The Wingham Times, 1902-11-20, Page 671�7_
11`11IMPT 111wit LIM
T11 ri WING110 TIME -St i0Y11,11BE11 20, 1902
ft'Q., ZM tTP V= A black knot itispector arts that iitiw
tittle for every fruit igan tp look Wost r►oiin%Farmers' losiltute
aftkr till) 101%. It will Itow W futtild in it krith fish, Sal , lic
sichoorwr Tusso, lado
As arrelk Nvogl) tivic is, the knot W.MV4r.
4F lANtniJ;I1t ill 'ITIllity 111I.M. 11011 CrOW
of nine well were lesetica
C is Composed of iliplinierable wilinto J%t gl-oltt "Igh1kril, X*Dfty, NOVerabor 24Q1. 411
7 -
I,Ijsj* N, tile crew Or 1110 s Ill tho Town 11141.
A mmi�dY wbiOz acts througli ibe plaut'l ifw yet greell nall ling not I IY- T110 7`4$49 IVA$ 1101,1114 for ,St• and romillflatlood.
olln's. 41reem, •. . It. f1jullij, UnrlQ%V
Via schooner St. r-1,olicis, front 41-W-AtIvreeii, 'I 1�
Attivic", - 4 1,1211,1 fERPERS FOR SUPPLIESi 1903.,
4. fal Ict i fit I ; of III I tri ti011 by the bul ldiog
Illi, oe Iir
Sk, W alid 1walilly tissues D4 rot Auut-bor of the 04 reoldents of the Lahl'adov, hati been buruod at st )VIlrion, Willi,
ytir.15ek C, ,fL 1140 '45-I)ILielAssion.
Rok, vrow of seven 111611 escap -NS, "Cloyl, lf%41 The underilt -Plvo tr
W '4�, im 0-vo*ct -Addrt w and Clovvi pto
24T11 IWAT.. fur suplittem
tied pill iiaera a
ed to 111mlif4st its ucliuu in Ill;
akki -IR"44K
A. lapotiL, noonciuMON _kY_
the greoli boyoud nu Tbursday, Nov.0th.. tetras #tan, of butchers' ittent, yeti butter, near* oat -
Tho seboollor Harvest has I)P011 *I(Irwises %Vill be *ttk., 4'ro., Tilt, she
whtm tlw� klisea-e ii of recent ori- In tho porsoi4 of Aun Phillips. bolovoll
oil the, T-10vild of Quirpon, At ill; 4url,, •g the _74ar low,
wifoof Wits. Phillips, at tile oga of V. -
gilt, th! •3 early intilledi (to action, tho entVallco of Bello )ele Ntr (tit. ]Tor y1ninit for tho In
crow of soven, nion wore saved by tit(, j,
0.0111 At the As stkno fit Toronto,
_�Z 011W
will k4t-!11 be 111vt otllerwlsi�, eighty ye.,Ws. Deceased was highly re. "lliNts .;
owlt; J, 4, Xorton, Will,
lgiWilh London. KfilR-to'l. Raluiltoll, blintico, rook.
ra om
wlwa ft liab ulwady Ilsted.,iolne thile, Vivy"41 by a large alrolo of friends, Ville. Colsolir juld 04111a; tilt) Central Mmon
coast $t, lielen% Tuesday, NOV Y
4f; tb Ville. teforilliltory, Tortilitts; $lift lie --
t le Wtion, Of the: rWllt;d)1 illubt b4 Andrew Lamont arrived hotyuk ]list tormatory for IsoyK.
