HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-20, Page 1,t VOL. XXXI.--NO. 160G. l WIN HA .O 1T'AILI f IUIISDAY, NOPE i Eft 20, 1902, $1 A YEAR IN ADNANCj How does it look This is the real clothes question of to -day, "How does it look. !" Some been spend a lot of :money on high-priced piothi lg and then don't look right. Some waste mon' y by not spending enough. The majority want their clothes right, and they want to know : What is right ? Where can I get it ? What does it cost ? Homuth Bros. can give the answer and make clothes to fit the most fastidious per- son. BOOTS AND SHOES We have a new up-to-date stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Childs' and Boys' Boots, at prices' to suit all. • • CENTS' FURNISHINGS We have a new and well - assorted stock of Hats, 'Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, and great values in Under- clothing. Pleasure to show you goods. ilonuitil Bros. THE POPULAR STOLE. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by F RANI; PArl.itsov, No. 23 Victoria street. Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. �0 Capital Reserve Many Thanks dor Past Favors And now we will consider it a still greater favor if yon will call and get our prices for CHI.114 TEA SETS DIENER SETS BEDROOM- $ETri WATER SITS Fancy Chino, of all 'Iciatla We must rednoe thew this month to make room for Xmas goods. IN GROCERIES We will give you best valve in 'the market. Our new Fruits have been coaling in, and are ie fine condition.. —Raisins, —Currants, —Prunes,' • —Apricots, --Figs. • Try our. Special Blend Tea at 25c. It will please you. R. Av HnIchson GROCER Prompt Delivery. • Phone 51. N©TICE°. Until the rooms in the new Vanstone Block are complete, I will be found at my residence on Leopuld street, opposite S. Youhill's. T. J. IvIAGUIR , Real Estate and Insurance Agent; Who Wants a Farm ? I have over 000 acres of chole' farm lands for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Eincardine, Huron and AshSeld Townships. Gond lands with good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. Also a good sawmill for sate, almost for n song. Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- nection) doing a good buaincss, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for sole cheap. Also a evngonsliop. A general store with largr+ trade, live village. Also a large amount of nosey to loan at 5 per cont. For further par- ticulars apply to J. A. 31cKENZIE, Insurance Agent, Holyroed. GENERAL LOCAL - NEWS. See Halsey .Farlt's aCvertiseIllent. Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. The School The Public School day morning last, at one week. No new have developed sine the three patients disease have recover to luiow that Win) free from this diseas e- ened . O p e • iened on Mon- er ' - ol o h ter being closed for cases of diphtheria our last issue and suffering from the d. We are pleased ham is now entirely MiNiON BANK house3Franceinis eseblooming, at green - WINOHA Will Teach $L pn fj 000 Miss Ethel Mas; G+OUi1t U Principal Musgrove,i $2,800,000 ing the Model Sch • been engaged to tea Howick, for 1003. 1300 per annum. b B tunate i i . u secur.ug home. She has th TIMES for success 11 cion. SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business Trans- aeted. Farmers/ Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on sante. Drafts bought and sold on all points in Canada. United States and Europe. $AVIN.GS DEPARTMENT—Interest allowed oil deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 81st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. E. Vanstone, Solicitor. B.ANK of HAMILTON WiNCNAM 0 Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fluid, $1,000,000.00. President --Jolts STUART. Vice-President—A. G. 12A ztsy, DIREC'1'OBS John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm, Gibson, 111.P. A. T. Woad,1t1. P., A. B. Leo (Toronto). General Manager—.Y. Tt711NBULt. Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Deposits of $t and tlpwerds reecivrcl. In- terest allowed, end computed on the Both No' 'Vember and 31st May each year and added to principet. Special Deposits also received at current rates of interest. lfrafts on Great flritaht and the tiitited States Bought and sold, Ttavo11ers are notified that the Rank of Mtn - Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, Whirls can be cnsh+'d Without charge or trot. Ude In any part of the world. Ltr. CbBJ30Liir3 , Agont DIOK1N1:1ON, Solicitor. —The TisteS and Weekly Mail and Znnpire till est January, 1904, to new anbscribers for $1.75. Premium piotures t6 new and old subscribers of Moil and ,p;nlplrO. n Howick. rove, daughter of who is now attend - 1 at Clinton, has fIx in S. S. No. 11, 'he salary will be iss Musgrove is for - school so ;near her best wishes of the her chosen profes- MONEY TO LoAN at 41/ per cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. Dnimage, Kent Flock, Wiuhhanl. For Farmers An important let Wade, of the D Breeders' Associat Family Herald at Montreal this week. "It has been nay pr number of year fr farming papers no coitutry but of the Great Britain, and agricultural news i and Weekly Star is Gimes the subscripti' u price. Your agri- cultural editor is a good one and he ap- pears to be thorougl ly versed in all ag- ricultural matters,' Office registrar of Mr. Wade accomp a year's subscripts Family Herald ant cognized tis the b in America and as cols in every clepar Think About. ✓ from Mr. H. G. minion Shorthorn u appears in the Weekly Star of It reads as follo s: vilege to read,idr in time to tit e, the only of ur own UI ited tater and be' to ay tllltt the the F may Herald ale worth many signed H. G. Wade, ive Stook, Toronto. lied his letter with It, one dollar. The Weekly Star is ire - 't agricultural paper a family paper it ex- ment. Renowned Mt The historic "St. St. Oath/trines, 0 Springs at Preston front as resorts for The Hotel and excellent and bo ing situated dir Grand Trunk, D ors, and intornutt Grand Tr nk Age) Pi It 1:). McDonald, bis Toronto. a 1 erat Springs. atherines Well" at t. and Mineral o fast oniing to the hos seeking health. 'aomodettiau are easy of access be- an the lino of the iptive bookiets,Fold- on on application to t or t o addrastttt J. i y >I ice Passenger Agent, County P uItre Show The Goderioh D eters of the Huron Foultry and Pet ,oek Aesooietion held a meeting, recentl anti, (leaded tohold the county show, hioh•is ope11to the world, qu Dee. 3 th and 31st and Janit- ary 1st and and. 13utterfield,•Jarvis, or some other ex fie will be the judge, CRAYON PORTRAIT.---LiFe size, far $2,00, at Armstrong & Co's studio. . The West nster Guild. The 'Educations Committee of tlle• Westminster Gail will 'proyide the programme foe the ntertainineut to be. `held in the lecture oin of the Presby+ ,terian church on 1? day evening, Nov. 21st. ' A good prog m of addresses,ete„ is boing prepared, BOARDERS—A few boarders wanted Apply to Mrs. A. Dawson, Diagoutil St' G. T. R. Officio s in Wingham General Manager . M. Hays; F, W. Morse, third vice -t. esideut; F. H. Mo Guigan; manager; George 0. Jones, division suprointeur ut; 3.. W. Loud, freight traffic, loan „or; W. E. Davis and H. Phillips, pr ate secretary to Mr. Hafts were in tow' for a short time ou Thursday last on t sir annual inspection of the G. T. R. roperty, The party travelled in a spe ittl train, composed of three special obs vat icn ars. • Yon get the newest hoods in snitings and overcoatiugs at reasonable, prices at Geo. Carr's. institute eetings. The West Euro, Farmers' Institute will hold a seri of supplementary meetings next w ek. The Wingham meeting will he 1 c d on onda in the r h M y town hall. Ther will be two meetings; one at 1,30 p, u1. and one at 8 p. m, Good speakers wil be on hand to deliver addresses on subj. ts of interest to fann- ers. Meetings wil be held at St. Helens ou Nov. 25th; P rt Albert, Nov. 20th; Auburn, Nov. 27 1. 'See advt. iu an- other column for nil partionlars.. No !natter what yoti went in dry goods, clothing or furs try Dulinage and if he has what you want you are sure to c,ave.inoney. A Two -Mi The following ap to papers last Fridi joy among tho lora who have watched H. as though n Ihe w tl of 1 the Memphis Ince Canuck peeler w "Manse" Greer, wh next season, Haxo utile in 2.04 flat, without the )topple with 1r:en at the tr decided to give hi for next season. G remark that Harold minute pacer to hi ute Pacer. eared in the Toros• :—Tlhero is 'ouch trotting horse 111011 he career of Harold re their own. After e ing, the champion s turned over to will campaign him