HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-30, Page 3A Breakfast Relish Prepared Ac. cordingto the Ideas of Greet ,* Medical Food Experts.. Mali BreakFat Foori 091141100 the Tette ZemenN or lIctllth Fur Young end Old. The ideas end sulrgpstir its of such celebrated fowl eapertt pa 1)r. ?other - gill,. Pref. W. Al. \'v i!Ilama atld Sir Henry Thomson regarding; the use of Malt ill ('gllzle.etien with gratin fonds have been prise:deally tical sucee'ssfoily carried out by the nuatuftwtaters of Malt Breakfast Pott. Users of 'AUG Brenllf'ast Food obtain all the virtnus of pure hlo,tt in n forte that coutiuees to health, strength and robustzwss. It fhouirl bo remembered that one peekage - of Malt 13reakfui i Food contains more nourishment than can be found in a amen bottles of liquid Malt extracts cowing vastly more money. All Grocers sell Malt Breakfast Food. 100 Young Men Wanted. Will you kindly pot this matter fairly before the rt adef •a, , of your valuable 1e dl paper? `•100 young lieu wanted" sounds like an old, worn-out style of advortisitltir, bnt it expresses a condition of things in Canada to -day that has never before existed in over 130 years' experience in supplying office iwip; and it is not eoafint,d to Cauada alone. We aro receiving; call titter call for male stenogrape•s that we cannot dilated positions at $50 and a,I50 per mouth are begging for young open to fill thein. We baro now „levee unfilled calls of this kind, and the number keeps iu- creasing. Too few young men take up this line of work, and this is the reason why, year atter year, the supply is so far short of the dema,ud If yon will make this known to your readers, you will be doing them a favor, and perhnpshelp us to meet the demands of the business public iu a more satisfac- tory measure. D. McLACtILAN & CO., Canada Business College, Chatham, Ont. There is more Catarrh iu this section of the country than all. other diseases put together, and nutil the last few years was supposed to tie inuurabl.'. I('0r a great many years doctors prouuuttce,l it a Ineal disease, and prescriber) local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with loe(tl treatment, prnuoulrced it incurable, Science has proven Ca- tarrh to be aC7onstitnt.ioonl disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat- ment. i-mirs Catarrh Cure, manufac- tured by 11'. J. Cheney & Co., 'Pele(l0. Ohio, is. the only cenetitutiouel Curd on the market. It is taken internally in doses, from tell drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetenl. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address I. J(111:111N EY, & 00,To- ledo, 011ie. Sold by drnggists, 750 Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Wisconsin dairy industry employs 1,700 hands at nu annual cost for wages of nearly $1,000,000. Registered physicians in Massachu- setts are said to number 4,300,. an aver- age of 1 to every 025 inhabitants. SOLUTE SEC1 'Y� u ti ;t X h f F ¢ d 1t �e Cern. 9ne Cart1r r' Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Citenaturo of �Q�f� Soo Fac.51milo Wrapper Iletow. Tory smell end as easy to take as sugar,. FGA Ili: DAirNIE. F07l DIZZINESS. FcC3 SILIaUS11ESS. 4 OR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION nil SALLOW SKIN. FOIL THE COPIPLEXION OICeavirIC.IV.TeAVI MATVII.. !i*'c.CO) a I Paro1T VegetaDlo. ro__ �: ..r2..•.�u cacti """"-"� CURE SICK HEALDA0Hl . CARTEO S ITTLE�g 1VER PI Lis. A Bad Breath ',�► bad breath means a bad tion a a bad digestion, stomach, ,g , bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, on- sti . ation biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 2Sc. A11 druggists. �artoni?nensdYbe(ntttWwneick ThUe o"fhe HAM S DYEVAisker. BUCKING It Gri. o/.D %, n.0(a:N.:P. MU. ft Co., 1444140. 