HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-27, Page 11'
VOL, XXXL-NO.. 1(307,
For the next two weeks
Now is the time you will
be thinking of getting your
Winter Suit, Overcoat, Un-
derwear and Footwear -in
fact everything to make you
comfortable and warm.
We are in a position to
do this for you at the very
Iowest prices.
Everything we sell we
guarantee and if not as re-
presented will gladly refund
the money.
Note a few prices in Suit-
ings and Pantings :
Good Tweed Suits, made to your
order •
Regular $20.00, `cut price $17.00
" 18.00, " 16.00
"" 17.40, " 15.00
" 10.00, " 14.00
"" 15 00, " 12.00
.. 1:1.00, - " 11.00
" 13.50, 0.50
A special lot of Paatings, regular
• price 'f4.50, a big cut, matte to
your order, well trimmed:
them, at $3.00
Overcoats,mado up-to-date, $10 to $40
You will find in our Boot and Shoe
stook every kind of boot for man,
boy, woman and child, and at greatly
reduced prices.
Remember, wo sew all rips free.
We guarantee every pair of Lum-
bermun's ltabbers we sell, and we
Come and see these cut prices.
Trade taken as cttsh.
Hoi Ath
takir¢ a>mm
Issued by PRINK PATERSON, No. 25 Victoria
street. Wiugham, Ont. No witnesses required.
Many Thanks
For Pest Favors
And pow we will consider,.it a still
greater favor if you will call and get
our prices for
1tED11003r SETS
W AT It SSTs •
Fancy China of all kinds
Wo most reduce them this month to
make room for Nina goods,
We will give you' best valve iu the
market, Our new Fruits have been
oomIng in, and are in fine couditiou.
-Raisins, -Currants, -Prunes,
Try our Special Blend Tea at 25e.
It will please you.
PH Al Hidchioo
Prompt Delivery. e Phone 51.
Until the. rooms iu the new Vanstone
Block are complete, I will be found at
my residence ell Leopald street, opposite
S. Youlhill's.
Real Estate and Iusnraiice Agent.
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres of choin farm lands
for stile, iu 50, 75,100 150 and 200 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greonoek. tBrnce, Kincardine Huron
and Anhileld Townships. Good lands with
to bo sold cheap on easy
Also a "cod sawmill for sale, almost for song.
Lro a good blacksmith shop dnrollin in A
nection-) doing a good business, for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good business for sale cheap.
Also a wagonsihop. A general store with lare
trade, live village. Also a large amount of
moneytolpanut 5 per Dent. Pot.Xurtherpar-
ticulars apply to
Insurance Agent, 'll• •olvrnorl.
See Ilalsey Park's advertisement.
Campbell's Hoa.dache Wafers guarau.
teed to cure headache.
Read the A
Look over the Ti
you go shopping.
includes the best n
and if you see it a
column, it's so. T
Wiugham the me
let you know tier
' u.
aidsst; servdioed in
any style, at Jas. glfley's star restaur-
Es columns before
he Tt1.iEs patronage
erohants of Wiugham
vertised 171 Lhe TIems
there's a bargain in
haat who has is will
tgh the TIMES.
10N Bj�i $2Fresh ya erarHrci5att Cd
Capita! $2,900,000'
Reserve $2,900,000
acted. Bank
m Business
A Go
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on sante.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Ad Uuitod States
and Europe.e.
allowed oil deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 30th June and 31st
December each year.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager.
11. Vanstono, Solicitor.
N t4 V a
Capital paid up, ae,0O0,000.00.
neserve Fend, $1,000,0Op,00. I
President -Joni. STTART.
Vice -President -A. G. ItA NSY.
John Proctor, Geo. Itoneh Wm. Gibson, MX.
)' A. T. Wood, M. P., A. it3. Lea (Toronto).
General Manager -J. TU11iiBL'LL.
