HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1902-10-30, Page 1TI VOL. XXXL : N0. 1603, How does it look This is the real clothes question of to -day, "How does it look i" Some men spend a lot of money on high-priced clothing and then don't look right. Soine waste money by not spending enough. The majority want their clothes right, and they want to know What is right ? Where can I get it ? `What •does it :cost ? Homuth Bros. can give the answer, and make clothes to fit the most fastidious per- son.. BOOTS AND SHOES We have a new up-to-date stock of Men's, Women's, Misses', Childs' and Boys' Boots, at prices to suit all. GENTS' FURNISHINGS We have a new and well - assorted 'Stock of • •Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties, and great values in Under- clothing. Measure to show you goods. llollillth Bros. TjIE POPULAR SPORE. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by PRANK PATERSON, No. 23 Victoria street, Wingham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK Lanita! $2,5.00,000 Reserve $2,500,000 WINOHAM BRANCH SHAW BLOCK. A General Banking Business Trans• doted. Fanners' Sale Notes Collected, and advances made on same. Drafts bought and sold on all points iu Canada. United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT --Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal i3Oth June and 31st December each year. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. Solicitor. 1 to to R. Pats z , S WINGIUAM,. ONTANOI '111111110AX, .00TOBER 30, 1002, $1 A YEAR 1N ADVANCE RY HUTCHI$ON'S FOR Tea Coffee Cocoa and T. 1 MAOWRE Real Estate Agent WINGHAM, ONT. Who Wants a Farm ? ] have over 9,000 acres of choice farm lands for sale, In 50, 75, 100, 150 incl 200 acres, lots in Kinloss, Greenock. Bruce, Kincardine, Huron and Ashfield Townships, Good lends With goodbui}din s to h sold. cheap on easy terms.lsa good sawmill for side, almost for a song. Also good blacksmith hop ld wellin in con- nection) doing a good lltu,iness, for sale cheap. A hotel doing good business for solo cheap. Also a wat;ons1iop. A general store with large trade, Jive village. Also a large amonnt of money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- ticulars apply to.. • T. A. McKENZIE insurance Agent, J3olyrbod. Wear Greer's Spat's. , Auction Sale of C $, A car lend of fir t -tins COWS from the County of Oxford 11 e sold by public motion at the anal Hotel, 'Wing - ham on Saturday, Noi'tmber Stll, at 2 o'clock p. m. W. H. Chambers, pro, prietor; V, S, Scott, auctioueer. WANTED --A smart boy to printiug business. Apply office. ,Fol; SALT: 011nAP.--A t ing horses, with liar harness, two baggi Buffalo robe. App est; lead the a IME$ m of work - ane. set single , le cutter and a to T. J. Maguire. Our The opening' eh "For a Woman's in this issue. S now and get the new subscribers 1st, 1908, or $1 til w Story, ter of our new story ake," will be found scribe for the TIMI S pening chapters. To r 10c till January, 1st of January, 1904. An Ad 11:iss A. Caroline 'of Dr. McDonald, resigned the genera Young Women's at Ottawa, to Pec travelling seeretar Voluuteer Movenre stens. ancement, acclonnld, daughter P.,of this town,has secretaryship of the ristiatt Association the position of for the Students' t for Foreign Mts. Wingham On Wednesda, Miss E. Estelle concert in Kine 'Chisholm, sopra C. O. F. concert 6th. Mrs, R. Cline assisted at Tuesday evenin GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. See Halsey Park's ailvertisement, Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. 1 v . A Socia vening. The Social Com ittee of the West- minster Guild o the Presbyterian church, purpose g 'ing an entertainment on Friday evenin , Nov. 7th. A good programme is b ng prepared. This is tide first social a ding of the season and there should be good attendance. Fresh oysters arriving daily; served in any style, at Jas. McKelvie's. CRAYON PORTRAIT.