HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-27, Page 2TRE 'MOO Ttt LI+S, NOVEtBER ' 7, 1002,
ASTAIlfelrild.ISlt 10112.
R. N, ELLIOTT. Pueeentra seen Peoeat woe
TIInIRSDA•Y. NOV. 27, 1902.
Dees auyhcxly reitlly believe teat D.
Sutherland,, U. P.1)., South Oxford,
wee approached with a view to
ssays in Ilia politica. He he
wma. But.hci is looking fora little public
notice, and he is getting it. -H. ngston
W Ilig.
The ballots for the vote en Deo, 4,1h
have been printed and distribut-
ed to the : returuiug officers. ;t he
ballots for each constitucucy bear the
name of that t;oustituenoy, and are untu-
bered in rotation so that no two ballots
in the province will be exactly alike.
Bogus oheques balsa been freely tit.
oulated among Western. Ontario ser.
chaste for several weeks, but notwttie.
standing this•;act it sloes set aleseer.
diftieult 'to atlJmetit''1i{a Het of vies,
tines. Ou Saturday eeverel Guelple
n-:erehants accepted the spurious paper
giving tnerchaltdtse and considerable
halt,'bash in exchange. In each in -
steams where a cheque was presented
tine tenderer wee a stranger and -tile
paper called for many times the
amount et the purchaile. Surely such
circumstances as, these should be eat-
ficient to excite Suspicion on the part
of the.shrewd man of businces, It is
believed that two melt did the work,
as descriptions vary, but as in the case
of the offender who recently worked
upon Woodstock, Chatham and Strat-
ford merchants they are stili at large.
Angus McLeod, M. P. for Ntrt't Out -
alio, died iu St. Paul's ho.epital, Vancou-
ver, B. C., at midnight ou Tuesday,Nuv.
13th. Mr. McLeod, iu compeuy with
his wife, left Bracebridge early it* Octo-
ber for an extended visit through Maui-
toba mud British Columbia. Three
weeks ago he was taken i11 with typhoid
Many happy returns of the day to the
Rt. Hou. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, K. C., M.
P., X. C. M. G., P. 0., P.uue Itiiuister
of Canada, born at St. Lin., near Mou-
treal, Nov. 20, 1841. He entered the
Quebec Legislature at 30, and the Do-
minion Parliament wheu 33. He has
sat for 28 years, iu the Ottawa House and
has been. Premier six years and a half.
Canada is gradually securing control
of the trade with the Yukon. In 1898
Canada had ten per cent of the • trt•de of
that territory and the Americans 90 per
cont. In 1899 the relative figures were
15 to 85 per cent; 1u 1900, 25 and Tb per
cent; in 1901, 67 wed 33 per cent; and
this year
TO and 30 per cent. This
the imports from Canada amouuted to
$2,721,593 and from the United States
$1,846,919 -Ottawa Citizeu.
The ballot that will be used for the
Referendum vote on. December 4th, is
as follows: °
—Are you in favor of
the brinpurg Lulu
farce of the Liquor
Act, 1902 ?
Yrs NO i
{{I k
Alaermanic candidates are flow busy
polishing up the fine schemes with
which they annually dazzle the elec-
tom •
Some of these glittering, proposals
have been in use for years and years,
but their lustre 'never grows dim.
The Candidates can have no sense oe
humor or they could not with .straight
faces oath." before the people year att 'r
year with the ;same projeete that
never get under way. The people, too,
ere deficient in humor or they would
laugh some of the aldermen off the
platform, when they try to toll endo
again of the fine things they intend
to do, but never accomplish. It would
be out o1 place for the people to show
teat they. remember the tall promieea
made by some of the aldermen :n the
past elections. -Toronto Star.
The words "yes" and "no" oceur in
the spaces where voters usually mark,
and parties should make a cross below
either word.