Savings Dent: -Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10
to 1. Deposits of $l and upwards received. In-
terest allowed, and computed on the Seth No-
vember end Slst May each year and added to
$peciaal Deposits also received at current
Latae of interest.
an the United
Groat .Sritnin d t
rafts on Gs
States Sought and sold.
Travellers are notified that the Strait of leaps.
Mei and its 13ran(eluas issue Circular hates of
Notional Provincial tial Sank of England, Limited,
which can be Cashed tr•ithoat charge or trou-
ble In any part "Atli() world, •
W, 001E13OTi.LI3, Agent
Dt01t1NSbN'. &Metter.
-The Tints and Weekly ;t1ail and
Empire till lat :tannery. 1004, to neve
lttlbsscribet•tl for $1,15. ?retnlnnnpictalros
So now and old subsorlbors of Mail and
Sale of D iry Cows.
Mr. M. J. Willis is will have a sale of
twenty-five first -el ss dairy cows at the
National hotel, on Saturday, November
29th, ccmmencin at 2 o'clock. These
cows are choice o es, and are all due to
calve in March and April next. Tho
proprietor SOoldC �Sh rethree
years ago
and they gave god satisfaction. J. J.
Purvis will be t auctioneer.
You get the newest goods iu sultings
and overcoatiugs at reasonable, prices at
Geo. Carr's.
MissW . Alba Chi
O. F. concert in For
cord reports as folio
Chisholm, of Wiugl
voice of rare tone
seyeral selections, a
received, and she w
ed. The sacred sol
was rendered with
much appreciated."
is No IVloyrng.
Mr, T. J. Matsu e, real estate agent,
is not moving fro► t his residence o' LeQ-
pold street es Iia been published, Mr,
Maguire will hahis offiee hi the new
Vauetoue block soon as the rooms are
completed. Par 'es wishing to see Mr.
Maguire on bus ess twitters will find
ltihn at his resid ice on Leepold street.
10NET To LOAN at 0, per cent. on
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.'
Dalmage, Kent Block, Wini;hant.
A Hock
There ie talk of
known as the Nort
This Lea:ue wo
team$ from the
Walkerton, Her
Forest„ Wingllarn
and Luokuow. 1
ed as to whether
hockey team.
League. .
seeing what will be
sru Hockey League.,
id be made .up oi'
following places: -
stone Drayton, Mt.
Palmerston, Listowel
e have not yet learn-
t Ingham will have a
going at ootit and below. Come) .early
and get your choice. Miss MacPherson.
Mliitia Changes.
The following iilitia changeswere
gazetted on Sa urday: -33rd Hnrou
Regiment -To be edictal Officer, with
the rank of Sur eon-Cuptern, J. W.
Shaw, M. p., vie Honorary Sargepn.
Lieutenant-Colou W. R. J. Holmes,
retired, to be Mei cal Officer supernu'
mery with the ra k of Surgeon -Lieuten-
ant, A. 0. Hunt , M. D.
Highest price for turkeys, geseso,dnoks,
chickens, potatoes, dried apples, butter
and eggs, W1NGHA1I TRADING Co.,LTD.
Speaking on
Dr. Macdonald,
spoke in the Pres
Weduesdu.y eveniu
tive audience. •I -I
fu: l and conviuoiu
cause of tetuperau
coming referendat
Hearty vote of tha
speaker. -Brucefi
Clinton New Era.
1'., of Wii*gham,
yterian church on
to a very apprecia-
spoke in a very foice -
lnaLtli Ur for the g reat
e. Ile explained the
1 Ila ill all its phases. . A
ks was given to the
d correailoudence in
• No matter what you want in dry
goods, clothing or furs try Dulmage and
if he has what you want you are sure to
save money.
Auction sale of
on Saturday, Nov.
m., at Mrs. H(rro
street, rear of L
barn. Furniture
0o(1 repair,
g p
iousehold furniture
9th at 2 o'clock p.
