HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-06, Page 6a at - • a;t fete, S IYI aTRENGT,y'FO ,,,ae lata TONACfi 41'EAi(Hc1RTP1 0t± e ENE FUNCTIONAL WROy6 ear RICH111EBLND6Sla -..t* let THE CONSTITUTION -- ti dCP etejateeetee t�lfvr'r'�L-"1�; Ordon,En3Moltreal.Cnt iia rice -tee: REST BRITAIN 4j A�tEl:icp" 'ereil all Druggists & Chitnis#�,Al -----,-:-..e, et =-L Price; 3r1 Canada ; C1'1.09.; Six bottles for $5.00 a Women awl mere who suffer frOni weak bac!, or pain in the lumbar region i•lululcl take ST. JAMx S WA- rims, which possess remarkable cura- iiv.: influence on functional derange- .ueut:l of the kidneys, and exert special tor. ie action on the whole -urinary system. Si'.sJAMt:s \l'P.y1•Rs cure bladder troubles- and pains of micturition, helping the flow of urine and clear- ing it 1 tom any sediment. ST.. JAMES WAItteas arc. alio a potent sexual strengthener. ST. JAMI.:s '\Vttr:;Rs help stomach, digest tood and stud the nutriment through. the blood, and this is the honest ray to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accom- plishes Much. "Tae va1 a': of St. James Wafers c in.totb.: overettintatf d. 3n the most 0) tina:re,eatieacfkidntyet alta urinary troubl'•e the y have r -r tiered ran r ern arl:able t o cces- seaJ• Dr. Cil arl_o 11. Powell, irltwT^raid, Scotland. St. Jnner 11 ir(. is arrant a secret • ^;:e, : r, tin'i"a,nrrunsanr4.•rstr. r n'•nrr•1t.titrK 114. vs to the irtatients Jan:: ilea J r 114rels upon request. t;"erre An' not selling the \ a[cr c thee. are nitti'ed upon re- t: t of t -.ce at the Canadian '•ranch : St. Jen -a 'Sofcra Co., 172E 11. Cother.na St., ttieontresl. • Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges From the Sanctum Mill A. branch of the Sovereign Batik was oliened recently at Crediton. 'ioronto is to hare still another bank the' r'Crowu Bank of Caued:I," for which a ahurter was obtniued at the last session of the Dominion per]ialneut. -,According to the Carrie Yidette, Mr. B.Stet,Torcl, of the 18th con. of IIowiak, claims to leave taken over 2.000 bushels of turnips from` oue and these quarter acres of laud. u, ehll "tress Cry for CAST ► R I A - Irving Hodson, who has been manager of the Bauk of Hamiltou at Mitchell, Ont., for some years, has gone to Mid- land to take charge of the branch which has recently opened there. Married at Washington Pa., on Oct. 'Oth, by Rov..1. B. Taylor, Mr Millard, V'. McMaster, of Washington, to Miss Lottie M. Bates, third slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, F. Bates, of Goderich. Mr. Andrew Kempel, proprietor of the Riversdule saw mills, was married on Tnesaay morning of last week in the R. C. church. Teeswater, by Rey. Fath- er Corcoran, to Miss Clara Milian, of Carrick. Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders give women prompt relief from tuouthly Rains and leave no bad after effects what- ever. Be sure you get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents. All dealers. Mr. R.7. E. Lane sent to the Lucknow Sentinel office two turnips and a carrot, 'which are certainly the largest we have ever seen. The Grey Stone turnip meas- ures 3 fee t10 inches in circumference and 'weighs 231• pounds while the Swede tur- nip weighs 18. pounds. The carrot is 17i inches round and weighs nearly 7 pounds. The friends of Mr. J. McArthur of Heusall, were pained to hear of the death of his wife, which occurred on Monday, Oct 27th, after a prolonged ill- fiess, She spent the summer in the West in the dept, that it would better laer health. She leaves a loving husband d young family. Deceased was a daughter of the late Stephen Ball, of erich, and was a Sister of Mrs. (Rey.) H. Dyke, of Erin, formerly of Bel - aye, both being married at the same foie, al,aut 15 years ago. Children Cry for CA TORI a A•Iargari;t Sanders, wife of Mr. Thos. me, passed