The Montreal Herald remarks: -
"Only one Canadian name appears in
the lies of King's birthday honors, but
it will be felt by most Canadians that
the one nomination is particularly fel-
icitous. Sir Richard Cartwright's
prestige as a statesman has increased,
with every year eine he accepted of-
fice in the Laurier Cabinet, and to -day
he ;stands higher than ever in,the gen-
eral csicem. His ntrertiautian to
Imperial Privy Council, a high honor
for colonial statesmen and one rarely
'bestowed, will strike most Canadians
as being r:cbly deserved by a man who
since before confederation, has devote
ed• Practically the whole of his time to
the service of his country, and' who,
atter so many years, still brings to
bear upon the problems of actual gov-
ernment the influence of a. powerful
• mentality and an aggressive person-
ality. It can be readily understood
that Sir Wilfrid Laurier would derive
a pec ar pleasure from any part he
might have had in 'connection with
th•ie nomination, for 'the Prime Minis -
tet has never hesitated, when a fit-
ting opportunity arose, 'to acknow-
ledge his per small indebtedness to Sir
Richard Cartwright' for the sterling
loyalty with which, pften in the most
difficult circumsta$es, he wns sup-
ported in a. most •tying position by
his principal doIleagguc from Ontario."
(Toronto Star.)
The time .saved during busy seasons
to the fermets, the prompt receipt of
important but unexpected letters, the
securing daily of newspapers contain-
ing business information and market
quotations, greatly improves business
and social life on the farms. The fam-
ily is no longer but off 'from. the out-
side world. When iris addition to free
mail delivery the farmer has telephone
coni'inunication with the neighboring
viliages-as he is likely to have in the
near future at ho' small cost -life on
the farm will be much more cheerful
and attractive than it has heretofore
been. .
Thousands of women
Are Kept in Suffering and Many
Die Owing to False
Paiae's C�?ery Compau�d
No honor conferred upon a Canadian
statesman Was ever more merited than
the admission of Sir Richard Cart-
wright to the Imperial Privy Council.
A Statesman of wide outlook, Le has
for almost forty years, since Lis elec-
tion in 1863 as a member of the pre-
Con.Cedera Lion Assembly of Canada,
devoted his time and his great talents
to the service of his country. Sir
Rich:era is a splendid Parliamentary
debater, a close student of economics,
and tinegt Canadian authority
tut o • h rt
on questions of trade and Commerce.
He was born at Kingston in 1835, and
will enter upon his sixty-eighth year
en December '4th next. Sir Richerd
was acting Premier during Sir Wil-
frid Laurier's absence in Europe last
summer, and the prefix "Bight Honore
able," to which he is now. entitled, W
no doubt an 'evidence of the Premier',y1
for Sir Richard, its well as
• ; .,
of hie Majesty's Ocsts recognition of the
great part played by the nett Privy
.Councillor in the government of Can-
ada for a generation. --Toronto Globe.
Although the hoxior conferred upon
Sir Richard Cartwright is not in
keeping with the custom, it is difficult
to gainsay that it is not deserving.
In the case of Sir Richard, it Le the
first time on record that the honor
has been conferred upon a colonial
1Uuiieter who, has not held the office/
at Premier. The ercception• cannot
fail to make the appointment all the
more appreciable, emphasizing as it
does the imperial responsibilities of
the Colonial Statesman under which
none are bettor qualified to stand
then Sir Richard 'Caet,taiglit.
Mr. Virtu. Davidson, St. Andrett'S,
true., states :-"Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Liubeeti and Turpentine has cured tete
At brotchitits, ' 1 have, without sea-
ters*, tried. many remedies for the past
six years. Last winter when I had a
severe attack and was unable to work
7f procured e. bottle of the Chase'o
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, and
tem happy to state that the third bot-
tle made me a well mato"
Mr. W. It. Alger, insurance agent,
t attf`ax, N.S., says :---"I used Dr,
Chased Syrup of Linseed end Turpen-
tine for a severe attaek of bronchitis.
