HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-20, Page 22 THE- IYTNGIIO TIMES, NOVEMBER ?`l, 1902. Ittereset it;HED .Net. THE WINOHAN TIMES. If R. ELLIOTT.. Pcitntsitt:n etre Peortneeon 'J'I•IURSDAYs NOV.-20, 1002. NOTES AND COMMENTS Zion. (,leo, W Ross has stated hie intention to vote yea on December dth, The Outeri0 Government Is waiting an agrtetuent under winch 50,000 people are to be brought into New Ontario, The Domino, reveune for the first four menthe of the current fiscal year is $20,994,733. and the surplus is $6,509,507. u ti i convention ce 0 u t Conservative the bit ertan last week, J. C, iouttith was nowinated to coutest North Berth. The fight will again be between Messrs Brown and Monteith. The Hamilton Spectator has it that Ion. G. W. Ross will be the next lieu- tenant -governor. When a man's appo• vents nominate him for an office, it is a pretty sure sign that they want hint to vacate the one he holds. Mr. Ross does'ne intend to oblige them, Canada was third among the nations of the world last year in gold productiou, with $24,I2e,500. The Uuited. States led with with $78.960,700, and Australia was secmul with $76,850 200. Tbe Transvaal may be expected to take the lend again as it did before the war. John Bull seems toliave cornered nearly ali the gold utiues ou this terrestrial ball. Premier Ross said last Thursday. that he had received the first barrel of sugar manufactured from Ontario beets, and it was as "sweet as a majority of ten would be." The beet sugar is from a Berlin"factory, and the Prlmier specks 'very highly of its appearance and quali- ty. It is impossible to tell it from the high-grade granulated sugar. Sugar from beets has been made before in Quebec, but this is the first made in Ontario of this quality. ABOLISH HALF THE FAIRS. POSTAI, BUSINESS. Blow are fives some figures taken from the Postmaster General's report for the Oast year (just issued) ;' the reven- ue figures are for the year 1901.2, up to 30th of June but the eatery figures in all the flgares below are based on the reveu- ne returns of the year 1900-1, which accounts for the set<ntiufi disparity iu the Salaries of some of tate offices. The eel- ary figures here given tutee uo relation whatever to the gross revenue, to that any comparison, based thereon, is wrong and misleading. Salaries for all post- masters are based upon 40 per taut. of the total revenue of the office, hence they fluctuate from year to year, but in o c t o the case of fileentailer ffi es that show w a decreased revenue, the department does not always lower the salary to the actual 40 per cent, For a number of years Seaforth held second place iu vol- ume of busiuess, but the following table relating to the chief towns and villages of the county, shows that it is Clow fourth. Winghaut bus forged ahead and now holds second place. In alt the places mentioned nettle following table, except Goderieh, the postmaster gets all the revenue from the rent of boxes, which does not figure in the salary col- umn and is so much extra. Goderich post office being a public building, the post master is allowed half the box rents, in addition to his regular salary, the other half going to the geaerat revenue. "We were," says one of the expert judges who were employed this fall in circuit judging "so very kindly received by the directors at all the fairs we visited that I dislike saving anything in the way of criticism till criticiser is called for. The officers of most of the fairs are putting forth praiseworthy efforts, but they aro working under dis- advautages which nullify these efforts. These clissdvautages are found mainly in the fact that there are too many fairs. This reduces attendances, renders it im- possible to give prizes sufficient to justi- fy the bringing out of good stock, and consequently prevents the proper devel- opment of the educational work which fairs were intended to promote. Until half the present fairs are done away with I see no hope of improvement. Un- til we have fewer fairs, and consequent- ly mere liberal prize lists and better and larger shows of livestock,onr young people will not take the interest they should take in the live stock industry, which has done so much for our coun- tree Theu there are the sideshows,condnct- ed by fakirs, which travel from fair to fair. These distract attention from the exhibits, and frequently