HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-06, Page 5TIIE WINGICAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 6; 1902
,. .
'` The xn.�3•�h•dm GIothin Store
Theo t, The
The Newel9 The 'Cheapost!
Wake up and. kick ! .
Say, brother workingman or farmer, have you ever thought that the mule will kick, the clog will fight, and
even the worm will turn when trod upon ? But you, like an insensible machine, will slave and toll all day, day
in and day out, year.after year, with - er a murmur or protest, and for what ? To keep this man riding around
in a fine carriage who does not pay is debts ! What is there in life that to keep it you will wear yourself out
paying the same price in cash fo • oods for which another man gets 12 months credit and which in a great many
cases are not paid for at all. ho pays for the goods that are not paid for at all by the man that gets the
credit? You. The man at pays his cash in a credit store pays for the other fellow that drives -in the
carriage, every time. ,
See here, b .thee hadn't you better come to the cash -and -one -price clothing store, save money; and take
these drives in . ca !age yourself ? And now we want to administer a medicine to the man that is still asleep
so that he may ' ' ce up and kick.
THE PRESCRIPTION- 1 ounce of knowledge of value, 1 ounce of good judgment, 2 ounce's of common sense,
- 1 ounce of determination, 6 ounces of comparison, 2 ounces ot discrimination.
2 ounces of red pepper of independence, to which add a few grains of a clear conscience,
mixed with 10 drops of the blessed water of cash.
CAUTION --Care should be taken in order to obtain the fullest result desired, to shake well before using,
. not only the bottle, but also yourself, so that the dose may penetrate even to your feet, so that you may kick.
Allowance for cash M.D., Ph.D. Office hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Night bell for hurry calls, John street.
The 18. 11. Growder Go• Winham90�
the " Chamberlain " is the height of luxury.
Aftera hard day's work top off your evening
meal with o 1e and It will make a new man of
you. .A. sweet, soothing, splendid smoke.
JAS. McKELVIE, Star Restaurant.
IT (XTn.
At the Blyth flour mills one day last
week 325 hags of grain were chopped.
The anniversary services iu connection
with the Blyth Methodist church will be
held ou Sunday aud Monday, Nov. 9th
and 10th. Rev. C. W. Brown, B. D., of
Mitchell, will be the preacher at the
morning and evening services on Sunday.
On Monday evening a literary and musi-
cal entertainment will be given in the
church, when outside talent is expected
to take part in the program.
Is 'Your $aok Laude
Does it hart 1,, stoop or bend down?
Have you a heavy dull pain at the base
of the spine? If so the best remedy is
Nerviline; it will invigorate the tired,
sore muscles, make them suple and
strong. Nerviline will drive out the
pain and make yon well iu no time.
Nothing so good as Nerviline for Lum-
bago, Stiff Neck, Rheumatism, Neu-
ralgia and Sciatica. Buy a 25o, bottle
of Poison's Nerviline to -day, aud try it,
Dr. Hamilton's Pills care Constipatiou.
. New Fruits ! New Peels!
4. RAISINS -Fine oft stalk Valencias, Selected Valencias,
Sultanas, Seeded Raisins, London Layers and Black
*•••••••••••••••••• 0••••••
New Canned Goods •
CURRANTS-Patras, Fine Filiatra, Vostizzas,in clu d oo
ing the celebrated Black Beauty.
PEELS -Lemon, Orange and Citron, such as Crosse
Blackwell's, E. Lazenby a Son's, as well as the Cana-
dian article.
CANNED GOODS -Everybody knows the height to
which these goods have soared. Some houses are asking
$1.75 per dozen for Tomatoes. We had ours ordered in
August, so we can afford to sell them a good deal lower
than the wholesale price to -day.
mIVo•Itee v%114v
Does your What you want in
Liver ever •f i m
go on strike?
If so, you should use Iron Tonic
Pills. One pill a dose, 50 pills in
each box; 3 pills a day for seventeen
days, snakes yon a new luau or
They tone the heart, stimulate the
Nerves, increase the appetite, and
keep the bowels just right.
These pills can be had for 25c a
box -just half.a-cent a dose.
No guarantee of quality could
be stronger than the guarantee
wo giye, and no prices could
be more reasonable.
We had squaw winter last Tuesday
and now we have Indian summer.
John Simpson and Frank Wright re-
turned from Mariitobe last week, after
working there for a couple of mouths.
Bob and Jas. Simpson are in Muskoka
this week chasing the deer around.
A party was held at Andrew Simpson's
ou Thursday eveniriu in honor of Mr.
rind Mrs. Frank Smith before taking
their departure to the 7th of Morris.
