HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-11-06, Page 3WI O. T. Ile. PLATFORM$, Drone stutslon for the wee wl•o thinks, Die fltKL Hainaut' fur the num w hu $1111a404, Legal suasion for the drunkal a nucke r, , Prison examen), for t11u stetuto bl totter, t eenecr heel in Oillidolitee ?TAIL fist$ t►u 1 thir4'i uesduy In tech menet at 8 i teepee, A cordite inviietion es ()steeds). to Villain CYi:t•Il in the $U) U?aeaton of doctrine t:'uitto.. BECAUSE A. TOTAL ABSTAINER. ,Miss Agnes 'Weston, temletrance queen of tate Royal Navy, tells why 013 uo Ino aOS uo0q oetnl °I:111 '11111 fate became a tctal abstainer. Alto had asacmteed it number a>' neon at a tent - mance rneet'ng, i nd W .S r'eligtie1 t sere u devcrl) come slyly towards bet; Ile was a desperate drunkard, well IMAM' fcr bis cruelty,evh'n under the influence ot drink, To collet him. on the side of temperance. had been her prayer for n long time, so she wel- comed him eagerly, Tho 4Weep. look up in her face with' the pen nlret'dy wet. "If you laleuao, Miss, be you a tete11 abstainer?" "She ioplircl, "X 'Only take a gI•'s1 cf w'na ceoasionelly, oir course in strict moderation." "Well," said the swoop, laying down, lie pen, "I think I will do just ns you Slay, and take a glued sometimes in moderation." That very night Agnes Weston signed! the pledge. So .did the sweep. In quite two different sea='s she mads "a clean sweep." •s• • CANADA'S DRINK BILL. 93y. u mistake in •copying, wrong figures were quoted 'in The. Pioneer lust **(nig foe the total quantity of liquor entered for home consumption int Canada fon the fiscal your ending junco E0l h, 190L T)13 cermet quanti- ties axe : Spirits. Can . di.cn :. ... 2,708 833 gals. Spirits, imparted .. 1,367,2010 '' Malt liquor, Canadian,,25,108;254 " ,>!$ilt Leper, impc.rt.d .,. C52,4 6 " t Wines, imparted ..• 49014 " . ( ?total .... -30,033,697 " The tct flan:.unt o' maty set down ne the cost of lieuor to the consumers, wets about correct. 'A very •small quantity of ,spirits taken directly for consumption from distilleries instead of from tvurehouscs, was omitted. '1.'ha total correct figures, for quantities and prices etre set out Lal full in the article mentioned, which is re -produc- ed in another column under ties haul= ina' off "The Armor-" The quantity of liquor entered far cansuhnption in Canada Lor 11)01 was 30,033,07 gallons, and, the estimated cost to the consumers was $47,100,"918. •y• 'ONE BOTTLE. • An American editor says: "A pres- ent in the shape of a bottle of fine old Scotch whiskey wale, kindly sant to this office at twb pan. on Thursd:•ty ; ten minutes pest that hour not a drop oaf liquor remained; ten seconds later the office, boy had sold the bottle at into ruts and bone shop next door. At 2.30 three mon. were charged at the police court w th b. ing drunk t: n4 dos. (orderly. The editor of this paper re- eurns t]lanks for this handsome gift, end would feel obliged if the donor of the whiskey would send oolong $seventy-two shillings, a policeman's helmet, a now office boy, four partes of glees, a now street -door knocker, and some snore whiskey." ILUTE SINE • a 'tri Germaine arter9s Little Liver • .. Must Dear eli,H,,rinturo of Sec Foe-Sirdie Vrar 1'er Below. 'Very stall and t:a coat to ako as t;no•hl•. Fei CART EaS F© $TTLE FG WIER FS FO FO 2112AD,1E1 e.. FI liillINESt. ti BILLOOS iE23. l3 TORPID LiVER. N CONSTIPATION. 3 SALLOW SKIN Ii THE COMPLEX= pCe ( V1"htID MU•TRAVR ,t„TUNt, iE cont+ � 1i' .4 arm, dogctehiti v('3 CURE SICK HEADACHE. Constipation 9x1 a nombiaatton of tlho actino Princtnlr.N of Ooes your head ache? Pain rho inset 1 11118bto vc otable rome,lies tar dis- ca ea,wddisordcrs otgtho Liver, Stomach cruel back of your eyes Bad I)owals,• taste in your mouth? It's f*, , N your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver ills. Theycure consti-. pation,headach, dyspepsia.. 