Permit rite to testify to its splendid
outative properties. t get better from
the time of taking the first (fere. Ita•v'
Int s, faintly of young children, my
doctors' bills have annually eante to
eonaldereble Burn. 3 believe 8, bottle of
13r. Cheeses Syrup oecaslortelly will ntd
Mae In iteduetn' thea very Materially."
eta eenta a bottle, all dealere,
L :
of Linseed
and Tuiperetlxv
Nevar bails to littlish Disease
and Re -Establish Lasti g
Thousands of women are. kept in sick-
ness for months and years owing to false
treuttueut and the "tree of worthless ttted-
ieiuos, and we are imitated to believ€
that Milton thought of this class of
ahnost dyiug wow,t•.0 when he said:
"The "angelic gnttrds aeceud, mute
and sad "-
The common sense trsattnentof to -day
for weak. 'rundown. and suffering women
is Paine's Celerj* Compound. This
utarvellous'medicine is epokeu of in every
part of the civilized world, sten and
wotuou of all classes find a new life from
its use. A Onions example of the cur-
ing powers of the great compound comes
front Winnipeg, Mau: Mrs. ld. Harbour
writes as follows: 'i
"A month ago IS was very sick and
happened to see oue;of your publications,
in which I read of others being cured.
I concluded to fry Paine's Celery Com-
pound thyself. and I now thank God for
the wonders it accomplished for me. I
'x'as suffering from heart d isease, kidney
trouble and general weakness. awl, some
days was not able to stand without ex-
perietreing great pain. Since I used the
compound I tun able to get about the
house and work, and can now eat auy-
thing put before me."
1 r l.'A1f S T()
I f 'C,:ir ''rye
f i
100 YOUNG elleN WANTED -To - eruitify for
positru.ta es et.uog ups t'rs, et
The . Co l
c d nae fege
Three Reasons.
Rev. J. A. Macdlrneld, editor of the
Wes`u,inster, addressed the members of
the Mackeuzie Club last week on the
referendum vote about to be taken.
Mr. Macdonald 'approved the
s pro-
posed Liquor Act fot three renson: It
world call attention to the' signor habit,
it wonld clove the bars, and it was work-
able. He regarded the Act as a strong
one. The open bar was a burden on
tete community, he said. There could
be no apology for it. It did nothing use-
ful. He could not have advised the
overti a toenforce
' m ut suck an Act with-
out knowing that public) opinion was
behind it. For this reason he approved
the requiretneut of a large vote. He
approved of a special day for the taking
of the vote, because if people would not
come out then to vote for prohibition
they could not be relied ou to help in its
Teachers' Requests.
The committee appoiuted at the last
meeting of the Outarlo Educational As-
aociatiou to bring certain matters before
the Education Department waited en the
Miuister a few days ago. The changes
asked for were embodied in the follow -
lug list, passed at the meeting of the
Association last spring:
1 That the age limit for teachers be
raised from 18 to 21. ,
2 That the training term in Model
schools be lengthened.
3 That the graduates of the Ontario
Normal College, who ttre not also gradu-
ates of a:liodei or a Morn -tat school be.
not allowed to teach in a public school.
4 That Latin be not compulsory for
either junior or seuiorleaving examina-
5 That the basis of the appointment
of the Legislative- grant be changed,
maktug it dependent ou (a) average'
attendance, (b) building and equipment.
(c) salary paid, (d) qualifications of the
teachers employed.
6 That asystem of teaching the metric
system be adopted.
7 That the Bible be not introduced as.
a text -book,
8 That lass time be spent ou Arithme-
9 That less literature be required of
entrance candidates.
For all Forms of Kidney Disease.
We the undersigned° Druggists are
fully prepared to give the following
guarantee with every 50 cent bottle of
Dr. PettiugilI's Kidney -Wort Tablets,
the billy remedy in the evorld that pos-
itively cures all troubles arising from
weak or diseased kidueets:-
"Money cheerful], returned if the suf-
ferer is not relieved after use of one
bottle. Three to six bottles effect as-
tonishing and permanent cora. If not
relieved and cured, you waste no
A. L. Hamilton, Druggist, Wingham,
Positions at este turd $00 per moatli aro co -day
genes pegginif ter 3 oung sten to itO tilaru.
We have luny eleven un.Lut[t cad, tut tattle
stt aubettimets alone, retell. tau intuitive • hep,
tauteaeing. it gates the nest ficin we know of
to -tiny tea' brapi., cepa bie young men.
V tete ter pernelilts,, and dtieeueee.
u. 11tetseCt1 % ea Co., Gii.aTltaell, ()NT..
Somewhere in the world there are 1 19,
000,000 big copper pennies, but nobody
appears to know where they are.