. . . . . . . i 111,00poil, tile cider collptolph., .0onlineneltill ill, Silvio tilile, $V1111certi: Mr. - Deist stilt) DuOib, Ilellovillp, and
1; -1 lZarikilik.- lilze thio disease itself. week front the west, where he w a I witwillit-iloi
rr 5'.. 141440 on "Tho lioetkil V 14101io of
0. Will 13tirglars )]live Ut, tho Wail at Brantford.
My, NOV, 13, l3linglaluou will 811olik ti; it llVo,?,k1bj, Nxcepton-Tenders stre not reiglirtlil for the
Thiq i i why the Itntg0i of the ivs-e plsistttig in toklug air tile harvest, ill d 41%; delok"llf-lon Allid Wok"all's Iol;titatv, Ro 'I. K
be:nX worrying Will IA Nrulling proin'tull MAI o'ellse
tbv "vith apPal lug stIppit, of :tient rt, tht. 1pyilking in roronto,TAou-
Of tllz NVAI-Alks will vary Nvitli threshing. Hik vatil; awl raturved by ff% iroquency 1-0--outly, and no less than X. 11", lungstoll, Hunjilton and Arot-kVillo. nor
tilt -id Prison, awl Mercer rZeforipst-
every iti-lividual cilbe •' b(I it iK r. fact boit* X 4,1 sesen, 44iitos hats been reported to W-4 00-
A *T 5 GENTI�Y to - conti
r. sine enjoyed his visit but. tt r r. Toronto .
I) N 11!9 AND Port Albert, Nov. 26zh.. OR -
1 4 N-111cli. Ila oile will Ilow dwiv ✓that iv. i Oil tiefled to Stick tit his good 100 aol 09
Vb1of Vonstable Calverley. Owl of
t, tiniated ninount of the voittenot, pavable to tile,-
ui trenimmit-of gw)traj q- W L5, tile burg-larics )eporled to tile (_!hJor Foresters, Httll entHr of tile Hollol-Abli, the I'voymelal Seem-
detkilify ST, outh,3)(It'l con, Grey. �kj otdw Mr. -To%. Iffitliorington, nf NJ It., will sinelit on
A pr?tluc�! rgiiarkuble, wits reported Ity (lie Chief hiluself. �Njr.ulljott*jj ttxy, must be farnisheil. I)v each ti udover as a
lie toolt, this ollicial action because ntv
`iik'hy do I wear "C. R, Co.' HE C '113vor, will lit, , aar,, on4 tilt, jillo,i, bork;% fides, Tivo, sufficient
511.A*4 Moll' nien t. of tach eontract. orld should tiny tender
or VC 8
all -tittle ca -vs. Immediate effects, bjs own harness shop was entered, l"Vening, tit 8 P'llort.
41 � .1 ill � =04 rvilkilre(I for the due fullill-
-7f - ause they fit nL
ST. JAM.':_3 WAVERS belp-st4uniacli, rubbers ? Bt:c, ]&lines Dawso Tills been arrested, and '10VIt- WIN- 01111kilboll, bilm Greulk 014 Otile"M I -e withdrom-ii beforo tile contr it is awartlod,
CLrEAN5a'EFFECTUA1,LY; Some of the property stolen fr %N.ILI oddreSs tile viecting.
AUbUrn, TbUrsday. Nov. 27th; s-penrity. the antonut of the deposit will be for-
D;t td dlv st f%)t,%I aud send the nutrituerit properly and wejr better than om or 14houtil, the tollilerel, foil to ful-WHII Such
aRE1j;r,-,HT0!&VA;;R Calverley has been traced to him.
14rort- i Ube blood,. ailti this i,, be felted,
SO any other rubber shoe in thi- Tempormic
0 Hall
ACi oil The of teuder may be
market. You can not afford Go 116AI)A $"
0 Yearteentit Tlittlin litead. Afternoon sj)vuy;vrm: by,., 1.3tijott had on atirlicWtoll to the Dk,portislont of the
ful Inc 5i 4 1 the Itind that lasts, (levelops and ev5p UoINIMIoNvallt. 11rovilicip sliort,tary, Toronto, or to tile Bur -
1 I bi- without a pair if you New Yor1c, Nov. 18. -Thomas DA'V Nvilt 41scuss Tile elipigimst; kind btu: itnttliod of kill,& of the reitileptive itil-titutiont).
F CONSTIT I F(teclstlie--tieraywhicliaccutiiplib4es to Ili. 80'ycars old, died lit Bellevuo ldCountry rnorkot.,, The lowest or tiny Walter foot nccesqarlly ac-
o'cloilIc-In rdilition to former coo
'011M . ", led.
