HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-30, Page 7TB W 1INGZHAM TIMES, OCTOBER )912. it ' st>sate•• � ,•w,:r...tx.-�a;.�,:... ;�1 �� 'ice.'/ � ��� • '•die 41.,•10. , 4-.W 1'vie 7;0 'v;ir lk FOR. WTI u $Y ik?s. M. E. HOLMES, 'lb Author of "A Woman's Love," Woman Against OPk Woman)" `I Her Fatal Sin," Etc,* Etc. V/S.v.44,-�.or.0 //111. y®V'fr- tt1,111.e Cl;t l.P'i`1 1t 1. t • • "IdONgY . n1'ANolin 're Axy AntoUN'1•." "Exense ate, my clear madam, hut Kv,itit you lrropose is quite imposs;ble. 104:110114 i business. It is a rule I have laid down in life, never to adntet :sentiment into a cash tram -action, 8w1 I can't deport from it." •""Ihlt sir, if I could Only pel:sndde yoit 'to have confidence----" "In what? P;lrllutt Inc if I interrupt You, but in what? I trade in nlnlev; and what you propose to ole has ,imply reit:'tion to the th':nisftl' of that exceed- ingly seam, but nt all times useful, -.article. You protium a case of jcw'elr- 1rery 1111(1,ome jewei4 in their w•:tr-• retnorknbly haud4aiue, bet mit 11 meal by -one-half the stun you ale' desirous of raising upon them." "(Not by one-half?" 11'111, wolf --•cwt by one-third. 1 have told you the enema I ale prepared t) advance." "TVs not enough! I nlnst hare rt thoustind IYontrls. I itnvc' pressing need of one thousand pounds." "You are not mondial• in that respe.:t, 1 ttseur,' you. Now, if your •h ..01101--" "•.fly hnsband1" "1 pere('ivcll, when you removed your .gloyee just now, Reit 5401 wore a tv.el- ding ring --a widow. pettnp4?" "Yee, 4'00 are right -I 11111 a Widow." T'h:s was slid with 'h certain lue4tet- time slight in itself, bat ssfliciee:.t to 'be ren::1•kcd. "Alton': I see 110 gored in our pro- lone:in> this interview, I advertise to .adduct'e money to any :Imes:ut-you will nlltlelr.1.m(1. to any anemia -to persons .of respectability 11111 tr'1'st\vcrlhillt'44, upon their ( w11 etw ei'it'r he s , t sex of the np111io uts of no emisegnonee. and the strictest Setvec•y 1., be reileel upon. 'You propr.(se 11 eeee ity iI1(ch 1' not su(l1- -cict t for the emit you 10.10:1"e, you Ivry,. 00 f1;'•1111 Who Will becnnie r>• sp4'IQjb10 fur cite remainder?" This W,)'1 ;;a111 it: 1 tone of enquiry. "T have no 1'1,.0.1." "And so the whole a ff:l:r !'.ills •thruu:'h. Pett rrfaso to give ore your name: end hr.vo.1 ('t as ye.* c'•;eu 1hewlt we your fetes. I deal i11 moue,', :is be- fore said: and, so far Olen torei1111g :it emit eon, 041101 nee. 'Sat). sw:tlh>4v a deeeent-sized camel; but iu the prevent ease. Wh.ro the s•leroey is ❑1 On 01111 • side, the bu:':Hca Is flst11'--hni,iug 1 use so expressive a wend without offense - decidedly lis.by," "I do not mullerstan(1 you." "Well. that's queer. [t'•1 net 41) 4r - 11's4. Any ro:1N.,(,eiblt' and rewn('c't8ole seenrity, in ,:el'a11It of 41 Lrsleuel- win) may take pity 00 a fair lady r1) dietress; and - •• What! yell are going? No or tense intended. and no ofir•t:' ' ;;even, 1 ' hope. (2.0m1 molniice:" So saying, 111... aritt bowed out 8 Indy. who (1("4cencl,''1 the n:u'row and dimly• lighted etairs. :lir. (aritt Watched the dark figeere • descend 1).110 flight of s4aire-then rr closed his door, llhtte•I'ing 1111 elm :it - ling to himeelf• "Yes, yes, ma'am, you'll put in a • second 114141(".waine before lone! you're . smelt the cheese in the • trap; yo'1'11 came heel: again, forced to male a • clean breast of it." He slat down at his d,'sk. and with a •connteea ace whieh, in its beet wipe •t. was suggestive of an tu]an1l:)T ie doer - knocker, dipped his pen into the ink, and commenced to write upon a sheet ..of blue -lintel s111141 paper. Ile 110(4 not neeuulpli4410(1 more than • half a dczen Words, when tilt office (leer Was buret abruptly open, and :l numb I entered. Virulent (1iiltt rose from his chair. • and addressed his visitor in a voice of great deference. "I didn't e:Ipeet a visit from you to - (l y, lir. S('r.ltton. but as I often I e3' to lay elerlc, Nobbs-.Perri\•:11 Nn1,h4, :t young nein of good f:unily,bnt tlnforl,ut' (tte-your visits are like early violets, cheeaing, and fragrant -cheering Hua fragrant." The n01t••ct'1n•'Pl' sail. in a go),vl, "What was the mtttte4e with the 80)11.tn I met on the stairs just now?" "I can't say. She's a 11>yelery, She crone here in answer to (elle of our