The Wingham Times, 1902-11-13, Page 2TILE WINGIIAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 131 1902,
leSTASI.,11411141 ere.
Ft.WLIi1O'"'. frilin,INiI1t,I1. AHr1! PitoklilitTOR
THURSDAY, NOV. 13. 1902.
Tho special correspondent of the To,
Tonto Daily Globe. who has been inter-
esthug articles en the great immigration
front the Western States to Menitoba
and the Canadian Northwest hes had
some opportunities for observing the op-
eratien of the prohibition law iu North.
Dalteta. Iu a recent iuteresting letter
from Minto, N. D.,be incidentally refers
to this matter, and lives Soule valuable
evidence that prohibition makes liquor
selling difficult, end prohibition is effec-
tive, Here is nn extract from his letter:
"Opinions necessarily vary E;reatly as
to the efficiency of the prohibition law.
There seems little doubt that driukiug
is leesene4 greatly in the smaller centres.
At the saute time those who ,know the
Popes' claim to be able to get liquor
without difficulty. The round -about
method necessary to obtain it and the
ignominy which attaches to those wits
carry a j ng iu a sack or a bottle beneath
their coat, has s restricting iufiuenoe on
the timid ones. -
"Iu Grand Forks and Fargo. cities of
abort 10,000 each, there is not a sign of
drinkiug to be seen auywhere, and the
cities are apparently filled with law
abiding total abstainers, bat cross the
Red River to East Grand Forks and to
Moorhead on, the. Miuuesota side, and
the streets bristle with saloons euoueh
to t:atisfy a double population..
"It is a matter for local consideration
whether this ceutralizatiou of the traffic,
clean as it leaves the streets ot the Da-
kota cities, is an advantage. In Miuto
the outpost of civilization, and ceutre
ofa great trausfnt
population,ulation, the
'bliud pigs' fierlrish without much iuter-
fereuce, and drunken men are rather
common. Apparently the question de-
pends here, as in all other places, upon
•the strength of public sentiment locally."
Another of Mr. Whitney's followers
has fallen by the wayside. What anti-
climax! . Immediately after the general
election, Mr. Whitney filled the public
prints with tales of Grit corruption.
Be was going to spriug a mine that
would blow the Rosa Government to
atoms. He called a convention of his
party and breathed "threats and slaugh-
ter" against the "machine." He prom-
ised that the election courts would un-
mask a hideous conspiracy against the
public morals. The Government would
be forced to resign, and appeal again to
the country. Protests were filed against
nearly half of the Liberal members -elect
charging all sorts of' electoral crimes.
Only three or four of the petitions will
go to court. Oue-East Middlesex -has
been tried already and we think the un-
biased reader of the ",evidence will say
that Dr. Routledge and his friends
fought a; clean campaign. Mr, Whitney's
threat was merely stage thunder -a
brutum fulmen. His' incurable vice as
a public man is a habit of reckless exag-
geration and defamation. Wheu he
wants to be emphatic he is abusive -too
often calulnuious. The late Hon. A.
S. Hardy once described hila as a man
who was always trying to shoot flies
with a cannon. He is continually mak-
ing such a huge noise over trifles that
the public has ceased to take him serious-
ly -London Advertiser.
lone, the largest the country ever knew,
Ip'tabacco, itnu(f,, mud eil;hrettee, the
total taker► for oousnutpthon eves 11,900-
05•f pounds; 232,353 latitude were eaFbrt-
ed, Of cagy leaf,10.70t lba, end of
Ceuadian twig, 7e,280 lbs were taken
for cousntAntlou; 15(1,fi81,795dieters were
tut►uufactured during the year, a ]arae
ilrrrefise; 151,700,510 were taken for
consumption, auci 128,845 exported,
The annual report of the Inland Rev-
enue Department for the fiscal year up
to June shows that the consumption
per Capita in Canada of spirits was .790
gallons, the largest since 1885 ; of beer,
5,102 gallons, the largest since confeder-
ation; of wine, ,090 gallons, the largest
since 1805; of tobacco, 2.404 pounds, the
largest since 1885.
The quantity of spirits produced in a
year was 3,e34,147 gallons as compared
with 2,652,708 gallons the year before.
The export was 1551,799 gallons, the
largest on record. The quantity on
which duty was paid was 3,123,4130 gat.