There are only a few street railways
in Japan, some of Which are electric
lines; the others employ horse cars.
The Mikado of Japan has presented to
Queen Alexandra a pair of the famous
long-tailed birds of Japan and ten dwarf
Ernest Ruhmer, an electrical inventor,
of Berlin, succeeded recently in te]enhon-
ing seven kilometres by his wireless
To celebrate the centenary of. their
ownership of the Kolnische Zeitung the
proprietors recently distributed $25,000
among their employees. The latter also
had a week's vacation.
The importation of bicycles into Japan
has more than doubled in the past two
years, the value of the Imports of 1001
being $269,027,over 65 per cent. of which
came from the United States.
Dr, Oliver P. Hay, of the Museum of
Natural History of New York, has au-
nouneed the discovery of the humerus
of thel treat auk, a monster bird long
extinet. It wits fonlid in a fossit bed on
the southern coast of Florida.
Russia announced that the 1,iver Rug,
which has been dredged, is open for
navigation for 'vessels drawing 25 feet
of water between Otehakoff, on the
Black Sea, and Odessa Nicolaieff may
soon rival Odessa sett grain port.
A Ringhman County, 1 as., farmer is
growing a rote of coin 25 miles long, not
because he has to, blit because it amuses
him. It Coils around a 50 -acre field, be.
glutting at a cornet and ending in the
middle. �,
Hurry and Hustle.
The man who takes a,grip ou his job
and bends leis back to the load is the one
who conhts, nays Solomon in the Shoe
and LeatherJonrual. For every man
who means business, you Will fitf'd a
dozen who spend their time falling over
their feet or trying to dodge this issue.
The sin of this age is hurry. There are
too many people eager to gat the results
without completing the process by
which they are legitimately secured.
"He that hastetli with his feet sinneth."
Theshameless skimping, thoughtless in-
difference, brazen dishonesty* asci heart-
less oppression that come • through this
baste to be through with a task and
reap the results is telling on this gener-
ation. It is making us hollow and super-
ficial, aid giving to everything a ship -
shod. instability'. 'Venlig roan, do what
you have to do thoroughly. Make haste
stately. Let everything that leaves
year bandsthe pa
have imp rens on it of
thorott; hness And he testy in execution.
bon't imagine the hurry' is hustle.
There is a vast difference between that
k iacotn-
i s vv
feverish haste that Ieaves leak t
pieta and unlasting and that energy that
gives to every tnintite the maxltntim of
effort and paints at the sante time.
Business Law, Writing, Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Short-
hand College, - Landon Ont.
We have no difficulty in placing com-
petent pupils in good positions. College
re -opens Sept. 2. Send for Catalogues.
J. W. WESTERVELT. - Principal.
When Lite 1s'tjrot Life.
"Without health life 's not life; it is
only a state of langtaue and suffering -
an image of death." 's The use of Dr.
Chase's Nerve rood *es the weak,
ise rt new hold on
languid cid slid d o r n a w
1ife, rt makes theopure and rich,h
creates new nerve foto() rid instils new
energy and vitality into' he whole being.
It makes Weak and sick people strong
and well by building up le system,
i.But do they Fit?
i When you buy a suit (1'
Clothes they must fit right
as well "as look right,
t They'll last longer f
tand that is what gives you
value in clothes.
fe Order year Suit or Overcoat
made by t
in the Shaw Block
With our handsomely
illustrated newcatalogue
the greater portion of
your Christlma.s shop-
ping may be done at
Write for it, and it wilt be sent
to you, free of charge. by return
If on receipt of arti-
cles ordered you are
not perfectly satisfied,.
your money will be
cheerfully refunded.
*0111141111 OHIO 11rtlufMn
ligrrio Bros..
iis'L'~-'J 'It4Yortst. Toeogto
11 1
BAPTIST Ctluitox---Sabbath eery ices at
11 a ni awl 7 p I11. Sunday School at
2:30 p In. General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev,, J, a.Pat.
terson,13,A.,pastot%• W.J.Cilapluau,S.S.
lifn'rnoplsr Cannan -Sabbath services
atllaxnauci(pin, Sunday y Sch001 at
2:30 p Epworth League every Mon-
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard
Hobbs', pastor. Dr. Towler, S. 8. Sup-
Pier sBTrEtiL'.N CIIURoii-Sabbath ser-
vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday
School at 2:30 p m, General prayer,
meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev.