2,5ic. All druggists. Page's C�?�r� kind: Make Permanent Gans In Chtanic an Cumplieated IT'GIvES NRW LIFE. TO 11ELPLESS AND ecRIRPLED IMIEN. AND ' WO1EN. X'rofe'ss,r I •lwitrd E. Phelps, 11I. D., L L. D., hat:given to his profession n p,Hitive mid,.l)eiirhnrrent cure for All terms of rheulnatistn )IOW sp ennttrtnn in the autumn HP))S'n). To the rlleltntatin this truth :simnel prove tsirconragi, g aiul eoint`Orti(la*. Mtn $(lid women ynITt ring Intel agonies front a disease that fon cremes stabile the joints, cripples the ]((abs and renders he viotatul helpless, me be restnreit to activity, vigor anti health, it' Paulo's Celery Componnd is used f, r a jew wt ells. Th' 4e 's every rentlou telly sufferer,* ahonkl pia their faith to this beet of lnrdiciues, Yone 1is•n(ls t nd neighbors hkve need it with u.ot'ess: the holiest phy6ioiou is presot•it)- ing it every day in eases where all other ,ttiron.11nve failed, and they are deligiht- eri with the lunar( 'results. It is your •,idv hope; your safety anti life dPpeud upon its nse. Mrs. M, MoKillop, Cantp- ttellford, Uat,, writes about her "ureas fellows: "Iteasa sufferer from rhenmatistn ror a long time. and endured prints pain. The norrs in the Bolt s of inn hand': were drasvn up in harts and I despair, d •1 e:lntt•.t relied, After sting Paine v 0, levy Uinpound, I halve banished r 11 my poliesmid troubles, and find tvs'tf atrengthe'ned in every way. I think Leai'•e•'te Celery Conrnrnn(i is the is s'• medicinethe woild tor rheumatism and all nervous cote praises, e. Fattening Chickens at the O.A.C. Prof. Graham, of the Bxperhnental Farm, Guelph, is fattening chickens en quite a lihige scale `ibis fall. At pre- seet, the crates' contain tlbout 400, which are being finished for the Mon- treal market. 'While the ration has varied somewhat, according (to , the cast of the different materials, it has in general been' as follows: 00 parts fine grcued oats, 15 each of b trley and corn meal, anli 10 of bran. These have been mixed lvith water and fed with the crammer. From ion to fourteen days is generally sufficient to finish the stock purchased from :farmers; but although 'these birds when brou4 ght in arc worth Dight cents par pound, Live weight, after being proporly fat- tened, dressed land packed, thirteen is realized. This should bo sufficient to convince anyone Who has ehickons roaming about tho barn -yard, of the necessity of at once placing all young members of (the feathered family within crates or in pens, and aiming to realize on this year'.s batch. All experiments with feeding in crates as compared with funning in yards have demonstrated the folly of the latter. No Ferson can secure the profits witch to them belong unless the most up -toe date practice's aro observed in fending: Pi f. Graham has just donaluded a test of feeding till boiled food ;is oigainst a ration 'wholly raw. Rolled outs, ground barley and corn 'were used. After feeding for o. time those on 11,,1 boiled rood became 'deranged in their digestion, and had to be sold for wh:nt they would bring on the market At the ,same time those on raw food went on and woro fattened quite satisfactorily, Experiments) have also been conducted to secure, if passible, some substitute; for milk in mixing tIic meal, but sb far no equina•, lent ho.3 been found. The nearest ap- proach has been green tape, or e). 'tun per cent. addition (if animal meal.