HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-30, Page 61'C could extend the list, but it is not necessary. We can ire you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine ti a �,�z... marked down our�1.. 1 •ulJllsnecl. The above are FIXED , ) as to admit' of no reduction. Therefore- there is no use sizing for cheaper rates. 1 n each case the weekly papers will be sent to new ;l.Ihscribers for the balance of 1902 FREE. The rates quoted' Ire for either new or renewal subscriptions. All subscribers will receive the premiums advertised by the different papers. -..oro„.,,•:.,:•,® Give 'TI11, TIMES a trial subscription—from now to January 1st. 1903, for - - - 10 cents Call at the office, or address -- MINIVAIMMTIllill 3 -TE TIM S, Ontario' 1 0 li TI1F. TINES, OCTOBER 3O. 1902 • 1r� • t•, tt• i`a rX *401112 ^ i`ct1Q111TRW ;1,1 l(C nn efts cGt1Ci1Ei1FG rpr Y Uia,rult lt4p1 riiie?tI;CN�'h ti ENRICH tit BtooD r 5 THE C9;y5TjTUTION1a ' ;.•;:a.,15 • o▪ ndon•En,montrerrl.Cia �p5tc ' R ISRiTAIt4 i -AP Eseete % all i)ruggis s a Chemt Debility of system. causes neutal- gia„ and whatever tends to. produce en feebltlitittzits. induces it. This ati'eeo titan is undeniably duct to lack of vitality, and its vtry existence is • evidence of deficient strength. Remedial measures should there- fore lay di•rt:etc:ti to improve the whole for when strength returns to the Sys n„ the neuralgic conclitiau of the nerves will cticapllei•r. sap}died by FT. J.>,alEs 11 ti ..RS; they �eitloatt fail 10 relieve; their effect i' a general building up. O t1:4' :i' .,t,:m. Sr•. J t'tf:.s WAVV.IeS help stomach,. digest fMet adnd Fend the nutriment through the blood, and this is the hoist way to get health and strepgth, the: kind that 1a-ts, develops and breeds the energy which accozn- piishes UCh. ,est S tr-^.es'tY•1#.'rs tevvr varies. +:U1,y Nr' a ronteny •,without a lacer, without a rive1.11 Iu tett ratio n of ate oral S.1 they have pro • •ved a tt0Wo nod true at:y,tt Il.. rats—e% le71e, uttbilu, Ireland. Prico i t Catto _a : $1.00 ; six. bottles for $5.00 ? S! fames I::t •rsate trot (1 secret re re. v:t•:,ter•ftwe, •uscf.(Zvrere. cononer,.;:.e•guns t• t..eirtatieuts r.v! Graf. vh. j'rrmutet t,po,t estreat. Where tterlers rre notseiliug the v'afers, they me mailed upon re- e:'t*tt r f trice :it the Canadian branch : St. Jame, Wafers Co., 172& St. Catherrn: St., Montreal. • nterestintr Parnernrhs from our 1: 11217:V:5 From the Sannctum Mill The 04 -acre farm of Joe Shaw, north half of lot 11, con. 0, Uroy, has been sold to War. Iliad- for the Stint .of t;1000. Mr. J. A. Belly, Listowel, lute said Iris haaldeetne mare. "Jessiq N.olettuc h: lin,'• ta�,klreiteer l3ros..of London,. $1000, tl.is',A.#i•tds beteg the Klee paid for leer, fz, O. Greeltuan, superiateudeitt of Fartneas' It titutes, reports t1iel,Toefellt county eltibttiou. at Siaticoe, to have been meet hut:mettlt. Noets. fakir was ell'awetl ou the grounds or htret)ts, It hats beta decided to lay out plots on the fair ground for experiments iu the growing of grain, grass,. toots gild forage crops. suitable fur that locality, to be ex- hibited ttit next retir'e fair. Alex. Pert ie has purchased Jac,. Coates' i00 -acre farm on the 121h mu. of Grey, paying 0,400, The farm butts. Mr, Per- rie's on the south and will be utilized by the new ow Ger for grazing purpost•tt largely. Mr. Coates and family will re- move to Brussels aid give up funning, as' Mr. Contras' eyesight is not good end he is well deserving of a rest. The world's productiou of coal in 1SUS was 7731.f.34,CO2 tons, which Great Bri- tain produced 220.900,058, U. States, t 219,974,667 mat Germany '144,03,19U i,„:1$ ACTS GENTLY Ass !.OVER ON 1 (1 r°}9 AND 'THE SYSTENI L EFFECTUALLY; 51 sus 05 015P 601- !DAG V cv l?c ll zs • "i pATION tons. The Geological comtuisytuu