D. Perrin, pastor and S ". i3uperiuten-
Sr. PAUL'S Cnvxala, EP.IscorAL-Sato-
bath services at 11 a, In and 7 p Sun-
day School at 2:30p mk General prayer
meeting ou Weduesdayi evening. Rev.
Win. Lowe, inounibent, F. Shore, S. S.
Super inteudent.
SALVATION ARMY --Service at 7 and 11
a n1 and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barracks.
POST OFF'Ion-Iu Macdonald Block.
Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
free reading room in the Town Ball,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock and every eveuing from 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss ,Millie Robertson,
TowN Couxozn-R.ftVaustone, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, Thos..' Bell, Robt. Mc-
Indoo, J J. Elliott, M. F. VanStoue,
A. J. Irwin, Couuoi •fors; 3, B. Fer-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
,5' onoon BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, J. s J. Elliott, J. J.
Holnuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Win.
Button, C. N. Griffiui Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasureif, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Mesgrove, Principe,Miss Brock,k
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson,nharson,
Corny n, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD OF HEAY,Tin.-player Vanstone,
(chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
sgforc. .lfter.li1700avg 1'hosp'hodiue,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli.
able medicine discovered Ste
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excesoive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulant!". Mailed on eceipt
of Pelee, one t,aekage 11, MX, $5, One sem .77.eese.
six win celre. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ontt.
Wood'sPhosphodine is sold in Wingham by
Colin A. Campbell, A. L. Hamiltoir, 11. A.
Douglass, and ..1. E. Davis, Druggists.
Are you satisfied with your Income ? Iv your
time fully occupied 7 If not, write us. We eon
give yott employment by the month on good
con t to payitch
forms or trno �i y you Welt for a
business as you secure for Os at odd times. We
employ both male and female representatives.
The next three months is the very best time to
sell our goods. No deposit 1A required; ("Atilt
is abaohnely free. WehaVethe largest
a alta er R00 tel• s-Wa largerange o4
les Sii C n •-•ov c
valuable ncW specialties, and nit our stock is
gtiaratiteed as represented. If yell want to
represent 'the largest, most meninx, and best
known nursery, write its. It will be worth
your STOe.
NE & WELLI170TON,. Toronto,Ont.
"Canada's Greatest Nurseries."
Ftonorary Graduate of
Ontario 'Veterinary
Office and Infirmary
ornor of Victoria and
Minnie Sts. Wingham.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to.
Telephone connection.
THEWINGII0 TIDIES Privy Council's tete on on Weide si
18 PU8L11W14D
The Times °Mee, Hoaxer flock
Wait OP Si ,sonu'TIo i-51 10 per annum in
advench 51.50 if not so 1)atd. No piper dimwit
tinuid till till arrears art, paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
AuVaRTIsINcl RATIIS. -. Legal andother
casual advertisements tic per Nouriet line f"r
first insertion, lie per line for each aubaetment
Advertisements in tonal columtas are charged
10 eta. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents
per line: for each subsequent insertion.
Advertiaementy. of Lest, Found, titravexd,
Farms for klale or to Rent, and sin)ilnr 51.00 for
first month and 50 cents for eaten subsequent
ComriaOR RAT.EE-The following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisements
for specified periods :-
SPACE. 1 rte. Sue. 8 me. 1 ITA
One Column $1'0.00 53.5.(10 515,00 tort
Half Column 85.00 18.01 10.00 4.00
Quarter Column 18.00 10.00 8:00 2.00
' Advertisemeats without speeifle directions
will be inserted till forbid and charged accord-
ingly. Transient adverrtlsenrents must be paid
for in advance.
Tint Jon DsrquTumitm 1a stocked with an
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
ing, affording facilities net equalled in the
county rot -turning out'ftrst class work. Large
type and approprtnte cuts for all styles of Post-
ers,Hand Bills, ere , and the latest styles of
choice tangy typo°foo' the finer classes of print
Proprietor and Publisher
Bell Tetephoe Company
A new issue of the SUB-
'for the District of Western
Ontario, including t h e
WING IIAM Exchange,
will be issuell early in
September. Orders for
new connections, changes ,
of address, changes of
names, duplicate entry of
names, etc., should be
placed at once to ensure
their appearance.