— Fa,rhncl's Advocate. , The money spent yearly on shaving by people in the United Kingdom, is estim- ated at £3,100.000. In tlhe reovince of Iielsi gland, in Sweden, 50 new cases of Ieprosy have been detoeted divine the past year. The largest Wooden stetne in the work' is to be 9Rett in Tokio, Jap to. I' It is 54 f'r t t high anti the head will boll20 peel le. i$LBVVR.N'3 Watt your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Thee � fh,so h BUCKINGHAM'S D i EtIti Rbers; 5b are, or 011110,1018, on R. 1'. Hut a Gin 14A1,UR, H.H. IT PAYS TO AIJVERTIS �rCt. Tin Tin?, ?, TIMES. Sick Headache. Jaundice, ear'- butt, Catarrh oil the Stomach, Dime - hese. Blotches and Pimples. Dyspepsia, Sour StonhaeT , Water Emelt, Liver Cor/inhabit, Sallow Or Muddy Complexion. Sweeten the breath and clear away all waste and tt,oisonous mn.tter from the system. Price 250. a bottle or 5 for $1.00. All tl^alcr9 Or Te htii.St)rt:t Co., Limited, Toronto, TOE. WINGI1AN TIMES, • NU1'EM.BER t11 WO2, THE PREMIER'S YIS1T. Sir Wiifrid Hos Returned to Ok• taws --The Qabinet Vacancy, NO ANNOUNCEMENT YET MADE. Prouder Met lift, 1"xergnttl(,ns, iVtto Said Airterwarels That Ilii Wats *,ret In n 1'orition to Spy SVhether Any Apt polntmont Iiuet Been (neon ter Him— of lion. L, l', liroileer Aldo --Leeks 1Zuvh $ rnproved. otta,wa. Oct. 80. --The Premier ani. I PAY Laurier returned last evenint front Montreal. fair ivilfrld looker greatly improved. iso shitted they; was nothing to announce just yet. Premier Lenves Montreal. litcrereal, Oct. $0, - Sir Wilfrij I-auri,r, who arrived ie town at i o'clock yesterday, went at once to the Windsor, where he met ex -Mayo) Pr'eontaina by appointment. Mr, Profontainu 1 etnained with him fol some timo,and on roaring down, stalrt stated that tho Premier would leave for Ottawa during the afternoon and that he would likely accompan3 him. Ife was not in a pOgition tc say whoth'r any appointment *tee boon given llf)n, Hon. L. P. Blrod• our had an appointment with the Premier at 8 o'clock. While waitilt;I to see Ben L. P. ilroclour the Pr() mier was interviewed by Hon. Lome( Gouin, Mr. L. O. *)avid, Hoe F. L i'eieue, Mr. Oc,d:roi Lana/pis and others. ITo left at 4 o'clock. Lady T.aarier did nut accompany Sir 'Wil- frid, a,9 she is ill at h'r home in Ar• thabas:.aville. 1 bURDOCE BLOOD BITTERS S MAKES PERMANENT CVS NEIY 1i1:GUi.ATION5 ISSUED. Regarding Payment of Seceesllon Datia,. to the Provirit,o, Toronto, Oct. 80.—A new series of regulations have just been put into force by order in Council for the t,otttr onfor!ament of oho m1=080in11 duty act. Among the more import• ant provisions is c:na requiring tht Tiling with the Surrogate i egistrar, on all applications for letters pro- , 1 ate or letters of 'a dutinsstrtetion,' two dui licatu original affidavits of value and relation *tip, on a form prescribed. C. n s of these d'tplicate forms shall be forwarded to the So- licitor to the 'Treasury at the tcuc- r(ssictn duty Olt%. Toronto, and at the sante time a not ice shall be sent to the I'rorinciaf Treasurer, in a form also prtseri bed. Upon tits ro• reipt of the first-narned form the So - Ii itor 'to the Treasttt•y shall d;'tet•• mine wh'ther in his opinion the pro- perty is liable for succession duty. It is also provided that no letters pro- bate or Letters of administration shall issue without the consent in writing of tho t.olieL•tor to tho 'freas• ury or someone deputed by the Treas- urer to act for !trot. t Sleep Mystifies Doctors. New York, Oct, 30.—For ten days Miss Nellie Corcoran has lain uncon- scious in St. Vincent's Hospital, and tho best medical skill in the city has been unable to revive her or oven to bell what is tho cause of her condi- tion. Every treatment known to the medical scion u has keen resorted to in vain. Tho doctors are baffled by this new mystery, and in their di- lemma i- 1 mahaesu1gest: d that she is in a hypnotic deet) and are investigat- ing along this lino, but with little h tie of reaching a solution. Mother \Vacts Lizzie. Georgetown, Oct. 80.