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Wise en
Careful Mothers
Read This
,Biggest Snap in Boys', Youths' and Men's Suits
And Overcoats ever heard of in Huron, County l
$1600 worth of Sample GiothinA
Bought by the CROWDER CO, at 70c on the dollar,
comprising Boys' Suits, Youths' Suits, Men's Suits,
Overcoats and Odd Pants. These goods go on sale
Thursday horning till all sold. Come and see us
and save money.
11 only Boys' 3 -piece Sample Snits,
sizes 27 to 33, sale 62.75
'19 only Boys' 2 -piece Suits, all -wool
sizes 22 to 27, sale - - 1.65
6 only Boys' Russian Blouse Snits,
for ages 5 to 10 years, sale 3,75
'5 only Youths' Snits, all wool,
double-breasted Coat. high int
vest, long pants, sizes 31 to 35,
heaviest suit on tile • market,
worth $8.50, sample salt'
rout Its' Suits
7 only Youths' Snits, long pants,
in dark tw.eerl and navy blue,
worth $0.00, sample sale - $4.00
27 Suits for Men
27 Sample Suits for men, sizes 36
to 44, iu tweeds, browns, greys,
blues, etc,, no two alike; sack
coats, neat fitting vests, worth
6.75 i $7.50 to $8.50, your choice • 5.50
'Here is a Snap in Sample Suits
• 10 only Men's and Youths' all -wool blue and black Serge Suits, heavy twill, sack
coat, neat -fitting vest, best Italian liuings, sizes 35 to 44, well worth $10.00,
sample sale - r $7,75
'Overcoats, Samplers
19 ouly Men's Sample Overcoats, sizes 33 to 44, in light and heavy weights, tweed
effects and cheviots; these coats were made to sell at x;7,50 aad $9.00, your
choice at sample sale - - - - $6.25
.41 pairs Old Pants, all samples, worth $1.85 to $1.75, sample sale price - $1.15
If you want a nine warns cot,t, come and see our pure lined coats, all sizerk, now in
stock, and the price is right.
Underwear for boys, youths and men, at away -down prices.
'Gents' Furnishings
We are receiving daily all the latest novelties in neckwear, collars, ,gloves,
millers, shirts, braces, etc. Prices are right,
FARMERS—Bring along your children; small bore big boys, tall boys and
hired boys. We eau fit them out at about two•thivas regular price.
or Poultry wanted. iffy Butter and Eggs wanted.
:ea•••••O•••4•44000.00•••• 0004S.4140000..4004,0.40..,,s0
'$ TUMBLERS — For table use, plain pattern, with
• short fluted bottom, - 35c per dozen
• TABLE SETS—Plain, with a neat decoration ; con-
•♦♦ sisting of sugar, cream, butter dish and spoon
holder, 45c per set
.+ FRUIT SETS—Nicely embossed pattern ; compris-
i ing six nappies and one Iarge bowl, - for 40c
• GLASS PITCHERS—Victoria pattern, quart size,
a bargain, - - 15c each
Ia r> S SW A R E
4404-4.4444-444•4444.+444-44-44 44+
Does your
Liver ever
go on strike?
If se, you should use Iron Tonto
Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in
each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen
days, snakes you a now man or
They tone the heart, stimulate the
nerves, increase the appetite, and
keep the bowels just right.
These pills can be had for 23o a
box—just half-a-eent a dose.
What you want in
No guarantee of quality could
be stronger thein the guarantee
We give, and no prices could
bo more reasonable.
DRNGGlST,-..—_—_ _ a_�.... _ .—WMNGHAM
Interesting Mitts Contributed
by Readers of the Times`
Tile social entertainment held. by the
Sabbtttir'sebool and public school of S.B.
No, 9, osi Friday eveiling of lest week
was well attended rind was..n success.
The proprannne was a good one, of read-
ings, recitations. choruses by the chil-
dren and instrumental roasts. The
ladies provided a good supply of refresh•
meats and all present enjoyed. p, happy
evening. The collection amounted to
$10.50,•whieh will Ine used in purchasing
new books for 'tire Sabbath school
The Clause lir Xryeperftio *'pins;
Improperly digested food penally
forms gases that cause •a painful dis-
teution of the stomach and preserve
against the heart. This res,.lts in much
pain told distress, hot Nerviline will re-
lieve the distontinn,•dispel the gee, and
cure the dyspeptic pains very quickly.
