HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-13, Page 8THE 1VINGt1AD[ TIMES, NOVEMBER' 13. 1902 fir 1011+1"1.41v WIV11,11•11.10b, 400/4frlie11111+•'41111011101Vikri RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. i ]URS There is satisfaction in inning Furs from. us, knowing that yc,u ore going to get satisfaction, Our lours are rapidly moving out, lint we still have large and well. usorted ranges to choose front. Astrachan J,heke'•a, - frein $25.00 to $45 00 Martie and Sable Ruffs, fro►u 7.00 to 80.00 Collarettes,- - from 8.00 to 30,00 Electric, Seal Magi's, from 4.00 to. 6.012 liable ]Huffs,. . from 8.00 to 72.06 Neutra Caps - front 3.00 to 4.50 Persian Lamb (:ups - front 8.00 to 12.00 efere Buy your Furs early and got first choice. Blankets Flue white Uusllrinkable Wool Blaukote, guaranteed absolutely pure; pick turd bine borders. Weight, 5 lbs., size, 36x7.4, price, $3.25 ' Weight, 6 lbs., size, 60x71+, price. 3.75 Weight, 7 lbs., size, 64x'2, price, 4 23 Weight, 8 lh•e, size. 68xS6, price, 4.75 Wool Sheetino Guaranteed pure wool Sheeting, colors grey and white, 70 inches wide, extra value at 90e a yard UNION SHEETING, grey and white, 70 -in wide, extra value 60e Flannelettes 6 pieces Cauadiau Flauuellette in neat striped patterns, regular Sc fur - - - .- 6e a yard 10 pieces heavy Canadian Flannelietti' in plain colors of white, create. pick, bine, also fancy stripes, 36 -in wide, regular price 10c and 12i;e, for - - 8 cents 5 pieces extra heavy English FlanuelIette, 36 iv wide, guaran- teed to wash and retain their color, reg. 14e, special 121e ];utter, Eggs and Poultry, for which the ,1•1011111•11MIMMIPM10.0.1•MiM MOM, highest price will he paid. $ RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. tit et., 1,1S/12.11Y telbetY111/b ZD!blteRb'a'd'4er0•1,Y%11,4•1ti Wet MINOR LOCALS. -Christmas is due six weeks from to- day. -Read the Thies clubbing offers in .another column. -The bricklayers are rushing the work on the Griffin block. -Gut your visiting cards and wedding g stationery at the TI51ES office -A oar load of soft coal was received for the Winghain salt works this week. -Camp Celidouin., S. 0. S will hold its regular meetiug on Mouday evening net. dust tink! Only •six weeks, t then Christmas . What about your Fruit Cake? We have the goods for it and they are all choice -none but the best in stock. Prices? We are nut ashamed of them, either. Here they are : New Cleaned Currants, 31bs for .25 New Selected Raisins, 3 lbs for .30 New Peels, Crosse & Blackwell's best, Orange and Lemon, - .15 Citron - - , .20 New Spices. New Shelled Nuts New Closter Raisins, very choice, lb .20 Don't forget us when you want anything in our line. You'll find prices and goods right. TUDROPE' Grocery -The trustiug shoe dealer is the man who gets beaten out of his boots ofteuest. -Mr. Gen. Mason is having his resi- dence beautified by applying a fresh coat of paint. -Regular meeting of C'lurt Maitland, C. 0 F., will be held ou Friday evening of this week' -Mr. R. B. Harris has purchased the Totten farm] property, situate near Wroxeter. ' -A. confidence man passed a lot of forged checks ou Guelph merchants on Saturday night last. -Dr. Macdonald, M. P., will speak at a number of temperance meetings which aro to be held in South Huron. -The granolithic walk on the north side of Patrick street, in front of Dr. Chisholm's property is being raised this `Week. -All arrangements are now completed for the annual Scottish concert which will he held on Thursday evening, Janu- ary 8th. -Gerald Sifton was acquitted at Lou- don, on Saturday last of the charge of murdering his father. This was Sif- ton's second trial. -The Three and Weekly Globe till 1st January, 1904 to new subscribers for $1.60. Premium to new and old sub- scribers of the Globe. -Mr. L. Harold, G. T. R. agent, bas purch; s3d Mr T.Moore's brick residence on Centre street. We understand the price paid was $1,800. -The Trams s and Weekly Mail and Empire till lot January, 1901, to new subscribers for ;1.7 5. Premium pictures to new and old subscribers of Mail and Empire. -The TIMES is pleased to report that Mrs. (Dr,) Macdonald is now able to be about the house again. Mrs. Macdonald was confined to her bed for some weeks through illness. -While Editor Bradwin of Blyth was in town last week he visited the Western Foundry, and last week's Standard contained a well -worded write- up of the company's works. -Auction sale of farmt 1 s oc z and im- plements at west half of lot 38, con. 7, East Wawanosh, on Wednesday, Nov. lath. A good list of stock. 