HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-20, Page 3HAVE WO TillED
Young- an.J Oki are D 1 Tates
\r fith.. it.
The pttreet� most delicions, healthful,
nutritious, anal altuguther the most satin•
factory breakfast c.lr,iiel ever pl'teod. baa.
tore the public is Malt P1•ee11i1'sist Fond.
6 you tiled t >,
1~iav r1 G k toyour
r d a n'n tt
Y I .irtel la.ri,
one oi' tho luxuries of life that coo etlittle
'onoy—au ageut that kerns the rligtetioa
of yours;; and ok1 in pet•feot condition tie
no other breakfust fooa can do. Malt
Brealtrnst food is eoontitutea1: orae pack-
age lualcee ti zueul for twetity-tive potpie,
Beconnne-wiled by tklonsitnds of physio.
Jane as a true health food, Your Grader
sells it,
Canada is Wide Awake.
•Country's Progress Viewed. rrrorrl an
American Standpoint
Prot idences, it. I•. Nov. 10. -- Tho
Jctur•n,i, evert: Durirg the wurl; ended
Ott. 2u. tau ohs/triage in Nosvkinglund
auoteilewd tt per cent. in the micddle
mutes, 23 per cont. in tato mid -west, 4
per cont, in Lilo south 14 par cent, in
tlio sou Lhwest ti ' ixsr cent, anti, in the
'Pacific states 13 per went. Tho com-
parison is tvitht the • corresponding
eye: k. a ye at ago. The gain in th : clear-
ings or C.auatl . for trio same week this
your Touched 10 lxsr cont. This astore-
lishing increa,'otcumes to this attention
alis aux people tit a time whon the
conssidc. tion of Canada's progrc,ss is
forced or their utitlds by u. vuricty
or facts ix c.ud ng pl :nty c f et'lt fat o 1
Orta. ^-Jttn tila!s prosperity has ]teen
quite at' marked• in bank clearing.
Altering t•1.o lust six or seven years ns
that of the United States. At pres-
ent it itt the more clearly indicated by
ethpt criterion.
• It is said that fully 40,000,000 acus
of wheat lends are, awaiting cconpanoy
nortl. of our, on anundary. Lust
year but 3,000,000 ucres yielded h tr-
veste. From this small acreage 00.000,-
000 bushels of spring wit.m.t •wero se.
soured. of which the most is for sxport
'W'.heu ills ithole uxoble expanse is cul-
tivated, Glnatta will produe3 an enor-
nlonuti quantity of this grain, and the
:tints is not distant when at least a,
third of ilia urea will be covered with
jrarms• T1si.9 is the principal source of
Canudu'.s wealth, but it i.' not th••s only
rare promising Lino. The country is
grttetuaily mining its awn soft coal, it
porteosses iron mines which are Contin
nation of the ranges in our own north-
west, lis copper, silver and gold must
1x. •reckoned with, end the measure
of it,s c,paaity for shipments or pota-
toes and fruits, dairy products and
lumber, fisheries and food animals,has
not yt;t been taken. Considering these
facto ono must prepare for rho arount-
ulation of Cs.rtadu',s wealth rind power
oin a grand ,scale. If it invites: thous -
nods or ,c•ur citizens across the line,
those who know best the character
of such irnrnigrts.nts should be the
quickest to realize what is probably
before tie Dominion.
Little Liver
Must Door Siguaturo of
See Fac-Shollo t'lrappct Oelow.
'teary satnn cud as easy
totalto no aa,; :r.
t �cr3 UEADACIIE.,
FO2 t;CliMPATi011.
ihl ,oat tuffsUUbYMV[ WW1 C.
I GMs lOi nro-iv. vegetable. ee to
oteme, tat
'Then your liver isn't actin
well. You suffer from bilious-
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 years they have been
the Standard Family Pill.
Small doses250.
cure. Alldrugglstd.
Want your ntouetnebe or boards beautiful
brown or rich black? Then no
tl � C � 1+Yhlskars;:
en con,bY.D.Ueea.T, a0, R. b. Nat&de.ss•u,.N,N,
Dolaria Uuuer Act.
Summary of the Act, 1902,
Which will he Votsd
on Next Month.
