HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-13, Page 1VOL XXXL---NO 1095 .
does it look
This is the real clothes
question or to -day, "How does
it look !" Some men spend a
lot of money on high-priced
clothing and then don't look
right. Some waste rnone.y by
not spending enough. The
majority want their clothes
right, and they want to know :
What is right ? ,
Where can. I get it ?
What does it cost ?
Homuth Bros. can give
the answer and make clothes
to fit the most fastidious 'per-
We have a new up-to-date
stock of Men's, Women's,
Misses', Childs and Boys'
Boots, at prices to suit all,
We have a new and well -
assorted stock of Hats, Caps,
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties,
and great values in Under-
Pleasure to show you goods.
lloIlluth Bro
Issued by Pallet P Tuusoi, No. 28 Victoria
street. Wingham. Ont. No witnossesreauired.
A 'General Banking Business Trans-
Farmers' Sale Notes Collected, and
advances made on sante.
Drafts bought and sold on all points in
Canada. United States and Europe.
allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards,
and added to principal 3Oth June and 81st
December each year.
A. 'E. GIBSON, Manager.
. Vattstone, Solicitor.
Capital paid up, $$2,000,000.00.
Reserve Fund, $1,600,000.00.
President—.Teary SrtrAtar.
Vice-President—A. G. 1i• . tray.
,john Proctor, Geo. Bosch. Wrn, Gibson, M,P,
A, T, Wood, ILL P., A. B. Lee (Toronto).
Mnnnger-3. entItNBVLL.
o1�neitogant Saturday,
f1 upwards received.
, In.
enborland 81s+ [Macomputed
each � q year the
added to
Special Deposita also received at current
rat,ea Of
`)wafts on Granit Britain and the tilted
5tntes Bought nod sold.
• Travellers are notified that the Batik of Maw
Mon end its Branches issue Circular Votes of
Notional Proviiteinl Rank of England, Lii:tited,
Which can be twilled without charge or troll.
tole in any part of the world,
r. CC1It,l3cytx.,D, Agent
L, 7)tOItlinelhat. Solicitor.
•utast t'ho Comer
'Old works oirr `t1Ic Coit[.
One day.j Na °amain i>T alrytn Price etre conte to
Many Thanks
For Past Favors
And now we will consider it a still
greater favor if you will, dill and get
our prices for
Ci eget. TEA SETS.
IflttDIE00111 SETS
W.%TBIC tsls•'rs
].'ahoy China of alt, Wilds
We must reduce theta this mouth to
make rooin for Xmas goods,
We will give you best value in the
market. Our new Fruits have been
totting ie, and are in fine condition.
—Raisins,—Clamours, —Primes,
Apricots, —Figs.
Try our Special Blend Teck at 25c.
It will please you.
it A. HichisoD
Prompt Delivery. - Phone 51.
The Wastrel
The Frducationnl
Westminster Guild
programme for the I.
held in the loctfre rr
teriau church on Fri
21st. A good progr
is being prepared,
Auction Sa
gr. W. H, Cha
sal a oar load of d
auction at tha Natio
day afternoon last.
well attended and v
realized. Mr. F.
known auctioneer f
ed the bids.
Until the rooms in the neve Vanstone
Block are complete, I will be found at
my residence on Leop.>ld street, opposite
S. Youltill's.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent,
Who Wants a Farm ?
I have over 4,000 acres .of choic, farm lands
for sale, in 50, 75, 100 150 and «'00 acres, lots in
Kinloss, Greenock, •`Bruen, Rinonrditle, Baron
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with
good buildings to bo sold cheap on easy terms.
Also u good Sawmill for Sale, almost for a song.
Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- I
vection) doing a good business, 'for sale cheap.
A hotel doing good bunitiess for sale cheap.
Also a wagonshop. A general stof a with large
trade, live village, .Also a large amount of
stoney to loan at 6 per cent. For further par-
ticulars apply to
.1', A. McKENZIE
• tag au muco Aacwt. *olvrood:.