Poison's Nerviline is really an excellent
remedy for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Chimps, Saintlier Complaint and all
Stomach and 13owei Troubles, No
household is complete without Nerviline.
Try a 25c bottle.
J. II. McClinton is ou his rounds again
collecting taxes
W. Henry of Hespeler is visiting with
friends in this section.
Jolnu Sowier has recovered from his
recent illness sufficiently to be around
Mrs. J. N. Campbell and daughter,
Emma, are visiting with her sister, Mrs,
(Rev.) Medd at Hensall.
The trustees of the school have a uew
bell placed in the belfry, to replace the
one which has been nearly useless for
the past year or twit).
Jas. Wightnlau,'a former resident of
this neighborhood, but who for the past
few years has resided in Michigan was
spending a few weeks with relatives
here and also looking for a farm; he
succeeded in buying one near Seaforth,
to which place Ise will remove his effects
in the spring.
They Take Wceke• '
Ordinary remedies sometimes take
weeks to even relieve eases that Catarrh -
ozone cares at once.
Inhale Catarrhozone five minutes now
and again and it cures a cold.
Inhale Catarrbozoue four times a day
and it cures stubborn coughs.
Inhale Catarthozone five minutes
every hour and we guarautee it will cure
any case of Catarrh. I3renchitis,Astlrmn,
Lung or Throat Trouble, Deafness.' It
is very pleasant and coitrenieut to use,
quick to relieve, and certain as the here-
a t r
f e to cur Largo o.. n go size, complete,
price $1.00; small size, 25e. Druggists,
or Poison & Co., ltingstou, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Headache.
iu. air..
Joseph Page has sold his residence on
Drummond street to John White. The
price paid was $400
Mrs. A. M. Babb, of Teeswater, has
been visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McQuarrie,
Rev. J'. Edmonds conducted divine
service last Sunday morning in Auburtt,
afternoon in Belgrave, and evening iu
A meeting of the officers and directors
of the Blyth branch of the Upper Cana-
da Bible Society was held last Wednes-
day evening, The meeting was called
for the purpose of appointing canvassers
and collectors.
We understand that W. Graham, ex-
reeve of Stanley, and father of Mrs.
James Sims, of Blyth, who recently
took up his residence in Toronto, has
decided to return to Huron county. Ile
misses the friendships and -associations
of his early days, and finds that life in
Toronto is too exclusive for him.
Miss Flora Watson left for Winnipeg
recently. After her arrival iu Winni-
peg on Monday, Nov. 10th, site was
married to Mr. Reuben M. 'Kest, fore-
man of the Gleuboro Gazette, and a for-
mer member of the Blyth Standard staff.
Miss Watson was one of Blyth's most
popular and estitnablo young ladies, and
the best wishes of tnauy friends here
follow her to her new home in the west.
The late Isaac Rattenbury, of Clinton,
Ieft an'estate valued at between $5550,000
and $60,000,part of which was transferr-
ed to his brother Joseph, some three
years ago, of the hotel and fixtures, and
the old home on William street. There
are also legacies amounting to 810,000.
Pains in the Back
Arc symptoms of a weak, torpid or
stagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is extremely
hazardous to neglect, so important is
a healthy action of these organs
They are commonly attended by loss
of energy, lack of courage, and some-
times by gloomy foreboding and de-
"I was taken 111 with kidney trouble, and
became so weak I could scarcely get around.
I took medicine without benefit, loci finally
decided to try hood's Sarsaparilla. Atter
the first bottle I felt to Much better that I
continued its use, and six bottles made foe
a new woman. when my little girl was a
baby, she could not keep anything on her
stomach, and We gave -her Hood's Sarsapa-
ri1Ia which cured her." Diss, TuOriAs Itr-
Nnr, wallaceburg, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Cures kidney and liver troubles, re-
lieves the back, and builds up the
whole system.
1-... *mug v hist.