41444. SI2 `VlL({RIU AT MO TR EAL. Premier Will Visit Quebec and A thebaskavi.le, MR►. TARTE'S WORD TO. COUNTRY I sseiLaIster Leaves tau Cabinet Without Any Bitturaes:t-.`1 or14 in tho » vert- lnout-What go Has 1)ouo to Inl- krovu Transportation -.•• Allow. tutees 1 o2 the Premier's: Let- ter--.illttititerial Scapegoat. '1110tl't. Oet. 2%1. --•Th. centre of po- litel.l Interest has been temporarily tl alt> :red from this city to Montreal where ih1 l'rtntier went yestl'rd.ts uloraaing, uecoin::uttied by Lady Laur- ier, 111v. t.lto.rleanyno Laurier, .\l.1'., end Mr. \'into; tlto(friotl, M.P. Front il.ontreal Sir Wilfrid. goes to Quebec, enol ho wilt spinet St:nday tut. his country home in Atthabas;cav1Ile, whieb he hits n >t. s,acn for many n onths. Ilii v.sit to Montreal ai:cl Quebec connected with ( .t(bcc is doubtless c011nu 1 tl' choice of a successor to Mr. T ar to. 3I,•, Sutherland a Possible. TTon. James Stith'rl:tnil is acting Minister of 1'(1111(. Wo.,.ks, and it wo:l d not be surprisin,; if the port- folio 01 that department, 22r the pre - 500t t t any rate, were committed to t'is care. ler, Sutherland's a(111hI11i5- ta 0th n of till Marine atnl 1' ish: r:os l)opal tent nt has been progressive en 1 practical, and he has 'well golden op - in lens from the shipping Interests by h's I1o'uptuess i0 carrying out 1111- 1I'm C 2 et1tS for rendering :till more sift) the naviea'ation of (\itO clian wet- crtv(lys, especially r n the Liver en 1 (,ill' of Fit. Leman c. Should llr. i uiherirnd go to the Public 11'00 s Depart total', the new Minster would ily ue givt ri the i'o"ttolio Of Marino and I bheries. 'ih's is, how- ever, mere eculatit n, seeing that nobody 1 n. ws what will ;,e done salve the Premier himself, and it is very doubtful if Sir Wilfrid Ices yet made up his mind on the matter. A WORD TO TIIE COUNTRY. Tion. J. ,T,sraol 'rarre',i I:'Irst Contribution to La Pottle. Under the heading, "A 'Word to the Country," llo.s. .7. Israel Tarte 0, ntl'ibutes the foliawing to La Pat -1 1'ie: "'.Che incident is clos?d to the satis- faction uj lathy pecro;e. '., !1.) (u11: a 1- atireS rejoice: at my r..Siatltat.( 0 - that is legitimate -They thins. it tt i i1 inc•reale their chances a succtr.s- what than ttou:d nn 0ppc.sition ex- ist on if the;: dtcl not have hopes? Some of 111y political friends hail lay retirement with etlltent.. (tillers, and I thank thele with all my It itl't, have shown lie the wannest syul; athy. 1 taut decidedly one of the most inter- ested Dirties in the mat ter. I de- clare myself content. I leal0 the Cabinet without regret, without. pain, without bitterness against any- body. I rave tried to do any fluty. loot. more than six years 1. have 'hem in th" Department of Public tlic 1orbs. T. labored hard during the day. I ''0rl•:e(1 late into tie') night. I but at heart the a(:Van'elnent of the great. cause of our national means of transport fait n `.his has 1,ctn th; basic Itr'inciple of 111,y nd111inistr'ali. n of aliairs. There are no .ncllSf.00s- nble men. r will easily be cplaced. There are in the Lib(r:al party men who will give Sir 'Wilfrid L' aorier tin it t nr;.tl.,cu support. I. wish that my s'ucc'r'::sor way do more and do better than .1 did. "1 see 1110.2 some reproach. Sir Wil- frid Iaterier for ! tone of .let ( the l U 11. ter which he leddreese:d to 1110. The Primo Minister is fatigued, htar•ratssed, ill. 'Eh '' mid( n 11 :10 htaeshness of some of 11 is words ;1y no paeans changes my personal feeling towards him, I have grown old enough to take the 021002)I •an:05 into consider- ation. ihu P1100' Minister had no right to t,!11 me th it I had failed in loyalty towards my colleagues, .n us- ing the language which 1 recently did on, the fiscal question. 