es- p t wree� '"D timate that there are 07,:00 square utiles of coal iu Canada without taking into account the kuown coal fields of the ex- tretue north—slot yet explored. Iu the coal l:aeis of Nova Scotia it is estimated that there are ?,UO0,0t0,000 tons. The marriage of 111its Ethel M. Grif- I fiths to Mr. Alex. Watsdtt,.Toronto, took place at the bride's tittumaOlinton St. Teeswater,Wodenstlay rit high nt os. Thea Rcv. G. J. Beier, paster of the Teeswater Methodist church, ,perforated the cern mousy. which was witnessed by the im- mediate relatives ruse"( friends • of the contracting parties They la'molt d out ' o:a the sea of life with the hest wishes of I, a host of friends, the bride beine one of Teesweter's most popular yoUna; ladies. r'��pT'UA1.. Greet Mr. Watson id no strauger in Teeswatei s rs W. II. McCracken, of Breese's, cap- ' Walkerton and Formosa are partners tared 191 prizes at the different fall fairs in a dealing outfit to sink a test oil wel this season. near Walkerton. The vast lnejority of mea die porn-, ; 1t is rumored that a branch of the two—only two—ot:t of every hundred i Soverei;;a Bank of Canada may be succeed in busilt<.,s,. established iu Brussels. At the last meeting of Port Elgiu Oh 1 i w7 ren l cry o 3� coaztril a by-law was passed fixing the ,ym f cigarette license at alit/ L� c{`r, "r'� .va� rt is � 1.1'•"A.,. stir. Fred T. 13ryans, of Jamestown, 'EVesley'it,'::1.'ce, agreed t'1 year;, son of leas been engaged as tea^her in S. S.. David elder, of Huron To tiehiy, i =+'a. 3, Morris, at a salary of $1350. (lieu on Monday of last gees:. Deceased real l internally Hagyard't Yellow had been ailing for a nnnlber of years. Oil curs Sore Thrnrat, Hoarseness, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest, Cronp, etc, Mrs. Pbi]ip Mc.ntosh, formerly of Used externally rures Rhetuuatism, Gerrie. there@ at the home of her son, lIr. shit: Joints, Contraoted Cords, Sprains, John Shilling, at Teeswater, on Tues- auxins, Barns, Scalds, Cuts. and Bites on the school building, Beek & Gold- i of Inseclts. , day of 11t4t Nv eek, Deceased was is her thorpe's loss above the insurance is 1 a tai your. .ShetilY Reynolds, of Goderich, hlls x1500. Leen appointed returning officer for East The vacancy on the board of licese Huron for the taking of the referendum. p commissioners for West Huron, caused by the death of SatnnaI Sioaue, has bean At the Grey township Judge's Voters' filled - by the appointment of W. R. Robertson, of Goderich. Robe , Tl.Y c. � ITS Br, isec , '� tat:.. P Buy THE GENUINE—MAN'F'DBY ��jj • �oJt{5Y t<<F h'�ycai..cs4? ctE N•v,�P;l. FOi? WE Be All 011•;GGISTS. PRICE 50c.PER BOiL ha :T. e I �1 Iatest being baggageman on tbistline of the C. • P. R. The newly wedded couple will reside in Teeswater. • Tuesday night Oct. 21st. the fire alarm called attention to a blaze in the old drill shed on Nelson street, Goderich, crenated by Beck & Goldthorpe as an apple evaporating; establishment. The old frame struetura was soon enveloped in flames and was totally destroyed, to- gether with the contents. The St.- Patrick's ward school, the adjoining 1 building, also took fire, and for some reason not very evident the brieedo was nnable to save it from almost complete destruction. There is $1000 insurance on the drill shed and contents and 810601 BritishTro•tp Oil Liniment is without exception the const effective remedy for Cats, Wonnds,th•ers, Open Sores,Rhen- matism, Bites. Stings of Insects, etc... A largo bottle 25 cents. On the afternoon of Octoper 4th, the aesidence of Nicholas Krotz, (ith con. of Wallace townshzp was entered by thieves and a small tin box, contaiuiug $80 in 'cash and two deeds was carried away. • A very fashionable wedding was solemnized on Thursday afternoon, Oct, 10, at 4.30 o'clock, et the residence