HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-13, Page 6THE •WING'IAM TTM NOVEMBER 13. 190
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*Ek vt STilEt antIOw-41(„e 1.
EY 1:N21fH THE msec etSTRCNyf't
r •I r, h
cndon.E'gMo:ttt al,4n Bast e'
all Druggis s &Chea151
Nervousness predominates in wo-
men, luta limen are also subject to it^
.Excess of various kinds causes it, also
intellectual toil and anxiety.
ST. JAMES \\TAXERS are peculiarly.
indicated in any form of nervous de-,
Why. as they tone up theentire sys-•
tem. and. restore the nerves to their
xlnr sal condition, They are indica-a-
tete. in exhaustion,: mental.innrrtia and
senile wea1..ncss•
They contain no alcohol, not being
a liquid remedy. 'their effect therefore
is nut that of :1. mere stimulant, but
tonic and permanent.
S. Janis WARMS help stomach,
digest food and 1•end the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health and strenght,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which accomplishes
"r ,tat partlematly pleased with
tet. fames Wafere. Tiler have
b cu.peciailyuse£ulietnyprac-
ttce whets employed, in nervous
Dr. A. J. Cause.
Itireninghane Eng.
Price) in Cnttzc a : $1.00 ;
Six bottles for $5,00 A,
SI • .nus FF a fersnrr nal a secret
reun;dr: totheruanaeraanxdaclurrre+
,nantedrng thrn, t + utter patients
we mull 1.1e jvrmuta upon ,egneet.
t71te•re dealers are not setting the
\?area, they are mailed upon re.
rept of ',rice at the, Canadian
hone'' : St. icons Wars Ce„ 1728
;t. Cat:terine $t, Montreal.
E REFrom the _..
t' Sanctum Mill
interesting eers•t;r a, Its Teem our Exchanges
Me. Janes Scott, bet -rimer. ha* beeu Principal Giaepe]l, of Hamburg Public
ai resident of Clinton for 21 years. Saint 1, has resiguod.
Wentworth County paid $4:).000 for , The -succession duties in the estate of
the Carpenter system of cult ro George Fletcher, H•iwiltou, were $1,200.
. The corner -stones cif Grant Memorial Nearly 100,000 barrels of Canadian
Ball, was laid et 1. uigston by Sir Saud- p apples were landed last mouth at Liver
ford Flewiug. pool.
Children Cry for Dr. Charlton, of Montreal, claims to
4J I have discovered a serum which will kill
the germs of scarlet fever.
Cn]der & I1oi•n have boon awarded the 1 - :.i,�*"s
contract of -Wilding, a V3,000 Salvation r:
Aruiy barrsevke at Listowel. .
Mrs. M. \'irildfengg, of Berlin, fortiaerly
of I,tatlwel, dea ou lltauday Of last
week *It the atm of 3:] piers atm 21 days.
IlSoch sympathy i5 expreesud for • the
bereaved buabaaud nut young faultily.
Johli Mt L gan !Green, Note of Mrs.
MtccUeth Greens of LihtoweI, diad .iu
Louisville, Iseutucky, ou Nov. let. The
deceased wns to itis 28tii ysti;• And had
beeniu the South forever tin years,.
The Ernoe County W. 0. T..U. is the
winner of thtt banner ;presented this
year to the anion having the greattst
increase in :membership. The Bruce
uuiou uearly doubled its membership.
The total salt's of laud by the Canadi-
an Pacific Railway fur September, were
154,535 steres, as compared with 60,C60
sores for the corrt'spotidiug month last
year. This is another evidence of west-
L�N EFFECTUALLY.ern development. ••
Mr. G. C• Creelmen, superinteltdr•itt
�s L��J
of the flowersilt:stttutete the otherduty pt Oleos
received from a friend at Kamloops, B.C. t a f g‘i
The Maxwell firth, of St. Marys, have
. Mrs, Wm. Carson, an old resident of ' received au order for 30 carloads of ma -
Gerrie, died on Wednes :ay of last week, chines to be shipped to Russia.
.aged 70 years.
The new Bruce county hospital at Children Cry for
Walkerton is rapidly nearing cornpiet- A,A#' �a T
son. The interior will be fuses lied bycj
*agree of the year. •The old timers are in it all right. Jas.
Milbnrti asterling IIpnclaehe Powders Enigtht, 10th con Grey, who is 80 years
give women prompt relief front monthly
pains and leave no bad after effects what- of age, often plows au acre a day on. his
ever. BP sure yon get esiiburu's. Price farm. He's the genuine old stock and
10 and 25 cents. All dealers. no discount on it.