The. • tett, ;meting .in;; the Metlundist
church on Monday evening was 't ver,'
successful otic,' '5.116 tables, were laid in
the beeerneut of the ebi?ch, where the
#rl;t.0 tLAi'J1
Mrs. Iinol'a'aan .hap gone to London
toa,ttend.the wedding of her cQaisin.,
Mt O. H'asltns and her daughter, • Haan d
l►nve moved t) t,Vieghauf. Mr. Lisslenu
ladies end ypuug people of the ,e'oingre., will stili attend to his store 1lere,
gatiou attended well to the wants of Rev, Mr. Laker of Tocotito preached
their guests, About 8 o'clock every- a temperance sermon itt the AI?ethodutt
body ad3onrned to the auditorium of 0,0 church Sunday evenitig,
churelx, where au exeellttut ,programme Mrs Kennel and Mrs, Crozier, sisters
vats given. Reverends Bobbs,Wittgbnua;
Garbutt, Gerrie; West, Iiluevale, gave
addresses. Iilsoelient music was render:
ed by an orchestra of violins, undl,the
singing. of Miss Hattie Reid, Mrs. W. J.
Jolrustpn and Mrs, .•--—, was warmly
applauded. ' (The name of .the '1stter
lady was torte. frbul our copy.—Ed.)
Mrs. Peter Wheeler and children have
returned after a four weeks' visit in the
country,'. '
Rov..W.. 3, and Mrs. West were in
Walkerton this week, attending the
wedding of Mrs, West's brother, Mr.
Peal 'Gordon.
Mrs, M. H. Elliott and children, of
Winghatn, visited last week at Robt.
Jas. Burgess is on the sick list.
John Burgess was iu Brantford this
week attending the quarterly audit of
the 0, 0. X+'. •
LISTt, lv fr L,
One of the oldest pioneers of the Prov-
ince passed away at his house here ou
Monday morning, in the person Of Mr.
W. H. Hocking,, postmaster, in the
ninety-third year of his age. He was born
in Leeds, England, and came to Canada
in' 1820, with his family, his father
having been the first Congregational
minister iu Upper Cauada,aud settled in
York County. The deceased was for
some time in the employ of Mr. Carnthra
of Newmarket, and took an active part
in the rebelion of 1837, He was intimate
with 'Mackenzie and Baldwin, but re-
fused to join the former, urging con-
stitutional means to redress the existing
grievances. His two brothers-in-law,
however, were confined at Kingston and
senteuced to death., but escaped and
were subsequently pardoned. Lount
and Mathews, who were hanged, had la
been. neighbors of Mr. Hacking: 'In ti
1855 the deceased settled in the Queen's d
bush, near Listowel, where: he took up b
some land, but subsegnently .built a in
store. on the lot ou which he died. In e
1855 ho was appointed postmaster, a H
position he oceupieci up to the time of a
his death. He was a lifelong Liberal,
nue a scholar, speaking Spauish and to
French fluently, and being well versed
in other languages. Mrs. Hacking died i h
about six years ago. Three daughters
and five sons survive. The funeral took I st
islaoe ou Wedtiesclay afternoon. so
of Rey, J. J. #Ltstie are visiting at the
manse this week,
The Methodist , pongregntion have
purchased a fine new organ for their
nhurclr front Mr, Hoare, of Olinton, and
it was used for the first time on Sunday
Kr. D. Sproat had the misfortune to
cut his foot lost week' with anaxe,
Dr. Mash, was called And pat its seven
Rev. Mr. Davidson of Varna Address-
ed the Ladies Fttraigti Missionary Society
last Titursday eveuiug in the. Presby-
terian chnreh.
The members of the C. 0, F. gave an
oyster supper in their hall Fri 'lay even -
int last. ,patter the simper a short pro-
gramme was rendered consisting of
ail address by Mr, Copeland, organizer;
instrumental duet, Mcs. D. Geddes and
Mr. David; snug, Mrs. J. H. Geddes;
sung, Mr. Dau Geddes. After the pro-
grannue the ball was cleared and dauc-
rug was indulged iu far au hour,
The boys gave a very successful ball
in the hall last Wednesday, which was
largely attended. Music furnished by
Stewart 'Bros. .
The road grader was brought into
regnieitiou iu scraping off the accumu-
lation of mud on Turnberry street north
of the iron bridge. It was a great mor-
tar bed, before this was done.
Report says that Robt Oliver and Miss
Eliza McQuarrie, both of this locality,
were tarried tit Langdon,North Dakota,
the other day, We wish 'them, many
happy years. Mr. Oliver will resume
his position as storehousomau for R.
