HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-06, Page 8THE WINGIIA11 T1 1..1 , I1rQYEMEER 6..1902 i •w�aa ova �►.�'�. � �•vb'�n► �("�I• .� �aa':w�'�►�'s RITCHIE & CAMPBELL. x Dress Goods f New Dress Goods arriving deity, until our counters and utittve3 are ovet•llowing wills tilt newest patterns and weaves that money eau buy. All the leading shades are represented here. Did you sec our tpcciai lines of EOM es?uus at 25c & 50e a yd? r...ono ....,.m., smomunw...enommme. SILKS FOR WAISTS . • Just received. a fall raugo of- Tamaline Silks at 50e, and Louisine Silks at 75c. They are the newest Silks for waists. FRENCH FLANNELS 25 pattern* of !fanny Freneli Flannels, new goods, worth 45e, 50e and 60e; your choice nor for - 35 cents a yard READ\'4flADE CLOTRINO We news nmee ronin. awl in order to get it we must rednce onr large stock of Ready-made Clothing. We are offering. special prices for the remainder of the month. Nothing in stock but first-class goods. Buying from us will save you money. Os Men's Snits, worth $3.00, for $5.50 • Men's Snits, worth R.50, for 4.50 Men's Snits, worth 5.60, for 2.75 These lines range in sizes from 30 to 42. W ANTED. -Butter, Eggs and Poultry, for which the highest s0 prices will bo paid. RITCHIE 82 COWBELL •• �9i�'1y�y9�'�C''�vdd'�ic1�'�iQYS.'7lAb'�'�•b`i.'Otb"rd V� PERSONALS. Mr. T. H. Boomer, 0 P. R. agent was away for n few holidays. Mr. W. J. Scott, of Listowel watt in in. town en Wednesday. Mr. J. E. Swarts returned hone from 'Winnipeg on Saturday lase. Editor Bradwin, of the Blyth Stand- ard was in town on Monday. Mr. Haz •lwood, of the Oliiforcl flour mill was in town on Saturday. Mr. C. M. Walker, hes returned home from his business trip in the West. Parlor ad Dining -Room LA Mr. Percy Carlyle. of Bewail, has l taken a situation as baggage man at the G. T. R. station. Conductor Fitzgerald, of the London I Huron and Bruce line, has been off duty for smile weeps through illness. Last week an operation was performed, on Lim at the hospital in Loddon We are pleased to learn thtt he is now recover- ing. Mr. W. .T. Greer was called to Toronto last Thursday on account of the serious illness of his brother. Walter Greer. 1V 1r. Greer had his brother removed to the Western Hospital in that pity and he is now improving. He is suffering from typhoid --fever. Mr. W. T. Fyfe, sou of Mr. L. Fife of this town, and formerly in J. W. Scott's bank in Palmerston, lies accept- ed a situation iu the Union Bunk at Morden, Man., and left for that piaoe last week. He has the best wishes of many friends for a successful career in the West. Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew were visit- ing with their son in Clinton this week. Barrister Richard Holmes has gone to Toronto on business; hopes to return in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stalker, of Lncknow were vititing with Wingham friends on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wm. Westcort left last week for Wingham, where ho will be employed until Christmas.-Seaforth Expositor. We bought a lot of Travellers' Sam- ples this week, and quote below some really genuine bargains as a result: glass, 1 114' -inch, all Fn ins. , nicely decorated in pink and green, with n -inch shade, large burner, complete with chimney and wick for $1.00 Bross foot, 10 inches high, 8 -inch globe. tinted and hand painted, large burner, with chimney and wick, - - - $1.50 1S inches high, with 8 -inch globe, tinted in green and yellow, hand painted decorations - 52.00 I9 inches high, with 9 -inch globe, tinted in green and brown, hand painted decorations, - $2.75 22 inches high, 10 -inch globe, Rochester Lamp, very pretty hand -painted decoration. tinted - in pink- end sky blue, round burner, complete with wick and chimney, $4.50 Chocse,now and havens save it for You. -W. Bowles, of Dungauuon, has pur- chased from Andrew Mullin, of Luck - now, fifty acres on the southwest corner of lot 12,concession 11,West Wawauosh. CoLvIN.