's residence, Edward
t & Sturdy's livery
ttilnost new and iu
Death of L'
Lorna Hill Cam
Mr. nud Mrs. Pe
the family resi lel;
Monday evening.
ed good health fo:
taken ill a sbort t
maticn of the bo
cause of his death
year. The fuller
Wiugham conef�
)rne Campbell.
,bell. youngest son of
r Campbell, died at
se, Patrick street, on
Lorue had not enjoy -
many years and was
me ago with infiam-
els which was the
Ho was in his 20th
1 took place to the
ry on Wednesday
The Teems has authority to arrange
dates and terns for auction sales for
either F. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos.
Brown, Seaferth.
Weather in N
The following llowin ite
Trues of Nov. '23rd
sleighing of the las
Hes Been. P rooted, •
• .'V'. Teylor,who has fo some Ilene been
operator at the . L T. R station has been.
promoted to the ,poeitio of station agent
at Park Head and left st week for his
new home. Mr. Tay! i,i a steady, in-
dustrious yOetek man nil we are pleased
to bear of his protnot on. Mr. Craig, of
Ailsa Craig, hast take his place at the
station keret ; .
Apply to T..Je tygui
itd-tliade cutter,
Lost lois Fing rs in Planer.
Couneiili r Wnt. clines met with a
serious acoidont t hell's factory"on
Friday lnoenitig. a was engaged in
planing a piece of oard on the buzz
planer mann. spine way his left hand
game in ooutact w . i the knives. All
fopr:fingers;were i urod, a 'portion of
each one was take off. Mr. Holmes'
unfortunate aeeidea will lay him off
work for souse time
The party who took that coat, whether
in fuu or in earnest, clad better return
it; as he is known by the man across the
Mr. W. M. Davi
was in town last s'
surrey o;: the town
works. service and
and disposal wet
have his report rea
Councillors at th(e
evening lust. A
prepared on the qn
and sewerage, and
the ratepayers at t
nd Sewerage. '
, C. E., of Berlin,
eek completing his
for a domestic water -
iso for ;t trunk sewer
s. Mr. 'Davis will
ly to lay before the
nteetiiig ou Monday
law will likely be
stion of waterworks
ill be snbni tted to
e January elections.
The fun still continues at the Kent
Black Sale -funny prices. Damage
did not steal the goods! Nor is he mek-
iag much motley! Thu goo cls n.ust go
The Wia
The entries in all
Winter Fair whit
Guelph from bee.
outucnnbers those o
and even with the
er Fair.
lepartments of the
will b e held in
to the 12th far
any previous years,
low additions made
to the buildings, th y will be taxed to
their fullest capecit'. Some of the best
speakers in tbo conn : v will be present at
this fair and delive addresses on sub-
jects of interest, so as sheep and ex-
port cattle, ,bacon h gs, poultry, sheep
and cattle carcasses to. No doubt a
large number of peo le from this vicini-
ty will be in attend lee at the fair.
-The TIMES and Weekly Globe till
(1st January, 1904 to new subscribers for
$1.00. Premium to new and old sub-
scribers of the Globe.
Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases
of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes
tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
posite St. Andrew's church, London,
(vember, 1900.
1 is taken from the
1900: -"The goad
three days of lust !
week made busine:s good in Wiugham
report three good
le break up on Sn:tnr-1
h rain uearly every
the town very quiet." 1
all different weather 1
iO3 than we have had
lir merchant
and 0 0
days' business. T
day night and wi
day since has nude
Talent. 1 We had very nln
during the fall of 1
holm sang et the C.
wish, and the Ree
vs: -"Miss W. Alba
am, who possesses a
Lnd compass, sang
1 of which wore well
s repeatedly ouoor-
, "Abide With Me,"
reat effect, and was
Another Bu
Mr. Jas.MeKely
his restaurant busi
ley, of Owen Sotin
prietor is now in
Kelvie has been in
in the same star a
has always had a
We understand
London but hrts n
what line of basin
Mr. and Mrs.