Bladder Troubles,
Kidney Disease
Old people are especially liable to de-
tangetnents of the kidneys and bladder
and it is therefore not unusual to find
them great admirers of Dr. Chase's Ili&
bey -Liver Pills.
Mr. John Lalone, Woodworker, Ttene
ton, Ont., states: -"I am seventy year*
old and have been using Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills for some time, I have
been troubled a great dean with my kid-
neys and bladder and at times would go
two or three days without passing any
thing. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills
have proved to be exactly what I needed
and I owe it to than that I am in such
good health today. They acted promptly
on reyq kidneys and bladder with the most
satisfactory results, bringing quick relief
and setting these organs in perfect working
bee pill a close, 2se. h box, et all
Hates &Co.,
sn C
3~dman. Insist on getting what you ask
for acid refuse substitutes.
�I d . r Pills
The 13 ter war cast £335,000,000 (over
;81,100.000,000) which ;s three times the
cast tilt the Crimean war; the people
have borne it without a n.urmnr; and
this enormous umous expenditure has no whit
impaired the eredit of the United King-
dom. , Could Gert$auy'have achieved
this result; or France, or Itus$la?
Financially the Uuited States of Atuerica
might have been equal to the task; but
there is not a siugle power on the cqn-
tinent of Europe which it would not
have ruined. Iu any of them the ex-
peuditure would ]lave bred riots, revolut-
ion and Ioss of the. empire. Still, even
asEugiandhasuever gloated over her
.uilitary - successes is the great extrem-
ity with whieh she. was recently beset,
so she will not be purse proud over her
fivaucial triumphs -Pall Mall Gazette.
Did Not Advertise
Some of the leading United States
papers are claiming that the failure of
the American Bicyele Company is due
to the fact that this company did not
advertise. The early bicycle companies
succeeded immensely because the daily
and weekly papers were full of their ad-
vertisements. When the bicycle combin-
atious of alt tate leading companies were
formed, they adopted the policy of leav-
i ig the advertising field. and, in con-
sequence, ' all the public 'interest in
wheeling disappeared.
In Canada we have had instances of
the fall;t
re of non -advertising bicycle
0 t
combivations to make dividends, but it
was generally supposed that bioycling,as
a sport had died a natural death. It is
generally found that nou-successful men
in business are non -advertisers. They
do not avail themselves of the only
means of keeping their busiuess before
the public mind, and consequently the
public take no interest in and know little
of their business. It is a well-known
fact thatlthe most prosperous business
men -men who are building up wealth,
are and always have been, men who ad-
vertised extensively:; Merchants keep
your business constantly before the
public, if you want to succeed, or you
will get left.
An English Author Wrote;
"No shade. uo st"iino, ne fruit. no
flowers, no leaves.-Tovomberl" Many
Americans would adeno freedom from
catarrh, which is so aggravated during
this month that it becomes constantly
troublesome. There is abundant proof
that catarrh is a constitutional disease.
It is related to scrofula and consumption,
being one of the wasting diseases. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has shosyn that what is cap-
able of eradicatiug 'scrofula, complete-
ly cures catarrh and'taken in time pre-
vents cousumption." We cannot see bow
any sufferer can put oft taking this med-
icine, in view ot the wider published
record of its radical and permauent
cures. It is undoubtedly America's
Greatest Medicine for America's Great-
est Disease -Catarrh,
Sounds can be heard twice the distance
ou water that they can on laud.
For the sum of twopence the prim-
itive Methodist Mission in the White-
chapel -road provides the needy with
medical advice and medicine.
Fish-hooks are precisely the same in
shape as they were 20 centuries ago.
The only difference fp in the material.
The most valuable fur is that of the
sea :otter.' £200 has been paid for a
siugle skin not more than two yards
long by three-quartQrs of a yard wide.
The natives of the Andemau Islands,
the smallest people its the world, average
three feet eleven inches in:height and
less than 70 lbs. In weight.
The Royal Crown of Persia, which
dates back to remote ages,is in the form of
a pot of flowers surmounted by an uncut
ruby about the size of a hen's egg.
Probably the most extraordinary jeer-
- nal in the world published weekly in
Athens. It is written entirely in verse,
even to the advertisefnents.
It has been discovered that a cow will
yield more milk if soothed daring the
milking by a pleasing melody. Iu
Switzerland a milkman or milkmaid
gets better wages if gifted with a good
voice. {
"One -minute luncheons," for business
men are 'being provided in New York.