T P KENNEDY M. t).. M. C. P. S. O
e • Member of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Menniiist in Medicine. Special
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
ran. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. m.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
BoouentsnxNa.-We are plensed to announce
that any Books or Magazines left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to THE TIMES OFFICE,
5:5 Yisn't-Ms
WiertX. tvr
Anyone sending a sketrh and description map
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aq
lnvcutinn Is probably Patentable. Commnnleq
tions strictly nonadentlal. handbook on Patent&
sent free. Oldest agency for ncrurintt nstents,
Patents taken through .Dunn v (,o. rocolve
'eptciatnottee, without charge, in the
Scientific Jimericaii.
A thandsomely f y sc ennfnn lonrhsl. Ter s. 5 t a
year ;mfrmonths, 51. :obi byt.;1newadoale.s.
1MUl N.& Cl�,'stera fa r,1:± ti Pari
uranrh Orlon, IP; li et. �.' •ran. T) C
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calla answered at the office.
c u. x c r.s.o
, )I8, urn ex
. corse.
Orrxcs-Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
RESIDENOP.-In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls will be answered.
anafiem an funds
rate of interest, Nocom and farm pps acpyhtr;atlr)�ort.-
gages, town Office, Bever Block. WingIlani. and
v •
Wingham, Out.
E. L. DIo1asses
London a 50 a,m., .. 8.10p.m.
Toronto & East ..0 a.m., 8.53 a.m.... 8.05p.m.
Kincardine. -11.10 a.m... 1.40 pen.... 8.88p.m.
Kincardine -.0.50 a.m. 9.00 a.m.... 8.05 p.m.
London.......... ..... .11.10 am.... 7.55 pan.
Patmerston 611..10 am,
Toronto & East....,1.40 p.m.... 8.38 p.m.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham.
Toronto and East ... ..,t0.57 a.m... 13.43 p.nt.
Teeswater ... 1.17 p.m ....10.4.4 p m
ARI11VIt ,N'1tmM
svater.. .5 ,.8.43'
Teo9 ,,.. 8 ,sem... p
Toronto and East ' 117 p.m. -10.48 'pets.
3. H. BEEMIE1 , Agent, Wingham.
eZTED. A truetworthy gentleman or lady
nn arta business
in earli county to m gefor anld
eetablieihrvi house 0f solid financial standing.,
A straight, bona fide weekly cash eatery of
$18 00 paid .by cheek eaeli Wednesday with all
expenses direct from iiendgwtrters. Money
silvanced for expenses, Manager, 840 Caxton
Bldg., Chicago.
5'rovinces to Collect sueacsalcn 1)a*FM
--Q uebe I$ezttei, Ontario Not ABectod.
Ottawa., Nov. 20.--.1Vordhits been
received of a decision by the/,Privy
Council affecting the rights 'of pro-
vinces to collect succession duties..
Gilmour, a
Some time ago Allan Gt
woitithy lumberman, died here and
his .estate paid p. large tux to On-
tario, Because the large part of the
estate was in Quobee, that province
wanted a slice but was beaten in all
the Quebec courts. An appeal was
made to the Prisy Council, and again
the estate wins, The datision is that
domicile and not location of the
estate determines the right to collect
the tax. This howls out the Ontario
Government in its claim on the Ren-
frew estate of Quebec. and permits of
the settlement of a number of other
Ottawa. estates,
Ontario Amended the Law.
Toronto, Nov. ',:U, --The decision of
the I rivy Council, as the authorities
at the Pnrliunrcnt I3uildinge unddr-
stand it, does not affect the law o[
Ontario, nor will et affect any estates
here. The Gilmour estate, over
which there has been so inuclt litiga-
tion, paid to the Ontario Govern,
meat 8130,000 in succession duties,.
which is the l.tu'gest amount they eve
er received from this source.
As for the case of the Renfrew
estate, the Ontario authorities will
have no trouble about the duties.
