on west beau Lary, $13; Win. Geddes, receiviug box for culvert on west boundary, $1; A. C tutelou, digging ditch. $5; R. You'll, job at Stirishwe bridge, $25; Jas. Robertson, Waal .wwk on west boundary $8;T.J.Brydges,team- ing on west boundary $3; Wal. Isbister, work on west b,)nurlary, $2; F.Wheeler, whifiletree for grafter, $1.00: R. Thue1], $1.06; Thos M. Henderson, culvert on north boundary, :S4 25; Howie$ luster. since Co. $1.20; A. T. 0,le, Work and material for culvert, $12 30; Win, Kear- ney, work with grader,fy12 28; 0.Whee'- er, drawing tile and putting in culvert, $5, P. McNabb, plank ttud repniriug culvert, 21; A. Slhaw,part of oouncillor's fees, :535; T. Code, part of councillor's fees, €25; Johu II ipper, gravelling ou sidetiue, $5.60. The council then ad. journed to Meet again on the 15th Dee., next. W. CL.l1nk. Clerk. Mrs. P. N. Gunter died at her resi- dence in Trenton, Out., Nov. 5th, ages' 60 years, atter a loots and painful illness from cancer. Deceased was a sistor-in- law of Mrs. John Parr, 4th line, and was a woman of sterlinir Christiancharaster. Alfr John Twiss, for some years iu the em- ploy of T. F. Coleman, salt manufact- urer, was initautly killed Saturday morning in Coleman's stables. Wheu found his hand was holding the electric 1i;ht wire to which was attached an in - can ]esoeut lamp. Twiss leases tt widow arid eleven of a family residing at Sea- fort't oss of Flesh When you can't eat break- fast, take Scott's Emulsion. When you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's Emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for Con- valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and corn- fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We. will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture in the form of to label is en the wrapper of every bottle of Emulyloft you buy. SCOTT & $OWNii, CtfliM1s1s, Toronto, Ontario. 5Oc. and pl, all druggists. ISAB"_ 1 �B Leadiog StorA iisiii;'. Trade Makers H. E. Isard & Co's Our ever-incr:asing business tells that we have the right goods to offer, and that our customers buy theist and find them profitable, '?lease note below a few shays here and there throughout our large stock, which will be of interest to the I.cene' t buyers. 10 pieces fine French Cashmere Wdist Cloth, alt new patterns, wide, regular value 50e, while they last .40 .19 Due piece Plaid. Dress Goods, wide, niee pattern, regular price 25c, to clear at , . ......... , 4 pieces Homespun Dress Goods, all wool, 54 inches wide, reg- ular priee $1,00, sale price .75 Ladies' Belts, to clear, different styles, regular .price 35e and 40c, your choice for ... .25 Boys' Sweaters, just arrived, a nice assortment, all wool, elastic rib, choice colors, special value , .50 Underwear, another shipment just received, all sizes, Fleece - lined underwear. see our leader at .50 Wrappers, a special line, lined, well made, regular valise 1.25, special price 10 pieces extra heavy .twiiled Flannelette, fist colors, wide, regular 10c quality, sale price .08 Caperines, nice size, with high collar, Coney and Astrachan fur, regular price e5 00, our priee 3.50 Ladies' .jackets, in black Beaver, nicely made, high collar, regular value $5,00, special at 3.75 Ladies' Waists, new patterns. Iined all through, fast colors, new style. regular value 1.25, sale price 1.00 Carpet -A speeial line of heavy Union Carpet, yard wide, new pattern, good colors, regular value 35c, special at25 1,00 Men's Suits- Our clothing is the hest make, and selling fast See our Men's Suits, worth $7 50, at 6.00 6.00 =.40 Overcoats.. -.We have all the new styles, and best See our trade winner at .... assortment . Boots and Shoes -We carry a large stock of the best makes, high quality, low prices. Good Rubbers...... Fur Coats --We have the right kind in Men's and Women's, and can save you money. See our special men's coat at, .. 15.00 11. E. I A ! Co. Opposite Bank of i illiitoll highest price paid for Produce John Algie, brother of Condnutor Al- gxe, of Goderich, was instantly killed at Houghton, Mich., the other day, by falling from a building. on which he was working. AT THE THEATRE OR AFTER THE THEATRE Yea will find our candies deliccous. A box of ooh• mimed confectionery, or inked c•liocolatc's, will be a « eli;;ittful addation to the pleanure,t ot the ctrania or opera. Bo zed enlulies deliivered, it desired. '3 in' price ot our *;sleeted chocolat,, creams i, I:. to 75c per pound. ;IAS. BUCKLEY, Star Restaurant. -2 From oflra 'o crost The Market Bakery Broad is perfection itself. 'White, light, sweat centre; rich, brown, short crust. Mixed, molded, baked. and cleiivered in just the way to twin your approval. ALL FINDS OF PASTRY WEDDrNO CAKES A SPECIALTY We have all the latest machin- ery, and there is no need of sending to the city for your bread or pastry. D, LOUGHEED Opposite Presbyterian Church. VFVi I'FV`FVC'c7YVV VC Trir'VtVVVIV71• t3 - h 1'- t• a is rY- P N D t> tY v► We carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture. on - WALKER BROS. & BUTTON Furniture and Undertaking. The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office.IP 1 AtAAA .d►1►didAAJA'AAA ,A.A btA4AA. AdLi,AAAA',;i;rYAAiiia,AA.AA,.1Aail`,lt.il kik, VeepV tv7YVVYVVYirs7pYYST'V'TYVr m Fl Is ane thing we have the lead in. Our assort- ment of wood seat and leather seat diners is a marvel of style, quality and cheapness. EXTENSION TABLES in great variety. SIDEBOARDS -The largest and best selected stock of the latest designs and choicest woods in use ill the manufacture of up -to date furniture. 4 1 1 .4 4 V d 4 4 4 4 4