In the matter of hotels in West Huron. William Pollard & Sou, of Hartland
the township of Asbfield has five, Hnl- Farni, McKillop, recently sold' to Mr.
lett bas two, East `Vawanosh one and Il;emilton, buyer for the Grand Trunk
Goderich and C.,iborue towuships have stables, Wiudsor, a. span of three •year
old geldings, for which he received the
handsome price of $425.
alt enort,,ous potato, which weighted 68
ouuoes, and wns Is foot long by over five
inches in width. During potato seeding
11fr. Creelivatt was in the IS:andel ps clil -
trial. and was rather incredulous of the
local stories of 30 -ton per acre potato
crops. He will have amputate preserved
iu alcohol, and may eveutually use it as
au immigration agent among the Irish,
he says jocularly.
none at all,
Mr. Nathaniel Pennell, of Kinlough,
an old and highly respected resident of
Kinlcse, died on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, in
the 83rd year of his age. He was only
ill a few days.
The snit of Mrs. Thomas for $1,000
against Brantford for the death of her
husband, which•wnsalleged to be the
result of a cold caught while nursing
her iu the smallpox hospital, has been
Children Cry for decided in favor of the city.
The Rev. William Hayhurst, one of
the best known of the older ministers of
the Methodist church, (lied nt Watford
on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, after a lingering
illness. Atuoug the stations which he
filled were Seaforth and Palmerston.
British Troop Oil Liniment is tumor -
passed by any liniment on the market
Mr. James Smith, has sold his farm. today. It is composed of healing.
n ulg; ,. tg; ,-,
and extracts. It is put np in large
Mr. Robt. Copeland, of Gerrie, has
been appointed au Organizer for the
Canadian Order of Foresters. Corrie
has now fnrnished three organizers for
this Order. Vizi—Messrs Strong, Doig,
rend Copeland.
Peter B. McNeil, son of J. D. McNeil
has arrived home from Dawson \t here
hehas spent nearly five years. He was
twenty days an tits journey. His w,iuy
friends will be pleased to see him, Dud
no doubt lie can tell many interesting
tales of life in that far off land. We
have not learned if he intends to retrain
in the good old township of Grey or not.
A letter was recently received from
Will, youngest son of Mr, McNeil, who
hes not been heard from for over a year.
He reports liiwself well and working in
Sett Francisco, Cal.
If a child eats ravenously, grinds the
teeth tut night and picks its nose, yon
may elwoat be certaiu it has worms and
should administer without delay Dr.
Lew's Pleasaut Wortn Syrup. This
remedy contains its own cathartic.
The death of Mrs. Spence, of Goder-
iell, which occurred ou Suudav,Nov.2ud,
terminated a long and painful illness.
The deceased leaves three daughters,
Alice, Elizabeth and Hattie, auel outs
sou, Harry, who wt re all with their' bd0u dissolved by mutual consent, and
mother and attended her assiduously j h O
during her trying illness. Her husband.the business has been taken over by Mr. . G
the late Heury Speuce, died in 1805.
Mrs. Spence was bora in Stanley town-
ship, near Clinton, being a daughter of
the late Peter Grant, a large property
owner in that section. She had lived in
Goderich since the,dute of her marriage,
and was well known and highly respect-
soothing it and cleats l vegetable oils
on the Ota concession of Alcliallop, to a
gentleman from the neighborhood of bottles for the small price of 25 cents. was a native of Euglena and carne to
Brussels. The farm contains 160 acres, On Wednesday, anada with her husband itt 1851 and
and the price paid was around $5,000• y, Oct.Uct. 20th,4at a- o'clock had lived in Goderich ever since, earning
Mr. Smith retains posse;siou of the saw about 40 invited guests ass mbled at the
Smith , the esteem of all who know her by her
residence of Edward and bars. }'fetcher,
of Ethel. to witness the marriage of their quiet goodness and sincerity.
For Cats Wounds, Childlains,Chapped eldest daughter, Miss Eleanor J. , to
k Hands, Rheumatism, St'fn.ofnts.Bnrns, Robt. 3. Ritchie of Elites. The care- Do you wear 'libbers? If
i e Scalds, Bites of Inserts, Croup, Coughs,
Colds, Hagyard's Yellow Oil will be irony was performed by Rev. H. E. SO, buy rubbers with a reputa-
found an excellent remedy. Price 25 Curry, of Monktou, assisted by Rev. G. tiOil. " C. R. Co." rubbers
cents. All dealers. P. Wells, B. D., ander an arch of ever -have stood the test of half a
z Mr. Herman Bnbolz has disposed of
F► Itis farm on •the Kippeit road, south of
Bgmondville, to Mr. And. McLellan, of
ITS tat�° �'lG'TS,
CVKYt<<•: uCAI.Ce�O, N tOp4
Mr. Issue R,tttettbury,• few mew vete
pro rioter of the Itattenbnry Iianse.