'1'ltE, Qata ria Liquor' Act ma eon-
gtete of two ports. Part I arravities
tit. mnebiiory for tuls:ing a tato of
£J,4.• oleotarti ton the question of the
ridaption of the scioontt part, ;ma els-
Chow that the second part shall bea
brotrgtat into force, If it is apl►ro',rod
by alai majority of the vgtoe cast upon
the question, provided that the num-
her of such •approvin.g votes ie also
a tnaj .r:t3. of tkee nunrb,+r of votes that
Woos c,,st atr the gonorul Provincial
o tiou of 18J8.
Tatra 11 oP tiro Act; Is a low prohibit..
int:•; the stalling, giving or kcoping for
saio of intoxicating liquor, as tarens
=melt prohiitition its within the juris-
diction pt the Lt'gial'iture. Tho
principal provisions of this law are as
The giving ora selling or bnrtoring
'or keeping for; sale of intoxicating
liquor las entirely prohibited except
under thy codclition:t end for the aur
.pr;.' s Noodle i,ftcr sot out.
To mike the, moaning of th3 law
titter, n sharp distinotion is made by
the AC' between, a "`private dwellitt^g
house 'quid u place of any othor kind.
Ail suis• er barter of Iiquor is probibit-
ed excopt sole by licensed druggists
1'or certain purposes considered neons-
s -t ry, and all giving of liquor' le pro-
hibited except the giving fir such pur-
poses or the giving in a private hous•3
10 an tidult tripod, of liquor that has
not beer unlawfully procures!.
A priv ste.dwolling house" is a top.
aratss dwelling with a sopprnto entr-
'ince, used exclusively as a private
residanco, and not connected by any
door or p•sssaga with any shop, fac-,
tory, restnuroz t, hotel, boarding
Iroise or other pblcc of n public char -
voter, or office, excepting in the case
of a private Lusa of a duly qualified
physici•in, dentist, or' vetorinary sur-
geon w1•cst house may contain or eom-
rnunicitc• with thin office.
The cxprossion :`liquor" es used in
this not • is doalured to include any
fermented, spirituous or molt liquor,
.ind not cirinkablis liquor which is in-
•toxittLi. Inge
Silo nncl .keeping for sale are per-
nrittc'ci (for medicinal, mechanic'il,
.scientific and sacrartr3ntal purpr.sns
only, and permitted only by such duty
qualified druggists us are specially
licensed by the Government to sell;
There aro two kinds of ,licenses: (1)
"whole:s'ilo druggist's license" and (,:)
"retail druggist's licons:s,,"
A whotexalo druggist's license can
nasty Ire ornoted to s party in exalus-
ivoly wholos•tle druggist business. It
huthorizps silts in' quantities of not
more, ton g IIlona for mechanical or
scientific pur•pos ^s, or not more thin
five gallons fat a retail licenacd drug-
•A retail licen'ed druggist's ]icnnse
permits sole only for medicinal pure
pasts, or of wine for sacramental pur-
pasrs. "t
A dale qunl:.f'od physician may hive
in hie 1 o scesion liquor needful for his
practice not exceeding two quarto;
duly registered dentist liquor needful
for hie pr•tctieo not exceeding one
pints a duly qualified veterinary
V e
t rgcon Iiquor needful for his I►roet]e:s
not exceeding ciao g anon • n clergy-
n1 r
, try -
n o
m n win for' sncrstm.,ntnl purposes
not oxcccding two g•tllons ; and a p.3e-
"on ongelgnd in mechaanieai or Scienti-
fic pursuits alcohol needful in his
business not a •c i g
r, nedin ten alien-. 'An
a b
ineorporntrd pub'.kc hotpitol may have
liquor for p tionts, and a sick person
m•sy havr in his room liquor prusorib-
ed by a physician.
The law concerning who may bo per-
mitted to sell is very strict. All ap-
piiontions from druggists for l ecnises
must be roport•ed upon by inspectors
and publicly advertised. :datopnyers
living near premises for t't,l:ieh linen-
t,ns aro sought may file objections, and
a Begins' will be refused if it is shown
that the applicant is an improper per-
son, of has not complied with tho re-
quired conditions, or has been uon-
viotera iv:thin throe yeurrs of vicl'zting
any liquor law. .A complaint or ten
,rai'cpnyers against a • liccns•s granted s
may be rondo to a county judge, who l
shall investigate, and if any of the dis-
qui•tlifications named aro proved the
licenso .shall bo cancelled. Every lic-
ensed druggist must, give bonds of
himaelf and two othsrs that he will
obey the Iaw,
Na wholesale druggist m•ty 8111 rice -
hal sot mach finical or saiontif[c par -
priors cxa'pt an affidavit of applic•tnt
describing the. lawful purpon a for
Dyspepsia, Moils,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheutn,
and alt troubles
causing from the
Stolnaoh, Liver,
Bowels of la.00d.