friends in Wingh
will wish them.
homo. Mr. Hock
ie a (nail who th
the restaurant b
takes pleasure is
citizen of our toe
Mayo t very snot
ed restaurant.
mess Change.
o has this week sold
teas to Mr.Jas. Buck-
and the new pro-
ossession, Mr, Mc-
)tlsiness 1n Wingham
or eighteen years and
od trade in his lines.
hat he will move to
t yet decided as to
as hewill take t o up.
eKelvie have many
to and vicinity who
CCM in their new
ey,the new proprietor,
roughly understands
siness and the Tlittss
weicomiug lint as a
it and we hope he may
$ilt this old establish•
this fall:
A first-class farm for sale, within about
2ta miles from Wroxeter and 7 whiles
from Wiugham, on good gravel ad;
good buildings and farm well im oved.
Apply to R. V anstone, Wingha
Wm. Diamond wishes t thank his
matey customers for their eral patron-
age in tate past ant s Bits the sante
kindness and suppol laving opened a
store with a full leu . of fresh and cured
meats: a few doors north of the Button
A mass meeting
Town Hell 011 Fr
week to discuss th
which is to be vet
neat week. The s
will beRevels.
Patterson, 1;. A.
held on Wednesd
week. The spent
will be Rev, P.
(10na1(1, if he full
effects of his leve
Ings shoulrt be 1.
piebtio invited.
gramme ie being
the meetings.
m Meeting
will be held in the
day evening of this '
Ontario Liquor Act
on on Thursday of
eakers at this meet. 1
D. Perrie and J. J.
mooting will also be
y evening of next
rs at this meeting
ebbs, and Dr. Mac.
recovered front the
o cold. These meet-
'gely attended. The
geed musical pro-
repared for each of
Jessie Maclj
Jessie N. Macla
tish prima donna,
and the pride of 5
Mr. Buchanan, sol
talent will appear
Wiugham, on Frid
19th. Through
the date of the
December 13th in
proper date is D
prima donna n a
aPP ea
Friday night last.
Friday i, t
in that place was c
at 2 p. m. every se.
Mt. Forest peopl(
donna to appear
when thehall
chlan Concert.
Ilan, the great Scot -
he pet of Rcyality* ,
otland, assisted by
pianist, and other
in the Opra House,
y evening, December
'inert was given as
our last issue. The
cember 19tH.. The
ed iu Mt. Forest on.
The plan of the hall
enoci at 8 a. m. and
t was sold and the
engaged the prima
on Saturday night,
gain crowded.
ly .F
t RUGS . .
AV1NG purchas
the Drug
Stock of I. Davis, and
greatly (led to the same, 1
have now a first • Class stock oe
"Pure Drugs " and drug sundries,
which I will sell as cheap ns
,a Quality" will allow.
A sharp of your patronage solicited.
?0? t?nAl?eeel neei1F 'Jpac
Watton McKihhon, Pima
,•ext door to Post Woo.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
The Scottis
The annuli Soottisl
auspices of C trop Cal
be held ou plurally
8th. The committe
the ocoasi m: -Don
Canidae favorite Sc
EduaLoutse Suthe
Miss. Grace Nesbit,so
the king of Cauadia
Donald, and Miss
Sootoh dancing, T
secured. some of ti
lav 1 Rud the conger
attennt d a4 those gi
member the date is
concert, under the
1lonia, S.0 5, will
evening, Jennary
have engaged for
d C. MacGregor,
tisk baritone: Miss
laud, elocutiottiit;
rano; Jrmtht:te Flax,
comics; Piper Ble-
bel MoDonald, in
e committee have
beat talent in the
hmaid be as largely
It in the peat. Be-
iiuradav, January
Crazy on
Hanover is a ,sl
town up north wh
game of ping-pong 1
A Hanover girl, an
become greatly iu
game. She wrote
pont;, lauded ping p
said she was "just
pang. The pareut
what they consider
folly, wrote her a 1
terms in which the
that she had better
Illedietely, ae they
tau in their fraulit
ing Pong.