'Co this tiniest. reproach 1 have the right to oppose the numerous speeches which I made, in the same sense, d UI•ing, I. le last few years. "I did not organize a campaign in Cn'.ario, 1 went. into that 1•('ocinc•e last year and this sunnier at the ur- gent invitation of the agricultural so- cieties of the Chanehers of commerce. of ministerial melllhers. I had been represented during the elections of 1 1300 especially, as a tnn'n who was disloyal to Ills Sovereign. 1 seized every possible opportunity to dispel that prejudice, 212121231 had no just lit - cation for its exietenee, 31 those who held the strings of the political or- ganization in Ontario in 1000 had not -prevented use from go'n; io speak in the province, 1 0111 store 111211 the ('wilts of the last electoral bat- tle. there would not have brcn the same in Minix counties, "I appeal on this point to the Lib- eral deputation, to our fr;eeds in the different districts in Ontario. L here l5 loyalty and 'fair play' n1 ntthe English population. if I hod been heard. T would not have been eon - damned. I had an ardent desire not to allow the cruel suspicion that I was not 0 loyal subject of I'lis Ma- jesty to float over my head. I went. to. Ontttrio, 'C opened a great many fairs, T spoke there. 1 discussed the questions of transportation and the tariff as 1 had done in the past. Itis possiblele that 1 overshadowed ]utlowe1 somebody, that unintentionally 1 Wounded some susceptibilities. "I have beton bitterly reproached for meddling with things Which were under the c011100l of other depart - Merits than lay otvn. rtei l my seat in Parliament 1 will ask my coilea- gueS to 1'eply to nee for this malevo- lent attack. 1 have been for nearly 30 years a journalist, I have trav- ttled much throughout Canada. It was natural. that people should ap- g1y to rte„ The Frcnth groups in 7(111+� WJNflUA31 i11 ';:,.c)i romut 311. 901 BUTTED EATERS al ( ((� r(� arc: Particular and Critical. CORRUPTIONG 1. 1►111�1 In the largo majority of holies, c022- suite s ni butter -L-01(1 and young ---are pattievin' at'ent the Dolor of butter plac- ed before them. Whitish or 1122p(rfectly colored butter sloes not attract the eye or tempt the Mete. I* is the well ,wade butter entered with Wills, 13trlardson clic 0 )'s Improved Battu' ()idols that is looked for 0tat aporecinted, The lovely, dt lle:eat 321110 shade produced 1'Y Wells, Richardson S% Cu'S 111110ctvt•ti Butter Cohn is wt;ll Known. IV hi easy 1,0 dc. (101 the butter mitered with crude and 0021121to. color, Spelt butter isusually briclty in color, sometimes mottled, anti often strong and 111110i11. It p'i, sbuttl•r- 111akers to Ilse 1V2'Ns, lvinhat(1*nn (L`' 00$0 111.pr(.v:(1 Butter Color. When used by buttermalre15, it gives an exult valve of trent :3 to 4 cents per pouu(1. Don't be deceived by your denier; insist upon having the kind that (mattes pi See butter. 1111 druggists nod dealers. various sections Of the confederation. have Often entrusted Inc with (11:11 - cult and (leli• ate missions. 1 have fulfilled (he'll( to the best of my abil- ity. .1 ha% 0, in all this,. cntitavt i',d to serve the interests Of illy (0:11- ' of I11 race 11 of 1 11•. try, , y it e A d env I'.L Thele aro times lt'1'en 21. lMitlister w•I o Bolos that he represents cOnsideral lr interests is oblige(] to hold firm 2't the risk of emitting opponents to himself. "At the beginnin;; my sitl(atien was es( ecially en• ;411110ssin(3. 1 ll'd belonged for as lot g time to the Con- servative paar•ty. 'f anythil.g 1103)pcn- e(l, 00 dirt not ha pen.''tVl1iL11 21'418 ills - pleasing to certain grrlt•ss, it was 1 who was the culprit, 1 It us a Con - ser .lLtivv. 1 would not desi(o lily worst enemy to have to trot el the road which 1 halo been forced to rover. 