9. mich. Tolling Speak., rl, Mr. by, G. allinpl'on; U'J�'P" OWSpaiiers JaSortinilltiiiik allforti8sitlisrit
alue your health. OV17RC Ir 3l'ospital last night of inju rOYcaa Departiaent will
N,—;T,l PATION ceived in the exploston ofllfireworls of URforl4h, Ayilemp( . ull;,ou kCannilAt," without ntttltoritr Pi'vut the
ortdonf"sr 4 4' on eleetion. night at TUadison Sqttar not lito paid for It.
1ft filitealliCS 0ftbPf-t9MA4CI1 St. Mr. U. Clinuingifam, 1)ropriotor of the a, THE WONAki'S INSTITUTE. J. 11. STRA TTON,
yhruett 'Waler-1 ore at if not
P.0fre %. '1AVATUA1 Co
CZ �Znilia =t1Q. I = great Mansion House, li4xeter, has sold oat to 1 -0 Ill Is be fourteenth death front.the
&_ it PERMANENTLY W 11 1"et every Afternoon in it Separate liall'
n Mr. javloi Shaddook, of Corbett, Nvho gilt- k1resident and seareltt.-y will o4d,reS4 Nrliantent Buildings, Toronto, November
Invotilli., "vIlho MISS N10406h, will Kpook on tiny 10th, llo:).
ill Atli t.11(. lueoffill; Illwy
X jCj& Chole AinooX Nolt; of tile following subjec
A. EC; 'Idis-, of
Cor'U. will take possessiou oil Saturday, Mr. 0
made Aluldlig "A %ulk nil Iij,,plition
all D I T's ITISP Araniza, Nov. 11I.-Molera. rl There tire I I", justices of the peltas ill
Cunningham will romove to Poijokil, 10. (If%
twito serret Alberta, X, W. T., whore he has enterod GIAL yesterday Aulong the Donioa4triajonk; in 00Q,146,11 41 bwit h Simple Bruce County, 'irrespective of alayors.
Its appearance yestL onivstlis Sol-
Ynen of a &tachmont of theli'lith Ili- enco." etc., ow.
e waveo.. e,,- M e it t i re.etr,4, P., -It into partnership with Air. Sellers, pro BUY THE (�CNUINE - MANT'D 6Y
A gond lausical prograkii. tit eavit, evening mid. relives.
189: uv rs-sie tilC.foratij-j jpnn t qne4• fftntry, which is stationed here. Sov- vlqt
prietoi of the Loylaud Ii
oil :nen have already died, and a A 4 ievitil JUVROM011 ill Aven Vill youn. rarin- -orp Oil Liniment is without
W, i.. m. awv: r: vs- i I t- I it i t*" Last week a thrin. stile wa4R Completed .11F9RN1AFSy1?VPCq ers t f colatt till the aftel,31C)011 irikeeting, British Tr
"t ink- rt ill- 011in"i-I ILX , number of others are seriously Ill. Pxceptioll the 11lost effective I-omedy for.
of the 50 acres owned by Harry Clark, CIAIL (*o 1%k' PrePt"I'Vil tOMIC0 Post in HIVIUS"IASiod.
Illi JCC Canad:t: '; �;11: N-. Jai -lei Wlferii Ca" 17.4 X-)A0ll-Ill14tltt1tVT Cuts, Womids,U)cers, Open Sores,Rhon-
• OOSV144 ,iAfftAPic, tW 010# Gives Up Ills Cl
it nwibnli, Bites, Stings of lusects, etc.