Mrs. Agar, of .Conn, near Guelph, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wallace.
A prohibition meeting will be held in
Victoria Hall, Saturday evening of this
An auction sale of horses and cattle
will be held next Monday at Peter
Dying by Slow Degrees
Although not always aware of it yet
thousands die by slow depress of catarrh.
It fie st attacks the nose or throat, thea
the lungs, and finally spreads all through
the system. Catarrhozone is the ouly
reinecly that will immediately prevent
the spread of this awful disease. Every
breath from the Itlhaler kills tl}ousands
of germs, clears the throat and nose, aids
expectoration aud relieves the pain
across the eyes. Catarrhozone" erradie-
ates every vestige of catarrh from the
system, and is highly recommended. also
for Bronchitis, Asthma, Deafness and
Lung Trouble. Price $1.0.); trial size
25ets., all druggists. Polson & Co„
Kingston, Ont.
Dr. Hamilton's Pills Care L'illiousuess.
At the Voters' List Court last week,
the Liberals added nine or ten names
and struck off six.
M. Black, teacher in S. S. No. 3 is
engaged for 1903 at a salary of $365.
Not many teachers stop as long in one
school section as Mr. Block.
Frank and Juo. DeWolfe have return-
ed front an extended visit with relatives
iu Bowtnanville and Peterboro locality
Mrs. Parkinson and daughter Lena, of
Leeds. England. are on a visit to Joseph
and Mrs. Stubbs, 4th line. ' Mrs. Park-
inson is a niece.
Miss Jamieson has been re-engaged as
teacher in Anderson's school, 3rd line,
for next year at an advance iu salary.
We wish her success.
Walter Yuill aud family have moved
into their new residence. It is a com-
fortable, home like building where we
hope they will enjoy many happy, pros-
perous years. The old log house stood
the storms of many a winter.
W. 0. Wilson, 5th line, has received a
prize of $10.00 from the Rennie Seed
Co. Toronto, for growing a Mammoth
Greeu squash, weighing at least 300
ponnds. Mr. Wilson has slapped this
gin.ut production to Mr. Renuie,T'oronto.
Judging by the size of the packing box
he took home to ship the squash it was
no baby.
Cf the $182.000 required by St. James'
Methodist Church, Montreal, only $50,
000 now remains to be raised.
Tte anniversary services in connection
with the Bluevale Methodist church
will be held on Sunday, November ifith.
Rev. R. J. Garbutt, L. L. D., of Gorrie
will preach the serirous. On Mouday
evening following, a tea meeting and
entertainment will be held.
,aching Joints
In the fingers, toes, arms, and other
parts of the body, are joints that aro
inflamed and swollen by rheumatism -
that acid condition of the blood which
affects the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, especially
after sitting or lying long, and their
condition is commonly worse in wet
"1 suffered dreadfully from rheumatism,
but have been completely cured by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for which I am deeply grate,
Jul." Mess PRANCES SMITH, Prescott, Ont.
"I had an attack of the );rip whielhlett me
weak and helpless and suffering from rheu-
matism. I began taking Ilood's Sarsapa-
rilla and this medicine has entirely cured
see. I have no hesitation in saying it saved
my lite." M. J. McDossan, Trenton, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Removes the cause of rheumatism -no
outward application can. Take it.
What to Do When Baby Is Fretful and
It is wrong to take up a wakeful baby
form t110 cradle and walk it up and down
the floor alt night. It demoralizes th e
iufaut and enslaves the parents. B
does not cry for. the fun of the t ng;
it cries because it is not well -g: erally
because its stomach is sour, is little
bowels congested, its skin ho • and fever-
ish. Relieve it an it v• 11 sleep all
night, every night g ow' g• stronger in
proportion. Just wat netters needis
told in a letter from rs. E. J. Flanders,
Marbleton, Que., who says: -"I cannot
say too much in favor of Baby's Own
Tablets. They have worked like a
charm with my baby, who was restless
at night, but Baby's Own Tablets soon
brought quiet sleep and rest. I shall
cover bo without a box while I have n.
baby." Baby's Own Tablets euro all
minor ailments of little ones, and are
guaranteed to contain no opiate or harm•
ful drug. They' are sold' at 23 cents a
box at all dealers, or you can get tlieut
by mail, past paid, by writing direct to
the Dr. 'Williams' Medicine. Co., Brock-
ville, Ont., or Schenetady, N.Y.
al colors. A. short proxramne consist•
I at of an midge ss I ,y Rev. Kaisle; recite -
thins by bte,s,,rs Fitlr si d Ise et nr and !