See Halsey ^ark's advertisement.
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache,
Farmers' Instit to Meetings.
Meetings of the Eas Huron Farmers'
Institute will be held s follows:—Nov.
28th, Fordwich; Mole worth, Nov. 20th;
Blnevale, December t; Ethel, Dec,3ud;
Walton, Dec, 3rd. a advt. in another
column for particle rs.
BOAl;nsits—A few boarders wanted.
Apply to Mrs. A. Dawson, Diagonal St.
God Save
Stnr, Edward VII
birthday on Sunda
was observed in
churches throughout
ial thanksgiving se
King's birthday ltd
pont of Sir Ili`
an Imperial Privy
K g
celebrated his Gist
last. The event
the Episcopalian
the empire by spec -
vices. The list of
rs includes the ap-
hard Cartwright as
Try Dulmage, Kent Block, for wind
proof and storm proof overcoats. They
are put together like leather and are
sold at half price. .
The Win
• We have received
list for the Ontario
Fair which is to be
Dec. 8th to the 12th
one and should ata of a large number
of exhibitors. Ove $7,000 is offered in
prizes. One of the chief speakers at the
fair will be Mr. At 7a Motlillagh, editor
of the Scottish F mer and secretary of
the British Clyde dale Record. He is
the best agricultu 1 writer ie. Scotland,
in fact, in Great titan],
stir Guild.
Ootnmittee of the
will provide the
rtertnurment to be
om of the Preeby,
ay evening, Nov.
of a ddr'esses,ete.,
of Battle,
bees, of Ingersoll
ry cows by painto
al hotel ou Satur.
The Bale was very
Y _ood prices were
Scott, the well.
nt Brttssels, receiv
First of
The first ontertai
haus Popular Conte
en on Monday even
/louse. The attt'aeti
This eompany corn
highly recoiumeude
Mau of hall will be
public at H. Park's
morrow, .
e Season.
iment of the Wing.
t Course will be giv-
en next 1n the opera
n i5'Roney's Boa's,'
o Wingharu very
by the press. The
eti to the general
ewetery store 'to-
Chrysauthernums blooming, at green-
house, Francis street.
The Goa
The termination
not yet relieved the
hard goal supply
best that the local d
hope for small ships
of a week or ten da
adieu and Anemic
those on the seabna
before inland Or
Winghazu can ex
the strike has not
stringency of the
u Wiughant. The
alers can offer is a
tents in the course
s. All the big Can-
n cities, especially
d, must be supplied
rttrlitru towns like
ect to have orders
Largely Att nded Funeral.
The funeral of C reuoe B. Gra • son
of Mr. and Mrs. 'F . G. Gray gook place
from the family r sidence,Minnie street,
on Friday afterno u last to the Wing -
ham cemetery au was very largely at
tended. Very im essive services were•
conducted by Rev. Win. Lowe at the
home and grave. number of handsome
wreaths were plat on the 'ciisket by
friends of the deco sec/ child. The pall
bearers were Mess s John Taylor, Robt.
Taylor and Bert 'tenor, uucles of de-
ceased, and Mr. ouglas, of Luckuow.a
cousin of deceits d.
Prompt Payment
The e*eoutive officers
land. o,o.l++';; t t w
Hogg a 0114411010 41
amount of insurance e
husband M. the ( t uadi
Watt hardly two Weeks f
claim papers vete 'sen
ciiegne had been reaeiv
This is very pt'ofutit pa
For Referend m. Vote •
Mr, J. N. Cuts bell, f Westfield, re.
tnrning officer fpr th West riding of
Raton was in {titvu o Monday, posting
up hitt pv'oclawatione f the referendum
vote 011 the act respect g tine liquor law,
which is to be taloa u December 4th.
The polling places and eputy returning
officers for. W eigh ut re as. follows
Ward 1—,At 5. B. br wings' shop, R.