of fide. John Iilemmer, rd line of Wallace, when their daughter Ida Was united in the holy bonds .of matrimony to Mr. 1i zra•Biehn, a prosperous young fanner. Children Cry for C�a: •y t:.,: -^.a ter •,� ��.yt A.. S ti.pJ dF . «A Miss Clara A. Meadows, daughter of Mrs. Juo. Meadows, John street, Brus- sels, was united in marriage to Vincent St. John, of Telluride, Colorado. The ceremony was performed on Oct. 0th by the English church clergyman. Mr. St. John is president of the Telluride Min- ers' Union. DR. A. W. CHASES 25c,TAHCURE is rat direct to theit{tseesedIlan Ana TAILOR. pans by the Improved Ltivwer. 1{eals the ulcers, clears the au /r pa;sat:es, sops droppings In the ^� yg A throat and permanently cure) r pp r y• Catarrh and Day Fever. Biownt ` free. All dealers, of Or. A. W. Chase N,-dtein,•. Ce Toronto and Slate. both in designs and material • for this fall and winter wear. —Beautiful Cheviot Overcosatings — Lovely English Wttrsteti Sul:ings . in blau, black and nines' — Scotnh 'I'tt'eed; that are " gran' thgether." Follow the crowd and get your Snit, Overcoat and Trousers from B. MAXWELL. . List Court, the Liberals put on 10 names seat struck off 7, slid the Conservatives added la names. ti at`,.Th i l d re n Cry for " r d, - I married a widow who bad a (laugh- I Atirtedeeee ,ctirtlY,lkYYiliewe eet ePa'1fa'kVihayee oe.t�y right r our Lees rr lIe and You will and 0 1 r .0 N workmanship the best. CAST .. ° 3•^I IAS - Jame% Hartney,Menitoba immigration agent, states that threshing operations in the Vest will be coucluded in three weeks, should fine weather continue. He says the season has been particularly favorable for harvesting. The farm of Mr. John Mardock, on the corner of the 2nd con. Ashfield, was last week sold by nuctiou to Mr. E. McLean, of Luokoow, for $555,100, it is an ex- farun of 100 acres. Mr. Murdock will probably take up his residence in Luokuow. Worms affect a child's health too seriously to neglect. Sometimes they cause convulsions awl death. If you. suspect 'then to be present, give Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which destroys the wortns without injuring the child. Price 25c. There died on Tuesday, Oct. 21st, at Brussels, john Denbow, aged nearly 95 • years. A widow, three sous and three daughters mourn their loss, namely, John Denbow of Manitoba, William a.ncl Robert of ;Brussels, and Mrs. D. Jamie- son, Mrs. 5 Carter and Mrs. B. William- son of Brussels. Mtlburn's Sterling Headache Powders contain neither morphine nor opium. They promptly euro Siok Headache, Neuralgia, Ifeadaehe, Headache of Grippe, Headaehe of delicate ladies and Headache from any cause whatever, Price 100 and 25e. A silo on the farm of Mr. P. Grant, of Stanley, burst the other day, shortly after It bad been tilled.. The silo is al- most 0. complete wreolz, His loss will amount to $300 or $400. Several other silos through the district have cracked, Caused, it is said, by too little dement being used in their construction. Mr. Alex. Mn1 ague, of cote,$, Culross, had the misfortune to lose his driver in a taost peculiar way on Wednesday morning, Oct. 22nd. Ile had taken the seminal to Mr. Johnson's bIacksinith *bop at Teeswater to get shod and as the blacksmith raised the foot the mare let cenasklerable of 'her weight rest on the Abed limb, breaking it between the Uwe and the hook. ter. My father visited our house fro- quently, fell in love and married my step -daughter. Thus, my father became my son -in law and my step -daughter my mother, because she was my father's wife. My step -daughter had also a son, i he was of course my brother and at the t same time my grand -child for he was the i sou of my daughter. My wife was my grandmother, because she was my mother's mother. I Was my wife's hus- band. and grandchild at the sante time, and