py little German
ch the nonsensical
as not yet reached.
ter from home, had
tussled with the
otne about ping
g to the skies, end
•razy" about ping
, deinfonnded at
d their daughter's
ter in pretty strong
stated emphatically
ship Ping Pong im-
onld have no China-
When you tire going to b y good boots
and shoes don't forge o large d,•parr-
nentwhich is filled . ' the best values
inoucy eau have. HANNA & Co.
Rev. Dr. undy i wvited. •
At a meeting of a Trustee Board of
the Methodist elm eh held on Monday
evening, it was de ided to extend Ell in-
vitation to Rev. r. Gundy, of Strath-
r to n1 1 u
o f become tor of the >'u as t
Methodist n
church at the, commencement
Ofthe ne u :1 U f C n.
Gundy is one o
the London Con
who is now in h
of the church h
Strathroy, and
the approval of
has been a veryi
ham. During 11
a very haudsom�
and a great deal
his untiring efft.cts
Mrti, (Rev.) R.
Brautfnrd this wee
Mr. Geo. Dowel
Wiugham 00 Mon
Mr, 0. be, New
fer a few days this
Mrs, 11' Jeferey s
parents at Seated
ebbs is visiting in
, of Blyth, wile in
s visited, lit London
as vieitiog with Tier
last week.
Miss Birdie McI tical), of Lnckuow,
has been visiting w
A. R. Smith is i
attending au eaten
Mr Wm. Crowet
th Wiaghatn friends,
Toronto this week
ve sale of clothing,
u, of Mauitowaniug
is visiting with rein ives and friends in
Messrs Neil Mord • h and Peter Mur-
chison 0f Ashfield w - 'e iu town on Wed-
P, Griers • n has been visit-
ing with old friends i Dungannon and
vicinity this week.
Mr. and Mrs Robt. aterson, of Kin-
cardine were visiting ith Mr, and Mrs.
W. G. Patterson, on F idny last.
Misses Annie Scott a id Jean Moffatt,
of Galt are visiting w h their cousins,
Mr. R. Maxwell and M 's. T. H. Ross.
Mr. F. G. Sperling a d Miss Sperling
are attending the fu feral of the late
Mrs. Jas. MOMiehael,a Soaforth to -day,
Mr. T. J. Maguire N as in Harristou
on Wednesday of last week Attending
the funeral of his uep:i : w, the infant sou
of 1)r. Madill
The many friends o Mrs. F. G. Sparl-
eug, who is ou•a visit o her daughter at
Lusk, Wyoming, wil be pleased to luau
that she is iiupro,vins.in health.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R Munshaw are re-
turniug to Wiught m to reside. Mr.
Munshaw finds Wi • them a more central
point for him in hi: position as traveller.
The Mis,eee Wo.dcock have returned
home from a dells • tful holiday of four
months iu Lu leu They u tL b 1
get t
b Y ,P so
tunaith Toront friends h
w e dsou their
roma year, Rev. Dr. hoate.
the best preachers iu Mr. R.. Holmes
eTf:llCe. *IFev. R.Hobbs, West Hawn, was
s fourth year as pastor
ro has been iuvited to
las accepter], subject to
)onference. Mr. Hobbs
earnest worker in Wing-
s stay here he has seen
churolt building erected
of the credit is due to
Mrs. Grisdalo has opened
opposite T. A. Mill• ; al.
a lunch at lOo. Go
en in exchange fol
D a grocery
meals at 15e,ur
titer and eggs tak-
-The TIMES and Family Herald and
Weekly Scar till 1st January1904to
now subscribers for $1.75. Premium
pit tures to new and old subscribers of
Family Herald and Weekly Star.