to the great beyond on esday morning of last week at the age 70 years and 5 mouths. She had been y slightly i11 for the past two weeks her death :vas quite unexpected. and Mrs. Rome were Married in tland some fifty years ago, coming Canada shortly afterwards. About y year's ago they took up earning the Township of Carrick, where they did for a number of years, moving Mildmay some fifteen years ago. In I they moved to Teeswater where have since resided. She leaves to- rn her death, her husband and two ren,'r. Andre' Rome of Teeswater, Mrs,Moore, of Brueefield. FOUND AT LAST. liver pill that is small and sure, sets gently, quickly and thorough - t dote not gripe. Laxa-Liver oeeess these qualities, and are a r,sxr.. for liver Complaint, Constipa- .]t Headache., etc', Tho trnstoes of S. S. No, 7., Hullett have engaged E. Wilfred, of Blyth as teacher for 1903. Alton ,;250,000 were found in the safes of the gambling dens in New York raided by the police. Children Ory for CASTOR IA_ TILE • WINCO1A31 ''1.1(I°;ti, NO'I0111E 0, 1902 I)r. Armstrong, who meetly silt 'his practice in Bruceae1,1, bee purchased the practice of Dr. Spetloe, et 1urdwieli. Chief Justiee Dissent 'lois vouch:red judgtrtent,iu the Lisgsr election tree], disniiesed ,the petition and confirmed Mr. Stewart (liberal) in his seat. Mra. White, wi'low of the late. ai. J. White, late editor of the Exeter Time, and faintly, aeeouipattied by her sister,. Miss Maria, Clark, of Sae Fnuwi'- co, left for the Latter city on Saturday utoruing, where they will r e:de in. the future Less than a year ego an inmate of the '}Fuse of Refuge eseuped from that in- stitntion after dal k and was found frozen to dentle next morning. John O'Shri wandered out oue night recently at d when disttovered at daybreak was in au uueonscious St.lto 'and died iu a few hours, Following are the amounts on tl e Collector's Roll for the Township of Ashfield, 1002: -For County parpost s '$2353 37; township $420(1.23; pub] o school $3490.95; separate school $771.51; special school $2239.90; salmi debentm e $G41 04 Dengauuon (Irian t$41'. tO;statute labor $51,01; drain award $3:',.OS); arrears. of Taxes $-,4 05. Total anionut *113.835,73. Mr. J. B. Weir has resigned the post - mastership of Milbank, and Mr. John Ritter has been appointed to the vac - atm v. The daily coat of the South Oxford eleotiou trial was about $000, which in - eluded coausels' fees, witness' fees, and the various other expenses. If a child eats ravenously, grinds the teeth at night and picks its nose, you ntay almost be certain it has worms and should administer without delay Dr. Low's Pleasaut Worm Syrup. This remedy contains its own cathartic. The stock books of the Atwood Ce- ment Company, says the Bee, are now ready. The capital stock is placed at $500.000 in shares of $10 each. 111r. Win.F.Paterson has held the posit- ion of tax collector in North Easthope township for forty-one years, and Mr. James Reid has been treasurer of Moen- ington township for forty-two years. Genuine Cactoria always bears the Sign:At:r,; of Chas. 11. Ptat•:her, When naby was sick, we gave her Castel -L. When she was a Child, she cried for Casoria. When she became -Miss, she clung to Castor;a. :vhenshehad Children,shegave theta Castorta. The farm of Mr. Wm. Hogg, near Winthorp, was sold by auction on Wed- suLh an appetite that I wanted to be nesday, Mr. Watson, of Hibbert, being eating half the time. the purchaser. Tha price was $3 050. The farm contains 50 acres, and is a nice property. Seaforth town c,uncil will submit a by-law to loan Mr. Dick, of Dike 8a Co., Toronto, :,;10,000 free of interest for twenty years tc, enlarge the Van Egmond woollen mill and improve the plant, fifty hands to bo employed. Mr. Ritchie, of Atwood was united in marriage to Miss Eleonora. Fletcher,of Grey, at