Six bott2c.- �cr being, Worth 1/4 Lot 6, vm. 7, Grey, to Kv e CA L, NO V , R
Brussels, Nov, 13. -In an Inspired I'll t..t. F. C. RIX ORD, -15 cents.
jolleg I.Andstay, I)f the St.11 Coll., thi. fOR SALE BY ALL 0211661STS. PRlr.E 50c.PER*iOM& nota the Etoile 130goyestord 101, 10%r. 10. A large bottlo
7 price being $2,300. Mr. Clark will Wild % says
that the Count of Flanders, rother
an auetiou sale of farm stock. and imple- Of 1.?,in,r 'Leopold, has abdicated his VVIV, V 104 V V tl V V V V V t;j V V V Vj %y V/ %y %y V V V
1111.001 claim to the Belgic throne In favor it r W -A 1c,, shortly and talks of goitil- THE CAR," 010'`J'
1 ���
From the _,.e- IV tzextspr1ug, of ble son. Drince Albert V NJ
I- -a, bb' Ino", 01s. V
JL W 1_4 RN YE -i" L S Sanctum Mill e" 10-1 0 0 1 L N 6 0 0 D3
At the Quarterly Doard of the Aletbo- v C 11—
Interesting Paragraphs from, ilur.Ex.c.hangej dist Church Ethel circuit the following Tour 01111orttl silty to (jo t livell, V
representatives were reported elected:--• Sr,14 in Many F-I-tces as Imported " You are Wfured Dr. 011filte's Nerve
Zomph Slinnnahau, formerly of Sva- I A_ farmer drove into Woodstoolc GAjrO8,s_jilO.BAtpakan and Robt. Carr, Goods. FolidAi,; (lie inottr Ivt rfi-rewombive,
forth, dropped dead in Bay City, Mt -ch. Sunday with a load of turnips, hftviug YJiAou- Joseph Vf hitfWI4 and Mr. Pk -pt;
(Toronto Star.) bloodc-roator and mstein buildi-r that.
got out In It-.$ count of the days of the Rtliei-NEessrs, Bennett, Cola, stud Will, 'I'l7boro, arl. paclile in the woollon witri ever prepan4d. "I'lio 111tille of the
Children Cry for week. discoverer, Dr A. VIV, 01111-st" 1.4 ellougla
0 qZN , A ter Mtvzon. Local pretkohersMr. Wilson tn,de," sr -id Mr. R. 2ilillioLtimp, of to gultrailtou flik• wid braille'; Trill lifts -P
On a farm near the village of Rodney - and Mr. Mills. The pastor's salary -.vas 'jilliciriivi), Coyla & Co. today, "who the testil"Oli) of sPort- and hundreds of TH E Ti.%iis announces the follo'Nvinal low - rate.
CA ZSon'T n I bA4;-i 0 1 is it tree which has every appear"ce of I fixed at $700. itiverts-, t1avt their wbo'e steers is Fut- cured ones in evoily part of Calinda, and
'Ur. Crawl of KilicarlinD has been an ::alt, upon which apples hove grown. porton, and I Intva- ,seen in their win- the United Stares. yon call niiii it Clubbing . Offers for 1902-03
The tree hits tio trace of a graft, 11C. R. Co." rubbers are the tiows, cxlyiwd for sale, our own Cana; knowing that it is bounti to do you good.
tiles ed as principal of the public most tasty and best construct- dill MUM,' WOL11C.-li, tick.;t-A Times till Jan.' 1st, 1904 ........................ $1 00
6chools *f F&trolen, Ohildren Cry for ed tubber shoes in Canada.
ed.' Not only is this don, with gen- Times and Weekly Globe, including the premiumXr. Jos, Tner his sold his, f-lrul In If you value comfort and denion't, clothiag, but wilt I's dics' ALL picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governorf; .... 1 Go
:hRice, north of Sebriligrilte, 100 acres, e✓%A#"* 0"R t1t*tq goods as ivell. Frizz--$, holX10- Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, witti a
to Mr. George Orth of 'Walltict, for Z*T w IA. wear insist on your shoe dealer Leavers, and nlolton3 nri� jug- remillin pictures, I Alone" and - Purity.". 1 75
Misi Serena E. Allin, daughter, of Mr. Supplying you with this brand. P
Sled it, this way, antl tb�. pracLie3'ls HE
Tinies and Weekly Mail and ElDpire, 111011cling your
Zlirburn's Sterling Reaeache Prkders W. Allen, of Colborne township was A Grey County newspaper published lay ri�t nzcans c nritted to a s'.nggle ster.,.