McKenzie. deputy eturning officer.
Warcj 2 -At tt'itr, Ga nett's shop, 3, A.
Morton, clepntyretai lug officer. Ward
3—At Towit Idali, P ter Deans, deputy
retnrnitig - officer. ' and 4—At Juhn
Gray's /louse, Win Robertson, deputy
returning officer,
f Claim
r Oourt Mait.
hand,'d Mrs,
,OQO, being the
tied by her late
1 Foresters. It
one the time the
away until the
by Mrs, Hog:,
The foflowin
of Wiugharu,
of Huron. call
sionee of pnbl'
tur'dtay to mac
would be eat'
"Good Road
what conditio
have oontpliec
bell informed
titled .to $40,0
taken up by tl
their next rn
sense mistake
no County.Co
deut of Win
member of th
name of Mo1VTi
f r Good Roads.
appeared in Friday's
y Cotinciltot' McMillan,
'epresenting the county
cl on the deputy commis -
works at Toronto yet:-
:rtain whet that county
led to under the recent
' legislation, and under
it was legal, when they
with the act. Mr. Camp -
iia that county was en -
The question will be
munioipal authorities at
tint;." There mast be
n the name. We have
eciior McMillan a resi-
tani, There is not a
County Council by the
Wingham PO alar 0onoerteourse
Flag')NV R,i i
You get the newest goods in settings Monday No
and overpoatings at reasonable, prices at
Geo. Carr's.
Mrs. Abra •m's Funeeat
The funeral of be late Mrs. Thos.
Abraham took p1 e front the family
residence, Victoria street, on Thursday
afternoon last to t : Wiu;htim cemetery-
emeteryThe services at th • house and grave were
conducted by Re . Win. Lowe. The
member's of the 2. ool Board and mem-
bers of the L. O. , attended the funeral.
Many wreaths w •e received. ono from
the school teache . and a number from
friends of the dee .ased. Mr. Abrahams
wishes to convey is sincere thanks to
the school teache s and friends for their
kindness shown] in in his bereavement.
No matter what you want in dry
goods, clothiug or furs try Dulmage and
It he has what you want you are sure to
save money.
The Tob
Tho following
r Fair Hobbs' address at
convention at Go
the Clinton New
Wingham, addres
"The hay. the e
Among many goo
tobacco habit 3.9
switches boys off t
the oil of tobacco
copy of the prize
Provincial Winter
eld at Guelph from
The list is a good
The nem has authority to arrange
dates and terms for auction sales for
either I . S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos.
Brown, Seaforth.
Feats foe B
The buying of s
matter as it may
Thera are papers
those whose pro
fulfillnteiit is it
"Things are not
phos as well to
things, Circa/
portance, is by
it. The geogra
scribers, their a
treed for the go
malty more than
in the Metter
most iutelligentl
places his advert
being equal, wit
best in the world
siness Men.
co is not so easy a
ern oa the surface.
1 papers, there are
ices aro golben, but
r, Loegfellow's line,
bat they seem," ftp-
Vertisiug as to other
lou, while of prune int -
mesa all there is of
hical position of sub-
City to buy and;:+heir
ds offered—those and
are to be considered
f publicity. }Io wlio
and understandingly
slug, all other things
be he wlto wins out
f trltdo.
one of the most of
Medical man ane
pr&tssio acid cion:
Two or three dr
There is enough p
cotrcoutrated, to 1
ruins more than 1
forerunner erunnerof t I
oto the
the appetite. Th = liquor habit is the
lion, vile auil blooc thirsty, and the to-
le tcoo habit is the ear, and 1 ani after
teem both, -and I .n't caro which I kill
first, for to kill our is to loave the other
half dead. 800,00 ,000 of the human
family are addictec to the habit, and $1,
000,000,000 are exp tided annually on it,
But what is the fin notal aspect in cow -
poison to the boy? There is not money
enough in the word( to buy a boy. The
habit produces phy cal degeneracy. It
else degouetaates t to mind. Boys at
school Mud college ho follow the habit
cannot tOmpete wi i those who do not,
and for 50 years no to tobaeoo neer til
Harvard Univorsit has stood at the head
of his class. And N /tan we touch Man's
nigral and spiritual tature ens find that
nt tobacco uses' is n t as susceptible to
spiritual truth as 01 a who is not."