Customers stand before a revolving
!counter and help themselves to the
1 viands as they pass, the circuit occupying
one minute.
The ostrich has long been laughed'at
9 for hiding its head, when hunted. It is
!really the wiseist , thing the bird could
I do, for its long necit is by far the mast
easily seen part of it body-pinmttge
1 harmonizes perfectly with the desert
The statement oftdcretary bielles at
I the Western lair Board meeting held
Saturday at`tornoan�rihaived a total gate
recellit of $19,000, as against $12,000 for
last �etrr,
and a a
e in Mudd
$3,000, as against ni in 1001.
A Lady Says:
Has Been Worth Hundreds ni
Dollars to Me;
A Happy p r and Com llete Cure
After Righteen Years of
Awful Agony,
AU weary and dishearten)d sick
people and those who have last faint in
the retnediws they have used in the past
because noire of theta have given indi-
cations or cheering results, should now
be filled with a strong deter/oblation to
make use of the one medicine that cures
disease -the new n4ertt of tiewltfe Wet
saves hopeless and'despeiring sufferers
after all other agetekies and means fail.
The thousands ott victims of torment-
ing neuralgia after leading the testimony
of Mrs, G. IL•Prtrkpr, of Winona, Ont.,
must see, that to tilted a coutinuanoe of
suffering and the possibility of sndddn
death, it le ebsoiut iy uecessttry to use
Paine's Celery Con ound, the only ate-
dict a that c s i is
u su ce sf 1 banishes l ttr.t -
ba tests 1
iiia and kindred uerve diseases. Mrs,
Parker says:
"I heve been a r•eat sufferer from
neuralgia for nearly eighteen years, and
my sufferings at tunes were so bad diet
words fail to describe thele. After hav-
ing tried a host of remedies, I was per-
suaded to use Paiue's Celery Compound.
I am happy to say Ilia' uow a different
wontau and courpletely cured. I can
recommend ?crime's Celery Contpouud,
it has beeu worth hundreds of dollars to
Report of S. S, No. 3, Tnruberry for
the month of October. Names in order
of merit:
Fifth Class-Oheete1 Dunkin, Bessie
Fourth Class-AddierDankin, Maggie
Muir, Bert Elliott, Chailie Aitken,
Third Sr. -Etta Elliot, Mary Aitken,
hElliott.Mabel Ei
7.htrcl Jr.-WalkerRutherford,Roy
Elliott, g,
Second Sr, - James Aitken, Aegie
Wallace, Robbie Aitke Andrew Wal-
lace, Myrtle Gray.
Second Jr. --Willie Marshall, Aggie
Rutherford, Lillie Baird, Ethel Case -
more. Leo Bok, Mabel Butcher.
Part II Sr. -Walter Hawke, Thomas
Wallace, Ada Elliott, Mabel Baker, Geo.
Part II Jr. -Robbie Muir,Bella Eadie,
Helen Rutherford.
Part 1 Sr.-Genrge Ratherford,Maggie
Aitken, Bertha Marshall, Elmer Aitken.
Part I Jr. ---Willie Elliott, Alice Dun.
kin, Lora McGlynn, Ida McGlynn,
Thomas Bache, George Bok, George
Average attendance 32.
B. Pl ausot . Teacher.
Mrs. Josephine A. Tehornton secured a
divorce at Indianapol-s. She says she
married Chas. A. Th rnton ton years
ago, and that they ha ,� moved 30 tines
or on an average of three tinges a year,
her husband contending that it was
cheaper to move than to .pay rent.
The change in thea editorship of the
Christian Guardian does not necessarily
take place until Jane next, but it is pos-
sible that Rev. Dr. Courtice may retire
at the end of this year so that the chauge
in the shape of the paper, decided ou at
the last general conference, and change
of editor may take vlace at one and the
same time.
Co." rubbers are rubber shoes
MADE IN CANADA by the Can-
ada Rubber Company.
John Alexander Dewie, who declares
himself to be Elijah, the restorer, is not
the only claimant to the mantle of the
great Prophet of Israel. A new sect in
Russia calling them elves Enochites bas
arisen. They declare "Elijah has come
to earth and lives near St. Petersburg,
and they predict the end of the world
in two years. With two Elijahs, one in
United States and the other in Russia,
there be acomnissiou appoint-
ed to decide whether Dowie or the leader
ot the Enocltites is, the greater impostor.