11y re-entering in _o t liVltte life is 8 surpl Ise for tbot o vho are among lay intimate friends, 1 desi ed to 1 tire before the elec'tiol.s of 1000 1 yielded to the pressing solicitations of. my 'seasonal 11 ends and 1 remain- ed. "The constitutional pretext whi"h is tine cause of sly cic''artare, is nosh;ng but a :hallow argument. .I. than!: Sir Wilfrid I (osier for having clone me the honor to confide to tae the important I ortfolio of :Minister Of Public Works on J my 13, 1890. I have learned to 1•now lay country, its• immense r:sr)ut(vs, its possibilities for development. .:v expel ewe will 1102 be lost. 1 shall uti!i)e it in my career es a io'.(rn(tlist, 21nc1 as a mem- bee of Parliament. 1 have screed lav leafier (111d DIV Marty falthfull}', 1ov- titly, honorably. For one, or the other, 1 hale never spared my energy 01' 111y devotion. "My 'views on the fiscal situation, which confronts this country, are, I have the profound conviction. those of the very great majority of Alm Canadian people and of the Liberal party. A tariff of defence 1.lr our na- tional interests, of firm protection, without ambiguity, for our indus- tries, our agriculture, our working 1 classes. That is the policy of to- morrow. That is the poli"y which I will continue to defend with my pen, my speech, and from my scat in Par- lialllent. J. I. Tarte." outrenl. .�i Ir Wilfrid In . M I iliontreal, Oct. 24. -Yesterday was a busy day at the Windsor, where Sir Wilfrid arrived at n000, sending soon after for ex -Mayor I'refontaine. No announcemtnt may be expected tot a few (lays as Sir Wilfrid will go to Quebec to-dav, and thin pass several days at Arthabaslatlille. Th: Nlrth Wentworth and North P..rth Election Cases. A municipal telephone system is in operation betweeu Fort William and Port Arthur. Rev. 3. E. Hunter succeeds the late Rev. R. Phillips as Methodist minister at Trowbridge. A colt worth $175 broke thrcugh a barb -wire fenceice on nu East ustG Zorra farm, cutting its throat, from which it bled to death. 1Viake Weak Hearts Strong. Make Shaky Nerves Firm. They aro a Sure Cure for Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, After Ef- fects of La Grippe, Palpitation of General De- bility the Heart,J , G and all troubles arising from a run down system. Theyregulate the heart's action and invigorate the nerves, This i5 what they have done for the same will do others ! They t v for you. CLCiAT it.ELIEF'. have Heart a2�E a nd burns ,'1 ' AId II . I l kCorve rills for palpitation of the he:Lrb and shat toyed nerves, and for both trembles hale found gt•eutrelief.y-•Mrs. W. Ackert, Ingersoll, Ont, FEELS SPLENDID NOW. Peforo taking Milburn's (leapt .and Nerve fills I was all ran down, -could nob sleep at night and was terribly troubled With my hetet. Since tracing them I feel splendid. I sleep well at night and my heart docs not trouble No At ..11. They have done too a world of good. -Jas. 1). hloLood, Ilartsvillo, 1p.E.L —sae .... ........,.. r.� ..... ..., - THE PARTICULARS FILED IN EACH Putts 1 :1' the Trial of These I11003.8o1* Petitions 111xe(i-(rale-1'ctitien:* also llie2l-Ti,o 111102ory Vaud Charge in North Wuntivul'tlt•-8330 x or 1)i40,4b.(tluu Corruptly iu the 11MInn. Toronto, Oct 133. --At Qs„oudl IIull ycstv.day particulars lone 1,1ec1 in the 4,4 01.111 1.(neortl1 and North 1'cita elecelon canes, (which will Le tried rgi'pec.tl2ely 0(1 i''.o•. d 2LtIi:1111- ilton, and next Tuesday at Stria - ford. Tile petitioner in the furrier case is A. It. 312u dell of 1)i t1'aam, tee defeated Consc'1 ati o elllldid:rte, and the 10 pendent It. A. ',112ong:son, M. N. P, (elect, In North Perth, John Brown, the defeated Liberal candidate, is the pe- titioner, and J. 1'. i110uteith, the re- spondent. The. o are aka) crow peti- tions in both ' uses, j12Lrtiet.lals o1 which have been t d, North 11'eattrnrth Changes. Altogether there are 57 el'arges in the Werthtvol•tll case, some of which ate: '1'hab Pat rim: (,1 et n, 110 01 - keeper; S. Frun.: Smith, auctioueel', and John Burke, license C011tmis'i0n- er, all of West Flaanboro, agents of the respondent, directly or in(lire tly threatcn•d and practiced intimida- tion noon Luke Dooley of West Plxltt- boro, to compel 11i111 to retrain from Voting. 