Qliuton, and brother itt,daw of 11Ir,eGeo.
l'. Iltscuat, died on Nov- f;th, nt tht
HowewoodStalrlitariani,.Guelph, whorl
tie had twee, trOt!'wt fornervotte trouble
lie was elle ol3,14i Tot•ideiit of Clinton,
whiuli••wes iol.0 4tsl by hie -father. lie -
. wart umner"r. tett eiiti'hed retired from tht
Rotel 1»isiuess sevt-rat• earl ago.
Alii;hand P55 w t3: a stoppeug overnight
ilea city for the t:st;t tithe. Vat stat
ass -tit -tutted from his slumbers li,f a fir.
tliunt and got to the window jest es tie
•teitut sugiue with. the }torile s on the rot
lid tl.e sntotte and 5palks pouring fron-
t to stet Is, want t y.' A moment leter,tts
,t•tesati utig;iee oasts 01 sight teat ugt
down the street, This fives too nn)ch,
alta tete edited lrishstan yelled: "Get
nit, AiiIce •Phey'le tinning hell; too
wegm► loads have one by already•"
�n• OR. A. W, CHASE'S
t$ ,fent direct to ehaVilleeneed
pans by the lowered plower.
Heels the ulcers, cleats the alt
paseages.stops droppingsIn the
tbroet and permanently egret
Catarrh and Hey Fever. Blower
free. All dealers, or Ur, A. w. Chase
Itedleins Co,. Toronto and Huffab
0. N. Howard, of Rochester who
smite at the W. 0. T. U eelivt litinn itt
Toronto last Thursday, paitl this triblitr•
to our y:onne Canneltc: "ehe best
reputation which any young uiun nal,
lave rut the other cede ier the feet of his
Canadian birth. (Applause.) To be
Itrwfl in Cantula is to giye you n repute -
teen for hunosty trod .nuwhwad alt °yet
t te United States. Lot a young mato go
into uoy,etty of R•lch•-tater and tiny be h
front Canada and 15 loses • not of 20 ht
will get tete jrth."
A branall of the Bank of Hamilton i
to be establisl ed at Atwoud,
Mr. Crane, of I3`iu i entitle, lets b ea
engaged as prlucipal of the public
schools of Parolee. .
To secure prohibition in Ontario, the
temperance people will have to poll 212,
723 votes ate the referendum Dec. dth.
"C. R. Co." rubbers are the
most tasty and best construct-
ed rubber shoes in Canada.
If you value comfort and
wear insist on your shoe dealer
supplying you with this brand.
M. r Ower Sixty Tearr.
An Ohl and \V.-']l•Tt-ell hetnerly—Mn
\Vilts1ow's SoothingSyrup has boon neer
tier overaixty guars byntilhounof tuother•
for their children winle teething, witl.
perfect success. It seothee the chili&
3ntteus the grans, allays all panto, intro.
wind colic, and is the best renrt•ely t'm
diarrhoea. It 14 pleasant to t•hu mete
Sold by drutzgists in Lavery part of the
world. Tweuty-five tents a bottle. Ire
value is inealeulalde. Be sure you ask
for Mrs \Vinelow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
The firm of Lee & Shephard, of God- A L L
erich, dealers iu hardware, stoves, fern- I�
aces, tinware and pluutbing, etc., bas T
Genuine Catatonia alv av•s b,•9rs :he signature
el Chas. lf. Fletcher.
Charles 0. Lee, the senior member of tin
firm. •
Cattle from tho Canadian Northwest
now find sale in the old country wtu -
kets. Two shipmeut of tattles from the
Northwest raioheo, IA0 cars in all, re-
cently passed through Lit. Paul en their
way to Liverpool via Boston. Several
more -shipment will follow ou the same
route. .
Hugh Cameron and J. A. Elliott c f
ltidgetown have invented a machice
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. (which promises to be c f great value to
This machine a bent sugar 'When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. su i,' growers.
When she becatne miss, she clung to Castoria. made on the principle of a rotary hoe
Whenshehad Children,shegave them Castoria. and cultivator, and is used for blocking
out the beets. It does the work now dote
A terrible accident, with fatal results, t by sixteen men.
occurred.Thursday, , Oet.30th,at the home
of Edward Sharman, East street, Gorier -
kb. While the family were at the
supper -table Mrs. Sharman rose and
went to the adjoining room for some
purp.ies and in the dark fell down the
cellar-way,receiving such injuries to her
head as to cause dee th within three
hours. She did not gain couscioustiess.