10 mouths, credit. Jas. B. Nicol, prop; F. S. Scott, and Crockery Store auctioneer. -IEI. M,rl'ndhope's store window has attractions ler yon. Leak at it! -Catherine GlttenIy, of Goderich, died in Loddon ou Monday after a long illness. -It has been decided. not to build the new granolithio walk on Victoria street this fall The w.,arher has betaine too Cold and residents in that section will have. to yjsjt uutil next spring for their walk. Voting on the by-law authorizing the hauling of $5,000 to Lockridge Bros., of the Brussels w bleu twills, for ten years, without interest, will take place at Brussels on December lst Lnokrldge Bros. are former residents of Wiagham. -The social committee of the West- minster Guild of Wi ngham Presbyteri gni church provided a good j 'o rn,mnie for the entertainment on Fatty evening last. There was a very good attendance and all present spent a pleasant evening. -At the November meeting of the Listowel commit the Mayor and clerk were instt'nuted to have a by-law pre- pared to take over the waterworks and lighting of the tolsu, to be voted upon by the ratepayers at the next municipal elections. -A number of the Winghatn L. Q.L. members attended an Arch meeting tit B.elgrave, on Wednesday evening of last week. At the close of the meeting a supper was providers by the Belgrave brethren. The Winghauiites report a pleasant evening. -Mrs. Chester Day, mother of Mr. Sherman Day, of this town died on Tuesday of last week at Ririgetown in her 56th year. Deceased was for many years a respected resident of Ingersoll. Mr. Day attended his mother's funeral at Ingersoll on Thursday of last week. -Mr. F. S. Scott, auctioneer, of Brus- sels, is having a busy time at present with sales. His list of sales cau be seen in another column of this issue. Parties who intend having 2h. sale find wish to secure the services of Mr. Scott can make all arrtnigemevts at the TIMES office. . -It was n novel and artistic entertain- ment. The boys have remarkable voices and sing in perfect harmony. People are enthusiastic and wonuui rave over "Roney's Boys" who sing like seraphs. They have sung their wee' into the hearts of St. Pa111.-St. Paul Pioneer Press. Opera douse, Wingham, Mon- day evening, November. 17th. BORN. CAIN. -In Lucltnow, on November tth, the wife of Frank Cain; a son. Popes.-ln Wroxeter, on October 29th, the wife of Clots Pepe; a'a)r • Moiwr&T.-In Teeswater,ml November 12, the wife of F. Moffat;.a dautlrter ])ILD PrxNEr,r.,-In Kinlos4. en November 4th, Nathaniel Pinnell, aged 83 years. Munnuclt, In Lucltnow, on November 5th, Te: •lit• A., beloved wife of Mr. J. G. Murdoch, aged 45 years. Convex. -In Culross on Nov. 4, Geo. Colvin aged. 48 years and 8 months. DONALD5Oa.-In Culross, on Nov. 4 Isabol Anderson, wife of Robert Donaldson aged. 73 years, 3 mouths and 18 days. Bum- •In Blyth, on Octobers 3lst, Capt. John Buie, of Detroit, aged 49 years and 3 monthes. Asthma. You've tried almost every- thing for it, haven't you? And we presume you are about discouraged. Now what do you think of our idea of breathing -in the medicine, bringing it right up to the diseased part? It looks reasonable, doesn't it ? And it's successful, too. When you inhale Vapo-Cresolene your breathing becomes easy, the wheezing ceases, and you drop to sleep. For croup and whooping - cough it's a quick cure. 16 Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should last a.Iife- time, and a bottle of Cresolene complete, 81.50; extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and 5o cents. ltlustra ted booklet containing physicians' testi- mouials free upon request. VAPO•CRESOLENE Co., do Fulton St., New York, U.S.A.- WALKER BROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School Rouse. Shop op- posite Macdonald block. INSTITUTE MEET I I?I'CS. Meetings of East Huron k mors Institute for the dismleslon of Agl it: ural and kindred subjects will be held in FORDWICH No - 28th; MOLESWOI ' , Nov. 29th; BLUEVALE ec•. 1st; ETHEL Dec. 2nd; WALTON, Dec. 3rd, 1302. Each day at 1.30 and 7.30 u. m. All aro cor- dially invited to attend these meetings and take an intelligent pert in the discussion of the varied subjects introduced by the speakers. T. W. MCMILLAN, GEO. HOOD, President, Secretary. • o,, *• � O�O��ttfa+R+f?O��QO�Ofa��R�/►�� •♦*•1•••••••r•••••••••gt0•• Patronize f Industry , GROWN HURON RANGES • - MADE BY THE .