Soule time, ago there wee a similar
rase to the Gilmour one and Judge
Sir, et decided against the province
and ;the Government, in stead of ap-
pealing the else, immediately amend-
ed the law and saved a great'deal of
Iiti;,ation , but Quebec took the• other
caul se, and went to law with the re-
sult that they were beaten,
Moser TO LOAN:
OFFICE: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August,
VV • L.D.S. t .✓ = F=
New method for painless ex-
traction. No Cocaine.
Special attention to the caro and regulation
of children's tooth. Mojierate prices and all
work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August.
Wingham, Ont.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Out.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Impienrents a specialty.
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly
attended to.
'Terms reasonable.
FS. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont.
Is prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Special attention given to sales of farm stook
and ltnpleinents.
Dates and orders can always be arranged at
the TIKES office, Wingham.
A, T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten.
Pupils prepared for Conservatory examine -
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Music will be pre-
pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham,
and member of the Aasociatad Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive n.limited num-
ber of pupils for instruetibn on Piano Wird in
Special attention given to pupil's preparing
for examinations.
Residence -opposite It. 0. Church, Wingham.
Former Said to lie Trying to Get Colons-
L+,tn Goreranteat's Attl.
Willemstad, Island of Curneoa,
Nov. 20. -President ' Castro of Vne-
yoeIa is ene.geti.!ally pushing open.-
tions to px•Cteut the revolutionists
that Republic 1loin recoveringri . from
the effect) of their dissensions and tl
flight of Genet al :Mates. (enc of the
objects of latus' departure, it is re-
ported, is to attempt to induct. tho
Colombian Government, which is
markedly unfriendly to President Cas-
tro, to send arias and ammunition to
his sten. Al otos also ,relies on his
wealthy friends in this island, with
t h i
v o l c is co fe'rin,, although
sick. These .persons have already
contributed money in support of the
Venezuelan revolution, but, under the
belief that President Castro would
flee from the country. Consequently,
inadequate preparations were made.
and, hence, rho present condition off,
the revolutionists. Mates' future
plans are kept secret. Though his es-
tates in Vcnetuela have been confis-
catocl, he still has money, and can, if
1m chooses, continuo the contest.
and anyone having live stock or other
artt les they wish to des ose of,
should n_
rise the same for sal6 in the Trues. Our -large
circuietiou tells And it Wilhe strange indeed if f
yu d not get a oustmner. cnn �ta guarantee
that you will sell because you may
ask more
tor the article or stook than it le worth. Send
your edeertieement to the Tit's aird try this
disposing of your stock and other
Not Known In Toronto.
• Detroit, Mich., Nov. 20 -William
W. Brady, aged 25, whose home is
in Toronto, and who is a switchman
employed by the Gra.nd Trunk Rail-
way, was crushed between two cars
near the Farhsworth street crossing.
At St. Mary's Hospital it was found
that no bones are fractured, Brady
may be severely injured internally.
Toronto, Nov, 20.--Brady's name
does not appear in the city direc-
tory and the Grand Trunk officials;
say they know of no switchman by
that name in their service.
ILiotiug in Ilto Janeiro.
Rio Janeiro, Nov 20. -Riotous de-
monstrations yesterday marked the
departure from this city of the retir-
ing .['resident, Dr. Campos' SalIes.
Crowds o'f people hooted the ex -Pre-
sident and' stoned newspaper afTices.
Troops charged the rioters, at least
one man was killed, a number of per-
sons were injured and nunierous ar-
rests were made.
Canadian Methodists Mourn.
Toronto, Nov 20. -Rev. Dr. Car-
man, General Superintendent of the
Methodist Church in Canada, has
sent the following 'cable to the church
authorities in England: "Canadians
Methodism mourns, with British Me-
thodism, 'death of Ilugh Price
Bye -Election Postponed.
Montreal, Nov. 20. -The bye -elec-
tion in Maisonneuve caused by the
appointment of the tion. Raymond
Prefontaine as Minister of Marine
and Fisheries, has been postponed
until Dec. 9, owing to the returning
ofi;ccr finding it impossibleto affix
the proclamations within the legal
There is a noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is the low price
and better quality of cloth put
in them—cloth
that wears
See our new goods and prices.