Lever's Y -Z (WiseBead) Disinfotitant Soap
Powder is a boon to any hone. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. Zs
Here is the manner in which one
housewife had to a certain degree over-
come the pressing question of fuel: She
took four cotnmonlbricksand placed them
in a pail. Over rite bricks she poured a
gallon of kerosene' oil aub let them stand
until the bricks had absorbed all the oil
they could take rill,. Then she took out
two of the brielts and placed them in the
kitchen range and et fire to thele. They
burned fully twoi hours, and the fire
that they made was one by which it was
possible to do any ,kind of cooking or
other work requiring considerable heat.
The lady says in this way it will be pos-
sible in her home to get along with the
cooking, washing ,and freeing without
resort of gas. There was no tuipleasant
odor or any trouble whatever, for the
oil just blazed away like a stove fall of
wood. '4
Are you satisfied with your income? Is your
tithe fully °eeupted ? If not, write us. We can
give you employment:, by the month. en good
terms Or contract to ay you well for stela
business as you secttre for us at odd tittles. We
employ both male and female re resentatives.
The next three months is the very best time to
Dell our goods. No deposit is acquired; outfit
is absolutely free. We have the largestnurser-
iea in Canada -over ROO acres --a large range of
new 8 leeialti s a d
Imitablee , n all our stock i
1st s
attaranteed as represented. If you want to
the ar ge. • 0
represent t 1 9t hit st popular tt v
p 1.and best
known nursery, write M. twill be Worth
your while.
STONE & WELTaINGTON, Torottto,Ortt,
"Canada's Greatesturscriess,"
a<x< 4,,t$ '*0
100 "YOUNG MEN WANT1,il-Tnquality for
plosltious as stouographers at
The Canada Business Goliege
Positions at $50 and 400 per month. are to -dap
going hoziling for voting m"n to fill then..
We have ;row eleven unfilled calls for male
stenographers atone, and the number keeps
tucrehsmg it °net : the best field we kubw of
to -day for bright, capable yenta; hien.
Write for m414:113,40 and Catnlogne,
ID piol�Af RfAN ,a CO., CilA7'1TAIIf, ONT.
-F4gEST. rt..
ifY '/�'� ;��fee
I �
Business Law, Writing, • Correspond-
ence, Typewriting, etc„ thoroughly
taught by experienced teachers at the
Forest City Business and Short-
hand College,! - Landon, Ont..
We have no difficulty in placing eom-
peteut pupils in good positions. College
re -opens Sept. 2. Scud for Catalogues,
J. W. WESTERVELT, - Principal,
But do they: Fit?
if t
When you buy :. suit of
Clothes they must. fit right
as well as look rigiit.
They'll last longer
• i
and that is what Dives you
value in clothes.
767 Order your Suit or Overcoat
made by.
in the Shaw Block
it 6tC g 6
i •
i4A' 11.Viitik'iglRU1riIfel1I`i14t,11I
) -'
' c l
A MOST acceptable ,
Christmas Gift is a
box of " Ryrie" station-
ery, stamped in,relief
with a monogram:
We engrave 8 steel die with
any three letters, asshows
Stamp from it 120 sheets of
choice note paper: -
And furnish envelopes to
match; for a Coati cost of 84,00.
The "die" will last a lifetime.
Write for our net! catalogue.
Ryrie Bros.,
Yonge and Adelaide Streets,
, a
.moi ..
nefere. After' Wooa's T2ospp+odine,
The Great Etfptitle Eemedrr.
Sold and reeornmended by ail
druggists in Canada. Oniy reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms of Sexual Weekness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, FIcesalve us' of To-
bacco, Opium or stimulants. Mailed on .ecelpt
of price, one pprekage $1, six, $5. Onakiff Please.
tiz'WUcure, -Pamphiets free to any address.
Tho '♦,rood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Photphodine issold ih Wingham by
Colin A. Campbell A. L. Hamilton, R. A.