Mts. A. Lethunttre,,
of llailyduir, (rat,
writes: •`I believe j
wool harp been in
myrave lour; ago
had sit not been tor
Burdock Mood Into
tors, twas run dotva
to /emit an sheet
that 1 (mold searec-
ly 11101•) about tho
home 1 Was snblect
to ser cr r luenslai he y,
baakaehee and elf., .t•
newt bay appetite
N 114 ;tone r•r,d i wag
unablo to detoy
lantscwork, tfl;cr.
using two betties tit
MD, b. I tutustl I0Y
health f tally restored.
I warmly reete'ni c' d
it to as tired rind
worn out 808100."
w):ich U. is required. '
No wholesale drtu;gist may sell be.
tws'in s°vols S t turduy n!; kat tool seven
Moncley: morrting, mor latter night
o'olook any night, nor beforaiseven any,.
Inorniz 1i t
1 very
licensed dru,ggiat must keep
rt er414010 record of every ,tics made
and must, fila every prescription, cer•
title% s and request 'that he reoc Ives,
and tl,t'sc siocuuronts shell always lot
own Au. inspootion by any porson for
ut luta one your.
Every Roomed. rirttggist she=ll {Send
to the. Chief Inspector every six Iron.
the a sworn statement in detail of ►111
wake that h' has outdo,
Na retail licensed druggi.lt sha'i1 ucli
any liquor for modioinol purpo.S1's tett.
Oept en prescription of a regularly
qualified physician, nar wine for Rao-
rnmezltnl purposes except on certifi-
c ate aC rL alorgymon.
No haspit•c1 *•hall allow use of liquor
except upon a proper physician's tiro-
scription 'No dentist, veterinary
surgoon or c1orgynb:tn shall Permit too
or consumption of liquor oxeopt for
lawful purpose for which it was pro-
cured, No ligp.rc prescribed by a
phersioi'en sh 11) be eonettmerl h.y, any
l er.on P,:r w.,ori it wag no p p p. ibcd.
No liquor .shalt be consumod on- . a.,
licensed drtt;gist's promises. No 'per -
.eon shill deliver liquor unlawfully
purchaserl, No Physitsittn /shall give tc
Prescription to permit evasion of this
11Iv. No person §hull purch•iss liquor
from anyone not authorized to sell. No
person t,hall knowingly °ousizne Lquor.
Unlawfully prcculsecl..
.Any society or club incorporated or
unutcorporatecl, and any member, of-
fice/ of sozvant thereof or parson rc.•
sorting thereto, who sells or barters
or therein give's liquor to any Person,
and uny Lae who dir.ctly or indirectly,
1;0,:p< or assists or a=buts fit getting
or maintaining any clubhouse or No
iety room or h ill or ulher p1 ice where
liquor le receivc•,t or k:'pt to,be used,
given or ,sold= as a ':overage: or dis-
tribute.l; ancong the :maul/ors by any
means whatever, Elsall Its held to have
committed an aifcnoa against this
Act and shall be subetat to the tnaxi-
itum isenaltie.s width the Act imposers.
Proof in consumption or intended con-
sumption of liquor, on such pre nisos
by any Person, shrill be conclusive evi-
dence a the violation of the law. Any
ocoup•in'' of premiso,a whore liquor is
rlrus iltega.ily used or any person ro-
sort:ing thereto, shill he considered a
viol•itor of the law. If the ocaupt'nt
et any private dwelling i,onne, or of
any part oh such house, -is convicted
tai' a violation! of the Act, then that
bootie Shill not afterwards be consirl-
urcd it private dwelling house as long
us he residos there.