—Lizzie Keel- er, 18 years of age, disappeared from her home ten days ago, and nothing has been !heard of h..r whereabouts :ince then. i he is of slight Meld, iivo feet four inches in height, thin - featured, with dark brown hair and blue oyes. The gh•1's another is heart -broken, and no effort will be spared to find her. Fire at Husplor. Hcspeler, Oct- :In.—Piro, apparent- ly of incen liary origin, broke out in Of such severe diseases as scrofula, running sores, salt rheum or ec- zema, shingles, erysipelas and can- cer., as well as boils, blotches, pim- ples, constipation, sick headache,, dyspepsia, and all disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, Burdock Blood Bitters always does its work thoroughly and com- pletely, so people know that when B.B.B. cures them they're cured to stay cured. KING EDW,tRD's ll ESSENGEIt. Oliver A. Borthwick Arrive} In New Tork With Ilia Montage. Now York, Oct. 30,—Small in stature and dressed in a plaid suit of English cut, a young man less than 80 years old, walked down 8ho gang plank after the Kaiser 1Vilholm dor Caress° was berthed ,yesterday' and left the pier without the formal- ities of inspection. Ho was Uliver A. 73orthwice, a spe- cial messenger from Ling Edward Vli., bearing documents of import- ance sent either to president) Boone vett, or to tho Btitish Embassy at Washington. To the customs officials, to whom he was obliged to disclose his ident- ity, ho stated only that his mission was one of great importance, and produced the ' precious parchment which, in language savoring, of the past, proclaimed, him the Icing's messenger or courier, and stated that he must not be detained when in the land of a Sriendly power. Tho docu- ment born the signature of the Icing and the seal of the Lord Chamberlain of the King's household. Had c•rtro- ful selection bean made, a more un- obtrusive messenger in appearance could not have been found. In his home country the young man is well known. Oliver Andrely Borth- wick is the son of Lord Glenesk—Al- gornon Borthwick --who was created a baronet in 1887, and raised to the peerage as a baron in 1895—Lord Glenese is the proprietor of Tho London Morning Post, and one of the organising chiefs in the Conserv- ative party. The young man 18 the only son and is heir, to his father's estate and title. Mr. Borthwick has a: sister, Lilies, who is Countess Bathurst, the wife of Lord Bathurst. WILL CANADA INVITE 111111? Mr. Chamberlain Could Return 1,'rom South Africa i•ia, Vancouver. London, Oct, 80,—Friends of Mr. Chamberlain aro much gratified by the announcement that the Australian (,overs:h.ent is inviting hien to ex- tend his South African tour to Aus- tralia. It is suggestedthat Canada should officially support the invitation with an addendum that Mr. Chamberlain sh til return to England Via Van- couver. lt is enderetood that such an in- vitation would stand no chance of be- ing considered, 'unless strict limita- tions were placed on the number of Canadian engagements. Ma English and the Continental press° accept Mr. Chamberlain's tour as a signal tribute to tho force of tho new Imperialism, opening a way to the establishment of something like te pass test for British minister- ial tunic, viz., a, personal and prac- tical knowledge of the self-governing colonies. tho Zryd 1,l0:k early yesterday morn- -------- Ing. The benzene is occupied by IT. Ercig, tobacco:ii:a, O. 5. Eby, edi- tor of The herald, and 1). Barber, hotogret.hcr. All have insurance, but will meet with some loss. Died at (3ueipl.. Guelph, Oct. 00.