Douglass, and T. Ls. Campbell,
1 0 COi1 `til lM J..11. {' ES•
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering for
several yoars with a tieVere leng affection arid
that dread disease Consumption,
ie anxious to
make known to his follow sufferers the means
of etre, To those who desire it, he will cheer.
fully send (free of charge) a copy of the pre•
seription used, which they will find n cure for
run tion Asthma Catarrh Tirort hi -
Cons c
r ,
tis and all throat ntd .ung ritaladies. He,
o ea all sufferers will try his remedy, h py, as it IS
ihvaitoble. Those desiring the pre9ori ti
which will Dost them nothing, and may prote
blessing, will nplesee addreas, Her. ED-
WARD A. WILSON, Brooklyn, New' York,
BAPTIST Cliuiwu--Sabbath s'+rvices at
11 s in and 7 p t,t, Sunday School at
2::10 p nl. General prayer n ug
ale Wednesday evouings. Rev: 0..r. iit-
tertiou,13.A..,pastor. W.J.Chapnia;t, S.S.
Supet'fritei;deut, -
Mr'rIiOwsT Cnultcii-^Sabbath services
at 11 tan and 7 p tn. SuI1dny School at
2:80 p Epworth League every Mon,
day evening, General prayer meeting
on Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard
Hobbs, pastor. Dr. 'fowler, S, S. Sup•
Petse renuar CuURcli--Sabltatli ser-
vices at 11 .a nt and 7 p Ill, Suuday
School at 2:80 p Iii, General prayer
meeting o;; Wednesday evenings, Rev..
D. l'errie, pastor and S ", Seiperinten-
ST. PAUL'$ Cnuitb 3, Ei'ISCOPAir-Sab-
bath services nt 11 a in and 7 p ni. Sun-
day School at 2 :8Q p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.
Wm. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S.
SALVATION ARM Service at 7 and 11
a in and 3 and 8 p . in ou Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the .barracks.
POST OFFICE -In Macdonald Block.
Otfiee hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
MEcHANios' I1rserrll'rE-Library and
free reading rooms in the Town. Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 2 to
5:30 o'clock and every evening from 7 to
9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie. Robertson,
Towet COUNCIL -A, Vanstone, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Mc.
Indo°, J J. Elliott, W. F. VanStoue,
A. J. Irwin, Councillors; J. B. For-
guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Williem
Clegg, Assessor, Wm. Robertsou, Col.
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month, at 8 o'clock.
Sonoor. BOARD. ---H. Kerr, (chairman),
Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, . J. J.
Homuth, Win. M oro, Thos. Bell, Wm.
Button, C. N. Grin. Secretary, Wnt.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove,'Principal, Miss Bra
Miss Reyolds,
Miss, Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss McLean, Miss Matheson
Miss Reid, and Miss Cummings.
BOARD or }Inman -Mayor . Vanatoue,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec -
rotary; Dr, J. R. Macdonald, Medical
Health Officer
J. J. Elliott, V. S.
Honorary Graduate of
, Ontario 'Veterinary
j• Uellgppo.
Office and Infirmary
zorner of Victoria and
Minnie Sts. Wingham.
Day and night calls
promptly attended to
Telephone conne etion.
-6311Tela ho eCom an
' p : py
A new issue d the SUB-
for the District of Western
Ontario, including t h e
WING EI A M Exchange,
will be issued early in
September. Orders f o r
new connections. changes
of address, changes of
names, duplicate entry of
names, etc., should be
placed at once to ensure
their appearance.
including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
Heads, Circulars, &c., &c„ executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
short notice.
BOONIO m7NG.-We are pleased to announce
that any Books or Magaa nes left with us for
Binding, will have our prompt attention
Prices for Binding in any style will be given on
application to
nib4,vie'1rt 60YU.AF1S"
t "
Anyone sending a sketch and description map
Invention fg r obably patentabih free whethas
tions strictly confidential, hand book on Patent.
sent free. Oldest agency dor securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn Fi 0e. receive
apeciaii--,nonn7tke, withopu-t charge, ,ypi,o the
QQ ,yy,``
S9 1il'ib i tBg ` cash
A handsomely ith.riratp,t weekly. Largest cur
culation of any setcntiao i•mrnni. Terms. V, a
year: fent* 81. Cott bya,8 >rewedeale.,ad.
ftlU 411 & Cn.3Ci0ttoadxay, New \rilr�
1rsnch 0011,. 01111 VI. wspl.,•. ,•,n. P ty
London 6.50 a.m.... 8.lOp.m
Toronto & East -.9 ran,658 a.m.... 8,05p.m,
Kincardine -11.10 a.m1.40 p -m,... 8.88p,1n.