co Habit.
ynopsis of Rev. R,
he Epworth League
erich is taken from
n:—"Rev. R. Hobbs
'd the Convention on
;ar, the cigarette."
things he said the
the "switch" that
o ti•Aelr. Nicotirle,or
s acknowledged to be
&tient poisons known.
chemists state ;,that
stands ahead of it.
ps will kill a cat.
'son in cue cigar, if
11 a mat- Tobacco
luor; it is also the
1 rhabit, , i it creates
Plan of hill
on and of
at H. Ptu
ember 1 ith, 1902
open to the public
r the 14th hist.,
-'s Jewelry Store.
TICKETS, 25c, 35c And 50c
Curl rs Organize.
A meeting of
curling was he
in the town Iia
when organizt
son was effect
officers: —Pat
Mrs. A. E. Gil son; honorary president.
, M. P.; president, Thos.
dent, R. Vanstone; secre-
AIex. Alderson ;chaplain,
erson, B. A.; committee
A H Musgrove H
the local enthusiasts in
d in the firemeus' room
on Friday evening last,
ion for the coning see-
d with the following as
n and patroness, Mr. and
Dr. Macdonal
Bell; vice pre:
Rev. 3, J. Pat
of managemen
Jeffreys, C. Ki
Dinsley; rink
uorman, W. IIr
skips representi
pointed a recep
tors were appoi
E. McAlpine;
3, V. Vunuorm
D. Dinsley.
per member, t
10th, The u:
Friday evenh
ohteI, E. McAlpine, D.
ommittee. V. Vaunor-
o and L. Hanson, The
g each rink were ap-
ion committee, Collec-
ted as follows: 'Ward 1,
and 2, E. Nash; Ward
n; Ward 4, A. Alderson,
to fee was placed at $2.00
be paid before December
-5 meeting will be held on
g, Deo. 5th.
Monne* TO LOAN. ---Money to loan ou
notes, and notes discounted at reason-
able rates, Money advanced on molt -
gages, with privilege of paying at the
end of any veer. Notes and accounts
collected. Office -Beaver Block, Wing,
ham float. niloINnoo.
X Rays and Stasi
• De. Kenticely h
Houton & Ten I3
X rays and la
machine. The
n rays hat r
extended and i
with n>ar'allous
ment of cancer, to
other heretofore
The statical elects'
I the past fele moat
ely slue/ snecessfull
large cities for the
paralyeis, epilepsy,
Many chronic aro
x rays, a surgeon
exact character
after limb is set c
ages and splints to
IMO aro in exact
al Electrical Machine
s purchased from Van
eok of New York, an
re statical electrical
usefulness of the
cently been largely
is now beiug used
access in the treat-
ise* skin diseases and
intractable troubles
cal machine, caring
s, lies been extensiv
used in some of the
dire of rheumatism,
nervous diseases and
bles. By the use of
can determine the
f the fracture, and
s look through band -
determine if ends Of
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers,
Handkerch .f Bazaar.
The Indies of th" 1>•Iethedist church
'will held a Manske .hief brtzatsr in the.
lecture toot» of the burets on the&ter-
noon of Tlturstlny, ov. 20th, vo;rtweno-
iog at 2.30 o'clock. large and varied
enlleetiou or baud rclnefs have been
;antral together, it lading oils from
China. Other user 1 articles will also
be ou hand, togothe with a very hatid-
soma quilt, all of w ich are to be dis-
posed of.