the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, Oct. 29th, Rev. Mr. Wells, of Ethel, dad the nuptial knot in the presence of a number of friends of the contracting parties. The youug couple will make their home near A twuod. British Troop Oil Liniment is unsur• passed by any liniment on the market today. It is composed of healing. soothing and cleansing vegetable oils and extracts. It isput inlarge up bottles for the stnall price of 25 cents. On Monday, October 20th, Wm. Osbourn, of Durham and Mrs. Jessie Elliott, of Ripley, were married at Kin- cardine, by Rev. Jos. Philp, B. D. It Was since learned that the groom's name is Wm. Osbourn Patterson of Walkerton not Durham and that lie haul a wife in Hanover. County Constable Briggs snmmoned Inspector Campbell, Rev. Joseph Philp and jetties Henderson as witness At the wedding to attend court at Walkerton as Osbourn had been ar- rested on the charge of bigamy. The summons were served and the trial to take plat=e last Thursday, Wednesday Inspector Campbell of Kincardine • re- ceived a telegram stating that Osbourn hadcomtnitted suicide. This ends the matter so far as Pedersen, alias Osbourn is concerned. Write are lteiug issuers on varinus parties in this locality in conuectiou with the Daly farm sale contracts of a few years ago. The cases will come up for trial at Toronto, but as to what hind of a fight will be made, wo are not re - pared to state at present. It is not like- ly to be one sided 'however, as there apnears to be roost for considerable diff- erence of opinion at leest. For Gets, Wounds, Childlains,Chapped Hands, Rhenrnatistn, Stiff Joints Barns, Scalds, Bit s of Inserts. Crone, Coughs. Colds, flagy ari's Yellow Oil will be fopnd an excellent remedy. Price 25 cents. All dealers. A quiet house wedding was celebrated . at Kincarbine on Oct. 29th at the res• idence of Mr. Robert Ross, when his niece, Miss Kate Ross, was married to Mr. William Adams by the Rev. Dr. Murray of Knox Church. They left by the'2 o'eluek train and will spend t1:e honeymoon in the east, afterwards re, turning to Kincardine, where they will reside. On Oct. 25th, another of the earlier settlers of this county took her departure acrcss that dark stream from which there is no return, in the person of Mrs. Doyle, of Auburn, after a long period of suffering, and ,worn out with a journey that had passed the four score limit. Interment took place in St. Augustine cemetery. She leaves two suns, two daughters, and her aged partner iu life, to mourn her departure. The essential lung -healing principle of the pine tree has finally been success- fully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine in Dr. Wood's Norway Piue Syrup. Sold ley all dealers on a guarautee of satisfactiou. Price 25 cents. A nevi society was incorporated Fri- day under the name of "Knights of the the Golden Horseshoe." The object of of this society is to unite acceptable per- sons of mature age in an association for the advancement of loyal and patriotic sentiments, and for such benevolent, provident and other purposes as are per - permitted by the act respecting socie- ties. Batt Nervous Prostration. Mrs. S. W. West, Drayton, Out .says: "I got terribly run down, and finally became a victim of nervous prostration. I had no nppetito, seemed to lose interest and ambition and could scarcely drag myself about. Flenring of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I used three boxes wi'h great benefit, gaining eleven pounds. Ir mut ie me strong and well • and I had The Rev. Alexander Dowie, the rein- carnated Elijah, and general overseer of Zion church, Chicago, is again in • finan- cial'difldculty. 