—Life size, for $2.00, at Armstrong & Co's `studio. Sunday Sc The first of a seri W. E. Groves, 1 Street Public Sohoi of the Toronto CI day School Associ St. Philip's sehc from Monday's T Mr. W. E. Grove of the Winglutnl • it ool Talks. s of talks by Mr. rillcipal of Church 1, under the auspices rch of England Sun - ion, will be grvun at lhouse. The above onto Globe, rafers to a former Principal tool. Yon get the newest goods in Buntings and overeoatings at reasonable, prices at Geo. Carr's. MONEY TO LOAN at 4;% 'tier cent. on easy terms of repayment. Apply to A. Dulrnage, Kent Block, Wintahazn. Rupture Speci J. Y. E OF HAMILTONE BANK W1HAM. Capital paid up, $2,000,000.00. Reserve Fund, $1,000,000,00. President-7Am &MART. Vico.President—A. G. RA vs Y. DIRECTORS John Proctor, L Roach, Win. Geo. E. e(Toto). General Manager—T. TUIRNBULL, toLooto 3; Deposits f $1 and upwards v. Be terest allowed, and computed on the BOth No- vember and dist May each year and added to principal. Special Deposits also received et current rates of interest. Drafts on treat Britain and the United States 13ougllt and sold, Travellers are notified that the/Imhof Ham- ilton and its Brnnc]tes issue Cireular Rates of National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, which.ean be coshed without charge or trou- ble ,11 any past of the world, w, co pOULIJ, Agent ,pl, 1,, lIC1t1 ]t3tyN, Solicitor. Stointis the CMugh bind Avairta;s' olE the Cont. Laxative Idioms -Quinine Tablets cure a Cold In one day. No Caseate Pay. Price 2.i cents. all day till 7 p. m — Oth. This gentlem. our section for the century. Write f in this issue. alent Abroad. evening of last week, thin snug at a benefit 'dine. Miss W. Alba o, will tike part in the at Fordwiell on Nov. attie and Mr. Geo. W. concert in Hensall on of this week. Gu The Guy Bros. only old -title fa t up -to da e with usiug specialties, for Friday Mel These people are ed house. The found in Camph seats may be sec Brothers. Minstrels, who ere not rites but are always le best and most am - re billed for Winghatn this week, Oct. 3 1. lways sine of a crowd - in of the hail will be l's Drug Store where ed in advance, Bar -Room Many inquiries license branch of ment as to whethe closed ou Dec. 4th on the Liquor Act. of licenses has snit the Prohibition Ac the general electia Ing of bars, corrupt to the coming vote. Must Close. have reached the ze Ontario Govern - bar -rooms must be the day of the vote The chief inspector that by a clause in the previsions of tie p , o law respecting clos- n. etc.,would apply East Hurort ohibitionists, • The conveutloll t bitiouiste lisp to 1(1at week was vote officers eletited w dent, W. 11. Kerr Gerry; Secretary er, Rev, R. Pan' Were appointed Revds. 1LIessrs. , Wroxeter,W . ;12 Revds. Messrs.Wa $as, Smillie aud', Strachan nu4. Wit A. M. McKay and Nantes Kerr; Htlbet Hamilton and Kehtiet Post gives the f1 ;glen tam, and in atutu up East the. 'tori tr th esti East Bron Prohi, cloak; on Tuesday of v;)11 fittende L The e aa foiloays;—Presi- Vice President, B. . F. Blair; Treasur- Munioipal Cln irnlen its follows:--Hocviek, 1ielyey and Dobson;. ember; T'urnberry, and Swann ;Morris, ackson; Grey,Thos. aineron; Brussels, Hann; MoKillop, Revds. Messrs. • The 'Brussels the 1808 elec- the situation in ys:--"The 1898 n in' the East vote taken on on Dec, 4th, t at least 50 per led favorable to s total vote was returns, it will s to sustain the ub dividing it into els will have to poll Prohibitiou ; Grey, llett,202; McKillop, Turnberry 247 ;How - 8' Iist for 1902 will any p6rsan qualified sial election will have allot. IC tenlperanee rong enough to reach people, ;ire not half as as they thought. A than the requisite sily polled with ener- MONEY 10 LOAN.