Big Bargains i bnots, sho: nd
rubbersthis mouth t W. 3, : I.EEP'S,
.Loops like all wool,'
drawers, ou Saturday
35c. a pair
doz >uly men's
o ting 9 o'clock,
, R. Smith's.
West Huron I titute Meeting.
The West Iiuro Partnere' Institute
wilt hold meetiu, as follows: --Port
Albert, Novetuber 26th; Auburn, Nov
ember 27; St. .lens, November 25;
Wiugham, Novo ler 24. The principal
speakers will be trclrt•w Elliott, of Galt,
and Miss Maddo -, of Gnelph, In the
list of Inbtitut holding the largest
number of meets gs during the past year
West Huron ap ars (;th with 14 to its
credit, and ai, grenets attendance of
2,415, and East iron Institute had 12
meetings with r atteudauee of 3,221.
See advt. in aother column for fall
particulul•s of etittgs, 7
Fresh oysters arriving daily; served in
auy style, at Jas. MoKelvie's.
The fan still wahines at the Kent
Blick Sale --funny prices. Dul,nage
did not steal the goons! Nor is he mak-
ing much money! The goods must go.
Playing arpet Ball
A carpet ball lea no has been formed
among five of the 'entente] societies of
the town.is t 1
I t intention to arrange
a series of five g ,res for each mouth
during the wint r, Four players are
picked irom esti, society. The first
gauge was played on Tuesday evening
and resulted in a in for the K. O. T. M.
over the A. O. F. y a score of 14 to 3,
The remaining antes for this month
areas follows:
A. O. P. at I. e O. F., Nos'. 13-
C. O. 1e. at I O. 0. Ir., Nov. 14.
T, 0. F, at K. e , T. M., Nov, 18.
L O. O. F. at t. O. F., Nov. 28.
Cn vt oN POnTR.i.IT.•-Life size, for
$2.00, at Armstrong & Co's s to.
We lead in cicthin * all and see
oar fall styles in , overcoats pea -
jackets in men's, oys, and youths.
Board , f Health
A meeting of t Wingham Board
of Health was heIcl on Saturday morn-
ing. The member- of the Board were
called together ow g to the existeuce of
diphtheria. int to 'n, The members
thought that the se ' ool should be closed
for this week and t' motion was passtd
to that effect and he school has been
closed all this we k. Only some two
or three cnsos of t) htheria have been
reported and from what we can learn
thepatients areall * I
c.coveriug. No ne��
cases have been reps ted this week and I
the school will no d, tbt be re•o>;ened on
Monday next..
A Double B' reavement.
On Wednesday of moon Mr. A. H.
Carr received a teleg ant announcing the
death of his sister, M s. Hutton, at Pic -
tots, P. E. I., and on .he same afternoon
he received another t: egram (renouncing
the death of Mr. (.gra t Murray, of Ash- I
field township. His' ister, Mrs. Hutton,
was also a sister of M •..0'. J. Carr, Mrs.
Flood and Mrs. C, dy, residents of
Witighauf. It will b . remembered that
Mrs. Hutton's hu and died some
mouths ago. las. Cooly and Mrs.
Flood left on Wedu .day afternoon fur
kietou. Mr. Carr' nephew, Grant
Murray, was a son o 11Ir. John Murray,
a prouiilient resideu of Ashtield town-
Oar Mantle and ,ti rade is grand.
Why? HANNA & Co.
MONEY TO LouN at 4te: per cent. ou
easy terms of repayment. Apply to A.
Dulmage, Kent Bock,
Win ham
Death of Br Pioneer.
A'i old and much
Bruce County ,pas
Michael's Hospital,]
evening iu the ise
Murray of Under
went to Toronto ten
operations porformec
there was taken su
was decided the ope
less. Mr, Murray
Scotland, in 1831 at
the early fifties,
dry goods busint s
afterwards et halt,:
to Bruce Comity,
Clerk and Tr. more
for Meat :37 years,
Clerk ant postmast
110 is survi It d by
ter and eight sone
emoted resident of
el away at St.