take more of the people's money than would furnish a good prize list for stock. These should be excluded from the grounds altogether. As a general thiug we found directors and others expressing regret at the lack of interest in fairs, and giving as a reason for this lack the fact that :there are too many fairs; but none of them suggested that their particular fair should drop oat to make room for others. -Weekly San. The 55 bilis of the Dioisons Bask, have been forged, and a large number are in circulation iu Toronto and western Out- ario, The banks of Montreal and Ottawa have not been troubled with forged bills, but they are being worried with counter- feit, 50 cent and 23 cent pieces. These are the best forgeries they have come across for a long tinge, being almost per- fect and very difficult to detect. As a Food, For the Powders may cover up the disfiguring eruptions, but can never cure them, and are positively injurious, because they clog up the pores of the skin. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a food for the skin. It is readily absorbed, and thoroughly cures each and every skin disease, making, the skin smooth, soft and clear. No womates toilet is template without Dr. Chase's Ointment, for, besides being the most perfect skin beautifier obtain- able, it can be used in a score of different ways. It absolutely cures eczema, salt rheum and the itching to which women are especially subject. When the feet are sore end chafed with walking an application of 1)r. Chase's Ointment takes aut the smarting and aifaye the indamnlatton its a eurprisingly short time. Then for burns, scalds and every sort of chaeng, irritation er Oruptiori of the skin, Dr. Chase's 'Oint- ment affords a tale and certain cure, It 1*. corns+ to be indispensable in sates Of thousands of homes; 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or Ede:meson, Bates & Cc., Toronto. Dr. hose's Ointment PLACE wG idlee Blyth .. .. $1452 27 $ esS4 a7 * 57\3 87'* 572 00 Brussels ...... 2283 73 17152 70 1140ii i 7 Se40 00 Clinton 4305 81 10559 61 21347 70 153000 Exeter 2337 52 18231 23 14480 54 830 00 Goderieh 6500 70 28,528 51 27423 43 2025 45 Hensall 1302 01 9043 24 4814 21 482 00 Swart ., 4363 65 14700 20 19892 68 1024 00 win •stain 4507 75 20277 10 1(1312.5 144000 r. Zhu following figures show the gross revenue from the accounting offices - that is offices which issue and pay money orders: - Place Groes Roveuue Salary, &c Anburn $368 19 $104 00 Bayfield .. 515 09 252 00 Belgrave 556 82 288 00 Benmiller 108 71 60 00 Bluevale 318 87 165 Ott Brncefield 460 59 180 00 Centralia 314 20 120 00 Cranbrook ..., 193 92 100 00 Crediton 648 02 270 00 Dashwood 348 08 180 00 Dungannon 708 53 270 00 t Ethel 4411 27 190 00 Fordwich 620 48 330 00 Gerrie 913 35 320 00 Kippen.... 360 37 184 00 Londesborough395 24 104 00 St. Josephs... 128 13 90 00 Varna 322 70 170 00 Walton 358 52 160 00 Wroxeter 816 86 398 00 Zurich . , 696 33 320 00 The following are the returns from the non accounting offices in the County - offices that are not money -order offices, whose busiuess outsidepf letter delivery is only the sale of stamps and postal notes :-- Revenue Beechwood $ 02 W Amberly 119 04 Blake .,.. 102 SO Carlow 115 00 Chiselhnrst 72 90 Constance 130 45 Drysdale 98 72 Dunlop 115 00 Egmondviile ..,245 00 Fordyce 39 96 Glenannan 7100 Glen Farrow 31 96 Holmesville .. , 160 73 Henfryn,. 56 04 Hillsgreen 91 14 Harlock ... - , .. , 37 70 Kingsbridge 130 00 Kintail 179 17 Laurier .. , 70 94 Lakelet-08 49 Lanes e0 00 Leadhury 120 42 Loyal ..... ..., 74 00 Mafeking 3150 Marnoch 26 42 Moncrief 45 87 Newbridge 119 GO Nile • 101 76 Porter's Hill'79 37 Prosperity 20 00 Redgrave 68 53 St. Helens 182 00 Saltford 120 03 Sheppardton 65 00 St. Augustine 180 77 Summerhill . , 33 00 Sunshine 19 40 Westfield 208 00 Winthrop 119 60 Salary $ 36 00 57 00 50 00 44 00 30 00 85 00 50 00 40 00 110 00 20 00 36 00 24 00 76 00 28 00 40 00 24 00 48 00 90 00 28 00 56 00 00 00 50 00 24 00 12 00 20 00 24 00 80 00 52 00 40 00 12 00 30 00 SO 00 36 00 20 00 80 00 20 00 12 00 30 00 60 00 Pali; Ctry ts CURES RHEUMATISM, The Only Medicine That Pre• vents a Return of the Terrible Disease. Rhentnatistn which does its terrible work in the inuseiee, joints and tissues; is cansed by uric: acid which gathers iu the blond. To get rid of thie poisoners acid which produces the trritaticus,pnius. agonies, infiammanous