Mrs. Sharmau,. although seventy-two
years of age, was strong and active, and
her death, so sudden and in. so distress-
ing a manner, is a severe blow to her
husband and fatally. Mrn. Sharman
greens and roses. century. Fit and style speak
On Friday, the 28th, the electors of for themselves.
Goderich will vote on. two money by -
Hibbert. The farm contains 211 acres latus The first is for this purpose of Un Thursday Oat, 30th, death Omitted
and was sold for $3 000. It is one of the loaning the sum of $25,000 to the Goder_ another of the old settlers who have
most edinfortable homes in the town- ieb Organ Company, to enable them to contributed so mach to snake Huron Co.
iI1 be Deco led ny M: • lists- in every respect one of the best in Ou-
ship and w p
rebaild their factory,which was destroy
xaellau himself and, he gets possession on ea by fire a few weeks ago. The second ratio lie the person of Mrs. Thos. Mcln•
Why do I wear "C. 1T. Co.
rubbers ? Because they fit
properly and wear better than
any other rubber shoe in the
market. You can not afford
to be without a pair if you
value your health,
Under the Criminal Cotte every outs
in Canada, -'who sells a pistol or argon
without keepiug a record of such sale,
the date thereof and the name of the
purchaser, and maker's name or otht r
marked by which the matter may be
identified" is liable to fine of twenty-five
dollars. The law also for -bids miueis
from carrying weapons.
Teat of the Future.
Most people who dread the future are
victims of some terrible disease. Mrs.
W. Francis, 204 Colborne street, King•
stop, was in a bad state with kidney tri-
sease. She hail severe pains in back
and legs, was gradually losing flesh and
felt a dread of the future. A friend
recommended Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills and the result was a complete Ctlre.
There is no medicine more reliable, r.ot,o
„ roru athorough cure.
so certain top ace
Ono pill a dose, 26c a box.
the istof March is to enable the municipality to take $50- tyre of Hensall who had attained the
''The cattle guard commissioner Sp- 000 worth of 5 per cent. preference stook good ago of 77 years. Mrs. 112nlntvro
pointed by the Dominion. Government in the Huron, 'Bruce and Grey Electric.
Was born in the North of Ireland, being
has fixed Stratford as the Central points Railway. the only child of Jatnes Walker. When
for the counties of Waterloo, I3rnce, quite young she was brought with her
The essentipl lout; -healing principle parents to Canada and the family settled
Huron, Perth and Oxford, to hear farm. of tate pine tree has finally 'been success- hear Iroquois in the eastern part of the
era and stockmen give their statements fully stparaterIand refiv' •arcaperfect
and state their grievances to the cone -
mission. The date of the conference is
•toile agreed upon by the representatives
of these counties.
rough lnedieine in Dr. Wood's Norway proviuee. She was married at Motlnt-
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers oil a an to Tltomus 1120lntyre about 50 years
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 ago and after the birth of two children
cents. they moved to Stanley Tp. and settled
A representative of the Goderie'1 ou the /labiyoll litto when tide whole
A serious accident happened to Mr. Signal last week observed a fne-lo kg notion was a -wilderness. Here they
George Henry of flowick, while engaged field of turnips ott the 8111 con. of Col- hewed out a hotnc,suf Bring all the hardy
threshing at Mr. Stevv'art's, a neighbor. borne vrhieh lie was interested itt learn- ship incident to n settlement in a new
Mr. Henry is supposed to have fallen ing bad been grown by John r3uehanai,, country. Her husband departed this life
trent a mow orscattolding, and sustained a veteran of over eighty years. Be put !about 13 years ago.
ware injuries to his spine. No one
lair him all and he was unconscious
'when piqued up, and floes not know him.
*if how the accident happened. Mr.
ry is new progressing favorably, and
friends hope he may soon te all
t at ain.
in the three acreshimself and hoed them
all, and he is not to blame for beill.t'
proud of the result, for they are as flue a
lot of roots as can be found in a day's
journey. Mr. Buchanan thinks they
can't be beat and is willing to wager a
hat on it.
A somewhat serious accident happen-
ed to Mr, Henry Waechter, son of John
Waechter of Greenock, on Thursday,
Oct, 30th. While engaged in working
around the threshiug• machine nt Mr.
Errington's in Brant, his clothing wrs I
caught in the shaft connecting the horse•
power with the separator, and the result
1was that he was stripped almost staked,
.receiving a severe shock in the operation.