While driving in Hewlett township
st week F..S. Scott's horse broke
.rough the flooring of a bridge' and
autaged both front and hind. begs. The
east is now being cart:d for by a veter-
ary and us Mr. Scott puts a good value
n his driver he wilt most likely ask
owick Council to make good the dam-
ge as this is his busiest season of the
ear and he is compelled to hire a horse
atteucl to his work.
Jaynes Turnbull has disposed of his
ease and lot, corner of John and gin,:;
nets to Ch as. Ritchie, who recently
Id las farm iu Merrfs township, for
e sum of $700. The purchaser will
make his home is Brussels. Doc. War-.
wick, this week, sold the stone house he
bought from the Barns' estate, to Geo.
Muldoon, of Waltou. Mr. and Mrs
Muldoon will take up their residence iu
town. Real estate, in the way of house
property, has been moving lively. W.
J. McCracken pnrcltased the property
offered for sale the other clay, ou Al-
bert street, payiug $500 for the same,
' The l'enalty of a rust Lite,
Is paid for by an irritable condition of
body and tnincl; by exhausted energy,
poor digestion, unstrung nerves and
broken sleep. IEyou must and will live
the killing pace; better keep in mind the
sustaining powers of Ferrozoue, a won-
derful tonic rind reconstructor. Ferro -
zone is a blood maker, a nerve streugtb-
ener,• at bean and brain invigorator. It
creates appetite, insures perfect diges-
tion and undisturbed steep, restores the
vitality 'and strength lost by excessive
Iiving very qur,kly. . Ferrozone will do
you inestimable good, try it. Price 50c.
per box or six boxes for $2.50 at Drug-
gists, or Poison tat Co., IKingston, Ont.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cara Headache.
ni.o situs.
W. H. (Moakley and family, formerly
of Morris, who, moved westward to
Brandon, a few years ago, have return-
ed to Ontario and aro now residents of
Mr. Chas. W. Lawrence has sold his
faun, south half lot 1, con 5, Morris,
to Messrs Taylor Bros. for $3400. The
farts contains 80 acres, is a.g ed. one
and in good order. Mr. Lawrence in-
tends moving from Huron county.
One of the happy events of the season
took place at the comfortable residence
of Alex. and Mrs. Forrest, 1st line
Morris, on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, when
a company of over 100 guests assembled
to witness the marriage ceretnony of
their second eldest daughter, Miss Re-
becca to Silas Johnston, of Morris. The
ceremony was perforated by Rev. F.
Swann, of Bluevale, under an arch of
evergreens decorated with white lilies.
Wednesday afternoon of last weelr
wedding bells chimed. at the residence
of Jas. Fulton, 8th line of Morris, when
in the presence of about 50 guests Rev.
A. McNab, M. A., of Walton, tied the
matrimonial bow between Harry B. Mo-
Arter, a well known young than, of
Brussels, and Miss Minnie Fulton, the
estimable daughter of the host and host-
ess. 11liss Ella IttoArtor, sister to the
groont, played the Wedding March in
good style as the wedding couple took
their places at 3 o'clock. The. bride
wore a becoming costume of white
organdie and carried white carnations.
Groomsman and bridesmaid. were dis-
pensed with. hearty congratulations
fc,Ilowecd the oeretnony. A reception
was held in the evening and a very
pleasant time enjoyed by all. The sup-
per tables were well supplied and all
went merry as a 'marriage bell. Wedd-
ings gifts, useful,"valuable and beauti-
ful were bestowed on the bride. Mr.
and blas, I'XoArter will make their home
in Brussels 'lvhere they • eminence
housekeeping with the good wishes of
litany relatives and friends.
" When the butter won't
come put a penny in the
churn," is an old time dairy
proverb. It often seems to
work though no one has ever
told why.
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain Strength and flesh we
say give them Scott's Emul-
It is lits the penny in the
mill: because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it.
Scott's Emulsion is -simply
a mill: of pure cod liver oil
with some , llypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be-
cause it is. so perfectly adapted
to their wants.
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scott's Emulsion
is the most satisfactory treat-
We will send you
the penny, 1. e., a
sample free.
nb sure that this picture in
the Form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
fmutsion you buy.
Toronto, ,Ontario.
sec, and $t,00 all druggists.