as the husband of a person's grand- mother is his gra no -father I was my grand -father. We sincerely regret to have to chront- ole the sudden and unexpected demise of Isabella Moffat, beloved wife of Wal -1 ter Stewart, Lucknote, which took plane at her home on Thursday, 10th inst. The deceased was aged 55 years and 281 Stephen Honey passed away on •Tues• days. She was held in high esteem by day Oct. 21st at the are of 70 years. all who knew her, and being a model I He has made his home for some time, wife and mother her departure will be with his sister Mrs. Freer, on the London sorely felt by her bereaved husband, 1 road. He was never married, and was three sons and one daughter. Before a brother-in-law of the late Joseph Butt, locating in Luckuow the deoeased was o Clintou.e. - ler many years an estvetned resident :or 1. . Dufagannon. She wits is COnsiStettt ei A reportiias been made by the pro- member of the Presbyterian church and' ' vineial analyst on samples of the coal took an active and zettlons • part in the 7' recently discovered in Grey County,On- work of the Master, . tario. Tho analyst finds 78.22 per cent : Not ilowCheap 4 Bli,J O litii Clod The most successful farmers in Canada ,y read the FARMER'S ADVOCATE : they •� ti think about their work, they act alal1ot las ,• teachings, and they are its greatest ad'nirers. P Its editors and contributors are specialists. The A:aEVOCATE ?and NOME MAGAZINE ., Ar contains the cream of agricultural thought, and practical men continue to read it be- cause it pays them and because they want 1 rr the best. We want thousands of new sub- scribers who will appreciate some th,• ing good. tl'hc sooner you subscribe, the more you 7' will get. I LIB ?AIIED QUERIES, Under -St oretery Lord Cranborne Juggles With Words. HE GAVE ALL EVASIVE REPLIES, Boportod That a Seeret Treaty 1rxirtts Decween Germany and Great Britt+tn —Portuguese gnat ':Africa in the ifou,o of Coutanons -- Tremier itulfour rat ie, Taotaeinee- 1(0 Badgers Apposition. London, Oct. 23.—The general be- lief that tt secret treaty is in exist - it nee between Ucremany and Great Britain relntis e to the prospective dig ision of the Portuguese posses- sions in South Africa, recei-red fur - thus confirmation ltt the Rouse of Commons yesterday, owing to the evasd,c replies of Under Secretary 1.ranboana to newtons on tha sub- ject. The Secretary parried alt tater- les, sexing that. if such a treaty ex- ile 1 he, in the lttttnre Of things, was precluded from giving its terms. ltulfonr as it Tuetic:a1t. The Liberal lead.:r, Sir MTcnry Campbell-ilaaunerem.n, again support` ed Patrick O'llricn's remitst for a clay, raying that, WA .e the ] render 1te.:.i der.lint-a the coatessit)1l, "ort inet'.o roqueet of •the ]ride n.emher.,, he, as a Scotthn:an, gladly support- ed the request. lir. •]3alfour explained that he could only grant a day at Sir henry's re- quest, on the understand:lig that the emotion took t1i -t forte of a tote of venture. of the Government, and th.tt it was supported by the Opposition, ai a whole. `1ht Liberal leader, however, c:isclaimeet any such iuttn- Liott. 1Io refused to identify himself as completely \rith the Nationalists, although he strongly contended that tha roi,n•„st of the Melt numbers .should 1,e granted. Mr. Balfour said: "I think the right hon.gintleulan hurl better lea&e tap his mind. If ho ernaut go any furtlu•r, and take a full plunk, 1Ie had better defer this discussion." Sir Iltury restated what be termed a discourtesy, tilt Mr. ila:!oar dis- avowed any such intentit n. During the al tercet ;on William O'Iiritn, T. P. O'Connor and others inter •itctetl comments on :iii . ]al- io es "Insulting attitude towards the Irish," and the discrs:iion con - el titled with William O'Brien exclaini- in;t•: "if erre aro not given