Farmers' In
The supplemen
West Huron Fart
tho Town Hall
largely atteuded.
iuterestiug and s
means of briugi
townspeople tog
meeting opened vs
the ('resident, B
loss'. J Wilson,
a talk on "Comm"
Stock." ,. .„ Mr. A
unable to be prese
Mr. P. C. Eli'ord,
talk on "Chicken
gut subjects ever
present.. The
more lhn'gt+ly site
a few remarks fro
Sault. Peddle, of
the first speaker at
1n short account o
England. Mrs. 0.
ich, gave an addre
Essentials of Life,'
that three would n
four great esscutin
present, and elm sal
were Vitality, Food
fulness. Mrs. Can,
speaker and her ad:i
joyed by the audielt
of Guelph, -was su
colli, but she gave
talk ou "Domestic
of questions on cliff
asked by people in
they were ansa ere
way by Messrs, J.
Carrie, 'D. Stewar
Miss Maddock.
lowed, v
os and gav
Plants." Mr: Al
a lot of splendid
!canine. He gee
car's that should-
! bulbs. The W
I•t ery successful
1 hall in \lawn"s
et which Miss
bell gave anter"
Which wore of
He was on bis w
he attended a tea
Messrs. Richer
A. Woolson left t
Inuit where they
ment of turkeys 1
Ingersoll Chronic
of Clinton, M. P. for
iu town on Mouday.
y to Ashfield, where
meeting on Monday
Seldon, jr„ and W.
lis morning for Wing -
attend to the ship -
r Mr. Thos. Seldon.-
®George Ansley, :on of John Ansley, of
this towel, who r turned to Chatham,
Nov. 1st, to take , thorough course int
shorthftud hu the r aaua(:a Business Col -1
lege, accepted au . celleut position with
the Dresden Sega Beet Co. on the 5th.
A call was sent to he College for two
young men and eorge and another
classmate were sen out. An offer of $12
per week was too uch of a temptation
for George and on he advice of the Prin-
titu•te Meetings. l clean he accepted he position.
ry meetings of the j
ers' Institute held in 1 Win. Diamond has rehased au up -
Monday were not to•date bone cutteli Cut bone for p0 t -
The meetings were 1 ry onhand at all Kmos.
cold have been the Nu excuse now the s ow s here, our
! fur coats are superio • ality and the
g more farmers and !cheapest in town. H 1 NA e Co.
her. Tho afternoon `
th an address from
o.IMunicip I Ownership.
R. Young, of Car-
• .8 ,of Wingham,gnve j The ratepayers f Wiugham will ltro-
n Diseases of ('arm 1 bably be called u . on to vote on a bylaw
Elliott, 1
P r domestic s.i •s
ofGalt,waso a o e t c s aterworks and sesvt,r-
the and Secretary, I age systeul at ,ale January elections.
f Holmesville, gave a! Such being the c se the following exper-
eeding." The differ- i ience in the tory of Nelson should be of
discussed by those aa
lt rest to prope
y os: vers fu Wingham
-ening meeting was The town of Ne .011 in British Columbia
decl and opened with bas not been afr• id to venture into the
1 ting President. ilir. i field of nlunicipa
est Wawauosll, was! first results are
d gave the audience nature. Accor
his recent trip toy paper„ the towu
ttmpbeli, of Goder- 1 call it,the city-.
s on "Four Great works system itt
The speaker said I ihnprovements, c
be sufficient. The rates, at an aper
s must always be I After providing
the four essentials i people in Nelson .
xeeeise and Cheer -1 through owning
bell is a splendid
ass was much en -
0. Miss Maddock,
,ring from a severe
1 ownerslhip, anti the
f at most elle'tlraging
ng to one of the local
or, as they prefer to
Lid $5,000 for the water -
1507, spent $101,SS0 on
tlectetleet14,630 in water
ting expense of :$$9,073.
for all charges, the
ro $1S.:)00 in pocket
heir waterworks ser-
For all Stomach Troubles Try
We guarantee an absolute
cure for the most distressing
cases. When all :others fail
give us a trial, and your
money will be refunded
if we do not satisfy.