ISARD'S 1The Leading Store
On Saturdty morning we place on oar mentors the following fiat cf
goods at MQ; .EY SAVING- PWC. klurgutns In New Gooda--w jpet.
the kind you are Jonking for and wotntiog et this time lit year. We
are reaching out after bueinep.find intend to bell goods in all depart-
ments at Close -Cut Prices iron Monday morning until 'Saturday night.
Please shop early Saturday ,and ,get drat choice.
47try aids Flanuellette, eight pat-
terus, 36 -in, wide, fast colors,.
heavy. reg. 10c, Saturday .08
45 Lefties' Wrappers, deep frill,
good heavy cloth, fast colors,
lined sleeve and waist, regular
2 00, Saturday - 1.50
300 pairs extra heavy all -wool rib-
bed Hose. fast black, made to
wear well. reg 35e, Saturday ,25
30 Boys' 2 -piece all -wool Tweed
Suits, nicely made, regular
price 2.00, Saturday - 1.50
1 piece Grey Flannel Sheeting, 2
yds wide, reg 05e, Sittnrday .50
5 patterns Plaid Gingham, fast
colors, reg. value 7e, Sittnrday .05
A special line of Fancy Neck
Ribbons, all colors, regular 25c,
Saturday - - - - ,20
Lbdies' flannelette Nightgowns, full
size., good pattens, regular
value 65c, Saturday - .50
A line of Men's Tweed Pants,weil
reticle, reg 1.25, Saturday price 1.00
A lot of mill ends Factory Cotton,
reg 7c, 8c and 10c, Saturday .05
2 5c
1 piece heavy Union Carpet, good 8 pieces Wrapperette, new pat -
pattern, reg 35c, Saturday .25 terns, fast colors, reg 121„ "c, for .10
Ladies' fanny black sateen Waists
fast color, regular value $1.25,
15 pairs good sttropg Comets,
steel filled, well made, regular
value 05e, Saturday, - ,49
Girls' fawn Short Coats, ninely
made, regular value,0.75, Sat-
4 pieces heavy all -wool Home-
spun Dress Goods, 54 -in wide,
regular 1.25, Saturday - .75
20 doz, Ladies' Vests and Draw-
ers, heavy, reg 85e, Saturday' .25
13oys' navy blue duck Shirrs,spots
and stripes, reg 50e, Saturday .39
Ladies,' fancy pattern Waists,
lined, fast colors, new style,
regular"valne 1.25. Saturday 1 00
Men's Peak Caps. cheek tweed,
regular price 50e, half Fane
Saturday - - ,25
15 ,pairs Bays extra heavy otic -Buckle
Rubbers regular 1.00 Saturday .75
25 pairs Ladies' Dongola Boots;
regular 1.25, Saturday 1.00
H. E. ! A, RIS & Co.
['pnasite Bank of Hamilton Highest price .paid far Ptah o°
Sir Henry Stroup has retired from the
Supreme Court Beach. A matter of
changes in the judiciary follow, and
Mr. J. J. Maclaren. of Toronto, is op-
poiuted Judge in the Court of Appeal.
Vnu will find our candies d'l,eioaa. A box of
our mix mixed confectionery, or raised ehoculates,
will h, a delightful addrciun to tilt• plenaures at
the dratiut or oneric. 13oved tansies., delicc•rttl,
if do sired. .1 ha price or our srdeeted chocolat o
creams is 8k to Wye per pound.
;TAS. McKELVIE, Star Restaurant,
to crest
The Market Bakery Bread is
perfection itself. Wte, hght,
sweet Centre.; rich, .Town, short
crust. Mi sd, olded, baked
and deliver.d '. just the way to
Will your approval.
We have all the latest machin-
ery, and there is no need of
sending to the city for your
bread or pastry.
Opposite Presbyterian Church.
►► EXTENSIC)N TABLES in great variety.
Is one thing we have the lead in. Our assort-
nient of wood seat and leather seat diners is a
marvel of style, quality and cheapness.
0. The Furniture Store opposite the
SIDEBOARDS -7 -The largest and best selected stock
of the Iatest designs and choicest woods in use in
the manufacture of up-to-date furniture.
TrWe carry a complete line of all kinds of furniture.
Furniture and Undertaking.
Post Office,