nmi. swellings peculiar to rheumatism, Paine's Celery Contpoutld should lie used withunt de- lay. No other nedici.s Rfvea suck prompt. cheeringCCl, lUhappYrP6 results, I t is the only medicine that prevents a re- turn of the dread diysease- Paine's Cel. ery Compound braces the nerves, the blood is cleared of till irritating poisons, tissues and muscles are built np and the digestive organs perfectly toned. Da not treat with iudifferent'e the slightest symptoms; early use of Paine's Celery Compound will prevent weeks and mouths of snirering. Mr. G. J M•,Don- ald, Cornwall, Oat., writes as follows; "For three years I sntfered terribly from rhenmatisin. It taeemed to me that I was forced to endure all the agonies and pains that a mortal could possibly E'xperieuce from the disease. While suffering, I triedsinany of the ad- vertised medicines, else doctors' pre. scriptions, but never found a cure until I procured a supply of Paiue's Celery Compound. It worked like a eharnl,and seemed to strike at the very root of my trouble. I aril now cured; all pains are banished, and in every respect I am a new man." SAN JOSE SCALE REMEDIES. The report of the San Jose scale com- mission with reference to the recent experiments by Inspector Fisher, near Grimsby, has been received by Hon. John Dryden. The commissioners, Dr. James Mills, of Guelph, W. H. Bunting, of St. Catharines, and Jilhu Dearness, of London, express great satisfaction at the results achieved by Mr. Fisher. One remedy, the kerosene emulsion, is intended for use fu the stammer -July, August and September -when the leaves are on, and the other, the mixture of lime and sulphur, is iutended for wiuter in March or April, when the trees are bare. In each case several different trials were made, by varying the pro- portions of the ingredients. The com- missioners, however,found the following to give the best results: For summer, one part of coal oil to si., parts of water, emulsified with whale bel soap, in the proportion of one-hnlf pound per gallon of oil. Almost equally good results have been. obtained from treatment with an emulsion of crude petroleum. The best mixtare••fouud fur the winter was 30 pounds of ]ime, with 15 pounds of sulphur. in water sufficient to Inake a total of 30 (callous. In amending tilde report the commissioners cougra elate the Minister of Agriculture on the results of these experi'meuts, and express the hope that by their continued use from year to year the province may be rid of the scale in a short time. ARE YOU MAKING BUTTER FOR PROFIT? ./1r/'E a� 100 YOUNG MEN WANTED, -To quality for positions es steeteeepher� pt The Canada Business CoI1ege Your success and profits from butter - making depend largely on the quality of eoloriu„ you use during the nututnu and winter seasons. It you use Wells, Rich- ardson & Co's. Improved Butter Color, your butter will bring a higher price than if colored with any of the imitation colors now sold by some merchants for the sake of large profits. Poor colors produce a bricky shade, rancidity and a mottled appearance. Any of these re- sults will coudemn your butter. Wells, Richardson & Co's Improved Butter Color always gives the natural June tint and never fades from the butter. Ask for it and take smother make. CHATHAM, ONT. Poaittons at *50 and $60 per month ore to -day going begging ter 3 hung men to fill thein, We have now eleven entitled (mile for male stenographers alone, aid the number keeps inere:tsiug. It offers the beat field we know of to•dny for bright, capable young Caen. Write for purticut,u••, and Onttt.ogue.. 11, McL,d.C114A,N x CO., CKATUTAM, ONT. LITERARY NOTES. The Christmas (December) number of of The Delineator is else the thirtieth anniversary number. To do justice to this number, which for beauty and utill- ty touches the highest mark, 11 would be necessary to print the entire list of contents. It is sufficient to state that in it the best modern writers 2nd;artists are Tbe following particulars for some of ; generously represented. The book con - the Perth post offices will be of interest tains over 230 pages, with 34 full-page to our readers: -The revenue during illustrations, of which 20 are in two or that time from Mitchell office amounted more colors. The magnitude of this to $3,980.41; money orders issned $20,- December number, for which 728 tons :356.44. Atwood, revenue, $771.08; of paper and 0 tons of; ink have been us- money orders, $35,695 64. Carlingford, edmabe understood from the fact that revenue, $91.31; money orders, $1,020.