— •flee, .john Ing- ham Mullen Ph.D., tho well- known Congregational ctjvine, died this morning, after tt lengthy illness, I•Io gave up his regular vor:c four yr ars ago, when 1n removed to thin city. .Ceceascd was born twar Fer- gus, in March, 1:043. Addilionill Fast LC.1:. Egpregs. • Montreal, Oct. 80.—.John M. Lyons, general passenger agent of the 9nter- colonial 1theWat staled hero nester, Backaches O WO Oi' day that the outlook was bright for 11Jlll! an additional fast train on the Tnh- tercolonial Railway next e'eason be- tween iifontreal and Halifax. The tire° Will l,o 22 hours. Medal to n heroine. Teterboro, Oct, 80. ---Miss Isabel ITay, da, ghter of T. A. S. Hay, has been awarded the medal of 1110 Royai Humane Society for saving the life of a companion, Miss Maud Allen, of Toronto, while both wore in bathing last summer. The rescue was made at great personal risk. Seaman %V411 liottro in lotember. Madrid, Oct. 30.—Premier Sagasta wilt retina from politics in November on account of inn -Health. A physician has taken Sagasta to his eoentry seat In Alicante. Minister of the In- terior Moret will likely succeed to tho Pronhiershil:. Twenty Years .Atter. Rochester., N.Y., Oct. 00. --Twenty • years ago errs. Elliott he.d jewelry Worth 81,000 stolen from her house. Yesterday it all carie back in a bots, which boyo tho postoftice stamp of 1 Prescott, Ont., (:ttntda, Not one wornart iia twoaty hast n strong back. 11/pciczcho Cs tho cry of Weak Kidneys for help. E3aoicathe is the wrrn:nn nate of much mu) o OCr.ou5 ta'utet, to to e.alstor ;:Mar: nt• ieadatt to iram,.uLtoiy. t'zakaohn nen he uurod quickly and pt,•tnanentiy by tieing DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. The great and well known Kid- ney remedy. They have cured thousands of WOt11Cn. They will cure you. Mrs. It. L. Lane, Mapleton, N. B., writes: "I was gt•eatly troubled midi and pain itt my silo. 1 saw 1)oan's kidney lolls advertised, so thought T Weald, give them a trial. After the first box I Legal to feel better and I took two tnato to ]nal+o n compacts euro. "1 consider Man's Kidney Pills a goal, honest, eatable medicine for alt kit1= hey troubles and can highly reconitnend theta." Me. Tar line or 11 fee $1.2.0. All heaters or "'lets I),1.t:t iLtU.n:Y PILL. CO., Toronto, net. ASCHOONEQWflECItED Mineral State Drifted Aohgro it Port Stamey, GALLANT RESCUE OF HER CREW Great 'Work ot Lirebept CROW mod 7u Gordon /frown—fort D(iihousie k'JPhintF ligate Cstu}lit in the Leko Gutta• --AU Venally (lot gift newevor, After y Sena Experiexce— steuldeute soma irateettef. Port Stanley, Oct. 31.. --Two vete tela laden shit coal Were catil;ht In the heavy, gale yesterday Meriting' and utelhored lust outside the her- bor. t.n.i of theta, the . llfinerel• State, of Alpena, Govt. William Zion with coal for the Lake Erie ,l De" troltkti.er Railway, fort Stanley, et once set up sii;nels of distrees, and soon afterwards drifted aehol'o on the leach, a mile east of the har- bor. She began brt teing up, and at Loon the mates George Hazelwood, (ern° ashore e.n a hatch Cover, and with t}, life preserver on managed to land m safety. I'o„was touch ex- hausted, but oth)rwi:e none the worso for his exl'eriencce, The mizzen mast fell at 2 o'clock, and by 4 o'ciocl: the main mast fell and the vessel was going to pieces fast when the tug, Clot don Brown, towed the lifeboat clown to the wreck and Coxswain Reginald Moore, with a volunteer crew composed of sailors and citixcns, as follows: Thomas 13ou:. h, Flue Evelan:t, Ilenry Cher- ry, Frederick Pollock, William hough and Alonzo Taylor, by careful man- ai:•enent soon had the crew, con- :-isting of Capt. Willian► Zion, Fred- crick Lecuyer, cook, and Seamen Wil- liam lien derson, Lawrence Walker and Frederick 1'oor in the lifeboat, which was again picked