—MOney to loan on notes, and notes discounted at reason- able rates. Money advanced on mort- gages, with privilege of paying at the end of nay year. Notes and accounts collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing - ham HART. MoINDoo. list Coming. m of .,.0- •e Specialist Wiughaln,Qneen's evening) Thursday ne day only, Nov. 1 has been visiting past quarter of a circular. See "ad" Try Dulrnage, Kent Block, for triad proof and storm proof overcoats, They are put together like leather and are sold at half price. For the The Ontario Go n complete list of t for the corning ref tion, which is to b 4111. The officers f Perth, are as foil Jr N. Campbell, W R. G. Reynolds, South Huron, 'Vz Centro Bruce, At South Bruer), W. Walkerton; Nort1 son, Hepworth t iHossie, Sheriff, S P. Whenhen, Ate ferendum. ernment has issued 0 returning officers eudurn on prohibi- held on December r Huron, $ruco and ws: -West' Huron, stfielcl; East Heron, Sheriff, Goderich; Lewis, Crediton; us Martin, Ripley; M. Dock, Registrar, Bruce, Jolnn Robin - North Perth, John atford; South Perth strar, St. Marys. East Huron, t e. vdte will be the d Riding ofHurgn.f; the, Prohibition qt the law demaudii } th cent of 18votb b p the caul to98 carr ,t 4,380, as set out filth require 2,668 yew yo Aqt in December: unuicf palities' Dius at least'129 votes f 430; Motris, 356; I 282; Wroiceter, 52; ick, 471. The vat be the one used at to vote in a Pr;ivir a right to, mark a setttittteut is oats the figures quoted anxiona about'tft much larger vo number may .be e gctic work." Scottish, oncert. The concert comn ttee of the Sons of Scotland have eng ged the following well-known artists or the annual con- cert, which will be telt on January 8th, next:Donald C.Mac regor,Canada's fav- orite baritone ;Miss Edna Lonise Suther- land, elocutionist; Miss Grace Nisbet, soprano ; Mr. Jas. !' ex, comedian; and probably four goo Highland dancers will be engaged. his concert is always the event of the se son and the splendid talent secured shop d warrant a crowded house on January :th next, Full par- house in future i ues. • Advertisi g Pointer. .An exchange cotains the following sound advice to usiness Igen:—The factthat in the ear days, whenn there was little or no co npetition, you suc- ceeded without vertising, is of on avail now. Many fine, old business has been ruined by n insane prejudice against adopting m dern methods. You must advertise or be shoved aside by your wide-awake, } ust]ing competitor. Without honesty o t purpose and integrity in presenting to t te.public the variuu, articles you wish t t dispose of, true and permanent suece . would seem to be impossible. County ' oad System. The County of Bruce will submit a by-law at an et ']y date for the con- struction of a co nty read system. The chief portion of ' will run from. South- ampton throng Wiarton and up the peninsula to T. bernuory, This is the country throw I1 which the proposed Mnnitonlin & i orth Shore Railwn.Y is expected to run but the latter is so back- ward ackward in nutter alining that apparently the people wan something more sure. It bas been oleo led to ask the county to authorize the e penditure of $40,000 on the new road $ stens, one-third of which will come ottt f the Provincial million doiler fand. s., .,• ..,. -.. See our' Ladies' W st $2.25. Dark gray, is brick, a daisy. rpro . Coat at collar, yoke ANNA & Co, The 0 nty Council The biennial e etion to the county eoutlefl will tak place next Jnuuary, and it will not b long bsfore candidates will have to an ounce themselves. In division• No 1, Ex -Warden Holt has annonpced that a will retire andi Mr. H. Chambers," .th y other representative for this district w 1 also retire.ivis- tiou No 7, of whi h Wingham fours a part is now repro enter' by Warden D. Patterson and M. ockhart. We under- stand that 111r. P terson will again be a candidate, but hi e not as yet heard if Lockhart will eek re-election. The other division it this district are No 6, now represent by W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, and J' s. Bowman, of Morris, and Na 8, no ropreseuted by Robt Miller, of Turn erry and R. Ferguson; of Howick. There's fun in the old Kent block these days. This half price sale keeps you grinning. Saving cash gives as much pleasure or more than big wages. Our g Club. A sheeting of haat Curling Clu join will be held ' ou Friday event All those ince gime" aro iuvit meeting. Ontario H alth Report. With the advent of autumn the num- ber of cases of ty. toid in the province always increases, robably owing to low water in the wel in rural districts. This is shown int .e monthly report of the Provincial Bon d of Health for Sep- tember. The nut ber of deaths for September was 52, s compared with 26 iu August. The d: tths from whoopiug cough were 8, whil in Aug. they were 21. 'Tore were e less deaths from consumption than i August. The details are gi en in the following table for Sept. 190 and Sept. 1902:— Searlatitna, 13, 11; Diphtheria, 4`a, 2:5; Measles, 2, 0; Wh *ping Cough, 17, 8; Typhoid, 41, 52; C. isumption, 106, 107; Total deaths front Il causes, 1,963,1,934. enlbera of the Wing - end those wishing to the council chamber , Nov.7th,ttt 8 o.'clack, eted in the "roarin' to be present at this' Goderich Two Goderich b Robt. Carey, aged home ou Wednesda were last seen at C The boys are dress peak caps, One 'w the other a black ov ation should he eau O, F. Carey, Star Office Boys Missing. boys, Otwell Todd and , drove away fronm of last week, and uton on that day. in grey suits, with e a red sweater and moat. Any inform - to A. M. Todd or ince, Goderich. • Deer Up to Wednesde Robertson had sold following parties: Chas. Johustou, W Donald and John of Wroxeter is a vet is now iu his 89th misses his annual ti then are able to t they reach Mr. Go censes morning Mr. Wm. deer licenses to the A. M. Crawford, s Currie, Geo. Me- ofton. Mr. Goftou rau deer hunter. He year and he never p to Muskoka. Few o such -a trtp when on's age. Hot7sE FOR SAI. —C•rn• of Victoria 1111n0. nod Shuter street, R. —Mr. J. W. McKa • of the Iuter- uatienal School, .lar • . run. Was iu WWII last week, taut '. 1 - here purchased one of A. R. Smith' nobby overcoats. Moving f The TIMES is at R. W. Ruucima best c.f health. his property and . will move to a w. hamites in getteri Mr. Runcitnan au of our town, but e T alfa in thewish x climate will restos: good health. m Wingham, ry to hear that Mr- is not enjoying the I 3e has decided to sell business in town nitd j lrtner climate, Wing- I will be sorry to lose faulty as residents will join with the that the change of Mr. Runcl Pan to CHURCH NOTES, Rev, J. Ross, B, js improving iu home, and take et; ou Sanday next. Special evangelic held in the Method, will be held on T evenings of this w The r, signatiou for 30 years pastor Presbyterian Chin accepted, and he . allowance of $1,0O`J The usual quay' held iu the Meths) next. The Saar Supper will be ad ing and eveuiug, service will be he of Brussels, who eelth, hopes to be arge of the services xc serviced are being st Church. Meetings ursday and Friday els, of Rev. Dr. Moore. of the Bank Street h, Ottawa, Inas been ill receive a retiring a year for six years. erly services will be list Church ou Sunday gent;) of the Lord's unistered both morn - id a public reception in the event Teamsters, Driv our line of Hudson specially fur you. 's, artners,—See Cluthiug, made HANNA & Co, Died in The remains of 1'. of Toronto, (forme this city) whu died terred et Mount P side those of her some time ago. ronto commercial throe was•well It spected in this c' Weduesdas's Lo to the death of a pronto, rs. James Bonthrou, ly Miss Houghton,of t Toronto, were in- asuut cewetery, be- uughter; who died r hnsbaud is a 'To - traveller. Mrs. Bon- wu and highly re- y.—The above from on Free Press refers ister of Miss Hough- ton, of this tow; Miss Houghton had been in Toronto or some days at her Isister's bedside. Dr. Butler, specialist in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose end throat. 'Eyes tested and glasses supplied. Office op-; pnszte St. Andrew's cllnrch, London, E Ontario. a I New Bri The Western F the Town Council over the river, s can reach the wor and will save thet bridge. The Con meeting on Frida members of the C ambled the river where would be a bridge. Nothing but the question 't Council on Monde the foundry w railroad bridge on Were overtaken b, towtn the next da to work iu a place Cross a railroad b work. We under; 3? otilidry Co. will 70 ft to their nnou liridge is t;r'OVider The Council wil ;natter in a Pian tory to all part e Wanted. iasis Co. is asking ! o build a foot, bridge that their worku:en it more conveniently, i crossing the railroad oil held en informal i evening last and the; nnciI have since ex- ith n view to seeing reed place. to pat the efinito has been done, ill be settled at the i evening. Three of Screen were on the day last week and a train, They left as they did not caro where they had to iclge to reach then' and that the Western uild an addition 40x ding shop it n.,suitable for their workmen, no doubt, settle the r that will be satisfac- 3 concerned The TIlnls has authority to arrange dates and terms foe auction sales for either 1+'. S. Scott, of Brussels, or Thos. Brown, Seaforth. A first-class tarn for sale, within about 2rs iniles from Wroxeter and 7 miles from Witigizani, on good gravel road; good buildings and farm well itn;.roved. Apply to R. Vaustone, Wingham. r Printin• in Persia. Printing from ty e in Persia is not re- garded with popish ity. This country is at present eutir ly depoudeut upon lithography for th native production of books and jonrn'.ls—which are very I rare. A short' tit e ago a dress with movable type was s t up, and upon which a certain number . ' books were printed - The effort, liowevr,, met witli no encour- agement, and 11 d to be abandoned. The unpopularit of type printing in ; Persia is due to wo principal causes:— First, the strati tness of the lino offends a Persian's artis c sense, and, secondly in printed books ` he character of the let- tars Is iutirely 1 t. The Persian reader prefers a well -s risteu manuscript, and; failing this, he ontents himself with a lithograph whi is usually the facsimile of the writiu; of some fairly good scribe. Atlantic Messrs Huhn and Steamship etc., have been the Atluutic Tr magnificent stea of NewYork a for all European Passenger agent the well known Toronto. Rode( first class acro { should go via Ne I see two of the g of the world. T sailings and fold Holmes and H• Holmes Block u. Boys' Sweaters sizes and fancy de of Boys' Caps. Private sale . household eets, in - chiding siclebosrtl,bed roo • suites, stoves etc. Parties win int; 0 purchase eau ; call at my resi,i. t • , Edward St., alt ay afternoons next l+'+kitty and sat week. Also house for sale or to rout. • Ml:4. HHERRON. Died at he Hospital. Wirghamites ii re shocked on Mon- fMr • f he death o t t h al U t morning o Mon- day azo < y , FrannisJ.A,Hogg which (rented at Vic- toria Hospital in onidon, early Monday morning at the n . e of 48 years. Mr. Hogg was injure by a fall while at work in A You) , & Sons' shop some weeks ago, O. Monday morning of I last week he wa..taken to the hospital at London for t eatment, Mrs. Hogg visited him at L •nclou on Friday and Saturday last, tit was informed tlutt there '.vtts 110 eh nee for her hasltand's recovery. The use of death is given as concussion of the brain. Deceased had boon a rossd. it of Wit:glintn for • many years and 1i . s tz nada wlio had molly friends. H. had worked at the tiusluithin , trade I r ninny years. Mr. Hogg leaves a wido and one son, Ches- ter; also an aged tti• titer, a sister, Miss Fannie Hogg, and brother, Mr. David Hogg, of'3rttssels, t1 mourn the loss of a kind and affection to husband, father, son and brother. t'he Bereaved ones will have the symp hy of the commun- ity in their n fiictiot place on Wednesda Wingllann eemetery tinder the auspices esters of which On member, ransport Line.. ' & Holmes, Railway icket agents, Bunkers, appointed agents for usport Liue operating' t-rs betweeu the ports d Louduu connecting i (Ants. The Canadian; or this popular line is apt. R, M. Melvelie of cl winter rates and I imodatioii, Trayelers • York and London and' at metropolitan cities i 11 particulars. lists of For all Stomach Troubles Try Douglass' Dyspepsia Tablets We guarantee an absolute cure for the .most distressing cases. When all others fail give us a trial, and your money will be • refunded if we do not satisfy. R. A. Douglass1 Attend the Best ----It Pays CENTRAL sTRAT,FoRD, ONT. Recent graduates have accented good positious at $40, $45 i'50 and $60 per month, and a few days ago an application was received offering one of our graduates of last term n salary of :;300 per annual. This is the kind of evidence yon ate. looking for as to the best school to attend. Catalogue free. Enter this month if possible. W. J. ELLIOTT rs, etc, at the office of ales next to the new l v building. .m go '1 c to 50c. All A good stock I HANNA & CO. Bible Soci•ty Meeting. The annual meeng of the Wingham i Branch of the Up t er Canada Bible Soci- ety was held iu t : lecture room of the! Presbyterian churl, Thursday evening l of last week and was well attended. The chair was Oce pied by the President, ; Mr. John Kerr, w o gave an outline of i the work done by • ie Society during the'. past year. The re ort of the Executive' Committee recomn ended the following officers for the ensue ng year: —President, John Kerr.; Vice Pr` sident, R. Currie, ; sr.; Secretary,A. ELloyd ; Treasurer, Rev. N. S. Bn#•wash Directers,A.Kelly, A. Cosens, John Coni ry, Wm. Fessant, W. P.Grierson,Alex. ampbell,F.Shore, T. • L. Jobb, David'. Campbell, 1iobt. ; Mooney, Andrew 0 rrie and Samuel' Young. The report f the committee was adopted. Rev. P; Perrie, and Rev. R. Hobbs each gave p' acacia addresses on Bible Society w'+rk. During the everting a solo was r 1 cdered by Mrs. Hope and an anthem b the Presbyterian choir. For the year ding March 31st, 1902, 15.714 Bibles, 1 ,,367 Testaments, and 1,841 portions s Scripture were issued by the Upper ;nada Bible Socie- ty. • This was all 1 crease of 3,303 copies over the preriot,s year. The So • - ciety has issued 1,867, t )1 eopi,'s of the . Scripture since its , Conumcncemeat, • There were 1,000 co ':es issued in 23 foreign languages. Th total reeeipts'of . the society for the past year, :"^'11I,I013.97, compared witlt x^,30,948, '8 for the previ- ous year. The followin r perticnlars of i the British and Foreig Bible Society which works in conl)e tion with the i Upper Canada Bible So iety will be of interest to our readers: (1) It issued 5,067,421 copies of Scrip.; tre,complete or in parts, for the last yea". Out of every 100 copies issued, 19 v ere Bibles, 27 were New Testimeuts, azul .4 were ' Scripture portions, clue y Gospel, or I Psalters. ('d) It spent sz ),0(:0 in grants Scriptures to different l religious and philantliropie ngelicies t Moate. t8t It ; employed i450 colporten . abroad, who i sold over 1,500,000 eopi s. The grants ; for this work amounted o $42,026. (4) PRINCIPAL. Sanford Ha Joshua Sanford, widespread fume o markable adveutur Out., last summer, to live and has se salksmau in a retail has practically ri physical effects of h . The funeral took nfternoon to the and was conducted f the Canadian Por- t deceased was the year's working tl (0) Since 1804 the Socie over 175 million (aspic cest of d813,000,000. Recovered. who achieved such account of his re- in the well at Paris, las gone to . foronto red uPi n4t' wu n s clothing stc re. He overed from the terrible experience. We have a Dr Goods rule io Nov- ember. Yo save woney by seeing and buying u - y a values. HANNA & Co. A boon to the dirt ted: he is coaling • again. T. P. Smith Eye Spt•ciulist,wiil be in Wingham at C lin A. Campbell's drng store on Tburs ay, Nov. 0th, '•uue day only." If you 1 ave any defect in your eye sight it wi pay you to call and -see him. E:;an inntton free. Oae day only. Call ea y and avoid the rush. TO CL'A1B A COLI) IN UNE: t)rik Take Laxative Brom( Quininr tablets. A' druggists refund the naou,•y if it t,.tl.+ to cu r P. W, Grove's signature is on e.,eh b„c. r Wingham's Leaking Si? :; Stn -s KEEP DRY 1. More tronble than von eon haegine comes from cold, damp feet. How all-important, then, to altar good RUBBERS MID -Sf:griS I We have Waterproof Shoes. . Ledie,s' Rubbers, sizes 21 s to 8, vas ' price 50c, for 1 ity, regular price 00c for - , Islay price 75e, for - , , at eat prices. .40 .50 J. GREER