a day, two will take one." William O'Pritu afterward gave no- tice of a res:,li.tlen, declaring that,. in the opinion cf the house, the op- eration of tha ('i trues Act -in Ireland was not justified by the condition of the country, was unfair- in its appli- cation, opposed to c]vili:ea usage in tho mann•;r of its cylnlinisttatioa, and calculated to t n !ermine rest eet to» the law, estrange the people of Ireland and deeply injure the inter- ests of pur.,ce nt metal ).Oiglantd and Irelal,il. 7'ltt National if+te refrained front votin r cn any -of the amendments to the i duratioe hill, A::goer of Cardiff (:hint I)end. Binghamton, N. Y., Ott. 23.— George 13—Georgi hall, faattons as the 1111111 Who in 1870, dew' d the (.'ardii (110nt. the go atest hoax oi the day, d4 d in poverty at It;s home, War httre yestet day. Ile was 81 years old. In 1809 be conceived the Cardiff Giant scheme, and ac•e°initiated tt fort. la• 1. one it. reeved front gypsant, in - read in the p'roentl and afterward es:atoned as a discovery, the Cardiff taunt was herald rl throughout tart• country as the petriiicd ren alas of prehistoric man. ;-dritntists from col- leges and institutions h or^ and abro,t !locked to scr; the giant, and pronounced it a relic of fast ages. 1•otttt•h Flood of lets. Kcoakltk. in. Oct na—'rhe fourth ilooe of this year overtlow(d the ter- ritory at the month of Shuns: ]itt'er yeetcrelay, putting 2,000 • acres under wear. sa )aavy rainfall in Pow- eshit'k and el.Mr counties on lits up- per Shank itis er caused the rise, • which was rat .1d. The Isattr YOS'? INT int has in Iblot, hours 1 '$terdny, en;l 10 inches in 10 hours, after the heaviest of 111•• flood 11,:d arrived. There is considerable damage. of fixed carbon. He says that the coal Genuine Castoit,t aiwny tears the r t' :;;entity•e r is nearer anthracite than bituminous,allcl of Chas. /I. Pletcher. if found in sufficient quantities will be - -- good fuel, when llaby was seek we pave `ter Casters 'u U r The breath of the pines le the breath ChMt she WAS it Child she oriel for Castoria t of life to the eonsnzn t N Pa p eve. orway Ile .Thr $f.00 we will send to nett/subscribers every issue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE from now till the end of tgol, including the bcautliul Christtnn% Number tor both years Time is money. Read 1 think( act 1 Send for a free sample copy if you want to ace a •� practical, up-to•date farmers pApor. It will please you. Syrup contains the pine virtues and 'Whets she 'became miss, site elUii , to Castoria. • curet: coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarse- whenshehad Ch!idrea,shegavethem Castoria.. gess and all throat and Inng troubles which. if not attended to, lead to con- saniption. After a residence of forty years in London, Mr. Amos Pring, passed away on Wednesday of last week. Mr; Pring was born CO years ago in Devonshire, England, and came to London when 20 years of age, where he has since resided, following the occupation 0f lather. De- ceased was a brother of Itev, Joseph W. Mr. S. S. Cann, Toronto, writes to the Globe: One ton of anthracite coal is worth two tons of standard hard wood in cold weather; second, one eord of standard seasoned hard wood is worth two cords of standard soft wood; third, seasonedsoft wood is worth frolic 60 to 100 per cent more than the same wood from the stump or green. Reducing this to a Ana1ieiat basis, supposing ?ring, formerly of Innovate, green hemlock. black ash, etc., can be delivered to the people at $5 per cord. he •••=•••••••1•••••6=01.6 says that would be equivalent to, speak, Good Health Is impossible Without reattlar action of the bowels. Laica•Liver Pills regnlate the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliottsness, sick headache, and all affections of the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. All druggists. ing moderately, es for so-called dry soft wood, $16 for seasoned hard wood, and $82 per ton for the best coat Green hard wood, with a fair ;proportion of maple, if prepared, will in a few 'days make good fuel. ADDL?1?SS 2liC wishan weld e0.,tfQ. LONDON. ONTARIO. -.14.WO P RMPA N'Rr'tM114PJUA144A'N ANN MtU inf Drowned on Siberisan Coast. ....._ )�;. r --Wr 111. Don't plod along lilco your grandrno in (:1 f1 b.