Toronto, Monday
ton of Mr. Hugh
ood, Mr. Murray
inspector's Repo
The el galar meta
Scaoo1 Bour.I was h
tug. Members all
Button. Minutes
and confirmed.
The Principal's re
read as follows; --r
Dept Boys Gft'l.
1s&b3tf 41;
2 26 30
3 16 .3G
4 18 20
0 24 27'
7 1 0
8 2t3 37
—Sympathy. With
hly lneetiuo of the
ld an 'Tuesday even.
resent except Wm'
last eneetiut; read
193 235
Respectfully sub
A. H. Mu
Ott motion of M
Elliott, the principal'
The Finance Com
payrneut of the full
J. E. Davis, supplies
plies, 9$4.50; E. M. M
$9,50; Steiuberger,
r,ruto, supplies,$8.08
repairs, 900; T. A.
Canada Furniture
Gaal, $47.62; 't',
Homuth—Griffiti -•-
ort for O.tober wee
Total Average
04 5U
rt; 54
44 33
44 3S'
43 30
51 42
60 51
00 46
428 364
'owns?, Priaoiyal.
.ars IIonluth and
report was adopt-
ittee recommended
Win}; accounts:— R
1 AQ Daw1asaA
For all Stomach Troubles Try
We guarantee an absolute
cure for the most distr.'assing
cases. When all others fail
give us a trial, andY our
money will be refunded
if we do not satisfy.
30c; A. Ross, sup-
yet & Co., Toronto,
eudry & Co., To -
R. W. Runciwan, .,1.1^01•100_
lls, supplies, 35c,
94.p iuttn,� s$ie75G Q
Af!end the Bost ----fl Pas
bat the accounts as
read be paid—Carr eel.
The repot of th • Iuspaotor was reau
as follows:
B assets, Oct 2Sth,1902
To Board of Pabli School Trustees,
Wiugham Out.
Gentlemen.— I eg leave to report
that I visited your .uhool ort October 18,
14 alai 15. I found to schoolrooms cleats
and comfortable. 'uu have au excellent
caretaker. I won suggest that the
back row of desk : in Miss 4atheson's
room be lifted atm iut•ed to the front as
they are naw too ear th st
e earn fes.
The old members o the stair areas usual,
doing quite satisf etury work. 1Vlisses
McLean and Bro are also excellent
teachers. The 13 and could not have
made better select ons. Your school le
in a healthy and •rosperous condition
and reflects great o •edit on the busiuess
maturity of the Bo cl, and the profesiun-
al and exudative ab lity of the Principal
end. efficiency of tl : assistant teachers.
I aux gout tneu,
you bedieitt servant,
D. Boss.
Griffin= -••Moore hat the Inspector's
report be received : nd filed—Carried,
Elliott--Abraha —That the manage-
ment committee b. empowered to pur-
chase a car load of : • ft coal -Carried.
On motion of Mes s Griffin and Hom-
uth the teachers a d officers salaries
were ordered to be p id.
Mr. J. A. Morton as present and in-
formed the Board th : t Mr. J. E. Davis
had resigned as a me ber of the Public
Library Board
Ou motion of Messr Dell and Homuth
Mr. Davis' resignatio 1 was tweeted and
on motion of Mes.rs Eioniuth and
Abraham, Dr. W. T. Holloway was
appointed to fill ti e vacancy on the
Public Library Boar
Moved by T. Bel , seconded by C.N.
Griffin, that this Bo'ird tender to Trustee
Abraham, who has
ed member of this
sympathy in the g
has sustained in th
for So many years
sorrows, and we t
Iong spared to meet
ong been au esteem-
oard, oar sincerest
eat bereavement he
loss of his wife. who
hared his joys and
st that he may be
with us—Carried.