Miss M. IdCC,enalllan;au instrumentarl
by Mies Lydia Iiow, and a selection by
the mile quartette of ti e ehpreh, was
given utter which other n,nuterpents
were ludulged in 'Ihe chief fratnre of,
the e('enrny Stas a conte a between the
purls stud boys iu hemming at handker•
chief, the ;tn'ls sewing with their left
heeds and the boys using tlreir right
hank, The prizowiupers were Mr, • II,
Fair and Mrs. Chris. Henderson, ,their•
work belua accounted best by the
Wm. Dawson. of Oiliness shipped a
carinad of cedar posts to-Therndrile this
The Evils of constipation
This dangerous condition causes head-
ache, abclontlnal pnius, piles and in severe
cases iusauity and apoplexy, The meet
agreeable and satitt'uotory remedy is
Ferrozouo, which hakes the bowels so
well ordered that uatnral and nnnr'siste(T
action is established. It is mild aud
certain in action and never causes dis-
tress or iueouvenience, and may be taken
as long as required. Pains in the
stomach and intestines, piles, billlous•
pees noel hendache dieiippear at niece
when Ferrozone is used. Regio nrneuded
and sold by Druggists, price 50o. 13,y
mail from N. C. Polson & Oo., Kingston,
Ont. Sold by A.L. Hamilton, Wingham
No Pills like Dr. Hamilton's.
TClt\li1OULX. •
Tho Hoene of Mr. A. Houtnth, of the
lOth con., was the scene of a most happy
event on Wedeesci y eveniug, Oat. 29Th,
when a large number of friends nsserubl-
ed to celebrate the 23th anniversary of
Mr, and Mts. llomuth's wedding clay.
Among the guests present, were a large
number wlio were present on the first
occasion, and were looking little the
worse for wear, but still able to join
heartily in the festivities. Strange to
say, that out of 70 guests assemhed at
the first celebration, only six or seven
have passed away, a very low death rate.
The itevitarinne called for supper at 5
o'clock. The tables fairly gruauer' un-
der the weight, of the good things pro-
vided. There was everything 'that the
thought of man could thiuk of or devise,
Guests to the number of 130 sat down
and were served sumptuously until the
inner man was fully satisfied. The pre-
sents were many in variety and useful,
comprising almost everything in the
line of silverware. They were the most
handsome lotnf presents that your car -
correspondent has over seen, 'i.'hgeven-
ing's amusements consisted of garner,
ntgsio, and tripping the light fantastic)
until the wee mice' 'hours, when the
guests derarted for their homes all
wishing Mr. and Mrs.. Horn rah ninny
more years of happiness awl that they
aright be spared to enjoy their golden
wedding. Mr, A. F. llonnuth and Miss
M. A. Netterfield wire united In holy
•wedlock. Ont. 29th, 1817. Rev. H. Mc-
Quarrie was the (dictating clergyman.
Miss S. E. Netterf.eld.sistor of the bride
was bridesmaid and Mr. J. E. Mulholl-
and assisted the bride through tha
ordeal. The bridesmaid and grooms-
man have siuce married and were pres-
• ent at this anniversary. That does not
occur at every silver wedding. Mr.
Homuth took his fair young bride to his
• home on the 10th cnu. and where they
have resided rip to the present time.
Many blessiugs have been showered
dowu upon their heads, being surround-
ed by a family, a credit to their middle
age and a joy to their hearts. Blessed
with health aud wealth, they may, with
joy look back upon the past and thank
the Author of every good and perfect
v wet
gift. May their future be paved 11
EAST WAWANosll- many blessings and may their last days
The Sabbath school and public school be their best days, is the wish of their
section 9, con. 12, East Wawanosh will numerous frifriends.
hold a social entertainment in the school The special revival services have been
room on Friday eveniug, Nov. 14th. Re- continued iu the Methodist church this
freshments will be served and a good week. Meetings will be held to -night
programme is being provided. The and to -morrow ui�ht.
committee is sparing no pains to provide "t .._ ._. -_._.
a good evening's entertainment, and it is
hoped that their efforts will be liberally V'�
rewarded by a large atteudauce. The e z ,
proceeds will be devoted to the purchase
of books for the Sabbath school library.= ant
Silver collection.
The following is the report of the son-
ior classes in S. S. No. 11, East iatwan-
nosll. for the mouth of October. Fourth
class, examined in Arith.. Gram.,Geog.,
Spell. and Hist.-Auuie McBurney,Allan
Pattison, Stanley McBurney.
Sr. Third to Jr. Fourth, promotion
examination -Edna McBnruey•Edmund
Irwin, Elsie Shiell, Stuart McBurney,
Edward Fitzpatrick.