d on November Sth to Mr. Ch"' I the other (lay on obituary notice pf n 1 1 (ion", jacan to s�iy that tbi rhopk
nimphine ijor opiuZ. tvarrie I ebOlee Of premium pictures, 11 The Doctor," or
ioo!�taiu neither Cell)- GOOD .......................... 1 75
They promptly Cure ;iiolk Breckaw. Rev. E. A. Shaw performed I man still li-nug. The editor hultibind ers, wilfally inisrelims.-mt their gouils
T(euralgiq,. H;ndatbe, Hliadac kly W
Grippe. Herdachs of delicate likeliest and the velvillotly. himself, on bearijw of his inlitake, but but, as a matt-cr tZ fact, they very QUALITIES Times and Wee, - itness ....................... 1 oo
Headaelie front any cause NNhateyer, Another old resident of Goderich Pass- lit so prcitty a fashion that lie is now seldam know wl,4ro goods •t ro rande. Times and Western Advertiser .................. 1 40
Price 10c. and 2.5e. ed to his reward on Weduesday,'Kov, 51h 1 quite a hero. This is hoNy he did it: V'.2y -lrtl not able to judges ror then[- Times and Weekly Sun ........................ 1 75
It is said that George Sortelinghn4 gold i in the person of Henry Doak, aged i9 I 4,We are frilly glall to It arn that ons '-1-s. That can' he worked into Times and Daily Globe- ........... 4 35*
Itis 100 aure farm, lot 2i.eou M Grey, to yearn, Ile had been ailing for the past dear old Weil I lives, though it will be 911_,ra is ur.d.ubto-Uly It fef-Ung wa faliltlLss tailoring 'Will filld, Times and Faymers' Ad vocate ..................... 1 85
Andira Mnwhan, %1,
,Q , Tlii pnr- 10 Years and Was confined to bed for a disaointmout to m 8 friellfis
llpany of lit tl,iu pift rX a gcod many paorle th-ut, tbell, wav into your SUN or
t1atior get. p3=ssiou next Uamh. g,.Tvr.,11 months, in heaven that he has not yet been imported goods are the befit. Th's is Overcoat, or anyTimes and Toronto Dally Star .................... 2 20.lbing yow
At a, meetiug of the Provisiou-1 Wcj!Ills affool; tL 01jilkils health too pernliitud to jvia them there. on tho sn= principle that foraway order here.
Council of Diml:e County held Lit Sonih- a saitously, to neglect. Sometimes they bills look grvn, but wli)n you ;;.at We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cart
amptou on Octobpr I Rb, IS02,' 40 years cittise convulsions and death. It you Per o~ Sixty Years. closu tc, ti.eni. you may find th2lit very
M-Ppe, theut to be present, give Dr. It's oil)- plan Io p4,a.,;e our
An Old and Well -Tried brj%vn. I huvi,� no Imsitation in spy- give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
slow's Soothing8vrup bas been ustd ijl._, Nv-colicu, ulpido in Cana -
290, the question Of the county tOwv- Low's Plear-ant NVornt Syrup, whioll Win, ctls!Ontera-to Riveall we Can
I ild. Ifto factories, equal Oil) llnl)o"t((l
Walker- (Itarroys the �vorins Nvithoutilijuring the foroversL udiliow-of thers; -to take as little as Nve Can wasAtially- decided favor of Wal xty years bi published. The above, are our FixrD RA-rms, marked down.,
ton• by a vote of 13 to 7. ch Price 23o, for their ofiAdren whuotoothilm" "Itll
Oblidren Ory folle IV. W. Baillie, aged 27, the new aeu.', perfect success. It 81,1011168 the child,
Softens the Fades, allays allpaill,oures "Therz or-- L(Z miSo as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use:
mills in Canada
era: wanstger of the Metropolitan bailk, 1 wind collo, and is the hot rpruedY for m-iling Nroriicl tralta.N.-ings equal to Take advantAgp of every od.
hunt ainor. tilt, asking for cheaper rates.