H. paced a race which is his record , ar.d after a talk k, Mr. Mackenzie n to the silent man ser also made the looks like a two- Wingham i In another colulu tienlars taken fro General's report f June 30th, 1002. more0 videuce that ishiug town and it in the county. W place in the count venue for the past second place for a last. year it drol place. The gross four principal towi was as follows: Wineham, „i4507. Seaforth, $4305.65. report of postal b MEM. Prospering. we give some ear- n the Postmaster ✓ the year ending is report gives' ns V � I❑ flour- fact�ham is a the best town igham holds second for gross postal ro- ear. Seaforth held nmber of years, but ed down to fourth ostal revenue for the of Huron comity Gorlerich, $0560.70; Clinton, $4:18531; Read the extended uess in another col - 1 s MONEY To LO.iN.—Money to loan on notes, awl notes c scotalt d at reasoi- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of any year. Notes nate accounts collected, Office—Beaver Block, Wing - ham ROST. MOINDOO. Playing A groat Ileal of i iii the series of g arpet Ball. Wrest is being taken eves of onset bell arranged by the ifi'eront societies of town, Tllreo matles have been played since our last issue Societies wllielt do not now possess a s t of carpet balls are now ordering, the u and this litre of amnsenhent protnis s to be very popular in Winghanh this minter. On Thursday evening Iasi the pit, ers from the I. O. O. F. defeated the la ars onthe I. O. F, by a score of 18 to 6. On Friday evening the players front the I. 0. F. and 0. 0. P. had a latch aucl the C. Q. ]•+.players Cyon out y e, score of 15 to 11. On Tnes;lay even ng the IC. 0. T. M. Won from the L 0 P., the score being 14 to 4. The only ante yet to be played this month is the .n0 on the 28111, be- tween the T. 0.0. F. and the C. 0.r . Two h s o or three of tr societies will join e � the league and a 0: ies of games will ba arranged for next omit. Wear iirelirit Shoes and Rubbers. t.. PeaftiPeleltig Mr. Robe. Stoy,lle formerly' of afoe�cie bug hie epleseription saytl the paper fee w week and that lrti w it. Trt his letter, Mr have had a bouutif everything is boo One of the great dra ers aro not able to g wheat. He has 3,4 1,100 bushels of oat barley. Mr, Sterli held oat pf the pre' this n geed stop The teeny old fri and atnily iu this to wear of their s the West. , of Melita, Men., awnship iu renew -. be TIMES for 1903 twine visitor every ild nojt like to miss 'Sterling says they 1 harvest and that ng in th' 3 West. beck/lis that anen- t care to move their bushels of wheat; and 300 bushels of g had to break his ie and he cousiders r the second year. ds of Mr. Sterling 'strict will be pleased cess iu the West. Mount Clemens Jiich, "The Mineral , • . Bat 'City." The above is th , title of an illustrated booklet•,s issued v the Gram Trunk Railwayeoutaiui g foots in regard o cures effected in be cases 0f th isands of rheumatic suft'rers, who ye ly visit these noted bade: and also yes much usefu] ieformati in rt 'ei ce to hotel and Bath rates., Mout) Fidelis is sit- uutetlriiraetly in 1 ne et e Grand'1'rnuk a short distance from Detroit, and is eately and comfo tidily reached by fast and wg1I equippe trains, from any poiut in' Cenada, . (;o les of Booklet, Time Tahleh; and any informatiou en appli- eatlol'i• WI Grand 'frank Age nt, or by adttressing J. t . McDonald, District Pesseaiger Agen Termite. Fresh oysters arrivile; daily; served in 1111Y style, at Jtis. MtiKelvia's. LOST—On road between Wingham aud,Luokuow. on Sunday eveuiug. Nov. 2udset light grey walking coat. Finder please leave at TIMES office. • Death of Grunt Murray, 1 Carr, of town, wt briefly iu our last Mr. John W. Mn Ashfield. Decea year, dud was a1y c greatly esteemed who had the plett once. no had beer some years past, an Y Calgary where he months. He left t spent some time in but finding that Ins, proving 11e went to Colorado, but all t fatal disease could returned home Mr. and Mrs. A. 1 - funeral on Thursd week. ant Murray. phew of Mr. A. H. ose death was uoted 55110 Was a son of ray, cattle buyer of ed Was iu 1115 24th emplary young man, itl respected by all ire of his ecquaiut- iu falling health for t last fall he went t0 spent the winter ere iu April and British Columbia, health was not On - the hot springs of no purpose, as the lot be shaken all he erne the to suntm r e. . Carr attended the y afternoon of last 1)r. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose utiri throat. Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op- posite St. Andrew's church, London, Ontario. A Timely The following ti�i the Advance npplie, Dutton: "Is 1t not bridal couples were nonsensical and that prevails in Du Parties who would lug private the are justified in ass; where the bride an stared at and mad: whispering comte. the rice and gray, Tom, Dick aucl IIF come so obnoxiou prefer driving to a escape running til eyes and the sl whole thing is a g the sooner it is better," Comment. ely core =et from to more towns than me that going away relieved from the mpertiuent custom on and elsewhere? not think of intrud - er mof), think theynY tabling at the station, groom are sized up, the subject of many Social Ente tainment. Tile La'rlies Aid Se iety of the Baptist oburoh held a very ecessful social and entertainment on esday evening of this week. The lad s provided a good supply of refreshen its and a splendid literary progratum was relidere' Highest price for to key: i eese,dneks, chickens, potatoes, d er apples. batter and eggs. Wit rnA. ' RADIN(I CO.,LTD. Temperanc Rally Night. Wiughatn Coe 11, No. 114, R, T. of T. will hold a • ally night" in their lodge room, Chis olm Hall, on Tuesday eveuiug of next week. A number of new members w 11 be initiated and all tnetnbers ere re nested to attend is meeting. BARGAINS IN M LINE —Millinery going accost and •e1n Cuuie early and get your chole: iss MaoPherson. Woman' Institute The Woman's I stitute will hold their annual Ineetiug it the Oadfellows Hall, Mason Block, o Monday November 24th, comutencin at 2,30 p. m. Miss Maddock of (Inc li will give a demon- stration in coo ing, Miss Green, of Carlow, and Mr. Campbell, of Goderich will also adcires. the meeting. A good attendance is re nested, Try Dulinage, Kent Block, for wind Proof iuul stiil•rli proof overcoats. They are put t'niether like leather and are sold at half price. First C rs of Coal Two cars of ha coal reached Wing - ham this week, co signed to J. D.Bnrns, and Messrs Cassel & Carr will receive a supply early next that small sliipt come in from tic the coal will lot Good dry hard s in Weigh/tin at Four $2 to $2.50 cord, ve k. T e t is � expected uts will continue to Don't forget our 20% .:;count off all v on. The arrival of mantles for the r s of this mouth. er the price of wood. We need the mon QHURC NOTE$, The [nsinbers of ti land in t;aaada will me $75,000 to the ea year. The Diocese asked to raise $11,5 e Church of Eng - e asked to contra) ea of rnissious next f Huron Will be In the Methodist church on Sunday evening last, the pa .r, Rev, It. Hobbs preached a. very p werful sermon. on temperance. He w 1.aiso deal with the save subjeot at the ervioe next Sunday evening. The Rev, J. C. rduer, of Bayfe:d, while out duck sho ting on the river Saturday warning , et with a severe aoeident. While s eppinh out of tkie boat, his gnu aeoi entalIy discharged, badly wounding hi- left arm. Rev. J. J. Patter on, B. A., preached an excellent sermo on the temperance question in the Ba ,tist church ou Sun- day evening last. ' e expected to give a synopsis of the s rumu in this issue, but the copy has 1 vt come to hand in time. Rev. Thos. Voac ter, of Woodetoe Hamilton confers the Methodist Ch he has become a sympathy with D patible with loya Church. Rev. Dr. Gulch ture on "Ptileetiu of St. Paul's char Nov. 28th. Dr, years in Palestine er and his lecture interesting. A views of Palestin n, a Methodist miuis- , has written to the co withdrawing from tell. He writes that owieita, and that his wig's Wont ie i11C0II1- ty to the Methodist ng will deliver a lec- " in the school room h, on Friday evening, Goldring spent five Ile is a good speak- remises to be very umber of lime light sceuery will be sed, ovewood is now selling HANNA. & Co, The party who tool tha oat, whether in fuer or in earnest, 1 - better return it, its he is known by the man across the street, 1 •Dred i Picton. The remains of Luella .7. Hinman, daughter of the eat John Carr of Wing - hem, were brongh to Wingham on Fri- day evening last fr n Picton. Deceased died at Pieton o Wednesday of last week and was