He. has since been under the doctor's
That can rte worked into
faultless tailoring will find
their wev into plant Suis or
Overcoat, or anything you
order het e.
It's onr plan to please our
costumers—t0 Rive all we can
-to take tie little as we can
Take ndvantnge of every art.
vantage, ([nnt among„ tits•
biggest variety of the niosi
faehionahle fabries--and pad
not a cent noire then .you
ought. .
These conditions rule here.
Mon Aur Tatum.
Not I1owCheapi
is"&e Me a= OUST twins do your WQPiraN
Don't plod along like your grandmother did bolero
you, scouring and scrubbing; bonding and rubbing'.
It cleans everything and
injures nothing. More economical tho,n soap.
Made only by THE N. R. F'AII BANK COMPANY.
Chicago. Now York, Boston, St, Louis. Montreal.
makes housework easy,
t " {{°'titJ•,t ,�''^'i"' •L1i' •� t�� Yb 4,ry 7 �1�a '�"r'rf',�',�'yly,�.
�.yrgiG , .. ,wlW: xt•:t's3.rs.. .".�.i31i:.'in�c1.� n,:;•r., W
CIuo.ing : iers0
A/� /� �p �p A Vq
Yi�!AA �W \/`i/ A `/ FV'rk1 A CP'tr�7�VA
Tui: TIMES announces the following low - rate
C ubbing Offers for igoz-o3 :—
Times till Jail. 1st, 190"4 $1 00
Tithes and Weekly Globe, including the premium
picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Gov'ernots 1 CO
Tittles and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
premium pictures; ' Alone" and ~ T."ul sty. 1 75
Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. including your
choice of premium pictures, " The Doctor," or
Contentment." 1 75
Times and Weekly Witness 1 GO
Times and Western Advertiser 1 40
Times and Weekly Sun 1 7 5
Times` and Daily Globe,. e 4 85
Times and Farmers' Advocate.., 1 85
Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 20
We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. -.We can?'
give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine
published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down
so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use
asking for cheaper rates.
In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new
subscribers for the balance• of 1902 FIiT:E. The rates quoted'
are for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers.
will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers.
Call at the office, or address—
But h ®W Good WiflghalT ,
The most successful farmers in Canada
read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they
think about their work, they act upon its
teachings, and they are its greatest admirers.
Its editors and contributors are specialists.
contains the cream of agricultural thought,
and practical men contmue to read it be-
cause it pays then: and .because they want
the best. We want thousands of new .sub-
scribers who will appreciate something gond.
The sooner you subscribe, the more you
A will get.
A liver pill that is small and sure,
that acts gently, quickly and thorough
ly, that does' not gripe. Laxa-Liver
Pills possess these qualities. and are a
sere cure for liver Complaint, Constira•
tion, Sick Headache, etc.
20 Years of Itching t'ltes
Mr, Alex. MnL5ti hiin, I1Qivinanvtlle,
Ont., f'in'ites that for twenty ;tears be
suffered terribly from itching pi
Seven years a`xo he asked a druggist for
the best euro for piles and was told to
use Dr. (Base's Ointment. Ile coutiliu•
ed this treatment• until entirely oared,
a d as he has hewer had any retail, et`
his old trouble considers his Mira per•
lnatient and remarkable on eoconnt of
the length of time ho suffered.
For $i.00 we will send to new submit/tea
every ;sane of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE
front now till the end of te03, including the
benutifttl Christmas Number toe both years.
Tinto is a'ne • Read 1 think act I Sendd
for n free copy co sample if you want to see a
practical, tip•fo•datelarmcr's paper. It will
please you.
Aletirenee t
OR William Weld Co., DtC.
A.:.'t'i 'girds r`.i-.•• •�'•..
Txu.'l.'r OUGHT TO EtieD
?_t . `••t.[•."., q •{tES1xAKti6v4-$t'''. '.l '.,.
In every home in this district
Will supply you with the Latest acid most interesting Leal
Home and Foreign News, and
Its Special features are-- llatket Reports that are uti-
t5qualled for FUL1iYT~55 and RELIABILITY.
Regular contributions i "Bystander" on current events.
Reports of Conveutioe •., ee.aeociations and meetings of in-
terest and value (_ .•t4 farmers, dairymen and stockmen.
Practical talks each weep on Live Steele, Dairying, Perm
Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjecte.
atuesotaetse NOW rI a1`
TH.s TIMES oinx Si 1.75
T�n 1f' ,Izif?I�x
�,r 1
Ate] we Will send The Suit free for the balance of Igo*..
T. -taxes arour order at office,