ill &iiil to be the youngest Occr-Pill't Of diar"I'Ma. It is PICUsant to the tn'01. nny 'in t1e., wtrld. '%.VlD are making val3ti-fre. 1 9
CIA MID&T 0 R I Au such an important office Ili Canada, if Sold by drustgists it% every )art; of the scj-g,^,q Ny!i1ch In texturo, finish, and bixxesr. vitnetv or file niost
A pretty wedding tank place on Wed- not in the world. He starts with a world. Twenty-fivecentsatottle. Its ini!ZD dye nx-a as good a.$ the Irish fimthionable f0pries--sind pay
salary of 4116,00D. Talno is incalculable. Be sure YOU ask Terg(,,s ov any other. list a cont inore then yo'u In each case the weekly papers will be sent to nem
nesilay, 5th inst, at the home of Mr. and for Mrs%Vinslow's Soothing Syrup, and ' ",%,s nn cvfdanco or tljo nature" of
.1;1in -Mills died lit, his residence . you ou-ht. subscribers for the balance of 1902 riiom.. The rates quoted
Mrs. Win tfeOreatll, St. Dxvid's street, Mr. in take no other kind. 0,nnamn fri-exes, I might tell
0oderie'a, their eldest vialighter, AuvIe West. Wawwaosh on Sunday evening, that th'i O"rcoats the troops of Lha I
May, atidDavid Alexander Thompson, !Wov.8th, He has been ailing for several The Pernicious Treating Sy stern. - first Canadian contingent wort- slocid are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers,
Nearly every mail knows what miglat th- wear I. so Nvoll and gave Tach testa: l- Thom conditions ru!o here. will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
son of ex4
layor Robert Thompson, bo. i .mouths Post with cancer. Deceased was lent service tiv:tt lh�-y "attracted the
lug the happy eouple. a highly esteemed and Popular resident I be termed bar -room etiquetto is Ulm. attention of 111,tl BritishtAlLtllO11ti!!.3,
wanosh for many years. One, two or more, •enter 6a bpr-roout,. nnd*th<- wnsequanoz was lie Inn- R, Fri. IX 1 Yl L L.
A comp,,my is bc-in.g forav-d at St I li� West Ws I parial Gov .-ritin.-it -gl vo a large order,
; with no desire or intention of taking too I tit, in An -r TAmo.
Marys for the luallufacture, og P toil 'Canudian fricvcs for the arnly.
Portland Used ititornall-J, Hagyard's Yellow muc
Ch. ()no troats, rile other &her or others {Orr cumpnny alone mad,, 40,003 Yards 1
�ceiuent. The cement will beinadefroin J Oil cures Sore Throat, Hoarseness.;
!ns the case may be, considerit inatily to orit.
uini5y, Pain in the Chest, Crout), etc. ,
limestone, -.nil tho Nvoks will ba located Call at the office, or address—
I &ed externally cures Rlicumatilim i treat in. retcril and itumnatly not to do I "Itomespuns for both m�!Ws -nd 'wo- i
I S arj Win
in Blansibard ToNviiship, abenutwo mites Stitt Joints, Contracted Oords, Sprains, : so. 'What are the consequences? There' in"n's .9 sold by C.ina- f
from St. Marrys. Mr. Rarrison, of O.vPn Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, and Sites! are in the T'llajotity of cages as ninny c3 en inills lit very large riwintitios to I
Sound is at the head of the now industry. Of insects. the'swi.11, t:lil:;t-s of N;7_�w York,
drinks as there are drinkers, ending tool delpbia, Boston, 11 Jaltimore, zand o, n:ir
The breath of the glues is the breath George Colvin, of con. 3, Culross, who often ill. all being too full. Nott', tilt. Aram icm nitres. NVhy? Dc tus-,) •.ur
1 rtnctnrie-� nre turning 6t gccd -,tyles
Of life to the consumptive. Norway Piue died O:t Xovember 4th was aged, 48 years t men who do this are vet mean tnoil-they
-o not ver worst oitizens, by means, %uitaWio in the world for homespuns.