For selling or giving ]iquor or coop -
]ng fur sale, oontrary to the law, who
Ther by a p`irson not duly Iiconsod
by a 1iccn-mil druggist in un la win
pl•sce5 01 hours, or to persons to whon
[1. i5 not lsltvful to sell, thea penalties
Were:—her a first offence a fine a
not loss than $ 00 nor more th n $1 f)0
and fu ct&'fccui,. of immcidiate payment
imprisonment for not lass then ihret,
nor more than six months; for a sec
cod of any subsequent offense im
prisonment for not lass than three nor
more then six. months,
For consuming or permitting the
consumption of liquor on premises on
which it has been lawfully sold, or for
Odium by n. licensed druggist to Stoop
or show a record of sales, or the pre-
seriptions or certificates on which
sales worn made, or for the selling or
giving of Iiquor; by a licensed Jrug-
gisi: without requiring a o►roper pro-
cos tsc' ngiving
p n r certil'ioate or for
ms tt I
t •r
,n a r
csorr t
1 3 lora to
P per-
mit P
mit evasion of the law, or for i•mpro-
perly giving liquor to a minor, or for
Um improper giving of' linuor by a
h si it
C ,
n e.
P dentist, or v
y etei•inar by
geon, t'cn the •� � ,,
.:llaltie,9 are:— to a
�, r first/
offence a fine of not less than 751 nor
:Wore than $:'031, and in dafautt of im-
mediate polio:eta itnprisonirt ant for
not Ilse than two nor mare than four
months : for it second or any subse-
quent offence a fine of not Iess than
$10t: nor more, than $500, and in (10 -
fault of immcdinto payment isnprison-
roontfor not loss than four nor more
l.l.•in eight months.
If any licensed druggist or tiny per-
son who acted candor his instructions
Cr wit!, his consent, is convicted of a
sccieuti cffeneto, such druggist's license
becomes. fcrfeitc•ci, and he becomes dis-
qualifiect for again becoming a 'icons:*
for t'hrec yours. A convicting lunge
r i r s:.,gistr ate may in his discretion
tit chs r forfeited tate license of any -
t cased druggist oenvictod of n first
offence of unlawful seilin,g or giving
or keeping for .sole.
The. C=ovcrzttr•ait .shell appoint a
Chief lnsp.'ctor• for the :Provtnp:i and
n local in peclo: for o ch el c. oral dh.
trim in the; Province, or more Naafi in-
st.retort if net'dfu1, whose duty it 1
sh,tli be to administer that law and Lo
prosecute pitmans offending against:
itss provisions. All thes=e inspectors
will a.c1 direot'ly under the Uowern-
suent without •city intervoning boards
of ct'rtltuis$ioncrs.
Any policem era, constable or °thee
-fetes/an l els s •utchori ly to lay in-
formations, and to proseoute gr:rsnns
who violate the provisions of this Act.
Any in'Pcctot, polio:min or const.
able may at any time anter and search
any place eil:ear thin a private Nouse, 1
I for the purpoeo oJ? detecting or pre-
' v1ntisg vinlatian of Oils. Act.
Any judge cit m'lgistratc meal% 011
peeper intor:n'itime, issue a warrant
uut.l:ori irg•nny constable or inspector
! t o vntor .d soaatrch, 'by force if rived-
fill, t:ny Place in whirls it is susporled
that liquor 'in unlawfully kept for
~sale, ;such liquor it on unlicensed
prernis^ oily h•3 seized and it a cet- I
vie.t'ic,n le inr,ia, racy be destroyed or
sold for proper purpoacs as the Gov-
Crnm•`nt luny dircot.
]3,eo:rtts, the authority of the proviu-
eat lcg;it taunt does n st o\t'n,l b'yoad
ti,e turas of alta Province, thin Act
doers not prohibit sales of liquor by
l+rew:'rs, d.istille.rs or cxpartcre in
O•tta.r[a to persons outside this Pro,
vitae. It does not prohibit brewers
or 'distillers from waling to ileenee(i
druggists. It does prohibit ail
silo by br'wors, distillers ata 'ertparta
ere to any other parsons, or in any
promisee ornnocfccl with any private
rd'tre:line, In regard to such prohibit•
cot s1':e and to drinking or p!rneittittg"
�drinking to preInts^s, tl,o law is circ
ss'r:t' for isrttonr s and distillers ns for
!t other lrracns. .
ER 20. 1902..
Are a True Heart Tonic,
N.rvsPond end Blood Enricher. They build
up and renew ill the worn out snd wnst.d
tins uns of the bod3r, µ12d restore perfect health
and vigor to the entire areln tl.
Norvouenese,Sleepiieenesa Nervous Pres.
trotted, Erein Pau, Lech of SVitRilty, Atter
Iffrcts of Ls armee. Anatole, Week end
!sissy Spells,.Lose at flernory, t'slpltation of
tate neer*. 1,oss of Energy, Shortness of
Beath,etc„ can all be t*urcu by,u$lny
'Milburn's Near! ..nd Nerve Pills
Prins soo, a box or 3 ft•r;1.5, ,All dealers or
Tug '.1'.1SI11.lit t22Y Ca, Jinn rran, Tamara. Qat.