'Writs are issuing from the Coutts against hilts in indefinite numbers, and a Judge of probate has ordered that. $45,000, belonging to the estate of a convert in New Zealand 1 e restored. as it had been invested hy. bowie in Zion City industries withptit authority. The pre.,ent condition is what might be expected when the eyes of Dowie's dupes were opened to see the real character of that religious humbug. There died at his late residence, con. 3. township of McGillivary, on the 27th of O itober, Jas. B. Miller, aged 07 years. Deceased was born in the town- , ;ship of Markham, and moved with his parents to the township of MrGillfvary I when quite a young man, ants was one of their main helpers in malting a home I in that new section. He married Isabel- I la Hunter, of Walton, and settled on a' comparatively new farm not far from his parents, and by wise and careful management built tip a most beautiful home. On Monday evening, Oct, 27511 Mr, i Joseph Livermore passed into rest: He was a native of Babarm, Cambridgeshire, England, where he first saw the light of day sixty eight years ago. In 1874 he came to this country and after living for some years oe the Sth con. of Hallett, he moved to Morris where ha farmed for a few years and then to Dundalk. In 1802 he located is Clinton where he con- tinued until the end. Me. Livermore was twice married, his second wife sur- viving hien. Thirteen children were born of these two unions all of whom are still living. Repot LIVE•• 3 0i441E11-5/ ACTS GEtITly EU ON G CLEANS 5l HE SYST��. EFFEDTUALL.Y. 05F1-1-65005 Aces 5>, l� CA � r�,�ER OVERCOMES J PATOON h11BiTUI4L 'PERMANENTLY. ITS Ely 4Q GO* cv5cTS, iCIAL BUY THE GENUINE-MAN'F'DBY �a �fcRNI 2 GSYRVP •••"'KY (f 6) CAL C/SCO fat' N.V. • FOR°SALE By Alt OPeGGISTS. PRICE 50e.FtR 3OTTA JINGLES AND JESTS. L'y a Fn1 nwn's YF. There is n. Lamar whn is Y's Ernerg'h to take his 1S', .And sally lettnt"- Ntth his 1,'8 Awl thunk ut what he C's. Ile hears tit- eaet'er of the J's As th-y cutch nrie-r T's And Z's rhea a hien e tree D K's Ie wiekt's it ht,tar ter D's A pair of oxen be :will TJ's With {tt.vs C'a And t Itis r:argaki•s ht, Will .i Q's While plowing for his P's. In raisin, (reps he' a'.l .i L's Anel therefor,+ litt'a O's. Anel a lea, he hoes iiia suits by t;pella He also suis:: his. hu -r. rol'W u -=;,z06. Archbishop ilrucllesi Personally Present- ed the Offering on NVednosday. Rome, Oct. 30. -The Pope yester- day /Teen ed Archbishop ]3riu hesi of Montreal in private audience. Tho Pontiff showed great interest in Ca- nada, and spoke in flattering terms of Premier Laurier. I3is Holiness shill: "If the Canad- ians love me, I h.tve a 'special affec- tion for them, of which I have giv- en proofs dutin.; the whole of my pontificate, the last being sending tett 'Apostolic Delegate to strengthen the bonds betwecn Canada and the Pap- acy." The Archbishop presented the Pope with a diocesan olTcring of $5,200, and int redo cmI to him several citi- zens of Montrcal. Sunk by n Canadian Steamer. Tacoma, , • Wash., Oct. 80. -Tho steamer Clapital City and the small Canadian freighter Trader, Capt. Parsons, which was bound from Steveston, L'.C., to Tacoma, with a cargo of canned salmon, collided late Tuesday night otl Dash Point. The Capital City, with twenty passen- gers aboard, had a big hole stove in her hull on the port side. Shesfilled rapidly, and barely • had time to run for the beach, where she sank. Diouday horning, of lest week, the wife of Jets. Stewart, of ir'ol t Arthur. flied at the home of her pau•ontd, Alexau- 'ler Street, Brussels, after en illness of a few weeks of typhoid fever followed by t lung ntYectluu. Deroas•,el's utlideu name was Oi'lt'aa Milloy, of Brussels.. elle was nnitad itt marriage to J es- s itowart. 3 ye era ego and it goodly pnr- •ion of the time since then wile spent in 'rt Arthur. M.i', stied Mrs,. 