AR tss'5 ifi Oar
Kincardine .. ,.6.50 a,m0.00 a,m.... 101 p.m.
London... , 11.10 0.m.... 7,55 p.m.
PaInterston ,. 11.10 a.m.
Toronto & East 1.40 p.m.... 8.88 pan.
L. HAROLD, Agent, Wingharn.
Totontoand East.,....,. 6.57 a,m..,. 8.98 p.m.
Teoswater 1.17 p.m....10.48 p.m.
Altil/1 s manna
Teeswater..... 6.57 am 848 pan.
Toronto And East 117 p.m.. ,.10.48 pan.
3. H, BEEMER, Agent, Wingham.
WANTED. -A trustworthy gentternan or lady
countymintage business for an
in each b to old
established houseof solid finhneial standing.
A straight, bone fide weakly Cn h salary
sl8.00P aid by' cheek etfeli- Wedne1day With all
expenses direct from :headquarters. Money
advanced for expenses'. Manager, 840 Caxton
Bldg., Chicago,
• 113 1'U1 L1811 D
The Times °Mee, Beaver Bloch
Teens or eingelitir eiov--41 t per annum in
advance $1.60 if ret so loud, No harper ttiscoa
tinned till ail arrears art, paid, except at tine
option of the publisher.
ADVE11TI8INO mires, - Legal tied other
casual advertisemeate Se per Nonparicl line for
first insertion, 8e per lino for each subsequent
Advertisements. in local columns are charged
10 ets. per line for arae insertion, and 5 cents
per line for each subsequent insertion,
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayyed,
Fauns for Salo or to Punt, nitd siruilar, ±; AO tor
lirst month and 80 cents for each subsequent
CoNxltAcs. RATgs--Tho following table shows
our rates for the insertion of advertisementa
for specified periods:-
sPACE. I Ya, Ono. 8 ma. 1 Mf`
One Column $60.00 $85,00 $15.00 Se PP
.Half Column 85.00 18.00 10.00 4.t)t)
Quarter Column 18,00 10.00 0.00 2.00
Advertisem(uts without specific directions
will be inserted till forbid and. thorned accord.
ingly. Transient advprtisementrd must. bo paid
for in advance.
Tan Jon DmatirrMENT is stocked with en
extensive assortment of all requisites for print-
'ilrg, affording facilities not entailed in the
county for turning eut.IIrst class work, Large
type and appropriate cub' for all styles of Post-
ers, Hand Bilis, ore., and tho latest styles of
choice fancy type for the finer °teases of print
Proprietor and Publisher
TP KENNEDY M. L).. M.C. P. 8.0
Member. of the British Medical Associa-
tion. Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special
attention, paid to diseases of Women and Child
ren. Ocoee hours -1 to 4 p. nt.:7 to 9 p. m.
Centre Street
Wingham, Ontario.
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Office..Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis'
Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
aI.D n0.11-4.0
O.Di, Df
BB, arfl,Caf. of C i' 6 0.
OrrxeE-Chisholm Block, Josephine street.
' RE$tDENOE In rear of block, on Patrick St.,
where night calls Will bo answered.
Private nna Company funds to loan at lowest
rate of interest, No commis sat dram 31. ort
gages, town and farm propperty bought and
sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham.
Wingham, Ont.
E. L. DrorirNsos DUDLEY Mamas
Orrxcs: Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR .1. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office
over Post Office, Wingham,
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during ,Tune, July and August,
VY . L.D.S. =; z
New method for painless ex-
No Cocaine. + �� �•
Specie' attention to the care and regulation
of children's teeth. Moderate prices and an
work carefully and skilfully perfporine'd. Office
in Beaver Block, Wingham.
Office closed every Wednesday afternoon
during June, July and August. ..
Wingham, Ont.
JAS. HENDERSON, Wingham, Ont.
For the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Sales
of Farm Stock and Implements a specialty.
All orders left at-tlie Tents office promptly
attended to.
Terms reasonable.
rt .12•
S. SCOTT, Brt4sols, Ont.
Li prepared to conduct sales in this section.
Speciulattention given to sales of farm stock
and implements.
Dates and orders tan always be arranged at
the TIMER office, Wingham.
A. T. C. M.
Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. •
Pupils prepared .for Conservatory examina-
Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre-
pared after Oct. lst. to receit+e a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Violin and
Residence-oppositolt. C. Chureh, Wingham.
and member of the Associated Musicians of
Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num-
ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in
Special attention given to pupils preparing
for examinations.