AN Douglass,
Atiand lila Best ----it Pays
Recent graduates have • aeeeoted
good positions at $40, $-f5 "•,50 and $00
per Month, and a few (sty+ ago an
application was received offering one
of our graduates of last term a salary
of $S00 per annum. This is the kind
of evirh-nce you are lookihtg for as to
the best school to attend.
Catalogue free.
Euter this month if poesi1'1. .
A Former R ident Dead.
The following is ikon from the M-
pena, Pi neOctober
o e of ' -
P Wis.,
"William Halton r
Mrs. McCandish, c
veying the informs
Thomas Mc0andit
Mexico, where he
railroad coustrncti
was sheriff of Al
:years ago. and we
after retiring from
!member of Aspen,
which he carried
::2,000. He was al
0.U. W. The de
I well-known to ma
petits of this vie'
many years iu 13
going to the Unite(
ceive.i tt le; ter from
San Jose. Cal , con -
ton that her husband
, wits intar,heecl Ili
had a coutraut for
n. Thos. Mee:m lish
ens county about 14
t to Califoruia soon
the aloe. He was a
Tent, K. 0. T. M. in
1 insurauce policy for
0 a member of the A.
eased gentleman was
y of the older resi-
rity and reel led for
le awauoell before
t States.
We deal w h vc , on tee s;nure
111as::...l 0a.
Try Dulmage, Is_eat Mock, r:r wind
proof and str 1.11 proof over ccatc.
aro put together like leather and are
sold at half price.
-Mr, Percy Ht bas moved into the
lviuse near theP ar , when l• t recently
porebased from 11 . 9,
vice, aud;;0.3,67(11. head through owning
their eloetriuligh service, three 18:)1.
The town was int rporated in that year,
and and the elect is light and water.
a very interestiug works taken over y the Illilnicipelity,
astute." A number and these two ser ces since then have
rent subljects were profited the nutlhi('paality to the aggro.
the audience and gate of $42,043. i ho rates have not
in a very interesting' been raised to the public, the services
A. 't`.iot ton, J. T, have been good,ah 1 the town has reeeiv-
Dina. Campbell gild ed the profits the � would have alto '.
r. J. A. Morton fol• private pockets."
a talk on "Howse
rton *ave his hear rs Myri alone hewn
efriends will be ea to 0
information on pient that I have opened sit . le with a full
information t ort i . lista of all kinds of r� fresh and cur-
a9 t the
wive all,
Cd. Prices 1•i lit, �!f incP C
e given to plants nn.l g W30. Dx,tiIUND.
vat Institute .,
1 s Institut) held MCI:tI:'Y' �0 L() ��''.•�-bionasy to loll on
ecting in the 1 0.0. P.
lock in the M111 110011
idoelt Hurl Miss Mum.
HIM talks one subjects collected. Oiiloe-lie ver Block, Wing -
�� Il kI�lI3 s $.u�t� it .: it
I 3� ia3�
ugly r NCB
As far apart as we can get them.
. Quality as high -prices as lose.
notes, and notes discounted at reas(0- !
ablo rates. Money iirlvanced oat snort.
gages, with privilege of paying tat the
on 0f i),nj' scar. Notes wind accounts 1
1 � " '
terest'to the ladies. 1 bassi MOST. MoTi halo. r G, i iw.
Ifnowing where to get geed s"rnes-•--
an(1 getting theta there -knowing
how much they ought to t o•,t-•aud
paying that much -makes this as
good a place as there is in the
country at which to buy shares.
Shoes for boys and girls
:Aloes for mels and Wtiltien.
Eyery size-evcry mice, Now is
good a time to loch its any.