Syrub contains tlif- pino virtues and and 3 il�ortli& H.) had been ill for One aro ;-nd be-cou o Canadian Ivo. 1 Is. the mot!
ogres coagito, colds, bronchitis, hoarse. with pleura pneumonia. Ile was call jolly goc)(1 It is sttorg. gArss and culit rly si, a
aeag, and i0l. throat and Intl,, troubles, Thev are what we inigh, y a p:! I d
con. born Ill County. Of Perth in 1850, coming fnysW-i for 11e, purpwp_ On .111 sueh�,
which. it )lot attended to, lead to fellLNVS, and honeet, withal, but they nre, . L -
oiontho a duty f,
0'amption. 'toCulross with biaparents while quite a-Ilicritigt,iii, custatuthat is ddoinglit )in
"-h 1 10'3p1,,,rtatv 0!�nt-s. is to paid.States A11hiladelphion i
Mrs. Isalxlle Gibly Va lad. Eighteen years harmau, widow 1190 he 'IV38 harm-livobably moro titan any, other importer told ma last summer that h3 i
of the late Tolin Sharman, (lied at the marric.-I to 11fiss Diary .Ami, daughter of eu.,tmn practis3d it -.our social . life. --co- n,t.vq R21.02 for every 91 worth of gocils i
XOSIdence of her son James Sl,;nrinan, oil I V orlerick McKenzie, Coll. 2, -1 Nviflalonial S . he I uyt,, ;r.r ad. ot c,uvtc h i imi-o t.
Birmilighant street, Stratford, oil Nov. j ' mud.,ird. Piptou
and si small children tire left to mouriji, only lugli-class goods, an whielt. . the
j duty is 1.1-C, highest, The very lowest
a loving husband and a kind The Grand Old Man I duty 1c; 60 1-il e--nt.
;a her! -5th year, Shp. was olle of 1, the loss 0,"
aud a2cotionato father. Suit thirty years ago, oil the
the "irst sbt4kio (1 Stratford, and saw) 010 of "*ill- this ll-.yinlas-
pun trade, with iho
October, 18721, Sir Oliver Uo-,vat became" St tea
b.,! tvrtaancLt; Itli, rQo.Tbei
the. present CIO, Start With a elearing and ; I I-Itatea - t -F naw follovvQ T.ondnn
a few houses. i Good iriea�lth Is Impoasible AtWriiey-Geueral of the new Govern- � '
i styles, and 1,5111-espuns and ell"'vints
'The 150 acre term of 11agh W. MC13'ay ! without regullistr action of the bowels, Ment which lie had Wien Called upon to will nIvrays be. warn by London inen
I Lnxa-Liver Pills re.gulate the bowels, forul after leaving the bench. This po. tin il %%; r,MLf1jl,"
oth can. Grey lias, been leasell Ly his
' dill 0 constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, siti,n lie c0litilined to hold until he 211r, Milliehninp I Q;i3 Star mart
iialis. Walter azul :Anus who will form !* sick headache, anct all affections of the to. (he, tilt rortloln,4. "Look at ilinitn'
it. Mr. And Mrs. BICKAY have inoved! organs of digesLjoll. Price 2j cents. entered the Government of Sir Wilfrid, go ds' I -C Said. 11b. to are fit) g- 041'.
All druggists. Laurier as Alinister of Ji e, Xing Ltrcet t; blokes' Nvin.