up by the tub Gordon Brown and towed hack to the harbor. They were all very much ehausted. The crew of the litel oat and ("apt. Drown of the leg, Gor'+on Brown, are worthy ot the greatest praise for their part of the ascan in each a hiavy sea. The St hoon:t' 7totuicis, which is laying at Pnchor two miles out, is riding out tho storm in goal shape; "Dutch Veto's Escaped, Port Dalhousie. Oct. 81,--A num- ber of local fish!men were caught out in the Iabe by a heavy gale, but all tea• lied shore in safety except two at int I otils, in which were ]Fran'e 1'ongherty and his brother of St. C•ath.trines, and Peter Nash, or "Pe:tch rete," and his grandson John llrnts. 'Choy were driven down the hake by the force of the squall. Nath and his grandson landed at Eight -Milo Crc e' , and it is supposed the other missing boat, will also manage to reach shore. load a Narrow Squeak. Ottawa, Oct. 31..—Capt. 'leneZoham. roauuun(er of Le Canadicn, Govern- ment steamer, reports that on the way from Anticosti to Gaspe the vessel was caught: in a hurricane and s+ilfert•rl con-iderablo damage. Tho stanchions and davitts were carried away, also an_ of the lifeboats: It was a narrow squeak for Le Canad- ien, but sho safely weathered the storm and jut into Caspe. Crushed by ' hr o Tons. Do Not Be Misled Dy Dishonest holm Vika fry To Sell lel, Mations of Our Poplar Butter a�lor• When a n ero''alt ill: 4•4al"r would' foist on yeti -ungo poor mile$ tilt° for Wsila R ebttnie „r, Cta'it Improved Butter 001m. tie not' to t dicot doreive yc ti. Butter ilakt ret vole buy Wr.1•s, Riehardsolr a (,'e13 Improved Batter Cedar never pay for 11lUD or SEPT. bil;.I'T'l.'. 'I'tw last drop is as clear as the first, an(1 is Kole A»•lir 'tt p•)slttl'FY guar- antee of greater ttreulctlt than oxer colors. Ask for this p rfoe color that makes prize, kali f ti t' d le et X. DO ui t it low any feeler to motive e,t you thus 440100 0 11 •r ki rel is jet ani good. eem Tii4 covEIt2 Mi+,2M CONTII1QL. London Paper Soee* n Solution or the Pay, Tnhes" Problem. r-ondon, , .—Tho Globe terday, comOctinrntIng31on the "tubeye”s- railway debeto in the (louse of Com- mons yesterday saga: "Last night's Proeecdings were a melancholy fore- cast of what we are to expect. under the rule of American capiti',lism. The real sting congists in the fact that AnterPan syndicates Should have been allowed to fight over the body of the London citizen." The paper attributes the ].resent condition of af- fairs to the apathy of the British in- vestor, but declares it is "better to muddle cin, over crowded and badly sor'td as we are, Own to place our means ot locomotion in the hands of trans-Atlantic railway jobbers. In con fusion, 7 he (lobe urges the Gov- ernment to Control the• "tubes." Price or White Star Line. London, Oct. 31.—It heat ofl'i.cially announced yesterday 111 It Morgan's purchase price of the 11 trite Star line i+s $53,497,180, of which $15,786,180 is payable in cath. 825,174,000 in preference shales, clad $12,587,000 in common stock. 'J he shareholders thus receive over 850,000 for each $5,000 (hares. Victoria, B. C .Oct. 31.—Ambrose Demon, employe y' tl en 1 0, c of the Crofton Sind tor, being operate, by the Northwest Smelting and Denning Cull any. was crushed to death Wed- neseay. et• ,tw. 71 was •f u < u , s h *led b'3 the cov- er of a converter of tremendous weight, which tell, and of the twelve employed there, Manton alone was l:na:le to jump clear. The cover weigh •4 three tons and a, half. Be- ccastd was 21 years of age, and re- s-id,'d at ('heluoinus. Millet Through Tongue. 11 indsot•,. Oct. 81.—Dr. J. O. 1lottulthe, Wednesday attended a boy mined Churchill, in Sandwich South, in whore jaw -bone a revolter ball had lodged, after passing through his tongue. Gideon Iieaume was,1_ iin'tr anew' rev'olvrt•. 