Jr Third to Sr. Third -Mina Currie,
Clarence Shiell, Alex. Shiell.
Linda Milne,Tcacher.
Accidents will happen. The Graud
Trunk carpenter gang were along last
week nndrepaired the steps endplatform
leading into the station. This will be a
great convenience to the public as the
old steps were very unsafe.
Tho saw mill has changed hands aga'n.
Messrs Cottle & Sou being the new pro-
prietors. They are fitting it up in first
class shape for operations this season and
those having logs to dispose of will do
well to ask them for quotations.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kow, visited their
daughter Mrs. Skelding at Shelbourne.
Rev C.C. Kaino spoke at the Orange-
men's banquet in Amberley on Wedues-
day night.
The managers and building. committee
of the Presbyterian church held a meet-
ing at the Manse on Monday night.
Miss Minnie Holmes of Clinton is
visiting at Mr. Joseph Holmes'.
This is a good year for the public
school teachers. Wo are glad to know
that Miss Nellie Troy and Mr. K. J.
Beaton, who graduated from White-
church Collegiate have been re-engaged
in their present sections at a substantial
iucrease in salary in both cases. Miss
Mary Troy, who is at present at'endina
Model in Goderich has also been fortun-
ate in securing a school already.
AL a meeting held iu the Presbyterian
church last Wednesday evening, the
Whiteeh irch branch of tufo Upper Cana-
da Bible Society was re -organized with
the following officers: Pres., Rev. C. 0.
Keine; Vice President, Rev. G. M.
Dunn; Secretary, H. D. Ilenclersou;
Treai ., W. J. Kew. Tho meeting was
addressed very eloquently and forcibly
by Rev. A. Millar, of Lochalsh, the
agent of the Society, If everyone pres-
ent were its cltthusiastio as the speaker,
Bible Society work would boom in
Whitechurch this year.
The Epworth League held a very suc-
cessful Hallowe'en At Home in the base-
ment of the Methodist church on Friday
evening. Tile basement was prettily -de-
corated with evergreens and the nation -
"D's I The Leading Stare
AT 11. E. ISARD & RO'S
On Saturday morning we place on our counters the following list of
goods at MONEY SWING PRICES. Bargains in New Goode -Just
the kind you are looking for and wanting at this time ot year. We
are reaching out after business and intend to sell goods in all depart-
ments at Close Cat Prices from Monday morning until Saturday night".
Please shop early Saturday and get first ehoiee.
470 yards Flannel tie, eight pat-
terns, 30 -in, wide, fast colors,
heavy, reg. 10c. Saturday .08
45 Ladies' Wrappers, deep frill,
good heavy cloth. fast colors,
lined sleeve and waist, regular
2 09, Saturday -
300 pairs extra heavy all -wool rib-
bed Hose. fast black, made ta
wear well. reg 83e, Saturday .25
10 Boys' 2 -piece all -wool Tweed
Suits, nicely nettle, regular
price 2.00, Saturday - 1.50
1 piece Grey Flannel Sheeting, 2
yds wide, reg 650, Saturday .50
5 pntterns Plaid Gingham, fast
colors, reg. value 7e, Saturday .03
A special line of Fancy Neck
Ribbons, all colors, regular 25c,
Saturday - - - - .20
Ladies' flannelette Nightgowns, full
size, good patterns, regular
value 65e, Saturday - .50
A line of Men's Tweed Pants,well
made, reg 1.25, Saturday price 1.00
A lot of mill ends Factory Cotton,
reg 7c, 8c and 10c, Saturday .03
1 piece heavy Union Carpet. good
pattern, reg 35c, Saturday .25
.11111.10••••09.1.CY 4211.
Ladies' fancy black sateen Waists
fast color, regular value
Saturday -
15 pairs good strong Corsets,
steel filled, well made, regular
value 03c, Saturday - .49
Girls' fawn Short Coate. nieely
made, regular value 2.75, Sat-
urday - -
4 pieces heavy all -wool Home-
spun Dress Goods, 54•iii wide,
regnleir 1.23, Saturday - .75
20 doz. Ladies' Vests and Draw-
ers, heavy, reg 35e. Saturday .25
Boys' navy blue duck Shirrs,spots
and stripes, reg 50c, Saturday .39
losomombloomplabowatearima 10•••••••••11,••••
Ladies' fancy pattern Waists,
lined, fast colors, new style,
regular value 1.25. Saturday 1 00
2 5C
Men's Peak Gaps. check tweed,
regular price 50c, half price
Saturday - - .25
oys' heavy Sweaters, navy and
red, reg 40o, Saturday - .25
$ 1.00
25 pairs Lrelies' Dongola Boots,
regular 1.25, Saturday 1.00
S pieces Wrapperette, new pat-
terns, fast colors, reg 121ae, for .10
11. E. ISARD . Co.
Opaosite Bank of Haniiitoll Highest price paid fa Produce
,ci:+Y4:,114AXP:.4 ,..,%Tal.•„ '0%; R.�.:--.,r:_ i . �". ' '. MICSvomit
Revival services are being had here
every evening this week aud are conduct-
ed by Rev. Mr. Leech.