Berlin now possesses 60,000 tele-
Groat Britain brows annually $345,-
oQ0,0Q0 Worth of beer,
The sapphire is not ueccossarily of
"rich sapphire blue."
The Tiring of Stain is forming a "Nolle
Guard of Bullfighters.'"
Cuba has tasked for prop sols t'or the
lease of the Havanna ar: tonal.
rear is said to. be rosponsihle for 00
per cent. of di,ense eontrunit'rl.
-.-The aubsritution cif crude otl for soft
coal as furl is steadily growing.
Wtl is usport clergyutau areotilizing
street car ac1&tt.j light the liquor evil,
Thr. Soottilist press of Germany um-
ber 140 publications, 52 being datliee.
The beat shot i t the British navy anus
recently awarded 42 cents as prize
At't'urin they hail an antonrobile cotil-
receutly in which 45 automool Iles to rk
The bubo le plaguo at Canton an 1
Shemeen is of a tinge tnaligtuwt type
!then that of former years.
Montreal bakers are required to stamp
of 'their initials on sacci loaf, tog,other with
its weight,
Since the close of the civil war the
state of Loniaiann has spent more than
630,000,000 on Mississippi levees.
lliotr n liar.
Half ata '
dollars s•a
1 c was s obtainedby
the sale at auction of the jewels of
Georgians., Countess or Dudley
Recent analysis of tho city water at
Manila sbowtirl that it was not respon-
sible for the cholera int:ing lime.
use Lever's ))ry Soup (a powder) to
,vclsh ;voo1eus uua tlauuels,—you'll likd
it. 32
Japanese are always buried with
their heads to the north, Consequently
no Japanese tose v]li 'a
Ma bed lying
north and d SOutlt .
li'oxley Parish iu Nofrolk, Emo., has
had but one change of curates in 110
years. Canon Dor t
totre present rotator,
wasappointedit i
s a.0 t=i-
had held the living Sime 1793,
Mauy people imagine that the in-
calicleseent electric: light gives oat little
or no heat, but it is fouud thut of the
energy consumed, only 6 per cent. is
couverted into light, while 05 Wer cent.
goes into heat. A ]amp immersed in
water will bring the water to a boii,and
many cases of fire have been caused
by carelessness in letting inflammable
.substances rest in contact with the
Backache may strike you at any
time. Comes when you least ex-
pect it. Comes as a warning front
the kidneys.
A auddon twitch, a auddatm pain.
'aha Kidneys baths° It ails
If you don't heed the warning,
serious Kidney Troubles are sure
to follow.
C•acro your Dock:tco s by taklog
There is not a Kidney Trouble,
from l3acka.che to Bright's Disease,
that Doan's Kidney Pills will not
relieve promptly and cure more
quickly than any other kidney
too, pee boo oris for $1.21 Ail dealete
Or 'fate I)u I I01i1521r TILLCO., Toronto.
)derail stuuatora for alis enut 1128! drissks,
14r,ezrtsl suasion for *ho uutn wire thirUoc,
104 041 sliusian 10a the di wikord molter.
fret au. otem 011. for tieu litt4111u )1reilker.
Dleetittccs held Inlllsi lioim x Ball, One cud
,third eh odtio in tacit mouth et Sal o'eioeir. A
norrli,u 11111t44$05 is 0A11.1140,1 to all rrrtet'eoted
tut tut+ suppreafsioar 04 the drink trallia,
The fcll'.nwinl; is ti report of au ad-
dress by Lardy Henry Somerset, Pre si-
d•lt,t of tlw Woilit's W. U. '1'. U., in the
N.etrupolitun Chinch, '1'urtnito, October.