ager 41 years. The fun- eral, which was ivate, took place on Saturday mornin est from the residence of her sister, Mrs Cody, Catherine ne street to the Wingham emetery. The fun still contluues at the Kent Block Sale—funny prices. Dulinage dM not steal the goods! Nor is lie mail- ing Much money 1 The goods must go. Lodge Roo The Oddiellows of ing improvements i, Mason block. A titions nee being several small room: lodge room will b large room. The ed as a reception o be required, Whe pleted the Oddfcll Changes. Ingham are mak- 1 their hall in the number of par- ' ore down and the at the north of the converted into one , ew room will be us- dining room as may i the repairs are corn- _ ws will have lodge t coed toe to in Western Ou- roo ns second n tario. The TIMES bas authority to arrange ts, To this is added elates and terms for auction sales for 1 thrown by every either F. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos. I :ry, until it has be - that, bridal couples either station so c,3 t0 gauutlet of staring wers of rice. The oss impertinence and one away with the Fon S.ILII C[tn.tr.—'A team of work- ing horses, with harness, aha set single harness, two buggies, one cutter and a Buffalo robe. Apply to T. J. Maguire. Well-known d tc Dead Condector Jere of the most popult r of the Grand Trunk employes, diced at Ie hospital in London an Wednesday e 'ening of last week. bIr, I''itzgerald lett been i11 for only three weeks from blow -poisoning. He was for many years conductor on the Palmerston line and then resided in Kincardine. A f years ago he was 1 London transferred to the c otl litre and then He was well-known long the railroad of - ow -employes he was tad popular, and his :ry keenly regretted. three 00ns, James, rt, and four daughters Nellie And Ethel, 11e remains were tek- ou Friday morning, the afternoon vas eetioli of the Brother- Conduetors and the fMilted tett Workmen. tree II.: Davis,of Wing. funeral, Brown, Seaforth. I First Cour c Concert The first concert o the popular concert I coarse was held iu to Opera House on Monday eveuiug. he attraction was "Roney's Boys" o Chicago. The hall ; was well filled az 1 the boys gave a splendid entertain lent. The siugitig and playing shows that Mr. Roney is an E expert iu training. It would be imposs- ible to describe the eauty of the music rondered by these oys. All present at the concert aro a u 11 itl their praises. ; 0:1 uc r ea liah Fitzgerald, one moved to London. in Wingham. At fieials and his fel well thought of death will be v Besides his wife Eelward and Herb Ketheritle, Dunne mouthomouthIs l lees. 4 . en to Kincardine end the funeral i held under the dit hood of itailtvay Ancient Order Messrs. Cl. Dallas a ith attended tb 1 1 > A first-class farm for sale, within about 21.s utiles from Wroxeter aifd 7 miles: from Witiehtun, 011 good gravel road; good buildings and farm well improved. Apply to R. Vanstone, Wingham. —The TIMES and Family Herald and Weekly vicar till 1st January 1004, to , new subscribers for $1.75. Premium piotures to new and old subscribers of Family Herald and Weekly Star. Referendt m Campaign. A sleeting of th executive committee for the referendui cameaign was held on Tuesday evettil g. There were re- prescintatives pres at front the different wards, mut the re arts showed that or. ganizatiou was at vttnned considerably. Arrangements ha been made to hold sti temperance class meting in the Teem ry Hall on s,hursday evening, Nov, lith. At this utecting a dresses Will be deliv- ered by two of the 1oca1 clergymen in Wiughaut and a will no doubt be Very largely Otte lcd. More particulars will bo announce • in aur next issue. Death John Cole. Mr, Jelin Cole a former resident of Wingham, died i Kineardiue on Tues- day. Deceased d been sick for a year with cancer of th throat, It 10 a num. -ber of years since he left Wingham to I reside in 1 iucardi e. The funeral will take place this (T turaday) afteruoon to Wingham cemet y from G. T. R. sta- tion ou arrival of the 3.10 train from Kiucardine. Auction sale of house old furniture cu Saturday, Nov. 2 ti t 2 o'clock p. ui., at Mrs. Herron • •esidence. Edward street, rinr of Lot & Sturdy'ss livery r J Baru. Furniture almost new in good repair. Our dress goods sale has oven so far, a marked succes , close buyers appreciate our pric ud values. HAN\ct & CO. Jessie Maclac Ian in Wingham. This week we -e able to announce that Jessie Macl chian, the Scottish prima donna will ing in Wingham, on December 18th. 11e prima donna has been appearing fore Iarge audiences for the past few e eeks. She appeared before a crowded Wednesday night. engaged to appear ember. F1111 part. ouse at Teeswater On Other talent will be in the lith of Dec - ;Mars in next issue. The weather is somewhat t exorable to our fur trade but otw standing t1 heat NI have sold s .ve fur coats last week. Don't you t . we got our share. Why?