'Stewart and little (laughter (17 mouths old) went to 'l3rnssuls to Visit this tell wt eft the parents were stricken with typhoid fever Burl atter a severe siege Mr.Stewart is ('ouvfileseiujj; slowly butt the attach and its complications proved feud to ,1rs. Stewart, rlegpltirertof Delag attract, Mrs. W. E. Jeff. bee 44 Hielts Ayes, Kingston, Ont., states; --I suffered agony with itching piles. Itt fact. I don't be- lieve that any person who, lute not had piles call reelize what I r'udnrtd. The first application of Dr. Chase's Ointment brought relief anit it has since entirely cured ale. I hope that this testimonial will be the tnealla of bringing comfort to other sufferers by :leaking kuoivn tlto great power of this ointment. , The old scheme for the construction of the Huron and Ontario Elects i t Railway is being revived and it is ani21 that melt - !lists are wilding to b••gtn coustrnutien •text year. The charter granted is for au electric road from a puha in the town of Port Perry in the County of Ontario to the town of Kiev:trel].ue in rhe Connty of Bence, touching the town of Uxbridge, and touching at or within half a wile of Mt. Albert, New 1erket, Bradford, neeton• Shelburne, F!escherton, Prieeville, Dornan). and Walkerton, also from a pint et or near Priceville, throngh Mea foal, Owen Soused, Southnnlpton from a point 10 Walkerton, through or near Itlildinny, t'eeswater and Lucknow to Goderich touching at Dungan110n with a connec- tion, 1 etween Lucknow and Kiuoarrline through Ripley. For 4i»'.••' state Teal's. An 0121 and 'Well -Tried Remedy -Mit Winslow's SoothingSyrun has been used for over sixty years bpi'illionsof mothers fur their children wine. teething, with perfect success. It soothes the clliltt. softens the genes, allays all pain. eti1'es wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant t0 the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its valne is incalculable. Be sure you ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothiug Syrup, and take no other kind. Wo have all the latest bt�k�} in designs and material for this fall and winter wear. —Beautiful Cheviot Overcoatings• —Lovely English Worsted Sidings in blue, black and tency —Scotch 'T'weeds that are " gran' a' thgether." Follow the crowd and get your Srrit,• Overcoat and Trousers from R. MAXWELL. HIUIt ART TAILOR. Yon will find- our prices right ttrd mot knitlnahip the heat. eetiArWtW NINSYNAMltIlhY'1dYrMi irYiiiikYx Dropped Dead in Loan Oinco.Not Chatham, (k't. 80. -Death cane r " - ' "� "{ ;suddenly yesterday afternoon to Dav- •id llyatt, u,ged 78, a retired farmer of rover. Lie dropped dead in the office of the Chatham Loan & Sav- in:s Company. He had been com- plaining of poor health for some time, and Corcnr Bray attributed death to heart failure. Ile was a widower. IButHOW Cood1 i The most successful farmers in Canada -�� read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE: they ••- think about their work, they act upon its teachings, and they are its greatest admirers. Its editors and contributors are specialists. The Dietl While Praying. Delleville, Oct. 20. - Wm. Lafay of Fran .ford, a village near this city, dropped clean in church on Sunday lastt Ho waS at his devotions and was son to fall. When picked lip life «a3 extinct. Pea(In resulted from heart failure. Ire leaves a widow and three children. FARMER'S ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE • contains the cream of agrieuitural thought, and practical sten cont nue to read it be- . cause it pays then] aetd because they want scribers who will appreciate something good. The sooner you subscribe, the more you will get. ti the best. We want thousands of now sub airs. Cady Stanton nt Rest. New York. Oct. 30, -Tho funeral of the late l;li:abct.h ('ady Stanton was held yesterday at her residence in this city. Besides the family there were present only a few close friends who had it en invited, including Susan II. Anthony, the life-long friend and co- worker of til, dead woman. .310 Spaals1 Soldiers I•logg rel. Madrid, Oct. 30.