.111st, 100z;
The galleries and audience room gf
tl•.t M*etropo3itana Church wero crowd-
ed to the doors on k'riday evening
when Lady Henry Somerset, who has
succeeded. )'!r:ancas Willard as. laresi-t
dent of the world's W. C. T,1.1,, spoke
for n 'ui IS' forty inmates to a most
uttentiv,: and cuo.a, Har vo'oe is ale Ir
and wpinauly cud, her prbsonce most
winning, She introdue,sd her subject
by u graceful refercnce to the coin.
matt iaa,nd of union between Brit:tin
.xect Cunadu, etleaking in renting i.orms
tri Us! •upprecitttioit telt in the home
lend for the, loyalty shown by Cana.
diene in sending of their best and
br1ve31 to the South ,Africuxi war, 1..rnd
cif tics reeagnition of that, patriotism
which loco kept Canada true to Britain
detipite the mony tempting offers
from morose the; world. The matin
perleer address was based on th c
text, "Thy will be dcne," and the
spe*ker proceeded to show how these
woods Should be crystallized into ac-
tion, and Boat^ we should so. act and
logo/late that it may be easy tor men
to1 vs ace:.rdn; to God s wi.l. Christ
spoke over two hundred theme of the
"Kingdnm of God," and one marked.
pleas'• of modem, 'CItt•istianity is that,
not so much time and thought ars
given to the 'state at sutura bless ole
OAKS nod reword as to tho necc. sity.
of It -irking 1 etre ani no,t` for th : K rg•
doth cf God. Mankind is easily movod
an, .,,ppeai to patriotism, and
Christ node this appr„tl to Christians
no citizens of the great eternal King-
dnan. ,
O,1e of the greatest hindrances to
the sprc:,d of th At Iiin,griosn is intem-
perance. There are soeietics at work
"to protect the, native racvas." It is
Istvan! to feel th tt the native race
Imo to be protccted right at our men
door. Moist cameo to show us float
we aro all members of one country,
to bre'tk down the spirit of exolusivee-
nese shown in th it ode of llnr•:ico, "f
hate the vu'.g•ir crowd, ancilootep item
front me." ,-
The conditions of life prevailing in
tato ad Country are hardly comprn-
hrr.sibt•s to us here. Women- of 'ill
egos, wusnon with babes in their arms
crowd to the, public bar to drinit.
Drinking emong women is on Lira in-
crr:e•V.' fat England. To reclaim. theeo
a home h'is, been ,etartod, where in
sevc-<n years over ten thousand women
'hrove had to bo rctfused for want of
room. In ono year tireo thousand
had to be turned away. Those wome:t
aro twilling to be hclpsd to grow bet -
"Res•st the p)wer tf the liquor tr f -
fie its tocry way you euro. Where lit:
gre:rt.ost resi$tanec is, there, perhaps,
the first strolte can be mad". Do not
mind being called fanatics," she said,
"Trot promoters of any cause aro call•,
„ ,
ed f,rr,t f:'n,•it'ts,., then `enllmsi:tots,",
when the cactus becomes a little more
popular, and wir.en finally it is crown-
ed with success they are called
"h^r•o. s,"
Tito ti ^. of the. saloon n
tend for -
s of-
p x opposedeta. to each of o
other. Il e
does dol. ntean incr, ly the four Walls
of one's house, but women stretehes
forth h:r hands to the children who
have leass cuxe und fewer
ies., Frances s Willard sold
l r it was snot
pro)cibitioi , but home protection that
is wanted. The instinct of love of
home' mly bo ,safely appealed to. The
domestic anti the politico' are closely
int•e,rwoven, but that which concerns
the upbuilding of the home should be
uppermost. England has no foe to
fete but tie enemy of intemperance. It
will be a said day when the power of
rho liquor traffic ,shall have invaded 1
political Life so that it is master.
If he raff'�c.
t traffic Ist V+1' 'r it
no oc uiwal
rut * the country. Mar i.s by nature
chivalrous enough to protect women
owl children if he realized t.hc dan;er
threateniute the home. '.Chore i.s 11
wcntirflit kindliness in. the human
Lady PI my exit—I.—god her opinion
that if the r'feere•nducn; it not p::*oed
now, the t'esul_ desired will b:' arhiev-
ed ill years to coma'. 6h' ecneelntied
by uri;ing every individual to doter -
mine to tete ;all hi, or. her irsfluen^e,
SGeia1 position, sir ;th anti matur-
ity of exp'r1onee to uplift humanity.
At the deice of the lecture, 1♦Lre. j
R;atherfard President of the Dor_sir-,
ton W'.C.T.-. pr,':.:.,ed Lally II'airy i
Semer,e,t with as son 11 ;etch. f •••1
with )chats ribbon, symbolizing th_e •
avid: tx,pn. cf the work of the
t4'oman's C'hri tti:,n Tt'mperauce
Stncations in Lexington. Mich.
i (Leeington (Mich) News]
A citizen was bombarded by a shower
!of tomatoes a few nights ago. 1
]Biles Smith of Marlette, has six largo
i boils.