-In Teeswater. ou October 24th the wife of Tolm Colvin : ti son. Tors. -In Auburn, on October 11th, the wife of Dir. George Toms; a on. Hurst. -On 5th, con. Howick, on Oct. 15th the wife of Mr. Alex. Miller ; n sou. BAKER. -011 1st con. Culross, near Delmore on Oct. 29th the wife of Sir. Wet. Baker; it daughter' MARRIED BUR NS-OoiPlitir.t.-By the Rev. A. H. Scott, M. A., at the residence of the bride's father, JtIn+o Perth, e0eteDglnBurs,hariwarrmttianof Wingham, son of tlte late Rev. Win. Burns, of Toronto to Miss Mary Isabel Campbell, third daughter of Joint G. Campbell, Esq.. of Perth. H14i.1)--RAtNUART--In Forums:tom Oet.28,1402, by Father Gehl, Louis Held of Berlin to Lizzie Reil.hart of Culross. a &psi.-M1rr.AN.-AttheR.C.churchTees- water, on Oct. 25, 1901, by Father Corcoran, Andrew Kempel of Riversdale, to Clara Millen of Carrieh. elms-FARREND.-Ill Morris, on Oct. 20, by RPV. lt'. Swann, t ylvtmus Pike of Howic•k to Miss Marietta M., daughter of I. E. Farrell(' of Morris. DIIsD GRAY: - In Winghnnt on November 5th, Clerance B. Gray, son of Ur. W. G. Gray, aged 5 years. The funeral will have his father's residence, Minnie street, on Friday, 7th inst., a 2.30 p. m. for Wingllam cemetery. AIOtAriwnr-In Wingham, on November 4th, Elizabeth Wildon, wife of Thomas Abraham, aged ()5 years. The funeral will leave her late residence, Victoria street this (Thursday) afternoon nt 3 o'clock for Winghnul cemetery. Mooun.-in Wingllam, on November 2nd William Dow Moore, aged 80 years. OaOwE In Culross. on November 4th, George Crowe, son of Dtr. John Crowe, aged 3 years, 0 months and 22 days. STEWAR7..-I11 Brusseis,on Oct 27h, Oralone the wife of Tames Stewtu•t, aged 23 years, 10 inonths and 12 days. WITSON.^]n Norris, on October 31st, Ethel Wilson. denthter of Mr. James Wilson, aged 9 years and 3 months. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cline, of Owen Sound, were visiting with old friends in Wingham for a few days during the week. Mrs Hogg and Miss Fannie Hogg,who were here attending Mr. Hogg's funeral lost week, returned home to Brnssels on Monday. Mr. J. B. Elliott left on Saturday for his llonie in Itaska, Wis., after a two weeks' visit with his relatives and friends in Wingham, Mr. 1'. Taylor, operator at the G. T. R., is again on duty after two weeks' holidays. Mr. Craig, who was hero re- lieving, has returned to Ailsa Craig. Miss Lizzie Elliott, who was taken to the Toronto hospital last week, was brought home ou Saturday evening. We understand there is not much im- provement in her condition. Mr. Geo. L. Walker, a former resident of East'Wawanosh, now of Brussels,was visiting with Wingham friends over Sunday. Mr. Walker has purchased a house and two lots in Brussels. Harry and George Ansley • Left town ou Saturday last for Chatham, where they will enter the Canada Business College. I3arry will take up the work in the business department while George will take up the shorthand course. It will no doubt be remembered by our t a readers that George was the winner of � h t• he gold medal for the general profici- ency in that institution last Jane. We P trust that his brother, who is now en- tering that department, may be equally Grocery and Crockery Store successful. 1 hat Whoop? •♦e��eo�olt�Nso♦oo♦♦roe*aee♦���♦oseoo��♦eo♦soee�me�� • • Patronize Home Industry f •• • ♦ •♦ • v • • tr ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ Have you had it in your house? It's cough and cough and cough, and then that ttrriblc whoop I Don't upset t:.e stomach more by giving nauseous medit.ine. Just let the child breathe•in the soothing vapor of Vapo-Cresolene. it goes right to the I.1)01 m.lat'S cllS- eased. Relief is immediate, and in a very few days the cure is complete. You can't say the same of any other treatment. For asthma, catarrh, and colds it's equally good. .71 Vapo-Cr solene is sold by drug ih!s everywhere. The Vaporizer sad Lamp. which should last a lift. titnc, and a bottle ..f cresole»e complete, itt.5c; extra