-- • • WESTCQN•• FOUNDRY GO., Ltd., of Wingham • • • NOW ON THE MARKET. • • o •• e Ca II •and Examine: O The product of experts! t ® Cumpleto iu all particulars! • ® Thoroughly up-to-date in every detail 1 • i We invite the ieepectinu of all our friends, and defy all our competitors • r to equal or better the quality and price of the C1toWN •HUlani RANGE. • O_ _ .. -.-_ _ _ • 0 s • . YOUNG SONS iWe also carry u fnll line of Heating Stoves, s>:iitable for coal or wood. • • • Leading HardwareMerchants - %il3NGHAM • • •o••oo•ooaa•oaoo•••o©oo•ooa ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NOTICE IHEREBY give piddlenOF' a that my wife. Olive Irwin. hey' it le r my bel end board without cause, I wil 10 It responsible for any debts contracted by or for goods supplied to her after this Oat , t.ttIt out my wrrttenorder. Dated at Winglaun this lith day of November, 1002. JOHN THOS. IRWIN, Lot 84, Onu, 11, Enct Wnwsnnsh. CARD OF THAN To the hers of the ]2cc'en ' e t', inittee of the . ratan Order o' ores ;4: II Pen demon desire snee nlytothank you for the prop pa . tent of ' .1100 insurance on the life of my •+ husba , Francis T. A. Hogg, of Court . nit d, '.. 25, and also take this opportu y of o.s,, ,ing my gratitude to the numlb, s of Cou t1 'tlanrl for the hind synlpat and assistance tiring my recent. beret •hent. Ishell ;away. old. the Canadian Or •t• yf Forester-.: in high est . 1 and heartily sh them God speed in their no , work. Signed, EL HOGG. Winghnm, Nov. 12, 1102. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 1903. The undersigned will receive tc nders up to noon on SIONDAY, 24TH INST.. for supplies of butchers' meat, creamery butter, flour, out - meal, potatoes, cordwood, rte. etc for the following institutions during the year 1903, viz:- At the Asylums for the Insane.,. in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton,•Mimico, Brock. ville, Cobour and Orillin; the Central Prison sand Mercer Refor•nlntory, Toronto; the Ri- -formatoryfor Boys. Penotanguisherte; the In- stitution: for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantforel.. Exception-Jrendelwt,rre not recltairet ' 1r the snpplvof meat to the asylums in o to,Lon- Con , Krngstott, Hamilton and Brtvill'e, nor for the Central Prison, and M 'er Reformu- tt rv, Toronto. A marked cheque fon fiver .r cent of tho es- timated amount of t ci con net, payable to the order of the Honore le r.. 0 Provincial Secre- tary, must be furni. 1 v,each tenderer• as a guarantee of his b . fides. Two sufficient sureties will be requirtddor the. clue fulfill- ment of each contittet and should any tender be withdrawn before the contract is awarded, or should the tenderer fail to furnish such Fe 'urity. the amount of the deposit will be for - Specifications and forms of tender may he had on application to the Department of the Provincial Secretary. Toronto, or to the Bur- sars of the respective institutions. ceTpheted. lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- NeWsnapers inserting this advertisement ' without authority frons the Department will not be paid for it. J. R. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, November 10th. 1002. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keep for service on his premises, lot 80, con. 10, Fast Wawanosh a large Improved English Berkshire Boar, which las been shown at all the local shows for two years, and has always won the red ticket. Also have for sale a number of Breeding Sows. five and six months old, which have been bred from this boar. Also one young Boar, fit for service (a prize-winner) for sale. P. GIBBONS. Marnoch P. O. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per e per box. No. box No. 2,10 degrees stronger, r 8 1 or 2, maild on receipt of price ad two 8•cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor. Ont. �siuissoamendedby all responsible and tCanad No. 1 and 2 are sold in Wingham by A. L. Hamilton, Colin. A. Campbell, R. A. Douglass and J. E Davis Druggists. Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser VO CA LI ST Teacher of VOICE PRODUCTION. SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign, Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture, VOICES TESTED FREE. CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Residence H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Winghan. OTICE. Under the j ,visions of tl snterio Com- panies Act, The notes B & Son Mnnufnc- turing Company o in, Limited, hereby givos public notice the > •• '11make application to His Honour t Lieu • t -Governor of Ontario in Co 1 for the aeet lee of the surrender . ' s charter on and fro o first day of 9 ember A. D. 1002. Da . itt Wioghtim, this