1 A Mall claiming to rr'present a soap
1 bons° has been selling. soap to people in
1 this comity,
l We know of quite n p" otty girl in this i
township who makes good pies chard Iuts 1
I itO50 in the D1uk. Lard!
{ Dou't rush in to telt the editor some
i snitrrt thing the rlety after someone else
!has told hint the sante thing. {
l Mrs. B. Shel,lou kindly presented the i
1 I•; ears with n head of cxbbnge that weigh- !
1 ed 28 pounds.
Tho tir
ut'niest than its Lexington itypno• {
Iizes his wife, places the handle of the
i lnwnmosvkritt her hands, and makes her
E believe site is riding a hi,'yole,
3o you wear 1lit)bers? if
• so, buy rubbers with a reputa-
tion. " C. R. Co."rubbers
'have stood the test of half a
century. Fit and style spe 1k
lour tlle111Sc:Iveb.
A LITTLE TYRANT. "Limburger cbeee o facial sway in •
boarcler.and refrigerators will drive*
The Irotxie)a Not 11(24* (I Or)giwd SIR,
There is no tyrant like a teething
baby. His temper isn't tine to origiusl.
flim, ltoWever;. 1118 tyrant suffers more
then the rasa .of the .family. He don't
know what is the Whetter. They eo.
'fire trouble is they do not always know
what to .do fur !lis lordship. Au °ntario
mother writes to tall what in beat to do.
"When Any baby was teething." she
«uys, `'110 Was Pro mese and restless that
I hardly lttieW tv}ltet to do. with hiui. Ire
3a,t a. poor impolite. hail at bait 13(110,
tool was krov.1 g thio. 1 ;tat IN Lox of
Baby's Own '.Eablets nod they anode a
great c1,anl;e. He flow marts Well; his4
splen( -id s• p• titt>, and. give$ 1)5 110
t o bit: a
u 11
t to i4 the e
T121$ t experience
1; t cu
not only r f (sirs, U. K. S;'brneder, of
lice over, 0.It,, 111 t also of thousands of
n,athera all over ills Autuiniu , A baht
t "rlikhl~ lei ('15)8* 1.11 1144 hie:blood its
heated and his little bowels coo:saunter).
or uuhetrlthily: relaxed, anti his system
heard by the effort of getting the teeth
tbrough the gun's. 13aby's Owe Tablets
set like might not only in 31138, but in all
:silo:emsesf little ones.ulrl b3 drag.
ists or soot p' st !mid at 2,5 cents a box
by writing direct to the Dr. Williams
Medicine Cu„ Brockville, Ont., or
Schenectady, N Y.
Death claimed one of the eldest And
most respecter) z o:.idents of Culross on
Tues lay of rertronn,Nor.4th,Iii the person
of Isabella Anderson, beloved wife .of
Robert Donaldson, con. 10, at the nge
of 78 years and t',. mouths, She was
born in Scotland in the year 18211,caming
to Catuida with her parents in 1840.
Th"y first resided in the Township of
Nassagoweya, near Guelph. Ili 1852
she was joined iu wedlock to Mr, Dou-
aldsoo. They moved to Cuirass in 1868
and endured the trials and hardships
of s pioneer life. She leaves to mourn
her loss, her husbaud and six children.
antsMyst au excllitnylA. No
About it. is will drive .a dog out ut a
tnnyard; it will drive a spilt*, tltl•nngl3 is
a rick well;it will (Irmo va a mole through
da barbed wire Venue; it will drive a n
of cattle over s precipice it will drive it.
tromp sway front a meal of pie; it will
drive a negro front a chicken roost or a
man into insanity who Shiva within tett
feet of its 84velry presellca. Yee, =fir, it
wilt dr1Ye awe' "ants," and uncles, and
if you have e441sica it will not drive
away 7)n should disown them,
Opialona of l,esding 1'hystciuns.
ihave used W'.'1'. throng's i;'i[e Remedy to
my prtteties with, tnoot .ettieraote.ry results,
and min cheerfully recommend it.
.TAXit 4 tsi1TTON, 11.130.
Price 11.00. For sale by dntggists,or by rat ii
on , eeeipt of 'price.
W. T, teTEONte, Uanufacttiring Cheritist
Loudon, Ootarlo.