There will be no service in the Presby-
terian church next Sabbath, as the tea -
tor, Rev. J. J. Hastie, will preach in
Qderuiteica number from here took iu the
Guy Bros'. coucert in Wingh'•.ant last
Friday evening and report the concert ns
good as on former occasions.
Win. Geddes has got tris mill in run-
ning order again.
Jets. Ovens has pnrchased the proper-
ty owned by the late John Wightmau
and will take possession this week.
A number of our young people attend-
ed the party given at Silos. Gasmau's on
Mouday evening.
Rev. Mr. Sawyers, of Brncefield, will
address the W. F. M. S. on Tnursday
evening, Nov. 13th, in the Presbyteei,ur
church A suitable programme is being
The ladies of the Methodist church
will give au afternoon tea at the parson-
age on Monday, Nov. 10rh. Tea served
fio:n 3 to 5 p. m. Admission 13c.
Jas.Wightman aud family moved into
their new residence last week aud are
comfortably settled.
Co." dabbers are rubber shoes
t ' RO 1ETii lt.
Mr. T. Brethar.er was the recipient of a pre-
sent from Mi-. Wm. Yeo, last r;aturday, con-
sisting of a •tri load of turnips.
The Quarterly Board of the Methodist church
met at ria lr,n on Mouday. All the old ofileial:t
„•err reaesee•d, sat 0 very good meeting was
bold. The nes.r meeting will likely be held in.
Wre,xet er.
'1'1. • Yonne People's hall in the Town Hall Ort
Wednesday evening of last week was largely
attended, many from. the country being pres-
The local temperance executive aro preparing
for the 4th of Dee. vote.
1.tr. Daviel Martin, who has been visiting his
son, Reuben in Manitoba, returned home on
e.urday. It will ho remembered that \ir.
:Martin tell from the train on his way out West
and was removed to Port Arthur hospital„
where he remained until he was able to pro-
ceed to hie "en's hone.
Cur loads of sheep and cattle were shipped.
from Wroxeter tins week.
Mrs Tas. Pox, of Brussels, visited with ]iris.
D. Myles o't'1uesday.
Mr... David Scott fell down stairs last week
and has been very its sfnee. It is hoped. she
will be all right in a few days.
Mrs. Courtieeand son, of Morris, were guests
at ThoS. Appleby's on Tuesday.
Rev. Theo. Hall, of town, wi'l preach
in the Kincardine Methodist church on
Sunday next.
Rev. R. Paul. of Brussels, will preach
in the CVinghatn 'Methodist church next
Sunday, both morning ami evening.
Do you wear !Libbers? If
so, buy rubbers with a reputa-
tion. C. R. Co." rubbers
have stood the test of half a
MADE IN CANADA by the Can- century. Fit and style speak
ada Rubber Company. for themse,lre5.
Don't forget the old man I vV'a'PyVVVVVV 9Yi+ri'FwYVVYVV�PS
with the fish on his back. , D
For nearly thirty years he ; ®►,
has been traveling around the ' a
world, and is still traveling, I it
' bringing healtl- .i nel comfort
evherevcr he goes. • ,i,.
To the consumptive he ; ►
brings the strength and flesh ! i►,
he so 111UCh needs. ►
To all weak and sickly :
children he gives rich and'
strengthening food. 10 -
0 -
To thin and pale persons i ►
he gives new firm flesh and r,.
rich red blood. o.
Children who first saw the
old urian with the fish are now p►,
gro'vn up and have children P•
of their own.
He stands for Scott's Emul-
sion of pure cocl liver oil -a 0-
delightful food and a natural d
tonic for children, for old folks
and for all who need flesh and s
strength. s
Brides Like
Pictures, tl o.11<,.
And good pictures will outlast any other font) •
of gift you can think of. \ .have a splendid
showing ot beautiful pieta s, moderately priced,
any one of which woul - delight the recipient.
See new advt. next week.
Furniture and Undertaking.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Che le•t ,- - r The Furniture Store opposite the Post Office.
'Toronto. .