-A part of t',c garrison at Valencia lnutiliied yes- -r•, terday and began to cheer loudly for the republic. 'The offenders were at - rested and flogged for their otiento.. „y t'sitn1 'U.S. 'Thanksgiving. Washington, Oct. 30. --President Roosevelt yesterday issued leis pro- clatnation designating Thursday, 1• Nov. 27, as a day of thanksgiving, as usual, _ . .._. _ ..... _ . Lord 31 into Thrown. Ottawa,Oct 30. -The C,c crnor- Conral was thrown front his horse while out riding Tuesday in 'New I:d- ineurf;h, but eacaeed with cy few con- tusions on the leg. Per $uoo we will send to new subscribers everyissue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE fronow till the end of tool, including the hcautifitl Christmas Number for both years. Time is Money. Read 1 think ! act i Send for a free sample copy if you want to see it practical, up-to-date farmer s paper. It will please you. ADDRESS t the William Weld Co.,Etd. LONDON, ONTARIO. X111141;4ti4U4 ? M,iNNNULb1AnARlilthmithypme eal r•. 1 ,v' • Don't plod along like your grandmother did before you, scouring and scrubbing; bending and rubbing• makes housework easy. It cleans everything and injures nothing. More economical than coap. Made only by TIig N. K. FAIRBANIC COMM.?ANY, Chicago, New York, Boston, St. Louts. IV:ontrcal. trt,ir.. •, fe 'x'1'1 :,Jr �i k..,aair�` iX:i,`:. xti ,1: vvaevvvvvveevvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv viv Clubbing Offers. viv AAAAAAneaAWAnAAaenAnnAnAnra THE TIMES announces the following low - rate C'ubbing Offers for 1902-03 :— Times till Jan. ls�, 1904 $1 00 Times and Weekly Globe, including the piemium picture of Ontario's Lieutenant Governors 1 00 Family and Herald and Weekly Star, with premium pictures, ' Alone" and Purity."1 75 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire. including your choice of premium pictures, " The Doctor," or "Contentment." ' 1 75 Times and Weekly Witness 1 60 Times and Western Advertiser 1 40 Times and Weekly Sun 1 75 Times and Daily Globe.. 4 35 Times and Farmers' Advocate. , ' 1 85 Times and Toronto Daily Star 2 20 We could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We cant give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine published. The above are our FIXED RATES, marked down so as to admit of no reduction. Therefore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. In each case the weekly papers will be sent to new subscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted are for either new or renewal subscriptions. AU subscribers. will receive theepreriums advertised.by the different papers. Give THE TIDES a trial subscription—from now to January ist, 1903, for - 10 cents Call at the office, or address 'LTTE TIMES, "Wingham, ' - - Ontario, Vii•`; :.5 `.).2 •j: A .77,i,1V7L' : 0 :!,,0 4 \,. . THERETH1ARE TWO, PAPERS 'C OUQHT TO LL' 1 �. --m; . t..i, ? r,_ ^.`.•:Nt. ',":"r•141. 1,4‘7. 'tn"ht'•,:.w1.. ... .. In every home in this district THE WINGUA11 Tl.1ES WIll supply you with the latest and most interesting Local Home and Foreign News, and - THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are -Market Reports that are un- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current events. Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in- terest and value to all farmers, dairymen and stockmen, Practical talks each ,week on Live Stock, Dairying, Farm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and other subjects. SUBSCRIBE IOW for TIMES ONLY- 75 THE and THE WEEKLIV SOH And we Will send The Sun free for the balance of 1902. L lace your order, a.t office. ...esma...ssm..- • •,ir s'.. 9Yt •.7. '17.17,..-'11.71.e.' Zrr t.. •'r DROP A POST CARD TO THE WEEKLY SUN, TORONTO, AND THEY WILL SEND SAMPLE COPIES, FREE.