supplies et (;resole .e a5 an is and 5o cen.s. Illustratcal bonelet entua(ning 1r.vsitatou testi. lnoaials free upon recces.. VAro-Cnssoi.a$1: lag Fulton St., New fork, U.S.A. Recommended and sold. by A. L. Hamilton, druggist, Wingllam. GROWN HURON R]-%N6IS - MADE BY THE -- 0 0 •• •e and Examinee ••,„ ♦ ♦ or wood. • ♦ 0 WiNGMAM e 1 GSTLRN FOUNDRY GO., Ltd., of WinAham NOW ON THE MAliKET. Gail • The product of experts! Complete in all particulars! Thoroughly up• to -date iu every detail We invite the irspeotion of all our friends, Red defy all our competitors to equal or better the quality and price of the C1lowN Hunote 'Woe. • • We also carry- a fell line of Heating Stoves, suitable for coal •• • ♦ . YOUNG & SONS • • • Leading (Hardware Merchants • • o o•eeo•e•o•••••ao•0am•ooeeso ♦eeoe♦o♦sovee•oo♦e®441.00•.0 Don't -akake Any Mid ,o.eo.vo..• When has ing your hall and Winter Coeds THE BARGAIN HOUSE is giving Bargains in Ladies', Men's and Children's Boots and Shoes. Bargains in Ladies' rind Children's Rubbers. Bargnins in Men's. Woolen's and Boys' Underclothing -25e a pair. 35e for a Man's Shirt or Drawers. WE SELL STANFIELD'S ALL WOOL UNSHRINKABLE Every Garment Guaranteed Not to Shrink NOTICE. Under the provisions of the 0 ario Com- panies Act, The Thomas Beit & )' n Manufac- turing Company of Wingham, r niitecl. hereby gives public notice the it will eke application to His Honour the ieut ant -Governor of Ontario in Council fo ti . acceptance of the surrender of its char er as and from the first dayof December A. . 502. ated at Wingham is first day of Novem- ber A. D ,190:1. II. 0. BELL. Secretary. Bargains in Ladies' and Children's Hosiery. We keep the lemons Double Knee Ribbed Cashmere Hose for Boys and Children. Bargains in All -Wool Blankets, $2.50 a pair. Bargains in Flannelette Blankets, 75o n pair. Bargains in Wrapperettes and Flannelettes, 5c np. . Bargains in Flannels, Shirts and Socks. Bargnins in Homespun and Serge Dress Goods.' Bargnius in Men's and Boys' Clothing. Bargains in Overcoats and Pea Jackets. Bargains in all kinds of Fur Goods. CUT IN T W O -Ladies' Jackets } "price. The WiEgtam Trate Successors to T. A ; MILLS.. 639 LIth WINGHAM. WALKER EROS. & BUTTON UNDERTAKERS. WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House. Shop op- posite Maodonald block. T. J. MAGUIBE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE ANT) LOAN AGENT. Miss taurine Agusta Kaiser VOCALIST Teaches of VOIGE PRODUCTION, ti. SINGING, Oratorios, etc., in English or Foreign. Also Pianoforte and Physical Culture. VOICES TBSTF.11 51151.1. CONCE1tI ENGAGEMENTS ACCEPTED. Residenee H. B. Elliott, Frances St., Wingham. Accounts, Rents and Notes Collected: Con- veyancing done. RESIDENCE-Leoroo lel street. BOAR FOR SERVICE The undersigned will keepfor service on his upremises, lot 130, con. 10, ast Wawanosh a rge Improved. English Berkshire Boar, which bus been shown at ell the Local shows for two years, and hos always won the red ticket. Also have for sale a number of Breeding Sows. five and sit months old, which have leen bred from this boar. Also one young Boar, fit for service ttt prize-winner) for sale. P. GIBBONS, Marnoch P. 0. Cook's Cotton Boot Compoaad Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per boz, No. 2,10degrees stronger, $3'perbox. No. 1 or 2 mailed on receipt of rice and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook pCompany.Windsor, Ont. �sieuisstdrecommended by all responsible Drggto Can No. 1 and 1 nru soul in Wingham by A. L. Hamilton, Colin A. Campbell, 11, A. Douglass and .1. E Davis Druggists. AAAAAA^AAAAOvJoAAAA/tAAA Ar'!A�fi Horse I Blankets fiAAAAAAAAAAA E have imported very choice 1 of Horsetlarikets, 1 -wool t Kersey. ese goods have been bought from the largest makers, and i prices will defy anyone ! • In other seasonable goods, such as Cross -cut Saws, Axes, Cow Ties, etc., we are headquarters iboth in price and quality. {Smith 86 Pothick yvvvvvvvvvvvv OVVVVVYYYVYYV r srtif$ ; 9' anon MeKitibon begs leave to announce Rus.seise has * es -ASP; . ,2 ... "t;'?)ts' S•E'Y;,k s�ttfj,`;, ..; a,`; <v'4• ., r. 