1'e annen'It tnrougn a broken window and fired. The ball struck Churchill. 1, tea.•1. Harper Ki110(1. Toronto, Oct. 81.—M1 tchel l A. Hai -- per, the well -1 nown Proprietor of the Commercial hotel, at) 50 Jarvis street, died last night at his Thome 13e Winchester street from injuries received by falling downstairs at tete hotel on Wednesday night. lir. Har- per was 50 years of age, and is sur- vived by his widow. Deliberate, Suicide. London, Oct. 31.-1'hc body of hrr'cle i,•lc .1 oyes, a well-known resi- dent of Byron, was found hanging f nnh a hetun in his hang by George Sumner of tihe Waterworks Depttrt- t+meet yesterday 111.0•1114r -t. He ]eft the following note, culdle:•sed "I:'or linm Ge illiths en's, ': "1 appoint 'William Grielths of By- ron rind nit' i:rothe'•, Cyrtunts .loves, of Di'worth, to le my oxa• ale's, 11']11 veli t11' ; os.e ('f 1++r Pit S and pay so lunch On the dotter to nhv creditors. and ale to my l•rotitnr,Cyranus, all the f n niture in the house." 1„•,ole .,0..011,•. 1 hut -lay, (let. :11.—A traction en - ,;in.' went thronch a bridle into two feel o' v. titer t' a Lit le Dillthin. A ihr slum. n.uucd 1lilliam Botts was piiiiW(l meter ,h • ce ;in' and kept from (1ov 1t ' g o •h• I,}• the ei5ot•ts of the ilremuul elm li •1.: his bead above wooer 1111 11'11l ce,'1;.'. :111', Potts was bathe bruised, hut not seriously in- jrr cl. 'lit” cn;'•n0 was damaged a. g oil dull. Ungar Still Liberal. Winnoacg, Oct. 81. --chief ,711:atice T:illa'u celcrday horning rendered a decision in the Lisgar election trial, dismissing the patine n and confirm- ing Stewart, Liberal, in his seat. Denlrs the confession, Niagara rolls, Oct. t31.—Mason Le- on denies that be confessed that his recent *sold -up Wait fake. To -Day or To -Morrow. Victoria, II. C., Oct. 31.—The last Iink of the Pacific cable, that front Suva to Norfolk Is;and, is expected to be completed by to -day or Satur- (lay, and at colebt'ation is to he held by citi•ons of Victoria in Victoria Theatre to mark the completion of the line, which connects Canada with Australia. Poisoned HUNbant}'N Mind. London, Oct. 31.—A sensational li- bel action was begun. yesterday, when Lady Violet Beauchamp, daughter of the late Lord and Lady floater, and the divorced wife of Sir Reginald Bea eeet 1p, was accused by Mrs. Julia Watt of deliterately poisoning the Mind of her husband against her. Trn}nn,on Ask l"or Increase. Montreai, Oct. 31.—Conductors and traininen on the Ontario, Eastern and Atlantic divisions of the C.P.R. are seeking an increase of wages. Vesta,. day a committee arrived in Montreal to make representations to the come pany. An increase of 25 per cent. will be asked. Experiments recently made have r1e- mOnstrnted that the brain is su''erptibla t peculiaruliar influence front rletit rlc it . • will be the most powerful and prob- ably the fastest vessels of their kind, in the world. Their speed is expect- ed to oxceedstwenty--six knots. ^` • Dig TI all 'tit ' ir* ('1rsst 1' $.$s llasay,si /teary Sot 1 11reet *At (dca,wh'al VIA li'arltett•M in 'roseate VJty. The Pet. James', (Montt teed e;iect1o11 case will 111ov. 17, tali in'Pliiuinaaies been adjusted, Pipplieatioii wail made nn T"it,wr for the probate of tbe.will apt late Sir John I3ourinpt. The eetiete is vetted et 040,000. tTaro1d, elle self el L'•o$trnaste 4' Iiaia- bllty, 1)undalk, eawallottt'(i a lrin last Stook. Ile heti done it Meer() ivied auti'c:unerue. Thors Provincialnofo*yenl 10011th authoa'.lttflst were notified on ThUrnday of u COW ca80 01 srunlllli)x in a lumber oat$µ" near Wnhnaaiitue, 1+iilrissilia district. lite re, ort of idr. 1,se1511 (,edit 1'., t it:tirman 0: th , 1'.ar lianheni try aul.sidlea COu)ntittca..on the platter of Ilr itish shift hubbtdles, recoaltnundn that lh0 sttt.stdies etre to be grnentod exrol)t fmr so�s hes reudere't, 'i'he 137 cxtnt:et'le,1; outrx;(lo 0 1 the present combine at Vancouver are: being ama.lgartaatt4. The proposi- tion as being ta.at1 up in England. It is a foregoae e0n.lusiort that the two large combines will etontuu,lly be ono. en amine n •o r,1,rp welgllins 1.4 Pounds, was cuptured in the creek just below the dant at, t'ierce's mill,. 