first day of Nov b' A.D,1002. H. O. BELL, Secretary. T, J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts. Rents and Notes Collected. Con- veyancing done. RESIDENCE-Leouold street. AAAAAAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D 1 .Iiorso Blankets hAAAdwAAAAAAW E have imported a a Y choice 1 Ver lot O of) i 7 Couches To say that wewill give special prices in Couches for the next couple of weeks is putting it mildly. You can ill afford to let a chance like this' slip. Not necessary to wait ' until Xmas. We can store for you and deliver when required. For $5.75 We can give you a good serviceable Couch, upholstered in heavy goods, with fringe. Others at $7.00, $8.50 and $9.25. Our $13.50 is a quick seller. Get our prices on PARLOR SUITES BALL BROS. RESIDENCE -PATRICK ST. Furniture Dealers prompt attention. PHONE 51 S. reformer ll residence,1 Aad. UH er akers. 0 wherenighnighh t calfs will receive AAAAAAA:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Horse Blankets, all -wool Kersey. These goods > a have been bought from < 3 the largest makers, and prices will defy anyone ! �f y f } In other seasonable > goods, such as Cross -cut < Saws, Axes, Cow Ties, etc., we are headquarters both in price and quality. Smilivvi;vvethick, VVWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWV Vic... -.W, .• -.'it1. - •if1-'�' ':\:F��''i..:.'Gr,z.:::::•r,�(}iL" rif'.�14:.T M�hF'LL-.�`R:�%'+ d r.:h ....t• .. Leave to announce VCIhh Ion begsounce that he has purchased the Drug of RosinessJa E®Davis, And that it is his intention to continue the same in the accustomed place next door to Post Office•- and to' keep everything kept in a first-class drug store. BUSINESS MOTTO: QUALITY FIRST! IF YOU. WANT THE BEST IN Phm B.9 a fresh stock of' DRUGS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES, PURSES, BRUSHES, • COMBS, • SPONGES, DYES, TOILET SOAPS, RUBBER GOODS, Etc., Etc., YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET IT FROM Walton McKibbcn,Phm.. "Every Article Guaranteed" DRU MIS'Te AN OPTICIAN.' B. 1 3 he al r14 vvvvvvvvvvesvvvvve,vvv+ovvvvv of F rim? u We are having proves conclusively to us that our Furs are right in quality, style and price. Never before in our long bhsiness experience have we been so careful in selecting our Furs, and never before have we had such values to offer. No matter what you require in Furs, whether it be a Jacket, Caperine, Muff, Ruff, Bon cr Gauntlets, we can please you both in quality and price. Buy your'Furs at Gordon's; they will be satisfactory. Women's Beautifully -Modelled Skirts at $5.00 The materials include Cheviots and Homespuns; and in point of style every skirt is a,particularly pretty representativeof some leading New York style. There are skirts with braids and others with silk and satin strappings, while. they last you may buy thein for $5.00. > >• A. Snap. in Blankets Only 17 pairs fine white all -wool Blankets, made of absolutely pure all - wool yarns, close, even twills, soft finish, bine and pink borders. Never S. , Trementh us out i, Clothing} For the next few weeks we are having a big Cut -Price Sale of Clothing 2. and will give you the biggest bargains that have ever been offered in Huron County. Read the list carefully: } sold less than 43.25. Our very special price $2.50 n pair. • -Boys' double breasted, Pea Jackets, matte of heavy Melton cloth, splendidly; lived and finished throughout, >' never sold less than :$3.75; cat price sale price $2.15 > Our $9.04) Overcoat 2� -12 Men's heavy Tweed Suits, matte with double-breasted } --This is the Overcoat we like to show to clothing buyers. It's one of our best values, and easily the bireest money's worth we ever gave in Overcoats at Nine Dollars.. Fashionable in length and style, honest in quality and gtailoring, perfect in fit and finish, The material is heavy all -wool Cheviot cloth, Oxford grey shade. The style is the popular long loose hot back, with full skirt. Splen- did linings, all sizes, for - - $9,00 coat, splendidly lined throughout, the very latest cut, acid put together by the best tailors in Montreal. These Suits if made by any tailor in town tronlcl cost at the very least 812.00, but while they last you may buy them at the almost impossible selling price of - $6,75„ -Men's Stylish Overcoats, blade of good serviceable > melton cloth and splendid wearing tweeds. The price of these flue coats is 19.00; while they'last you may buy them for - • - $(i.50 M D Direct Importer., .°1 I 6„„smMAososmo AAItAA;,xm.AAn AAAAAMA/vvvv AA,. A/s/b'!VMMAet 1