'l'hat Chas. M. Jarvis, license c0m- nlissioner, of Ihtndas, an agent, threatened Otto Shown; hotelkoepol', of East Finull:•o:o, to compel him to refrain front voting. That Jarvis also threatened :Mat- thew Ryan, hot elkeeper, of East I''lamboro; that John I3tu'l,p, license commissioner, threatened John Eagle, hobell:ei'prr, of I3ulloc:k's Cor- ners; that J threatened 1411 e't T. Lu away, hnt.elkeeper, of West Flautboro; that Jarvis threatened '0. L. Robertson, hotoll'eepe•r, of the Township of Pe% ('ric,V. Charges of impersonation were also laid. Counter Charges Preferred. In the cross -petition those charges are made: •".1 hat Clark Pepper 01 East .L'laulb0ro, offered S5 to Adam Black, to induce hila to Tote for Wardell; .1 ojln Campbell, aged 18, Personated his fader, J. W. C'unlla- be11, in I)uncios: Henry Camp and Charles 13. 1'ar;ces were I;ro111)1C.1 their day's wages to vote for War- dell; John W. Dickson, an agent, gave $18 to Thomas Burns, of Dun- das, to bet upon the result of the e'lec'tion; John Enright of Dundas promised Edmund Zass of West Flaulboro, 810 to vote for 11•ar(ell; Robert McNioholl gave William Campbell of 13ot ('I ley Township, $1 to vote for Wardell: Edmund Bay - man offered John Goodale $1 for his vote." The bribery fund charge reads: "The respondent as a member of the Conservative Union and Association, received from then $ 500 to be ex- pended in corrupt practices, and that he and his agents. so expended the „ • rartieularl in North Perth. in the North Perth case some of 612+ charges 1031(10 tire: 'that the respondent, through An- drew Gabel of 'Wallace Township, gave or agreed to give, money to Adam Gabel to refrain from voting against him. 'that the railway fare of William Field of Woodstock, was paid; that the respondent, through Charles ens - setts, became bail for Jose,.h Marten i� from imprison - nun', release fo hr. 1 e a e tor men', and provided Marten with; drinii and other' rofreshine nt5, to in- duce him to vote for the respondent. or refrain from voting against hit'(. That the railway tickets and fray- ing a1-ing ex3(use. of one R. Thos. Orr of Waterloo. were paid to conte to Stratford •and vote; also the travel - mg expense. of Chris. Gilgit, to come to Mll fl fiord. Travelog ex- penses also of ('hits. Filey of Toron- to; Joseph Dovle of Stratford, to go to Owen Sound, and refrain from voting; A'.exenrlce Foster of Toronto, ani Charles 'Wilson of Toronto, are alleged to have been plod. That George Shay of Stratford was offered a receipt of 1a month's nett by Nelson Monteith. That the respond.nt, tlu•otn_,11 his flat 111S, I11'01-id011 refreshments to it. H Forest and 10 others. ThatLt tl ^ respondentrrt t tuaA h ag- ents, ents, paid to ,lett'( \colon, a voter, $50, to bo used in hetting on the et- eetion. 'That the responden', through him- self end Dr. Monteith, agreed to give ]tennis "Mullen o' Stratford 1t dis- charge of belehtedness of Mullett to Dr. Monteith: also i, :Smiler dis- (harga to 1011218 Pet ries, find .101111 Aemstrnn4 of the Toweellip of North- east. ITope. That money for cement perpo"es was Maid to James Steele, Fd. Sid- ney Smit 11, 1(.3'., Cl axles ('assn, T, .7. Coughlin, Ste; hen Mallion, Ar('lt. 11eA!dia. Geo"tie Close. atones : her - mon, Dr. Mc n1.( it.3. 