`171'0f,b.`171'0you, scouring and sorulting; 'bondi).1,, on:l Erg : yI '1 i�•I � makes hohousework, easy. It cloalzs e�; c1 oryibin_s a injures nothing. Moro economical than soap. Made only by TEE: N. K. FAIT:BADE'. COP _?ii1TY, Ctkcrgo, New York, nocton. r.,".„r.,".„Lents. :•2ontze.t„ Victoria, 13.0., Oct. 28. — Steamer Xinsltu Marti, ethic] arrived last night, bring:; news of the drowning of nine Amer•ict•ne tiers iklropetuts ns aresult of the ct;:si,tng of a lotto •11 on the Siberian const. Included ware 11e�.srs. Steele and Monaud, the lat- ter the founder of the Monand hospi- tal in Seattle. $ Harvey I:uutnians Is Guilty. Toronto, Oct. 23.—After deliberat- ing for about nn hour yesterday, the jury who heard the case of Harvey IV 1V. i;unmu.tns, charged with stealing money and tickets front the Street Railway faro -box, returned a verdict of guilty. } 1 1 THS... TIMES 10c., ' O Jan. istl 1V.CJr.11. Convent;on Closes. Portland. Me., Oct. 23.—With the hymn, "God Isle With You Till We I Meet Again," and the benediction, the great convention of the National We neon's Christian Temperan':e lin- ion caput to an end last night. Kroger iltornoiafi. 'London, Oet, 23. ---Tho 'runes this morning publishes extract!; front "Krtager's Memoirs," which wore dictated to trusted friends diming his enforced repose at Orange Lust: �1 A v r •rues n.t r 1• 'i" A xr'r :'�c v p� r1 .c 'tl" '`��' � t a k n . J:. t s 'E t mut' w t t \t 4kit s. • E,'' lO VV. tart ' A? Vif �'..-,.-.. VS$IV £ ;V:40 ei, UlUbbmgE Jo fi.),,,Xtik, 4,0 1.N.i' al a /o'•Fot-io Fr•`630Fs7Y.lYa'61)Yo`:la4Ca'A 71 THE TT11iss announces the following low - rate. Clubbing Offers for 1902-03 :— Times till Jan, ist., 1904 01 CO `limes and 1\'eekly Glebe. inelnding the 11enaium picttl e el Ontario's hieutenant ()overrans .... 1 GO Tinges Incl ('amity Herald ar,d Weekly Star, with premium pitaa(•s, ' Alyre " and Putity."... 1 75 Tinges and Weekly Mai! and Empire, including your etin•iet' t f Ira* 1111018 piCtuths, " The 1>c etas'," ill' " Contentment," 1 75 Tiines and Weekly WitnesQ 1 (10 Times :inti Western Advertiser 1 40 Titnes and Weekly San - 1 75 Times and Daily Globo,. 4 u5 Tittles and farmers' Advt•cite , . 1 85 Times and Toronto Daily Star.. 2 20 ss staved 1 root Ship. Iiaitfaar, leis ,, (let. 23,—The barque Manche, from Newfoundland, arrived here yesterday with 215 per- sons token off ax sinking schooner, the Sweet Briar. .Vire at rurkthln, • Parkltill, Oet.13.—P(htlel•'s' evap= orator wits blurted yesterday after, - Soon. It is a total loos. THERETHFi.T ARE TWO PAPERS OUG1iT TO 3BE In every home in this district THS I NO AI'1 TINES Wilt supply you with the latest and most interesting Local Home and Foreign News, and . THE WEEKLY SUN Its special features are—Market Reports that are un- equalled for FULNESS and RELIABILITY. Regular contributions by "Bystander" on current events. Reports of Conventions, Associations and meetings of in- terest and value to all farmers, dairymen and stockmen. Prar:ticat talks each week on Live Stock, Dairying, ]~arm Crop Culture, Feeding for Profit, and Other subjects. SUBSCRIBE NOW for - T$H `F11V1 5 ONLY 75 bind TIE lAWEE1 LLz Stijli �`�" - And we Will send The Sun free for the balance of Igos. Leave srour order at ante. DROP A POST CARD TO THE WEEKLY SUN, TORONTO, AND IES FREE TTREY WILL SEND SAMPLE COP.... , .