—Vahh'e and selection, ANNA & Co. Rev. Irl R. Hick 1903 Aimanac. To say that thir splendid work of science and art is 11 er and better than ever, is Stating it idly. Tho demand for it is far beyonr all previous years. To say such resn' s, reatilling through THIRTY YEAR . are not based upon sound. sense ten insult to the intel Prof. Hicks, thro and his famous usefulness. is an igence of the millions. g11 this great Almanac. amity and scientific journal, WORD ND WORItS, is doing a work for the vhole people not ap- proached by auy • ther men or publica- tion. A fair test vile prove this to any reasonable persol Added to the most Iumitlous course astronomy for 1003 forecasts of stOr ns and weather are given, as never b :fore, for every day in the year, all e11a' mingly illustrated with nearly two but !red engravings. The price of single nlanac, including post- age and, !nailing is THIRTY CENTS. WORK AND WORKS with the Almanac is $1 ' 0 e. year. Write to WORD .AND \ OR'S I'til3LISIlING CO., 2201 Locust treat, St. Louis, Mo., and prove to you self their great value. For all Stomach Troubles Try Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets We guarantee an absolute cure for the most distressing oases. When all others fail give us a trial, and your money 'will berefunded if we do not satisfy. R, Al Douglass, RIMY Attend the Best ----It Pays CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Recent graduates have acre: ted good positions at ro40, ,$45 $50 aud$G0 Per month, and a few days ego au application was received MD. ring one of our graduates of last term a salary of $800 per annum. This is the kind of evidence you are looking for as to the best school to atteucl. Catalogue free. Enter this month if possiLle. W. J. ELLIOTT PRTNCIPA L. When Whether It be South, 3 on will 1 quickly and cotnf Grand Trunk. date" equipment this C>1 Iv iii al fo the !hand Company E1 Car's, Luxurious the modern wire being operated` trip to Toronto, Buffalo, Now Y ane of enjovuie Dining and Gale endorsed as secon Night trains also cars between all rations, Folders front Agents, or McDonald, Distr Toronto. u Travel st, West. North, or ach your dtstiuntion rtablyifyoe take the et time, and -Up to hers been the aint of and some LIMB p tit etric Lighter 5 icing afe Path Cars, tied vestibu - coaelies now tile' trains snake a N th Bey, l'dnutreal, , Detroit, or Chicago t and pleasure. The Car service lies been to none in America. Fry Pallmau Sleeping bove points. Reser- end all information by acldressiug J. D. et Passengrr Agent, WANTED—A smart boy to learn the , printing business, Apply et Trees office. —The TIMES and Weekly Glebe till 1st January, 1904 to new suhscreore for .GO. Premium t new and old sub .,1 e oI scribers of the Globe. —The premitnu iveu by the Weekly I Globe, namely, )ntario Provii'ciel Governors— 1792-1 02 is one ' that should commend .self to all levers of things historical. 'he pictures are re- produced from oris; sal paintietts mid the i premium should ad rn the walls of every library iu the pro ince. The S.Veeldy Globe awl TLMES til the ist of J.uutnry, Wm..1'.tcwa't, the counterfeiter was sentenced to four yet Harry Ross, a youn ine, was seized with while loading grain Partners' elevator on g Yu ttnobse rued dew n Smothered by the rr t, pprs' imprisonment. matt of Itincarct- tt fainting spell it cars from a the t'hursday,aud fall- ! the chute, was 11. 13104for $1.(0. Wingham's Leading Shu Stole CDT - PRICE, SALE OP W Sho9$ ! ON SATURDAY NEXT 30 pairs Womea's Deniable Iticl T3onts, both lace and button, hetiutifta shoes, regular $2.50 and $3 00, on Saturday for - $1.903 See these Sltoes in window. BUfl'ERS—' 'ou save money -by bnyitog here. W. J. GR .E