't )9 . :',r„ purchased the J Eo Davis, Phm. Bo, And that it is his intention to continue the same in the accustomed p c ce - next door to Post Office - and to • keep a fresh' stock of everything kept' in a irst-class drug store. BUSINESS MO- IF YOU WANT THE BEST IN O : QUALITY FIRST! DRUGS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTIOL'ES, PURSES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONGES, DYES, TOILET SOAPS, RUBBER GOODS, Etc., Etc YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GET IT FROM Walton McKibbon, Phm. B. iM very Article Guaranteed." DRUGIGIST AND OPTICIAN. u_l Couches __ To say that we will give special prices in Couches for the next couple of weeks is putting it mildly. You can ill afford to let a chance like this slip. Not necessary to wait until Xmas. We can store for you and deliver when required. For $5.7 We can give you a good serviceable Couch, upholstered in heavy goods, with fringe. Others at $7.00, $8.50 and $9.25. Our $13.50 is a quick seller. Get our prices on PARLOR SUITES osnasmarraimommaimate BALL BRtS, 1 RESIDENCE -PATRICK ST. S. Gracey's former residence, where night calls will receive prompt attention. Furniture Dealers PHONE 51 And Undertakers. .,V.',sir.•t,3"• .:.'1'#'.:.:f ='f, �.ca.4 ', ?C;�'t:4 -u2,? ;.i..I:,;PX>?.•ti,y, ..t-�:,r ,...trs,. Y,,n1'.. 13' AAAAAAA:AAAAAA/oMeAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVYVVYVYVV\nOVY'W/V1A0 9 3 y 111 DERN We are having proves conclusively to us that our Furs are right in quality, style and price. Never before in our long business experience have we been so careful in selecting our Furs, and never before have we had such values to offer. No matter what you require in Furs, whether it be a Jacket, Caperine, Muff, Ruff, Boa or Gauntlets, we can please you both in quality and prico. Buy your Furs at Gordon's; they will be satisfactory. Women's J eautifu11y-1llocielleal. Skirts at 55.00 The materials include Cheviots and Homespnns, and in point of style every skirt is a particularly pretty representative of solve leading New York style. There are skirts with braids and others with silk and satin strappings, while they last you may buy them for 55.00. S 1 1 3•. 3 y 7. �. Snap p 'nnt Blankets Ouly 17 pairs finewhite all -wool Blankets, sn de of ab,oltl o 1y pure all - wool yarns, close, even twills, soft finish, blue and pink borders. Never } sold less than 53.25. Our very special price $2.50 a pair. a • Tre,nend out in cI®tuing 1 9 g For the next few weeks wo are having a big Cut -Price Sale of Clothing and will give you the biggest bargains that have ever been offered In Huron Comity. Read the list carefully: boys' double breasted Pen Jackets, snide of heavy Melton cloth, splendidly lined and finishers throughout, never sold less than 53.75; cut•price sale price $3.15 9• Oar 59.010 Overcoat --This is the Overcoat we like to show to clothing buyers. • It's one Of onr best values, and easily the bitruest money's worth wo ever gave in Overcoats at Nine. Dollars. Fashionable in length and style, honest in quality and tailoring. perfect in fit and finish. The material is heavy all -wool Cheviot cloth, Oxford grey shade. The style is the ponnlar long loose box back, with full skirt.- Splen- did linings, all sizes, for - - $9.00 -12 Men's heavy Tweed Suits, made with doable -breasted coat, splendidly lined throughout, the very latest eat, and put together by the best tailors in Montreal. These Suits if made by any tailor in town would cost at, the very least 512.00, but while they last you may buy thein at the almost impossible selling price of - 5(.`i5 -Men's Stylish Overcoats, mnde of good serviceable inelton cloth and splendid wearing tweeds. The price of ' these fine coats is 50.00; while they last you may buv them for - • � 44 1 s GOA n Direct Importer- /MANWSAA MAAAM6AAAlN1AOMMdAAAMAAN