- 91 presses running 14 hours a day, bave 36, Fullerton, revenue, $233.57; money been required to print it; the binding orders, $1,576. Listowel, revenue $4,- alone of the edition of 915,000 copies re - 406.77 ; money orders, $17,974.93. Monkton, revenue, $308.33; money' or- ders. $19,230.78. Milverton, revenue, $1,014.23; money orders, $11,015.53. St. Marys, revenue, $G,116.56; money orders,$20,838.42, Sebringvfllc,revenuo $100.67; money orders, $5,163.81- , Young Canadians," indicates the field r , / cG ��rG�rJ�` �✓ ,�� �-' • aft. �TM�� Se1OR'tt1AND . , BOOK-KEEPING • Business Law, 'Writing, Correspond- ence, Typewriting, etc., thoroughly taught by experienced teachers at the ,y Forest City Business and Short- hand College, -. Landon, Ont.. We leave no dtfiicnity in placing ttom- petent pnpils in good positions. College re-opeus Sept. 2. Said for Catalogues. presenting over 20,000,000 sections - which had to be gathered individually by human hands. We extend a hearty welcome to the new illustrated weekly paper, East and West. Its sltb-title, "A Paper for Stratford, revenue, $16,115.45; money + it seeks to occupy. The contents erre J. W. WESTERVELT. - Principal. gfiggfIWIllfftfMg !fileasing51 . 6 But do 'they Fit? Q 31 When you buy a suit of Clothes they must fit right as well as look. right. They'll last longer and that is what gives you value in clothes. Order your Suit or Overcoat 3° made ,by E. C. CLARK, ggfs f f s reMMA In the Shaw Block orders, $43,327,37. Tavistock, revenue, promising; the editorials are brief and $1,364.97; money orders, $3,607.04. r pithy, and a continued story. by J. Mao- donald Oxley, illustrated by J. B.Laugh- TWo old Elma residents have passed'lin, with the promise of a story by Ralph over to the great majority, in the persons 1 Conner in an early nninber, guarantees of Mrs. Henry Gilkinson, and Mr. Zoo. , good general reading. 'We etre glad to give a helping hand to all enterprise so genuinchr Canadian, and wish it a speedy and solid sueeess. Last and West bears the imprint of the Presby, Jackson. Mrs. Gilkinson died on Sun- day, gild inst., after a somewhat linger- ing illness, She had reached the age of 77 years and 6 months, Mr. Jackson also died on Sunday. He was 80 years terittti Church in Canada, with Rev, fl.. old, and his death was due entirely. to Douglas Fraser and Rev. J. M. Duncan old age. as the editors. No. 600 We illustrate here our No. 600 " SOLITAIRE" DIAMOND RING, which sells for $100. 1 1 This stone is of the finest quality, and is mounted in lsk, gold. we personally select our Diamonds front the " cutter ■ stook• end with our expert knowledge of gems, on inferior quality novcrcators our stock. Our new illustrated catalogue will be forwarded on request. We cheerfully refund the purchase is snot perfectly se atisfactory. selected Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Yeage and AdelEe(de Struts, Toronto. TOWN .DIRECTORY. BAPTIST OnuRQI S bbath s'Irvice$ at 11 u in and 7 put. Sundity School at 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting out Wednesdaay evenings. Rev. J. J. 'ttt- tersou,l3.A.,pastoir. W.J.Clutpmau,.S,S. Superintendent. Mxzllonlg'r Cguu+ozs--Sabbath services at 11 a m and 7 p 1n, Sunday' School at 2:80 p In, Epworth League every Mon- day evening. General prayer meeting ouerintentlenWed:striaay (wettings. Rev.. Richard Hobbs, astor. Dr, rJ.`owler, S. S, $pp- . PRESBYTERIAN Crn.mon-Sabbath ser- vi121:840 a -up'. 7 m, Sday Soltocesttlal 11 at 2:30 p tn. Gepneral praunyer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor and S ". auperinteu- dent. , PAL--Sab- 1 . Palm's s C oIs P1 ST � Ilux , T' SC0 bath services at 11 a at and 7 p m, Sun. day School at 2:80p tn. Geucral prayer meeting on Wednesday evening.. Rev, Wm. Lowe, incuutbent. F, Shore, S. 8, Snperinuden SALVATIOteN ARt. MY -Service tit 7 and 11 in and 3 and B p m on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock at the barracks. Post OFFICE -In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a nI to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postinaster. MECHANICS' INSTiTtern--Library and free reading room hi the Town Hall, will be open every tifternoon from 2 to 5:80 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian, Town Couxenu=R. Vanstone, Mayor; Wan. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc- Iudoo, J J. Elliott, W. 1+. VanStone, A. J. 'Irwin, Councillors; J. B. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; William Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets first Moudey even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. SCHOOL BOARD. -H. Kerr, (chairman), Thos, Abraham, J. 3'. Elliott, Homuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Boll, Wm, Button, C. N. Griffin, Secretary,.Wni. Robertsou; Treasurer, J. 13, Ferguson, Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. PunLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H. Musgrove, Principle, Miss Bro ck , Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss McLeau, Miss Matheson Miss Reid, and Miss Onnuniugs. BOARD of HEALTH -Mayor Vanstone, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr., Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald, Medical Health Officer illyore. After* VOOe' T 1.oa1 10aIf9, Vie Great English Remed}r. r dr2ggistn in Canada.Onlyqd breit. able medicine discovered. ,Stz r''3 1. pockages guaranteed to cute all forms of Sexes l SVet, knees, all erects of abuse or excess, Mental Woery, Excessive us^ of To. baceo, Opium or Stitdulauts. Mailed on .teelpt ofxprwiarecoane pPmpahl$4s, exee $ So. nOnnye t3ad8(d( rheksda.$e, Tito Wood Cotmpalay, Windsor, Out« Wood's Phospttotline is sola to w inguen by Colin A. Cam,ell, A. L. Hamilton, R. A. Douglass, and .h 1. E. Davis, Druggists. AGENTS WANTED EiTHER ON FULL ON PART TIME Are you,nt(efietl with your int erne? Ia your time tally oecup(ed? If not, write us nn goWe can give you employment by the month on corms or eelltt'aet t0 )ray you we'll for i,ueh tat rne9y os you'+'Cllr' .m• us at odd tine' . eve erttplgp both malt' and fct reprrsentntires. Tile next three moftths is the very hest time to sell our goods. No df poslt err rratuired; outfit Is nhsnlutely tree. We have the largestnurser- les In L'atanda-•-ever Noe acres --:t large range of valuable new spccislti,•x, and nit our stock is guar ultt'ed as represented. if you went to represent the large.t. most popular end best known nursery, write uv. It will be worth yam STafll;7 & WELL,tNGTOr, Toronto,Ont. "Canada's Greatest Nurseries." Honorary. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office and Infirmary •orner of Victoria and Minnie Sts. Wingliant. Day and night calls promptly attended to, Telephone canna ction. Bell Telephone Company OF CANADA. A new issue cf the SUB- SCRIBERS' DIRECTORY for the District of Western Ontario, including the WING EI A M Exchange, will be issued early in September. Orders f o r new connections, changes of address, changes of names, duplicate entry of names, etc., should be placed et once to ensure their appearance. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LOCAL MANAGER. E5Tilt tuned 1872 THE W1N6 lA' TINES Ill PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. The Times Q01ce, Beaver Block WING11A,M, Olt 4MO. Tenses or Sutisont'TtoN-4130 per annum in advunce $1,50 if not so lucid. No paper thscott tinned till all arrears art. paid, except at the option of the publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. -- Legal and other casual sdvertisemettts se per Nonp1uariet line for Rrst insertion, 8e per lino for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in local column are charged l0cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 venni per line for each subsequent insertion. ,Advertisetnoite of Lost, Found, $tris ed, Farms for Hale or to Rent, and similar •41. for first month end 50 cents for each subsequent month. • CONTRAO% R e,TEs-Tlletoilgtvingtehleshows our rates for the insertiou of advertts4:utents for specified periods :-• srAos, 1 en. 4MO. s Oto, 1 Mn One Colttmn..........*60,00 $115.00 415.00 to Po Half Column 35.60 18.00 10.00 440 quarter Column 18.00 .10.00 0.00 2.00 Advert(seme.ta without specific directions will be inserted till forbid end charged accord- ingly. 'Transient advertisements intuit be paid for nt advance. Toa Jos DEPARTMENT is stocked with en extensive assortment of all requisites for print ing, affording fneitities not equatted in the county for turning out first class work, Large type and appropriate cats for all styles of Post, era, Hand Bills, etc., and the latest st Its of choice fancy type for the finer classes of prtut• ing. JOB PRINTING, including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, etc., &c., exeeutext in tate best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Boorstsmera.