Don't forget where
largest choice in u
qualities at fair pr
1)r. Butler, specialist in the diseases gill iic�lll's Leading ,t�177 �.� �aState
of the eye, ettr, nose and throat. Eyes , t. fl „i7
I tested and glasses supplied. Office op-
Recent graduates have acre. tad
good positions at $40, $45. ,t5() stud $60
per month, and a few days ago an
applicationn Wag recr'ia'eft ttlferiuK lane
of our graduates of last tern' a salary
of $1300 per annual, This is the kinin
f evidence den Ce Tltna e r looking
for as to
the, best soboot to attend.
Catalogue free.
Enter this .month if possible.
Special --Ladies mann awn swede
ir. $125. for 59e.
Hanna & Co.
gloves, different
Public Lib ry Inspected.
Dr, May, Inspe or of ?nblic Librari• s
was in town last eek and inspected our
Public Librari. e fbtmd evervthing
in good shape; tit books, papers, etc
being kept in ;toot condition, The Lib-
rary Board is c tstautly [lading new
books and the peo le of Wiughaut and
vicinity should t lie advantage of the
generous provisio offered by the Lib-
rary Board.
W.seenn—A smart boy to learn the
printing r
p ituig business. �� ply et netts
A11 pure fine w
500, at 9 o' !; Saturday morning tit
A first-class ,arm far sale, within about
21 miles from Wroxeter and 1' miles
from Wingham, tnr geed ,,rav,4 road;
good buildings and fain w,e11 intlhoved.
Apply to R.Vaustoue, Wiur;]rime
— dozen Boy's
yours, 25 cents, worth
TO CU1t). A COLS) L' ONE 7),#Y
Take Laxative Promo Quinine 111hleti, A;
y can ) et the drucgists refund the money if it fails to cure
All kinds said , E W, Grove's signature is on each box. 255
postte St. Andrew's church, Loudon,
A New B
Mr, Wm. Diami
cher shop in the s
by john Gray as
will keep a comph
fresh and cured ti
the shop open and
day and will be pl
front parties Want
way of meat.
�teher Shop.
lid is opening a but -
ore recently occupied
grocery store, He
testock of all kinds of
eats. Hu will have
ready for business to.
ased to have a call
pug anything in the
LOST—Ou road bet‘ e Wingham
I and Lueknow. on St nd evening, Nov.
id, , t light grey w ng
coat. Finder
`please leave at Trues office.
Fol. $41.11 (,;REAP —A tetmi of work-
ing horses, with harness, dna set single
harness, two buggies, one Cutter and a
Buffalo robe, Apply to T. S, Maguire.
clays ago to have an { Another "Nati
following is
but after arrivi
only worse, and it ronto Mail and Eml
ation;wou1d be 11Se. Coss Ply Veneer
as born in Dornech. last July with an
d came to Canada in $700,000 has assig
e first engaged in the ; of this city. The
in St. Themes mud ; pttrcllase lumber n
ubsequentIy moving bits, batt was unzbi
rheic he ]tncd beep assignttletlt beetle
of Bruce Township readers will tense
mice Division Court { company is rho on
r for over 80 your;.1 late of the Natio
:hurray, a stash•
1 was eonuected wi
nal" Assigns.
from Friday's To-
ro:—"The National
:1olnpany, or„anis d
othorized capital of
id to,T.:P.Lumley,
ontpany intended to
lis in British Colum.
to do so 'Were the IliCe4sary.” (inr
her that the [above
svh/ch W, C. Bullock,
el iron Works here,
More trouble than yon can imagine
comes froth cold, damp feet. Row
a11•isnpOrtant, then, to wear good
We have Waterproof Shoes.
Ladies' Blabbers, sizes .`1,1<<, ti 8, reg
price 50o, for - - • .40
Ladies' 'Sturm Ilub1:erir, first quad -
sty, regular price GOc for • .50
Men's ;Rubbers, sizes 6 •to 12, >'e-,
ulor price 75e, for . .03'*'
Also 13075', Misses' and Chilairen's
at eat prices.