'to tile houge. on the W acre lot,ptirchased Just-* in a CO YOU s�.� in the
it parallel, Ontario's fl'y'%vayou . will pity 025 a suit rot'
log year from ino, R. Oliver. We wish record without rll
them ill
thkaiboyssumcss. MiSsMeXaY will be It Is estimated that the o pea weevil grand old mm. I
is still wjtll uj, al. fl. -r.f,, ' anal bo, douht, will think
- vyjg imported goods, '%,a
has raus(-a it loss of from $4,000,000, to, though in his eighty-second year and in you aro '.ill,
holl"keeper ill tile rae�kuktlme, 47 J-12 and 50a a yard, to the
$,6.000,000 in Ontario this year. An ed. somewhat feeble health for some tittle, j,)j)bc!rs. lf,rz are Some floull*'C' ,nil
licational Campaign against the pea wee. 'he ]ills, however, been Ablo to discharge: Lwi,;t% al- -ut the fiard- st clsotliq to
ainsulne Cdtffor,'a iijivAyt beam fba 5:ghtigura 1". il-vmn ore, requiringo !�pvojai
of Cli=. H. Flatchar. vii, %Vill be waged with vigor at all the duties of Lie atenanK; overilo-'. lifs M-1n]arhinery.' Th -,s3 arcs as good as an"
farmers ' Ingtitut,3 meetings In ()Iltarjo:! term Ili tills office expires this month.�wnrftl,l'oolit lit ilia,"
this winter. A circular is being sent : Re 1105 left his impress all the history of 1 goeds, too, Zibelin-m, camel's; Jinir
viten Bally was sleX we gave her eastorio. out to the correspondents of the Bureau I this province, and has come to Command I C athizz. just ;s good as any. Wt- put
viteft,she was a. CliRd, she tried for Castoria, of Industries, asking for detailed itifor 'the respect and admiration of those who! tI_*,e on (hes markA tit about GOP, a
- v,i ril. ThuY retail for 51 or
astorii. 111010n from every locality reached p; once; opposed him. 113 has In his long I Itibouts."
wilelt ou:� becistie 1.1W, she clutig to C
Whenabehad Childmix,G1149Ave McmCastoria, to the extent an(I nature of the Injury and distiligtlished career demonstrated I
dons. This information will then be I the licasibility of making a Olean record i Fill, a; certlikility I alit I'lut-611.
The death of Tog(,ph Djenlprt, a former put in shape to Illy before the r, atulers+ in political lire.-Stro trol'a 130acon. i
"de'ent of 3,11.1afflay, took place at Institute looturera at their conference at biitcher,
Xo It Ont., mrjt,�Ij
born, North Dilkots, on Alonday, , y.
tri PfdVinti, Winter Valt 0 Guelph P& To to Ilid thtb !It,. p with
6% Chise's Ointitnent Is it cartaiti. � that for two y0arl; 13,1 vAis Istitl u Nj,j
.31r, Die* next mouth. Z% and abs;olutb mra foe On ?)ti(InAy digf.liste sill(l jill-illarV tronIlle.q. ITA
10th, at the of 74 Yeatil, lie and ever.* form of Itehling, jjp.pskfnA sjr(jJ,9i(,al alt(I I;iq lj,gg would
ultit lived ilk Carrick untill eleven years AN EXPLANATION, " C. R. S-A'ell so t1lat Ili*,. V11111t] itfateely go foul)(T.
when he mo j tho inalta faetuto* h&vo guaranttod it, See tep.
'hwe"" CO." rLqbbers are rubber shoes 1 thnonlals In tba dMir press and ask youtuelgle
ov moves to tho Xor , ITti wopr wi rl nli* 1110i'lleitle thot diel'
Me w" marded twice, and raised A fitin- b6T% whet they think of You hill, ii it
CA"VATYx by Can -i#6 C 11 .4 jr� e tjey..I
ror a in)rtahlty
of twenty Ave, nineteen of Whom are j
AW1 living. oda Rubber Company. 11110 thio trAntinvilt onvid 111111. Ono,
DiFt Chaselis 01htfflant; it Log. I
...................... ---------
In every hisino In this district
Wilt rupply you with the 1&tOt and M03t interesting Local
Homo and Voreign Rees, and
I i Its special features are- Marleet Pteports that 9to un-
tilualled for FULIMSS and 92LIABILITY.
Regular contributions App "13-yatander" on current bVents.
Pttportt of Converitfor ;.o&,ociatlons and tuattings; of in-
taresttend value f far=rq,dairy Mtn and stockmen.
Pratticstl talkseach week on Live9tocL Dairying, Partin
Crop Culture, V teditig for Profit, and other subjects.
sullIZORIEP. P.10%,V fall
T I M 2 55 ONLY Vill
tttsti T14Z WZ Z-7_Ktk-,,tAX-A%- —`14" 1.75
And wo will seyid That Sun tree for the bil muce of 100.
1 yJ
t_otmVis votte iorcier at
I I i