1312231110311 Wil- liams, *las. 73. Gillis, Felix Devlin, 'acmes Steele and A. II. Monteith. 'I hat the respondent, by himself, and through J 0')n J. Ilaggarty, tet $si with John Nelson on the result of the election. 'I hat money was paid to induce them to 20te, to .701211 Mentes John Dunn of Stratford; i\I'ar them 'ley - holds of Stratford, rd and John N alo l of Stratford. The Cross Petition. That George 1f, Wild, stationer, of London: Chas. 5. Hyman, 1MC. P., manufacturer of London, '1 h 28. Low i3, <aloonk2•eper, Leedom John O'Gorman, commercial traveler, Lunt- don, send \Vin. 'Malloy, agent, Lon- don; all agents of .10110 Brown, ftti'- nishrd to Itol.ert. T. tl'arding of Stratford, barrister 0t -lily, or to *onto other agent• of th1 said Joh' MY HEAD! HOW 1; ACHl:e1 17F51.VOUS. 1IL1O V S RCN P1•.r1.IODfCA'L SPASMODIC HEADACHES, He'Id:who is not of itself a eiisc320, but to genera:le i:aused be someclt.order of the stone - era, iivcr or bowies. Before you eau be 021081 yen must remove tau cease. BuTdock Blood Bitters tivili do It for you. It regulates the stomach, liver end bowels, purities the Weed. o:u1 tones up the whole sys- tem to full health 0,211 vigor. Brown, whose name is at present un- known, a large sum of 1nc.ney, which was to be used, as a ft1ul for the purpose of I,rolzlot int and p•o•uring the election of the said Jahn ilrotrn, and for the purpose of bribing or corruptly influencing peters. Itarevereasu ,2)'2S'UP:Si. Miner's Preparing I''or etesum,pti0n of Coal .Mining. Wilkes-P,arre, t'a„ Oct. 23. -Tb on, - antis ') -antis of men began work yestar (lay 003.010111-c the mints and pl:lcirg 111: collicrics ]n cun']ition for the g;'Lneral i't821! 1ptlon of coal liliu,n.;, ulcer. will take place 1hro:'gleoet the 012(h- tacite 1'e;;i. n i0-i12t;i . '1i Ube men who are directly en:;al;. tl in elating an 1 benching coal will return to th • nines this Inurning. Reports were recei4- 2 d h ere yesle' day that scores of :.t 11•'cal O 1 Miall 11:1V,' given 11,1 ,11 •11' posit it Ili and an! !eating the region. Lool(s Fairly "Nell. London, Oct. 13.-1f the I)ritish Government 114(11111 refu:ieS to remove the embargo at;a.1181. Canadian 11 cat- tle, which, netted, Is only removable by act of Parliament., it steels prob- able that the rel:est of the Canacli- en Government tw111 be tie 'tided to that the period tl'It1ti11 whit 11 Comedian cats 31' LInst be s1a1i"l,te: cel 211210 htnaing at 1iej+tf1lti cud other ports will he cxten ed from l0 dues to 0 fin titer petiorl. Overwhelm:214 evi- dence presented from Ottawa makes it impossible for the Board of Agri- culttu•e to 11)'ger main t€.i hi that 11112' danger of diseitre from Canac112'n c att- tle exists. '111; regent request from the Argentine 220.0rnment for the ad- mission of Argentine cattle on an equal footing with Canadian will not li ely be granted. The Value of Commas. A sebool inspector on irriviug in 1t small town req. -tested the C11;tiruuln of the Schlool13,a11rd to accompany hint in the inspection of the 80110(,1.. As the bigwig of the Trustee Board put on his hilt 110 muttered to himst'1t ''I should like to know why that 2188 11(18 COri1O s:) semi again," a; 3'1Xllttriit which the Mapco - tor overhear(( bat affected to igoere. Arriving at the sellout lie began to ex - undue t)1€2 pupils iu puulltu•.ttiolt, bat was told by Iliac airrnlin'Wu 4.41'.1 trouble tub out commas haat seen like.' The in- spector merely told one of the boys to write ou the black -board: Tim chairman of the School hoard says the inspector 13 an ass. 