ad- ,'•vertisemeil'ts. Wanted to raise moues. (.11 solve i(Wel$ WIiieh w eete 't Werth What are Res Piles,or hemorrhoids,as theyare some- times clled, are smaltmors, hich form .in and about the orifice of the rectum. They are caused by an enlarged and inflamed condition of the veins, which are very numerous in this part of the body. As a ruloovery form of piles becomes at times acutely inflamed, and extremely painful. The itching and burning usually increases at night, and the misery which many people endure is beyond description. There is no guesswork about Dr. Chase's Ointment, as a cure for piles. It has • been tried in the crucible of time, and gradually won its way into fever with the medical profession, as well as with the public in general. It has a wonderful soothing and healing effect, and wherever applie(Yto burning, itching, inflamed skin it affords almost instant relief, cooling the . fifes of disease and healing the raw ulcer- ous skin. Ask your friends and neighbors about 151, Chase's Ointment. It is recognized by at surprisingly large number of people as the only actual cure for piles. It will ,not fail you. Sixty cents a box at all dealers, or by mail postpaid on receipt of :price, by Edmanson, I3atcs & Co., Toronto. Iry Chase's ®entreat • 1'• llnwieg lid 1 l t 111•;, ,nit;ei'tr(1"ttf " 1'the lend net ors n r•. '• . 42t.`Oh"4 1ldcnlnlil to ;t"'1 n'n(ttlt. In A, 10'.11 111 (0111 1 .1 ('11(111 •1't 1,1,14,!..;1;( iie• ' G.. 1the5 ti 1 1 °i, 1,11 ♦ /costs, s, 11.1.11 hie klip;(i1(1t4 of t,4 (al (1 It 111>, •tut!11'')11• •` tort'. .'W thant let l ,::1.". '111'4 Hili +•''I• a( reey 1, 1'i:twU 1 St•ne 1 at 111 n,'- •• g�/ r 1/4'!:4 (1')'.) e I with 11'4111 to 'ete Y. A,, e . c, 111)'r 0 ri ',1 forest one litree. llt:,m 1\ 1111 t hart f(1 • the Ina alt•.. ♦. • what s'he demanded, $lie terns.() t( answer lltteations, and went 8Way in huff." "'Well, you've had her followed, of course?" "No; Nohhs is aw11y upon }nllv)1't•t+1 business; til:" duly lett :hastily, 811(1----' "Anti you were smelt 1t fool 115 to lou 11 is (ileums eec'1tfe 3'011! What do ,you think I placed you here fere MIK :1144 made yotl 181 agent, with. 1:trgi' (5141)1':Il et your lmelc, lint to ferret out' sneh rrofitable luyste'rles as. this one »ve'i'l have been to Its had, you only used .ere ion sharpness?" "I don't see low this particnler eau PrOla180(1 to be its profitable as yen make out, leIr• Stratton. The wonttln offered an intelcqunte security, and wouldn't take a sitillieg less than • the suns she ole:min(ied "11oty inttcl) ova:; that?" 'On(' thousand pounds." • "What!" The gentleman. a(1(440sse(1 as 1(1)1 Sernttol advancing' to the bureat,,.netr which \'t'8ltllu11 terltt w•as seated, str11."l: 1t). Land 1)41011 it fiercely; the greet 101.1- 00- inlestau(1 was ccnivOTted into a foun- tain, which descended in a shower anent evoryt'hiag around, "You're an ens, (,vitt-yoi're an ats14! When I found you starring in a gllrr�t, I thought I had found one whose nose having ben ground down to such an ex- ceedingly ceedingly sharp point, Would know how to apply the grindstone t others. I tools you for anything lint an ass, (:rift, or you might have rotted and died for nee." ""You're too hasty, sir. I hope you've never found nee ecempulnnr. I'm 1101 without a eouseleuc , but I'd perjll'e myself she" for \•011, R tx ( you'd olid p(erjurc yoursclP for :toy num, if there was no Pr"Spect of Your being found out. You've let. a eh in�'11 MI, flirougil your fingers, and there's out end of it." "She'll turn up again," said Grit':, positiveiy. "If s:eoi &tee 1('t Nobbs stick to her like her slinclow. If Nnbbs she•(lid he 1.bsln•t, fullew ter yourself. 1)o yo•1 11 ea r?" ,'Yes, sir." "'Men, now for the business th:It'; brought me to town. Hew you all the papers ('<nmeeted with Lich:int (io•)i- ev(s afl''lire?" "'They 're in the inner office." "I'll go in 811(1 look over thein. The man himself will be Vern in an hone•, an do you stay in the outer ()nitro; he (111' le;'t 14(0 me, at any 41110... I(,ich:u•cl (iocele •. is one of your independent, outspoken fellows, ever ready to 1111- o.gine and to revenge a wrung. Scali leen, in sl:'Ilfthl hands, are invaluable; end. if you only net your part well, 111(112:ird (aiw11evo-Itic'lutl'd the Pron1-- Itichard the Itl;