12,v ,Stephen Pnr'l(er, pt Aylmer, Ont., stove waded in tatter kirn, Before itded was lanI1144 imagined it was a.. w halo, The stri e .of the members of the orchestras of , the Parise. an theatres, music halls, etc., I,ee,an 'Thursday. Soule theatre ratan= alters have already yielded. Most of the large music hails tend cafes haver a:so yielded. lady Henry Somerset was .e,nt.hus. iasticolly welcomed to Toronto on I•riday about 5 o'clock by the W.C. T.17, convention. In the morning of - !i ter S f-!eters eters ole. tett. lttrs. Aieieee of Bat;rie is president, and the cecrotar- MS are, torrespondhng, Mrs. esright, Lcn.lon, recce ding, Mrs. Aeheeon. (. oderich. The oldest Orangeman in Hastings County, if not in Canada, died Thursday Morning in the person of Mr. Bobost Gibson of T,vendiaga, who passed away in his 980 year. Deceased had been in this country 67 years, and joined the Orange or- der in lreland, where he was born in the County of Monaghan in 1805. Ho served as a olunteer in the rebellion of 1887. William Giles, 14 years old, son of Patrolman Giles of Windsor„ Wats run over and instantly killed Thursday afternoon. The Ind was riding on the seat of the wagon, in which was a heavy load of dirt from an excavm- tion. Ho was jolted from tihe seat, and before the drivel- could stop the rear wheel passed over his head, crushing it to a pulp. Death was in. stentaneous, Toronto, through its Mayor and thousands of citizens, *headed by the organized Salvation Army of the city, gave a genuine and heartfelt welcome to Genera? t ootb, the founder of the Army, on Thursday nteht. It was a scene the beholders will never forget. ole was glycol the freedom of the city, and in his reply took the Mayor's head and hoped he would see him beyond the pearly gates In the time to come. Tirenty-Six Knots on Hour. London, Oct. 21.—The .Admiralty the co s tri i f has ordered t n i t t o1h o two t new cruisers which,, it is claimed, Opinions of Leading Physicians. I have been prisoribintl Stro ,F.I il,'kcne fur the last eight Seas and h re hail bette • nie- ce's evi 11 tin..: till n wit , aro 011,4• m ',• n+. Wht, WUOU1.T.7F f, M, L., Lo, don, Cnt Price $1.00. Por sale by clrugglsts,or by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STUONG, 1lanufacturin2 Chemi:,t London, Ontario. Eleven private indisidn'tls in the Bd.- Malt 3ri-tislh Isles pay one me -tax nn £31,G00 a year or. more, and 00 ftrmS and,550 com- 1 tuft s 1n Swedish Owns tele nve"aee+ marry- ing pee of males is thirty tnul a half y •nr', curl It female tweet's --seven and t ree•gnarterS. NE445 :f isLEI To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take, ' They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people: --but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable. friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their :tan - lard family remedy. They arc a dependable, hon- est remedy, with a longand successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation cf the heart, £1eeplcssnes 3, muscular rheumatism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules, Your druggist sells them. The five - cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 60 cents, contains a supply for a year. 4