-We are pleased to announce that any Boosts or Magazinea left with us for Binding, will have our prompt •attention Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to THE TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, nee,-she re:X PEI M:NCB TRACE MASKS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a,Steteh and doverlie hn map quickly esrertnin our optnien free whether as Inrentinn 1s probribly p',te^trhiq. Ce nrnunlea tlenentrtetlycenndentici. itandliekonPatents dent free. eldest moots for3t•rnringpatents, Patents taken thremen Munn $. Co, 133001ve special,ut(ee, without cbnrge, in the Scientific ittea'icaa . A1=0501..107uati oa scien ific 1 weekly. 1 cu sit s year p;t�-etrrptne4nn1the, 51. 601 tbya;l eewsecalers. M NN & Co.3Gite a.w:1• i 3W f O 11rnnhh Wares, a"1 T 1„ •a' • .,r - T` C. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. H. B. ELLIOTT, and Publisher .T P KENNEDY et.11,. M. C. P. S. O e • Member of the British Medical Ansoeia- tion. Gold Meaaliist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women end Child ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m. GNc RAD TRUNKRAILWAY SYSTEM. iJf mnAIXe LEAVE Ton London 0.60 a.m.... (3.tOpee. Toronto & Last 9 a.m6.68 a.m.... 8.O5p.m. Riucardine..11.10 a.m,., 1.40 p•m.... 8,:•:p.m. ARRIVE SROM 1 ineardine ....6.50 a.m9.00 a.m.... 8.05 p.m. London 11.10 a.m.... 7,55 p.m. Palmerston 11.10 a.m. Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8.83 pan. L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingham. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, v /RAINS LEAVE SOIL Toronto and East 6.57 n.m.,.. 8.43 p.m, TeesWater 1.17 p.m ....10.43 Anil1V8 SROM Tceswater.. 0.67 a.m 8 43 p.m. Toronto and Mist .. ,117 p.m....10.4e J. 13. DEEMER, Agent, Wingham, WANTEb.-A treetivorthw gen'tleannn or lady in each county to manage business for an old t'stabtished house of solid financial standing. A straight, bons fide weekly cash eatery of $18.00 paid by cluck each Wednesday with all expenses dircet front headquarters. Money ad grit edToru xpenses. Manager, 310 Caxton Chita DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNE kV, Physician, Surgeou, etc. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. T.'CHISHOLM, J. S. CHISHOLM 04E..14 c.P.s.0 Mn. MV,OM., 510 P a 0. DRS. CHISHOLM & CHiSHQLM PHYSICIANS, SURGEO,TS, ETo. OrE•rcx-Chisholm Block, Josephine street. REstntxca-Its rttar.of block, on Patrick St., where night calls will bo answered. -1-144 VAgTsT0_*NE,, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. • Privates/lei Company funds to loan nt lowest rate of interest. No commie -Woe char; a 1, ort - gages, town and furan pro-pP�erty bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &e. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DIourfam a DADLEY Borates DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. MONEY TO LOAN. oetrrOE: Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, wingam. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. WT. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., . L.D.S. New method for painless ex- traction. No Cocaine. Special -attention to the care and regulation of ehitdhen's teeth. Moderate prices and all work carefully- and skilfully performed. Office in Beaver Block, Wingham. Offiee closed every Wednesday afternoon daring June, July and August. JOHN R1TO1wi s. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingltam, Ont. JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales of Farm Stock and implements a specialty. All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attended to. • Terns reasonable. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER Is prepared to conduct sales in this section. Specinlettention given to sales of farm stock and implements. Dates and orders can always be arranged nt the TtlttEti office, Wingham. MISS DELIA SPARING A. T. 0. M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Conservatory examina- tions. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN WINol;saf TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE, Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music examinations. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. MISS CARRIE MOORE of London Conservatory of Music will be pre- pared lifter Oct. 1st to receive n limited num- ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and Guitar. Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham, PIANO AND THEORY. MISS SARA LOUISE 1 OORE, L.C.M. and member of the Associated hiusieiens of Ontario, is prepared te, receive a limited num. her of pupils for instruotien mi Pfane and in Theory. Speal attention given to pupils preparing for examinations. Residen0ewtnosite R. C. Olin rein Wingham. FARMERS TWO 'INKY WAYS,. There was a luau who advertised But once, --a tau* time; In suet obscure plaeed he his ad„ , And, paid for it a dime. And just beeanae it didn't Iin>± flint customers by were, A1'. advertising is (t Bete," He attid, or rather, swore. Ile i'eemet] to think me hammer tap Would drive a nail clear That front a bit of tiny thread A weaver tents 001114 spin. Lf be this reasoning bright applied To dating, doubtless he Would claim alta little bit would feed Ten men a century. Soluo day though, he will learn that to Make advet•tisiug pay, He'll have to add .ads, to his ad. And advertise each day. A GOARANTEED CURE For all Forms of Kidney Disease. We the undersigned Druggists are; fully prepared to give the followiug gnarentee with every 50 cent bottle of Dr. Pett.ingill's Kidney -Wort Tubiets, the only remedy in the world that pose itively cures all troubles arising from weak er diseased kidneys: -- "Money oheerfull returned if the suf•• ferer is not relieved lifter use of • one bottle. Three to six bottles et1'eet as- tonisbing and permanent cure. If not relieved and cured, you waste 210 money." A. L. Hamilton, Druggist, Winghans, Out. and anyone having live etOok or other articles they Wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the TIMOR. Our large g circulation tenet and 56 ill be strange indeed -if you de riot getaettstomer. Weeantguarantee that yeti % 3 1 sell because you may asst more for the article ee stock than it is Worth, Send your advertisoanent to the Triras and try this item o disposing of yonr stock and ether • Bright Sayings of Elbert Hubbard. Talk less and listen more. Be gentle and keep your voice low. The month indicates the flesh; the eye the soul. A bird in the bush is worth two on i+v woman's bonnet. It is only iu prosperity that we throw our friends overboard. Cultivate poise. Before you can in- fluence others you must govern your- self. Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they niet ou the street Strong people are not so much adver- tised by their loving friouct3 as by their rabid enemies, T.he heroic man does not pose; he leaves that for the ,tau who wishes to be thought heroic. A retentive memory is a great thing but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness. People are always askiug me to fol- low their advice, but they seldom tell which way it went. He who influences the thought of his times influences all the times that fol - ow. He has made his impress oa eterni- ty. Y It does not make much difference what a man studies --all knowledge is related and the man who studies arty - thing, if he keeps at it, will become learned. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by coustitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eust- achian Tube. When this tube gets in- flamedyou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire- ly closed deafness is the result, and un- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is uothing but an. in- flamed condition of the mucous surfaces, We will give One Buttered Dollars for any cause of Deafness(caused by cat- arrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Os Sold by Druggists, 750. Hall's Family Pills are the best. John Moran of Adjala wilt not soon forget two of his recent actions. First -in a fit of anger, lie shot and killed two coltseselon giug to a neighbor that had got into his field of roots. Second -he walked over to the neighbor's lime and paid him for the colts. There is a noted difference in the style and fit of Pants we make that always brings peon ple back for another pair. Then there is the low price and better quality of cloth put in thele -cloth that wears See our new goods and prices, WEBSTER & CO.