Rosidenee--opposite R. C. Church, Wingham.
and anyone having live stock or other
articles they wish to dispose, of, should adver-
tise the same for side in the TPrhs. Our Mtge
circulation and it will 1)E?fl
frau clad c
l g
ou do not get a ctistomor.' Wo can't guarantee
will sell boenuset yeti may ask more
for the article ar
thhn itis Worth. Send
.your advertisement to the That; and try this
pan of disposing of your stock and other
Yes, I've got a little brother,
Never asked to be VIA ltilll, nutller,
l3Ut lie's Jure, "fit
'1`br+v just treat away end bnnght him.
And last weelr the nectar brnnsht him,
)Y$'e;l't that queer?
When I hoard the ft"we from Aird1F,
W.hy, I thought at first Teves lolly
`Canso yon see,
T s'nosrd I could go al d trot him
And then mamma, emu 1S ,would let him
Ply with me.
But. wipe 1 had owe lr ok'rl at hint.
"Wily," 1 says, "€rfat .makes, Is that
Just that mite"
They said•'Yes,"and"Ain't he cnnnin?"
And I thought they ni.lst be funuhn'-+-
lie's a sight!
11.'a so artier,it's :itis(' amezin',
And you'd think that be was Wain',
Be's'so red.
And his noses is WV; e berry;
And Ire's bald es Uncle Terry
On his head
Whv,.ha.rsn't worth n, brick,
All he does is rry end hick,
Ile can't stop.
Won't sit P0.'yOn can't arl'anee 11i.rls-+-
I don't see why pa don't change him
At the shop,
Now, we've int to dress and feed hint,
And we really don't need him
More'n a frog,
Mr. Chamberlain Deprecated. Peasifmi8m
Over Affairs in Suede Africa.
London, Nov. 0. -Generals Botha-
and Dolaroy and ex --President Schalk -
burgher were present last night at
the debate in the House of °ominous
over the civil service estimate plac-
ing the additional amount required
as a grant to aid the Transvaal and
Orange ltIvor colonies during the
present financial year at 840,000,000
which endtd in an agreement to vote
the sum in question.
Colonial Secretary ChamborIain,
in response to criticisms of the mea-
sure from the Opposition, c
pessimism over South African af-
fairs. TIe said the .'act that the Doer
prisoners would all lie repatriated
this year exceed the most sanguine
He declared that his sole desire in
going to South Africa was to bring
together a kindred people.
204 TO 170.
Democrats Itehind in the Electoral hate
in. U.S. itloetious.
Washington. Nov. 6. -The latest
returns received up to 10.30 last
night show that: the Republicans (in-
cluding itt this description the Fu-
sionists elected front the l'ittsburg-
Allegheny districts in Pennsylvania)
will control the next house by a.
vote of 204 Republicans to 1.79 Dem-
ocrats, with one district, the eighth
Tennessee,. and two California dis-
tricts remaining so much in doubt
that the official returns will be need-
ed to 'decided the result.
John Prince Billed nt the Windsor 1t1111s,
Windsor Mills, Que., Nov. 6, -An
explosion took place yesterday at
half -past 12 o'clock at the Hamilton
Powder Mills. One man was killed
outright, John Prince. The , mill
known as the Corning 'AIill was blown
to pieces. Not enough is left'to give
any idea of the cause of the explo-
sion. The unfortnulate man. killed
was the only person that wort?ed in
that mill. IIis remains wore scatter-.
cd for some distance in fragments.
1Ip leaves a }wife :and three children,.
Deafness Cannot he Oared
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portiou of the ear.
There is only one way to care deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by au ' inflamed con-
on-ditiou of the mamma lining of the Eust-
achian Tube. When this tube gets in-
flamed yon have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire-
ly closed deafness is the result, and uu-
less the inflammation can be taken out
and this tulle restored to its normal,
condition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever: nine cases out of ten are caused
by catarrh, which is nothing bat an in-
datned conditiou of the raucous surfaces.
We will give Oue Hundred Dollarsfor
any canse of Deafness(causeciby cat-
arrh) that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
There is a noted difference
in the style and fit of Pants we
make that always brings peo-
ple back for another pair.
Then there is ,the low prier
quality of cloth put
in them. -cloth that wears
o r new goods and prices.