Au ingenious person, acuordisit,' to an
exchange, has invented what he calls It
"hen r,eceiver," for the purpose of pro -
=noting industry among the ipdiee of the
farmyard. The apparatus hi simple ana
consists of a box for a nest with n trap
door for the bottom so that when the hen
lava an egg 'it drops through into a re-
ceiver underneath, and the door closes
automatically, When the hen gets up
to look for tilt egg and finds none, sho
thinks she has made a rniatake and lays
another. An ambitious hen will, it is
claimed, lay a, nuwberof eggs dafore she
discovers the trick.
1 1 T TURN 1 e,
A citizen of Trenton, (Ont., who suffered agony will] his
back and kidneys, tells of his rapid and complete restoration
to health by the use of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets.
We dpeire to present to you the history of the moo of Thomas
1)ouglaa, of Trenton, Out., whose occupation is that of carter for
the Gillman Co., an avocation which invc ea heavy lifts said fre-
quent exposure to (vet and cold --s ard on the kicineyr. That
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidne ' ablets could £14) quietly caro a
case so severe as that of 3 , Douglas is a spl'mn'i tribute to
their rupicl•acting, thorou• 1 -,going curative qualities.
e`I had b , very healthy man. until a for months neo,
when 1 was to n with a very severopain across tiro email of the
bac!;. As 1 had a slight cold, I attributed the pilin to goat, and conuneuced using
liniments, which I found gave me no relief,
"Seeing the testimunial of Mr. Behold, a Trenton gentleman, Who had used
Dr. Pitcher's Baakimbo Ki.iney Tablets, 1 mar=e up my mind to try them. I hid
used very few Tablets before I found relief, and 1 can tell you I was ve-7 thankful
for this, as 1 had boon so bad that 1 had to lay off work for day,, and at nights I
could not turn in bed. Dr. Pitcher's Backacho Kidney•Tcblets have mach) a perfect
and thorough cure in my also, I tun at work every day before 7 a.m., and work
hard all day, and I can assure you my work is not easy, as I leave a great deal of
heavy lifting to do, and the constant stopping is a great strain on the btu:k, l,u't 1 am
thankful to say I have never had a twinge of pain, nor has my back bothered
me since Da Pitcher's Backacho Kidney Tablets cured 100."
(Signed) Thos. Dotr iz,.ts.
"1 gladly endorse all my husband says about Dr, Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets. They acted splendidly in his ease and have inspired cue with su•:lt confitleaee
of their efficacy that I aid using them now myself.
"I have been troubled fur tome titne, with eiek headache, weak spells, tired feel,
ings, and
d m
run down. I
have used the Tablets only K
t time,
fecI so verymuch better already that
you may be sure as soon as I igen taken another
bottle or two of the Tablets, you will hear from sae.
"I tell all my friend.= fiat Dr. Pitchers 13nekache Kidney Tablets have claro
splendidly far ua, incl both Mr. Douglas and myeeif have no hesitation in allowing
you to use our names in endorsation of such a reliable remedy."
(Signed) Mas. Thos. Dom:Los.
i`I am well acquainted with Thos. Dougcas, of thio town, who is a teamster in
the employ of the 01111111111 Go.
"lfe is a hard-working and respectable citizen, and I have no heeit ltinn iu
endorsing the statement he gives of his cure by Dr. Pitcher's 33a.r:kuplie Kidney
Tablets, as it was from lay store the Tablets were purclteseri, and I.l:now the condi-
tion he was 311 prior to taking thein, and tl*at he is now, to the best of illy knowledge,
working hard evory day without any trace of his former trouble."
(Signed) J.ts, Eurozo.
Dr. Pitcher's Backache I{idney Tablets are 50e. a bottle or 3 fur $1.23, at iii
druggists or by mail. Tho Dr. Zine I'itehcr Co., Toronto, Ont.
N5.N.rik 555 J- ...(art . . aeoteteet.'n ';r -' !' SksYtt
n6„iYLF,u': a
II ,isq"
0, 4
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
prescription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans 'Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people --but to the
plain, cvety-day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard family remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est remedy, with a long and successful record, to
cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziner;s,
palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
rheumatism, sour stomata, bowel and liver com-
plaints. They stregthen weak stoniichs, build up
run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe-
tite and sound, natural sleep, Everybody derives
constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
Tabules. Your druggist sells thele, The Ripans
packet is enough for an ordinary occasion.
The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year,