'Nov,' he added Tat a 00)11(x:2 after Beard aln,1 t(mutter (after 'inspector.' The boy did s3. That Olilliri1lan is Le- 1'eve:l to have changed his opinion in i „ t p ou re,;ar.l to the value of commits. Thee are 24' diift•reet relig'ous sects in Greet Britain and let -trod. Australia, aupl lied r.0.0eO,000 wort*, 21(;311 r1 5 ear. 11001 (lanlcron. of Clernwall, irem &e. quitted of (ho charge of c'l•wtiltie wittlh intent to hill a neighbor's t>• le. it lortta (3113+.'11111011:110 Vit'rp011 11 et112L :lot parry the distance. null ss held t11 0 very high angle. Opinions of Lending Physicians. f w:Maxi nate*t t+trotu' s l'.le ::e:t i 1 'nv ss ell c14 in my u.(12 eaw. 381(1 141n jsus3c eertifv Out it is do 1(sellers reane,ly for the p111330se foe ,. hi•it it is 111rottle:1...7. 1•,. QA.M.1- 23ldreL, ll.l?o (>1e•net., Losciosa, 00t. 1'i-fee:ICA For sale by ilrit; yi Al2,ar by mail ea r(•2•rlpt of *rice. W. T. 8 Cj:Gli(x, 1fan:`'ueturio : Chemist London, U:lturlo. 4 + h t t. t 'S t J r•. 1 1 , 1 e , s I To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripens Tabules. They arc easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicine:, approved and used by every physician.. Ripans Tabues are widely used by all sorts of people—but to the plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend S y in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard family remedy. , They arca dependable, hon- est remedy, with a long and successful record, to cure indigestion, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn constipation, offensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular rheumatism sour stomach, bowel and iivcr com- plaints. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up run-down systems, restore pure blood, good appe- tite and sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives constant benefit from a regular use of Ripans Tabules. Your druggist sells them. The five- cent i;e-cent packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottle, 6o cents, contains a supply Tor a year. Centrallzatien 1v lit. Petersburg. St. Peters} mg, Oct. 23. -The 'Mita !Stet• of the interior, von 1'l(,htwe, has Perfected a slwrepitig scheme by 1(113(31 111e (whole municipal ttdnlinis- trat:o:t of the ca1.1101 212111 be Prac- tically 11 nded over t 1 tin' Govern- ment. «,host of the urban 1il:ertles t2 ill he Suppreese d, the police will be c•ont.roiled en: it'cly Sy the cGovern- aaent, ire n 1118,' for eleeti,n to the City Council will be largely restrict- ed and the city's fends will be plac- ed snider the control of the Govern- ment, 11••111011 twill, in short, appoint all the city officersi on'1 take gener- al direction of municipal affairs. Senate lull .1lo at Up. 'Montreal, Oct. 23. - Sir *Robert Bon 1, Premier of 'a:mefonndlited, left j for Lome last ni.ht. lhn•ingt• the day h" had nc nn tc(r with th- business s wen of the city, who have close reln- ,ions 11i1 11 the colony. To ono of his intimate frit lids h•' 81)010 of his itis- I cion to 112011'n4ton, and from what e•• • said 1 0. cl ts inferred • f „al t t it 1 (t d the. he has 21I'Viwt(1 at r, ! (1528 of understand- ing with the Sooretary of State, but fears that the `mate will tie it up'! in 11u store manner as it has dopa the Cut an and tunny other important questions. The total eapital 1111, 03teet in railways and entails in Canaan. is $.1,100,000,000. T. G. Cottrill. of Whithv, tinting the the past two hocks pita oat $32,000 for hogs. The growth of girls is greatest iu their ' boys ill PIT verl- v' c o h ae fifteenth t.0 0# t teenth. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PE SYRUP Stops the irritating cough, loos- ens the phlegm, soothes the in- flamed tissues of the lungs and bronchial tubes. and produce a quick and permanent cure in all eases of Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis.Asthrnaloarseness, Sore Throat and the first stages of Consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont., writes : "I take great pleasure in rec001' mending I)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I had a very had cold, could not sleep at night for the coughing and bad pains in My chest and lungs, I only used half a bottle of 1)r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and was perfectly well again." Prise 25 dente n bottle. SIZE DATES CELOW"3;'. '. {f•11 aw,s.v� . ;t (ti � 1 Ea a 1'S ' i a a i 1 e,r yl l'• �4x7 .,.3CCJ r'. i �cx..S..e2ahX�sF '*• t 24r�^pit"a Established 1866. Over 30 Years of Suceess 10 ioro:lt,'. ,:1:t.. . '�% �T IF' \'d. Glcl:.titi:;li:,t•. S . �1 �l Specialist,1�.0. rJiit' TorJn.+J. tt 9 a � 51 ii ,l THIE MOIT Tl.ELT \ALF, and successful Au'hority-nrcateat s(C1Ps5 111 no t4••atment of Derni% (Rupture) Varicerele (Faire Rupture} of ail known agencies i'1 ties rn Votes .,e who utak. 1a specialty. of 01114 department must certainly be 111 1:e experienced used 02.1x,1.14 tlnr. ((l, • Ina nut; "many irons in the ere." nowt pot ell your case, bchot in:; it to b • sh,t;,lo-1cnr•'nber 21'.rnat often prove fa'a1 Have your cage attended 14 new, and 1214 av,d•1 d1413. , 24 2"1,:w:''(,.; tin,., and Motley cise'vhrru but conte t+, one whose life-i0n'2 study 1)14 tatrxli t 12 41 'Ott 1 • .3'. no not despond or he deterred trout ,uelan • 1,1rth:'r advice, or 110clulae of r:'pet.e;:( :sitar: ' e 14(.11.1' .% our ea'e incurable. n.caule .)'haps f tied in your 0110 )•011 (rive 2)10101 11i'm,u(•a;;e,1. T 04 i. n , very Bute you 411o01d ('Maul( ml a4 my reput.itloe 1)21 been nrua 1 in twin r b'19,,44 (s ,e111,1 I4,+e^. LAD2E3 suffering from \111.21 or any form 01 luettnre shnnl:l 11oi ;le4i'117d IT. :,z, :lox mei: case nttend31 to 1t wool. Eventhin„ striwiy private 341 prof•).41.1'a.ti 153 ) I' i F £i23 -L wk to your children -Yew i.4 the tim 1 to ow* %Ion 213'.l.'v (ale young. Don't allow !Aro. to ern. v hp haodia.t;q,ed an the 0.1.1,1 of life, with rnp!•11'0. 1 al r ,n. r ,. AT Y CH \ RC} E5 aro within reach e [ 1, the i . tion as wed ;as the r.e.., 9'•nnn+ c:m h.• satisfactorily rra/• 01, no reason why you 2104121 not consult nor at •.0 at, .1111)1: 1:11, 41.4,, '� (�T FALSE XZo;.enr;t.A .T ;'J')" 1 ri 'mt a ' 1. , 1111 h• , Y 711 .ell: •'' �' 1 i n + r. oa VA1iitO tL e1• 1 fUPp p`�� 14cr1 i4 tto n•h •r 32:l:o:i.•; .., •rvi•. :tan Ttllii i+hoistMltx•tut:1'lc'e'•n.(i•.••1,iyfo.hl.• ,_....... ..,•-i..•�'.....•„- 1 rleS 1• )i",tel t.4 n 1:.. n. V.v(; n'e•e". Tho unlverval tendency of these a (editions 14 to Grow wo•so 1.111112 we 0. 1111 :21c,1 - ,)4li , : t„ i o- putancy, nervous dehi11.,f emote strteetrs, eteett,41, 011241)11 14.401,411440.1, ,e, eh it. von i.r. n t 1. allrnv this insidious offetio•r t.1 sap 3210 t: your vitality? it is .11111' ,ti III r roil i' 11 ,2 I:• • : •d :vin result in the 321)1ve ten 160214 Ye m utter how *whorl your 0 24 , n 1, b-, 12,1'1.1.11.,,o, 1...r 1.1 • hail. ure you twiny hive ecperiea(al in tryin; to ba cured by medicine -true oaks'? : ewe'. 11.1. - Inc Ihowmo ems n will Imre ("II 1 the 11,0011/w vein4 return to th lir 11 .rut tl 411'1 10 .•e 1111 '1 •n4 • 'ho so1nal or,runs receive pronar nnu•lahm "1'., the parts b own): vltt'!e•d •2,1.1 ut 11 y 0 •a • . 4. n'a 2io 24111pontr3 b111112., huts PE t111Y.:Yr oaf. :t) t)pt;:t ert 1:1 x34244 icy I..1 "sq....:r0 . hu.eew4. If v111 have It t I th•1 au} 1( et:p.lrionen ,von 111,4 .t 1 '3 ,nb, 4 , 4•1! 1404P .ante of teensy ma( Silt 11r„ or ga.tntitles of time 44arehln4 for the reedy (hit i offer y at Intro SPECIALIST WILL VISIT: SE 1FORTH, NOV. 4 AND 5. Ingham QUEEN'S HOTEL 4 T (WEDNESDAY EVENING) Thursday All day till i ! 7 p.m, ONE DAY ONLY November 6 irmnimrsommoree C9 CONSULT SPECIALIST EARLY 4 LUCKN W NOV. 7. KINCARDINE NOV.S LUCKNOW NOV. 7. NOV. 8 Send to T.�ronro et9e0 fur etYealalri. Send to T,'ronto office for clrrultlla, s: